HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-24, Page 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 RUE SrnuANGLric (I* CANADA • SAVE, Every oian_sboold be ready to aid his assyltry fismeially as wen as physically, ilosstitharme t i attuned i� . ir Seed inhemltw wren pias frit has piper far Mill tally berett chaise ef tli Idle of seen er • IOM caieader. o s �•Ls� ttlw.rL 1 ibe.tee • Afil.J14 1 �Nw b the Time 1 �_�.. w n. tea.... to resew kr nee atpaa Jur LIMM we flask thea sale -z -r, neo i hate alreed. renewed sad premise all * greet tee de6ar's wort! Oar. tf rag the comsat year i et1TT-oatda'rs y Aa- Jp• halt QODIERIO$ ONTARIO, Storm Sash and Storm Doors 11a'e any &a or Style. Order Now. Shin'//les, Cement and all Planing 1101 Products always in stock. GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMES 11010MAXAN. mown A=al nvtasan. "These 47 A. P.U. Meg lie FOR SALE 372 ACRES OF PAS FIJRE LANDS AT THE FALLS RE SERVE i G1 hon& sel Came Temwdre• o ii+iate yowww. •e. Ebey treses. Pont per west. interest. TILE CANADA CO. LTK Yoram Sr.. Tusucrrat It EALi-GOOD WcZ HOU=E ss.' weft ed hurl Ow gab r that-- mte:4=bireirtaaredme""rreeeVe. awam ysra b to bow .r..e.wr. A■ Al farm ee • Yrs�rte ..qq ear ter beam .pate leteU.W1r ass l Yaiefli r .'reset At SALII M sae WHEN _ - NMI Sem dis. err Comm elks and is the Pepwer vita here ter tie web m. I.I. eei alma wee a mono in .roes twmm. A r.i wig cow yaw etadwe O'NEILL 8r COMPANY VIAL MATT AND ravesttA URS Net Prim em Taster's mer ea 1 1 1 1 1 MACHINE 6UN SECTION 14117 BATTALION C 8 F. RECRUITS WANTED for Maritime Gun Serbs. Mets with came tseebaa. icai experience p.dened. Apply to LIEtrr- DOTY. Recruiting Office. Godencb ee els e.► e11110 1 ; rW FOR MALL Tame ease. term la Yela110. w were. w : tee nib. s ..a.NW Was : !Mae bear 41 ht Cid t%o e a " tY t[ Eddie 1,4 *ALL eget Jaw.. WWI bowie as resemble Wm. r�t r me ism. nsdia et l7a hawbesi away is =ft' tom TM& .C4DiT- WAITED. WANTKIL-APPWTICEBT. T i► jlor aster_ i WA1! T4Kh,pft�t.-?Tedi ' CRIM POSIROR eAALIVeies. 1tt1.e..re. Ar a rl waren D.-AARTD Ri rN- •. Os:e .�a rent e gawANTI1D.- BOY OR TOCNO MAN with blah wheel s hee4tae. tee tag NALAetem r ww• hbe'web>tig - me WANT>ea-A MAID roe LfOHT h.w+wwt Mehr td tmfTlf. Reber,. tt et loOl WANTED /old-eetrieiiaite( wad Meer fissieserkip kismet Lite Maar- vane, G1.nprta / with 'wing Ptlaspfiedid rs in G.ddrteA Of - Sires tx'1tire. iwtt lligrewi np►- r'orestntfre in /;.aided .tans risimity. Mad aaieai* whale tient tu &mixes* ..d he to Aa Mier. To Site melt mese littoral etk.I•tgigeiow or oder, I+otartiili- aril+ dw resit. -apply f►ui ILLa�Wf porgies e- lorte i• BOX 50SI . G.441. Ofl7cas. G.derjeA. 3t Recruits Wanted }or 161st Huron Battalion 'sop mea wasted (romp the Comely of Hama for tie isttadtom to "pretest this Comity in Mae Qtli.dias Expeditionary Poore ENLIST NOS , LICruiting tidier for Oedema* -iii trttriet Barton's (tock. the &W_. •a 11 ...a.errerrin Your King and Country Ned Your" Ast S &Also. C*rols CRSDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1911; THE COUNCIL LZtrTi et ffirMay MOLD ltta ellewleee et a. maedi lbs tees tWcaa 110TD Famlise.lbse=11.'imasZ.,:= waft as amefer. least Maness .tees. rm47= rte/tea tae., Weaet and nit tither - white rawer W wag► able& tee Inaba eases reWsw ane chew -del marare art w teeeee`. e.awn .bale. &mac c wak.1..4. ait tabes~a re mum. Dea..-Abeeet ret sa•awlIM., w.Ilnni.d and wwraleesher. sena_ se Imp e►. C Kt+�..r. eats+. tee mess dare, brew besia nab era lent tom+_ -. .m4 fusee .met. wade. a......w. ...... mitlami ewe! me was. ewe Aft rhe ., tet .. im a.rate eietalw. bon. er re, deems. ether .1ihmi. ieawberm ..!weer W wt.=!teat sewn. Y sheer% are preroltkaat se owl se saw art bewwe Soawbtb. Tum. ea t.reltaes. o... •TlIWI. GI:1MM A- imus. Men reslame end t seem am- -lame �s al:=a n.mi hLZARING AUCTION SALE OP r&L31 IAI.a *TOM IYPl.UL ,TS A7�7 :CARING VIEaittuiat D /t iL�ift 1tJt win .A W AM/ MOIL GUMMY m�ae ww t at 6.4miel t*.re He.tf►.ma nn ram. anstlea at_ the a T.s► M. elver rte. nee ��r at I Meet awe Ow mkt et sea. nevem s 3 awl years Ea Wee t swa tir AMA msow �iea IINa a ass.. epi I•a 0.111 chmAIMIK arse! a sews wetlth. - ted raw emEwa seek s ant - s `tl i~•c is tart rest mom b tbe O • Welt elmw..tr7�..a ir,- t. /Maws Ass.. • ant hobo wedlwe s Wow. Aim raw mem Use hat &teas hone•, r yens ef& aa.r.e,ar arra,. tear ail caveat Oar veeearat realware1 thetberw eta& awl as wad d. oar enfit aertetwe =hikers rose wer•heei Jewry ewe, thews eell. r tett. Teel. • bratere sed Kamm mire t )ser. old. Flay ,wawa aw.sws..'se. Ow weer ria ret+ A :-a . M-tb war wed t . threw .t l hal to bier. 3 •shwa t beery wear, 1 tart em ewe and ear. tato et 14•.7 .h.inw. 1 .cert wet. 1141 rest 1 arieirewcr. darabbp4ialmmer Novi. heeler tSehoner. t. per. Near. 1 am of tie bereft. 3 was Beale t't~`te1 wewais l .1 est+:mbeeeh�Li. a•fte.a eye► of beomaeii .Goa swam Meq lana. Testa" ire egmhleksae e.4 amber won he els with..t oasrt • It Ite`� Prey..er, the rem wag he ewsu4 M .a,wOw h e. �d.teear time. icer awes a. atetteic -ss. ems et ter 1.d es dew. era : ewer that ashes. slat weenie' awaits anti he Mete wi towering efeeefikl anew A db.eeeat et • per eat. wreaths ab reed to era m estdb a.aaser. W L t MAW rw. era. T. L "a NW. er c:snl'Toai• NOTICE NoTfcE To LIIEDiTO148. Le won \wail w awe= Cattftiac LIMB s► ensBis to Mite ew►sry lime laweiag_ t.tAN.111bMtt eras canton arm t�tb• Mrbirs the rte. et the ares won Ger re.-_ a did etIMMO Way et WA ase r. se aid le =p f bre to dm w eeep�stp en w bOw NM r et semi thet sem that eat* thet ieetlmbesee� ambstr_ o sheets bet mast se Cr SIMeswd t. rtrbeelballe boa sahib t M Itis sari e et make ete*h.et am: eat liwis- Fat tlwst he ttt w e.`abrtp be the mem .•whew1� weir alba tam Wee love be e resetAare a oat.ebp ale Yt8 4s t et t hebte ref. 1� r. cJ►aat4.4.l„ bei Oma NOT,W¢S.TOeCrISDITOIR . All w M mit..ehmine etweept the wale t18 r with the reins be( ass taw mit err aa.w. ewer beer • the baa aha, et lime NNW Warr which daft tb, ewes. .t IAA A w.ned ail be timeworn mem tl4 peae,a restive Winne. b..eeR NN- W. ee ' etwa . et width settee Wel 11114 i�y t� • a rermmr tes1. D * .T ,nem AIM HALE DOMICIL j,=AIEouODO.-*1 RIS. A. I1CHOLL. tt.hrm streak b preweei ft 4..n theft emelt wide be= est hair we tie -n. sed 48 .. Garr by eN.r,..*..4 t tater (.411.4- .h. W ale ba. hat *Wel`cwt _..beim r.4m pee 1r M.. rear A et 1444144, 11.11111011. rmh4e sad atb.arw IMAM TCNIMO. • ++ W C. ra boa saraoll. em _LL P tIT an at Mem esamm- - r w.. Mete mesa Y ane. N. -neer work mime KNIkt*KY. Dt*7TOS Of CHLMO, es eb bre sped et d awe os t7ehese seed, ft ► a. 4Spam. mmaMtl-• -blab Willatba.-nee MI MIX lbalignewslopto 1 tetOICALNS -14 OFFICE11 11111E - PORTS A Tlef TOWN. earn-_-ee at kmilm hips Sb..pr Se Jltebraetl t'•' -i T. --ass Cn. Gees le two IlleMMy Mord ewer Me Need of the Tem t hakes -A l Ma Spat 1 Appraise pat teneeepanaltp t't�s • The e IMO Med em .t the tees mewing. with . the e mesh. r w`m em tem easuger s.dM4iit d of tori ra brigade - retorted be semelemes to ` dealt It ill A sepses Milla toe medical am- en" a, heekb the pews an W- iner Mks. ori Only a wry hew tease Mem W her during the year. The repeat Mesa the Provincial Beard .f OM* amounted PI! with warmer. sad . The various io to the tows W bass rad ses- ary kins- Cot es -L bate �t..�ted awed port ehelaprM Toa re- port t the natter of emending the make pipa shoal' mein be spa T. report was ort tie the - ceeeemietee. The Mame s oomuaication hem the �kek mMontn.l _ting • thea ie 1404114041b1.be mai te tom request the rue of Ow W rent. A tress for Soldiers' £M flosisty. woe ors motives. referred to Lb* tch breach of the War Aatsii1ar� rs.rideratioa be- /.ee the e.Msil l any feeler ae- ries sties . The Ball TM p. i lM wrot..tat- p that it W alphatioa to tea Ontario Radia Board for per- miries to erect peer .a St. Oneness C rercem. Tail wipe out of the coma - cies greatins per4Mee.. to .suet pons ton elle onepical.- rh. he os. tIs*3 thie dame "at the Messer. of MO The matter was seat tat the puthite worts os -minas with teitrttetiort to have tae mrdiitw •MTM- •s 10 p romdines. A Mum from t A I. y Engem Co. w ith eleirea n. bmt tnwra..e ad- jtetm.et owned meet Ors wee meet. A eemms.imt ion female palates' at the Board of Trade was red shellac that sem- daereoeee Mimeo Use town and the C. P. II. Co. were a fac- tor in hindering the Moir of the Coet- e▪ 's fr,igbt seams at tee hart.. for ▪ age freight wad resew m erni.g that ted to mato as .Abet to bare the dide8Hee meowed., Thr matter was ,ret to 118 bat bnr..m.ritter. TM s m special come nsineedea S eommaei..t:.. Otero +tar Ga- latia Menirip.l A..oehtd.s with tie femme to the setabfiahietg .f a Pro - Malicia' Labor Berme be Sled . The see COMM ittvele report rusted that a Inciter had ores installed at the See -bell for the ane of 118 ereengine operator. The tonsorial" .Memyd elected try tee 'Ore brigade for fled : Mist Wm. !1a&poen i let C Bar . ims Ifoaslwi.: had Iieert.. The Owner eeuniciesews•samedii that Ore be paid the metric blear, beer as Mies. of MIS React : 11Mi Our regwest ter a print Boa the Na- tional timeline.= Ame.oiato,a be Mei• that pie won of OH: s be granted to Ore Aleresdrs owpital Lard for the user 1!N and flat an order for ler.-. 31 of this aa.o...t be saw ima.ed. the mre7 to 1e ian..diately ret.ge.d to Me tows is peewee tit the ...ii tates ltnw dam Ib• toes es 11e Caw - woe woe propetny. TM SISAIS d.tesaures for patriotic perverse levies bees oab.yri1,d toe. the cwatm1tese mom - eroded that the teras el d...tuws 1r ' drifted by the reciter sad printed I seder the segerviros of toe Smarr W emineitrie. • The three i4g• teas reports were oat is adopted weber' disesteem. • depotatiss .t j..k dashers me /e�ae�t sad a mpl.ined foal a geaa- Wp of saNar were and vele* wisterial. tie p.perty at lea town. W taren meld to ...adds Orem wed the !veal tame W net bras given an elopement - Illy be mete pe11.. 1t was moaned +bet the least Ger _.old have paid • higher Prise. 11. museii esesi de -d Met the insure arse -.tido of 14 jaw, W PM= and reamed ted da-meatIes to the water 8.d Mehl emene she.. A ttrthn-ws peed l.ntrwetiss the irk to trail. Ms .Menta of ether 48.. ✓ ' -'p-4' hatembed M ted U. W. id. Holey trite .'geesee tedimed.g of nonose sed mere perishaW stakes .less the right of way. 11. Melt was iestneeW to writ. the Stray Ifeeme.tlM tau. to to..f- Mt that the maned is esp.etima w early ormallie of tbe Compeers AM bare the tins .a copse...s time far Americas Orme to esttatliah lessee farmer. is Llamado. A mntion was mama to kayo the Me of castrib.toe to the British Rd Cr -n Aged printed in the !veal papers. Tb. Mayor W attended the meet- iatt at Terme) is tbe interests of Hydro -radial railways a.3 reported teat tiem eras little prospect that any prowess would be mai daring the war. The matter of valuators for Bsarebeer factory wee err sad rased diversion. Ceeseillor Winks said W not sot into tomb with as peekalsonsemy as be W promised becalm to do. he wee el 11. opts it was ant: a wise thins to do. H. Owed the Am thing sock a comma .saint do would be to seed a .ran be to b.ttt.ahole toe coutrelloss sad per- suade them into voting for wau.tttin that tbey wooed sot vote for cotes - wee. Councillor Mealtimes resented the imputation that i rots could bit swung and emplatical1y said so. Tie smatter was Realty adjured by Cour- e. for \V igte s agreeing to write an AP - waists! company. The comet toes adjo.ssed. DUNLOP. Trs.*AT. Feb- IC. TiM t011111tA . mu rite° CQ. UYrTED. rv.aa..np THE LADS IN "SL°° pw_ URS - - A. appeal h - from the trio Wm& The following hem enlisted with the of the Semen [national" rya Inst mutable at Oednrich this west : tee to the sty. 18el osmose tee Red C> un y. The A. Bobo i►, Arises. •:- ;T. Robiosae. are as+tats hose this Prod o Bert eerie Aoierich "l am sot ewe we !finthe Melt h8... topen his ��t oo.strgreater semis �peoElp)eye yet H. L. Hats. to lee resources. she has tl•e A. C. Ward. •• Isns#ttt properties of ares trader arm, and A dmasbmi.t w- as oiled far a the enemy hi - -°seeds d the r*. T1l.tday from the Mat company to pen of bar tennimoire emit to M4O�a the ,slid Hat talion boas creme Mee d an Wigton has ed. a toborethe nemie.d .Omegth and w.fl y sal ed reg the `sortdemo- the eetyis s all tar nes of the sonemay volas- eft- ere.gem •a.~il f o wr.iu toned tbeisemisoftThe .election moms d Ureses. E r•semisoft eam weemeds •alda tine "MEW peepsriyl orsa is ender sums. bar em cartes and a04 order ttlaRtemr.twcan- atepir.Itural paretics are pareemd. said added to this is the beery mein Oa ll Capt. (De) Heater wi d baying begs armiss ea me terve a 8.4.e~an cla enaitatio.. de11n sortie- tory.'. *8$y with prevention el eommuss- A letter from a Y. W.C.A. mem in cabs disown anal sere of w feet. Peri states : "OY .ge and baby lite A supply of •nderr arrived this may td/eser ant torr feet of temente is week sad ad the ..erw.ts have sow lane great tare aids 1 8..w so leef. bed Seed oat with 81881 oaks wow'• Modred, beadle without het. AnMiwrsls have 1..n anis when minium, clothes.. or -M e. Serely feis n sew.reducednee in drailwa Men Meepn con r ..:t b. may.. own soak rgrea ow pewee of mind it you haveit.iered some other ember% ebidd • comfortable E. 1. Lawtr. 11. P.. i. te, he the met. et. leo without some riming,M tee [lander .t( ase 01 ted v., weeds. 04 pm to tease who have 1 s. to; 6 iftp." crsrtilrry estedwhieage!em4.ryseto dvMs*nesawes . 8848MaaaRWt ereit sw .u).asikaofeC ass.: Man .ppreetstwa for the heroic con- dom of our great ally. Judge Holt was appointed local tiw.ersr for this Apee and thee will- ing to respond to the .pp,ral see ge- mmed to etgw.eed.to hive contributions to him •. roma as poesibe we Oa Friday mere last the Lilies' b... Guild of 81►. Georges ebureh setae- , tainted the boys of Me NUL Battalion sY st the Kbaki Clsb rooms. To twist ,a matin lbs ,yentas enjoyable the sol- diers arranged and carried cm a mar ut Drafters whieo, ee.iallia( Ore 4811 mow& of practice. proved very eeditabee. The prevent : Solo, Pt.. Grinrod : &WWO, 11r. S. L Parsons : Mo. Pte. O'Brien : solo and miartette, Lieut. Slturdy,t Goodwin. Plies. Taylor and Y s : solo. Pte. Osman : •cte,dio... solo, orpo j.ac Freese : duet, eime+.s Goodwin Pte Marshall. At GMtere Rev. J. B. Pother ingbam. wbo acted as ous- ter of ceremonies. Rave • brief but very each mime Badmen is which he commeodeai 18. udders for the stand that they had taken and sumrested that they do their •teaost to endeavor to have their Moats join them ii 118 rmaks. He ties ogled upon lMr. Gra•. Punter to make a ptesestatioe. !!r. Porter in • taw mete stated that as a remelt ce a "bade!.te melees' - dance arranged by Mame Re!a Diatrmece, Olive Robes/mos. Mand McGtattaa tai lfaseem la.wts,eme Mot et QK fineMwe Malt ca Memory 'eh. a ease of 'Gooey lad Brea seeur.tt which ted ladies s.eatioaed bad rembird to donate t . the 1.11.1 4►ttalso.. A Rue hoagie. suitably eege.ed. wail then pre A HrAere 8cwmrr.-Os T8.rsday memo of last week a fareweu party eras heed at Me hose. of Yr. aid Mrs. Archie Horton to bid Rood -tore to Elmer ia.tee.Layer. elm i, going to juin the Garnett eatillery beige% at Mer. Davina tee remise EIsa..c was ptemeed with a en wart reek by 1r frt.ed, here and the Y. P. S. C. E. promoted Lem with a pocket Bible. An to by ileseeme seamed by B.eJas. Hr.tikes meet as • few welliebeem words. d The watch wail Mused M Ibis let rt by H. F. Horton. The rest of the metier erne spirit in imam rad other amesamenta. later a midright sapper dewire erao indatge'd in by those .lo welled to trip the "$jSet feat i -fir. -. A Berm Art t)..e.w'r.-Tee W. Ie. 8. and Ked Cram society lees • coat bawd starting Ms Wednesday amnions as the home of Mrs. Peru Stewart. There was a (r5satteada.ce. trtwees treaty and forty berag proems. Atter the devotionale:erneev. Mire Eery (trey gree 5 eery sateteftia4 tali shout her wart among tee Iodises as a Mama try and teacher Moog the Coast ' Mise Citey wilt be remembered by many in Mils seighburb.dod. as she tomtit Slepperdtoo school some yearo air.. The rest of the altetetion was devoted to lied Qom wort. the discusser of whys ah' sesameetc. 1e Ow remise Be:. Jas. Hamilton prrfurnaed 118 baptismal ora mom 0ti the infant son of lir. rad M. lawmen terry. Sir- ing hint the nano Haruki Keith :mem. After the cute was ended. tAit sonaia1 weekly p-ayevnaeetiod was bred. which ale was Lsreity suer/ed. thus dernier • big wad Orne•goat aterr- aaxo. Tilt Lers A.` THO*T ALL&N.--lab T erecta serving of test week there died at �r nwilesce un Danby Mr. 8t Ahwy .1118., one of the .,met wide- ly known mare in Huron meaty. He at use time kept tle'totee herr amnia as tie Denim Excheoee but abet tburty-eight years ego be Wit the betel and took on aa. abode in ted home in birth he had rived ever since. Aa to as m 1.. ttithtw :bird year. h. bed [lived overly ail of W comeswper- w'e ani tui see- may swages both - ler ogre ne•pllnbsod ani to the larger lire of the mean_ tie bet a teen interest in pude matter, and as ase tom was reeve of Mr *misstep for w member ors terms A native re daieadkie. Ireland. eters be was bore to 1.eek be case to Casda with his paresis Nem au isfeet and lived 1.6-der.e8 mime M grew to yeas manhood. whoa he tame to Dunlop. 1a the year tale he was seemed to Margaret Gardiner. of Oederich tem - MM. who ..r.i.es ham. with time d•stltbaire and two ase • Mn Nor- man McL.ad and Mra. H. 'bind•. of D.ttlap : Met aimed Scerx. et Aegis. Masa. and Moms. Bre aid !hint A1. of Smite irk. His eldest ass. Oahe.Sei temdeatibters Mrd rem yes ',ewers.,%eth rs and .bier. renye Ifa.j.sma ef Mimes : Mak. of Mimeseis : view Mertes. of ties t oweshi p : Tim H P. Mem and Ilee awry t aiasaw end Ms. Abeam OM& d �sds�, ,fit la perks Me. Allem wee a trammelOsernvmteve mid Is mihrisma r Aasgr.e- lhp.mth a !stow reedier be bedlam el lie MEMO Mem. and in a• p quite useenarms Mewl i eamind stn A mi seed toil ommmm.ly. letwely_ attended. 11 wee _ 1ev1 t. t. A. led A. 14 .. rt J. me She ammammr en1 were an M-abar ass 1 II.' AM J. W. Etaad a rind A. CheyeliaL oar as roal0. �� NP. -ON Edt'QIDAT. A t3K - M wile.l Ti KIIJ re slaw stash. eie it here ranm kE';'eabtir�et Pear Menesetung Canoe Club Minstrels Viaorta Okra Heuer TWO •% f7s Thursday and MARCH Friday. 2nd - 3rd T Eseat of the Sf+sigem 1 Dont ares a or yore ta1l�� alt perry ever altar low Mammon 25c. )Sc. Silt The �a.sed+ Ia11 P.•rmair lw.pme s'4! attld■ GM emir I8A.d.y ads . at Rdeari' B.r+.mmad Aft- tt i e p.et>Ay r agnamei !brit ahe aerie...- be seNed jee b •tom t* - 0 IL seated to Sergeant f..,odwi., whe L ea Mame o! lbw eagle hart bete..esd the w.8 was expressed that it malt hr weed to award the .drawer through the street. of Berlin. After w pres- entation the la.i)er served .'l?'.. .-wee sad ice creme to _rich 1be soldier boys dud full justice 21. program* was thea trees -04-d with. as follows : Solo. Liens Sturdy : sob. Corporal He /bard : 0310. Pt.. Taylor : dor. Cor - email "'rarer and Pte tri rir.: quar- tette and ebclnr led by the quartette' already .*.ted. Rev. J. B Fos berate ham +best led the :ompeoy in the slew - keg of "Scots Wba Hae.' after whelk the 4atif»al Andrei aWthree erre. and a tiger for the ladies . f et ase'. 140.4st the pruc edemas to a A bisbIy.deveenged seise of lessor. wha1e supposed trbe a vert theira8M Train y in a meas Bate -.p, is tome - tomes rattier • dangerous use. A cane is point was Me paragraph u hon wilet'.8.4ual stating that after eeyoe- Msg is the **rootlet •aid candies- meet over to the *Met Bawdier r. c rniti.R rooms by one of the y.'ung ledge& cooties eraser., about a J. Gas of the moo remitted tick arts Jay. 1f the Mrs/Pepb bed bees labelled 'Joke" perhepe there wonld not lave bees my trouble : but a it meet 48434844. tiers are in order. As • matter of tett. the kindness of t8e some ,.dine ie remeebet•in the soidiPre and see- der acs of tlogghtfidoew on the part of ether of 11e boaaepecper, go • Meet seer to recompense the buys 1.r some thin. they five op in doesiag the limit. TIM good things seat over by the Towns MMus of the cooties class were lest right- and were very mute •pPrecistd. tied the to s • are bovine that the treat wig 1.- fart. they thr..t.s 48..aRsat with .eemesbiss .Mit of merle, foe p- _LM hie "teal lake." A e=bead bra ter.. tossed is with the local company. eritb er .. i -Demmer iii aurid Owed - Wall M ca••gm as imeaurter. Th. Sesearth Iftprietoe pmbi4oe seemr rimming beer. from lir. Scott Hay.. who in .n the Onset line ? Thee marmmarmiteto hie marmite one r and ]g Wye. .f Rmafert!_ Mr. mays wen M the Bast a C� Mf is O.dwith a M years ear The sof takes tales .t bion hat *111 Nam �assidsl. Thegram mmansana weeks em8. a *vpi i *8 : **Wm. Snag, woo W the honer .f being Me orm ream me ems t jb14.m to gate w Mop reeinnee le Maier Tele% Meet in the uMisterpelme rap' As the eremd time the Mo. k • ma mos Motet The s primes____ sdM. mt nen te oaro Owr e te one beniked end Ove 114 /e.tmt firer. �i.. le bps mnie- selM mit end se amid Citmenies imam ThCities easy ton rubs w diose` Ties leg Cane. -Aa exceleot crop has been hid in by kcal at.tehentsa duri.eer the past week. but the quality is ec'ipaid by ted :Yee or jots, PIP agd tuneful est sstbleed by the Came Club Hi.trels for their pe,. frmtance on hare* es' and &d. PERSONAL MENTION. Um. .. ti, alpha. et fns 714 Butalleb. Gra ww nor neer aa4dee )W lb abw. !tears has frenal t.aee after a .488, etre at I.rmt. Yin. Bawl aural. . viable. her eerie. Mr inn lb.. at eerier. M. and liars. O g. vire red maim ere •sneers t w • west. el Omen ream ter. wet Wear i. base' am Teems as e eapwere alter ..w attack at e.ei.eate. ll.. W 1 hewer. of ?tame. eft is leen wee Iter ia7. pas eawt at w les.area Iaw- al, J. W.'mew . eiz. emus op bens Lm.er A tee.Wen/ thaa wesY et he .ma- s. seed R, few lhtl.R. at the AD w r a.ttai.e, er A A' .,.'._ es= et woe w Wein o sal f hb a.ieti..Am, . tb. 1. a A Mrs t'a.,iea. a W)m8ass wtakled hoar smear bre Fre.ra ler. and Yr. A. Laeit.e. Ye. Jsa.. mow., .t 4.wea.a- r'a.. r.sta►at .t 1ha Dornerr Rout le. w:..• a vee ter ewe_ whale herr be w the gees of Wt. art ler. e L. *sere. hu .lata,. 35,]1h.th..f the art beCtalles. +30", WANK. Alm MIRO ear sewaria taw tee pee week. It ha arawaseet Use too hattaiew will bare ebbe a Se. week.. ter C4 thse1. Yr. W L+r, twangy etrm left ea $'a•d..7 . N ••e a ere. vier% le 881 .awn Der ss.. a lb. Ow eat Lama Yr. Ler few here •eft, [lower.' t bq a ell retain* aliment the 1. of April, Y.. J. U Yetat et the Ile ie.4. owe. have • OM lieob) ear tavriek whew to ea hew • po tee lbw 11.ve ewsatie edt4a..at W,11. 8. are* it Oa Vast .i he attest as nog raw ewes po err K t711ieew�! xateirtw8. :t.m.'eiee1 beet .. taw }e,t weeds t•rvei lo Lam ,e4. Ir ie ben tar wawa 1e belt alter tae d.. peel eta. aw.Ba d .mike••. Y. burn,.. et -Mies tri. w nr . at t'+eeatrmtwi and Special i 1. SO Optical Sale of warrastad ex- 1.2-41101.1 Hemmed epee - larks ani eyeilearwe, with (nest yee.bty +pierieal (.as.e, for only sheen! Three sant. Biasses oft,. mid by others at from et to sign Eyes examtee.l free by oar wee -tree ape-.-ialbs. Mr Health - see. formerly optical 4aagrr Keslt s jewelry stow, Toronto. Friday and ht•r.Lv. Marc ant and Stk. Dem early. emetee Am &roam, tiodeyiek. Sera 1.11. EN dears. -Tee (Stere Club has amassed ew • tttoman trays fee Grover on emelt metre of K orb r'td and Aral, starting from tict.•ct.a lopes Howe at + I) p. no Return tickets can be bed for se. ;6 and 30 reefs Ide.eryatioas u Herm W- ear% rsatameest may tune atter 0 s. m. mummy. When • fellow has er etlient real shod V tuhw to tell Most it. That b why Edwards tats to lett atom hie homemade candy. Ter -toe and be cos vowed Praise y$i OUNORrS AUCflu., SALE UST. Mesu.e. Feb . rawer .ase ,f area. remotion* t 8.. OremWareateeial awl wed p.e4.r- - rt smoav, llama - tsrtb., spa..' /ww err 4.rk tteT. at the oe%.iv,.. er art we. .- d.rtrb tiMea verb as. Survey and te1 thee. arm ol4Dc _ il'r.11T. 1. mime s... QaeT .l ewe Kea. hwee.bset eet Jaw. i•, 84.14VOrb .4 Tbawref• Pm. neer a abort 481..1. ell feas!t.. tr."ton.. • er►.. t.e. wt. aser. a rak iem.•t w e. t. *.eget alr.UeltiamIA*,,twoot• tro..m •t : ers.ri rim., s! int Aa..a kse.e" Tits* Ines Nal. ADvarnstments-ma.11Ma ph.k. Lend kir.- sr1M(heeled tl ♦ iasarR 'M. Mew w geneses -Labe c • :ran ...... >! teem Peme .r.d-iMMINIM iso......,. 899•00.-91111,1111.,.... treanrtr ir.+.....sa..aeenw i