HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-17, Page 6• Tan na1st lammoaaY :I. IMS
EPISEUI TheHoose . Of the
reagens Comdbies Kai.* J.,
Time Sy "Frielse4ew"
Oehl- F. J. eatrtta
SID Gerrarf St. East, Toasts,
tor Is. fears, I was a victim •t
A ,fe Iaafijrsh.m .ed Cees 1. Tt.
.S' -*ori. 1t dterwar+ls attacked sty
iI•uit, earl 1 had, pains a't over the
E- • • } , M 1 r••taht 1mdey move around.
1 t led alt Liu, het s..tleiae-Eat new.
est then Jill me any good. At lag,.
ar .y ea tLe shire eta Anion I. 1
deviant to tar `Ftmi:.1-titei . 1 bought
ti,•• first hoz Lot Jew.. art now I a..0
well, after tc.iag only Mtn,: &.zr•,.
1 recomi*eedl `Fruit-s-tives' to a*ruae
suffering from Iadige.tioa, so matter
hoar acute'. FRED J. C VEEN.
timpte 1a.bigr.kwa often leads to
//nest .4ffeas. Cdervd. e/ til Slemesd
.•d trasi.at distress of wind sal boy.
if oa are pothered with ay Stomach
Trouble, and especially if I'oastipetioa
tenable* you, take 'Fruit -*-hived .
,, 50e. a boa. 6 for $ S0, trial site, Mr.
A t all dealers or seat postpaid by
Fr•r;t-s-tine. Limited, (etas.
e Mistake Somewhere.
A hetptuI friend recently risme'
e s to write a tunny piece shoot a
g ame we used to play in boybood'.
glad days. -alined Hiding m '11.
B arn. 11. alkeged the' part of the
gsag boa and the rest searched for
11..t, shed when they were fossil all
kande lumped and yelled most glee-
fully. Thi.., he tried t0 remind u..
was veer. very funny. Either Oat.
teemo re
it failing or we hire lost our
erase of humor, tor at we recollect i•
.nut father did the hiding and we
j umped and yelled. And it doe. edit
seem amtbsner tom, even yet.-Katots
I i•v Star.
Do You Snore'
Travelling tbrou(b s new coon• ry
in wbicb • raw boomtown Aad sprung
up +Ionil over night. • at unser p.t
lap oar xigLt in a so called hotel.
where lb. 'bin psrtitioos of a rang.
of kedrooaits stopped. like the stalls of
a s• able. beltway to the online. And
in hr stilly watches • f the night be
lap awake and listened to the does
demonstration of plain and faaey *nor-
iag that it had ever Nen his fate to
Year It was no straigta-ahead arta.
robust, m"notonous• but full of wdd.0
and awful variations. Sommelier...
strangulation seemed imminent ; the..
in the middle offantasia the agony
stopped rriddeely• and there teas
idea!•. From ter away down tat.
statlw he beard aroiceateIaiat,weer; y•
'&tient Ui.eb' nisdeed -
Tke w*tetaweeds fax the New Year
are, -Doty, fait► and e.dutanee," .tech
an meat or waster% has an excuse fon
n ot listening t c the awed -Es I
We are false to the lessons of Beth •
lobes and Golgotha it we are Unit g
any one of us to bear our daily part •■
such way as we can in t be r-ady t'.Rn -
inof outage's for the service . f our
fellowmen and tot the maintenance of
what we whole heatGaily lettere to he
right -Archbishop of Canterbury.
By ANNA Whispering
KATHARINEIhr awns I Pines
-fti deg wbkb Rim a berlaad
won se the alp sad .al .t ter ea-
tagemeat to tum was net ea Mr lead
sbea be ewe upon her. a. M declare.
M 4H deal It was tbmn at dieser
carless ring wb1N I have ot-
41. Wed myself and could accurately
[.tribe 11 regained. 1f she tent It
et beton starting foe Use Whisp.rl•s
P leas It Wald be ..*1 1 fwd. Dat,
tt ale did met, what a clew It sten to
her unknown aseali.atf rp till sew
Mr. tanebp bee bale a.ttdpatheg
receiving tate rt.g beck la a ISM
written before the lett bet foes SS
be hes beard .t no such letter and
d• obs• now If yen ban. Illy 1 sal
If he is correct la tbb gestate. *
- W e know et so sac! letter. ?foes
hes et.te to has rooms." replied the
tio•gbt not The wbe eaboate et
this ring. WWs, 1s still to be det.rmb•
i as Mr. Ranelaglie legal adviser
1 am very anxious to have that ring
"We'bl sestet for the ring. Mr. C1lt-
nleanwtUe will you cast you eye
ever three fragments of a not. wide!
Mr. Renelag! says be receival tram
MJ. Carmel Cumberland while wan-
ing es t1e station platform ter bar
• lir. antes drew tom W peeks*
two small straps of stied and nan
pied paper. ease of whirk was the batt
*t as nmelope promoting ver? *0.117
the fel:owing apps.ra■ee:
The Acute Pain
From Neuralgia
Permanently Cured by
the Use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Aclever medical writes ha. said clot
"'Neuralgia ie • cry front the mere. -
for belle? blood.- In other words.
neuralgia is net a di -rase- it is only a
s7sptotu, but a eery &amnio! on..
Neuralgia in tbe surer alga that yen
Mood io week. watery and impure.
amt that your aercrr are lileta:ly
starring Bed hl.iod ,iii at. one cos,
-itch. red blood the i.oly rum. Mai-
girer you the teal Sas o wby h .
William.' Pink Pills erre uvu•.Itt•".
They are 11e only meal inn that row
Was in correct pet.poetioos the el.
meets needed to te.k. nab, red ht. o t.
Tail stew. kelt blood avec-bits Or ro t
of site trouble. .nolle -s the js.gle•r
nerves. drives away ibe nagging, alai -
htng pain sad braes up your be.lr h
in °tare ways as well 1n pivot .4
tete. statements Mm A. T. Omit in
Litlieabeenagee. N. it -.says: t'A tom
years oto my ins be? erns sa int.• se
. 511.•.1 [roe neur.lg •, which w •-
located in her face. h-.4 .ed .1..0-
4es. TM pilin, e.p.es.11j i. bee Mee,
was delays.. isle doet.'r.d for so.. e
time witboat getting relief And 11..•
seemed to ler no avast a of tbe roe
whatever. Instead it t.. he
.steads/ and her ebb.ws sys-
tem bream* all-et.d Pa. .1e as
tided to try lee. Witham.' Pak Pet..
After loth( rbcs to. awb.4 t1e pri•
ie trey lead h.e•me bow week, ,fwd sI
etiwese ibis was • great kirk( M 1e .
Vadat 11e soar ie.ed w of i be P l -
rile telt ferseM ie.wi.ig bettor abet
t reater teak day • til she woe •••
110111011, • mina *1 sod . r estepeta7
e*, 4, sad hsr fel en eyapaeme •t
the lmwabb Hasa.'
Yea can net De. WIii ueS Pleb Pal •
themp= see &eine dale or by law l
ea Meese a Muse .t* boas
rMm 1f. D►. w1111nma' Ste-
er Os. ween.&.. oat.
As ba pointed this oat be remarked:
"lltwood Is not so common a tapas-
meal name that then cat be any doubt
e to the pores addre sad"
The other scraps We written I
peewit tad by the sass bend. coot**.
M Dat two or three dts.ronnect d
wutd., but one of those words was
-1 spent an boar end a half in the
yards edjol■Iag the station before I
team' those two Mata, explained the
young lawyer. "I Defer them In cor-
roborative of Iir. Ranetagb•s state
meet that the Come' awed in the par-
tially eoosumed •- -er found in the
dubbmeoae chimney was addressed to
MM Cartmel CpaeDeela.d and sot to
Adelaide sod that the plans of meet
fog sttpteetel by fhb word was the
station platform and ooh the spot tine
made terrtble by death.-
-Tots are a-gmal■ted with Ml. Car-
mel Cumber-1aad'a haodwrit tagr
"If I sem not the town is tun of roe -
pe wbo are I believe these words to
here been written by Cannel Cumber-
Mr. Fos plated the pieces tack 1s
their 'metope and 1a1d the wboie care-
arfully away.
`We are obliged to you.' said he.
"Ton ren cancel the obllgation,'• oaf
tbe quirk retort. "by dicovering tee
ideottry of the men wbo• h derby Int
And a mutt with a very big! edrr.
left the rroonde of the Wlbeerin(
Pineg ion a• Ur. Restart drove Into
them 1 brow an fa -fifties for *be lob
tad r venire he emd"rtate It."
fie bad .eae,toeed to task mat*
title. i1 ant wi'h an.mnied Or, lee
1e Mani neasstt"r. era eta. the pee!
of ssertl..t In•tntry w11e1 the.
Perry mot Wm from seder ads rather
shaggy eyeirrows
-Weil. we'll mndertake that, 1M'
groaned the district attorney.
"I cam sat se more- roomed
esters are ma ass sie era."
dth bat did est meet It The newt
WM termed Me steeds to the taw
SOW end- width b.tnlag w est
baelttaaent. was not Clete Me meal
Ali Tie district Money's bead
thele te W tin. Mita be softly
tubbed with 1y lean Nxee•gar as be
mala addressed Sweetwater.
The story wide! *Sewed le tae well
Isom tea be rpettn.a Sweaters
ter listened wit! snapping eyes le all
that woes said and abs. be bed less
(teen tie valent stews Imaleatla( the
pewee et a third and as let um -
Moira party en tee .nose of erime
be rose ezettrly to bis feet ea& dr
ehle eg that tt wen a most p1oe4ia4
ems. begged fastens M sake Ms
own ha.eatiptl me at the WlMperfag
PM*. atter whiN be would be gats
eery to bale* ler seared tat cls elan
l the deft bet aid lig! coat Mkt
Mese love tee Mae was es gnat that
Whams sed earned of the two Wiest
battles that the dibbeee te*car.4
'It be shuts ani time Mete story b
ant a pare fabricates 0t the enttspped
4aadesb be shouldn't be bard to Sed.•
meld tbe detective.
't cats sir TO*."
AHALT [soar meet with Hesford
b and aleat 11e clubhouse
and Sweetwater wan reed, for
the road MMus .red m*t-
tsring be plodded *p the road. W
teatgallcant Imre an unpromising
break b tbe ts000t000as white of the
wintry laadneap. Coder ordinary ctr-
esm.tasew Sweetwater would bare
met not more than a half dozen carts
or sledges between the dtatttoase Ptes
and the city ureeb. Bet today the
rot was fall ot teams carrying all
meta of laco.gruom people. eager for
a oigbt of for spot made forever ase very dangerous.
tortes by a mysterious trims Ile
Doted totem .11-tbe fades of the alar
11e gest :res of that womem-put r dbd '
sot stow say specie► bums till be
lame to that perttoo of the read wilda
t!• tong trios of halt buried ttmea'
began to give way to a hew scattered
i !oases- T1s■ W* spirit wane. and be
I became quiet. alert sod persuades
f He entered boas..; be tatted with tee
people. Though el:dawtty set a dl.-
*pated man. be stopped at errant
meioses, taking Li time with Ids gram '
awl encouraging the clatter of all l
lathe Wee to meet 1b advances H.
nae a natural [ter and welcomed 1
wiry taper. Mt hls eye spertied at ems
gay. Tar be never tntradmced M>►
pelf; be did not need to. Some se
was always ready with the great
rase, mai sacs It was started be
did tet let the deareraatlo. languish
1111 weary one preset lad gee his of
lr'quKa of bearsa7 or opWoo to the
general ASL
H .exceed a gnat waste of alma he
ntesy 11th unbent to sty worth
the breath exploded ea It
He bed SR the cowry tad braid
WI bad entered epee tee punts e4
rasa. shops and streets .1dd1 smarted
the beginnings of tbe tow* to tide di-
tecthia when W quick and expert -
eared eye Alt se a woman standing
with sado.ered bead 1• as open door-
oomway. peeling up the street la aattoma
spectacles of some se net yet in
alglt. • second surrey et the les
anal 1kce eorrtstW nes [bot Me sr
11,41171111111. MI 101101011 stet is MOMS I
t est abs beimellar a bee*Mile
be pied epee the g nay smith
*g as Ms W the sea les
was beelM. Ma& g aea7 btlSe
sissy tarts a z state.. sad r UMW'
be welt ems meek attest esatWaseee
be we ate w* -that l► It till art
say macs'
Sn7Mwseti Mese head w• In Me
ptebet drew It WOO nut
Rea were ...egg tee leer lett.
bead? De lea Mee alar tt the epee
4aerwa7 lo-idter Meer
>iter alrpebad eye area hr Mb it
Wee Ilio wooed Mee emba5aasd ISO
mea weer tee Mat art bet She
mem tens at aaethar 1t
'it lea da' be seat ea impart..!
MeV. 'yaw meth I .maid dt* If yea
WI beam Mathes thaw lent Teethe/
MOM utas • legate WM an Mata
seat bF es lie way p the MIL"
Ste was a salt aMals•4 waamema
tab ttrfb .1 a was trite! Imams
et the peat Sege bard lege het W
taw Ai at tide wed mile brpt to
Aide est nit her child Men he be
be fall Mr *wed the epee kWh
es We
'Tea were lathing eat' seamed
Sweetwater. 'AM lea id see that
*heap and tiller. What Mkt It my
era a steals 1111►"
` 1latret' ala repnr& altallimethe lath
a Ate step gad *.gulag the chid
telt lean. "Ss* a atilt illi What
de yea mea b tlatr
, ':get meth It 1t wee any WM aM
hers. and at sip bear. Bliet IC It
W bone WM tt'litb batt the
� the loand gi
Wlrpebag Pines at lel tr half pant Id
that align Um it may masa let est
death t0 the man sew be tali ender
the dreadful cbarse of _1....'
Catching up bei rb1M, ala id bete
the timbre and sot down Mb it h
the Stet dal: a1e came tea Sweetwa-
ter. baowtng bee, took up !b ahead la
the deerwal. sobered re. bat penes -
17 vatting tee best to speak
' Rhe aro year she asked at IemgW
"Tee ben art MI me your real bee-
"I m a Steeds es Me *WS ter
trebl5ee m the ease I bare Mt s-
. i bee a theory that a .toot
tapeediat whams In the seas drove
b tare at tee beer *ad ea Ifo tight I
Yes armed 1 want to substantiate
flat theory. Can Toa betp veer
R can bele lea sows Ts make tt
may any. •M 1 Moe arm shrank
boa any • Mese sed tetter did
t ge by bars ea les way mpblil lest Tose-
! day dgbt at Wet 11 Seim*. I re
member tbe bour because I ass =-
peens( .7 Sabana every .•!alts. Set
as 1 am now He bed .oar extra wort
ea head that eight which be Wetted
to tistahl hem tt8 11 or a quarter after.
Sapper was to be reed] at a quarter
Otos 1 Mand tbe deck strike the
beer and nn to the treat door t3
est out It Mea saowtsg very barb
mad the reed looted Mite and empty,
but u 1 stood tberg a hoose tad cotter
came In sigft Mich. as It reached tbe
gate. drew as 1• a greet hurry as It
something was the matter. Fright-
ened. became Ts always thanking of
herrn to ray 1mlmad, Mose wort is
1 bareheaded
Claris Clifton. riatnt to depart "Ten wry leq week* a01 serve
cwafehat ma
wstiag ot LW Intik abs Mm. Ther. woe it reensmeet to
lagb Pili came the letter to awed aIle est et teel+iog .ith
las u BKore yea late "lib" tar aspect q
.tt1 say Gavot yore will esteem bite ie locality It wheel sM pod. note
e...-6 sore highly thea lea do ow." p was lawftatfng bot to preened
Ca1"A $weerwtttR .t tat. Sew tent whet t■rtsa. Avant Mte by dea am
potlrr detvrtm,.1. ab entered 115 ip�st Ms stew • will Ind ea an
rem atter Clifton departed Ins M ! dllwele4 seri beloett .rte mums
bssp. Ile was plsln restored to the ,. ow the aM m eortg em Ned
pets w Whets, Hs midis etale e"O p1. ire germ. vscb0d. Nr
and tar
toe p7.Je.ltl■g tee. Pere ta•t • ereo the wam*1. t.. far sbe
Ite•b w ri.aa s Avwsb1 1mps.nt/m meads banally Noe tbe erste, MM. too
w see ler iereet of 1e el.lrf*1. moil. soma rs7ssa Ms hewed 4s ewe et
est. Ilawos► eMamer�ee�� rtR Pr •t we wet
"lIr }nre•vrevf eoY the 4i.mrld p47 ^r _ - Asch eatcllta tee "tar.
Whims. '-we be ecce chomp 1t the m be M •r MMd
'tin Tim sae has ems Dna asset'
w tee gena Ms l sew wee the ma
la the ■tent was matlag no sat 1 wild
gee:ares His het teed Wawa of and
was lytta( rimer ap *salsa fine fess b
(tort of sae Asarco. •1w271 t. •bins
I made Mete to .a•tr, *1 1 *ad retry
it eat to 41* .wise I rseet r ed a ret
K th tpl v." •wendd wed wenn les re
ase et *. ew -,-wre••a•. ft It lad ase
bee, Rem mends end tt- -elr
pen e f f... any -it 1 W trts stun
ee- -ea the bone
-1 -gel Tse nava*s t11. firs''
N.. T1. sew was wed, •. k
sit wate. sa' in • sorb viler t:. waw
11. !w14 wee esti Mw. •tm.wt eat
'lifterr ,M 155.."
as +.a. war 1 leen .r t
ma we bee a best tbe Mali .. tan. hat mil nest .. MS
Many asst Br- *rot, hew meth de tach beet? brws(lt him lel! • entry
yea Mew Wet t!b r Nr et ids pe straight * Me mot er% eta et ble fa ren Ilett a gra,. am, At,
• 1.g. 1541 pre .w hr *4* w.• dander
Ali there *tbe r semis.
mer Se W a 1b packet an legusam.
*r7 tuna r . set bare at tom Iltlg ITwntbn INr41 be bad eT4SIW
above an beer - al Wag the read s se hdiepneahe
'Arm yea Mos hear Weft a wry sal Met bow He
9 seal alit s Ir. ow deg sem eased to .w it w her. belt t se
this way - bee eMd • day ter bar te step swift
"i1. 7„
ere me usenet et ebe ` Weetb't Me allow 1st to ap he And
people as tan .r. et lea Wet art wade bow bee sae! said Mem
leo b d met ewwpe - I ber*R7 &.mesad and Mr Yee Mudd
`Ar tea saneness U lea we. par ! to Mae by a ceerlvtmee es ntsapie 15
M mes to say ale sr 1 bete me was 1 Min egad me 11?
SeesM sr
prse+aeelv+d tlsma. leIMI wee en sos rtilleallem te We et
suessw •pelmet" r
wom& Steggrtmte Sant
Mv'ailbe WPM gI.4 st W were wise. and MeThe Ars .t Dletetet Ammer /.a
Math !.word abet et 1a Weber .4 letd41ese. ae41eo 2 es She .child ms/ f
was* MOW by Ile metheikemillp
Yew 1 sten dM so ml
-Jew see gsr"o ma. • les
at whet 1x11. . ant • _a•
11.. eew ori i m M empatl:
etag tri ow. fr' •.each M +
%r Shrink
IMP gid Iii m W hielibrill fiiTiar�i
teem the r•i b t!• SW.
wbe are year be tate& Mb a
Saes et sager Mee seamen/ UMW the
aie,m.,,a. 'Vaal yea two In r
Ila dear tad alt amp swath p le
here a metal at dilMteelepr
As be apse be embed owes the
teats .ltk thrust! W .!take were edit
wet '
tlfmgbt a beep et my mems IS*
b nee,' be ailed le WW1 strategy Aar
We deploy of trial sera mea di
maltase "I didn't keen that it wee
r me le try ter W
aayea hat I dei
i . we Ar Ms"
tllashied lett W wlaiew. wed ser
wear old boa Me. SW MEW they
met et W Mable demi
"Had leek?* wUlgmed tee lemioad
"Swab te helm mm ecce." meemmed
edged tt. mbar.
'Do lee masa le WM hew est le
thin staber
R. tar atab4"
'Save yea bid Wit rte line tem
out leen mitts
"Tea-, els east est"
'WM adviser
"AL part the a mestlemr
"Ar ma etre% M lea"
"Set ram "Mg le talk le 1st Ar i
"the seal here that Milt Ile wee
at a dear.. H. nay hams that ale
.titre wee est -
91st r, ping to tett to him."
Yah 1 ems la tee? 111 eat Saab
.set I've lest Sites Weis le •
$outed threw cpm tis stable der,
tad taw, artk walked to Tee web -
ma was not def•* bat til y could
Mar bla meta( .bees Rumbling *
"TR be 4.wt a amalta he .salt
eat u their steps se ea the ba0
weed Mor.
Hadferd asetaeed over to tbe aril`
Sweetwater stopped mar cls desrwsj
tad glanced very e*retelty abort bre. f
Stable( seemed to .snaps kin eyes eyes '
sea test the triable b poet We a
waste tin and was plot on the pert eft
Misr down a Mt of broken bottle
treat as open clipboard wben Brown
appeared dressed to his Sunday coat
and carrying a bench of fresh bo-
boss rem
-Wads that ma?" be grunted be
-•tether of as.- replied Hesford.
with a shrug. `We're both rather In-
♦terested to this gray bo ne.-
-Weeidn't another time do," peed -
ed the coacbmaa looking'' gravely
down at the dowers be bead 'it'd
most Use for the funeral. and 1 deal
feet like talkies. tndeel 1 beet, Cam-
s twee.' .
His distress was so gestalt that Hes-
feed was *dined to let Ma go. bet
Sweetwater with a dock of Me Mee
eye pent le Mn weed and Mid the
comefman when be was.
"TM old gal le tenth( Seo all abseil
1t" mannered tie sly. adaptable fallow.
H. bed wilted p to the mare and their
beads were sedately very class ta-
gethet. -Wt web let? See baiter
Sweetwater lead Me arm lewd the
-ars neck and was lacking suede*
tate best Seri and tutetNped eye
"Sheri 1 pass bed story our be asked
with a magmatic smile at ale astembir
✓ cusebmaa.
"To*Rl Midge me If yea tea pet bar
tamwedne b* weeds.- tbe mai is
disk declared .tt! ere Wasted eye
ea the bane sad the other on the
Mese Meta be evidently telt that be
pes•eare was wasted 'Sia was eat
that ■bglt, tad 1 knew It. as any
eschew would knew wbe dowel
deme hese geese 471.1. Bat idles
she wee and .be toot bor. get leer be
bell 1f yea can. ter I don't Mew es
mord, the deed. -
"Me dad!' desbs4 it Sweetwater
wb eeleg smddle1y about tad pelmets(
atrstgbt thrones the pee stable der
toward the low wbere tate yoaag
411.m tbet cid servlet messed lay
r bee Amaral casket -De vs mean
Whit idit?
LtTZ is some-
thing new and good.
The tarot mew .t .tap
is takes It stakes the
richest. crea*ieet tether
yea ever maw. It mesa.
"luxury " is soli( be-
aus it's emmd1 a clothes
save. AMebately penmen
is ell ma t..sawrt
tree. lam+tial matag is the wash. Try LITI
i sleigh
tali be ddi(Med with la-
1da u
Mails M Osous le It, Lever
' Dream,* 6151154. Tweed&
T. 1 tart N. 1a nem seze�
re nowbor l was Ike Oat PR afla/d
I dirt de it aq geed b my law
thing 1 bad te c1541 it quirk sad
I'm taws 1 best the 1515. to may meth.
lag .t ta.arbg ilt wit deer males
I -fad been tatting est b estte. and
my hands we watt Mat! Sear." sloe
expb*ad mb•p17.
elweetwatar mode ems Seal pies. sat
tbt was tee far mama
"Elle• Blames." was til otr•lglt-
forward reply. amid tab ands' the la-
Sweetwater wet ea We the MIL
Toward the by be ewe egos t *vtlry
stable Stppbg * Me ped Mowed
way. be entered into tact Math a ma
Interim Imelda the grist deer. Sr
fore be left bins be MI *ltd its
Wee questions:
`dal grey Wes l beam?
"Tea one- 11 belongs to a wpedta-
W taafly There's a tumid tilera
bier -
"'Not ttiss C. 41st sisr .suss-
ed /Sweetwater, ail agog la a sweat
"Tee. Rim O mberltnes"
The next tarn Sweetwater bat was
toward • the beaibees midsu*o chis
tort erewm*t tbe 1111.
Men Maws later be stead to a
deet! wooded street before an open
gateway guarded by a poticesaa.
abowtstt 1b bodge. be passed in tad
• mitered ■ coag and sllr*tty caned
driveway As be dld so be thot a
(Mance at tbe bows it was sot as pro-
tections as be expected but t24.1te17
more Inrlting.
The ceremonies bad leen set fee 1
**dock. and It was now bait pest i
As Sweetwater ruse!! the bead et
the drtvewsr Maw the ars[ at a
Mg W of careless .pprwawMng p
the street
"Lrtl that say Whims takes me
be tbe stabil" tae•pt 1a "Whet b
the cear41mane same? 1 sugb to re-
!member 11 Alb 1Mon-E•dlet Brews
Tint's a wwmblamdes ter year
He bed raced tea pint la Ms
aelegey-a led battle at W. Ate it
sastlmes tent sable npmusdsn•-
Mfen be rag against *amber pollen
ma tat to guard the made door. •
---:t', parley and be tett them a
Mated, bit sot titre be bad motel
Me der and the wide and bmwitable
nomads Niel separated it from the
1I am MMg te go all nal that I
Oen sad 41st versa' the saint be
lemeting put et t15 Mess.- be to
amerbed Im spat sovietise be Mm..tt
a be anted til asepses a the stable
and the ease wt1 earl est could
g ap fres It cite„ s wale* pampa*
dem tee driveway.
It W another pelnt-ot tatueet eK
.steer. the Sag bad to Met It was
•11.141.4. As W apo tray.b4 back
erne 11r wing be W Mvntj walk
*ward the stable be sags ■ pr
tag gene.. et • ousted* then rad eS
we in .se et ate speer atonally -
Ow • sed the ewes. be peewe-
d [het the statue doer was .Mach.
bet that • window ane sp the garbs
eide ease epee. ta.wnterteg me
swathe eye. be stepped ap be the
Mae* atndow and peered 1a
• mea we wee ata beet to Mr pi
&teas a Mt of trots•. T1s sus pleb
•1Ry RMaf lbw esseamms Sweetwa-
w etwa-
tr smddeste o4•ameed a .steam
tf es a den by same ag tae 115
And obeeeden et redeems. Heated
Mains weed OM Atm as owed*
window -t• met. ter ems Wilma
end ewr*mb Mb sadly the same
Meat an Omen as their glances
demi Mtn 47.1.4 est drew beet
may me inure seals .earl to ata sever
al webs* Plabbse ems to tom
the adv*amen et tie memeR elsf4
bed based of rte Val Wm and wte!
w*Mondry a
1107 were Ws stand and lm enc•
WS a !tree stamp• emit (apmmmd
0717 see Beed alar .mtelle- T1s
woo • mos as the ..tetra. left, •
yrs pal earth Mt s eweles• Meet
Isle! ea 11■ steer elbsider Tbe Imam
d lab mea reseed a they were
mrd ter dingemsaa.i mail amid Is
sWtdvoy Wet apes snot 11e web.
gen .mew sees SW ear. eel Wan
perp.s until lib beads emit spme
i and 1a Mose yore beeped lb
Mesamib* rpwn/smp. M be rebs*
Mr dna meed WOW M teat ore
Of s WSW pelts se .15 eel et
• so gases we tea eesreidWe. alp
new Mr weeprrap se see [mer ea fin
!te temp tads he tad .L.4l I!M
'MAY! c, Cr Ort
11e114oteam womaa
Clmohom. 041.-'1 vas disk be Meet
bit yews. Ont 7e17 troll. eseid est
ea4 M ■menet to
''saythiay lhigmad W
me strength M al
I wee very meth
diseeursged a1
these- Ws - I
ins remover peg *
gel better, 1
1 , amid I bbd ;W01 n walk
4 t I took
rites Met dial
o va go the bap I medal. A friend d
mime atiressigides. ed me IleI1yblJr. to eW b
wadi the • 1'fanm .* Parte a mol by the
time i bad Me tea baled. 1 nm w.1
an the rand * rent.-., sed i aria antler
1 s eibbeir viigree came
o•eh and 1 paned m Kw I am e
!lees( and bmMbg r sit nue ewdd wink
to Is Iewe kall terin Pews' rd.
seem mil 1 am gid e/ 4. mandesily
* glee is y m that bear; lbw
dew We want. 15 me "-&itis
Twee Pacts. 141 1 itsag St.
Clears that --'1 haw Mee 141st
Psree'e ttaati+r wieb good reed&. 1
les weal tat rot deet, Lt my appeals
end dol eery Ha i leek Tamils
pwsmgmine sad ' =m alta' mod
Mee two sei.mm r m a my
Wet apes ell lir seW tIMI se tri
. met i feud thea * he ad than
es emedel ed thee: am etags.d,
Idea Was Weems Cir. Teem &hoadta2
4w.. Tt. Clearers. Oat
mak lew WM. Weis= sigbea we it
be lntat to sews the wee&
edam a hire mum pimwawsa
Dr. Plme•'* Pi.... b Nwlpare r
a mm►dsaariir eidl dna eel IAN
w etean
5*1■! 3 Mar l la pea
° Imeed ale mad Iambs sill pees
bibeeibieb embebi g tsar piprieb
Why They're sola
b>tinmsa Ino ,ria Ism.
'Is Me .at.atme .r ass 1 stied ear
a essdlatnb pea t* tact lima as s drttassos
1 was while aan•is welens a rapp.me
genet► etriaf wee trtlt PILLS ler a raw
Mar a/ less 1 asg1. Owe nism be rod
b mama .lased ala mks wasid ere let
wee se les / gree diens a w tall end
Ss mei 1 V to be psi:
MD. E 1106111113.
*15114115151.9* r all rte
glia."- Fre simple sat 1 tea arts. s1•
Natio' Deux & Ch alarm Cw
of Camelia. 1.1.164 Taloa...
amt -tile lady who In WM le be
beebd7 Comic she w1 It her ape
IRA satnsn15 lig it _dant& Med?'
'Star 71. led ease 1w W awe.
etaay. Semis amt/ sntelt1M as the
tea ma M seamed la be Msaaply
*MOM by 15 -.j--.+ seggs -
"I bawl the wit l newer
aW is 'Sew m we MI what eke
taw The ma Me kme4 hen r Im
}L He Walt tale le sea peeper
Wby tial lea prattle Itis?
-1 or a very geed tenaaa' NOW
Bwsetwaler. Mb as easy geed Were
[het wee eery ee.afu*g -He wee
arrested es the pet a that It wssnt
be etre dews ebbe we Mme. mbar -
weed lea amt ter Meta lar Mit.
lacked the atalb der tad Mag ego
the key le Its place he the Mathes
SsmM.y erg hid that"
"!let's tree e.e.gh. and what data
It aitw t Teat the mere was eat ea
n ame Wer otsmed thea the se which
ended in Wed tai warier." wee Us
aa.ms's gimes eeted retort
"la that nor Mimesed Sweetwater
tub the maws meted eat -!Ss
met pita tart'
* *alt bur.
Self." be drawl-
ed. mak weber
enigmatical mile
at the Ilegelng
Radek 'abaft
teeing • • a to -
Meg Wk. Are
peer be mesh
ediy Imgmlea4.
taring the .balls
and walking
bristly m, to 1r-
R-Tno're eve r
steppes 7 • It
"te sur 001" dooty. I doul
how wile me are or what you want
with ma Mt you n overstepped year
det7 " said the coaebmas
'Se's debt-' muttered Heibrd
"latter let tbe fellow ye. See. se ed
11e mates b bedrooms to Ma"
"He WO go and weans if be w*
loll me ellen be goo W taste ter
Ole medal based .t wh1a7
Sweetwater bed crowd to tats cap-,
beard sad tmban dews the beer belt
et the beets beetle whirl bad at-
tracted kb antes oa his hist entrancs
tad was we bolding It oat. with a
masks' bet at t1e departing coadh-
aa s.
He=lens& was at be *boulder .tt! •
pelelg. ami together they Inspected
the label oil onetime to It. elkdi
vas that et the very rare .ad spew -
Mee spark bawd Weed Ale the
debasers visit
"Tbb la • Sad" sputtered Hesford
tato W fellow d.tec1vire ear. Tlam.
Mb • quiet move toward WM. be
'Toted tetter anew teat eseettw
Where did 11r let 'Q Mabee beth&,
awe tum? TIM deal live lea
wbbty Bhe tar w bleat"
•Slat tiler 4ee't" mesetered the
tNtlaaae, •at by ser* 'Weed an
they lad exported 'And 1 wounint•
care ter It It they did. I Wed [bag
1st of tette to tier w bared Wide
and dished It .et to pm media Is I
Med the4.9*"
"theism fhb way?' -
"Tea; is Set as mot" __
is tt WNL sever mind; MID
Wag Well etas the salts aster At
'NI miser do le mesa and War
S til hey."
-Heves theft Wire ping to as
Amoral tau. Tined 11be ear !•r
letter b • "ibises to Sweetwater.
The answer was • fervent eel.
Sodas In all 11e wed/ seed Owe
t1b prate.• n.tared .ea guns sae
'LILA -tear
ET es ester by ale nide dear."
segge.te4 Sweetwater me ale
two mend toward tee beet.
"Aad be sure lea peep me
Mere 1 cam nee Sam Mag ern.
I beers se *flet be sweet *11e4e2 or
areae or to M 11.2411.4 wen W ►
See 15 41e ....mala, to atormkpls
41s w swat go ft impoda s." d►
diet SesAa4. "fled year ewe pia*
yea weal sew easy .re.4• i
mewl est o•pse*tl rhe• Oahu►
gwns4wwr mreljntl 2M IN lb11
Ile a1. irepaJ rid .vett r
etre l • ate_ Me. Asn the melds
d wt!! ewe' • nage luta • OM
pill wee r le ems Im Oat INDS
glom r Y• !tt Shat lea r
tape bet lean art • lrw thin►
1w pet seembad 1drm Ile tsar a t
AR as wens, be •nerd *
prow [Asn 11 • aerie glare oboe
ellea lea ebrb ser gn*r -.deme
WNW a yet Smmp" Im bb ewe
saw 15 a tuaSer 1 l*i►
le ie Ofe2•beesd Dna Rei
be Seal
iday 1.151
tees to Alio
tuatara the
Yrs a 1d
Ass of Ledo
4 dial .Ilea*
led.. es Fel
Mrs Ilona
• Astir.
died at Yost
m bee eat
sip-. ll. 1'
ea the sad
David Yea
torn d from
Jame Yr
Sere tars
1j* Wawa
fart!. t1a. p
Irma do
( 64.151' ti ant
Afterb i
au.. lie o
Jobe Lae
24.41115. •
miio n7-+.elle&
M of Me. a
am. erbe re
W. War -
at bee bus
Mrs. WI
Mrswiet testi
spa .ixty-t
and awe sae
The cep
Bis.tii. oat
Lyon, vt L
llesai.g, e
tante plane l
Parry let
the Ya 4121
Sed reed 141
need by IS
TM fewer
•.141 t
name biu
the twee
mai neem
01 Chatter.
Mks 44.
Ye. sod x,
ems bee. Ef
as bit t
t.iehee be.
of Lerida.
framer. k
two gam. •
TOWS ret
,.iprMr es
amines .
4ter rites' •.
Oar et