The Signal, 1916-2-3, Page 4IrMeet3 AT FeettUAIRY ll. Igie
Regular 75c to $I.50 Jor- - - L'
THIS is our Anneal Shirt Sale --once a year we have
a general clean-up in our Shirt Department; that is
why you can get Shirts so cheap at this sale. This year
we are putting the price lower than ever so that they will
be all out of the way before stock -taking.
About five dozen of men's fine Negligee Shirts, sizes
14 to I6j, regular 75c to $1.50. On sale at only 49C
Men's Black Worsted Sox 25c
These are manufacturer's "seconds." You know how
high in price hosiery is now and getting much higher -this .
is your opportunity. Come early, as there is 25C
only a limited number. On sale Saturday e7
- - Sok agent for
Society Brand I'lade-to-order Clothing
Attend the Best. It Pays!
To1WN 111. 11\ 1' se.t olur to 1 .,nae. for
Muptrri•rr buins- ,dural rut (omsence now.
l'a'ale•ue .e.. Strong doom .nd for our (radu
&tea rime, now.
tVeDNRBDAY, Feb. 2. f
Mrs. A. Wi!son is vibiting her
daughter at H•,wsew. It
u.lon Young was a-ouud with
the petition for prohibition.
Mrs. Wm. .S )lows and baby have t
returned from spending • couple of
weeks at her old home et Amberley.
The sacrament of the Lord's Simper
N etion.. like irtdhiduala, must row was observed 1n Smith's Rill church
into freedotn.—gl, Mstyendra Sioha. an Sabbath. key. Andrew ',ling o[fi-
elated and made the service tbtougb-
out a very imprer.lve one.
Tee annual meeting of the Phyo
terlan church was hPooch,-
on Muoday
last The various held
'bowed •
decided hnprovement in every line of
woe k.
The ladies of the Red Cross Society
met anoints! in the township ball on
Tuesday). lot inst., and grout a very
profitable afternoon quilting for the
soldier. at the front. A h.,x of .h,rte
and sock, is to be pa,•led and sent this
%V1tDs sooty, Feb. 2.
Jr. and Mrs. Nukes moved Ihit
week to the Crook+ fum, on the 9.b
c .neession.
Ur Perry l:bddon bra donned the
King'. uniform this week in defame -sof counts).
Mr and Mn. Bromley. of Londe*.
Toon:, ate visiting at the borne of their
d'tighter, Mn. Cudwore.
1 be young people of the Methodist,
church are rep ariug fora concert to
toe given F.ifay evening, February
is h.
The Gleaner.' Mission Circle sre
holding their regul sr meeting on Fri-
day after. "in and evening et the
home of M.. and Mrs. A. .1. Couriie.,
M A. J. C urtice left nn 'fridaylast for T,r.rteri, to attend the funeral
of his sinter, the Into Mrs. Miller. The
sym!,.thy ot the community is er-
ten hal to Mr. Courtice in his bereave-
The FAR]IgIOI ('LCB.—At the last
meeting of the Farmer.' Club of C I!-
borne township, held sr the Temper.
once Hall, Betmiller, Mr. 1. J M
son, secretary of the United Farmer.
of Onterio, we, present rend gave an
excellent address on "Co-operation."
Anoth, r letture of the program was a
debate— "It •lved, that the farmer
who enli-tI is more patriotic than the
muter who produce,. Two of those
selected to speak on the affirmative
side were not pre..ot and ewers. 1'. A.
nhz.rtann and Hugh Hill filled their
laces without previous preparation ;
he other speaker for the affirmative
was Mr. Dan. Schwanz. The speakers
for the negative. all of whom .• tine
prepared, were Messrs. Arthur Fisher,
Frank Stanley and John Kernighan.
The judges, Meows. J. J. M •rrison and
Wm. Young and M er J. Mills, gave
le a tvywtpiom of Kidney
Disease. A own -known
c:uctar bas saiJ, "1 never
3 et aroalasupost-aroctemea-.
train Heart I>,sea se with-
out Indinir the kidneys
wereatfa ." The Kidney
medicine which was first on
the market, most •uccese-
ful for Heart Diocese and
all Kidney Trouble.. and
most widely imitated is
their decision in favor of the negative. p
which they declared had won on point• ■
by a raerow margin The next meet- a.e
ins of the flub will Ir held on Febru-
ary ltkh, when the chief feature of the
program will be an address by Mr.
Young and repot's from the
delegates to the annual meeting of
United V., mere being' held at Toronto
on February 2 and 3.
TI It8DAY, Feb. 1.
A new baby boy has come to the
boron of Mr. and Mr.'. Isaac Cranston.
Willte Reed and Nel.on Webster
are very busy the e times. At pres-
ent'bey are.niaged in cutting wood
for Mr. Jae. Ione.
RIFLE CLUB 8rt'PgR.—Tb. Lanes
Rifle Club had an oyster supper at the
home of Mr. Andy Stein. Quite a
number were present to enjoy the
many good thieve setbefore them,
karce ood3
It sometimes happens that there is a great demand for certain specialties.
Much wanted materials are often scarce, but the word scarce has a deeper
meaning now than it has had for many years when applied to all wool fabrics
and some cottons and silks, too. A kw days ago there came to us a number
of pieces of wool serge in Black, Blue. Brown, Copenhagen and Tan that were
bought more than six months ago, which we are offering at less than today's
manufacturer's prices. If you want a serge suit or dress for early spring. stop
here. It is more than likely we have what you are looking for and we are dead
right on prices.
Silk Crepe De Chene Waists -•-X dressy waist made from good ynality
Silk Crepe De Chene, in White, Piuk
and Maize. B,ck extends over the shoulders and k hemstitched to front Long sleeves with
plain or button trimmed cuff, ; collars may be worn high or low. Thee waist. arc $3
washableand therifore very serviceable, in sizes 31, 36, :1�. 411 and 42
(Dery this week, direct from the makers.)
Winter Hosiery. --We are still selling stockings at from is to u cent: a pair. which
is less than the makers now get for making them. 15C
A few small sizes in ribs at
Be Sure Yoa Get a pair of Our 98c D. & A. Corsets.
=11 =I =I =I fa•
and by their happy Wee and merry
laughter shoved that all were having
• good time. Mr. and Mn. Stein made
a splendid boat and hostess.
The measles are on the "war path"
thrcugh this commuoity. The school
is closed and very few who haven't
had them before are escaping.
The members of the Pre.bytetlan
church held their annual meeting in
(1) Parti entering tuned.
14) From west leeklsg east at deal
131 From left to right: Mr. James, IN
charge of weeks: Mr, Desalt mali-
nger for roatraetorei Mr. J. h.
Soffits. 1'blef Englseer, N est.ra
I.l.ety 1'. 1'. IL
tit Telmer. to taoork
131 Itogert fawn.
NO phase of engineer!ng still' makes
a more powerful appeal to the
popular Imagtn•tIon than the
• billty to drhe • tuotel from hath
ends through miles of solid rock and
law tle two Lorre r„et rxartly. as
was done In the great Canadian Partite
H allway tunnel at Roger • 1'ass on
December lith Thls shaft of 26.410
'feet ilve miles) was carried from
both ends through the heart of Monist
Macdonald and met with such exact-
ness that the layman passing through
would bot be •ble to dote. t the point
of union.
Huddled in a little working recess,
■ 1x thousand feet under grouod,
twenty -Ere hundred feet from the re-
malalag wedge el rock which divided
Me two shafts, • group of railway teen
tad enemies awaited the final shots
which @book. consort the two and
mark lee completion of tel. stage is
the eos.trectlon of tee tunnel Tb.
seers= or temporary fallen of • work
vele* lad been earned on at isnot
noose exposes for nearly two years and
• half depreded on lee revelation
welch would be made when the elec-
tric batted wss touched that tired the
charge, but there was ao sper.latlee
ea the part of the siglseers. They
know tb.(v mettle's" with matbemath
esJ certainty. avid whew •1 exactly
Novas-tklrty tee detonation of the es.
abates ryas rearing dews the teasel.
mad 1■ a few mt.utes the powder
stoke had Shared '-seesk to penult
fsapsrtfss, and the two initiate were
devisd to Et as one dime talglit rover
••Sher, tore wee se outward ex
pneenes of relhf, whotever may have
brew tee Iaiesrd estIdsetIes of (hose
1s 'harp of the weft
Net only has this slam ef the ease
amoeba wort boon eeree.deey
reseled, let It bee hens eeeempllehe1
b a �• _ N4
ores Is July, 1413. that the contract for
the mammoth work was let by the
Canadian Paciec Railway. Cosetrec
tion on the sol end of the ;dosser
tunnel began 1a Reptember of the same
year. and on the west end In May,
1414. Nineteen months from the latter
data the male headings met In the
metre of Ibe areuntain.
Tlh speed record has been made
poaslbie largely by the methods of row
steer -time adopted. limped of attempt
lag to rut this main tunnel through the
moeCtals fres both sols mall
plower teasels, • I1111s to the aye of
the loratlaa of the teasel proper. were
Ent reaatroeted This. plevi..r tea.
rob won only large eaeug* ter the
movement el mase un. bet. he somas
.f shafts est 'row their sides. they
•fade It peeef►N to tarry ea tecsvatles
ha the mala teasel at enswero• places
et awe, laatsed of betag method to
senestleaa tress tee sed. As they ap
preached the tests of the mowetals
the plesesr teasels were led mead te-
te the rote of the Noah te:atei, their
p'wpise having Mea aesempllMM.
The dost We of the stats MON wee
et IMO a1Mt
laytsp of rails fee sole trains, the la•
troduction of compressed atr pipes len
veatllation, sad the 1.WMattee Of sib
ekleery tall operated by
alr), 1lepbosk eemasssieatlas, ami
dialaaga facilities. Wltb this TX
meet It was peaslNe (e proceed TX
lbs eslargenseet elf the shaft to Fla
ronapleted afar --l4 feet wide by 11
Is height. Some three miles of
teasel bay. sew hem ealmptaled
this holt ealarpmesL and the weft
pr'eceedl.g at a rate of enotteartar
mW per Noewtb, which premises map
pieties of the whole teasel early la the
tali of 1411{- Cewatrsetlen ba• alga'
hese baso mod by bbs feet that as swell-
o'm dlMesky wan evirw.teted wry
W rack formations or ece'as l,. wear.
Whole the reek feessatfes is hard
sad NOW N will reseals ss the perms.
seat wall of lee teasel, ss It easost
ee Improved cps by nay arttaete1 saw•
o treettee Wbere It 1. .aft. with a
tetdesey to 'rumble or endo` N le
Immediately fres,ed we wltb as areb
of stoat Umbels A psrtweaemt spa.
erste &rel r thea ►s11t ea the tots/.
of the timbre week, welsh • sei t .
rIr4414eEs •tib tlnnIn
latlsg dyers••, whir'* w111 sewers rapist
defter N air throughout the satin
Tbs eMatrertlee M tats tueee. w111
env rouse the e•tgtb of the wale Mee
of the Casettes Peelle bailie y 4,1
grad • sf only 44 1+i i -.r r -'t. tied
' tl:'teats@ 3 401 degrees e. a teeter*
wPlrh Is aa Important ree.(derstl a is
reltwsy operation sad maletera lee.
Asti beteg • doable -frock trn•tsl N will
brut seethe, Nvik Is the deebvswt
system M the r•e•dI.5 r. ,a Ca
vtin'Ag* the .me ansae team al
l the church last Tuesday evening.
After the business was finished a lunch
was served and • social time waespsst
F.IR)('offs' CLt-n.—Wake up, you
farmer,, and sok yourrelf. "Whom am
I tailing for P 1. it for some middle-
men who le getting the cream while 1
take the skim milk r This is what a
number around here have been aekisg
themerlvss and se have forded a
Farmers Club, which is in a good
flourishing tooditlon. as shown at'
their annual meeting lot Monday
JIOIID.iY, Jan. 31.
Joseph O'Coosor is v:siting in De-
Muter Harry Pbelap, Gnderieh, is
visiting his grandmother, Mn .1. B.
Messrs. Joseph Brophy and James
Cummins, of St- Augustine, spent Sure
d•J bit fr'iendaaksse.'
Thomas Welbee, sr., retrumed to
his home in Dakota last week after •
visit with relatives hen.
Winter Nord on Baby.
The a inter reason is a hard one on
the h•hy. He is motto or less confined
to stuffy, badly voetilated rooms. It
u so often stormy that the mother
does not get him nut in the fresh air
as often as Ow should. He catches
colds which rack his little system : his
stomach and bowel's get out of order
and he becomes peevish and erose.
To guaid again.t this the mother
should keep • box of Baby's Own Tab-
lets in the Melee. They regulate the
stomach and bowels and break up I
colds. They are told by medieiee
dealers or by mail at 25 caste $ hoe
from t be Dr. William.' Medicine Co
Brockville, Ont.
The United Patriotle Society of
Ooderich township will bars a amiss
at the home of Mn. Wilmot Haeeek,
Hurot road, on Wednesday, Fs
9th. A cordial invitation is e=tsmdeb
to all the ladies in the neighborhood.
Last week the town was thoroughly
caovawed in the interests of the tem-
perance cause. Teams of five men for
each polling sub -division waited upon
both the electors and the women in
their rest active sub -division• and In-
vited therm to suberfthe their names
to • petition to be promoted to lbs
T.��ggi•lature asking that Prnvineislpro-
Whitton he adopted, or that the elect-
ors be given the privilege of waist"
upon the matter. The petitions were
signed by a large number.
to Can Sears a Pinkies
If you take a course with us. The de-
mand upon u. for trained help is many
times the number graduating. Inn
dents are entering each week, Yea
,way ester at any time. Write N omee
for out free catalogue.
D. A- MoLACii.A&. Medea.
Rained 1.5 ?sands Dy Taking Tiasl
Norfolk, va —" 1 suffered from ner-
votrrrees, had no appetite and was very
thin Nothing 1 took seemed to betpp me
untit ens Jaya Mend told ms about Vinol-
1 have sow taken six bottles and have
.gstasd Mew ponds: haves good •p-
.get.1 ass set new ". T17a
Visas la a deadens end fiver and ire
tattle without on,.enninptbnalremedy
which metes an a*petita,aids oarstiw
and makes pun healthy bloodTry it
en our guarantee.
H. C.D.u.lop, 'Orogen t
It's Cutter -Time!
What better investment
could jou make just now
than to purchase a fine
new Cutter '
We handle the Gray and
McLaughlin makes, the
hest in Canada.
We have a number of
Ranges and Heaters left
and can give you good
value for your money.
Gasoline Engines
for pumping and power.
Come in and set then,.
humus' St, Gederrch
Special Round Trip Fares
Lose Lima--mspevere
Aea•eIlte and Net N.('.: Ubsrls.ton
a C.: ttpream Art.
all 1 JCubs, .ts( aeA
i veYo rk sod mrd New
Y• Mie dell eawneee ' V lHot
aeiweta Wive. Other beak roper.
res I► - meth Chea, Mee..
*mea . bat.: Prosiest emerge'
w P/. LStAIl.'i t so it 7= 1"
iquiIles( Cut. S ae4. d attd Tisu4,t este% l
*IMPs'►e, flay. ir'M-tl�aa QOmCAea,
Ter en quiet C.1.R P. rvlr's arts it Weed Ike /•/ass Ctialw of •esb
*, 1 e ten sewer 1. tr. TMssethw