HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-10, Page 3THE SIGNAL = GODERICH, ONTARIO TIMINIetar. />.mtrsav IIIA $ 1N1 ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OP IMITA- TIONS MITA•TIOND SOLD ON THE )(BRITS Ob El UNMET B()0KB!NDINli MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bowed Err rep•lrud. 9OLD LETTERING ors a LEATHER GOODS t��l, Wil __ users A. E. TAYLOR, thaarsonn. aRDICAL ANN.. R. DELI. Hifi AIN. ONTE- PATtI. emvdmtst rw �d s. e and / 's dlssees . mess. ems* W es seradssN�M�. & assaalm rheas awl Ma sae. :hM► .alas remove 1 wkh.st the kWh. Ons at esculent. ISM, ltd.. saaped� til. ♦♦MMssee���� serest& At hems ems. rleedar> Wsi...dy' std lasesdea.: mer mesas h seedelasmt roes Ir. J. E. /URBPER-ETE. EAR. York ophlbd.l ..d far.] oil deed see. >I -v gi.d.,:acidairk..%st...,: a. AUCTIONUEL THOMAS GIINDRY 11 AUCTIONEER: ars R,Uderlsk all learner lanai MR as real slam win bis tlppse _anal_ a Guided Is iteadesw tdgaeae l°. IUYwI L&GLL ihtl.JCITOR, NOTAAT ifIneut'. ort.• • =tease MakMed. gamines 8- Mit. Mel Come Lassa aMli kaarfaaa. PRO!: U VOUT.* JILO1LAN A 0001E n aithiel Litt SOLICiTURI, POTARIze Pt' WC. grit. Mae ea the uesar..assail dna hes Maw - gars .usat. Ues.rish• estrus tea.. to Las .t lowest mama W. P•ocs.00r. LC'. J. L. inulases S. J. D. Copes. D. OAMXItUN, E. O.. BARRIO TSL seltotar..stN7 mills. Mews aans4 0.d.rfce. rasd deer fr. ErAt ll.n.ao T..r•day ef math week L 0o albeit. arra aooualisd fly lir. . Leta hums a a. . tee pa. t13 1Li,h1! OAJ&KUW. LLB.. liAtt- Min eh. stemma. wuswr, ale., Glee Maar ae lead ea Wet suds r SRAOXR, BikURIDTER. rS.OL- o.-Ce.rtRlt« r o Maid C••••t ser, I$SUMANC&, WARS. I&TC. IA c`1Ll(,P MUTUAL PIR I 114 OM .QeAsCit CO. -farm andLeWsd taws t1 sensed, Orpesw ,t, H, Itslaapa. Pim.. a.. Mack P.O.: Jim s a tiLuty�av�li alfrem.,gasfsrth P. 0. iLiesove.W Jobs grsak. Cessions= Lss.vraia. iris•..: J•ss =•aerial; R.b.rt iada Marled : M.Lse• breseriseeL C ossa y. .starts. I s esnmas. ems aew.misu ane ma their mode at L J. Mere'. Lathes Mere. L '•. calf'. U..wr• es..re'.•• allow. .or J. 1l. Reid's unread atom. W UM. poh anti MOM TO hl.t.a new RH ]Atsa area.0M. 1A11 - C*. Irma �' B. RoBlilatiO.� . LIMITIA$CI ARMPIT. Inst airs Ia..Taute : tiinitd . Om:atlas and mamas= as • Lust. .� rreamel~eaa of Leah use cw gtestrrr arta Q gammas Om*: Tie J.S. .nd ewsom ea (sesesey Ors •i reddasea aertha.a1 seas of Vile err. *at 1 . leavens.• • 'Plass Ill rAaa'.LU WCUSU WALTER E. LELLT. J.P., 0ODalwtH. 0111?. MIR= W MAai1AGS UC>Qf$ . titemts, Trane Naris,, ResigaS Secured in All Countries wins tee Ons baua'PATQr1& P110TIDt:- TTOM.' Tena .best and hew t• get p•t- eel& SA11000111 & 110.a astab&shed iffy there Mem Cres thssise.. Mede of roast [awe Rnbesred Palest AIN..... IP.. s M. J. .feet M..sre.t irsssbse- ia en ..d wwle/t- a.wmsetn1r le .l�w..tg.a...l.l.& Brophe3 Bros. OODA&IO'ed THE OTTAWA TRAGEDY. ParUament Buildings Destroyed by Fire Thursday Night ---Seven Liles Lost, Including That of B. B. Law. M. P., of Yarmouth, N. 5. One of the Most Beautiful Buildings on the Continent Lks in Ruins Many Narrow Esca THE DEAD t!aJ:me G'.-..,. /!r darns Bray. . I e. D. La .r. MP.. Yarmouth. H.S. J. B. Laplants, Dep.:y Clerk c' the Hcute of Commons. +. D.ajardies, rI_mber. r. Fae.nlrg, waiter. Adolyti Desiardina pollee - man. A chapter of supreme tragedy bat been added to Canadian history Ths Parliament Buildings, at Ottawa. one of the greatest gothic structures la the world, sad the supreme triumph of the sc.N.ett' skill Is now a saw of cntsbllag rutas. Pyre ortaginatlag from a ca.se at prevent uakaown, broke out at I.I) oo Thursday man- ias and with incredible swiftness spread throne' the structure cass- ias death to two women and five mad &tag damage to the ex - et several minims of dollars. sm 1.1 tkrlts have been uttered u to Mugge bat just how or where the may never b. actually The rely thing tb .t is known Ave me■t.s atter tk. Are was the bending inside was inferno in which ae body could exist It was sot Ire o'clock Pride" sorslag tbst Brenta get the Are mailer control. mai& building tit the Houses of e are doomed to total de- . .. The ems aasot be moti- le teensy but probably it ex- foPr_illi a ditillite., _Tad I aild- Pent Ug was ii .4_5L sillerSESILIK gat �t iestttab are se Iasstlmah4 e- vataa le se Ineurnmse as tis Ow.rs - aMts cwt gaas e t.aeen A wt midnight the e sad- senan Senate Chamber. bad been destrmyM, and as the great desk boomed est the hear Mama were .troy ep the asgmltleamt tower and king their way to Its tap. The Par- liamentary library at the rear end ot the building was saved from the games atter a desperate 'fort by the Bremen The library itself, which contains volumes amebae to replace owing to their value. was damaged by water and smoke. but thanks to the heroic efforts of the fire-fighters. it is the only part of the edifice shier re- mains Intact. Pears were ezpreseed that 11 would shape the tate of the rest of the building and soldiers on guard started to remove the priceless volumes, but the desperate tenacity of the firemen drove back the flames and saved the building. Members' Narrow Escapes !Members of the House of Commons. in the Chamber and in the various , Parliamentary offices. had to fight .8e1: way to safety. People in the up- rper storeys of the building had nar- , row claapea. many having to be taken ant by ladders. The Eames started in 111e reading room between the ('om- jmoss Chamber and the library. This +room is sheathed In wood, very old ;and vary dry and this, with the hurt- dreds of newspapers. ted the fire me! It was a roaring turas-e. Ifni. Martin Burrell. Minister of Agriculture, was 'in his office of the reading room whe-i he found himself confronted suddenly with a wall of dame and a curtain of black. suffocating smoke. lie rua::ed through the fire and t t Making his wane osv btdl' beer. J a",ou! t'•a Minizifillor-1110"4111-111111r1111*.D MRl sail trained bI Dr. Omni ... rs. tame te a• and - The Hesse was la semis_ whoa the warm of fire was riven. Dspsty Speaker Y. N C odea was fa the chair the rutrance abet and excited- ' ty animus, . balldlag e oa Ore ." Tito .urmbers at once left their leaks wlibow; -. !ting for the Speaker to WILTS the chair. They were war. Mtly not tmpprr�s the lso�ss with the ssrfoasneees at the Are and while they hurried trues the chamber they dld .et succumb to panic. Dease amoke was begianing to Bow front the arrldere earth of the chamber ova - aiding the reading rooman d the west wlsg. erected in INS. was already dowing tato ths lobbies sad soon filed riling the main corridors al the building The Are and meek* spread through the eorrtiorl wick amaftag rapidity. Members, clerks. sad Theft, - pre had the tamost difficulty In mean - tag through the dense, w�saatke� clouds that filled the lobbies sad staircases. Premier Just In Time Bir Robert Borden. shoe• odice le la the tar tsarthwest corner of the Widths bad a marvellous escape. He was working in his office and was totally unaware or anything untoward. H. was .sddealy aroused by an at- te•dant sad eves then he endeavored to get his bat and coat before making kis way to safety 11 was through a member arsine him to escape as he was that undoubtedly saved he Ute. H. had se sooner lett his apartment than Bre burst through and within a low Wastes eft 1t a shapele.. •zsas. Others also had thrflixg adventures with the grim spectre. MaA .. aevtgny, wit. of the Speaker ot the House was tweed to leave her apart- ments by one et the windows. The first effort t0 stop the rush of Ames was made by tk. Hon* citadels and the Dominion pollee. wbo are constant. Le on guard In the corridors. Piro hoses were paled ?torn their recite and several streams of wat ir were played on the lames. Simultaneously the automatic sprinklers opened, but teething that this equipment could do had any effect on l..w tar rushing Bra Merged end beedleg ( _rRbk. _ - . ' snit lir. 4% osglo was 8uadrnly - Al .' (;,neral view- nl THE P-1RLUAMF.NT BUILDINGS BEFORE THE FIRE. the beautiful front *hoeing the cock Gitrer and stain entrance. The tot, of era•he.l in and the walls atone nand of this portion of the•Maikling. HOUSE NOW MEETS IN VICTORIA MUSEUM Sir Robert Soften Speaks on the Tee rl►le Calamity-Tribwd to the Deed fit was a *aciduaed bet .tern Pattie Mei that assembled in the victoria Meeeem. The deep feeling manliest. ed at the first war session wee dawn 1a an even greater degree. and what made the proceedings more solemn wad the prevailing madames at the great loss the nation had sustained In tneecest Inman lite and national hie - eerie aOsusents. Whether accident rK r 1s. had spread the rain and dee Idy.n, m the awful war results were brought home to a11. There on Perlis veeHill was Canada's "Cloth Hall of - and the tear-bedie sed Speak sr. the deep emotion a< Sir WIitr!. the deep feeling of the Premier car- ded Isme to all that an oven greater rouser bees sustained tree the de• at t famous edifice -the birthplace of t autism, the hale whore our .tat bud declared Bar oedema Moor Imperial unity Aar as d forever lir Robert Bordea. w sh1Mg. said In part: W. ars meeting Mew today .> meat maumal t� wmstanaw, a In the shadow et a Mit talsmity hes we utak et the Eand sleiet natortusat• event .venlig We are apparently upon to moant the death of a .eMb r whose voice bed been Me loses of Commas .sty a Ire before the event seeurrsi shah es from w pmeU.ma at the 1 have bee. a.semleMd Aar =bar •t pram with ■r. Low as a see bar et w C-ess at law =oft L with the pests= .. that 1 vale, ted. app .L =it he may have perraha in the tion, of the Parliament Bulld- 'Bnt it 1s not alone his death which we have to mourn. Two ladles, who were the guests of the Speaker of this House, unfortunately periedied to the same disaster. And this dose not end ths toll. because It is apparent from all that we can ern. that a very high- ly esteemed officer of the House also lost Ma lite Mr. Laplante became an assistant clerk of the House very shortly atter 1 became a Member of Parliament, and It 1s not too much to say that the House of Commons never had a more capable, a more Indus. trios officer It appears. farther. that some of the employee of the Hours have lost their Hares to the disaster Di last evening. They lost their lives la t8* diaster M the discharge of their duty in striving to do wile* they meld to stay the progress of the aattbes and to take every possible pre- essTlos for the safety of the members et the Hoose sad to the families of these men. alio. 1 am sure every mein- tear emtear of the House will extend hisbbeart• fait sympathy. House of Parliament 'Aa to this Metairie bsilding Resit. my owe aseodaten with; It has sow 'abraded overt pried et .warty twen- ty ,earl My ItW Hamswbls Alssd as t8e other ado of w Hass hie bees &emaciated with It ter mw roll Mee that period. TM buOUag daMu tram the very earliest years et Own Msrtfsu. or even More Cestudess. Rea. or eves before Oaa4N.rutlos. lir that chamber the great pellets* were debated and d•velepmest et oar emen try and Rs future destl y. TM do - D irection of the bst0teg a the Iso et • great historic m&eu.•st. 1 belNvo that the Chamber of the aid els* tower was prepared for the re"eptiss et the clock M 1077 When the tower It'll. a nosament which has been am- . picuos. In Ottawa &8d ted wrvesad- tag country for Inbar years fell c1.. this. ton. 1 ata Minedt 54 seemed to pass away OMR the Itte of Parliament which 1 krw we shall all mW in the future. i deers to present to the House a t•Isgfam from His Majesty. t1 a King which waa received by H H the Oovertor-:,•neral this morntn, as fot- lowe: 'fee Duke of Connaught, or:a- ws:-1 am grieved to hear of the d perable deetroction for wary years the Home of the ib minion Parliament. and which 1 kn..• so well Please convey to your Ministers and the people of Canada my sincere sympathy in their great los'. (Signed) George R. L' 1 have also a totter from 11 R.H. the Governor-General. which It Is ap- • that 1 should read to the ones: 'My Dear Sir Robert -I de- sire to =Press thrugh you my warm empathy to both Houses of Perlis - MOM en the terrible ealamil7 of last MAL by which these historical build - hos were almost destroyed by fire 1 Meow how universal will be the regret [cite not only In the Dominion itself, but throughout the Empire 1 deplore the loss of life, which has, 1 tear. esa carred, and desire to express air deep sympathy with the familt's of those who have so unfortunately gerlrhpt Relieve m• yours most sincerely Ar- thur' Library Little Damaged "1t Is, 1 am sure. • very great retie faction to all the members to know 1'•rt so 11111e damage has been done 1n the Library. The appalling sudden- ness of the calamity Meet. 1 am sere, have impressed itself on every mem- her who wee within rite precincts et the Hodes at the thee the ere occur - Thom who were set art Gelb present within the hahlding will hardb behove with what warthog soddenness of the volumes of emote .d the gusts of dans Esme gas de mistier,. Whoa 1 myself west dews the eeryt- nor Medt.l peat the press ream and the mean ed dame were nobble Was* w esrrtds wh.8 led le the rtieSkle event a its a1II.g .alum•. end 1 1 i i 11 ;' Millar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 MILLARu5ON SPECIALS from all over Comforters 12 only cotton filled Comforters, eztra well filled. size 72 z 72, covered in good quality silkoline. Regular $ I.9 5 $2.50, now .... . . Pillow Slips Special value in Pillow Slips, made from good quality cotton. sizes 40, 42, 44. Get a good supply while they last. Each 5C FURS, FURS, FURS Our entire stock of Furs all on sale at sweeping reductions, as we do not intend to carry one piece over to another season. Surely at the low prices we are asking it will not be necessary. Cashmere Hose 29c Special value in Cashmere Hose, about 20 dozen only, sizes 8; to 10, seamless, could not be bought to sell under 40c per pair today. Special per 29C pair Women's Vests and Drawers Extra quality, wom nes. heavy weightVests and Drawers, the bust value we C have ever offered. Per garment 2 J C the store Flannelette Sheets 20 pairs only, white and grey Flannelette Sheets. beautiful, soft. woolly finish. size 60 x 70. Per pair z14.1.50 only Flannelette 50 pieces Flannelette in light and dark colorings, bougl''t many months ago and just delivered now. Good heavy quality. 34 inches wide. Yard IOC "Huron" White Quilts Our special "Huron" White Quilt, eztra large size, will give all kinds of wear. Full double bed size. Won- $ 159 derful value. Each, only.... • COATS, COATS, COATS The few Winter Coats for wun►elt slid Misses that are now in stock must be cleared in the next few days, No reason- able offer will be refused . Sweater Coats We have gone over our Sweater Coat stock and all odd lines and many of our regular stock we have put out for special sale. Sweater Coat values up to $4.50 to be cleared at. each `f' 4L .9 D White Waists Clearing sale of odd White Waists. odds and ends of our regular $1.00 to $1.50 lines, all grouped together to sell at, while they last, each `t5C Special values in Black Messaline Sills, extra superior quality. rich satin finish. wear guaranteed, 36 inches wide. Our regular S 1.50 quality. Special $1.25 per yard. 014 Bieacii Litwin iri Ere and amok.' seemed to be ac cospanled by a earths of short, sharp ispiosions, indiating the fierceness with which the Ire ws. making It. headway. I am sate we have every reason to be grateful that the lou of life was not greater 1 think It will stand out as a good example tit the Candlan spirit of determination It we proceed at once with the public bust nese and carry on our work without any unnecessary delay What we may do by another session se do nut yet know. but 1 commend to the consider Miran ot the House our proposals tc proceed with firm hearts and renewed araastte to discharge our duties as re• PillanieltatIves of the people of Canada this ParltamenL" When 1s a Man Drink ? tt'..d.teck t4-ntlet: He, illy The Ontario license l..erd has ;tires! a delanti•.n of drunk-nnrw. -Any man is drunk,' *readmit to this dela itiin. "elm has takrn eult,•,eut liyunr to make him act diffe.en(ly than be- fore be took it.' That • eb a d.flni- t ion silt old be seriously offend nhowu the great •dvanee that has been mei, in temperance sentiment in ttweed rears. Wkv n Willie brewed that peck o' omit, whit 8 Burns immortal- ized, the jovial comp.nions did not reglad themselves a. "f,.0 so long as they could sit nn their cbeits, hilt twat "• dre appie r' the e'e. ' According to an •'M -time delni ion a roan was sot' rvgudrd as drunk until he found it necessary to cling to the grass to keep howl !a'litg off the earth. These standards. peesuwbly, bare departed with the da, • to which t h. y belonged. Andet it would seen► u if the license Nadirs definition is In role we might as ...ell stip drinking ahogether, What do we drink for..t a11, except to make ourvelves different from what we were I.fore %attire the drink We feel -prink- : we want to feel better. 5.' take . drink of our 'Aleut ice tipple, and. behold. the tran.for.- a•ien . But according to the defini- tion of the lieenae hoard we are dt link The hero Harry Lauder's aot.g was eery be y when he was "foe," but a perfect de 1 when be wee .ober. Now, it be come. to Ontario, he moat rentals • "derail." nr effect the ebanae by some other proc.s. than recourse M the Mite. - • • 11 'aim It anything seniors., doctor f1 laded • youth of • doctor atter the liMar bed eaami••d Mae. -No. •o: sot at aa,' replied the medical .•.. "Msthlmg wrens--jsst • little Wilson Is the bast el year desk. az lad . Set yam mast imp as eye as H. y CONCR ETE 117 fr. iQ 42,2 It contains information that has saved them time and mune in inking farm impros cmcnts. it has taught them the economy of building everything of everlasting concrete. There'. ..-, ct',er *Wins reateritl as dursMe,es ...hosts!! J, e••, -t. it oor as low in final cost A con_ t.. Pre:tint., e•rrrthi.( t coin he built of wood, stogie or steel es. h: male better with concrete and this book tells Tow how t.. do it. It is fully il.strsted with photo• .ed dujr.ms s•J comets, S2 practical Are pleas. If ye. doyen '1 . eery, Mei Ree es. f.d.y. Keep .1 A awb. Refer ne ill effew- 1, is Tree .tad will M moiled to you immediately aims receipt of coops below. IADA wow AJIT LIMITED. ilwwid asQdi.g, • MONTREAL. CUT OUT AND MAIL c.a.st CEalwr CUMIN NNW ii.a. s limn him 67`3 it= tlatd « a h.a ..ear d b'rkt e. d..sr C.swr.'.