HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-10, Page 5SIGNAL : OODIRICH : (ATARI I maw US YOUR AUTOMOBILE OR BICYCLE iand Id us ootesiawl and : I' r • put it nen shape far "on - WE ARE CROWDED NOW BUT THERE IS STIL ROOM FOR MORE EAST STREET GARAGE OWNED AND OPERATED BY A PRACTICAL MAN A. pts. GLOVER IrsI t- sea Peke - LOCAL TOPICS ;,--Wlater- stelae reports will rw a sJ the otan.Ile afters Re.. B. O. Aww..l Mahn Bawd of Trade. Powell, .Duet, secretary, is expeted Tbs mama* inseams of the Godes deb Nrd el Trade will be held 'b tit tows eswasll .Msshar os Monday remiss. Dab Ind.. at a team*. Red Cross [ah*iL A Bed Croce exhibit M to take place nest weak. Ankles prepared by the Hod Cress worker, are to be placed is the windows of the drygoods stores to be prem to address the reastiag. AN .k1..ai. mss sad aroma, Wee - sated is the social welters of our tows ate medially invited to deed. Oaksg to Berths. Mr. Geo. HebsMw, who has cow - dusted st'.rsker, besinees IaUoderich for the Wet Bee years, will remove shortly to Berlin, wb.re he M eases - SHE RECOIM(Ib$ °fR01T-A-lAIES" ra asaw r w.a.r r TM I poem preposalellatiaatesthe middle - nee -tbe iddle- nee-w edgy heeker- sed Mew* w Mai lemmas the fell Im•i- Tit ilsbekttees a" cOeteiet pas tied aM- eerMtlpes hr emy am or .'J .t tbam waif bs rer,rivei W the ems ebb sot. Muzb tete w.dd.egs. pretty wed. arms ' wsdtarsslaYY prettyas ..1S •t St Peter's Merck by Rev. D. A. M•Itae. tbe ems- te acting puttee beteg (Lasser Rem* Pyr. e[ tit i'LtI MatVr,. b .1 Ave.. May lith. lett bgiergp►, sad Iter.. tfbllnall "1 have .sed 'Fruit -a -Uvea' [K Mr. amid Meet'tetrr I)och.rmr, of Zo- Je taprrlies wed C..Mi/teli.e with meal rl•b. The tevemo*f tees Pl.ee at 3 le exeealeat ess.lts, and they eseti..e le far' The belle "e" 627:4=1,: b my eaty medid.e. 1 saw 'Freta- .tote tali.red spark male ast- aves' write bee to twat.•.` KW was st- aves' advsell 401 h a letter la with& eesded by Mies Veer Pane, ei.ter of demi on reesmm eii them very Nr phew. •M s•wrs.d b a uiio.vd bigWy.sltriadthsa- Tbetne.M.wat. mak' lis $dad ib. posse er d the brats. Shed the Fosh ma. thea mtYietary, and I hu e m beet mar. Tie wedding. Bks 27.7.......:( he,katlrm a msmm didg 'putt• seeeiaRur," wasywy ''t, rise•" AXXIE A. CORBETT. itseeediate relative. .ad friends of tks Time is ,ruling dist 7rsitsWeso elide sed Ittoowl Wet Pr..e.t, these MarDie( lir, sad Mire. Dumange, Mee swan be 4.ps4.4 tapee la tt Marie DeeMrsr. sad the Rroom'e prompt minas aUeassadCestaMj►stirs ead9rwad 7)..w. Me. shoe, a foe freta, taw aha ifs. At dodders et sent postpaid by Fret, frame Limited, Ottawa. ow ti. Sgfaee os Friday, is order that Bog with a swabs, of others in the a.streb.tose sad Meads of the Boeietyfe establightere of a Mese bisRs 1M sujpes. is fur - to sot ad to sk. 4s"y ad u Yoe of tit work tits akar,. tors Jose by the 1i beat bloods. Do taking. Mr. ilobeseier bas d IR Bm dsoweler Ressiagd emits Again -Yea m Ae he esisprsi Mr. A. RassisgthwMte. whoa 44.4.4444.4.44 yet decided. g ood rr citizen sad Onderieb w i 1 bee se10 hito - ii''os of the betimes bee be has sot ben Regitissst band sad who reserved to' Tweet*. M retersdag to tows. and aersagemests are beteg .ssde to have his sa+h take dowse of die brad. He hes a position with the D./Weise trod Masbi.esy Co. and willbriest. his fatal, to tows later ow. Limier r Case. Bale's Police Magistrate Rally m Moadsy Robt. ling guilty 'to a charge of briegiew Dome tato Huron cosset/ sad was Seed $io sad mete. At lafytb last Tbersday Magletrat. Lockhart Iced dosadrett Brow, of Louden. 1110 ani costs ow seek of frau con,hr Bow. for .awsla11 liquor to b. aimed luta Herm county. Citizens' Social Service Legge* The aaa.al meeting of the Sod., at yeses sglo was Iroise d t he lard street. to St. Pat e's abate► sad theme to the Gelber•. Catbolie cemetery. Rev. Father McKee said the noel/so met sad the iwIbrarets were Messrs Jobs Melva,. Jas. Fare,Tbos.Orid., Tboe. Leery. J. J. Moser and Priem S. A. MtOaw's sudden Death, liPaio. Mr. 8. A. McGaw, "metal manager magi of Mrs. E R iwwta. of the Wester. Canada Floor Mips. Yrs. s. ll. Swaete psretr4 sees, oa sad brother of Mr. R. J. Moblaw. of ',risky alter a sum maw. the im. tiodsrieb, died at Los Angeles. Cali- dale caws of death baud psraI e. fuel", Wed...day .ilbt, d isPuries The deceassd, oboes msidee name received is an automobile aecidest. was (•palette E'isabeta Rusk. was He had jest arrived from W isaipeg, bore iaooderieh [ortt-d.►t , a,. ego. her daeidad to reran from aeti,e B work atter a ewe, pre. l>bl, o. 8w R Sweat•, wit predeceased bar oa tstds, tut Tit insipeg Fres Pow April flth of lest,ev. Then are two het and is ltta'7 was married to late had ao areoast d a pro euta'-io. to 'nor. Clare, at sad Job,. Lim it h, POompaaia "aat Wigai- with the 71st Battalion, stationed at Peg+ ut • VAI 11.4.1111.411.. ilhmisated Galt Two brother* of the deceased. soder,* prior to his leaving for the who blue is Mlehiw. sad two Amara., South. (Mr,. W. C. Haste.. of reason. A1- Public School Bowl bets. and Mrs. W. E Hall. of Oslo Tit he regplar Imo= oT the publk fermi California.k place oma Moodily aft school board was bald oo Monday woos tans the late residence. the lie it- er- e,enieg, Tea report oI Psiseip.l Bab Erebus., hotel Ra, Jas Hu* John.+ w gave the .ttmhar of pupil. Utoe Aoedtsettd tit srnioa. and the revelled at Victoria school ((telemetryMessrs. Wes Iles - arenehide-A.Mats- lit girle-total, *01'. Depositors ie ecom.n. J. S. 4'44". . . °sit Geisha -Hight sweats -Debility school lvr - DS: sootier, era.fki. A Sang. n.mbe, d trirwda were pn.- .\ed those coaditioss ieadisg to wdl u fres t,oderielt and . choice WEAK LUNO 8 as Sas rn° boy. sed ISS giri- The pallbearers were Meow - average attendance was lir) boys and F F La W Tett. Jobe b. Pantie& 8aarmsw. Central mbool est row Wi.Rham sad Clint oc. as =M 81 boys sad thl Rias average the sees, d lDeal tribal" surro.nd.d the C O N S U MPT I 0 H 1. a focal 18f, with as awerrage at. casket. The isterasest was mete le tewdaae. d en b°,e.nJ yd tr ., . w dal of a Amount de4Z I .eho: Maitland cemetery. bink doting Jaeor,,=3t.tG. our N Ljrary socisly MsstisR SUM SaEdraettt firm m Swarm bionics • ol tis o.itoes. 133 Bowe ProPco d (m- I The O. a 1- literary Society held a UJDOLP' i<. PALHL. on Oath_ were lied!! diminution. prostate opposed with an origam i:teal says : - 'Matare'a Creation is what oos.ttsaiotliw. number b Mr. Heft s CJutt. This was helped me.' A saee'lag err noses. is tit eater- fodiawsd a Y il recital • -out to yr. e," M Master be Harr, WsrAui ,was w Bed to sin held is Tempereece Had on °today mews 4t.,..,,,,,,., f'Pbe Hagga itly afternoon. About om buesdred sdi" next item wars • deeeleaoa- provesee.ta is the school buildings teen',g oa Frday evreisg. 1b. CHARLES KNOPH, co oath. ass : ro. oft y Edward Field, who rept My nigbt sweat+ .topped and my , alta. Tibemorbttgstopped from the first wets preser.tand Rev. J. B. pother- tion' by Mr. Peed 1es .re,••How Pen- .lay."da iegbam tb ezplaioed toem the aline of rise Are Made. lits Isobel Mc IAds C IIRK. eau Oath. •ass : appointed es.c! `lard md•r. Ter O that i its here today." yl such as the 1. 1)- D. ii.. the Rrd Cintas . ibis was followed by the feature of otiety *wt ibe Women's setitst.e, is the 'wooing. a debate au the subject Send for Booklet co tainiog complete to. appoint • delegate to attetsd the ••Reeohetd, twit. lamaloa is of +sonomvalue whmests as oak, from ibose Rho sasetiags of the - council of the total . to England lean Canada is." The ha a ned •. Nature's CrriI••n.- bran. b of the Auxiliary. Arrasgr affirmative was upheld be Mr. Eric teems era toeing nae, t, nave us \neon and /aims Emma Wallace and lU CREATION.COMPANY Neelins of Seaforth. a nurse who has the *pesters for the negative were returned trout °wettest, service, ad- Mr. Btu j Match and Yin Ohsdys OF CANADA, LTD. tire-. a Han M 'meting at leseperance HarK,y- Wbiisthe jade,* were emir - the Auxiliary. Miss Le Touzel was --sal, g„, a good extrlbitias int web- to.etas erNand each . Ise club sang • I have to think 'Nature's Creation of the organ r Idiots sow at work, Keep the bane Bow banding..sed TstraseaT irlas■vast M INS .s r, Mr. sat Mae. Thee. Peon. as. Mireum.w .!ed - jammed YaMs pair berms a Minn b. tae tt • I We - will beM epees, the groom •s beim,mawmeans se Mem toe omegas i. the We- MiAtiti l tieback Wednesday miming. .t tb. Bast serest maw, Rev hies Remakes waited 1. saetrisse+ Miss TaoRob 1t y. Rio. o[ e.s > Robert ,. Neese William Percival Jobwsta. off } ThebS4.Otkl hreserrly Tit Made was attasdad by bar sister. Mss MAY. of Detroit. sail Mr. J. Jobs- elm. of 714 110 wed eery pretty ia s navy bim wit eii bleakpistons bat. lerebewiry lat. Mies Isobel datiolster cI lir. mad Mrs. Thomas &mesas, of Oode ieb. sad Mr. Clifford W. ribber. Baia of Mr. .s.d Mrs. Wesley Wisher. b d . wdiag tem - mosey performed pe orm by Rev. James H.as iltos at the Nast street swarm. MEM CV CANADA IAA NM Deposit aedltad. This you cam pry your Ws by ehaaws which wee eel/ boson. or If you wast tis cash yourself, sand tis a dims is you yes boar and w will forward tit t>psasy by mhos tsttitL Om Is sad Lift le M Meager about N. 'rGodericn Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBB, Manager. gl Sok ler 1111 ad Uwe Lae Deka Mad as the dogma or ask you maks. with yoga Par bask which vs wit return 1111111 111111111111111111111 BIG ANNIJAL SALE BOOTS AND SHOES OF WE have once more reached the time of year for our great Annual Sale, of Boots and Shoes. Business has been good with us during the past twelve months and in order to keep everything moving along in good shape we are going to offer some bargains in Footwear that will be real bargains. Everything that we advertise will be exactly as represented. There will of course be many lines not listed here for want of time and space. We will start this sale Saturday, February 1 2th, 1916, and continue it for seven days, winding it up Saturday, February 19th,. 1916. • ROOM 14. COSGIAVE BUILDING, aa February sttb. I i.g at a del:Sion Mise L. Mitchell ,;II TORONTO. CANADA Iroquois Win at Clinton. ti recited "Aust Eleanor's Heso•' and The Goderieb 7 lee. Hole hocks leas rerecit.tipltshl o°to, • •a eec•we wick another 1 ♦ Iwssoo in Weighing SINGER STORE Choice designs for Cushion'. Centrepieces, Table Scart e,, etc., in Tan Lizeo, Brown Linen and White. D. 11. C. Threads, oleo Embroider Silks always in stock. Free Lamm its FalweiJerr Choice Linen Tewellis8+ and Turrets at exceptionally low prices. , Come and bus-. isaelis1 Geo far %%W s wear Dainty Voile Dresses, perfect- ly made ft I .'25 Dresses embroidered in Pink. Sky and White Both of above in ti w.wtth,, 1 ,amend s -rear size*. Fall liar of woollen wear for babes. MRS. TAPE THE SQUARE vee n e d it K b• from the town'se.ntribatloostothe trios put $i. for their champions. The Ino- find and the British Red Cross fund. @m'• ft def was : final, A. riMcght de The are for comparative) old Lfr defence, 1.. Smith :right de y smell ■moaptr, and run for terms of 1r.aa nee to ten Teary. and en bar interest at Bre and ossbalf per cent. The town is giving local i.ve•tors the first rbaaee to secure these debentures .cad thus to invest their money 'on the ground floor.'• The usual proced- ure to for the town to sell deheeture issues to city bin -ken, who in tom 1511 them to the individual investors and of ,nurse retain rase of the prat of the investment for themselves. The wept 10 Clinton last "air a isg The) sages of the debate reported +bat and tact • testy from the Cliat° de- hn. it deci,iod was in fr a the earhment f the is l,t Battalion is a negative side. The averting of The flet -:Itis game cf hockey. .tt the end I O C. 1. J•wrwal and another eoag by of the flr.t p rind the store we,3al is fisc Glee Club towcleaded the program. 1 fay n" of CI•nton, at the end th.' errxed pet i•wl it war .t 1 in the teem An Opportunity for local Investors. ditestiow: hut at the close oft game A ilt rdtfed oppataait, for small Ithe Iroquois bad won net by • oreol .4. rbc Oodarkb b ys who went investors is offeied in the 41111001111C0- ' down with thrteam are still uar.e mens ofthe i•eueof81.00)nfdebenture* ' lb. eit.ct+of the shouting. they of the town of Gudetkb, repo ntfag Inc.e, %V. Prou.tfoot: r. ver, \V. Barts -1; t centre. E. ?tidbit= fcft wire. M. ale- dooaW; riebt wing. F. McArtbur. R.forme- flirty Belcher. Uodetkb. Marine Club Social. A box social held at theMar:ne Club tnoms in Thursday e!enit.g of last week proved a very enj .Tibia affair. The er,ninte. enaertarbtsent coo - teemed with prodies.ive euchre, the prizes being keenly coiiasted for and five ties resulting. Mrs. lobo Lemma finally won the lady's prize sad Mr. Chas. Robert, the gentleness',. the corrdau••p prise were wan by Mi.. Normal: Mrl).armid and Mr. Walter McDonald. respectively. At lee elos. .d abs cart ammo the boars ware auctioned riff by Mr. %Ver. Coulbert, the sale proving a towns of mach Istammers**. Aker 1 ustsb Brad bee. , di.posrd of dancing was indulged in until the entail hour, of the morning. the orebeetra being coessimed of Nero s. Wm. Jubnston and IL Yotwg. ,innsist•, Geo. B. little, eornetia, omit Mimi i c mission and MW DrPeudrryy pistils** The 'veneer Moved Amwei• ally .•tearful as well as affording pleasure to those prereet. Meth of tiers. Carroll. After ed, a Wet elle'.' Mn. Jobe Pored! passed away at bar home on Hamiltoe street ow 'Monday, 27.11"alt. T1s' do" aerd, wbase maiden same wee Mamie Smith. was town at Ilespel.r arty -aim years age. la 11 I site was rtrorrid to tete Tate Jobe Purred, who prdeawd ser twaety-two years O. ense.gf 10 ibis diarist Mr. (.utoU w°akb Rwwe tebodiid►lordenary, _ Carroll al oprsed M the ore feetbsesy Mei se HamLko. , street la wbieb she was at the He of bsaute. She 5. B Dare ee urd by two ease. Deter. of O ie d Thaw. of Detroit : ties bees, Jobe Bmit b. of M eau sad P...k °teitb. of West. • Mlcb . sad ib .. 'sMaetir.. m. '. Cbilthre . et M.sov.r. Ms. J. Cedar, ' r pA esppioMyr. and Moa oHear, re of l/IMms,, ale w of whose weer e as the fewest 7 be floweret took plate, oe Mosp4ay et Mt work Mos thereesi- assess oat her ass; thasisa as Brass VICTORIA Ho IRE Wean:41ay, i nth February Tie world - laalni Engin Came Trio Lam. JAN awl WOK CHERNIAVSKY r.ltiai.e Pianist 'Cellist -The simirlol evert of the season Prima - - $1A0,7543 Meets rte sale Mesolay et a a. as. at lewssdh' llesteetent. Made in Kandyland "Ines is ink" of how to ' make yourself rift M Isms, take home a box of aur cbanis es. 'Don't be a grouch." If you have been one, and want to ,get 4 `ea of par "Don't he a boob" -a nickel's worth of peanuts won't do. "To get in right" get a box of oar diseeldtes. "Ts le a visa idlsw"-if yon want same este to INA .s. gat is Cmc with \a box of our 411 yes tee M lie' fVitt"-be the show ever so good you will enjoy it better wits; a I box of lie wise. Ise. Eat Lewd cl acslske. Case la [aiyW. J. e.-ROBBINS LlagelMao B,n.mor i. R.tttdd. i 1 Saturday, February 121h,to ,Saturday, February 19th,16 7 BIG DAYS Sale p will be absolutely Cash. Goods will be exchanged for one week after Sale closes, but not after that. Men's Boots A mixed lot of men's Boots, reg- ular from 53.50 to 35.00, Sale Price $2.50. • Sizes 5 I -2. 6. 6 I -2, 7, 7 1-2, 10. 11 75 pairs men's Boots, regular 55.00, Sale Price $3.65., 6Q pairs men's Boots, regular 34.50, Sale Price $2.90. 50 pairs men's Boots, regular 53.50 and 54.00. Sale Price $2.40. 14 pairs men's plain kit Congress, regular 51.50, Sale Price 15c. 15 pairs men's felt foxed Bats. regular 52.00 and 52.50. Sale Price $1.00. Ladies' Boots A mixed lot of ladies Oxfords and Primps, about 90 pairs, Sale Price $1.50. 30 pairs tidies' Boots, regular 34.50. Sale Price $3.20. 96 pairs ladies Boots. regular 54.00. Sale Price $2.90. 63 pairs ladies' Boots, regular 53.50. Sale Price $2.60. Misses' and Children's Slippers 25 -pairs misses and cliildren.s Felt Slippers. Sale Price 20c. SALE PRICES POSITIVELY CASH Rubbers 50 pairs men's Rubbers, sizes 6 to 1I, Sale Price 75c. 80 pairs ladies' Rubbers, sizes ' 1-2 to 7, Sale Price 55c. )i) pairs misses' Rubbers, sites 11 to, 2, Sale Price 45c. 25 pairs boys' Rubbers, sizes 1 to 5. Sale Price 60c. 20 pairs youths' Rubbers, sizes 11, 12 and 13, Sale Price 50c. 20 pairs child's Rubbers, sizes 6 to 10 1-2, Sale Price 35c. Now. don't forget that this is a Gensline Bargain Sale, everything exactly as advertised, so that any person in need of Footwear cannot afford to miss this Sale. Come early and get\ he first choice. Salg Starts Saturday, February I2th, I I. LTheseI ‘mesermsmi•fir 41111111111111111/ 11111.11111111111 GEM 1111111111111M111 WM. SHARMAN GODERICH .."'s""•