HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-3, Page 3TN OdEENAL 1NI ONLY 1ENUINE Bi3WARg OF IM ITA - TIONS SOLD ON THE MEHIT9 01' NINARD'S LINIMENT B0 KtiI NDIN(j MAtJALINES, PERIODICALS anti LIBRARIES hound or repaired. 'IOI.D LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All7d.I1 rumpti/ f A. K. rA Y u)H. h9atAYFORD. ame on leaving MEDICAL llit. (iKu. HI:ILEMANN. OSTB- L PATII..pectin.( 1n amain•. and Hill Seen'. disease., acute, :stunts and .ervom die - seders. eye, stir. su.0 end lnr•uat, p.rllal des/ sem. lumbago sod-bsumatic oondltlons, Ade- s remove, wftbnut toe knife. (Moos at teeldenc e. Duract Ne1.on end at. Andrew's sn At bore pace Moods,+. Wed imam y* I/Murders: any et solar by appointment IL. F. J. R. YORSTER-EYE, EAR,s( sod sad taroORIS. Hero a ow, cYork Ophthalmic and Aural lemma 1lste•I Moist., Car, Nowead 7 braat Hospital, ■4 Square.and Yaae.aotd Eye Boagt .Ynoland. Oso. 20 sWaterloo Strew. Began it • 12 a. es.. Y�t to I tr. Y into toll .� Tokrbo be ff. AUCTIONEER. THOMIAS UUNDRY AUCTIONEER, foo M. °Merle&Ail lwatrltiltlona by teat left at Moual dace will be promptly • speed to. Iteesdeno. tokpso.e 119 LEGAL Re t1A 1 N BAItRltITER. S.,LICiTOR, NOTARY Pt it LK. re". Mee -Sterling Beak Mack, Hamilton Smet, 3edericb. Tewpaeaeta, Roil Natalie Lease sad lasessao.. PROU DFOOT, K I LLORAN .t COOK E BARRISI JCRS. SOL1(ITulte, NOTARIES PUBWt, Etc. (Mee on IbeSpume. emend door from Ham elf n .0 ret, lime, 'h. el *vale Igoe. to toss at lewe'st tats.. N. Psocsnooy, K.C'. J. L. Ilau.oaAN K. J. 1). Cookie. 11O. CAMERON. Y. C.. RADAR!! T . mileiwr, notary public. Moss yau Moe Street. uud.nkls ca. td door fr. =are. At t I. mon 'l bur.day of era week is Bake un Albint street occupied by Mr. Hooper. Laos's Moon 9. a.m. ton p.m. 'HAKLkts OARRO W . LL. h., HA n- '.1 R1nTk.l(. sorry. •auawr. oto. Goole - rtes Res.) ,o W u lowest rates 1 ur SRAOER, BARRISTER, SOL - `,J. letter. Notary Public aid Cescve er -sea-Coags flow Oad.rlcb. o 111SUkANCE, LOANS. ETC. 11gc:1L11,Y MUTUL FE IN law :Vet a N C C O.-FAva sadFUCKlastaled 1325 property a.as.d. (taboo -J. B. MoLwo, Pres.. atatert► P.O.; Jos. ()sassily. VN►Pr.a.. Ood•rich P. 0.; 11=1,14ays,5.. Bea 21., 8saterth P. O. U. T. licUr. ger. 8eatarta ; Joke OrI.,.. W V Wilber Rias, Cas.taae.; helm B.waewel., ho=ses ; Jam.. sv.s.. U5�5-0b�ww.W ; Robert Fent., Hubok ; Malcolm Brwoes.id. aiming.: J. N. Yee, HolawvflM• Alex. Leitch, Clfaton ; Witham • 8silketh Y tl8 lsobley. ostorta. Mld.es tan ps s to m e trot (tale cards r.Odpted al tk J. lllurrrb's cwtblag Ston, CWtes, R. •1. COW. Or. cr.r. a1..r.,y., .trpM, Ooeriet nr J. B. Reld's lien coil Stere, Bid Meld. PO000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO VV llllV Ian. Apoy to M. 0. CAM LOON, Hamilton street. Uoderbh. W R. ROBERTsOrs • INSURANCE AGENT. flea AND LIOWTIIU.e : Brit1sk, Caa•tion and ♦medusa. £C'ADaKT, MCNAIS AND •rrt.oraas' LUSH, ITT : 1 be Ursa Accident and Om/sure .rpaation Unshed,Sag. of London, sg. tD2IJTT AND dV.LANTstki BO NDI : The U.& F d.Ili y ..,d Ousrsate. Company. torlaassad 27 Halite •a �sss�t 'Plows 17corer of 1. MARRIAGE LiCEitISES WALTRR E. BELLY, J.P., 00101/71( H. ONT. mum or suasalGE LICENSES. Patents, Trade /arks, Designs liecured in All Counlrla Writ• for free book "PATENTS PROTCI'- T1ON.' Tells all skeet and how to set pat .to. BABCOCE t BONN. established 7277. formerly Patent (Altos reamin.r. Master of Patoat low., Registered Patent Attars.p.• err.. t• St. Jams. atrr.rt. Hontr..l. Branobes Ottawa sad Warlagtnw. Repe.reetstime In a8 Imelss (mollies Brophe) Bros. Ii�DK RiCH lee Leading Fusers, Director's sad Embalmers Orders ttasrefully attended to at ail hours. night or day. 'OUR OTTAWA LET ER NE STRUCK IT 414004041,414" M 5 QAOMT ,Ottawa, Februarydrd.-D.• puerile, I Oay plant, Arthur M-ig►.n may 1 water by its denials, but it le Flack Carvell, M. P.. who Ninth the In-' _ crease . In of her wood., t he It:emt.er . Aker Suffering Almost Tara Y.an.. for Cu Wan, N. B., lsa ars(-cotesfigbt-I "Fruit -a -twee" $restgit Relief. lot lama and believes i•ap.11ingafl the brans Instead of one 1 ean at a time. The moral 'Met of his five hours' speech la.t wink In which he delivered a eontentrbtrd attack or; the old Shell C))uuuittep, the bay contracts wale by the Agrieultwnl U'partwent in New firunsurtait, and the perfunctory opeevotion Cumuli - i or lingers y.t.etions of heIt)lingered to such an extent Ott the dry after the speech a ('unsest•t.ve CIW'us mos held at which nothing whir was talked annul. It lingers uuw. Not .it ce the war slatted hive the Government easp- pot'VI s hod 1t, lake ouch • goueiliug: Howe took it with a •vey Nee, AA Cor example Captain .1.4111 Hoh.p Ian Hutnharu, who uncoiled his lazy khaki length in the midst of Mi. ('.rv,11'e most gluwii g pea iolr, and aeked, ; "tVhyall these worts Hutu Bunt -1 MR. WHITMAN haw Ir s soldier now and when be , 9822 St. Yalier St., Mot:tr(•al. j'ned the Lowy he underet Net that, "In 1912, I teas taken su.ldeply IA all the damage was to take nicer outs with Acute Stomach Trouble and in Europe. H« aid n.:t :skillet* that' an old arnllery cul •I like F(ank dropped ha the street. 1 WAS treated Carvell would be operating a curtain b)' 2Cveral physicians fur neurly two of fire eg.11.At his patty fi fiend-, t years.. I wai in coostant misery from Hence Ham's ,.u' burst. I n►) stomach and my weight dro1 Bennett of Snucoe, nn the other' band, ventured the suggestion that down from 2.25 [wends to 100 you the Liberal% ought to take up a codec- Several of my friends adtised me to tion and present Frank C,rvrll with a '1'ntit•a-I♦ive,' and 1 cliff so. That gold watch for o-.chiug them bow to eight monies ago, 1 lana. 10 ins put up a go el hatli••. tVhich seems to show that throe it a eaction of the ewers! with the jrul dost. No of Conservative potty that would Ike to mediuneleveruserlactedsoplease Are more of io, though how that can and quickly as 'Fruit a tires', and be, after the thot ougll way in which using it 1 recueerpllfrom the distr,tsiw, r.;drvrll covered the ground, i• bard to Stomach Tr -noble, and all aim make out At all events, everybody agreed (hat Frank Carvell woe a big Cdwstipafma and misers wrr(.'ured. gun end that • few spirited sounds completely recovered by the use ti mu him weep highly dvot!'wlave. 'fruit -a -tit es' anal now I weigh Even if he doesn't get the rtquit )' sounds. Icannot praise 'F,ruit-a•ti into the old She11 Cumn►ittee wbieh 1 he demands he will have succeeded in enough", U. WYIIITM. putting the fear of the Lerd into the 50e. a box, 6 fur 1:'.50, trial size. 2 profiters. This in iterlf is no wenn Al all dealers or sent postpaid feat. Yes, fear is the wort, because any- one who knows Frank Cavell knows -- That there is more behind. No man uses It's, Huh -dun and more facts than and S15rstoito would 1., small pntat the member for Carleton, N. H. His for one as full of the j y of living as rept •tion as the Opposition's gun Is The j ,y of living and inc.drnt. man is as useful to him as a bureau the coat u( at has shot up terribly of detectives. He is the greases. the Iaet ten years and "Honey," recipieut of underground information is as high a flyer its he iv t toe •pstr in Canada. The horrible details Hock couldn't afford to eau. the Enipi to him from all over the counts y and danger Ira than $772',telt.(s0 trot as Frank Crrvpll is • borer and The weight of legs) opinion is l knows what evidence means his ir.- "Baine)" did nothing t"j-, p,rdize for uunts don't is y to put him . R with position as it member of tn.( C.nad backyard goaip. The hot stuff males I arliarnent by acc.pting a shell o to hint propet ly fortified with •ffldavita from the British Government and t and original docum,ntr. it's a safe the H. Nt A. Act tool no hurt fr het that when Frank Covell nskes a bio, •Ithough cne of ulcer c five-hour speech he his material for a science might not have done it. It five months' •s.gniry at the hack of it. AV • Iel.g:..ur prison put it. a questi and that his rral brief is a tight lit for between the man and hi. M.kr -Ih the office vault. is to say. between the M. P. at Pict what !''rack carrell did Tuesday and his steel:-:siakrr at Montle.). week war merely to state the indict- The r.*i garstiue 18, how d went. Being • good player he dies "Honey get the contract % It m Pot Ihiow ho. hand on the table His have her his senile "Haney" has ape long though it was, held not • suite lite a morning in May, ■ dull minute. It was full of salient M'j ,r -General Sart' doe; like to he points. In fact it was all salient blithe hearts about hum. 1Ve ba points, and every poi)( iwpaIld a the Maj .r-Oeneral's word for it 1b humbug. He left the salient points "he never interfered with the Sb sticking in the Government's hide and Committee in giving cont, ace or fl rurally there was some eguirming. Ing Price.. ' iut we rim hay, t n the ettcitement of Carvell's at- fin tiler declantiot.: "1 am the lath k on the Hbe11 Committee people of the Shell Committee. 1 eland ba y overlook his opening remarks in• of it. first, last and all the tithe." ich, a • business man, he took a a fatbet wean'( it bis duty to kno ewd glance at the finances of the how the Shell Committee was han ntrv. A billion dollar nationaI ling • glad young thing like "Barney ht. nn millions annual intermit, And there Frank C.rvell left it. Co ret millions our annual pension bill. servative members often wonder doubt Finance Minister White will the fierceness of the Carvell attac further into this phase of the war. His friencs who happen to know wh anwhile Mr. Carvell is far from he is holding back wonder oftener fain that the influx of immigration hi. m°deratioo, er the war will put enough land After dipping into the sad plight oar tillage and create enough tax.; the 1'n)econa shops, which "tate e &sets to make up the deficits out gloriously with an offer to D. A . sinister foreword was a fitting Thoma to become a government mu roduction to his tale of brigandage 71500 factory and ended Id)OI1111110WI he Shell Committer. as • mushroom outfit lite the re• ti worth noting that Mr. Carvell Mr. Carvell toot up the pilgrimage o no complaint to make against the I the Davidson l'ommi.sion, (whose Shell Committee for awuding chief object seemed to be to turn dow tracts at reasonable prices to firms I lthequarters e that poured into it fro o were in a position to commence THE SIGNAL : GODER ICH. ONTARIO RIGHT Al LIST Ted nds. E!A11oJ11S Toronto Cattte Markat Handy choice s' 'er 57.46 to $7.55 Butchers'. r 1 .. 6.65 7.40 .h,. me . 6.40 6.75 d,' cc 6.75 6.40 Heifers, c., . ... 7.10 i'.541 do. good 6.60 7.00 do. medlu • 6.75 6,60 Butchers' eewd, choke6.60 8.60 do. good 6.60 6.00 do. medium 6.10 6.60 Feeders. 904 to 1.101 Ib:6.00 6.'J5 do. bulla 5.00 6 25 Stocker,, 150 to 904 lbs6.00 6.60 do. med, 660 to 760 6.60 6.00 do. Canners 3.00 . 3.00 3.1.75 76 ('utters 4.00 4.10 Sulkers, choice, each89.04 160.00 do. medium .... !55.00 70.00 Springers 60.00 100.00 l'►Ives, teal. ,good 9.00 10.75 do. medium .. 6.00 9 00 do. coalmen 5.50 6.00 do. grass . 4 50 _ 5.50 Spring Lambe. cwt 10 50 12.00 Ind' lambs 8.0( 8 60 Yearling sheep 8.50 9.50 Sheep, ewes, Ilgbt 7.00 8.25 du. heavy ..aid buck6.00 7.00 Cu Is . '1.... 3.00 4.60 Hoge, fed and watered. :.75 9.75 do. light and heavy. 9.:5 9,40 do. f.oh. country9.40 9.60 Sows, fed and watered7.-5 7.35 try Toronto Grain Markets was Manitoba wheat -In store at Fort William, No northern. 91.21; No. 2, imp $1.21%; No. .7, 11.151:. her Manitoba oats -In store at Fort, nth- Witham. No. 2. C.W.: 441 c; No. h). (' W. 424/e; No. 1 extra feed, 41',c; No. 1 feed, 41t2e. I American -Not 3 yellow, 8344c. arid Canadian corn -Feed. 76c. I Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, per of car lot, $1.12 to $1.14; slightly sprout -'0ed and tough, according to sample, 11.08 to 11.12; sprouted or smutty and vett tough, according to sample, $1.01 to 1N. 51.06; feed wheat. 80c to 95c. .ic. Ontario oats -No. 3 whole, 41c to 45c; commercial oats, 43e to 44c. by Peas -No. 2 per cart lot, 11.90; sample peas, 11.25 to 11 75 according to sample. Barley -Malting: outside, 64c to nes 66c; No. 2 feed, 6'11 to 60e. he Buckwheat -711c to 80r iby , Rye -No. 1 commercial, 93c to 95c: to rejected, 73c to 85c, according to who sample. lot, Manitoba four -First patents In re's jute bags. 17.20; seconds. 16.70; strong th. bakers', 16.50. In Jute bags. hot Ontario flour -New winter, $4.90 to his $6.10, according to sample, seaboard i•n or Toronto freights, In bags. der Mlllfeed-Carloads, per ton, deliver - hoot ed. Montreal freights; -bran. 124; ow aborts. $25; middlings, $26; good feed on. flour, bag. $175. is, at Wholesale Produce on Toronto wholesale prices to the trade: id F.ggs- ubt Special (can's) newlaid.$ .34 to $ .36 a Extras (selects) storage .30 .31 nd No. 1 straight storage . .28 .29 ye No. 2 .25 .26 ve 1 Butter - a t 'Creamery prints. fresh.. 26 .07 e11 Creamery, solids x Dairy prints .28 - .3;; his Bakers' .24 .25 erI Cheese -Large, 19c; twins, 19',1c. ck Honey -Buckwheat, barrels, 6%ic to Ar 7c; tons, 7e to 8c; clove-, 60 -Ib. tins, w 12c; do. 10 -Ib. tins, 1214c; do. 5-14 d- tins, 1214c; comb honey. No. 1, per ' dozen, $3.00; do.. ND.02, per Cozen. n- 12.40. at Poultry Live Dreamed k. Old fowl, Ih. 13c 1Sc,15c 18c 14c ISc 18c 22. Chickens , at Turkeys. 18c. 20, 25c 30c Ducks 11c 14c 16c 20c of d East Buffalo Cattle n. Cattle -Receipt, 3.400 head; slow; • &Hale steers. 18.40 to $8.85; shipping. 1, 17.05 to $4.35; butchers, $6.75 to $8.15; f heifers, 15.75 to 17 .0 cows. 87.25 to 16.50; bulls. 14.50 to $6.75; ato•k n heifers, $4.50 to 15.50; stockers and w •heifers, $5.75 to $7.25; fresh cows and *prtngers, slow. $300 to 195: . ( Yeahs-Recelpts, 16,000 heal; ac- e live; heavy and mixed, $8.35; york- - era, 17.60 to $8.35; pigs, $7.25 to 17.50; r roughs. 17 00 to 17.25; stags, $4.50 to • $5.75. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 8,000 head; sheep and choke lambs, active; • Iambs, 17.50 to $11.25; yearlings, $6.50 t to 19.75; *ethers. $7.75 to 18.00; ewes, e 14.00 to $7.50; sheep. mixed, $7.50 to 87 75. Da Lac me wb •ht cou de the No go Me car aft lin aW Thi int in t It had old von wh the manufacture of shells at once. Tn. Allaire Cox in which the presi His charges were directed against the dent of the Canada Life uied to gilt mushroom companies operated by fl(ty high -bred hours to the Govern Conservative politicians to whom the metre but could not get them past Si 8h.II Committee proceeded to W out Adam Heck, will take a lot of explain millions of dollen. ce such cum n. Ing' 1Yhm. there hoteea were after les he named a baker'. doze), rapital I ova market IrA up ey passed y at hon r- m,stly s shoed l ing. which rernived � ton gthey passed with honors contracts ageregsling ma0y 1101110Po I and dam l of p• gift h Berms ties of dollars He promised if necessary• Sir Adam look, a horse in th to name a hundred toot-, and all a tmouth. The suggeslerlytion when it a a (irtt aamp:e. Many of thele rout uie., mount. Ada. di n't w . made that like the York and Cornwall 'Cotton Nor camp, a witht want Mr. Ibe )nue Cotnpa,v, which turned its vo)trar•t to compete his in the newt• over one ten per cent. commission to I yrs' the Flawing Grundy Comps) St. ''tem hones to bay id hu; • Lep and Company, there Mr. Carvell ended hie remarks. John. N. B., had no more notion of It serous that some of Mr. Il•zeu'a making shells than you and 1 have of friends oriented a hey sq'rrze in Nrw claiming our mansions in the skies at H. unswick with i h' result that Nrw the present moment They simply Brunswick (*tonere got $13.(1) a too got the contracts and hawked them for hey in the harp, while goplec atawi. iddlem•n, middlemen, fanner. got 617 01) a Inn. Prp►uurably ":•lmiddle- the four dollars spread indicaua the man, everywhere !" exclaitn.4 Mr. Carvell with tiring emphasis. What made it worse was that while the Shell Committee were telling bona - fide manufacturers that all the orders were let they were awarding.normous contracts to these mushroom combin- ations hastily formed to enjoy the eptay from the fountain of Wedging. He cited the correspondence of Gen Sir Alexander Bertram with the Dun- bar Engine and Foundry Company. of Woodstock, N.B., as • can in poi t. t. A. • matter of fact the Shell Com•, tee wag ..o tender of party Mends t l the Albion Machine Company, of New Glasgow, N. 8 , which had twice tried to slip a lot of had .hells past the in- spector, was still allowed to go on nsanuf cturir.g. Mr. Carvell touched. not as heavily as be might have done it pat to It, the cam of Hepburn Burr., who operate • pl'tning mill at Pieton, Ont. Hepburn Bros. got a coutract for forging and marhinin seven hundred thousand dril- ler' worth of shells, but as • plening gh rel ore the Government sets on Nationalist support, To give him credit, the Miuutrr of Aericul ure sought to intervene, hu who is Tittle Martin Burrell to oppose an elpnlen tel force I:ke.i .he Duuglss Haien? ile might as well try to sweep !tact the At'antic 0 •ean. H. F. G. HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH Of A COLD says Croon Applied Lu Nesgr{b Opens Air Perigee Right OF Instant relief -no waiting. Your ronin d metrils open right op; the air Paasag,a of emir heal clear and you eine bflap freely. No mere hawking, /guf- 1 in . ►owing, hp•Ar*. arh., dryer*. No st ling for breath at eight; year cold or catarrh dim ppears . Get a *mall holt). sf Ety'. Cream moll Is no plate to make she Is they ltaigs fro. TONT druggist wow. peddled It nut to a manufacturer In a irk sr this ?mgrs.*. Moatr.al. Dr. Pugsley had previous- healing erns= is year neetrlla. 18 ires- 11 glanced at this case. atseistb. 0trat.. th Wiryusu b ~~alt fifteen thousand dollars the guns, ed, *nerrl�tbe logo sr bat this. as you see, waw a eonstairr. mums* .*nsbeaas sed mows irk- able understatement. 'Barna Hew burs, the senior rs,twher of the Hens, li'a jud am. . D,oy p4y la M, P. for Prince Rddward county, wl s eolg or smog eatarr►, _J Dressed Meets Toronto wholesale houses are quot- ing to the trade as follows: Beef, forequarters ...1 6.50 to $10.50 do. hindquarters .. 13.00 14.00 do. carcases, choice 11 00 11.75 do. common 9.00 10.00 \'eats, common, cwt... 7.00 9.00 do. medium 9.00 11.00 dn. prime 12.00 14.00 Heavy hogs .J.60 11.00 Slop Bogs 12.511 13.00 Mutton, heavy 10.00 12 00 do. light 11.00 14.00 Iambs ••• 18.60 19.60 Toronto Fruits and Vegetables Wholesalers sell to the trade as follows: Oranges, navel 13.2510 $4.00 dn. marmalade 3.00 3.25 lemons .. 3.60 4.00 Apple's. box ... ,. 1 .60 2.00 do. bbl. 4.60 6.00 Grapefruit, ease 3.25 4.00 :sweet potatoes, hamper 1.10 1.60 Onlns. 76-Ih. bag 1.60 1 75 do. Spanish, case 6.25 0.00 Cabbage, bbl. 2.25 0 00 Celery. doz. .20 .35 T Chicago Cattle Market ('able-.-R..nipts 13,000; market unsettled; beeves, 16 50 to $9.76; cows and heifers, 12.20 to 18.16; nivel'. 17.60 to 110.60. Hogs -Receipts. 61,000; market weak; light, 87.40 to $7.96; mixed. 17 65 to 58.06; heavy, 57.65 to trio, rough, 17.66 to $7.80; pigs. $6.85 to $7; hulk of sales, 57.80 to 55. Sheep -Receipt a, 16,(00; market weak; native, 17.25 fu 58, lambs, Latoya. NM to 810.06. TR *s.ay. Pas*iasv ar INS • D.MILLAR &SON SPECIALS from all over the store 11 11 Comforters 12 only cotton filled Comforters, extra well filled, size 72 x 72, covered in good quality silkoline. Regular Q • 95 S 2.50, now .... I Pillow Slips Special value in Pillow Slips, made from good quality cotton, sizes 40, 42, 44. Get a good supply while they last.Each 156 FURS, FURS, FURS Our entire stock of Furs all on sale at sweeping reductions, as we do not intend to carry one piece over to another season. Surely at the low prices we are. asking it 1 will not be necessary. Cashmere Hose 29c Special value in Cashmere Hose, about 20 dozen only, sizes '84 to 10, seamless, could not be bought to sell under 40c per pair today. Special per 296 per 7 Women's Vests and Drawers Extra quality, womnes' heavy weightVests and Drawers, the best value we 5C have ever offered. Per garment 2 Flannelette Sheets 20 pairs only, white and grey Flannelette Sheets. beautiful, soft, woolly finish, size 60 x 70. Per pair only 4)1.50 Flannelette 50 pieces Flannelette in light and dark colorings, bought many months ago and just delivered now. Good heavy quality. 34 inches wide. Yard I UC "Huron" White Quilts Our spe:ial "Huron" White Quilt, extra large size, will give all kinds of wear. Full double bed size. Won. I derful value. Each, only. .59 COATS, COATS, COATS The few Winter Coats for women and Misses that are now in stock must be cleared in the next few days, No reason- able offer will be refused . Sweater Coats We have gone over our Sweater Coat , stock and all odd lines and many of our regular stock we have put out for special sale. Sweater Coat values up it to $4.50 to be cleared at, each I95 White Waists Clearing sale of odd White Waists, odds and ends of our regular $1.00 to $1.50 lines, all grouped together to sell at, while they last; each aA t5 c Special values in Black Messaline Silk, extra superior quality, rich satin finish, wear guaranteed, 36 inches ;wide. Our regular $1.50 quality. Special $1.25 per yard. McCall's Patterns Millar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 vslimizimmE Old Bleach Linens This Book helped me improve my Farm. It is the most valuable book I own and it cost me nothing. 1t has sat cd me time, labor and money and I've got hotter looking, more durable and more serviceable buildings than i ever had before. The Rut coot of concrete farm improvements is also the last Hort. There's no after expense for paint or repairs no dander from fire, rot or rust no trouble of any kind. llesides they lower the insurance rate. If yon h•v/en't • copy of "What the Fenner e•a d„ r.ilh C..n_rr,•." rend for one today. There's more IA.. 13.) py.i n( ..Iaa5i. MiM;nr 1.,1..na.1inw. S3 we aiwl pled, iltewnted Ar d,ynaa AAA pkrwo.,.: A.. .ed dna..• et sib., i•ten.r;.t (.rm last•. A rog, .,II be .enc In 'nu 1..e d <Mrp. is.mrdu.r', urrm rete.r...1 d^"r+•n Mier.. CANADA CCIIENT C011TAI(T LIMITED. Herald18,.,rssweet r.... CUT OUT AND MAI L To the Farmer's Wife. To our go til friend, the farmer's wife : Dear Madam, -If yeti make butter, that hi, if you ul•ke gond but- ler. you would he wisp to put your name on it. Get a thciusand butter wrappers print'''. it will cost veru little more to have them done at the printing ((lice with your name oo than you h.vptn pat- for the in.lefln ite label of "Dairy Butter," requited by law. If you would hear and see what goes on in the stores you would understand. "Iowa you good but- ter Y the eustompr asks "Yes : Hret-cla►. Weida you like to taste it 1" A pound Itjrltre 7, produced. "Ah! Meer, , make, i nee: nn need to taste it. We here lord her butter before." Even if you ant no more than your neigl'.nr gets (.Ir a poorer article. it is pi •aaant to know that your holier 1• .agr.ly soi,ghr for: tye-and-bye, r tun everybody knows that Mrs. 7"N name en a pound of butler is a guarantee of the h•ghrst quality, you will get more if you don't get it now. It is the poorest sort of bu.ines. t., send out your butter uni 'entitled t./ NASe a foe, ('prosa on each thousand Molt dc. Of course, if you don't make g...1 butter. you will he wisp to do re !he 111N4/4r. Ito le 11 have no extra v,dure 111 ,.(1-., that IS, "keep dark"- dun', advpnise. We htve meour l.oic I . Lr rich or poor, to Its in health ..r sickness. but we have our choice to be worths- cm 551)171514-1.. Nn 1111811 ever marries one woman : he martin. .tin rxpeul ivp e"tnlnittrp of her girl 1,irn.i., with his m'thet-in- low in the chair. TAK1r8 OPT DANDRIIPP, HAIR crops PALLING gave your Halal Get a 25 emit bottle of Danderin• right now --Also stops Itching scalp. Thin• brittle. colorless and sera giO hair Is mute evidence of a neglec'twh scalp: of dandruff -that awful scurf There in nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff It robs the balr of Its In$tre, Its strength and Its very life; evebtually producing a feverish nese and Itching of the scalp• which not remedied rause* the hair roots shrink, loosen and die -then the Ir falls out fast. A little Dand.Hne -Ley time -will sorely 7 If CANADA (BTCOMTAIr, UrsTtD 11...Y aSt4rg,180a71tAL to ' ba ., n (-stet Th• eeaet.TCa:paraMoAA... cr d .4 hoe oewow wain 4 ton ) Itbt-cow Nsae save your hair. .--- IlGet• 26 emit bottle of Knowlton', bandanna from say drug store You ..-.._ gyge..-- surely can have beautiful hair and kite of It If yon will just try • little Dan deems . Save your hale: Try RI