HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-17, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODRRICR ONTARIO
TIEV1il.T. Ttassaarr 1P. 1111 1
Fresh and Refreshing
Joao Eaals•il• •f tie 66 lass Mae, lora. Thames Adams pawed amity at
dap tewaship. Mae sold his :et- arm her boa es the Mee ses.smies el
freer CO Atiert Hesse, of etrphea, tun Hallett es Ifehnisry.i.h, teed.eeesty-
sly.0. two .ars. flirt was a stir. of Lnr-
A hos social ma !rely held settee WO thes• • bet heed Heal i• Umar""
aid the feed kr etstiat mem ire Ube prat thrtyave y.vire. U.
ew-dude at the Helmer Meth dot hoeba •....river.
,totIral.M Z , o.ri Lnzltter of Mr. mai
yrs e► K. �. Ie.las. • lama, regi- Mrs. Brame Williams. of the 7 b
aM sister at /red Hers , em eeeiee se Cdtrer. •sed os r. i. -
Sent of 7r.t.•. di. i at S sti Byrd. ry 7 h after uoiv a [e. dopa► di•eas.
i that +fie The deterred. e t r eras is her foet-
tJ-..a P.ebr•ry I.i trema' year. W tWesdd school thew
lira dem.* meld. .m.ithre of days.return her death.
tin. Amino Meier, of Fuedwich.
led at Makerwerl b es V.btrume y Ina
la her mart y -'hied year.
tie . IL Patters has sold Ma km
he y.d tatow.t•as ill &AIWi tee'
A R Cwt•, ems of Mr. and Yrs
Babyt'ustt., ul MC[iil p, was m.u-
red at r,errat, .m Febrrsry !.d to
Mire Walter of %V•ire ford. N H
• • who reeeotly .- Tele yam couple are visitors at the
parr Mt(ie.uss, home et the sreawi s parrots bef.,ee pat-
ties. J hem ' h. Wert. isg Waft, write re they will tate me hoses
James Vamoose, has said his 1*. drpieR s& PaiMe*, &sat» there tet.
ewe farm •a the nth Leer e..ioa r Areae, bas r to a. farm .
rjI W•wmise& to Mr. Oahe. of Sea- Jahn Mu+srove, oo. .moths most
teeth. thw P• ice Ped Meg Waft. prowl ant resi.ieat• .if Tare„•ttvF
Vera. d.ae►t.f of y r. mad 311,*- tow net ,o, d ed as W. aretry hnopit •sf.
tiawtt• GeV'- of .kre Parte lir. Sias- Turwto. es Feereory dia. The die
i,py, pawed away os Febotasay lath teamed. who eras ie her fifty seemed
.her bet threw days' Mama Shr:es year. was bora os the :a. wet B:w-
aiar y . oh}, _�-� ran which Ise owned at lbs tote ..1
Jobe Larry. • p•weer iireeident e[ bis deme' M. RRe wee for le 1 yeses reeve
3k11M.mtr. lord at the home • sf his •e th. Lowwri.ip. A. H. Ats-areae.
stramho ,• Thomas Maybes. of that M• P P. for North Rana. a, S Dv.
swesbip, es rearwary ith. aged G. J. Miegrov., ..f Niagara Fat-, are
ninety-++wat yeas hr./here ot the deceased.
F1.arwee. tb. daa....7.1,ar_oidawash. theme Aeh.u.tft, allow of the late
ter el Mr. mad )Its. rhos C. Watts Howey Pot J, of G.4.rieb towas►iy.
am. who reaewtly removed to Ewan- lord ea February 7th. Taw de.d.aaad
air. Mio b.. ham !rinse. ,i++J tx.otUy was kw.w iw Irefaed. hat hod lived is
at her bume there. this ceaat. am was a child of
formerly four. Saw was married in l's.W to
Mn. Wr Dattwy. Henry Fwd, tab 4104 ..,vest yeas twashir+ •heti at ter Mome is ago. She w wervir d by throe wes -
[isesdit Mwn.arp its Fent nary 3r.i, Heave' Fed. of Vistas. W. IL. of
aged salty -aims yeses- Om daughter Vancouver. and Fred. of (Soden*
sad tae sows oar ria.. towaahu
i p- d ease Ji araW.
•v. Mrs.
yhe mm
mtsseest ie •s
souseed ee A. Rutledge. of rho Huron read.
Rosati.. maty daaelaat of Mrs. George SEJFORTH.
1•!•11• .i Lowdearieri. to Wiliam L.
Boahiat, et Mabel. the treatise to Mr. .nit Mrs. Sparks, of B. arid.
home moved to Res1otth to twwide.
take plater thee math.
Peery Weeders. r Marna, died at
the Mt.iatista smaiasetees ea February
led aged thirty Ams yarn. Het is err-
rr.owed by his father ase owe hretber.
The femoral tootato Baud'.
ormatety eat a the Smit.
A salamtri•1 easseistioe for Centre
Hares has bus. teemed. to Mela&
miciateme dessomhatftelle north
r the tower W m
is the
rural easmstaitLs - Rev. P. C. Harper.
.se Cha . wasp
bviatied , reedern
Mi. Adria. B -eller. daughter of
Mr. mil Kra Jeer Bechtel el the Brut-
es lir, Hay was married ow Petra -
wry lath M &amort [Oehler, of the
task's Mae math.
of Zelda. ,4 I..mr
•d the liF. Brows.
Mehra Waimea did at hie horse at
Rau elleM oat Pebrisry Mb. Helot*
removing to his errs at Bseordsid tee.
dseewma was ...aged as . bora
framer. 0. is atrrvttsd by bis wile,
two sass mad ase daughter.
A$alpd lite Seat. 11 Pays!
TOWN r•\ MT art Nae. r Caen' • •nr
►s.ipstw Waft. eassalla Cssasasee saw.
ataamm ben direaa amort %r ear masa
atm vale maw.,
Mn. E.irt Eatiebasp,ektest d.uibter'
of JOba Stowed'. foe swirly of M. earth.
died at hoe bon at Orilla os rebrut-
ary kb, aged twenty-three years. She
was 111 Isms tars two weeks.
Mr.. Francis Elam pureed away at
the home of ben goo. Thomas.. a sway
lith- She was b ten in Sagami
eliaotJ years ago hat and lived is 1'.n --
ad• lour 1.K a watery. twenty -ave
y.•rs of which Aur, lemma at dreJetr.h.
She is survived by rix stems amid three
daeghtes s. Her burbrtd died . t elect
years asq
Aeolian, gi•r. • atered Will . earl Cuop-
er's .,tor., Ore eveeies bast week, but
took little of value
M. s J. P. Macdougall. ., former resi-
des* of 'Choose, died recently at Tor-
onto. TIN interatomic w 04 made at
Su afrad-
The eerie -is* churches a the leers
leave mired is immerse .• Vous(
Ropier'. t'aiew. (]Morn acre Mao
approved amid it is i he intrados of
the Cates to hold tesetiase q'zsrtaely,
elan outside speakers wok ad•hmis
tie member..
Mrs. A. D. Wit paved away at
her hove blue as Fe berme •Ah. far
was bon. 11 the comity of Leede mim.-
tr-.arae years oto mad is Pmol wan mar.
rad to bar sow bereaved boob tSki, the
roma liaims together for weer silty
years. They bead in Hors n ,•oimty
toe forty -ave years, the last four of
which were meat .1 Chntoo- Bruder
the husband. oar J molter and two
sons currier.
Mr. aur} Hes. Jobs Edgar avid
datehter. Roth, of P. tarda. Salt_ are
mnemism beer. lira Edger was torm-
ents Mir Putty Batter., of Bressida
P. D Mc Caicos. of ltitr.aipee, wb
beet bate MUM West thirty -.as years
arc, ie rewewie$ arquaioreacer. H.
is • brother -maw of the '.eta Mee. J.
la the estimates of the Dominion
Bee- a the mm of 1 3'11 it set maid*
M • peals bu.hidat at ifrusla. It
Is ispohabls t bat the work will eess-
s motel alter the war.
?Mara i... daughter of Mr. sad
M... L. Hollister. ••f Buena. way
rased at the masses here Os Fabry
airy tab to Clifford rd P. 8h.srrie. of Cies-
ley Ree. A. J. Maar performed the
By reason of
the changingi
shape when in
motion this tire
cleans itself o f
all mud
and slime.
Is composed of clean, wholeoung
leaves. Picked right, blended right altd
packed right. It brings the fragrance
of an Eastern garden to your table.
253LALv111C. 311C1=2113 os cfaan211/
Banda -um Schatz s Arrest Cameo
Farther Seasons
1T i rtehim, Fri . d -The arrest et
roue Adolph Schou', • t:ws,•a band-
master, barrow pauper • eharb. tr s
saJ..bwwed tau be had recently bees
is bingtusu •u.l C.timeatinuple. amid
the aadieg of • rtyste. tort, bee crs-
triaiae ..vasty pieces of explosive
were two creats *hush her: aroused
eureeidetst.ia tater.st here.
Schatte's orrv.t, it is said. was
ordered t,r Lul. rrwood. bead ld
the D mittri°. Police. oat charges d
Bcba c •. Weida ii; p to xts, lira
orver.l draw.ngs ands sherd of letters,
all of *bias b will he forwarded for
heipeetioe by the Dome Soo Pinto at
Oda... Mean retole he has brew
plowed to tho custody of the tektites
of tb. Idl.t Eat tabor . Prowiocial
l' mistab.e U. A. Pompom beta■ to lay
to trace ibe to res atuvem.eutr astute
cumin. bete Maeda's passports set
forth that h. w.. Min .t Raw I. son,
Lire usany, ea October I. ton, asst
A weasaa's reproductive
«gam are to the moo
terse ori cestia moss erste
pot►y with her kidneyw.
11to.5edtest Aearderrtbe
!Sarre a beings abort a
tyles .mare iatric a
the eeprrdsctm ores.
Doerr, Kidney PSibm by re.
retries the !Walsers totter
p.•*iect caeditios. prevent
.mid rare throe writ(
earn peculiar to women
pale mead girls. wormers
mothers. .tris wires
sea yetwara the c sow a1ir `► yew
W lora active ear ice with the _etettl
Nemec• Kee inmost Ara -urban to his
ewe story. be rewind (:rwsda hr way
of Beetisa wait Cswrtutist ph
The myeteriesrs boa el .spiuei.ew
which 1116 Lead at t'tue railway tea-
time tr. r, asrowrd at tt im5bav is a
ear sl b.^tw8LW .Her• rah h car
hos !ee•katrhewas to Air. A. Anodes
mor. ore of that beta school teaeben
bee. Mr. Alders. .seried kris
duties bore some sf,ontba ago, but had
his Goods swot ..to tally re ewtly. The
Mx wee esret.ily hidden away be-
neath for utber things, wit •a ell. Wt
i to be mule to Ii'J eat bw it got
there, Soave railesr elkia0 thine it
.y kayo lees etas nil 1. the car at
Toronto, at teethes are coril.lrntit
wail put is the car at tle piec...l.bip-
meat in tb, We -t. The hoz wombs
foci y pnuadr, and b.earae it bore it
addruas attracted attention. Provin-
cial Coen alt. nippers sande
experiment.. and a hen e.svlresas teas
t h. bub cos taiae.l re parleys took per
eautius•atai•at . luny to bier -elf rad
property. 11. military authorities
.r* cosmoratiag wire the pane* is as
effort to truer the hoz sea its tom
1este .
It's Cutter -Time!
The infest res of Mr. ad Mn
Thomas H.11aatyse died os Fcbrrsry
Mise Syria L. Rawtablw. • firms:
Esme 1111, was marred .t Lewes is
Frtaesey Jed to William R. Lowy. a
31rv, Was Clark. formerly Mims Mc-
Intyre. i 1 Exeter. did at her hero at
Detroit es Tours, 31b. Tbo dir-
rased was het y 04 81 years rid .ad
it mel+red by her . ttrbaw .ad ewe
John Dew. tricorn resides& ef Cr
Meso teer•ehipe mea father of Mrs.
3.b. Brstn. 01 a.m., died recently
bas More at 6155.7 Centre leers.
Be was Moms i. 1afd.si d,My-els
yore op obi is ..sewed by ble 111
sod seer eh/Meer
Timm LIR sawtnry is a well -o* -
demi brume.
Our erpterieste ler mule us expert
is atte_iisg to Nip wort.
Give us a call.
Fred Hunt
)fargh.. srrrm Fame. li
wril�ti u.
Mr. and Mia O'Dwyer. et Monet
Prost. hove ree.oe.d es W isebsea to
Mrs, t)ee. Retreat did ..dearly .t
her bra ben.. Vbb eery its. tlhe
was la Mr linty-bineh year .ai is
ervh+i by her bastard sad w mew.
Mho Hari Meeebd. of Dew►
tow sad D. [pare.. itreell..t Ttir
orae. rev married es Potrary Ma
at Trier The brigs was haserty
• .oaiiN et Qlaahrr
R. L. who W bora bear
is the Dara ilamDto. hoer. has
hes tasdw roti to T0rsM. Mr.
LAMP. r Rhrirso. taboo his parr
her. T. M. Whir. who w bas Nil
ebb seal d the Dart d eamillea a
hoer hos ars to T lamer i t.. tahb
a p Olarsdre - as tsar udbh the Diens tela
trar. '11
What better investment
could you make just now
than to purchase a fine
mew Cutter '
We handle the Gray- and
McLaughlin makes, the
best in Caned
We have a number of
Ranges and Heaters left
and can give you goad
value for your mote}
Gasoline Engines
for pumping and power-
owe-Coote in anal Art them
Agent for
Mzsne' Harris Implements
Handist St . Geisnca
Held Amaral Rimmer and Patristic At -
Thee A melon ttaetgar«.
Although the biosey roar Ar-
trope « an weistion.
tires biome es d easy ataaiiar-
•ah hos aeras by errors term
h ese.
As Arrabas awwed. seer pared
by kis rag. ergo ..kl.... i..,maion
i• t b. 0..b10 - r e swh.re is Goa-
.ilea easy cats •eras. •
weeselloi pirate. a no was emlmiy hop -
pptain� bis way he the drew
a a roars.
wire • ballet be bis I- ..r
Whim the private eaar the gesee.l
h. Hl. loosest ly baba bias.
1! ! b. Amsted.
The elber larked tumid to • rese-
msM he au who mane, whoever.). the
prisms* whirl. s V a_pprd ea :
"Ili. gesseal. I'm • blr•tsta has
Santa a.w .N richt , •i• t 1 r -Lofts.).
Matto of this ceded/sane man -
"Weak mad pre. "
Tb- Hu -or' .1141 Boy; of Torcato
held their asocial al -hawks in the
.... k-ly rate11 of the t,a.wtilal Odd -
fellow -'Athol, College serest. ow Fri-
day relish. 4 1 ire. While the strid-
ers era. soot .yuite ei large as os
forfrr ocersic.e, • goodly number
were present. and 1... 11 y and
tberoe(►l y eo joy ed themselves until a
hi. boar.
The pe resist. Mr. Joto Robertson".
occupied the chair, rad ter • felicitous
m►eaer extended • w.kromw to cher
pettiest. amid was very happy in bit
tatr.tdsattier of those who trade ad-
dressee. Om the whaler= wen alas
the este -•wutin4 a ..d eoeelteeers
tic s
tar7. Mr. IL Ftoudy. and Major Beet.
Thus Metlidtierddy. R Holmes. E. J.
B. Druce sad Km. Hc.atow
The Idle tHore1 Bonitos was
repro ente " is putters M Linutlbi
H. B. Lambe. M+ J. W. slaw .aa
Jester Major M. 11. McTagoset. •E al
whom masee short ddrvss.o
Alderman 34.043. e4or same • wept
of patriotic sage, gs
amid r..posd to
mi ar.
aeae.. 31r. Ideweton, as • &O see
pioaaer. jawed hie coogrstsahIioes
with theme d the chairman to all prey
eat. T McGillicuddy gays a hmmne-
ese ,see tete. Mr Reedy reed brumes
of regret •r sot buts •hie ro be pewt-
ree-er hes Sir gar Hushes. Misiatw of
Mollis, Sir William U. Otter (t native
of Miami eod eater a
Iasbel Graham. of `Jo.forth.
cerci two arterial preemie, ase of which
is s follow, eutitl.-d
%aa.no • twat Tl rue til ys,'
rams the tame tear mad tae
Wire. t M be et he awn an -
lend Uwe • elle y rias the K ao
To tM hnaats.t . rear .
Melo the dares- •eve . 4..554 -
Mad the .orfe te etas errant
Tele dee yeseede 5110 Min •;
Comore behind the aw,
l[ada Strvatg sad Weil Sy Tied
R'ayneeDors.Fk -•• I woe all row doer.
atters hard spill at beuaebitr so it was
Rini for etre t.lam asst. 1 bad pus
n ay civet .ed toa cad easily' A
(rims* asked r M try Teel 1 did red
it Malt tar up s I .s eters mod well
and 1 am We is db std
ram y bs.sswaet war
d1 ba} not dfar these maths beton
taking Trot." - Mrs T. IL Hos-
moucr. Waynesboro. Pr
tial crafts as mesad s. aide Ages -
tent motes paste bier mad tttrrteo
strength. Tsar ran Lei if it Saila
H. C. Dim op. Drawers
Spatial Korai Tt; p Pore*
tad Limit - tl*rM•es•
Sodic lly and Net it,r{.0.. NC : C berleese
S C arra M.11 . Eat Ares,. ,lea
r'r r..ef Uel aeri•at era- - J•iewvii1 are
ail fendseget.: ..ss, Cubs. end wee
lama.•, Id.. en New Tae% mad reit to
C�r r ennrdeer t• lora i0.1mt rt . is Deb
ale Melee it Curion
1111.111111 amtartO Lai& wan
all net ceresto. )d -1.. oath from. Nett,
3t. C'au.sies., weal, slat.. !feces 4rria0.
Moab iwort
T4•Itsx.iasd Nem biderweitemee opiamoias
t. 0. 1'. LA lora ace: t tiknaa. rum s.
Casa& M Road by b, .r
PotU.) eel d a her'r.i►a .
bleed to dart• pair•• t..0 .
VW the Zwei. '. lits. kyle.
terata • iso UM whole were Oa
Air be mieemrsse.ewiae.
Ate Ilas tner+ar NUM Soso:
Menai'• belist UM area
Claada lar slab/ ta stare
lb* wet 1y w new sad rue :
de that trrasa, nor Y
She em dielky "Ivo ba nil.
rte= base mast de s. pt -
F.r Ile were ; lei tin ser magi :
Ter tlt* sass iota rear. :
. 'maim • boded de as
Ms-ic we. t.rwi.•bd darling dr
erring by Stuart'. aee't••mesa-Rs
Irmdur a popsl•r !roma tt.w.des
sad Sassier followed Ube t eadiliir r
the hirery program- The urvn
world be immoveable to ssse an who
wry- k is .lucerne 1 i sal
that tle ga_bet iag wee truly repee-
c.Mativr r the oral oil coney .
TMe Antwerp ter we.s realiow sail
eb.se.i teriet depa.knsarher on
the siar of tae pier that the thiel sots
away wit b.
'er TS .aril thM worse bre*
r t.lM thee lhmasa -
sabaftrr _ --caws r. -.et►
Things to Eat
0.`160 Min
The Best Bread
Ddote and Onsfectm.er
11.17181110* STRUM
Now that the .old wca.ber as
Sere >oap want your
bores more comfortable.
Get our prices on
tiot Waw Boilers,
Our Perfect or (Jt1 Hestia'
are just the Orion to drive Plea
cold out of chilly corners -
Al repairing to piataF�,
work, etc., pr
attended to.
m►.1111. 1/11/
Ph...1S bemire gu..t
You tar, ward of many anzioay
rwnrsu 1h.. at tiro tot Optc t a
Canal or C:uid. yur w alt are ti tam-
bsrtats'e Cors► RemedyF h loco -
roe the phlegm, it hese eta tore
threat so-} bronchial timer., &U.,*
fryer sa.t'6,114 good revolt*
at once. It Influenza. Brac-
cait. cr Whoop -
• rag Cough have
deest cred. yon
caw coast cu this
splendid old km-
ily,resseiy for
are leaf -
cam tarn.
Gosh Re• 41*
sivreve fg. 166 hem.
P•.c.. mod 114.
Men's Furnishings
including the Latest designs in
Men's Plain and Fancy Ties.
Dress and Negligee Shirts.
Winter Hats and Caps.
Overcoats and Sults.
Eterything the man or boy could need who
wants w be troll dressed.
The Semi -Ready Tailors
Ttw.agP equ.pment midi dime Electric Lighted Compartment Observe.
inn Car. Standard and Tavist bleepers, Dining Car, First-cussCoactiea
' -r . ere, a'.e.t C. t. t•. -"Haas ras'.•w t M Bu.i.ie•+1 cwtr.e of .m:I.
Clty 1. as $.arae t. for Tao,. -Wer.
riallaaorr Was JE.t. Ilk MIX C.P IL Amar, et ere. M. ti MCRPST D.P !.. Dorval' 4
Wrwe far Paracelus
Registrar Mas. Bac. Drelml Pra.op .
Address: -334-6 Dundas St.. London. Ont.
Are You Interested in FOWL 7 -
so. call and get one of Cyphers Incubator Coos books on Incubators, Brooders and
care of fowl. These are free for the asking of them. We have in stock
1 small Cohtmbia Incubator. 130 to 140 Eggs.
1 Cyphers Incubator. 244 Eggs -
3 Portable Hovers.
This company manufactures Electrobators in two sizes.
No. 1 Electrobetor. capacity 60 Eggs -
No. 2 Ekctrob.tor. capacity 120 Eggs.
With there E1sctrobat.em, if the electric cur-
rent is off for a few hour* it doom art affect tbo
eggs• as there is moue. heat awed to keep the
temeuratlre up.
If then es any thire you wast to awe about
1 esubston. Brooder. and Hovers. sail 1111111 get oo.
it •her book, If you Ara any special inforara-
liars, we will lee. reseed to tate it ap with the
Cyphers Inertiafot Co.
Ar• you gesture the own boy' of eery you
.bora 1t mot try De. Hwa' P-.. This is
guaranteed to he ors of the b sit odd producer; on
the m,uk.r, If it dam not do es guaranteed. re-
vere the amp y package ad ert your .roomy tract.
at this time ot the year your hone. sad
,-meets are tieing God w dry feed. They sImM
have $ tonic to aid dimities. Try Dr. Hees' Stork
Food. it is fully gavuteest 1t you 'hast that
it hue not been soy !impost to loar stock. briar
.arch the ...v peaches sat tet Tose .sr.wey
tack. It is folly tr•r..tead by lar Mees, and it is
his isatra11.or to as to tame the seoesey for tM
glumly package .f the puramer is not tat Wad
with the recall of tbo OM. Wes bare sold toss of
.t. mad have yet b have • dent ked comomer
Electric Fixtures
Dn you weal motto geed cell 4.os Electric what
tares We Mae t`.
bar.. 1
We are tai s to ha.JM esei eive(y the Auto-
mobile Ibasae amid eh eider to these nest .het we
have of other 1..s we have est are of theta to
true this cog.
Mir Mae
Shelf acid Heavy Hardware
II Seel( and Heavy Haul wsre we carry •cam -
plebe ,t •e4. toed '-aa serfo your wants on M
atones notice.
Plumbing and Heating
L. •es lieu a •o yo5r Pl,tmbtsw, •iradar, Tits.
smith' ng and Kl....tree tilinaw All work prempa-
ly at1ra4td t o and fully es ar.rtr.d.
Coal and
We tarry a toll Gee ,4
Ash coal
Steyr and t'tlest.tit t...
Ewa foal .........
Cassel Cool
Dermte Lang ONO
Nibs! y:ra itbab5.
\ Orr
Wood eo. While
MLM pe tea
.,......,. I.D
tea .•
.......... i_ipa. teed
Belts SNOW
alerts !.atlas.. . .
Reetey ('Mb. •
Main. Narke. Nina
&Asr'a Delle
•..•••. `.....
Reviler pre* as Jo acne sy 30
1.30 •• l.rl1
1 a "' 2M
r .. 30 50
•• •• •• 1111
e - Ld0 s
r •• tin - .tee
• • 1 d6 LIS
E 11 CHAS. C. LEE, East Side Square