HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-17, Page 1tel ieNNIN the tuti[sal stamp d the ams swam. Mary 9ip/1 [abaeflMr WINO peek* tat his paper lar NM fay haw W choice el fila Soho of mimic or a Nee t-eleader. at;TT->•Y.TS TIAN-Ne. M • !Nowis tie ra e to reser for The Segal ice 19101 We thank those gabaetims who 1 bare already meowed and promise .11 a peal big dollar's worth dur- ing the coming year 1 1 OODSBIOH. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1916 THE SIGNAL PRIJITihO Ca. LZXITED. P -man.sa 11HE STERLIMBANK OF CANADA SAVE, Because - This war has emphasised the necessity of cultivating the saving habit. Storm Sash and Storm Doors Made any Sire ar Style. Order Now. Shingles, Cement and all Planing Mill Products always in stock. GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMES BUORANAN, rnsuDssrr AHD MASAne R. 'Phase 47 A. P.U. Box 18. PUBLIC MOTLCL tA.Ig000DiL ItS. A. NICHOLL. flestmt. Is jmtand to d. se Ideas week wail them est bate a esmMsN. i ece sea weeds Mn est seine rmgf. M..initis Mat - meet. .i..It a....tiefras sheers lie s +wine -- W l and lil.maw* that piano maim. AYLt1R S wab Asset, O.ierieb. P. ( Ilse AR. MIeM•t t.Ainowr1s is tows. Timelag la yrs, M,.a; ou.Ms work ssewd hem DQ RNIHHT, D IJTUR OF CHIRO- PRACTIC. U PRACTIC. Ma Mswd a peirm.awt el - arm his esela.s-s. swum 1 radars deest ad, thee Mane :bt.nam- timail. d .int T Ma is es taamtMtaattiide U'w% meemesseti. >- FOB SAW OR BENT FARMS /OR SALE. - 1.o and . Ms hems 1. Malawi, 11111 apes as.cb is hemi W Mbap � Y e essdMale- agekt or Visor, ♦r to PRO IJV"UT. WILLMAN tt jc4ou emiSSALKM-A MALL HOUSE and garden 1e w dwir.bl. Imelles .t the Iowa A few wia.1m. wall hem Harbor Pork sod o�heSelFofther see thug" and) Til Rrur FARIS FOR SALK. 1 limo lead timed L say Mdd for raid mkt: Ow44e faced pea goy .newt 4a tM twmdtb et r=1ti is hence seed hare :.a L smell papa Will M .std se emareib . mesa POW agree is this istoan ble Mie sd UDMer aawa L O. hb towoa\Ir. nna -libelers morias, WIl b..s14 w e...eesW tensa tfU06. c('eDRr CARDS OF TEAMS. BOARDOF TRADE AI4NUAL. hr 'i RavM'w ei lemlemesisi Canalises Gives Keai EaaHra - Iimat-Nr. fi. Ir Parma the New Secretary. neat fatten and the g.an.gecuent report the peweptrees for ibis year as extreme- - xtreme- Rai. • is now, at the present NSM. Joint demi& L.the business it did this Mee yearned is employ Ing, not af- ty bent won king fur eight boort* cloy. bee eigthili menwoi yfull time. *MI Ole is entirely distinct Mom eoeaenmeest corttracu. The Oismpany g aaufactured 2I1,0110 shell The soma assti., of the ooderieb es be W takes the local secretary- hose. for tG Govrtameot, but thi• Bessi.1 Tusdo was Gid is the council ship Of the War Auxiliary and �ptesrt is p el mmbar et the town ball on Monday • 1 the p+/wt.iuut the latter poultice esede& with the psssid/sI. Mr. M. watt. be the more impor- 0. Q�st� L- C.. is the chair. teat. Ebe reluctantly assapesd no pi egisllav as address whirl Mr. Hartphs' bwitrnation. A taw sseeisd u toss Though Amigos w made in the pstsoNel beldame -W bees below /..lent, thaw wars ant waatisg svl- ieneea of �s etneet. A review of the bsinatrl/1 esndilio.. of the tows wan eery es_eAtragiag. Reference was mode be the tlibltary camp Rvopanal, to lake nod barber ►stow., .ad other /rafts+ whisk the past year VIU E WISE TO EXP.aaslCili OUR Iry ensieciattro iso se .f k dues hire wr �taway a.. Yte- eaveme tom• ire IYdesth.f ear truta v.a mr[br. CLARA MARTS JOUR SVARTJ. The officers and council for 1914 aro President- -M- O. Cameros. K. C. Viete-madiwtr-C. L Moore s=1e'. ( Abell. Conrail -4 C. Ler. D. F. Ram Bah Wm I. W - H. Rob.rtsos. P. bed we keener tM irbll. R. lie�eee. Y . A. Macaws's, B. C. With .efeeme i to Mame, Metrics Msasiags, fie $. Hod . Chas. A. for the email a llegge. M►. LLmar'w Reid, Geo. WNHllma Y. Woollcombe. the C P. R . , iMattes tbtat the Secedes M ego of a boat serelee from Wl. .r and Mayor McLane ftx- Melo,. Godeeich to Fort Williams was under Mr- Jae+ Mitchell was mad. an oeonsideralion. bnnerar masher of the Huard in Elethea of Otters recognit� of W services for many The otfEeers.Meted for 1916 ale the years R. w � same es for lam year s its Use •xr'er• Rrwults of s tanvat. fur members ttoo that Mr. F. R. Hnogens, wbo tad Idled the position of sere, fay mirk great acceptance. asked to be relieved. reed a letter rias. Mr. Boatrsetb. of W T. M . C. A. Naha, J. H. atbball J. W. Prager R J. Mersa. AUCTION SALES sow completed and t gmheral business keeps its factory at pressor raining to its fell espaei' y //detwMiog, it to employ aha lair+ sembee of men I have wentiuoed. The Gabriel' Lumber eml Mr1Yag Co. ITh. Rambler Company., It was a revelation to me to visit sad make a thorough_ inspection of this Company's pleat. Mr. J. E. Buechler kindly toot ss all through it. and explained the character of macbieery and the use to which it would be put Some work has a1.s1 heden. and the whole factory willed he ready for opaaticn by the Seth inst. The loud -Hog Seems to he a most complete ooe for all the pur- poses for which it y intended. and 1 would reeommilled Fur ritisiens to pay it ei-it to it, ae they will he empty re - mid by doing .o 1t is a splendid se- tablisbment, with all modern immix. e- ttseoLs, elevator. beating and 1. Ming etc., and l trust tbthe asar5hnldere the. were reported by those appointed for will receive handsome dividendi upon use Purpose mad were on the whole their investmeo'. Elabtern to twsoty es/Lfactory. I men have been working Ilene on the The lremsut.r's statement showed a year. When the factory is in active balance on band for last i e.r of tit operation *brut .its men will be rio- - pioyed. lir. Baee�ler reports the The r.vw.1 Ile industrial setae prospects for business for the rout - A eh AND ertov BALK OP FARM 3TOCR Ishmeots by the pi esident was as log year to be very gond. He has now [1l[RTl. follows :l.seventy tbounind dotter*. worth of Weepers ^T mow mini Co. orders on baud for i1116. felt HENRY WBLAC' During 1915 tbipComp.nv operated The (..d/rica Kaitt.a Co - Ma bearer ed the nad.rslreed be .el b p . its plant a• lull time and full capacity• me news teceired Goin this l' tie tie .saes et i t 4. Rang id mas,urd rick It received fry water 'S 2tf',111 bushels pane is of a very sati.feltory t.w.•\Ip.. Mena"'hbwa.r r esdsmomv- of wb.s . 27,6 •bels of Date, A,I1W• rept K keg u 1 e' Lea ..4. the f.tMwiwg : calces : 1913 •is rt.d Y bete Asrfrnitundw .7since-aeri..tt sifts -r, tuns of oo,l, 1,a1i,lett barrel staves. agood year. The factory was aper. emtae 1 : agrMetttss.l veer risers d s : draas7rt The product of wheat was a l l *hipped tris.,.r'.kgt: ww.'fves..Y dee Is Mrrr prod aced to u5 full capacity and employed sresm.1r.•rw4.•11,mo l:es..ityme..dee. �tIyrail. The Yeluiceofttadedur tbirty-flvelullcaand for rouee of the M Apra ass. 77owr. 4 Hare% Lt : 2.t lag 1913 exceeded 'het of 11114. Its em- per tad It bad to lir tun ores 1 nue. 11s andoayvsi.:5 esurg..z.Yr,4. in A PI„o-� number ll'' The prospects general husiuM is reported u greet and err. L 11.7.: i 7eseilr g .df • doe L Aaelkaarr:a.rnlve..rews•eeeeder.and for the cooing year are go d. and the pro.pect5 for 11146 excellent. tL.W Mew. s• atktmg Now, nlIne (frit- over fifty per cent. of its out put fur Owep�s er ra.w.. -14 b reaw, seg barrow. The Gederieb Organ Factory. i Mama yasidreeddrW•ttwwevs. eslt'carar l• foundbe f R 'theentite year hos Oren contracted tTM.w Jew'.►, THE LADS IN IMAKL The rya tate at Ib. local offices of the 161st Bail Alton this wee l &Te: A. Wald. N. Newell. L. Elliutt. W. Uriorud. N. McPhail. All are Godes les men. Merge.nt-Ma jos James has been on duty again this week after bring on ski tease. Pte. Thu.. Ptitcheid. of the Y. P.('. L.1., ha. been addressing rr- erniUng weettog. (• tb. surroundir g country duiing abs past week. with good results. Ile Saturday be was at Leeburn, on Monday at Dungannon amid on Tuesday at Benuniller. A num- ber of ererniu were secured he Ins Iwo place., but tete saws..at thave nott Keep Much Lb for the pettriotic yet been banded to et the of'ces here. euchre to be gives by the Genet •I Bruue h Chapter. 1. 0. D. K. Oo tVadnesday Major O.bornr, in- Mr. E. F. B. Johnston Coming. 'pectins officer of the London division, waa in town and Inspected the local company ut the 161st- Major Osborne wan eonoected in aha er.rly part of the war with the 1st Ca/madman Hattahoo and saw service .1 snout of the bis:oric betties of the early days of Ilse war. He Tas in acture at St. Jebel), Fe.lu- burt hind Ypres and after several mir- aculous recaps., some of which left their marl upon him, he was pieced hors de combat by a bullet wound in the lett. Oo has vett bare yeah rJay On March 2nd the greetest sltgrega- tbe M.jor pet penally it.spected r..cn lion of explt.enta of real old-time man •t the m,rntog parade, and not a .minatele, now wtlarge will burst on buffoastray. or ko unshaven tate, the bards of Victoria Opera Huu.e escaped his keen eye. He had • 1. red under the ensign of the Menesetung word for each roan and sou the coo- Canoe Club. The event will he an uc• M1denee ut the whole dee mebmer.t. At colon to tail about for years. The the a •u p+rade the Maier had Opera Home h•virg been constructed the oleoen pc peilonu squad and platoon fcr Ire. important events, (bete are drill atgl a nuemher ut ax.rci.ee to ply- not seats enough to go around in one eur driL. He explained b1 actwl I night : Ito the performance will be rt - demonstration the effect of the tight way of perfotu.ing the drill and said it was as t any perfect oneself in the wrong say a. in the right. The com- pany wan then lined up and the Major addressed the men. Ur s aid he was greatly plea.ed with the appeatance and beating of the comp my. whith re- flected credit upon lbs officer.. Ile appealed to the tau to uphold the honor of their uniform and never to di.giace it under ruy circumstances. Il- warned them to be careful in the atilt dile toward .trong di ink awl ad- vised them to take no notice ofaoy.ve wh1) attempl.d w insult them. ss ooe 1 jewelry .tore, ne sin. Fred ty and six eao.ld tv ;,ossk m+y i Mint a ?tarot .t d +•rusk 1144. twiggy in khaki was heat h c-ontlmpt. !early. li1Te's A n r Slott F. Omen lib. 1M '• r` as newt art bia4regh. t• t eouditior. n n rtes at for. Thi• is for general liminess. It W1 . DENIMS T O THANK ALL w'1On: i s Mwbol�0. h. r, ssed'.r t •, XS x i tbi. fret cry i. a set y meth mote wt- hoe no war orders for 1!118. �r■■ tWe*Ms»oro bed ton• darting Me 1X41.1 t. tsfactory odd lawn thin when Ave cis A. tM +..erne rdr War crow t -roil. . IM iced it earl in ne•.l Shen yd a.tw.egts.st death A car M- sbse-e •meek will be code wltMt twtve. j 141 5. At that times. lovedta.IMR Ma. Joule.+'Ward. Trrw�-AL nm.sf p1 ass/ voter- rr►. owing to the flo.ncial drpnssioo• the mg FAMILY. .vert+ a•w..wrt.•481 1♦w.lh_ 7re41 win lo; `t'ndupe ny had fist nil it nrtea••wry in meet et the rue of s per wait t ,want eru r• P POE SALE -4. SALE-l:EDAR POSTS, ALSO i a c Berm ese Aced W. T. LthDeLL mtwta. 51 tf WAITER. m TO kd.w.Ntut me W T PILL �IOOwA gILD.-sstsTTaeYd�PPH COMPOSITOR, gs e W rum n (ypesettMg. ♦W'T at p0NAL ANTRU -A SMART BOY. L N - ,'►e 5D.EE s=eems ass .r . y Meg sew woo .CR1R7Poi inionsORA 4 ter ergot*. msrvW. Apply WANTED. --BUY OR YOUNG MAN wIIb Mrs soh -A due.tW Icer sOe. Wad nee. Aper salmi bass wtltla[ t roux * et0\AL Urric:ll ANTED. -A MAID FOR LIGHT bwswest. Apple w fMITW5 uteri. IV HT uPt I AT «1 ies.etib. Ggi"L slew ea feni.Wag aeNmvd PARS r ^ . itad- Ni\ br 1914 . reduce i t • sr all win be allowed fur emir on credit .m,.l.. ;The condition cs(►rfair. now is tit rr I Tim sate wnl be co -b. MLisfaetot r. Ir of a er.D{t net for HOMY 1tAU. IY0144 'ItDRT. the a. stent M. tense to remain ,� SlUaaablt romps. which has bercn completed to IILElBIKG ACTION SALE OF lbteotir. •ati.facticnof !he.wuthor- PA ftI lITOCL AVD iMPIIML\ I8 itfe•, the (ampwny'a g• neral business ,tote (kosher lot ba+ greatly in - I11a.'asOodry.ascti..,,r. will,c44 ba cab- creased. The reason wtgned is that tic alert ion taw the unrest created by the war ha. L M CHURCH.leen. to a large extent, allayed, and ..4 1. eon.wM Wn L O•d '""411'.'""411'. w conditions have returned to their nor - simmer. Fee -eery &... at l o'.4dt eh. 1 \e teem, fast roast ty: WA NTT,. D Old -edullislieJ and r•erfj favorably known Life !issue - reuse Company with many policyholder -sin f:oderirh de- sires .tire. intelligent rep- resentative in Ooderieh and vicinity.itrrst denote whole time to bndneu and be e, hustler. 7o the right elan liberal nom n1 isaion or salary propoeiliwl trill be made. apply,Iirinf full particu- lars to BOIL' 50. SIG.i.3L OFFICE. Gild erieh . - 3t 1 MACHINE GUN SECTION 1611T BATTALION C.E.F. RECRIIITS WANTED for Machine Gun Section. Men with some mechan- ical experience preferred. Apply to - LIEUT. DOTI', ecruiting Office, Goderich Recruits Wanted for 16Ist Huron Battalion 1900 men wanted from the County of Huron for the Battalion to represent this County int he CCanadian Expeditionary Force ENLIST NOW Recruiting office for Goderich and district in Horteo's Block, the Square - "Your King and Country Need You - 101011111011. oar ssshg. re beg t 7er. *Kilned lor Reek - toe H.A/r7. tee minas.* Tetra std. carets Oce .ow> a y fine roe. $ 7« (lee be ter, rba g year. LOST Ott FOUND. The Godericb Elevatoracd Transit Co The repast from this C••upsny i. that, ow lug to advrt -• toual.tloow which prevailed tbtougbout the era - son, piint p.1 amor g which was the &buttage oto• -t au tonnage. the receipt for the year *bowed ii slight fallirg off. It handled, however. shoot five and 1h:ee-quarter millirn Lu'hela t>•f grain. The company is unable. at. present, a. will hs 'caddy understood. t D make ail f e. Imine of its p,••pec• ITS grain receipts for 11.1t:, as there is sti 1 a gteat congestion at Canadian and American nahoard paints, which pro- hibits reon. pt handling of export flour and grain. The Company employs, on an average, fi(tren permanent men, LOST. --ON THURSDAY MOH\- anti when vessels are unto n1 ng an ad - 1N,0. Forw•ry. I -y, �-e Sand a t1 bill. ditional Men! 4 men are requited. Yew* otd,d.e to calve Nath itM PWcr pees kavas TH7<81 NAL UFFtCE. The orsminion Road Machine Co. 15.M...ppw.ed to M is wa4/. 1 CND.-ONi MONDAY, A (OEN- This (;.ompany operated during 1913 trrrty,tgaTM L' 7LEMAVd •il.-n +nerd Unser ma> with about one-third of its toter, that One Downie swww. 1 and drill. I di -e Mr- her. +erect. r pswpwl7 area oaytu for ie, with twenty -fire or thirty bands. row. 1 545017 plow sago? SS I. t -easter, t Vr .011.,. r' , t,drLkrHN AIT '. C\kf 1 owe -borer wagw•t, 1 I-ga•t eases. 1 Nice4'onita.r] us peas -i.. Ix 5apo.. 1 Net leen hose+.. 1 •prang -tette - - -- --- - ewttl..••r, 1 est heavy onto., 1 e..o-ass we shirr: 1 bay rack, t vel o... i fannies slit. l a tetras bas, 1 week Mach mod a he. I mak and rise combined.- 1 baggy toe and t t CTION i3A1•I OF VALUABLE Anneal fleeting on Saturday -Mr. J L. saebrske. 1 ort at Mabee gravies lar- Hol:8L1IOLL FURNITURE:1 eta lowly newt a 1 "et e4 doable !tt!(eran ReakctedCbairmae fix 1916.asaevir� 4.d,IUnto Main.• .usbbe. of be... trolls Meek and 4 collie pup-. two sad e half moat ba old : fork...i4vdr ted Aber articles [ten lose w in be said wityrot re...rye At Ms same Iasi andthert win AN EXPLANATION Owing to an unexpected call on our advertising space this week, a number of news items which should be in this week's Signal are un- avoidably omitted. We trust that those who sent in articles whkh are not published will accept this explanation. "Better luck next time. COMING EVENTS. Bean Supper The Ladies' AW of North 'greet Metboditt church will serve a bean supper in the lecture room of the church on Friday evening. February :SS b. at 6 o'clock. Admission LSc. Patriotic Euchre. AUCTION SALES. PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD. The executive committee of the Canadian ('bib have arranged with Mr. E F. B. Johnston, K. U., of 10- rooto• one of the foremost leoyers of Canada. foe an address under the auspices of the Club on the tul.ject ••Canada Before and After the War'.' Tnis address will be gives in the court house on Friday, February rob. at p. m., and will to open to the public. Look Who's Coming TMander•'gn.•d b... received 'no rl a ,ions 1.. The snnunl meeting of lir public ,r4 at public •Set'... •t THE • -7 LAWRENCE library board look place on Satprday Mogi reel -greet. (ier4attrk. rccestll nrrst•in1 rrenin{r last. An account front The by tire late Mrs Onela. on Friday. Febnr.r7 Signal. $' Mo. for pi int ing book slips, elms m.o.. t •eth. at 1.71 error% -hrry was ordered paid. The bl.•wtian'a rv- M sawed her sale. to.istlmR at /vSaes.r at •e Ibe mere co°ten•- ut the St. Lawrence, is- showed '''''°•441 of tL, t!i dtui ed, wen mmaeedr.&med. w44 Kona Mime Owner .rasa. ether article. • bieb-ci•s promo WTI\aLlnpemit mod water:• -,,weir feel- 'Maas a H M' so.t valuable dr•wirgruee'. January arts an i,.... of hire books rd. .oatee Ise or apple., eh. *Ys, Weser, 41.le[rome. bedre... W kitchen random,. and mato noes Following is the mare and ether ..feel finkwt ems sod Wilma ward rte. treasurer t' tep•rt of receipts and ex' • MM milt. rest\ et Owierieb. Anew ran Me fermatayel the mods maybe In•p'Wed Ino\ it Sew Were ink. Trow semmeased st spot spell at ton to,be ned. lel ars pendilure5 in 191-x: new of •ie. romprbed marl- .cuie irks 14 et unusual 'aim and KW [recon �Twat of Sa'e -All terns A pe sad useM,. .cytonR i• foe the rood pat i in good coSds- ea.\: owe tam aeouwl. stela mmwtb. reset. ties mid rair. nalsr.or from I`•11 in beck .411 8.itcw all frrai Nog ap[swrd )Ant Ma awl. afib•dr s r•SPM..t.pport.nly for Tows r''" "'IA". 1r.ws 11411. sem A dbewat d 1 pm rest. 4 adelat Abase any pprrr..m c.m•.ndsw Mow keener to s . :thirio(t,ncrnsawat grant Iter rah esmein awass( tam Im.4 �tars¢ar.Mi.twagebeet-. county greet. - ' B CHURCH. THo9 CCN DR Y. 1 Town grant for ISIS 'Ps"' 1'r5smtste Auetbmwr Pr bellow 4sfw m.'be mad part aeulon so- Fuse and awed- ( peT to I Kee; of recon- McK1UVOV h BOW ITT. T. GUMMY. Reel InIerent ilLEARIN(i AUOTiON BALI OF **Mile.-OSelpte Ascttwmw. \: UOt7EHeriD F IKITt'Rr. AND PTR- ,sLIARtNO Al'OTION SALE OFI a e� Iirlll\U,' _ tj FAKM. FARM ATUCK. IMPLI )4ENT$ Hook .. ANL; Hlllb[H'll.le FL'RN ITU KF, Mar►dfe• wr.l aer.ptr.•nr MRHLRA]IMI) _ ! t'r(s" (Al et by 5.41 ,0 swat +. at b. r.morin. q-y,LtaH.t1l4tattyTHOB.GLNDRY 1•{g1.t.. 1a.A44aar5at, 41dernr•.w wMwsd.y. F4 44, wi:1 sell 87 pWi.• .. I.. at to (stilt. ow water. !•. .. Pvary ekvire'meanhe . 4h as . Demo'clI-Vng .\ ip sn L- saner tem of 0.de, n 8 mores Kande en Tee.. Tose... - - y shears, a h,.kgarter, .44.. $stn i t • t of boy .red pe•isee Imo e\atM esurb. garter tml.4. /slaNr, 1 lyle thy. Maris fib. comm+anmm at 1 t'ckrk .asp: Print ine•s 1 •ksa thh.pwm •a/'►. r nip amid w 5.5-j ,• 1a.�a Printing and .tem iooerT abbess . 1 ledrSam wits■. .Yl ase . IomtMr stmt it of ..so u..rrw. r44 • ]and 1 t e r ��� p.4{1Mtm.�� owl 'tale beer sem h.wd..e : l .Ml ~ Caretaker • {webletw4. anal .own re tit:: t 144040.4 rem r•. 1 r 1mM A sem dMmsr .li ertn Owe r b a\ now .t>a.4 . 1� pair•. sad t. • e4m : ml teeter. Nva ware. tab:e Rene.' um eMat.ite mwtroW„a d, geei,e. 12v. ti•lamrr st oma of lYl:. Me. IR. bee 5.45.44. sad hraitere:.rmr.klrrgp�sid. t t.att w m•el/rr. wrmssar mind tabs meet! n wen= �e1t i gee roan mare. Mand JNweten. - .v a ell wade. 44405 5-5 *M\ a let •.f.p.sd. tlwr .. t:::: M beat The secretary s rrpnrt to 0.. F.ducw- [..r wen ►e •,id, as prsp;IR:. 4etw r semi mrarvwlo the ro.r4t7. tion Depart merit Shwas them Above l7log (514 .►. Oc18150• poa7.' !not Jim.-bFw'irvfJim. TOWN MA. @ fill". wl stetrmeot and ala., the pot - h•t:eMw herb r. q. Al•, mew arena chased of books doting 1111'4. Thee► R L BAJ1/t •RD, t ;We" 411 - K DR Y. amid bat/ are far s, Pgetet v. ASe le woe. - Om bay detvim.,chem% Amir. eM I were :rill 1. snits for aloha and tai (.s.nesslem.rv.•rssea.M. pavenile hooks. The total number of AUCTION MALI OP FIRM MUCK .errs. , bnnk5 no the shelves 14 retain tied as AVppi1PL[M[NTSANIS RUC AM0LD flan: nyed'ef1.4e t/Shorthornteall. (.LIS ad ?Its ucd i!1 jmvet.ik. ;Theo R.4 ITC KZ. _ tlx Rode .o wt „in cent<Is.s ^iter. are elan in addit i >n to the a`,nve .fit MR rR[O 1/t'OPt1RU 1 ...ie.: Mel Jere. sew, t ru• old, la wait. bootie of reference. The ...am/Ines whet. t. iWk mss lA mmmss..i•m t j 1 wv vs btHrrr. •r d 4.1". 144 it 4 yew -oil taken number :et There arc saw in r D. tlNwuw w T44ss.17. /•br••17 fNb• /Ivm�w teeE1111111TM 1 the reading room nine daily and maim k 7.a. eA . 1 mo ie weekly sew.pepees. The circulation hlgaWs4rWta.ar• dneirtg 1913 emu 1:.376 •dull innoks, isteixmr mew:. 5.309 jev.sik.hd 2,taet maga= rice. he 144s 7wM 1 7;m. a- trhe tS fur 1916 an : SWtR hMltts mss. 1 cy dn. t [e��I .Bae•, 1 bevy Chak111" -J. I, 1tarinren ire -spa ,reptMew15...14ssr, pn4Mrdl. . { eeeil.l m1s'istwe. 1 prated on )larch 3rd Even et tbat you would be wise to get in line natty for your w ale. The p•roceedr will be used fo-r pat lot ic.pi rpow*. Special .11.50.Optical Sale of warranted gold-fill.d rimmed spec•- - taolea a nd ey.•g Isere, w i t h lueat qa .lit y sphe.ieal lenses. for vele $1.7.'. The., •role mines.. u't•n sola by nthe's at from 8K+ 10 =.i. Eyre examined free by our will-brawn-vpw.-4mlin. Mr. If nets' boo, 1. Iy 4• ical manager Kerns Lieut. -Cod. Come. O. ('., w'hu was present, also tp kis word, id encour- agement :o the men Pte. Fran. R ley of the it{l.1 41.t- laliuu has ierrived word from bin son. Pte. Arthur Riley of the 1Mth Kati al - Ion. now in France, etatiag that be is keeping well and in splendid condi- ,tion. He nay, he was about twrnty- hre voile from Msj••r title when the Maj.r receiveal the wound., f.utu which Le died. It -c. Geo E R.e•fie stpic-d hi, p..1 - pit in Knee church l.la timid .r vier en &lrernce of aeverwl week. at New- port. N. v„ whither ha was c,llyd Lv the f.lv1 illnee. of the uncle wjth whom mu :h of hi. early life was .pent. 1:1r,fe eongregatiows greeted tld re- turners pastor and the servirew of the day' were much rr.j .yed. Mi. Ross will preach of hot h m 'ruing and ever- ing sera ices in Kit •x cbu,- h next Sabbath. The following Oodrrich boy., mem- GUNDR•Y'S AUCTION SALE LIST. hers of the 13.d Rattily, Guelph, wet, �- bonte on leave Do. week" - Ernest Tccan..r,- F.•A. -Auction -Ale of terve Swart*. Harold 1Vanrner, E rorrt-tot.k. Imt tritest-. .lc.. at 1., I. .,•waw -sot Page. Elmer Lautrnslayer. Charles tl.da rice t•.wn.bita 1. H. 4 earn. proprietor McA.thu•. It is expected the Battery tlEncan8v,Fr').+i-A,et..nroleutbee-e. IoM tu•nit nn p cperty of H. L Bamforr1. Son h Are*• will leave for oversew. in a few day*. Ter ,0044. Feb. tl-.(.mien, •..1...r nem On Tuesday evening the cooking *trek. Imp anent-. ere.. -.4 lot - voce -.loo 1 class in connection with the industrial Cuberi.r Fted )l eche.+. Mopriet..r. hoard of the O. C. 1. sent the trsult et FsID►r. Frb -Auction mike of *14.441. Maw bold fro cil aro. at the "St. tan moor Mon. real • rest. Hearikh McKinnoo & Howut..olfeiWn, O.elsh Ti srnay. Hare. --Asw•tion •ale A term. farm -tock. rte...1UM perm) -e-. oow er "cleric Maros fano1 T►oa Gsedry an.t Win E. 'straw. pealerUtwf, Mr. Ernest A. Warner, well known - ___ as reporter for The tirgnal, has joined SRN. the rants of the 161.t Battalion this week. After working alongside him Mow.%V.- At Ot.1,i.b. on February n. to for over a year, the management of ulyd d]ly lour Moeg•w • .ta• .5bter T• n $ i..14. The ri gnat is prepared to say that M•RRIED :e.. m CaDA•la will bare on inure 1e410111111 sot. YARTt\-PHKI..\N.-In ti.,l. rte\, •s Tee- '_I.t :1 diet in the ranks . f her many bet- lar, Itenser, t . es Ker 1..tbcr ldcltwe • '"' Lisbon. than l'.e. Ernest. A Werner. Mary IG1.n. n. direr or ie. .ne M.- wW IV Kk•Mnd Pei.- .f li.ererk\ is Fte,w E. ret w The Miguel is .on. to him- him, bet- s tett 1rYti a...f .mina. u1E0. MI117H. At tin:den 4 nlorrda.. vs..l.5.4., tehoary S. Herbert M. Smelt C. 5.. resew. -un of 11 r Frock EmM \. ef Hale r4rb. Ut174). - In li'+ten.#. ow Tar.da7. retau.ry 1. 4i•a•.r Ma ler. widow A the late 11.,0 .IJ !Sept la bet 1i4 liar. JARIDINE. Ow Mortar. 7Mr.mr7 Il. at hi. bre rwlassw. /bsae4aa. m Jane,. rsr.Aber of Day rt J. disc d dederi•4► b hr. tsar Isar F•1rMEn.\OH M In beta, k' r.. Wed. woodsy. rets.ry 1R J.4a )Ir Ittegd'. reit t. td rhe late W m. F'utMtaart8am. In bar we rase AUJLN. - At flail T. o, tbn.nday. Febrarr4 4:. 1a• tinny Alkn. an 11' acrd rear. Tao funeral •in take pin.. from \i. bate rwtlddms .t heeler a 8atartay. February AA- Ir., . at. 1.. ]I tuawd clm"te-T. Irer- vtr, m t M beset at 2 •cine\. name ami: Seater NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- Feb. 17th. Pena sievoi their expeliments, in the shop• of cookies and candies. over to the re- cruiting room.. Result -about a,dose0 reported sick next day. u'.4 31 1113431-: t 5(1. mg xs, w. !1. St 111M NO .. 551 1:71 1 5' 14 .Ai 1.7 commies eft, et 1 i d.tb p.m : Ike ser.. 0 yawryr. Ad • 1 aetilaw.•: 7. aenlAid :: mom 5 years ibrr l 7 slot : I ewer. 1 yams 44.4.. kpHI ew, f pined Ad. des le lea ob.! .mars, Oea bide I..arI, each smelt 7-fr. est: t sew( 11 t4s4,: I .A dew gve-.swiss Ir.s WNW en. wgmmra N help mil : IMAM. re- 44. ria ss.amw arpew MS 1 slaw. Mae ewe 7 ar ase • I Iodasr. 1 e sail, l mewthe mid : 1 b..1 m.o.. ewe I. worm •. I My --- "Mitt•t M7 f rte. l ease! bel Reefetery-[i.J• Nafteliteappornted . s f 1 71678761".""7"1.117"8"Q=1: 1 .,y b 51 Yw, f +clefs pf•wq 1 self Jobs =ese err tate. mawmg 44ssn Maw. K 1 . eu p w a M eau slselo Treasurer- Galt. der ret Iwo b �- harm l'.1 row w•sw.•. t w•t. s, l ens sem Hr. Powder t.algs. d hie posit ion a. v �s . t . 1 re t•r.l M7ne44. beet. 1 uDee/brrnww ArM, aMeshit .balm., treasurer after NSM Imre' f.itbfsl ip�)•lttrww• 0141 44wi1 Are asf , • , r le ye.gedM& kine+tweswm Woo It. Mr. Ow. ea me.eptlag the ap- t w� wYlbw se�'e Marr•..laifi ieh nd••s..eNaMeserg twlesa t 1 nom rem► 7.b 1 point meet lore teaties wy to the etfl- medt dream 1 terns paw t 111041re Vass g M .eI ro .raw.• It Meet way is wbieb Mr. Fowier had �witim e, gall es s• k nwr bee. t ,gyp. eel M • M res MN t�a br syvet t p�jm l.awlsN .mas.s.aa. raw Elled the position The 't• mss M 15tt. ass p-pss0is 4. TMw..a•i t •t__ • imr .t M ..d *II'eeminKtew .ppoisted ae.: Moo �y� p►vr �mp�r �bt H...e mamitte.-Nam. Cid. C*set Yams ret V eMs el Woad . well ma he Oise as stimhb.ia .r. tem t e m"tam'�' Pewter and 8e.. zit vimilognlost .e��i+ mesa: =1 me =7: imimei teft "t aiiw5att eSitM al Malmo 0o ittee-Me. HRLsag. x; ` and M.. ( w wfme+a�iwL 5. Remit osabers pa Mt1rfOHM. 111110104:11041.aleasewT. T. W1*Ol1T. L ei fan baseff with Mr. Lang is Miele - P5 cede+ Awetlsw Assttwear. mgm• admires hid pluck n1 taking up anus for the cause of Bennie end huruan- 0y. Mr. Norman Newell is another Signal ferny who ba• donned th• khaki Norman had been working at (Shutt .rd came home • trw d.7..,gn to en- list with the 161m Batt,ltoo. This in- creases The Signal. "i.onor n It' to eight, six of whom weir on the staff of this office with,,, the tont twelve months. We doubt of there is a new.- papr'r office of iia • • in the country that can beat this i+cord, Nord has hewn r.•eeived that Mr. N. l-nsworlh Jones, who ha. been attending Toronto Uslverssiv. baa secured • r•otsmimvr'e es eliwallire (Meer in the Viet Rotation and is 1•, training at the rr....ioial 14ehool of Infantpreparatory to gong over Itri. ?r.- ..•.,. Wd am. -Bins 4i.. 5lwl.ry I ()ire COL0ORNE. 111..s I. wt TM signal (1Na 1 Wir-' tahp.tT. Feb. 16. I A5alw a k et B5.rrni: e'n►t Fuwre 11 BO: Her'tal_-The ('olio S R 1. cod,. limrbi.g- M. g (sera [�,.rogue� ere bolding w 1'o.x social oa A.a.t..,, nobly!, A. (%ams .... LI trrldsy. F.broary 2:roh, in Salt�t,td Apsaisiie. W.wrd-Mw W. T.r;404 ppuoblic school. le aid of the fond opeat hei s-leeaeweY. Ant e broach of floe Red (haw Society. All re.ado►qs r •wea5. the ladies as invited to mime tied ( Norww-ItsM-Rw44.44wc M inn a box with them. Preemie- aom fe a5►-tt11�� U A ma. rima tine, will he Mede the same remiseerr worm._ it ag,W a iso so to me of the afeisbers who bate cumendwr w _Tl. lice., emlie sd for overpass ferde.. Per Vlmb v .1•-Vs.bw tM.15 a F'ARltltltll OLtas.-Attie wlemting oaf I Asstlm e5fs-Ilad Mmgewd i thee' s. Parmeri Q(Il ass Tbrlmeday wiUbt I Asitia a. o -Mer L\ws 1 Imre Mr. Web Tteneg. ef Loy sl • save T4 IlaHnm aand OseasrMWafts . Pewit em s.as itrwstitre aiimen on 'ebbs Oar. or � 1� .. I the Oralsrd- ss/ the 8.4 s• .e lo Lbw IIs.. , eisimr•-Id/lo: Yg gam . tt Meet ..a . d v.wtiLM t sited Forte- MHba-msh laasa . al • . - • ' re era gave lbeirse�oe� TG at/xt reset cad M Tl'aea�eDlfg. a ea: at...e. i isg will b. 44014 P try Sttbt, wb.s ask M Aagh,--Iasi of 444. Ws M5a there will be • eshea a the subject : moot , . .. 1 Retuteed. that M the .mediae ef war- ' Undm,..r%.s iL • i fors vonserlilikoo le RA _ 'MN as.Kieg w l♦ b..lw;� WWI See04-47411f el Min t 1