HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-3, Page 7THE Nli 3'' Al 1. , nODER If 11 ONTARIO Twon.DAY PnaVes r 3 191.1 7 Matthew Finkbeiner died at hie' of Seaford.. The ceremony was Iter - hones at (Jrediton on January 21(b,' (ormed forme Hi3. 1.' 44. nurt*. le wUhre• h- um'sisty-sbrse y•In, young P lavas) U. Amltb, son of D. !lsltb, at tide here. tit. Joseph. was retarded at .til a Gala At a special meeting of the town w on Jau•ry 13th to Wu Mildred Gal- courted bele u',costly • bylaw was d, to Iles, of tiewn• ppaawssed authorising the burrowing of IMAM for public school and Colh giate bleu. Geddre baa bis farm on lustiwte tot li. the 3rd concession oft Morris to F.nd- p pose o. McCallum for gII OIU and will move BBCi8ELti. to Sulgrave to reside. By • vote of lel to Ste the electors of Beeson decided in favor of having Hyde -electric light and power It - stalled In the til)yte. Mia, Pieter Fisher. an aged resident of Wei 'curch, passed away on Jen• uary IIN.b• $be is survived by one daughter and three son.. Mies Addie M. 011,son, of Mort it towoehip, was taartied at her hums there on January 17th to Kingsley Atkinson, of HMRer.ville. The y)O-sere farm rf the tat( Lade lin McNeil. of the 14th oouoewiou of Grey, bats been purchased by . J. M. Knight, who now owns :eel acre. The sum of WI was raised in aid of 11 lgtan relief fund by an enter - An enjoyable eutertaintnent was bcld under the auspices) of the Willing Workers, of the Presbyterian church, 0o Januar, '-:, b at the t own hall. The IOW of Irri was realised. Mr. and Mn. J. W. Sanden,of Mon- erieff, they township, have 'moved to H'usosh w voile. Before leasing their turner bout. they wrte made the recipie tots of an adders. and two flue r'ecing-cheirs by the church people there. Mrs, Jobn Sinclair. who up%tl four plena moo resided at Bru•tsrl., died at the horse of her daughter, Mn. V. H McPherson. at Bloscattb. Manitoba, oo January 21st. Tee funeral took place from the home of ber'iater, aln. the A. lime, t • Iiru•arls cemetery. The teinment and lantern lecture put on deceased was in her eightyfliri yrrr. at tienson on the evening of January CLINTON. 21st. Mr,. Reebst Mbtieok ,and .I"hn M. The trustees of 8. 8. Ni'. 4. AY est �ieilw»e, lrttb of (Tinton. were married \Yawwpo,h have been author,z d t, wt ILincudtne no Janwtyl7th by Bea. • A. J. Langford. issue debentures to cover the coot of the erection of • new Iwo -room school• house. ))t. Samuel J. Coulter, of Toledo, formally of Hensen, was married at Leamington on January o to Mose Lilian A. Salton. They will reside at Toledo ,'apt. John A. Cooper. who Awe been tinted to command the tenth tiat- laion to he raised at Toronto, is a Clinton 'Wel boy" and is a brother of A T. Cooper, of town. Mies Bessie Walker, of Brantford, wbo bas many !.lends ben, was mar - The farm of Miro .1 E. Nwarts 00 tied un January sill h to James Essen, the 2nd concessi en of Morris bas teen of that cit y. The young couple p . id purchased by Alex. Nov. of Tura- visit here oo their wedding tris. terry, who had sold bis farm to Mr. Mrs. J, K. Smillie, mother of Mn. • Nutri. Mitchell. a resident of the 2nd covice••ion of Stephen. died on Janu- ary lett ei e a long illness, He was in his seven'y•Hr.t year and is sur- vived by four sone. The home of Stanley Bartley. of Ethel. was completely destroyed by fire one morning recently. The flim - ceased, who w•s eigh'y- ane years of ily escaped In their oigttclo:hea and nothing was saved. (age, Mara . igbt children, twenty Re andchildren ani thuteen great - Mn. Malcolm Ferguson. norther of grandchil.lten. Dr, Ili. Ferguson, of Ethel. 1104 at her I The annual congregational meet ing :tome at °Harriston on January 17th. of Willis church war livid nn .I amity.. A family of four twos and three 1A(b. B.p-,rts proved the church to daughters survives. he in • prosperous condi ; ret and the Mn. Hlei y J. Mci ;enaben, of Bel- hicks were closed with a t'alance of hooptal on r25.15 in the e p,stor, tenure, ied al Z4 4. ,She wasmthe daugl tee , keF. C. Harper. 0*l 1 given an ro- of Mr. and Sirs. Wm Bat hour. of Kic- crease in *alai, of SIM. loss, and was in her tbitt:eth year. I Mary McTaggart, relict of the Late Mrs. Bile. Dt.upe mooed away ate Wut. flurray.di -d at her homehere her home at Kirtton on January 24tt, on.lanuwry Lei b. Sbe eat the oldest after a year's alines.. She is survived,resident ' tot Clinton, being in her by her husband, five sans and tone nine%yf.o'tb year she was a native Jaugh'erv. The deceased was in bet, .o of Stlestd but bead Lied in l'wnada six' yetr•t yews. ! nearly ill her life. Iler hu•hand diad The engagement is announced of twenty year* ago. Kethleer•, yentigest daughter of Mr.) Mr...1'•hn 1)aynient died at her home J. Grigg, of town, pored away at London on Januar) 'L:od. She had visite) here on a number of occasions. Mr. and Mn. Grigg attend'd the tuner. 1. M•s. Frederick Wessman. of Mitch- ell, soother of J. F. Wumao, of (lin- ton, died on January 2.3rd. The de- YE¢alth kr $kkWomen For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Been Woman's Most Reliable Medicine -Here is More Proof. To women who are suffering from some form of woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking if down, the three following letters ought to bring hope: - North Crandon, Wis. - " When : a -as 16 years old 1 got remarried and at 114 years I gave birth to twins and it left me with very poor health. I could not walk across the floor tt shout having to sit down to rest and it *ea hard for me to keep about awl do tory work. I went too doctor and he told me I had a displacement and ulcers, and would have to have an operation. This frightened me so ninth that • I did not know what to do. Hay' unigg heard of Lydia E. 'inkhorn's Vegetable Compound I thought I would give it a trial and It made me as well as ever. I cannot say enough in favor of the ?inkhorn remediea.n--Mra. Mayas Asaacs, North Crandon, Wis. Testimony from Oklahoma. Lawton, Okla. -" When I began to take Lydia S Pinkham's Vegetah$e Compound I seemed to be good for nothing. 1 tired easily told had headaches much of the time and was irregular. I took it again before my little chili wail born and it did me a wonderful amount of good at that time. I never fail to ret,mmnrend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to ailing women because it has done so much for ine."-Mrs). A. L. McC'ast.wxn, 5119 Have lit., Lawton, (Saki. From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman. Roxbury, Mats. -"I was sutferinpi from inflam- mation and wan examined by a physician who found that my trouble waw -caused by a displacement. My .%n1ptnma were bearing down pains., backache, anti sluggish liver. I tried several kinds of medi- cine : then I was asked to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It haw cured me and I am pleased to be in my usual good health by using it awl highly recommend it. - Mrs. B. M. Os000n, 1 Haynes Park, Roxbury, Maas. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine l'o• confidential) Lynn. Maas. Your Tetter will be opened, read and an'twered by a woman and held In strict confidence. - -- _ _ .- _ - ---- common venture. Their plan was so wbolebearttrdly tarried out that they built their houses and bougbt their f.r►nitws with funds taken by each at will (roes the common stock. "Neese to the fast day of John Lis- ing'ton'e life was a butanes struck or arrangements made fur a ditieion between tberuiteliree. Their oonosros wens many. but the principal Matinee* was in Nis and flits .Pad. In this they pro -jeered greatly. J -ares was the leading spirit. John to tonged the tlrm's hu.inesr at I.is- tuwel, where he lived. and there his salve part in the but loess ended." The )edagient went on to show how John LivingMon'r representatives and surviving brother attempted to wind up affairs amicably. but the attempt eventually broke down. An act on was ben In hail and the rase has' boom gone on ever since. Four mat ten are I now in dispute. They'sre the bosiues., at Vele, Ihrlousiness of \Yue.th Heist at Credltun, the., .be sale of stills wt . Nader, Oot.. and James Liviugston'i claim for remuneration for trouble i ghee hie brother's death. The judgment went into the iotri- • caries of them diorite es and the vari- ety of decisions in Ibe lower ro•1rt•, It. allows appeal sat far as the Tele bea!- ners is concerned. srithcertain reserve- I tions, dismissing a cross appeal also with rest relit i •ns ; each poorly hear- ing his own costs in appeal and cross ernes'. ULYTH T•yl..r, end it now b•.sily.ngagedget- TUEiDAY. Jan. 'iug part of the C"oonrrc:at hotel ' fisted up for the p•umist. 01 conducting this bar -Ire's. Dtttt.ci.r. ails): Rtr.'ttriTe.-it••eru.t- I and 11ra. Thee. 3.4, inertly. of V+rn', to herr on J'nutry -t d. r•he wit+ l.nrn ing °freer Scott is imp irg with feir- Ernest W. It. lex ord. of Moro rose in Engl.nd sixty th,ee years age :end ly good auroras in.eruring r-ec.si's it r son of Mr. and le re. Joseph levied. t.f settled here nearly unity years) age. tbe'1.11•1 limon Battalion. lib bee Dude(ich tnwrship. 'Rhe i+ '"r"ived by three '"'ns and i now secured tit, ten. So far be ie drill- I A plan is o0 00 d foot t remove the thrrr 4,eghtrn. .44.nt Foster, td in,[ them by givin:r then, marches ne Le•unn. A lot was meow y ]; a l sod .lead !'esu r lir•! Mr 1 to ph exnet t• 60011 to hare the Akre. 1 tueil t o ren" (. xlrri,•h, 3 imra F.,t.r. of London, I 1 ever y d ly '4 afi.ntt eight mile., but he t w 'w lletboti•t church building at Ethel to ht•rtl and it ie expected that 't Cope, of elint..n• .re "4"es• and H•1111sn1 up for drilling of w more pats I *tit" lar the deceit'''.. n her Oared under ther wsau« uatu'P •a «Pntrut will rhnrch ar.J the bui'ding brick vend \VINtillA\i. 7lie BI.tTH FAIR. -The annual ern 11 Lal on on d Walton ha. ge to Wel- meeting ed the hlytii A a,c eat ohne. the four-year-old dsughler I&returit. allele he his,. po•iti.in. piety sass halal in Ind11s•ry hill on oowith fair ate tenderer ref the runlet ere. The T. art f M andMr•. \\'m. Armstrong, pij firmer: c.nvent..n held herrnnTh°r deal return n, I1,11•10wn. was so timidly 1.•••nest oyt Jar.u•tr y 21st av as rets etre-mettle The vetting flax t • tut- elf 'bile 1, i of t4P "".3"t"'''ait gve wi:', ..nwi11g a. 1' 4 off btnunr.l cAeneter woo H:Ird to it. cape- twine, -f Iasi tr:u'+ ilii alter Yet Zana Bok Card It. o .a ith rna'clsthat ate died in my -pilot! , isy „lot Ihr ri••'skric we.e listened to ( whi:•h a di.rus'•inn tw•k place ..n how l.t.t,loa after .uffr'in for Iwo, with g'•,vl attrnt:am. Nl hold pr. twig ton oke the fai : more aucr•es'tuI %his ,t "'Never •Ii;sin -11,11 1 r"• 'teesp, ears-- day..I The al .naty is 1*ing yr,,.. =Thr .le -lion n( iiia Pas tswk mon o n lar -n 5. 'i .r- I 1 aye ptuaid Marty Iiellman, of 7. n i •It. was neat- ,...1. in id. The go, t:• el H.".r is le- place. w ith the fallowing result : Pate• fo•w w wile( foil %'m -R 1. in, A I Pell Mr Joe Violin -no ilii (tate mime, ily h red Mrs. 1\m + J Il toss) wad •J )► A 1 ll v 'ul ver.• When yo•t have lost m easy in the street eve.y..n- !r r.ady mu brio y•ni 1,1..k for it : but w h• n y 't base l est )uurcl•ar.rtrr evetya•ir leases you to leerier(' it as you Freedent ran ream' 1s)• the «toiled po.,e•aion ..t a nein-hes)• ted people. nor ran ini'ru.l p not.. the Corp rr- ward of rnatetial io...per:1! .-.Hes. Dr. \\'..11.re Mit illisn,son. HAD RAS4 SEVEN it EARS I fOR ROUND SHOULDERS Many Cures for this Trouble SuS5.4 _ ed. None Perfected Nobody. It is true, wants to be round-shouldered. unless It he some youth who needs only to be told that his self-consciousness will disappear if he will but look at the other people instead of tmagtning that they, are looking at him. But, while it Is as easy u It ought to be unnecessary to preach against the habit, the dill - ruby 1s•to show how the evil may be overcome. f'sur,lly, when anything la wrong, the first step toward righting it b to discover and remove the cause. But. in the case of stooping shoulders, while the cause 1s probably to be found In our clothing, which hampers the body and continually burdens it with an unnatural weight, we can neither escape from the cause in gen- eral. nor trona the particular form of It in the garb which our imperfect civilisation prescribes_ Many. ird^ea. ,-ave been the meth- ods suggested to overcome this habit. In the minds of some the secret Is to keep the thin drawn in. This atti- tude. as anyone will pee by trying it. produces a slight raising and rounding of the chest. Others would hold the shoulders squared back and the chest protnided. Either of these rules, if carried out. is likely to rrault in a strained posture. In some cries the effort w stat:'`• erect !nerdy i.evelops an awkward bend at the waist, actual -- 17 pitching the 1 ody backward A • mechanical device for securing an erect posture Is to carry a weight on the head. Thi- is an exeellrrit meta- od, but nix: applicable every abc-.. led on Jaren• 1 >- "'It t.. at.ss Jean ing converted int. ,.toe storey. the 'dent. War. I'ottn-t; 1st Ticc•prrs -.4ou••, to ofserMr. a a. rural •to y in•o w, 'u s E-cauab.,` �I,rn She ..•Id■ : Eot K 'dent snare •tit .ts raver. )esus• 1 suite,. •1 wilt a rt it un loot' le, • f Pete dee. The ceremony, 11 I d t \\ (' t which ass he'd et th- tonne e f Ihr • the h..t.l 'tables will t• tesrore pie -aslant, n•. .:ay : s.•crerat y- sew•• Its? ha' l-, whish "14 11'4' ''-inlnwn'e 1 Arra 14144.'e to a raw gatwye to he rr„••, -{a., win,. 44, : direct. rr• H. need -'end I toned n'ar.y toiled tc ti•,. bride's ��tarrnes, wws myitis) •ted b7 11..x. erected ley A. \I. t'. aa•f s).1 • \\'ightnu+r.. \Ynl. lnro (, R. b. Me I l..d de -peyote! of over li•idtnt role( 1, Of. Aic(iilhsriy. the young coupler ( .wan, John1'wrrol•. I)atiJ T.+Idlaw, ale now residing at Zurich. I E\F:iE1:. F. D. Stelk•r. T. eVell rha.1. 11. R. me. ^hen 1 be.u,t of "l.In, au:, •n•1 as a Ere 'loth K om T. relict o! the lt!e a%i•. Nelson Peterson. iorm,tty of Gowan and Duncan JlcCellum : sudi- 1s)-1 le- 1'' A.t• r ...led t•• give it e Thos. C:ark, of the :oh concession ..f Rsrter. diad at her hours• at Cnarpie, Iaro, Alex. Elder and Frwrk M.'call ; • trig!, 1 a n• not IL. f 'ie I foun.l Morris), Bird on .IJnnuy Pith in incaHoley Nisar di•lric•,uta 1 trowel 1'_'ih delegatre to i s)•1! Ao .ci$tinn At T. t that 7.$)' -!Jul. 4* 00 r rdinary oB.•f- eighty-ttflh y¢r. Mb- is survived 1 y She was in her Hitt-* z h 'year out is n'to, ,Vn•. Pollock anti \Vtu. /;'lir. went ! %•In -Boit soot 1. owing heal( thew daughter.: Moe Tho• F,N ts, s'"'"1" liar liu'!'go.i .url a !+roily The direct we n:et lacer ❑cd set the Olnln.h• of J ani wh..t ea Pte uth• , of 1Vi. «baht: Mn. N -•4.t. lirddrs and 04 bis. dale -s for this ytat's fair !tor (ictolwr ointments had 'ailr,l t . du -it w ,- Mn..1a.. Thynnr, of Mortis; and one; Wan. Clock, a former re. dent of lard any 1:b, rff•-eiiog a r•.r• bon, 1154 s • 'LI"' of Mon is township. 1 Eget(r.was kdtedtya teen at Loudon 1'*. og 0. .AND thcci KA;. -itYvw ' Natu• ally, ftp lint h + rel. 1 tea' 'el...." any, i , and ''.11•r rrntltr'! i.. M... S.,nnri ilroadfont passed two on January 21th, Ire was .mph yea' u,•ne nil MI ending the v0111417 a.uurd w , ttlr.r x11, r. 4 ban• hw' ,ut7,. At al- horns cf her si.trr. s)1 r.. Wm.' ss a aectiuenuwn by ureais 1' l. t. Ci, at 4. ale, 01) thiow... Rev. lis turn of tt e 1...h sit.•.•, . • 1 know 11 E1-n.t.f . the Min aced, Tu kt rs pith, and is 111151te l by bis wits r.ud ons fi, I':'a•il, rout ty recrr:a) . t LLr 1 tyre i. peeun.t•rnt. Ate i ....ern 1'4•.11 - on Janun•y'ath. Ste (vas w native '1 d.,aghtre. limos 1' YAW lyeoperance Alli.nr , of uarle,c uy.ng of tem..••, 1 app„ iuckeramith. Lain the %eecud Monett- I The funeral 1.N•k plarr here on .Ian• occupied *b. pulpit o1 Ft. Andten'a r ate tl:e y t, al Lrwt.Ag 1 e t "Z." . died . a Herhu.tsaml predereuawl her tarltr at Billfold n yR P If 1 a nr ••'.-11'ilet s' h err sir• 1 1 other in kw of F tweed • fah t the lrno{xrwncr ).•ittt air do- ff of ear pllnbs Volt 0 til Anil 7 e•' ter of the tat • .Int.n Loot! •Lott ugh. maty ."th . f Then as A11 y w lin ' t ebur L its Monday day 11 rning, pvu g ii"it' l , r �te^.ih utt. Thrdt• err r..'Jry lao-•'ionhots 4i. s,r4v, vette. (Inc ht -o her •n. one settee cr- Beast. sin• ,• •' o r. ere r +• year. I Krs:le en l Mr *. • ell. 4 4.1 .'r, of Bae• ing for the Mopping r t the tato of Jiu.. „lu diy., a •etas : el• • toe tett g- Mr. nn'I Mrs. itnh•. NI 'swell, who ler. II • f •.1114 lir te.ide•1 . t (lode. icb, l,y,.or in t1.' twuoty Thi♦ wrrk •wnnu, ,unuu•,t .. _..., ; • it Aria. 1 . fo user A to =rears tier t nn n N.1111414 4(4137 Lan, h. r, i.. for i 1 it 7 yen.* a lb'se nrpnIti*P1 by the Bty1h ten t rr- nt•e •• •-' ". s inipl , o'd • , , en top • Elmo one. cele)rrsted ilia .islirlh anni•' rr,id.nl .1 Esti, r, 05' killed Ly w awe p.'sy ate canna -sing the village Inured-. pin, b.trn•, 1.1.1 . • 2 with )Nt'tiona whish me t•. be fol- ,i,.111. -.it e. A11d,. _. • 111 • •'r••• 'era u o of their weddrt•g da at Lesm- train at Mamie, a ten J inuary ' 1t11 ing, •11 on Jemmy 10th. Th. -v wein The deceits. d, who on. in his eighty- inatrird ret (:.1t. ,n 1K:, and •horsily four9s year. Was for f' rt)-Hve vests w :•f erwerds oma to ',strum county., n,t•wt•er o) Exrt. r 1:dF' Letter. I. u. 0. F. where they farmed until n little mote; tun_tal took p1.•cc h.•:•: ou Filey than *yew le)..luuily of e'ght,'laso seven are .144 to \I.'. M •twaret Nieoll, who lived (1•r, WHY THEY ARE SO P PULAR. many gars nn the Matilde lire, Slan- try lown'hip, died set -tittle At the' Quebec Lady's Expereence girth Dodds beret. 14 her sore, Ji•hn, it 'McHenry.K,e:ne Pd's N.+.'4, hnkree. Shelves in hetelthts-i y r n. h a ttrrwii Jw t Co'n thin( rear and M survived ♦ y H •ii iron••. \V' :.;ht l 2 of ton-. She wee the eldest abler of :q ..impeitit. -Th at Ittt4d'a Kleine)' byte 1.).11 ca'.t'bls s).1 ne,t n • Alar. John Ftr¢nsnn, Mr,. John Rix. PHt,er• Ihrrecov, i elretn•dy for kid- • \\'r Luse le,'• lessons , -osrk- On• . i• urul.11 i 4 n 1 ,' ztnrot r•. Kart and ,\lr'. John t'de ,ner, of Ilse - neyalisn.ase 10 the neigh.' wireell is dile ,ably mild tt orate 1 foe Ili. 1 ue ,f lira.•.s 1 4 t''.• 1'.: • y t e :raid ea ,trey. field. and lira. Maly Allmon*. „food -- tethe cures tl:re neke. Take the cave the year and n.:w Itee.e is 0..".,,row , 11 ' •tI'thepro:.,: . i.-. 1,ttt•')t11..n rh h. I of Mrs. Jo'eph Fraser. Ilene le Ilse d ) O slit' n'day )lir • /tea '• t . r. •.'t• n• t. • . _s'.nt noel s Mee. Wm. II Waymon'1). nes eft••.l.-•to't 1,1 .ca.es.'.34ly lanai(:' reestlen• of linnet', died •n Lucia, v ' ' 1 ronoider D)'J'. 8' Joey 1'.IIs rte 24th. She was leen in E•rgland of my lest re tend'. i h of •e vert r seventy five vra15 sg.•, but had 'ie.,' -back, and decided t.. try what 14 "•d'. fa tlnl:ett since .he woo a child. Fire Kidney 1'x11. •ould d.. for It. 1 took year. ego Mr. end Mre. \Vayrnnuil• five lapses in all nod i AM hem, teary ellebew'ed'hr Heir'h annisennry of 1 el Ipi eoorla ill was.gtil,.l ly Ii*'y. ketes their wedding. Brides her h,,.b*tJ . aha Iray.a three sou. -Ahem amt 1)a!d's Kklney P.Ilaia lhP house•' t the aro era r (I 4'h tile., of 1loilett, aryl Joh..., ,1 1h•,i11'. K•I,..a 1'1 1, cut.1 arm n• the tot awingui Ig•'nthe Myth etlw-•%Kd'in rn.nlrie lrtrinning .•s.l7 at it lee write tat I of the era -' and ( i, .s Vat .t n1 for I.1» d• Ns of I len 1w• rg•tnn on at . 'hr's *islet* also ssvvive. • k due y•. __ _ •I Leel,' rte.', the du wiry:. ale wrvt,, •'i it ration... „r I:••. Lu ,nc 11,• 4. hippy w',-••. , r:urnatan,•,% it is ,alb 1en1yther likely wee .hdi stet N R:\ FORTH. lies plenty nf.en.w \les -re. R ear\ `'�'tt"" `• w:• b n h'rA to • -,1:4,:"..,14711' .If ilea were east 41 •'entree. last het. mote (sot \I,v I a,,.l N. A. Ta 1 wl o h. v'4er 1PA o. lli•e Rli:h 1 w tin, who left esus) f •'- 14 • lent ..fin ran suis his trtup:•t ter son tt.P into .r 1rer.bi tot Ilio sal • n(� "l' w, . a remti k .1 , . tia•o enol a ye•tr ago i th one of Ili.• suras• K• P P e0wtlegenu Inc the (111+114 is returning c.rrnmatantes' wut0s. ase 1nr•ifi Png'lt•d By ngapiM saahul rnafl,tewrP r.1 •R••'• 1• , home un •„ Maosger to arty r)-••ln the new .how room - i ai rrr., t+)lat. '. she -p f.•r w i In'd tlsnrner t►m•, [, '. ' (1e 1 k furlough i ht+'1Mie "Pot 1.. ('''n •d, n Ir•' ,In , The tnanlece tank pl•PP a' IL mi.' �'n' )os) will div in ten gi,h art. garage end stitwst sno» to"hav+• (e in Pte well iw a furetal enng for iMac .y.wnw• for thele ea't» lir. F. \foe+j •"•ng end egr+eil that f.•. eh. i.• • at u far'', *n liter of to 1.. of o t V. Ho- r4 i�•i, a'nl, las W. have 41417 teen sense. br 1 harr.d t h mores s se. they w.'i.ld pace a mis•,fl"n r 'MAO M(' Aa liter of rhe ate JR.n Hbfnl•, ere, yea will bave to lied! theta o•t,' hi sig lata R' lilydso•e wadi(' t • 1:rndgosilets ani Ciotti •,.. ,inti, •r I nn 3,•• t 1' 4 r 3., 0• there ,rearmed 40 mets( erro . f Pa' I a• T , oe • !' • a u n.- 1 %sol 11 •t Co., 't,ent asking that the 'ala ail mat:• uta eu'a atttrs at -41 its t t' : r tectum of them, in the Prnelnkte wool i the Dominion 1•e di.conti::ur'. 'I hey 1 met with very g 'oil +u: cess, e•t•rciul:y I A ; �•'••AImKABLF t: '.SE. with the w.'wn-n, I, t they did n 1 1u1 - -- - the,ign.turesof a g,NA many ion Brothers "-an aCciamo.t Pc -se fa- F.r' est tl ei en '1t a lied Close Pantie Ytrrs. int, nl•hn1Ji gacn:.ciit in I.1..utltr 1, n m.,Kr:...l,,.: \ottmr-r Hall•nF.i•I.y night0t111. 0.w►••••,Pmtre.01,Knel i -1'.x•. .7.'t *01er Hey. \V. l). Torness ded •,'•.l the ps,l• .. # . ear n .. isl h r•r h lew.r bt Rl•t' p.;eo[ Laudea6onu atal lawn. (rrr• f.• n,•'•44.ar•i,la it., • t•1.•'nv ' `.testier wosne r•• • . a ig o%4 r , • oe the et.r all a 4. •-1, iehhldrn hs,l i Rao a and M ^ 11':x. :y M • n 11n -i ees ri noire* a itis•:' 'Not feet ba.l th e a cues »Lich is very stn• in a .' log e. mania& ltu:u marl 8" . no .sl in�th r stir-ti.m at thea rrn•.•n. Tt.e.ter o $ward+)• was very Lill 1'•'r, . in lel, it is not oftetuany L•Rtrer.'aih E. 61,1/. .T• Joh+• .•sdlen,• th-.p-log Il. redo 'rhe N.d (',n'. l.itI, Cron w• re .114.1.•1 1 ti Curie mad • w sh•pnent , f go d• 1 ' entPrpr'••• f to l.' r, a' d math,' t• thea', • Ra r- w 1 h aptuyrni t,ulral it beaign.rri• at L'a,du» Ira. wart. -rel (Ise vertn.•rrlop e,•.•i. . i( the 1►.. •t•'rd Birth -end ten Asoghr►r. - M '. *Innen w nes' a: a wt. ,et1/t ' Ms• yn „wt rrr t Alfred Peters, of CIM, Slkh., arm allta4rtltrf r''nre um" •eM1t kl rear•. rr ,tkl..•, 1 Ais1111 'It lot of 1' • ttw,i 21,1"...1111.4 l 1. Rose, wt Lome. Three erothe,a and ILrI :'+ KWn y PJs always erre sick to iiedraw'i to be s ensoomenring u, ' ' 'h• r.. ' a'w, (4' whirl, • , l,• ' sod y •.s le'e'r e i I sten/ a ndwtt ,n 11 .t -r; ' Ive as • and tsetatsrsat 1 ueiweaa of Mr. 1t• 4. • • • • A NEW STOCK OF 'Furnishings Min s iu,luding the latest designs in Men's Plain and Fancy Ties. Dress and Negligee Shirts. Winter Hats and Caps. Overcoats and Sults. Everything the man or boy could need who wants to be well dressed. McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors THE SQUARE - - - GODERICH • Things to Eat �I MP' new egg The Best Bread Buns Cookies Cakes Pastry at DAVID BURNS Baker and Confectioner KINGSTON STILERT Now that the cult weather, here you'll want your homes more comfortable. Get our prices un Furnaces, Clot Water Boilers, etc. Our Perfection 0144 Heats+ are just the thing to drive the. cod out of chilly trorner-. All repairing to plumbing fnrnace work, etc., prom} :Mendell to. MP. ".11P- win W. R. PINDER Phone 1a:r Hamilton Street JOB AND COMMERCIAL frinting?rthe zonal g onniennonnennoonnesnononninnasonionernOnon Are You Interested in FOWL? if so, call and ge: one o•1 Cyphers Incubator Co.'s b 1 )`:s on incubators, Brooders and care of fowl. aThese are fre 2 for the asking o` them, We have in stock : I small Columbia incubator, 130 to 140 Eggs. 1 Cyphers Incubator, 244 Eggs. 3 Portable Hovers. This'company manufactures Electtob.stors i't two sites. No. 1 Electrobator, capacity 60 Eggs. No. 2 Elec trobator, capacity 120 Eggs. 4,$) With 1'{.r'• l- ,.•t•,'',wtot., If the ,'! r?rir rn.- r•-.,t i+. !If f'r totem Jo',,. it &Se nett atfert the egg•.:ts there i. etton41s heat stored ter k• ep lire le tine. as tire. 514'. 1r there i• not thine yo want to know about I• etilr.,lnr+. flew I. r. an 1 41ov.,., x.11 3,141 y; -t nor 1)' 111.41. le ,oke. If y.,.i wish at y spy• t.tl tnfor n' ti 'o, w.. ail! to ;''"a" -sl Cypher. 111.9411or Co. A r • yu:s R`t-•inq 111• 111111111.1• of eggs pm ehmnld If tint try 1).. Ile+: i'•.nncea. This is gAsrant.• •.I vire 11rne 4el Its. h'a •' 4 pnxlurrr4 url the tn.ti..•t. If it doe* net, 40 lir gn:arrnteed, re - term 1h • .•tnp'y i' •.-'k it • :.ud gat your ouorwv hook. to t ik. it, t.ae STO.:K i (5')D Mia :;rhe• ..1 1...• .4• ) 1 111 1.. 1.4".1 nu.1 ••d'l::' .t.c `1.•,44 •'4d ret, shy 1.'141. 1'.'. t- -h ul l h ,vent •,,,lr 1" i .'i;' • i..i '1",i 4)r. H•• "t ••-k 1'.e •' 1 i t 11 y L't . ••.,1 If yon ti that 1- h • n • ' any, 1.1.4, to .440+3 •Lock, 1, log 11Nt th • '' '• pa kilts end vet your money hitft• 1' i- t 4t y emit by lie lira•, and it re ht.in•'t m1•.it+1•,r•:utaIhe money for tit• etrt;t'y f. ,•;.e2• it tee p:r hswPt- is nor ♦O'isfl•.1 with tee •poi! et'lwfe„•. SVP litre •'1.1 tons o1 , .:1 1 h tie y ••.. • 11 ,4•41 /111.111 • n, • 11,,:. ' t:l.ctri: Fixtures 1,1 y.•11 want a ice gui;.T vs) �isi.a in iaectrir 1'ex t,;•.. • 'We Is As,. then•. 1 til Nun) ,r.• what we SKATES • LV. njr r.,,l -t; 'o 1,t• ,r, ,,,l,. l alt the .\11t' - n:e 1,1e Mate, i! d n s.r'e . ,...len 4'.t what we s a., e o heist n cit , / t t h , e✓ .4 Wiser 1u,, . 01.1105e I. -+s titan Inlet. ,lit Mike .... raft,'s 1'.tb.t..... 11. k-I'a!lt •:,i:cna 14 -La y ('!tth .... . , . 1' kers ),I,il.tn)nr. ... ... •-... ..... .. .•,- 11. i . ' : k e, • r $lira/ i•• 1 1 f . v .. ........ r e Shelf and Heavy hardware 1u •- ..I ` ill .ac 411 1,1 •r 't, . .try Atom. } 1•1,• . 4.11 '.4 1 - -.•- • ) 4. 4' Oita Ott 1, In0- I)It1lll:llnfi :end Heating 1. .a't t.. t ,t ' Coal and Wo9•1 .....ear.. ••, it+l . 1.'4/1/1,•+' .1 _•'I•r pr ire Se now 142 :in •1.:ri last " 't.:d) •• 2 541 • 'rt 'AI • - ;4, .) .• Lt.%4I I tat •• .41, •• 1.(M) •• .73 I.7.. Boss* • I CHAS. C. LEE, East Side Square $tore 22 (loess 112 1 i i