HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-3, Page 5assnesonlawlwaosentsislaselidailleseiselowni
se -
Gel Your Slicks On!
But first let us sharpen
theses fit you and put
them in abape for the
sensor. The coat i 4 small
and you will enjoy the
sk ating much better.
East Street Garage
Owned and operated
L,/ a /,wrist f en l
Ideating for women.
A mea•tieg for women will be held at
Temperaoos Hall on Monday, rehear
Airy 7tb, at 4 o'clock p.m.. fur the pur-
pose of urgmtizeg in connection with
Abe Huron County %Var Auxill•ry
All worueo are urged to attend
Customs Collections Increase.
The customs ooll.etiore of Bode. ich
sod itsoutporte foe the month of Jauu-
m y were $12,$13 M. The collections
for January. 1913, were only 110.'*93 I.
Tbe collections of Underlie,' •lune for
the month of January, 1101r1, were 45,-
A Treat for Music -lovers.
A rare musical event for Ooderich
will be the nppearaoce in Virturia
Opens House on Wednesday. F. -orn-
ery In, of obs world-rrouwued Hue-
sian artist,. Len, Jan and Miacbel
Cherniersk y, w hu have been touring
Cagoule the last two months. One of
the brothers is a violinist, one .a pianist,
and the third a 'cetlest. The prices
will he SIAM, 75c and O t:. !'.eats may
he secured at Edwards test,utratit.
Recital at Knox Church.
On Thursday evening, February 17.
a recital of vocal and rristruusental
music will tie given in Knox ',lurch.
Those contributing L. the program
will be Mire Hildred .•'Poll, vocalist,
Misr brace Seager, violloiat, and Mr.
W. T. Shaine, solo piantrt. Mier Laacn
Elliott and Mr W. T. Sharpe will pro-
s ide the ace ou.panimrnts. A collec-
tion will be t ikeo, ball the proceeds of
which will be devoted ti. theRrd ('cos.
Society. -
A. M. over i ' 243
Choice designs for Cushions,
Centrepieces, Table Scarves,
etc., in Tan Linen, Brown
Linen and White. D. M. C.
Threads, also Embroidery„
Silks always in stock.
Free Lams, is Embroider/
Choice Linen Towelling% and
Towels at exceptionally low
prices. Come and buy.
Beautiful GNB fur Raby's Near
Dainty Voile Dresses, perfect-
ly made $1.22.5
Dresses embroidered in Pink,
Sky and White 75c
Both of above in t3 months, 1
year and 3 year sizes. Full line of
woollen wear for bib:ea.
By reason of
the changing
shape when in
motion this tire
cleans itself of
Wil‘all mud
and slime.
T. 102
THE SIGNAL : G ODERTCR : ONTARIO tet•taD.aT tsetse*T 3 Tree
Used ht Millions of Tea Pots
Daily --Every Leaf is Pure
Every infusion is alike delicious
Liverpool lodge Installation,
District Deputy Crawford installed
the following veneers in Lidge Liver-
pool, Sons sit England, on the night of
January SI h: Pact pretident, char.
Young : president, Chas. Thomas ;
vice-president, Geo. Symonds ; chap-
lain. %Vw. Dunnadge : secretary,
Hobe Redfern ; treasurer, It. J.
%Vatter, ; tisat guide, Benj. lloggarth;
second guide, Wm Precioas: inside
guard, H. C. Chambers : outside
guard, Harry Symonds.
U. C. I. Literary Society
Tbe following have been elected ottl-
eera n( the Godericb Collegiate. Inati-
t ute 1.i emu y Society for the present
term: P.esideor. Miss Muriel John-
ston ; tat vice.president. .los. Garvey ;
and vice-piesident. Mies Agnes Saun-
ders ; secretary. Miss. Edna Pridham ;
treasurer, Geo. MacEwan : editors.
Graham Huss, James Koss and al is
Floes Hem ; pianist, Bert l'utt ; coun-
cillor,. Mies tines Pinder, Veber
Fossett. Sam Brimicombe and Harry
Buchanan. The float meeting of the
term will he hell on Friday of this
Recruiting League Benefit,
The benefit for the Citizens Recruit-
ing League as the Model TLeatre on
Thursday evening last was • fine suc-
cess. No les. a sum than $171.70 was
realized and has been banded to the
treasurer of the League In addition
to the exhitit ion of pictures there was
a murices' program. to which Mr.. W.
F. $anodere, 1.ieut. }'rank Deny and
the Stewart Orchestra generously con-
tributed. The success of the event
was due largely to the effort., of Mr.
Hector Hay.. who of ganized the affair
and worked indefataeably 'o make it a
Died at Toronto
Mr.. Hem y Silk received • t-1. gram
on Tuesday announcing that her
torother•in-law, Alex. Silk, had dyed in
hospital at Toronto. The deceased.
who was well known in lludericb, hav-
ing resided here for tome time prior
to his temnesl to Toronto in the
spring of 1914, fell some days ago
striking the back of ler head, and al-
though he appeared at the time to be
not aerimisly hurt the doctoraasaigned
the accidens a the cause ret his death.
Mn. Silk and I'tr Char. Felstr..d. her
brother, went to Toronto to attend the
The Chevrolet Car.
Mr. M..1. Farr bas taken the agency
for the Chevrolet car and has opened
warerooms on Colborne street, in the
Black' Green J 1 only. 'E
Vsor Mixed Sealed Packets aly.t.
rear of the 11 ink of Commerce, where
models of the car may be been. Every-
body is talking about the Chevrolet
this year. and it pronrres t, hare a
large sale, being a good toreroIntial
.:ar at • popular nice. 31r. Farr will
he pleased to beer • c ill from anyone
interested so that he may point out
the features whirl' make the Chevro-
let an especially diairasI a machine. e
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Beck.
Wednesday's Toronto (:lobe had the
following reference to former residents
of Chir place which will he of pleasant
interest to their ofd trienda hereabout.:
Mr. and Mr•. Joseph Beck of Major
street weir given a genuine sutpriee
Isar night. when a party, on congratu-
lations bent, called to say : "Many
happy returns of a happy wedding
day." the bride and groom of twenty-
two year,. ago entered into the spirit
of the party, and a jolly evening re-
sulted. Among those present were:
air. and airs. A. O_ Horwood, Miss
Norwood, Mrs. Andrew Beck, Miss
Lydia�and Miss Ella Beck. Mr. and
Mrs. Maas, Mir. Collins, alts. Bon-
thron, Mrs. Ferguson, Mr Harper and
subject, and the returned soldiers
received many compliments and con-
gratulations not (idly up in their own
heroic conduct, but as the rrptesenta-
tiveo of the Canadian f•u••-s at the
front whose desperate coiirage and
determination in the fare of the enemy
have made the world r /nit. Pte. Prit-
chard replied for the soldiers, and in a
very modest and pleasing way ex-
pressed the soldier's views .d the war
situation. Mr,, 0. L. Parsons gave a
patriotic songand Sberitt lteynolds
recited one of Robert W. Service's
Penis. The Sheriff alien paid $ glow-
ing tribute to the '•h,•ro•:net'-the
women who are doing such noble
work for the Rod Cross and are assist-
ing the great cause in other ways.
The generous hospi'alii of tlr. and
Mr. Kelly received general acknowl-
edgment and eulogy, and t here were
many congratulations to the • xcellent
host and hostess on the happy thought
that had prompted such a gathering.
It was nearlymidnight when, after
singing ' God Save the King," the
party dispersed. to carry away luting
•memories of a well -spent evening
many other. Death of Mrs. Milne,
The Machan Company. There passed away at 1 he home of
The sloe N. llrchan-aaseciate Play -her nephew, Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe, on
en, who have occu sed ilia hoards at Fitday of tart week, HariNIiet nes The
Victoria Opera House all thio; week wadies of the late LCharles t few The
lx deceased, who for Clic past few years
area copipany of talented artist, had resided a: Clinton, came to (;ode -
such as rarely appear before a Gode- rich that she might be of help during
rich audience. They made • repute- the illness of Cha late Ills. Goldthorpe,
ticn for themselves at their (test ap- 1 when ' the was herself taken dl. She
pearance on Monday evening, which WAS horn in Peonsylvarin and in the
they have sustained throughout the Sar 1!d;5 was martial to the late
week, and their productions have been Peter McLaren, who was a brother of
greeted with a fun home tech evening. ' :dr. Dan. McLaren and Mrs. Jane
They bare • varier of pretty eeenery, Goldthorpe, of Goderich. '1'be cnuple
the costumes are of rich material and made t heir home tlrat ret Salt ford and
becomingly made, and the various afterwards at Clinton. Mr, McLaren
parts are taken in a manner that died in 1Srt3 and Mn. McLaren was
skews thorough preparation and real afterwards married to Charles Milne,
talent. The specialties between the wbo predeceased her several years -
acts are clever and amusing and oath- She ia survived hy one brother. Mr.
ing is said or done to which Clic most Byron Thomas. of Cambridge Springs,
fastidious could take objection. On pr., and three sisters, airs. George
request the company have consented I Bertram and Mre. Willi,, of centre -
to stay in Ooderich another week.
Surprise for Marine Club.
On Thursday evening of last week a
number of the friends, of boob sexes,
Starting Saturday, February 5th
Walters & Co. Shoe Store
Read over the following list and see what we are doing :
Men's 1 buckle Overshoes, the Men's 7- inch leather top Lunt -
best quality, for this 169berinen's Rubbers, 2.69
sale only - - - - for this sale only
Men's 12 -inch high leather
for Lumbermen's 3 69
Rnbbers,for thissale
Boys'Lumbermer. Rub- 13•9
be, 1 to 5 in sire -
Boys' Lumbermen Rub- 119
berg, $ to 1:1 in size - '
Women's Overshoes, high
Men's 1 buckle Business Rub- button, for this sale 1.59
bets, for this sale 1 69 only - - -
only 1 Women's Overshoes. 2 1 6e7�
Men's 2 buckle Business Rnb- hackle, for thsale .
, this sale 219 ( M i s s e s' Ove oes, 1.25
only hash button,thi. sale
Men's, omen's, Misses', Boyd and Children's Felt Shoes
with Felt Soles. Fox with Leather Soles.
Trunks, Suit eases, Club Bags, etc.
Men's '2 hnckle Over -1 96
shoes, for this sale• •
Men's 3 buckle Over- 269
shoes, for this sale
Men's 4 heckle Over- 2 98
shoes, for this sale
EVERYTHING REDUCED. Be sure and see us if
you want anything in the shoe line.
vile. Pa., and Mrs. E. Hartigan, of
WKankan. Niles makee, 111. Ma ai
. 'oeet ',btistlets' and brae an
active worker in the Pretllsyterien
of the Godericb Marine Club arranged nares►. One of the greatest pleasures of
a surprise party for the boys at their her life was to know that rhe had been
norms on West street and a merry of service to others. The funeral took
Gold -
tint, was spent. The early part of the place from the residence of Mr. Gold -
evening was taken up with ptogree I thorye oe Monday aftweomn. The
sive enrbre, the ptize-winuen being seri were conducted by Rev, F. C.
Miss Vent Iimod, wbo "'cured Ibe, Harper. of Clinton, who was the nes-
lady's prize, an oil liaintingdol'ated by'tor of the deceived, assisted hy Rev.
Mrs..l. Howrie. and Mr. A. Gorl, wbo
Jas. Hamilton, of Ooderrrb. The pnll-
wnn abs gentleman's prise, sank neck- bearers were Meana. Dan: McLaren.
tie donated by Mrs 1.pt. M. Mel on- B C. Muonings, Gen. Bisset, A. J.
ald. After lunch bad been served (rnldtborpe, B eon Thmnas Itbe hroth-
hrief adaressea were Riven by Capt ei i and Alex. Innsa, of Clinton.
Tretbewey and Mr. \\ w. ('.mpbell, Among those prea.ent from a distance
president of the Club, and a program were Clic brother, ores ti+tar, Mr., lien.
of Scottish songs and Highland dr.nc-Bertram: and Mire Ward, Mfisa Stone,
ing was put or. Among those worthy
of special mention were the Misses
Ferguson. aged eight and ten years,
who sang in (Julie. and )din Helen
Howtie. wbo gave a good demonstra-
tion of Scottish dancing. At the con-
clusion of the program ageneraldamee
was commenced which luted until
shoot tan a.m . with Mee. A. McNevin,
Mrs. N. McKay and Miss Edna Me -
Lean altetnately presiding at the
piano. The milor boys were Lsghly
delighted with the interest shown in
them by their friends and bay they
will raise no objection to • similar
event in the near future.
Death of Mn. lOr.) Whitely.
After an illness extending over four
years whieh was followed with deep
solicitude by the people of riodetich,
Mre.4D 1 Whitely passed away at In r
home bets on Monday. Tbe deceased,
whore maiden nanse was Priscilla
Addison Fisher. was a native of Code
rich. a daughter of the late Davi.l
Fisher, and had lived here all her life'
with Ibe exception ofatewyears other
girlhood whieh were anent inCokmrne 1
township. She was married in the year
11ie l t o J. Benson Whitely, M.D., wbo,',
with a family of three daughter., ow -
elves. Thedanghtarsars Mrs. Meliroz e
of Toronto, Mrs. J. Collins, of Edmon-
ton, and Miss Erma, at home. Mn.
W h i tel y's mother, two bent hors -Oen .,
of Fort Wayne, lod., and Rdward. of
Kansas City -and three slaters -Mn.
(Rev 1 J. T. l.etlear, of Kalamazoo,
Mich., Mrs. Hamilton, of Laming,
Mich., and Mrs. Smith, of Battle
Creek, Mich. -also survive. Mn.
Whitely was • member of North street
Methodist church and for many years
was active in the work of the church
and is other dietetics* in which her
haoevolent disposition found scope.
The funeral was held on Wednesday
atter:woe born the family reeidgnce,
St. Grib's Crescent, to Maitland
nam Rev. W. Y. Hag�er oon-
dueted weeders and the pslibearere
were Dee, Ore. Rmwsereoe and
Aalksw ani John Oalt, 1. L.
Killoran and' W. J. Arh..nn. Man.
11wal tribute✓' were sant by fa lends
of the family hoes far and n .r. Mott
of the above-'+atoad relatives were
present at the funeral.
Honoring the Returned Soldiers.
Miss McLaren, Mrs. Elliott and Mr.
and Mn. Thnn.a. Jacksnn, of Clinton,
and Mn.. Dr., Milne, of Blytb. The
Interment was made :n the Oolbtroe
WF.resru.DAy, Feb. 2.
Pte. Roy Munro is home suffering
from a severe sold.
Mr. John 'Wagner, sr . bas returned
to his borne at Tnrnnto this week.
Miss Florence Yunghlet, of Tavir-
toyk, is visiting with clime Rose Wag-
Mr. John Nscgel. of town. spent a
couple of days in our village looking
as familiar as ever.
Mr. and airs. Ralph larvestein, of
Listowel, are spending • few weeks
rail lug relatives here.
Mees,.. V. Luckhatt and John Wil-
son, sr.. attended the annual meeting
of the West Wawanoeh Fire insur-
ance Cu. at Dungannon on \Vedne.-
l he sect -mutest was administered in
Knox church Sunday mcrning and
the annual business meeting was held
on Monday evening. All branches, of
the church were reported in .t good
financial. niditiost.
'rhe West Huron Farmers' Institute
held a meeting in the Fos -rodent' Hail
on January ai. There was a good at-
tendance of (arwerr. who horned to
splendid addresses by Mr. shave, of
Arthur, and Miss Puwrh, of Wbithy.
On Saturday evening • goodly num-
ber of Pte. Bert alar.{', friends
wended the it way t his home and
presented him with art address and s
wrist -watch be(ure bis departure for
Godericb for training. On Sunday
afternoon the Baptist Sunday school
presented Pte. March with • irate -
Ban Crow. Worst: -The Red Cross
Society of Auburn recently blipped a
hale containing the following articles
1'aenty-three al, rt•, •1) pairs socks, 1
sheet and sine scarf. An autograph
:guilt netted theSociety the tidy sum
u( $12.3. al. Another quilt was sold for
43.75. The Sociei y bas ten dozen
sbirts to nuke and 1•s) Ib. of yarn to
Ise knitted and is looking for volunteer
workers. Anyone wbo will as•iat in
the work may procure mateslal at
Ridiell's or Munro's store.
I'.ITgi'TI. (:.TIIF Ms os. --The pa
triotic concert in the Foresters' hall
Friday night drew a full house and
those wbo attended were treated to •
splendid program by our local talent.
During the evening Pte Clarence
Symington and Pte. Clarence t',ox
- -I
Bronchitis -Asthma -
Coughs -Night Sweats-Oebitity
And those conditions leading to
i_Vaisable Feature
Joint Account
opened with the Union
Bank of Canada in the
names of two persons,
Is that if . ne dies the family funds are not tied up
just when they are likely to be most needed. The
survivor can withdraw the money without delay cr
Think 1t o'.er-then open a Joint Account.
Godericn Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
were each presented tt illi an illumined -
face wrist -watch and an antihero de-
claring the pride ,.f the people of
Auburn in his action in enli.ting and
wishing him • sae. and speedy return
to Canada. The addresses were read
by Mr Colin Fingland. Capt. I. Ileth-
eringtcn npp.aled to the young men
to don the uniform for King and conn
try. Ex -Mayor Reid, 01 tinders,-{, and
Mr. H. H. Hill were on hand to or-
ganize No. 7 ■uh-divi.lon of Hallett for
the War Auxiliar . A silver ...nee
trim was taken and Y'S' was received.
Dr. 11 C Weir acted as •ehas. man.
Time. Adams. ('hiss Nevin,. i•'r ink
'Sandy and Frank Flocked have en-
listed during the part tr,yk.
The \Vint.er Term now on At
fan NI), re -\T
thee.• prnrliral. e0110tale
4..5 • ir•.'. e( .(oda : Lu+Iota rro
head 1: f t•,w. hint and I'rrparnt n:
tt'ota he .induct. a.-i.ted to n o4
int inett,ou.. W.' Aare
connection with h.' -.t hu -sue -a S e'
. Aare our tr.dutus+ are ngularlt •
',toyed. writs for pamphlet. FuU
lor,nttio„ -•int tn-e on a pptie..tiou.
.'. A. Yi.:sIu\1;, i-.. '. A., t4n,ripn1
Ill. i'. yi.g ii'iu. Set rotary.
Sege Extracts fro. Sworn Ev j4eace :
says : •' 'Nature's Creation' is what
helped ,.tie."
CHARLES KNOPi;1, on Oath, says :
""My night sweats stopped and my
hemorrhage stopped front the first
LOUIS C. ZINK. cn Oath, Baca
1 hate to thank 'Natures Creation'
that 1 ant here today." '
Sen.l for Booklet •-ont.oining 'complete
statements on Oath. front those who
ye used " 9Lure's C n."
By Special Request
-- Will remain at the -
The compxtnion Iola\
Made in kandyland
Butter Scotch
A delicious Toffee made from
pure granulated sugar, daft y
cream and butter. At per
Made from pure granulated
sugar and honey filled with
Spanish Peanuts At per
pound. 20o
Maple Cream
Made from pure Maple Sugar.
hooey and dairy cream. At.
per pound.... 20o
Sea Foam
Made from pure granulated
sugar and honey. A drlicio•tb
Sponge Candy. At per
brisk foo
Horehound Candy
Made from Horehound Ilerb,
granulated sugar and honey,
At per pound. ..... .....20o
For pure Hoge made Candy
come to -'Kandyland."
The Candy Man
:Successor to T J. Saizeld.
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire 3.75
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star ,.55
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto), 1.75
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2,8o
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.So
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
Empire I.00
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate.:2.35
The Signal and Farm and Dairy . 1.(35
The Signal and Canadian Poultry News.... 1.35
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free
Press t.60
]'he Signal and London DailyAdvertiser2.90
The Signal and London Dai - Free, Press
(,Not ning Edition 3.50
Evening Edition 2.90
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85
The Signal and World Wide 2.25
The Signal and Presbyterian 2.25
The Signal and Westminster 2.25
The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.23
The Signal and Catholic Register
New 1.70
Renewal 1.85
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.4o
The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.5o
The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)...... 1.75
The Signal and Canada Monthly ....• 2.00
The Signal and Canadian Countryman 1.30
The Signal and Canadian Textile Journal2.2;
The Signal and Toronto Star Weekly. 2.7 5
These prices are for addresaes in Canada or Great Britain
"The Game"
Prices no higher -I5, 25, 35c
The home of Magistrate W. R.
Kelly was .taxa sc 1 a of a treigsw
gathering ton Tmeday aveaing. A
number of et re' s had been Invited to
dinner tb tweet the returned berries.
Pies John B. own. ReorgeTttwmpsnn,
Thomas Peltelmod avid Charles I1*
et.*4. neAisttwely Pte. Brown was
laid epi at Bolin (Out .)with 1a grippe
best lbw other three woo• present acs
tae party in all ersesaered ahout folly
A .esptuoes dither was est red, and
afterw.rie them wee a aeries of In-
formal epee{., le wb)eb pps.tissiiy
•ew�oN pemrt test pas', owl the
sewlM sues a monk Iwts.eatI• Mt• -
ammo et eosins sod The
to dateline. w.. OM
Masi ]canard Xe-. l.alia's Strewth
� sodTalton
" I as a wearaske,
wish a lkoi sego old
ors4Isems iwa �y1dooSgod
until I VIaa1 no up,
red h IMMO oar nerytiaaear sip all
aces% sod 1 ere luny fair vital Y CSR
dolma* Is dolmtor ft.' --loam MAaT,i.
♦Iasi is is riaMilutleetl rtetas4 fee
all wase, woo sod ms res ecus
Mari of sok- ./sr donde ollsse s
Having purelmeed Ilse
livery business of Wm.
Knox. li am improving
the equipment and in-
tend to provide
GOOd Holrses
Signal and The Country Gentleman ... 2.73
Signal anti Woman's Home Companion
(New York) 2.75
Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.7 5
Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 2.75
Signal and The Youth's Companion
(Boston) .1.25
Signal and The Scottish American
(New York) 3.25
Signal and Cosmopolitan Magazine2.85
Signal and McClure's Magazine 2.15
lneledhig postage to Canadian sab.cribers.
The above publications may he obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above less $1.00
representing the price of The Signal. For instance :
Tis. Sinal aad The Family Herald and Weekly
Stu • $1 Its
The Fanner s Advocate IP.3S less $t.co) .. 1.1$
-making the trice of the three papers $3.2o.
Tbe Signal and The Weekly Sas
Tbe Toronto Daily Stu ($o w Mas Stop)
Prompt Service and j
Up-to-date Rigs
All 'orders will retrive
pr..mpt and careful at-
T1u.arnoxa No. 173 for
• good turnout.
- the three papers for $3.55•
If the publication you want is not in above list, let
us know. We can supply almost any well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions through local agent or by
postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to
Godericb Ontario