HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-3, Page 8e
Twooly -five Thousand Envelopes.
suitable lot all currespo.de.ee,
el..riog at a treater udousred .,c•
1 en Thcat.aiel Envelope". Lisa
Finish. latest It edited RAO.
8toek-taking link :dr per box.
or :r per package. Tbls is a
great big snap
1 :flepn Thousand Env.iopee.
pointed or square Hap. lines
Hnisb. Store -taking sale. 4
p t: tate. for
Willi Verb' Flags on both peter
and envelope., special 'Lie per
C. • • Po, .e,
White Pine and,
Spruce Balsam.
The best Cough Remedy
we know of.
jarred ref r ' anrpbell
'Flaw. B
Corner North St. and Square
But, 9b 'PHONES Re-. 3214
Winter Footwear
Style, Fit and
Are three very important
features in footwear. They
are qualities that every line
of Shoes and Rubbers in our
immense stock must possess.
Every line is- selected with
these ends in view, there-
fore ensuring perfect quality
and footwear that will stand
the It et in any weather.
Geo. MacVicar
le ad enurt-Its Ad: f..r our IXYi:N.
"TAILS AI,VISF:R,whach a be slat dies
slo4 University gt. isentymi.
Wsnxsnoav, Feb. %
Mr. Jett. tier Dimwit,. of Wheeling te
here at {itis funeral of hisdsMr,
i Mrs. Jean
oaOs�i� , 04 Winnips� and
ire of �� iodeor. are hose
tee=amoebae* funeral
on are out In this dietrkt in
Wall of carr home minutia. Give the
a g{01 4I seed -of. They are worthy
at It
The damaged bridge oo the Nine
Mil. River here hiss undermost@
sad re�1e
d surd.- passable until ,unmet. Tee
coat ra. tut was John Glenn.
1\'o'1 a' . 11esTITUTk —Tbe Women's
institute held • very .ucee.&fu1 meet -
log or Tburrday att.rnouu last. Mrs
Clarence l►.etow, of Nile, gave • were
interrsune paper on "Danger of Luz
ury in Motleys Life.- Miss Powell. of
IA bitbs, was the ebkf spealei .ad
greatl; interested ber audience
The young leek* of lbs (netitutr are
trivial an .snellent play on Ib. eves -
Ing of relomat y 14th. entitled 'Ike
S . miter.' °novenalo.." Tbis promotes*
to I.. a . are treat and should bare a
WI boon-. Thu being leap year. it
n egbt 1w wise for as wtny hscbelors
aspis el.• to 1. present on the oe•
Flit I. Goals ilos"Re:n. On Fti
day afternoon last a nunhrr of the
etelwart■ of Port Albert Preshytesiun
church {saved the was lbrougb the
mod to do honor and pay due .-reset
to their beloved pastor. Rev U.
Gomm, alio was completely surpr'i.ed
at the unexpected arrival of his visit -
.a.. Th party, however, reptile to
t be III 411..•. where. with the venal cere-
monies in Conner tin with such an
nrcasi.1. th• peesentrd tbeir plater
with a 1*tutiful fro -lined cent land a
cnrut•litttenl.ry add. elle The address
was 1.1r' i v M-. James (retie fold and
the coat was presented b] Mr. Angus
Gordon. Mr. Gomm r'rplied feelingly.
ex meriting his and f r,. Omen's
thankfulness to them for their bounti-
ful gift and their tokens of love and
Adelity in hie behalf. He appreciated
his services with them and Ib. evi-
dence of goodwill and &emaciation as
tbeir part would strengthen that bond
of love and .ympatby between paatoe
and people.
bnn►ELLOWs' 1NeTALLATInx.—Drn-
gannon Lodge. No. 414, 1. O. O. F.,
beld its ansual meeting for the per -
pots of installing officers for the ensu-
ing year on Tuesday night, February
Lt, in the lodge roosts. After tbm
installation of officers, wbieh was per-
formed by District Deputy Grand
Neater Davidson, of Wroxeter, and
Deputy Grand Marshall D'EI1, of
Winghain, the lodge partook of an
oyster supper, atter wbicb the eve. -
Ing was spent in social intercourse sad
gain... 1be following officers were
'metalled in the various ogees of the
lodge : Jr. P. G., G. E. A
N. G., J. R. MeNab ; V 0.. Wm.
Carr ; Rec. Sec:. Wm. Stewart ; Fin.
Ree., N F. Wbyard ; Treas.. A.
Dealer ; Warden, L. McAllister ;
Conductor. Gen. Adams ; R. F. N. G.,
C. Ryan : L. S. N. (i., R. Armstrong
R. S. e , S. M. Wickens ; L S. 8., H.
Stothers ; R. S. V. (i., W. H. Mc-
Clure ; L. S. V. G.. J. Ryan ; i 0.,
A. Anderson : U. G.. R. Disher ;
Chaplain,Geo.Smith. D.putie.Grand
. Master Davidson and Grand Maeeball
D'EII gave very- able addressee and
Brother Bailie made a very appropri•
ate speech from the chair, while every-
one enjoyed the °esters. which were
specially prepared by Brother Me-
Toe following "hews the *tending of
the pupil* of Dungannon public school
according to examination. held In the
snow b of Jan UM' y. The name* appear
In order of merit : Sr. V.—L. Krring-
ton. W. Fitzgerald. 1. Carr. M. Cul-
bert. Jr. V . - -W. Brown. C. Durnin,
E. ihackleton, 'D. Disber; A. McKen-
zie. B. Augustin. (ah..) i'..—B.
Krrington. M. Pentland. 1. McKelvey,
I. Ca» F. Durnin, M Urwr, A. Cald-
well. N. Gomm. F. Tht.mpon, J.
Nebel. (air.) Sr. II1.—A. Wllott, ,L
Savage: P. Elliott. H. Carr. Jr. 111.—
N. Culbert. R. Brown, 0. Ryan. At-
tendance irregular. owing to sickness
and the inclement weather. F. Rcet,•.
lir. 11. tTotailn0)—LealieGomm 2.
Hart- Elliott :Illi, Maurice (vers 206,
Tom Johnston 114 Willie Steelier" 178.
*Edna F•osier, *Cecil Crew. Jr. IL"A"
(Total roe -11a Brown Zit. LaVev.a
est land ler. Mary Mole eJf1f.. Gordon
S mith Iris, i.ilian Waiters 188. Willie
iValtess its. Jewett Fowler 79, 'Got -
don Glenn, eMrry Errington. .Ir. 11.
•'M" Motel rii)i—Georgia Allen xit.
PearlCeldwell ZIO,Margaret McNab
174, Whin ie McClure 1 ite •('•nes&rring-
too. Part II. (Tuts! 2501—Be..oe
Pentland 191, Harvey Errington 157,
Carman Au detron 186, Gordon Ander-
nderson 176, Everett Elliott Ga. Jack
Let There be Light
And there was light wherever we were given
an opportunity of installing
Electric fixtures
Experienced men and the best
materials is the secret of our
Our store is Headquarters for everything in
Electrical Appliances, from a POCKET
Beauty and Utility are combined
in much of Our stock, and—
57:ETET ROBT. TAIT Min 12Res. 153
Os.d.. ti, "Matt Harms Ma See I.
(T *sl 1761—Nerstan (lot IR
IYrold maSemis 1K t..retta 11.Ulsr.
en John Fowler lie. Margaret imMb
Ile, '8taaley Mesar. *Eva l;reissM.,
*Mildred Mucor. Jr. I. (Teeth=
Orono UM. Jack McNeb Ilk
Seamy Mule 11g3, Rath Smith Its.
Pt unary rime—Trask Poetised,
Bleacbe ('aldwell. D. M Rvax,
Duarte or Mer. Jamal Wutreau. —
On Friday evening last there pained
sou . rrrespectedully anotber of Y
cities. a.d g--
1. the pewees of Jaas leirvIa, beloved
w t1e of the late James Wbyerd. who
preceded the deceased 10 Jul • last.
and wboss deems, was most palefully
fell by the bereft widow, wail she
fivalh surrrttdeted to • nervotr Wreak -
down some Ihtre mooch" ago,'Ws-
rlly sinking and apparent.'w lags
for the day of peace and
Those who have laown Mr. Mae.
J&ate% W►yard can fully testify to tbe
bappy basis.l.f. that prevailed. Hein
wsa ttastletrd love and •Rection in
tbs family circle, witb goodwill and
Madness to all witb whom the e
in cootart. The deceased, wbo camwan
•daughter of the late llurid (crew.
was born in Aahtleld about a nib and
'a half south of the neat"
K Q�a��
no., is the year ISM la Mash, 1�0,
slot roarrioilfJaasso W hytlsd, wile was
thee a hardwae, esmehsmt r the
village, and by dist et labor, pm
•see, honesty ..d tibia tb.yetwi
seeded in s e0earmUsbtag an MvtaNe
heritage, a home circle where cheer
and lore existed A taatlly of tour
sons and Ave daughters retain to
COMM her ter.: David and
Herbert, of 1 itesipeg ; Charles, of
Mather. and Natha.ld, at home
Mer. George 8collere. of Ogema, Sas-
katchewaa ; Mn. H. Turner. of New
York ; Mn J. Smith. of Fort Wil -
Riley's Esglis6 Toffees
The Deicing n "KA Cia1. i Tor
Egg and Milk Dainties
Mint and Butter Dainties
Rum and Butter Dainties
Cream Toffee Rolls
Whipped Cream Bon -Bons
Cream Butternuts
Russian Treacle.
All Chewey Toffees at
H. C. Dunlop
Reexall Store
E. Seisseillt, Mgr. - Getlerich
Logs Wanted
We will pay the higbeet cash
prices for all kinds of logs delivered
at the mill in (:oderich.
Custom sawing done promptly at
any time.
Grata aad Mopping
We will also buy grain at our
elevator and will pay the test mar -
bet prices.
Ordets for chopping or milker
grain promptly and carefully at-
tended to at our chopping mill.
J. E. Baechler
Mill and elevator north of Mac-
Ewan's coal yards, Ooderieb.
the dteeaufOrt Of dueling—hut
few realise its dangers. Wben
sweeping carpets and floors with-
the fine, grey. microbe -laden
dust i• thrown up in cloud", to
settle on tables, chairs window -
ledges and every ether place
where • minute particle can find
• resting plaice. As it like it
Barrie. germs of many diseases
along. which are breathed into
the lungs of the woman who
sweep and of children &ad
everybody else in the boo&@.
Gard asst the greet evil
at all grocera
insist no b*riog Dust bane, for
imtt'&tio.s ass not s0 rood
-w ...men.
Wu teeter mind be losing the
stomach. The two octane are est
eesaeeted. 1f they were. teed swal-
lowed would disks yea. Tor long
and brescktal treobies yes moot
Meath. the err.; and yes can't
breathe musk 4rcps, testae mid
Meepr semtlesads• Pepe provide
ted raUaaal treatm..t ter esugba.
e:el4e beget -hitt" and lung troubles.
Pepe are tablets made ep of Platt
extracts and medtcleat essences,
welch when put tate the mouth
lura late healing vapors. These
are breathed dews direct to the
lunger. throat and breathlal tubes
--set swallowed dawn to the
sums eh, whltk 1s net ailing.
Oa the face ef it. new. does this
net monad mon reasonable than
dreggtag the stomach ' Try one
box et Peps. A trial will coat you
••4 ilk.. and the good you will
vast-wW, health cannot be ex -
remind la mosey term& Be sen
et the article when ordering trees
druggist or steres Jest four letters
edam ; Mime Maud, teacher at Oalgvy,
•ed Mise ida, at home. Four brothers
also survive • JamesUirvia, of Parkin,
Man. ; John A.. of Winnipeg ; W. G.,
of Toronto, and T. G., of Restates,
Mich. All the family except Herbert
were hose for the funeral. which lock
this Wednesday) mot-elag,eho..n forsil last Joe viz,
14...,.. Mallough, Robs, McKee -
zee Thee. Stot leer. B. J. Crawford, H.
Jester and Wm. Shackleton. Tb.
tunnel services were cosductd at
tis hoaoa byRev. 1. McKelvey,
the Methodt church. of whichthe
doseam 4 was a member. The floral
t*Dataa and the targe assemblage at
the tlamu.l were indication@ of the
matter 1. which the departed was
held. The family have the gmp'thy
of the community in their bereave -
ever rewire the proper balance of food
to sufficiently nourish both body and
brain daring the growing period when
nature's dementia are greater than in
mature life. This is shown in so many
pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds,
and lecke( ambition. '
For all such children we say with
unmistakable earnestness: They need
Scott's Emulsion, and need it now. It
in concentrated form the very
food eeoents to enrich their blood. it
chasers weakness to strength: it snake"
them sturdy and wrong and active.
monk hewer. Toronto. Ont.
Continued from page 1.
A motion to rant 2,000 to the
Huron War Auiiliare for the purpose
of stloulating recrossing in the 161st
Battalion wan sent to the executive
The report of the educational com-
mittee was presented on Thursday al-
ternoon, recommending that rise usual
grants be made to continuation
sebool. and Collegiate Institutes
within the county and high schools
outside of the county at which pupils
from Huron county&re attending; that
ter o delegates be appointed in coo -
junction with other comities to oppose
rise pu..ing of the superannuation bill
for teachers; that the report of the
public school inspectors and the report
of the chancellor of lbs Western Coe
Tereity bit printed in the minutes. The
report was adopted.
The fida.ae committee's report re-
commer.dfeg the payment of • number
of accounts was adopted.
The report of the executive
committee wee presented recom-
mending (I) that no grant he
made to the National Sanitarium
reesociettes; (`M that IWO he granted
to Hurts County Children's Aid So-
ciety; (3) Used 12,000 be grouted to
eeeh of the following high sebook:
Godericb, Clintcm,8safo, th and Wins,
ham: 14) that 1110 be granted to pee
vide flowers semind the ^curt house ;
IS) tbat the tender of The Goderirh
Signal far Bounty printing be accept d;
14) that $700 be granted to the totes
bespeak in the county. to be dis-
tributed s. Int year : (7) that g}a h-
gr.otld.to the Agricultural Sneet1-s
that war in good standing and
"bat bolj.psieg &bows ; (St that Tr, he
granted to each public library in the
county : (Y) that the usual errant be
made to emit tsuati •n and fifth form
school"; (10) that $2 each be granted
t0 dor inletsral Societies bolding fall
fairs; .11) that $Za he granted to Term-
eri In.dtwte., and 10 to Women's
Institute.; (12) that r.o action ir.
taken yoke mat•er of Mewing the
lima of e# wbo enlist la tbe il$ot Bat-
talion (13) that no ðos he taken in
the matter of making • grant to the
p •ultry show to he held at Cinderich
II• that M. J. Andrews be aligned g.5
per...moth t0 cover all demands In,
"Mee rent as police magaetrat. ; 1161
that W. R. Kelly be fp soled II:, per
month th cover all demands f..r o4leg
rent as polio. maglatrate • (le) that
Unfit he granted to the Horton War
Auxiliary, the expenditure of the grant
to he eertlfd to 1x7 ,b• president and
t•ewuter of the Auxiliary aod tbe
warden of the remedy
pad by the comity treasurer ; pay-
ments to be toad. e.oetbly : the war-
den and treasurer to have" he right to
stop payments at any tine should
Owe reedier that dm money le not
being peed out for aeosewy r.ersidag
poop are,
(1nr MI wee mended and • wrest
o f wee made to the (l derieb peel-
er? show. woe Ibis •mead•.ect the
usenet wee adopted.
Oa Friday sing e report of the
.sty proper( lttee wee prv-
uest.4 ea.t.im4sg e,.es a few minor e.
▪ u.1. ..d reensemendatione. Tet..
peal mit
The reed andbbridge exum.ktee re-
eeperted reoatwmwimg that he report
I� A Week of
Saturday morning we start the biggest Fur Selling Event we have ever attempted
Hundreds of dollars worth of up-to-date, reliable and desirable Furs are to be thrown.
on the bargain tables and sold at prices that are away blow their rail worth. There
is just one reason for doing this—we have too many Furs for February and must sed
the surplus. All are good furs, furs of quality, the kind that can be bought with per-
fect safety. For easy selling we have divided the bulk of the stock into Four lots.
Chaim of Lot No. - - • $3.65 Choice of Lot No, 3 - - - *k
Oleic* of Lot No. 2 • - - $6.65 Choice of Lot No. 4 - - - $13.15
There are mugs and neck -pieces in all lots and their prices in most cases are but little
mate than half regular. No such opportunity to buy quality furs at such saving prices
has presented itself for many a day.
In addition to these four bargain lots we have several handsome sets of Choice High-
grade Furs such as Persian Lamb, Black Fox. Sable, Beaver, etc., which we will clear
at big reductions. Watch the windows for the bargains.
Clearing Sale of
Trimmed Hats
$1.0 0
Children's Hats
Lad' Coats $Q 75
at 5r 7./
will be continued all' next week
Hodgens Bros.
of the county engineer be accepted,
bot that objection to building a side-
walk oo either side of Brussels bridge
be noted ; that the report of F. W)
Farneomhe oa the Turoberry-Culross
•lokbole be filed ; that no action be
taken in tide matter of repairing the
read l.etwees rise Fibber and Rare
bridges at Wingh•m; that the ap-
proach to Benmilkr bridge be exam-
ined by tee engineer and repaired;
that no ectlon lee taken in the master
of appointing delegates to the Good'
Roads Association ; that the motion
tendered in retereoce to the Radler
bridge be adopted. The report was
adopted.Theespecial committee presented •
supplementary report recommending
that the unction with reference to the
proposed legiel•tios regarding the
eateries of medical health officers be
adopted and • copy sent to other
county councils with the regne,t that
a similar motion be adopted ; that all
memhets of the county council be
furnished with a copy of the Revised
Statutes. The report was ad opted.
A motion to ilk all ex-reev.e who
had received • Dopy of the Revised
Statute@ to return ted some to the
clef l of their municipality. for use by
their successors. was cat rigid.
A motion to appoint Reaves M ilne, of
Wythe and F. W. 9malitexenbe. of
Hensen. • delegation to wait on the
L. gisla t ure to oppose the passing of
the teacher& superannuation bill was
The council met again in 1.e afternoon
and pawed • bylaw to appoint auditors
and then adjourned until r8e first
Tuesday of June.
—:—AND --:—
Wnte for Particulars
Registrar. Mets. Sec. (Dad.) Priecipaa.
Address: -334-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
SuddenCroup!.' Mk
Will you be wakened tonight by the f�r-
dreaded stand of a" croupy Do 464
tee the little sufferer gasp and choke without
being able to help' Not it you have elated, reliable
Chambrbia't Cough Remedy at head It gives retietatonce. It liquifies
the dangerous, choking phlegm so it is wady expelled. It beset op the sore,
cough racked throat and prevent" farther attacks. Tor Croup, Whooping
Ooogh, Bronchitis, se well se Dim pl• soughs an d colds, .mberlain' • Cough
Remedy is • sale aad reliable medicine. Give it at ae very Ant symptom.
Seep Chaseertate's est bane All Dreegl.t - ls..ee see.
MODEL 4" ""Chevrolet
F.O.B. Oshawa
Bendix Drive --Transmission, Selective Type—Three Speeds, Forward and Rexene
Including speedometer. ammeter, mohair top, envelope and side curtains, clear
vision ventilating wind shield. electric starting and lighting system, valve in head.
and completely electrically equipped.
NOTE—Owing to the great demand for this car we would suggest plac-
ing your order early to ensure delivery.
M. J. FARR, Agent