HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-10, Page 7THE NTO Ata : GODERICH ONTARIO
Tt va*oAv, Rlraat'Aav 1..) 10111.1 11
County and District
Hired Meliek, of Z'rrit h, bas our
erased the farm of John Schroeder, on
the tub rot mesterei of Stephen.
{t•v. l' A. Wright. rer'or ../ et
Jude's, Brantford, who died on J•uu-
ary 22Nd, W. • Lerner 'Moister at
(ilorr ie.
Miss Pborlm J. Tinory and 1 sun
Yeobab, both of Hey township. were
tuarri• d on J .ours y .'A b by Her. l) .
Wm. heroic., sr , bar soli hie !alit
0o t be "_.rd mosere-foo of Morris to
Lew' J••wia'. Ur. Ouuisswi;l '.tire
from taruring.
Mir (leerietta Rowe. of Uebnrne,
and Vut.can Start, of 1Vrltacebu.g,
were married at Manses Road manor
..s Januar y 31 -try Rev. Dr. Fletcher.
bier trod', daughter of Mr. and Iles'
.loseph Rau, . t Ih y.dsle k relit y, died
et bee borne risers o.. Januar. y :1) b
after a brief Mirror. bbe war sevrr-
teen years old.
Vias Mora K. Burmri.ter and
Edmund H. Mai., ioth of Hay tow. -
ship, were *startled at the James street
parvonage, B;e'er. •-n February 1-t by
Rev. W. 0. H WeAliet.r.
-\tool McDosy►d passed away at the
bows ..t b s parent- ,.0 the S• s....00 .-
soon of (i.r;. • .• January 31.1 h. The
deceaeed, wno was in his twenty-sixth
year, bad not been well for the past
tors )etre. Ili. parrot• •0J one
brother survive.
The aasieereary services and aeoual
tea of the Union church. limy, worm
bell on J•nu.ry 23rd Anil 21th and
werr vet y .ucce•aful. The E••ancial
pi beers!' surount,d to ab. ut WN.
The engagement Is announ• ed of
Ruth. yTi uugest daughter .1 NV. and
Mn. l••bo kIIki of Krlkton, to
Leland L. German. of Welborn, the
rnarsiage W !eke place this mouth.
Row. daughter of \Vw. Weymouth,
of the Stb cosier *stun 0l pullets. woe
sari. Uy Inc. rird at her dome on Febru.
a. y 'god to Thomas Nenders..n. of
Na.k.tchrwao. 7 h• y will reside in
the 111e.t.
J to K b. of the Bronson line. Hay,
has purchased the farm of Edward
Boy... of tbs. 11 un.o0 line. Stanley,
1.•r S7r11.0. Mr. Ropes bas bought the
Moodie farm on the Lundoo goad near
John lirfkrv, an egad iesid.to of
Kmt:.tdtur, dud nn Jame. y ?tib in
bit .wears) -ninth year. H. 1..0' v.ved
Ly three Inc..and threw daughters,
erre W w bite' is Mr,. 1\'w. Riven', of
M . F. auk Nocti form• sly Mice
Alcor k. of Grey townshvp, died
sod testy at ,deer bout• et A -blend,
Wife .n.io, on J.e army Itkh. AI•-ock
Brut , of Wiry toanabip B. Alrock, of
Trusts and Guarantee
The Nineteenth Annual General Meeting of the -Share-
holders of the Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited,
was held in the Compan)'s Board Room at noon on
January 28th, 191.6.
The President presented the following:
Nineteenth Annual Financial Statement
Capital Acseuett-
Mfertens( Loan*. can leans. Debentures and other
Securlt«w, with interest accrued thereon ..$1,114115
office Preselects at Toronto, Calgary and Brantford,
Safe llepeatt Vautta, Fixtures. etc. 431.696
Real E.tate 111.032
cash on band and In Beek 1S. 521
Uncalled Capital Stock
Guaranteed Trust Aosount-
t:e•e•untnee on Real Eats Ie, Stocks. Bonds, Dehe-t-
tures. etc.
•'ash on band and in - Rank
31.616.110 41
619.5l1 4 7
14.193641 44
6:.131 51
Estates and Agency Account -
Mortgages on Real Eats t• 11.4,63,131 34
other Securttles, including Cnresllaed Orletnal
Assets 1.113,117 21
. aah is Bank 314.141 14
Capital Agee eit--
4'apitat Stock Subscribed $2,000.101 00
Dividend dee January tat. 1114 41.02: 15
flundry Accounts payable 1.612 10
Balance at credit et Profit and less 313,441 N
3.434.271 55
4,244,107 41
1.453,411 51
$14.1S1.173 1'
Guaranteed Trust Amount --
Truett flood* with interest accrued to date 34.216.101 41
Estates ani Ampere, Asewnt-
E.tatrs and Trusts under administration by the
Company $7.463,41/
4.244.557 41
7.463,455 61
314.114,323 54
President. General Manager.
Toronto, December 3Lt. 1111.
Votes of thanks were extended to the Board of Directors, the Advisory
Board to tb. Alberta Breach, sad to the officer. and .tats for their effi-
cient and painstaking .Aedess in the t'emMoy s behalf.
Tb. following Directors were elected: J. 51. Adam., Tereoto; W. D.
Hell, Cbesley; A. C. Flumertett. Victoria, B.('.; Lloyd Harris. Brantford;
D. W. Karo, Woodstock; A. F. Maclaren, Stratford; N. W. Rowell. LC,
Teronter C. Z. Ritchie. Akron, Ohio Joseph Ruddy, Brantford; 0 P. acbs-
nNd Tereeto; g B. $tockdale. Toronto: W. Thoburn. M.P. Almost': Jamas
J. Warren, Toronto; Matthew W11son, K.('., Chatham -
The Beard subsequently met and unanimously elected Mr James J.
Warn■ President. Messrs- D. W. Karn, C. E. Ritcble Vice-Preerdenta IL
a Stockdale General Manager. and C. S. Hamilton Secretary.
.r r'4._
a\I Aa ti
loo, awl*, Owes
Il 1Omniltod aIsmM4 tr Op1sm1 Nsk r
tsm A
! Ina Zpaw w eIkelhn • Warm
Yes us Oft *Ow $I OPIR a1F1 des pie
lssl Air
toga' Ar all as o MEIN m9 Sees PIM.= "MI
Me deism sm r oder do stew sebsbn
- ___1 a lyes M este oda mop aMst
D 111111 a Hole arm ark. LUMINA tA3..k OMSK Cekllisr►
Fresh from the Gardens
of the finest Tea -producing country in
the world.
sea .74
Sealed Packets OnIy.
Trp It --it's delicious. BLACK GREEN or MIXED.
Wholesale Produce
Tomato wholesale prices to the
arcial scut s, new laid $ . 34 to $ .35
Maims 1 *elm t.) storage . 30 .31
No. 1 straight oto: ase . .211 .23
No. 2 .2.1 .24
Crramery Wats. fres!:.35 36
Creamery. .end . .32 .24
dairy prints .21
Bakers' 23 24
l'besse-L:•rge. 16e; (wins, 1144*.
Hoary-1.0.:kwbeat, ba:refs. 1%c to
7c; slag. 7r to ie; ..ort-, 6014. tins,
12e; do. 10-1b. sirs. 12%c; do. 4-1b.
tins. 1214c; .omb hooey, No. 1. per
doses, $3.00: do.. No. 2, per t ren,
Poultry Live Dressed
Old fowl, lb. 13c lie 16c 1$c
Chickens 14c lac lire 23c t
lac 20c :5c 30c
Ducks lir 14c 14c 20c
Gee* 10c 1'.c 17c 19c
-- - - --- ----- turkeys
Morris, and Mies Aleo-k, of Bs uss.la,
are brothers acd sister to thedeceased.
Miss Ethel M. Zapf* was married at
her dome at Bl.ke ..n .1.tnw1 y 271 h to
Roy A. Consist, of Itdlagrren. The
ceremony war poi formed by Rev. D.
Johnston, of Blake &•meted by Rev.
J. Ricbat•d.on, of I ippeu.
Pte. Arthur E. Hut. who for Ere
yesus wade his home wi h Mr. and
Mr. EU Cookie. of Osborne township.
died ncenth• from inju.iee received at
:he front in France. 12.e. Hart was •
member of the Is b Bitt.liuo
John 1 sr, ton of Mr.. S. Lear, of
Londe.lx.r,. , dist ..wed oily at London
on J ornery 31,t. The decease4 was
in hie Eby oecond year A. d is survived
1.y hi. wife, whc i. a sister of H. aer-
ernoeton, of the l:kb concession of
Nurse Petty, of Hensel!, wbo bar
received an appointment totbeOotario
hoai,ital at Orpiog•on. England, was
given an eulbwiistic sendoff and a
purse of we'ney by the citizens of Hen-
sen as she Ida to Join • he 'Leff on Tues-
day of last week.
J..ho Foster, • native of the Bayfield
road. Stani.v. died et his home al
Pigeon, Mieb.. on Jamtr.uy 310. In
early life Mr. Former worked at
ton, Zurich Zurich and Goderich. Tb{r y
Twears ago he removed to Michigan.
o daughter and one son survive.
A .oriel wedding was solemnized at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jobo
Woods, Goderich township. on Janu-
ary 31th, when their daughter, Era
A., became the bride of Alex. Sparks,
of Perdue, Sask. 1 er. D. Jobneitoee,
of Varna, performed the ceremony.
The young couple will reside at Sea -
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Peart of Usbortns township woe the
scene of • pretty wedding on Febru-
ary Zed. when Lir daugbt.r, Emma
G., was united in marriage to Norman
ideLesd Paremore. The *ereeneey
was pa formed In the presence of some
1Z reunite hy Rev. U. A. Barnard, of
Elimri le.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L.
Chandler, of Turnberry, war the
serene of adorable weddi,pg on February
!od, when their daughter Margaret
was married to Jae. S. McBurney, of
Turwberry, and their daughter
Velma was metered to Charles W
Aitken, also of Tumbles ry-. The eere-
111100itw were performed by Rev. D.
George Ardell, who for nearly forty
year. resided at. Gorrie, died at the
of his son, Williams, it Lllao-
dale, os January 2dtb. The deceased.
who was born is 1837, served in the
Crimean war and spout in all tweet y-
ose years in the British army. Two
daughters and six eons survive. The,
interment was made in Gorda* ceme-
Mies Loa. Blake bee goes to Port-
land. Oregon, where she will in future
reside with her brother.
Mn. (Dr.) Brod. who bad hero vis-
iting here, has goes to Hamilton and
front there inteods returning to the
J. A. Wambold by disposed of his
peavey and confectionery business to
C. l- Wi'.oe, who takes powea.ion o0
the 10 h iota,
Mrs. W. n. Southgate attended the
funeral of ber mother at Flesh.' ton
teat week.
Joseph Riley,of Bradford, has
bought the barbering business of (leas.
(jerk. Mr. Clark is taking • course
at the London nillltary college.
dire. Kiser has received wad that
her son, Thomas. was killed in tenon
on Jameary I)th. The deceased so -
Her ed
llere4 at Sault Ste- Maris with the 37th
21,11.8... but traadettred to the 44th
Htgblaedsro altar reaching Ragland.
)lr. and Yn. Jeha Oaks• annoesce
the enaagsweet of their daeghter.
revisable Algae. 10 Wilfrid Irvin obs -
glee. Tbe meaer1tge will take place oo
March 4 hat the teapot of 8'. Ann's
hospital, Douglass, Alaska. when Mies
Oakes has hem snpard as nurse for
Una past eight moat a
Richard Baker has gone t.o Winni-
peg. wens hie daughter. tats. Russel
Andrews, M I11 in hospital.
The only child of Percy Holmes, of
8t. fathering., formerly of G'l'om., a
of six, died on .1.susrv' SPA. et
the koros of her ',teammates/v. Mr.
H. B. Chant, of Chattier, attended the
tonere I.
John Cordell passed away at the
home of bis sow -le -law, Charles F.
Bell, on January 3) t The deceased
cane out from M.glend about twoaad
• half years ego sod smiled at Pintos
with his daughter He was *sweaty
years old.
A [Hem's -missioaary banquet was
held at Oat trio street Methodist ebeeeb
Ira February 1st. while over one hon
deed taw d ail ds.owinatines were
p-teant. Singlas std addresses nw
misdnw work completed the evewisg'.
Theuerhen ter nos f~mydse, who has resided
has removed
with Ids 1a 05
7 io Loedo0.
)itv. Hay hawse, widow of the We
W. Mayhew, who fnrt y veers ago
wee etas lose d Mew as • Methodist
Arnim, died at Yammerer 0n Jewe-
YM RasH sM, of wes
all rigid reeretly at the A
rsthedrwl shy, te. Cagia1.
Meer+, elf Lieteeleel. sew of tea SW
Bat t.M1os. The cuamony was pan
forged hy Very Rev I Iran Shreve, as-
sisted by Capt Pesonek, the Ilattaliuu
chaplain. A number of ..Rl.rre from I
Huron county were present at the
Daisy , daughter of S. C. Wilson of
Brussels, was married at her home
here on February 2nd W Ray B. Carr,
of Wroxeter. Rev. A. J. M Mann p r-
funited tbecenw.,uy.
V.n. Adam Mi•openn and family, of
the 4th concession of Culture, Lave re,I
moved to own t.. res de.
D'. and Mn. R•dm.nrd we..- called
to the bedside of the Iattar'. father,
Mr. Cor n. I. who died at bis home at:
Hiabcp's Mille, Oat , co January:ikl•.
Chas 11 Ewing. • torture High
School teaches herr. now of the turd
'Bat'alioo, was married at Baltimore,
Ont. on J•nus,y god to Miss Isabel
Miss Ethel Anderson and Miss Maud
Hanna, nurses, of Wingham, have
been appointed t the staff. f the On-
tario military hospital at Orpington,
Peter McTaggart. brothet of Mev.
W. D. Pringle of Wingham. was mar-
ried at Erin, Ont , on January 31-h to
Miss Rainsbottom. The couple .pent
a part of their honeymoon hen
Mn. W D. Varey passed away at
her home here nn February 2nd after
sever.l month's' illness. Sbe is sur-
vived by her husband and one brother,
The deceased was silty reused age.
Titers 1- more catarrh is uhfe sober of the
country ohm as ether dimmest, pt Nether.
red for peer. k wea wed b feerab'e.
S arter. pyre ]fol lee al epuand by e.a-
Was*, fal'rer to ease Mita••ewlmwt,
p ft 1 atM
*able. Catarrh Y a r.1
sad M'1.ee ed by seb•tltatioeal
eendlike Ate tkerefere remeirF sae-tta.-
'avatars'. Ban'. Catarrh Care. mean"
6 sled be F. J. Maser It e. Teton. ukr
Y • ce•1l*W1 r
.a•remedy, takes tato realty
and sem threeastaMewl re ewl 5. !digs essi000aram
Maws al
Geared ler say ase t flirt. t'r O►far b
Care rats te cars !lewd ter dreal•r, and
led hweetals.
kF.. J. (SLYEY t CO.. TsMds. Ob a
Oaadl ; r. Rn -
'be cet.t ieu:.xt.
Would Stay Away,
Pat and Mike were obliged to Balt
their heavily loaded cart to make way
tor a funeral. Gazing at the proces-
sion Pat ,addesely remarked -"Mike,
1 wink 1 knew where I was goin' to
die. I'd give Eve hsadred pounds to
keow the pure whore I'm pot& to
die.' "Well, Pat. what good would
it ds H yet knew i' Lots," said Pu
" Mbere. 1'd elver go seer that piece."
Torotvto Canty Markt
Handy choice steers. 37.401017. SI
butchers', good 6 .5 7.44
do. medium L so 4.11
do. cown.ou 6 75 6.40
Helfer, choke - 10 7 60
do. good 4.60 7.00
40. medium 6.75 1.40
Butchers' cows, choice4.00 6.60
40. food . 6 60 1.00
do. medium 6.10 6.00
r'ae4ers. We to 1.100 Ih4.00 4.76
40. bane 600 626
S tockers. 100 to 100 tba 1.00 4.06
4o. med. 460 to 700 6.64 LW
do. light 4.75 1.14
Casson 3.00 3.75
Cutters ... 4.00 4. LO
klUkers, choice, sach10. 0., 100.00
do. medium 66 00 50.00
•prntsn 00.00 100.00
Calves, veal, good 3.00 11.00
do. medium 4.00 1.00
do. common 6 60 4.00
do. grass . 4 5) 6.50'
S pring lamas, cwt. 10 50 12.00
(loll lambs 1.04 3.64
Yearling sheep 1.50 3.50
Sheep, ewes, light 7.60 3.60
do. heavy s.nd backs1.00 7.00
C.'I. 3 00 4.60
Hogs, fed and wateredr.75 3.0
do. light and heavy2.25 3.40
do. f.o.b. country3.40 3.60
Bow,, fed and watered7.25 7.35
Toronto Crain Markets
Manitoba wheat- In store at xt
William. No. 1 northers, $1.27%; Neo
1. $1.2$1, : No. 3. $1.22%.
Maallate osta-Iti store at Fart
William, No. 2. t.W, 4414,: Ns, :.
1' W . 41%c; No 1 extra feed, 4130*;
No. 1 feed, are.
American .'ors -No. 3 yellow, 1114*
Canadian eorn-coed. Tie to 71c.
Oatarto wheat -No, 3 whiter. per
rar Id. 31 13 to 11.16; a11g1,tly' serest -
el red tough, aeeordtnr to maniple.
11.00 to 11.13; uprooted ,r smutty and
tesgb. .eeordiag to sample, 11.03 to
$1.07; feed wheat, Mir to 16e.
Ontario eats -No 3 white. 44c to
Ode; cwwmisretal Data, 43c to 44e.
Pose -No. 2 per car lot. 31.50;
setup'- peas, 11.26 to 31.76. aceeetdtag
t0 samp4.
> ey-Malting, outside. 14e to
are: No, 2 feed. 67e to 110e.
S aekwhe•t-77e to 714e.
Rye -No. 1 commercial, 13e to Ur:
releeto4, Ue to lir, according to
ilaaMeb 41e.r-First pumas, In
- 1sS.. 17.31; secsads, 34.70; semi
Wows . 31 64, re Jute bests
Ontario roer-New wester. 34.30 to
or l to freights.
ts. sample, seshcrr0
cd. Mftlfeed-hada, per tea, dollvr
freights; keen. 134.
aborts. 631; ai d8.ga, IS; geed feed
S oar, Ms. 61.71,
Dressed Meats
Toronto wholesale hooses are quot
ins to the trade as follows.
Beef, hindquarters ...$13.00 to $14 00
Beef, choice aides.... 11.00 12.00
Beef, forequarters ... 9 (0 10.60
Beef. medium 9 00 10.60
Beef, common 7 00 3.00
Mutton. light 12 00 14.00
do heavy 8.00 10.00
Veal. No 1 13 60 14.60
do. common 1.60 10.60
Dressed Hogs 13.00 13 60
Hogs, over 150 Ib. 10 50 11 60
Toronto Fruits and Vegetables
Wholesalers sell to the trade as
Pineapples. rase $6 00 to $0 00
Ora..ges, Calif . navel 3.75 0.00
Cranberries. barrel ... 13 60 0.00
Limes, per cwt . . . . . 1 60 0.00
Bananas, bunch 1 50 2.26
Oolong, bag 2 60 0 00
do. Spanish, case3.26 10.00
Cabbages, barrel 1 26 1.35
Celery, Cal.. crate 7 00 0.00
Cauliflower, Cal. OQ $-$0
Potatoes, sweet. hamper 3 4.
1 Tomatoes. Florida 4.00 4.60
1East Buffets Cattle
Cattle -Receipts, 100; eon
Meals -Receipts, 64; active and
steady; $4.00 to 112.76.
Hogs -Receipts, 4.000; active:
►envy and rolled. 1$.50; yorkere. $$.00
to 111.00; plea. 37.26 to 37.76; roughs.
17.2$ to 31.44; stags, $444 to $6.76.
Sheep sad Iamla-Receipts, 000;
active; lambs, $7.14 to 311-46; year-
, 34.50 to 310.31; wether., $1.00
Le $6.35; ewes, 34.00 to 17 76; sheep,
tatted,, $7.75 to 13 00.
Chicago Cattle Market
Cam! - Receipts. 300; market
steady; beeves. 14.40 to 1540; cows
yd 'seders, 33 20 50 31 26; calve..,
$5.00 to 311.00.
Hoge -Receipts. 11,000; market
weak; light. $7.00 to - 10; masa.
$7.76 to $4.16; be0vy. 37 70- to $4.16;
rough, 17.70 to$0' pigs. $4.10 to
31.26 'talk of sale*. 17.16 to 36.16.
Sheep-ft,ceipts, none, markc7
n ominal: native, 37440 to 3511. Iamb.,
n ative. 1) 50 to 111.26.
Baled Hay and Straw
Merchants are belying on track
Toronto, at tete following prices:
Baled hay. .new. No. 1.$15.5 (o$18 14
do. Nu •- 14.00 14 :.
Haled str... ton i. fel 7
Men's Furnishings
n,!.1din r the latest designs in
Men's Plain and Fancy Ties.
Dress and Negligee Shirts.
Winter Hats and Caps.
Overcoats and Suits.
Everything the man or boy could need who
wants to be well dressed.
The Semi -Ready Tailors
Things to Eat
The Best Bread
Baker and Confectioner
Now that the cold weather •
here you'll want your
homes more comfortable.
Get our prices on
Hot Water Boilers,
Our Perfection Oil Heater,
are just the thing to drive the
cold ont of chilly corner;.
All repairing to plumbing,
furnace work, etc., promptly
attended to.
Mr 'mew .11111
Phone 1.55 Hamilton Street
u Are You Interested in FOWL?
if„a0. ea and get sone of Cyphers Incubator Co.'s books on Incubators, Brooders and
care of Cowl. These are free for the asking of them. We have in stock :
1 small Columbia Incubator, 130 to 140 Eggs.
1 Cyphers Incubator, 244 Eggs.
3 Portable Hovers.
This company manufactures Electrobstors in two sizes.
No. 1 Electrobator, capacity 60 Eggs.
No. 2 Electrobetor, capacity 120 Eggs.
\Vitb Owes F.lectrohator•s, if the electric cur-
rent is off for a few hours it does not. affect the
pigs, aro there is enough bear stored to keep the
temperature ep. -
if there ia anythingou want to know about
Incubatory, Br•ood,rs end Hovers, call and get one
of these hook,. if you with any special informs
tine. we will be pleased to take it up with the
Cypher* incubator Co.
Ara you getting the number of eggs yeti
ebowld ? If not try De Hese Primrose. This is
guaranteed to he one of the best egg producer* on
the market. if it doer not do ea guaranteed, re-
turn the empty package and get your money hack.
At this time of the yeer your horses and
rattle are being fed on dry feed. They should
have a tonic to .id digestion. Try Dr. lime' Stock
Food. It is fully guaranteed. If you think that
it has not been any F'enettt Lo lour stock, bring
hack the mew y package and get your matey
heckit is fully guaranteed by Dr Hem, and it is
his iserruet {nes to ns to ret um the mosey for the
sw y p..•kage .1 the porebaa
eer i. sot satisfied
with the result of the test We have .old loos of
it, and have yet to have • dlsatiefled coetomer
Electric Fixtures
D•, von want enure good values in Electric Fix
tures' We have them. tall and see what we
We are going to beadle uxrl.rively the Auto-
nril,ile Skates and in order to clear out what we
have of other lines we bat. cut seats of thaw to
less than east
Mie Mee
1lokee's Perfect.
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
1. Shelf and Heavy Hardware we carry •-•.m-
plets stick, and can serve your warts oe • mss,,
tnrnt's notice.
Plumbing and Heating
Let us Haute on your Plumhino, Heating, Tin-
smithios and Electric Wiring. All work prompt-
ly attended t) wed fully guaraatc d.
Coal and Wood
We tarry • felt line of best Scranton White
A.h Coal.
Stowe mod t beetnet Coal
Eat Coal
('easel (;n.I
Domestic Lamp Coal.
.18.00 per ton
.. 7.73 ••
Blacksmith Coal 7.01)
Soles" Not ()rake. .... 7.11$ '•
/.311pst eon 1
1.35 '
Wood Hard.
Soft •
Bobo'. /Madaeess.
Hockey 6.h......
Bnkw's Llghtni.g
rSkate, NIA/0 Steel
sars Doable load 7
Regular pries •M
" ani
" 1.A
" 1115
a 40
Hesse 112NZ% II CHAS. C. LEE, FAst Side Square