The Signal, 1916-2-3, Page 6Ttet'iSDAY ttOSCAa'r Ti, W1a TRK SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO 'i'he Health and Beauty Bath is .assured when lifebuoy Sok. is used. It keep. the akin radiantly clusn and giowing with health. i.ifebuoy iv 3n honest seal, .•a a cake and mei it ! curtail. odor i. •.i cc rn:•ar• an ut- -t he elthy skin. But, the -`kr yenl:'I-, inrnediatcly By ANNA KATHARINE GREEN ,IFEBUOY HEALTH Y OAP CUIVRENT LITERATURE. Tui ('.INAUTAN Mln.sztvx. --Th. r• lea sketch in Tbe Canadian Magsiine for February entitled. "Fragment. from it Modern Pompeii,.. by B. B. Cooke. whkh gives one a vivid irn- presion tf what it is like in the shell- dwa+rated area in France. Mr. Cooke is a graphic descriptive writer. and one feels after reading hie stet( h of R day passed in a ruined French town that one has bad an actual glimpse at Pie tswages of war. There is also a Aspital W ►r ,t9 v ent itlttil "L, the Shadow of et I'e," by Leslie Floyd : an illumine, tog article, A Student Disci in Ce many," by John D. Robins I "Royal t *ill sin Nraocee" a lesutirull i�Iustrated article by Estelle M. Kerr, is well as several other excellent articles and short stories. 10 CENT "CABCARET$ • 701 LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache. Constipation, B,Jouuteea, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath --Candy Cathartic. 1 will give you an account of golf." said 1. "1 dad love Adelaide 0 or thought so. but my feelings cbs ed. A great temptation came Into life. Carter: returned from school a —you know her beauty, her fast! tion. A wet•L la ber presence and m Hate with Adelaide become Impossib But bow et ode !t? I knew only t coward's way—to lure tbls loezpe eoced young girl, fresh from echoo Into a run.' way match. This even! 1 bad net a. the limit of my enduri of the Intolerable situation. During w°uute or" :Itude preceding the dimli net rat Alois • uerlu,d's house on t tali; I area• a few (lues to her slate u,.:ug nor to trust 110. wItb her fa end meet me at the station In time to the 10:30 1t lin. I meant to carry ho at once to 1'., where 1 bad a friend 1 the minfatry who would at once ual os to marriage. 1 was very peonstory, for my nerves were giving wa ander the secret strain to which th had beta 'objected for so long. and sb herself was looking worewith ber ow silent and ubcommenlcated conflict "To write this note was easy, bat to deriver It Involved dlmculties. alma Cumberland's eyes seemed to be more upon me than usual. Nine were obfg ed to respond, and Carmel, treeing this. kept bers uu ber plate or on the one otber persoo suited at the table, hoe brother Arthur. But the epportualtem cause as we all rose and passed togetb. er Um • drawing room. Cannel tell Into place at my side. and 1 slipped to note into ber hand. Bile bad not ex- pected It, and l tear that the attics was observed. for wben I took my stave dt MW Cumberland shortly aft - 1 was struck by her expression. I d sees mucb a look on ber tap ore, Dor can 1 conceive of one preting a mon extraordinary contrast the few and commonplace word' With which she bade me good evening. "1 neither knew Adelaide nor did 1 know the girt whose love 1 bad p ere.timated• She tailed me, Dr. erry. 1 was met at the station notre y beetl, bat by a letter --a few ban ed tines given me by an ankmowe moo—in which abis stated that 1 had asked too much of ber—that she could not so wrong ber sister who bad brougbt ber up and done everything for her stove ber mother died. 1 baysnot that letter now or I would show ft to you. In my raging dlaappolat•n meat 1 toit up oo the place when 1 received it and threw the pieces away. I had staked my whole future on dna desperate throw, and 1 bad lost if i had bad a pistol"— 1 stopped. warned by aneasy movement on the part of the man 1 addressed tbat I had better not dilate too much upon my feelings. I pulled myself togetber and•groc..d yacvmy- ace ng. m7 0d 0s. sr - le he rt. ag race a a• be r, to a to P 7 e7 e ■ er ha leaf mea to • odds how bad your Liver, "toms er ach or bowels; how much your head P aches, how miserable yo5 are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness ri and eluggLh bowels—you always get relief with Caecareta. They Immo- dlate•ly cleanse and regulate the stom- ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile front the liver and carry oft the con- stipated waste matter and Woos trout the Intestines and bowels. A 10 -sent box from your druggist will kr. ;• )our Ilver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and heal clear for months They work while you sleep A word of sympathy timely spoken is bales to a wqunded spirit. Subbubs—•'i believe Swam hunt is ualealtby Since we base lived out there my wife can 'scarcely speak above.' whisper." Henpecks— 'Do you suppose 1 could find a house there?' It is moral courage that character- izes the highest order of manhood and woven:. id; the cottrsge to be Just the n„ge,urage to he honest, the coura to resist temptation, the :ourage to dc ones out )'. "Before 1 married my wife 1 could hove listened to her sweet v_lice for boon.' said Smith to bin friend ''Yes —and now'r'• asked the friend. "Now,” said Smith, with moisture in his eyes, "i have to." Mrs. YVilliams—•'Blinn. those bdnir. ler. seem alwaysdu.t I was at Mrs. Simpson• today, and her stair -rails are as clean and smooth as glee...* Eliie—"Yee. mum. !Me has three small boys." a MITE YOUR KIDNEYS, use SALTS man so averse to wine." 1 spoke be- fore I thought. I might better have been Icily emphatic, but the mystery of tied, gle.res had affected me trout the lint "There wan a third glass. W• fogad It 1n the adjoining closet 1t ad not 1..•eu used. That third glam kits e mous oe oma stmt saw lav wile rote vannas Os /1/2111:110411r." meaning If only we could find ft oat. And a small Seek of cordial The lat- ter seema pure enough." •'I cannot understand It." The phrase bad become stereotyped No other suggested Itself to me. "The problem would be simple enure If 1t were not for those marks on her neck. You saw tbose, too, I take !t?' ,ssM Wall ma, Oat Retry them seeded ever that ma tasecest a deed eg tee tmoaaebsbile a as Ise any 1101 tut struggle to and tire !ween es. 1 email net ceeteleg ate trot I ,meld set derail apes her misery yea the viermili s at tteenag w relieve each Impetuses acts. and bad been as impetuous act, the of sae of her rages. 1 had bora .1 three ragai 1 had even sees her ons. Wb.. they panned tube was lovable self secs moos and very teat and very dowscast /f all I rod won true she was sutterrtng ac ly now. Turning to tbe officer neat to iu put the questtou wbkb had been b lag in soy m1sd fur bears: "Ted me bow you came to k there was tlresbl• beta Wbat broa you to this house? Tben can be a Ing wrong In telling me that" "Well, if you don't kuow"— be "I do not," I brute In. "1 guess you'd better wait Ull chief has bad a word wttb you." When was Carmel, and bow was sodurtng these awful hours? Had pumtas°, come and with It a desire ewe ber guilt? Did she think of and the effect this dnlooked for dee would have upon my feelings? Ilia I .bouid suffer arrest -fur ter cel could not ave entered her mind. bad seen her, but she had not Inc In the dart ball. No lntlmutjoo my dubious position or its In.vitab consequences had reached ber y When it did what would slur do? I d1 not know ber well enough to tel The attraction she bad telt for me b sot been strong enough to lead ber accommodate herself t0 my whims teary me otibatal. but It bad strong enough to uery her arm waterer lIterrntloa she may ba ad with ber jea;uus minded slater. was the temper and not the serene of the love wbJ•h would tell 1n astral like this. Would It prove'ot a ons kind? Should I bare to combs her desire to take upon benelt toll blame of her deed, with all shames end penalties, or should 1 a the etif deeper misery of finding h callous to my position and e-elcomlu any caacs which diverted suspicion m herself? All communication be- tween us. I spite of our ardent and us vernabis passion. ad been so cases ad so slight Looks, a whispered or so, one furtive clasp In which ands seemed to grow together, were all 1 beg to go upon as tests of feeling toward me Her character bad judged from her face, which was What would relieve my doubts? As extord drew near me again on our y to tbe bead of the staircase 1 atoned Op courage to ask: "Have you beard anything from tbe 17 Has the news of this tragedy commueicated to Miss Cumber - ad's family. and• 1t so, how are they bearing this affliction?' br hip carted. and for a minute he Rated; then something In my as - t or the stralgbtforward look I e him softened him, and be 'newer. frankly, if coldly: "Word bas gone there, of course, but the servants are affected by It so Minn Cumberland, the yoenger, ery 111, and the boy -1 don't know name—as sot shown up 'Inc. last Ing. He's very dissipated, .,they and may be la any one of tb. ts In the lower part of tbe town." stopped to dismay, clutching wildly 1 be railing of the stain we were ending. 1 had hardly beard the r words. All my mind was on t be had .aid first Miss Carmel Cumberland Ifl," 1 stammered, "too I11 to be told?" I was sufficiently muter of myself to put It Lila way. "Yes," be rejoined kindly as be urg- ed me down the very stairs I bad seen her descend In such a stare of mind a few boas before. "A servant who had been not late heard the fail ct Some hoary body his own as she was pass- taste lag Hiss Humber- away land',. room. aud, was rushing In, found many Mss Cermet, se dhagna she called her, ty• • otos log on IDs floor sur•51 near the open utile - Ore Her face bad able t knew tb. boa ber test levities W NOM tare be. deed. et bleb remit said to her peal- tear- ute e, 1 urs - sow eke otb• loegaa w abs re - to me th m. sten of le et. a L ad y mai bees La h 1t b t great to ttu h K g l b fro Co a word our ber I H era sant tail been "Yes. Who made tbem? Wbo was la the man? Do you know, Dr. Perry?" "Then were three glasses to those H rooms. (duly two were drunk from," ber be answered steadily. "Tomorrow I 950 may be la a posltloo to answer your Cal' question. I am not tonight." ed Why did 1 take bean Not a change, not the flicker of ooe. had panned over oa17 his countenance at my Aet.rance of 1 tar. the word "man." E1tbe7 bb omcW I. • habit bad stood bim In wooderfbl I his stead or tbe pollee bad tailed .o tar j even to see any c000ectloo between this sa7, murder and the young girl wbose foot. , join veleta for all ! ngered on I 1 ed to debris my story with greater di- the stairs. Would the morrow reveal ( at t recourse the tact that Adelaide's young Meter dem' "1 did not leave ID* station WI the ad �n witb ber in the boor of i Otte 10:30 train had gone. It was from death or would the knees propitiously aha .beer preotcupatioo of mind tat 1 aid Der la preserving Ulla s'eretT 1 drove this way Instead of atralgbt oat by Nanall ■venue. la I reached the • bend In tbe road where you get your &et sight of tbe buildings 1 saw a thin streak of smoke rising from one Of its cblmoeys, and, aazloua as to its meaning, 1 drore In"— "Walt, Mr. Itaoelagh, 1 am sorry to interrupt Toa, bat by wbicb gate did you eoterr "By tee tower one." "Was It snowing at tble timer • "Not yet. It was bast before the a clouds rushed upon the moon. I could see everything quite plainly." 7 N7 e,mpanlon nodded. and I went breethleeety on Any question of hie •tagtrered m. I was Ignorant of the farts at hl. command 1 was not able c to conjecture by wbat chance or at • If your Back i, aching or Bladder whose ■uegertMn the polity bad r•1d• bothers, drink iota of water "d the glare and dl•tr,eered the tag - and eat lees meat edl welch had art ren point to that raid I enntlnn".1 bar I omitted all memflnn ..r oh.- .n.... .erhina part 01 m7 ad,. -anti ,t.1 ...,,nine of (0 7 H- 1000 0f I . rn.r. • , 11ne 1rrrt fele rooks Thus the hours between 2 and 7 passed, when 1 fell foto a fitful sleep, from which 1 waa rudely awakened by a loud rattle at my door. followed by the entrance of the officer wbo ad walked up and down the corridor all MOIL "The wagon he Dere," said be. "Breakfast will be given you at the dation." To whkh Hezford, looking over D shoulder, added. "i'm sorry to say that we bate hen the warrant for year crest. Can I do anything for your Warrant!" I bunt oat. "What on want of a warrant? it L as witness you seek to detain me, I sumer "No," was his brusque reply. barge upon welch you are strolled • of murder. You will bate to • pear before a magistrate." "But I am innocent, absolutely 1 docent." f protested, the pees plratlo starting from every pore as the fu meanie' of the charge bunt upon Wbat 1 are told yon wan correct myself found ber deed"— Hezford give mea look. "Don't talk." be kindly suggest "Leave that to the lawyers." as IDs other man turned aside for moment, he whispered In my ear: "1 m go. Coe of oar mob- saw you your fingers on ber throat He its clambered Into • pine tree, and tb shade of the window was op. You a er come quietly. Not • soul be heves you Innocent." This, then. was what had doomed from the start—this and that pert burned letter. 1 understood now 7 the kind bee reel coroner. wise ed m7 fattier. bad urged me to tell tale. hoping that I would explain eller art add give Wm some opportosky Indulge In • doubt And I bad Pall to respond to the hint be ted glees 1 had bars saw ang,Nag m y d b.treilimee threat. and mots, I N sow say K de maim over ma- imed* tat she was dead Wore hands touched her. atssagay by setars eletcb One parses wily In whole world would hew and fell Mee this aceusetles ova Aged yesterday that one's trait te ray gttlal . Imeness would lines throws a my 5t do a pee is D- y When your kidneys hurt and your back ear,•, don't get scared and prneeed I. load your stomach with a lot of drugs 1'. it excite the kidneys and irritate the e•t,rc urinary tract. Keep your kidney.' r., in like you keep your bowels clean, I, flushing tism with a mild. harmless ..Its which rene.tcs the body'. urinous week• and atimul..tea them to their nor- I' way aetilit•-. 'Po% function of the kid. vim is to dltrr the blood. In 24 hour. Cry strain from it 600 grains of arid and w--'- . so we r+en readily understand t.•e aitel importance of keeping the kid- ac1'm aril 1e. Drink lot, of water—you can't drink too much: sI.n let from any pharmaeirt suit four ounces cr Jad Balt-.; take tablrspoontul in • glass ag water i fore breakfast each morning f a fen . • s and your kidneys will act fine. 'lion famous salts is mads from the acid of gr,"s and lemon juice, combined with litbia, and by been used for poem 1...n. to clean and stimulate ckseed kid net.: also to neutralise the acids in seen ss it to longer is a .nurse of I.,.I tat inn, thus ending htadder weakness Jad el:a is inesl.ewwive, eaawot 1n. ere: m es a del;ghtftil effervescent ilhia-wa drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kit treys clean and actin. Try this, also bee•y .p the water drinking, and Ise e'n6ht �oa win woad., slier heeds. ,f ;W1 ,U4.s • trouble and Michaele. Mone which her present•• there bad awakened 'There to ee more to say," 1 conclud- e/. "I know nothing. It U ati a pbanIssmagorta to me--wltb oo mon meaning than a nightmare She br dead I know that at beyond that all la doubt-coorualo•. 1 cab nsitber end explain" b.tt CHAI'TKR tar. (In11711 r• •al. RxrLzCT1osa lug m' U 517 you were not blind to wb surrouediog objects. even if lav they e',•ureyed but MU* ml measles to you." said Coro- nee Perry. "Yon must bats seen, to then. tat tbe r.s.m where Wes Cern- se Devised lay contained two small oar- -• Mal gta■ee., tooth still undid with Som. dew liqueur " res "1 noticed that. yes " risco herr tel "1 menet contend', y moa." • "Was MIs• Comtr14mnd fond of that the sort of thing', hew "Ilbe deleted Ilgnnr o1 all loads. gbe nerve drank I never maw a wo- `B0rne one sen.( hays drunk with WOMEN OF CANADA. evert Cmlnnge, Qsshes.—" 1 r hereof le MS yam that year maieise did ewe wsndutul 1 was troubled with weakness red I tried wines sod serer received ver k w` beneft. C was arab the time lit- tle about mad ie WI a Idy blend r' nun* to me with a bottle d Dr Prescription. I becam�r strong year afterward had twins."—NI BaderThousands Quebec.ies Canada who are now blessed with health cannot usdcratand why th, of other women runtime. to worry suffer when they can obtain for a sum D r. Pierre's F.:vorite Pr,' which IOU surely and quick) • ban pin, distress and misery text net wonuudy health. Young mothers who rreserve eharns of face and figure in spite increasing family and the can of children are alwaysto be envied. 1' .ite Prescription.' the ette0T2hox health upon which happy mot depends. It enables the mother to ish the infant life depending on her, "... enjey the happiness of watching the cjr_ vrlupment of a perfectly healthy child. A GREAT BOOL THAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HAVE. Over a million copies of the "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser„ are now m the hands of the people It it a book that everyone should have and read in cane of accident or sickness, o Ment fifty cents (or stamps) for railing charges to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., aad feu -lose this notice and you will receive by return mail, all charges and valuable book. duty prepaid, flu tib le "Tie iii Ski' leg a Mama Meknes -e M reef tingle MM I+easpnbaamlble M • sew . pendbty weever le Sad tali egoism r eater the amen and forsakes wham 1 later trued !hers. the dead, to ether Seeing la frosty, art !a oath a lbougbllesa hissay as ferret these keys ee 10 fail to leek clubhouse door babied ber. That ea her rotors beam should kers 5Slcieat premise, of salad to toes t keys down td the same place wbicb abs or her sister bad tak avoriu them argued well for her clear bead - and a adman up to that moment. Tb. fever as j, mat a•e come on laser. The mat paragraph detailed a tact Mee in startling enough to rouse my deepest robust interest. Ladok Brown. the Cumber- elseedd leader toriebman, declared that Ar- an's oars totter and what be called the trifling gray man ad been out that ulgbt. aaTTia� - push ties. .eebet KIOMtb11 w Why They're Used • e As Mrs. 1ti�ey, of WUltame{eld Rant. bad says! " Bet6te Il bid takt'O PII1, t boo suffered dreadfully with my beck mad arum Dai mattered fur twenty 7�s. 1 have •n tried enerythirlt tut got ao relief until 1 took Gin Pills. I am now 4n and feel as well as 1 ever did in my lite. There is nothing that can hold • place with Cm fills for Pain in the Back, to whkh women are sabj.ct" Gin Pills are roc. the box or 6 boxes for Se.soat nay drug store. If you watt t•, try Giu fills write for free sample to as National Drug & Chemical Co, cf Canada Limited, Taranto. • They were both In pince when he m- ore the toned to the stable toward seely alerning, but the slgus were unmistak- the able that both bad been out in the 01 as snow since be left tile stable at •tout ,wens 0. H• had locked the stable don aver' at that time, but the key always ban ( le the kltcben wben any one coul It This was on account of A Doter • or, who. U be wanted to go 00 late. sometimes harnessed a hone himself. Zado. Judged that be a dose so this night. though bow ID hoose happened to be back and In b stall and no Mr. Arthur In the boo 1t would take wiser bends than his t expiate. There was some comment made o this because Arthur bad dented Oslo his cutter that nlgbt He declared In stead that be had gone out on f sad deafgnated Ibs coachman's mal as all boob. As for myself, 1 telt inclined to be Cove that IDs mare bad been out. to eoe or both of the women bad bar seamed ber and that It was by theme means they ad reached IDs %Vblsper tog NOES Adelaide was far from strong and never ■ddleted to walking under the met favonDie coodsrlona 1 could understand now how Carmel ad succeeded 1n returning in .11517 to her home. lD* bad ridden both ways—a tb•ory which Itkewtse explain- ed bow She came to wear a meal derby and possibly a man's orerro.t With ber skirts covered by a bearskin ode world present a very hlr ague of a man to any one wbo chanced to pas. bey. Them were my deductions draws from my own knowledge Would orb ele who bad not my knowledge he Is. anywise Inflieec.d to draw the email Tet- 11 thee tet this petit silo. where should 1 be? Human nature Ie basalt all the way through. and I could not help haying moments wben 1 asked myself if this young girl were worth ID. sacrifice 1 contemplated making for ber. Si. was lovely to look at, amiable and of womanly promise save at those ran and poignant moments when passion would seize ber In • goat wbkb drove everything beton it That aDe bad bad provocation 1 dad not t • doubt. Adelaide. for all ber virtues. 7 was not an easy person to deal wltd ge Upright and perfectly sincere hermit. police she bad no sympathy with or com- miseration for •ny lack of prtnclple ear an7 display of selfishnes to others. curl Sim was a Uttle cold. • little reserved, to a little lacking' la spootaneity, tbough '' always correct and always generous le her gifts and often In ber acts. I thanked him with a look. I had no opportunity for mon. Halt a dozen omcers wen standing about IDs front door- and In spottier moment 1 was bustled Into tD. conveyance provided and was being driven away from tbe death Mooted spot As the day advanced and 1 began to realize that 1. Elwood Raneiagb, s.ay going man of ti. world. but with tradi- tions of respeetable living on both rides of my house and a !tat of friends of wbom any man might be proud. was h • place of detention on tbs awful charge of murder 1 found that my keeteet tor- ment arose from the tact that 1 was abet ore from the Instant knowledge of What was going on la tbi hoose where all lay thoughts, my fears and—.hall I say It?—latent hopes were teetered. Ta Meow Carmel 11' mad Dot to know bo•v 1C; to feel the threatening ars of the la w hovering constantly over ha bead and neither to know the instant of Its fa11 nor be given the I.1st 0D commit, to divert Its My esamlaatloa before the magis- trate Mid nae element of comfort Nothing in Its whole tenor went to show tat as yet she was la the leu suspected of any participation In m grist learned of trouble at the clubhouse did not add to this sense of relief. whatever estisfaction it gave my catty. A cry of distress bad come them over the telephone. • wikl cry a woman's choked and tremulous voice: "Help at the Wbispertng Pineal Helpl" r 1 upon tble fact roe must rely 1a inr defame you may !whetter be called S ' • upon to stake 1n my regard." r• Bat i saw that 1 bad made no Im- t pression on his coo•IctIons. He re - carded me as a guilty man and. what d was mon to the point Do doubt, as • am for wbom no plea could be made er Oe any rational defense undertaken se "You don't believe me," 1 went ea, o still without any great bltternesa "1 am not surprised at It after wet tD. a 1 man Clarke as said of seeing me wftb g my ands on ber tbroa Bot. Cbartee, to you 1 will confess tbat 1 did lids not ' oat of a wUd desire to see If those • marks were really the marks of stran- gling angers. You aat betters m.- you mast," 1 Insisted as 1 perceived I his hard gaze remain unaotteoed. "I - don't ask It of tbe rest of tha world But you, If you are to net as my eons - ►•l, must take this denial from me as gospel troth. fib* was dead before I touched her. Had tha police spy Arose testimony 1s likely to bang me climbed the tree a moment sooner than be did be would ate seen that An you ready to take my case?" Clifton is a fair fellow, and 1 knew It be once accepted tbe fact 1 thus urged upon him be would work for tee with all the skill and ability my desperate situation demanded 1 was cosetloss of a greet kap of heart as the stet expression of his features re- hired and be responded almost warm - 4"I will take your ease, Ranelagh. Gods. p me to make 1t good against all I was conscious of few hopes, bat some of the oppression odder wbkb 1 I labored lifted at those words. 1 had I assured one man of my I000ceocel H. was ready to speak beton 1 was. 'Then you ad not been long on the stem' Of crime when the police arriv- ed r "I bad been to tbe room- bat a few minutes. I do not know bow long I was .earthing the hoose." 'Tim police say that fully twenty minutes elapsed between tDe time they received Mae Cumberland's appeal tot help and their arrival at the clubhouse. If yes were then that long"— "i ea000t say. Moment, are hours o t. !Deb_ a deet,,_ ran t was all. or all they revealed to MX le their endeavor to ded ow weather or oot 1 was present when this call was made I learned tbe no ture of their own suspicions. Tbey tiered that Adelaide la some mordent of pre -Tilton had managed to reach tb• telepbone and send oat this areinage. It was In • condition of mingled dread and expectation that I opened the paper which was brought me the next morning. Arthur. the good-for- Itothing brother. had reamed from his wild carouse and bad taken affairs in charge with something Hire ectIrlt for liquor which had led blot from boom that night Carmel still III and likely to be so for days to come. Her case was t dangerous type. Doctors •od were busy at her bedidde. and o tell soot If ever. whetwahe of ber sister's departure trots se on that fatal erecting. That bie was *elf evident for fs were plenty of ber ba•ing haunted ber sister's rooms all tits evening In • con- dition of mons or lees delirium. atm eras alone In tim bouse. and tills may bare added to bar anxieties. all of the servants Daring goo' to the pollee Men • ball. It was on Hub' return lo tbe sterty morning boors that she bad been discovered lytng 111 and Injured before ber slater's fireplace. Om fact was mentioned wbicb set me thinking. Tile keye of tbe emb- lems* had been found lying ee a table la the side ban of the Cnnibertned ready mentlesed as missing fro. .7 porter—an sheathe! discovery wbfeb might him acted as • clew to tbe ewe pekoe I reared 11 their pressed* there had not bees explained by the wie- ner who bad cleared the table after *Inner Cogetng upon thine keys lying en the Boer beside one et the chairs. he mei eerriod them out tote tbe nd laid them when' Mee would be more roast(' sees. She beill set me - sauteed the keys. bet bad atm aw granted that rimy hatenged to- Yr. lane/ark wbo bed !lead at the house ghat eight Thin Ivan, inn key% and 1 have al - seedy Meted bow I same tie deep them Ibe goer Had they but stayed struck the hereof the grate in Pill Ina. and •he ea badly burr:eel lilt near,' itaraTro arm think by nuclei, WINt.o• Halite stir sena ironstioitia ref 0,4 1 GI L LETT'S LYE EATS DI RT " l.VX° 1111 ligbt epee tbs. deepen *tow whim, 0.„ mesijos, SIMI Adelaide. or yam Coramd. CHAPTER Y. '1 An Alit INNOCIENT W." ISTRUGGLED wttb my dilemma for boors. I had relatives and bad come to see me and gem away deeply grieved at my reticeisce. 1 woo world. too. by another con- sideration. 1 bad deeply loved my mother. Sim was dead, bat I bail her bonor to think of. Should It be said she bad • murderer for bee son? In the height of my inner conflict I had almost cried aloud Um dere* denial which would arise at this thouglit. But ere tbe word could leave my lips such • vision rose before me of a bewildering young fate with wee - for gull* and too larbegrior hypeceley that 1 forgot my late antigialetle See& WThl TAU 10171 cum." foga forgot the claims of my dear. dead mother and even those of say owe future Bock passion and sued &mottos merited censideration frost the Maa wbo bad eared them teeth. I weak! not &Debt the elating ot my dead 'ember. but 1 would eV, UM Young girl a chance for her lila. Let others ferret out Um fact that ebe had 'fatted the clubbouse with her eaten would not proclaim It. It was enough fer ne to proemial my innocency. I was in this frame of mind wham Charier Clifton celled *ad was allowed to we ma I bad mot tor him la OM at discouraged mooda. tie was my tries& bet be was •1110 my legal *deb - id Ms. aid It was as such be bed ilseg mama derail as our relatiens had lag et hi Mod asd too did sot remelt est Mae. 1 cm the fleet to speak. "1 am an Moaned mum so far es n• attack mode epee Ude CemiserMeg "MIL 1 bed se bead la Mr murder. It iimmier It is limed eat to iss. My stagy wake yes bem read la the papers and which I felt fared te give mt. rooli- My to my ewe shame sad that eii m- other whom I west. tale bare saved. b aa ebeekenly me mike at tie Wbbrieleg 11,Nies attar Man Onabarinad was deed. Oa • • To Be Coutinued Nest Week' A Mother's Duty to Her Daughter. Her tlealth Must Be Care- fully Guarded as She Ap- proaches Womanhood. The mother who calls to mind her wit girlb000d knows bow urgently er (laughter is likely to need bealth nd strength in tbe years between tben that growing girls droop, be- nts feeble, blot:idlers and net virus attire Is ea [lira for inCre nouriihreent ban tbe blot d can •upply. Signs of stress are plainly evairtit in dull es, pale cheeks. weak and aching eke, file of depre.sioo and often a alike for peeper food. 'Dose signs mesa *anemia—that i. bloodlessness.. The watcbful mother: Inlet In onliPa ern to give ber gitl Lbe new, rich. d blood her Aye eat e.11- fee. by pee - g her Dr Williame' Pink which odition of pollee, health, through rich new blood thee ill• actually eke. No other medicine be. ever see- ded like Dr. Williams' Pod( Pills thousands of weak, disheartened Is Dave 'moored wort h. Miss bel Colhiesior. Ont ., says: bout three years sp. I was a very k, nervous and flu down girl. At faint away •nd the poise Id annoy me. I bed sewers pains tut the heart •nd would otters take y and *mot tiering ere II-. I lost In ght •nd he color silt lett my face. moth,. got all moor a f medicine me, but ail laded to do nte any day we teed in the o-wepriper of miler Cape Clirtd by D.. Williams' PIlle and the nex time my moth - rot to town she ei noses. • "holt 'int, I 1d. the Pills were plea me. and Lom that en every they helped aie 1..(•re I took al - titer eine here. and r.4 like •new I wait teed, for •Il toy 'weals, mid le weight, be es.lor came Nick adviee all weak able to Five DP. sure they will 00 se much for them they did toe me." 01111 caw wet these Pills from my leis* deal,. or by at 60 (vets Of de boles fie $1110 rime The Is co di sy st 11 rin ere and mit sic the end wou sho dire My tor good One Pin In hel day tore pervintl nal 10 m pert joyed gaily W ID ems as used Ariz Reiter to be alone in the world and utterly hieedises, thee to have ahem friends and no sympathy.