HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-10, Page 8a1 ?sle.suat Irmaca*T U. tis HE SIGNAL = GODERICH ONTARIO 4 ST. 1 ALEMNE S DAY. lel onday. Februarl 14t h %alantin, I•e.-nrwtlarva. TAN.- t -,.,Pr.. Table Napkiwer, Piave Pani.. . 14'. Priv... . Fry el •..•Mold.-. 1 tdla,Nl'- Arrt.ti, Valentine.. A .1d, -mild a+-.ttw.•nt. rett�trl� •in polo. fn•m \'airuUnr Pt>e� ('ani- 1r t.. 'r, rash. Dint littl. \'rel.utiDC». lurud..J.a..y 1.1. I... Ib •.0 -.'b• H,mit•:wd 1.;tL..•pet ial Its fr.' I.n.-kwlrt•. rlrri.J A.-IIu,K Agent:. Ger Water - 1410.41 Fieintain Pen., including the N. w Si-If-Hlh-r. lobi.. 1\ wt, enter- R. nn •. Eat ea .1Iva-in] 1'i .. It' ear THE COLONIAL BOOK STORE Ce? Porter • eleMMMENIMe GET AFTER THAT COUGH with— f‘i. oar White Pine and Spruce Balsam. The best Cough Remedy we know of. 4a/11e4 .4. Vampbell PMn. 'B CENTR-4L 'DRUG STORE --Coyne' North St. and Square Godench flu.. pt 'PHONES Re, 334 urity! Purity! Parity The one dominating note that runs all through the making of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar- antee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. It marks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials—for the soap boiler—for the c•:pert chemists—for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. A!! are mindful of the Guarantee —it is a source of gratification to all the Sunlight workers. Sunlight 4.: Soap PERSONAL MENTION. Mi.- Freda Lamb) .lent the week -sod with flowed. ed tbrtb. Mr.. C. A. Nairn ha. rt termed to to n after -prodi,4 three week, r:Toronto. Mr.. Myer. of Toledo. Ohio. Y •i -ulna at tM borne of ler 'start . Mr PoW-y. v Mr. Pere! Lomb., tea. gores to Barba whites b.- bat a wat.on it, a robber•eeda factory. Winter Footwear Style, Fit and Durability Are three very important features in footwear. They are qualities that every litre of Shoes and Rubbers in our immense stock must possess. Every line is selected with these ends in view, there- fore ensuring perfect quality and footwear that will stand the test in any weather. REPAIRING Geo. Mac Vicar Mi.. Carrick Lit la -t wink is resod • t` le week. t Wit.* retatit t. at Tomato •ed met Perry. Mr leer. Sharman retuned bent. or. Mos- tar from it ten dal• .Yit at l'o•oot. and Bamilt•... Nellie Pt..lea. N Duluth. Y a • few eek. with bet paee•t•. Mr. aad ts. It t. hard 1.1 .ter. Mn. J. A. •'ampbell b. • renamed Mate awe .iso-oiso-oiling-eve . with rotative@ L for einilY of Mra. tr.; a. Lena, , of Corbett' me iae M res R. Weh-tit.. of nt:ta . err the dust Mn. J. H. Jol rrton, LHr btboe -taut. Mr.. Mr.. (' lamberts. are daughter. Mia Dad Hoyle. a• • -rvled the 'funeral o., dotards/ loot of rhe 1.•.m. r - brother in-law. Mr Jobe ()Cele Mt d 1. ea timer. flet. MY- Jr 4. L,• -aa ►.r metered le DraoI alter ,p-+"tmeaWOW? at her home Iwo. aha was aerom t An"' W tb.. It se aur riser,. Ilia re.. at:o will t .rt tt.we. Mr. a. d Y.-. Walter Sha•.aaa wt e@ Friday 1.-t from Detroit. where tier e@/ bon -ham 11 rt., n.r. Mr. t t.nae V raewerbet aims) to;. h . recast tori.. (0.... Mi.. 1:. J. Phalen as -4 Ml-. Neat, - F. taut sued .1 at 04. Auputtio. o ere bee tetrad 11N• wedding oft aUT ' ICrhMe• , uremia-. t. Mr. J. P. Yana. of tts.kalo., CENTRAL . STRATFORD. ONT. pATENTS a,tt..i;Jl 11' -illi 1- a'1 a*.tut-tet A.k VI* era. IYvt:N. T )1, i A f'VIakR.whtek wI:t be sent free it.tR/ON R 1L4.11IO,7. ably YMoereng $I, Seoul'''. Toe Ca* Seale a halloo If yr,:. tale a course with us. The de- man•l upon us for trained help teensy time-. the number graduating Stu- dent. ..re entering tach week. You may enter at any time. Write at ones for ,•. • free catalogue. 1) .4. McLACHW.At, Prtade•L 1 mw Jerrie fader ie .e (WY u.ain at the =111after ser glace. el wet oral we. -t• .b stabber- was on the es+tr.lere wale durbg ser ales ee.. Aaf1F1ELD. Sou:maws' At n Ct nc Lg. —The regular .oathly meeting of the Ashfield Sol- diers' Aid Circle wn1 be held at the boars of Mr. Rd. McWbinney qs W ed- eedsy, Prhruary 11r, at tie p. tee. A bele will be peeked for the Red tress ttoeiety. Anyone dooati.g sheets or pillowcase@ is iequewteti toping them to this meeting. A tea will he served from , to - o'elock in aid of the Circle. Aa alarm of an last Tbuniay evec- iag took the fit, brigade to the Baecb- lar factory. There was no dre. how- ever. the •lino bavirg hien raised by somebody who as light; moving in the factory is some pipet were being ehowid out with totvbes. IMEMININEI WRIER Bat • - b d Bat Tie amatan re•b ir.a rag SwiWe heed - dish and wee tired all ower. btttab ems larpa ormig d let as I yiimpite ��y aiet�eshig. I sew Vte•te Iadv mil d to VoI wltli two waits i is sded bpareat. sad sew I amws. "—Moa Alar W. gs•tuall8 1101, aur denim sed lime sad Imo 1x14 to A mgthse sad aW Welkn, . wtw..dow.ewwtsd t/. mes 11 De.lop. Drosisk t. Godaeiob . Attsatd tbs Oen. It Pays! Ftlptt PTC R. N. NE ITT. The lielbewitg letter trent Pte. R. N. Noebits. ••'A' Osespeey. tat comma.. listto Mr. !M•& Mott. .f t.... le 4•ted J.•a.ry beb, 1116, hunt Prange : Dear Yr•ak,—I was pi..a.d indeed to resolve • pared fent Ooderich, and asvenially the little hatssewif. from Mea Mom Moog with her good wishes. I e•a aaw.e.apth!ag is that Nes i ap,red.tted wl bare. The thriving Worm woes Aod.wd ed 1 Wipe my thanks to ell s rMi i• the will eayeatrribstio.. ry sea la laale ter a while sew. betrisR left the attwttrshes whish N oswpj.i asp to Christmas Ser. Yriwale vary quiet here on that day, ai'iayb there was so shaded heeds this thee. se ere were fee h�ib to bey egy trues .o perky with our aeigliw bees {formes). No. Year's Seo was • bit dtiweer, a. they ..at over a per- igee er.t o hareimee of big .bails toad busk.), Rehm We are 1.ae demego giing g000beery littontorr w fee— rest. sad I for one won't be son v. as it ie tease time since we had • rest, awl we shall so doubt have to go through a lot of fighting in the spring. 1 bear then is omits • lot of Gude icb boys out hero sow, bat although they are as or right somewhere i have sot saes any. I hope they'll pull through. I have hod .oars arae-veltoo. •elapse m1rsH •U alone and bops my lock b�js lent to dm Saadi. I or by the papers now .ad seals Codes& is getting iota of Govern- ment seders. Wen, I bop. this win wedgwa, especially for the organ tae- ysy. Ibep. Webster. McKay and the 6tMr� an all well as 1 loft them. You certainly gave a gnat reception 10 George Thom/woo. Poor kid ! He did saner at Ypres, and 1 wee glad to be she to help hint • little ma that day, the :led April. Now, hank. I hops you are still as tough sad hardy as .ver. sad hop- ing you or some oce wig mad ass • Oederieh paper now and agate I win Mose. Again thanking you all, your wife os pe .silo, for your wisdoms. I retlgai*. Yours sincerely. R. N. NrsstTr. CONTINUED GROWTH. SMi factory Gaieties' Reflected i• Amon St almost sl Trusts aad Gov- erns* Ceaapasy, Limited, Tomato. The report presented to the share- holders of the Tsu.ta and Guarantee Compal , Limited, at their annual meeting held et its head cmce in Tc- ronto on January 2ritb, show. 'a cor.- tinued and steady growth in the Com- pany's business. ' The total assets of the Company in- txeased doting the year almost one =blies dollae.e, asd tk. total now ex seeds $14,000,(U! These fig ores are sigoidcnnt of the increased and ic- creasing detnand for trust compsnc steward -hop in preference to that of the private party, affording as it does a reliable and economical means of cat - tog for he Huanesl affairs of a mat. ,,t ammo. duriog his lifetime and eQbc.- petty ndmiaiatering his estate after his decease. A funber impot tent gain is that re- ported in the total of the guaranteed Irani fend., which are funds invested by private parries and fraternal sad other societies through the agency of the Company. 'These funds now an ount to about four and a quarter millions of dollar,. being • substantial in.rease over the total of one year ago. and most favorably reflects the cuo- fldecce of the investing public in this form of secrttily issued by the Trusts and (guarantee Company. The net profits for the year were. tike the` of all other financial institu- tion. 'lightly below ebe figures of 1911. The usual dividend of 6 per cent. per annum was paid and the balance of the esn.iogs was cart ied forward to the credit of prr.Ht acd loss or reserve account, making the total of that ac- count sow t~iliti,611.48 Nr. James J. \Marren, the president. in moving the adoption of the report called the attention of the sbareboiders to the fact that the Comp.ay. inse- am tr.d in vest men are, by act of Parliament, • trustee security, and sa melt are now legally one rel tis high -duos securities in which execu- tor. and trustees are authorised by law to invest funds of 'mates and crusta. 1 n i bs course of his remarks among °du -ratings the president said : "The proceeds of lbs Targe Western crop and of the mu.ition orders for the British Government are now sowing into elrenlalion. General boldness 5.' improving in alt line., and peel.•e even��eeee•.tter activity The Ieeliog of appreh.ns.o• t Ilat pt evaded in the early Isom In of the war seems to have passed, and the Canadian people aro going shout the business of develop their country in a serious way. are exercising a very necessary economy." The adoption of the report was sec- ondee by Yr. t'. E. Ritchie. vim-pr.si- dent, who commented upon the ad - ter.• effects the war had had on dime- ci.l tr.seactaon•. "Ws moat hope," he said. 'Yoe • speedy and .t the sante tome eatisfeetor)I lermin■t(n of the war. wbwn 11 wrrutd he reasotiobb to *sliest • gradual return of normal ma- diti..ss with • remittent favorable hi - pr r,ves int in tbe general eoodliIo.s of 1. '.tome and Beaman affairs through- , ,. C'.nads " A hearty vote of thanks was passed to , h. °Moen and staff of the Coar- p . n y. The same hoard of directors wens se -elected, and at a subsequent m. -.ting of the hoard the folbwiss officers went appointed : Jasse@ .1. 11,' airy". ,.s-.ii..t t D. W. Kers and (' R. Runde. viss•pr..Wosts. ad RB. 9t o, dale, maw* eaanager. TORO* rel, ONT art Weer 1a Carada foe aomlpe,Nr- r haleadoration Clemmsesa new. Cambers, •beew a e.. tluewr d. a01 fur our nod. - sus rift' r..w. Let There be Light And there was light wherever we were given an opportunity of installing Electric fixtures Experienced men and the best materials is the secret of our success. titers Esglisn Toffees Tie Ddiciees "telt is TOW Meath" Clad. Our store is Headquarters for everythin in Electrical Appliances, from a POC SEARCHLIGHT to an ELECTRIC STOVE Beauty and Utility are combined in much of our stock, and— PRICES ARE RICHT. Egg and Milk Dainties Mint and Batter Dainties Rum and Butter Dainties C ream Toffee it oils Whipprtl Cream Bon -Bons Crena Butternut% Rmien Treacle r Big Remnant Selling Starts Saturday, February 12th AND WILL LAST FOR ONE WEEK Every short -length Remnant in the store has been measured up and goes out on the Bargain Table Saturday morning, marked at prices that are meant to sell them quickly. There are Remnants of everything from cotton to silk on these tables and each and every one a Bargain. Our special Sats Tames tool its drew top to elf ployiwg them aur they will be all ready for Saturday Selling Coat Remnants $5.00 Clearing -out time has come for Ladies' Coats and we are clearing the last at remnant paces. Saturday we will sail 15 Ladies Handsome C3oth Costs, cor- rect in style and material, all dark color- ings, right up-to-date. We will not say what the original prices were, but they were far more than this Saturday price. Any one of the 15 only $5.00 I f v„rt want a bargain in • winter Coat. thi- r- merry chance Clearing the Furs Big Clearing Sale of Furs now in full swing. If you have the slightest thought of Fur buying, our advice is to do it now, for prices will undoubtedly be M next winter. See our special ladies Muffs and Neck -pieces at $3.65, $6.65, $9.65, $13.65 They are undoubted bargains. every piece in these four lots. . Specially tempting prices on some choice sets of Black Fax. Beaver. Alaska Sable. Persian Larnb and some Muskrat Coats. Trimmed Hats 24 Lois' Trimmed Hats at 79c etscA 17 Children's Hats at 25c each This is the last call for Millinery for the winter season. Every Hat must be sold, and sold at orsce. No holding back any, but you may take your choice of any Ladies Trimmed Hat on Saturday morn- ing for 79c, and your choice of any Child's shape. moat of these are trimmed with band of ribbon or cord, all ready to wear. for only 25c New Scotch Ginghams Attractive patterns and fast colors. Sat- urday morning we make a special show- ing of new Scotch Ginghain.s. These are the genuine imported article. Pat- terns are most pleasing and attractive and they are dyed with the old dyes. the colors are fast. These are splendid for ladies' and children's wear and once the lot is sold they -cannot be repeated at practically any price until the war is over. Prices range at from 14c to 30c per yard. Hodgens Bros. DIRECT IMPORTERS GODERICH, ONTARIO mir -•e NO MORE CRANKING NO MORE BROKEN ARMS All Ci)swey Toffees at 40c A POUND ,TITE. ROBT. TAI Trinses :Ogles U R. 193 H. C. Dunlop Roza/ Store t Ss.t tilts M . — Cohn M. J. FARR, Agent COLUIRNt ST[EET, MIXT CANADIAN AN BANK OF COMMLRat