HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-3, Page 1eoetalaial the nation gems of the allied ••tions. Msesy Niguel subscriber whoa peplum fur hie paper fur IBIS unity have kis choice d this folio of music or a iind rakixlar. 4 Now I: the rose ) to reties Cur The Signal fur 1131d. We thank those subscribers who 1 hate dread, renewed and promise all a great big dollar's worth .lur- ng the coming year SIXTY.KIYH I'M YVY-Ne, list 1 =we t GODERICH, COUNTY BUSINESS. Storm Sash and Storm Doors ]Cade any Mae or Style. Order Now. Shingles, Cement and all Planing Mill Products always in stock. GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMES BUCHANAN, Pnd1DElr AND WAO•i. 'Phase 47 A. P.O. Eng IS. PUBLIC NOTICE. TENDERS WANTED. 1peaiw� � newto endm.rd " le& r. •Wadae" will aln d by the 44=4:1180.4=4 • may be .see at the Imo�tlr �w.sr Cels ls w t.. y and et the ekes of thin Nwsetiebt Nkowr atm beotwtd to ...mew ewer • WILLJA111 ]etQU1Ll.AN. !e.' 13. 0. N. t. West Willmar& EARLY CLO81N(f NuTICtE. mals aarrsor oemormeag eU• rleh eary let. WS. r ty OP Amour pared et bedtime each eve•li., .aeeptlag oat orda y, at o dark. L A Witt. C. L One: Lited. J A. C'AMPBRLL. J. e:. DU Alm*. . 11AIROCOD-MRS A. NICHOLL, e. $sass strew. is esee ed to es, all old. MN 4 far emit hair ersomMs.t srl ism, haSIC us , .s.4 Ms ie •ter ern- er mmm to MMm, al(!y, ra des Me k.U. eau dios �f p IANO TUNING. W. C. TAYLU !oathstreet. P.O . Bas IRI Highest te.thaeadl. 1n tows. Tuning a tewr, Stop; outside work accord Cas B, KNIGHT, DCICTOR OF CHIRO- PRACTIC, bee email • permanent et .c0 at Id. residence. maser of veleta street see (*.Meta mad. Nita., hears : Ito 11 a m., 1 t0 5 p. es.. awl 7 toes ie. m. (Jimsttalan tree. Lady attendant. Rolm CARDS OF THANES. lime MI. moves ie Mee.k.re tae pe ...M at Auburn for their Undo -maid atbouaatfu'r ow tag s last Fnd. .v,.nigr wine • Seeds aro Writ-waicb 1 d41 wear It w.tb she it Mil remind r..e .d way* or !kW good Rope of Anburo. CLARItNCR IYMINOT(M. , - - rim tui on sail FARMS FOR BALK. Tee sestAer+ Janne In Mega lith 1118 Beret sorb : two roles fres t'eafrrtb 1 rd buiy- raziMiLuwa....p4tigirie Amaral; rnK BALE. -A SMALL HOUSE and garden In admirable e.tle t• .t Use . A 1.e Mader' walk from Harbor Park aRethe *enure. pun norther pe. Oculars d m spicy M saes at THE 814.INAL i)doa [11.11 R SALE. -150 ACRES --T H S I former HIM. fares. mile aid a ball north LAde•bw.' : seed clay Item, in PIM tale of eel,baton, /wrtren acre. of moat. forty acres seeded to closer and bondage fair. Term rea.e.sb:., or an exchange fora moiler taeidh reordered. 11 .LT%HAT:IiR ., Admen. R D. No. 1. GUNDRY'S AUOTKJN SALE LIST. neap •t the Yds nowrsrtim�r.. stork ata Y. M. 0. A. Werk for Soldiers rotas iMMltar et The ttl.set 81a, -This is a time of appeals for funds and seers sew nue apparently crop up at regular Inter vale. But we mut not forgot the old ones that steed e'atlaued support la order to main - tails their week. Mo I make no *apology in remeerieg my appeal of a year ago for ewtritwtioS* to the military work of the T. M. O. A: This oryt.aisatioe has won the hearty ..iweaties of all t he military eoounanMs and the grateful appro- ol•tloo of the sefdiers. Lett r. f o u t1e boys In estop and atlhetrent c.,00tesi ly bz witness to the helpful services of the "Y." Two of our own ynuag men. Captains Cyril Carrie and Wil- liam Fi.Rland, have been ing.ged in this work and are doing faithful work at the front. Our heal Y. M. C'. A., though dormant, has provided a good. ly potion of the furnishings for the moldier' room" on the Square. 1 shall be glad to revive and to for• ward to the treasurer any sums, large or small, that any of our citizens may feel able to contnbute. A. M. Romurni oN. UODERKSH MARKETS. THURSDAY. Feb. 1 Mhcat.edrMob $ .53 to $lir, Oats. per bu'0 .... . .34 to .a. Muth Barter. per .... ... .M to .53 Peon. per bosh I.4 4 to I.Y. Ruekw6erat !lour. iPalest.Palest.04Iy eporcwt 3i.8to 3449 neer. pt, per ew n 3 r•. 10 Dal Brae, partes IfJ.ito te 23.10Sbortat pr tee .... ILO O a CRN ay. per fes 4248 to D ♦t ellHcaw. kith. per tea lo fleb Wood. per Mad .. .... RutterMmelts.. .../Et .10 RCM fre . pts dm ft .>t amts• beds. I D._: . per +le. . � M 1.28 Pot nem, pre beds need) Let q t.a Naatwa sefr busi.. N.. 81 ik this 1.1* (t1 beishers' Nodes. ter s 4. EM to su ( 4.105,, sdl•e. t*aN to as. es witrtht. per cwt. t 40 t. * 78 all. to 7.404 Par awl per lb•. ma..'.' (;a0.. per is - - ......... Turkeys, per 10. 7.00 to. 7.23 .73 to.- I.e0 .11 to 0.1•. to a !ftt. aft to ()1.3 R to ti.N A• to a�t Likes the Home News. Mr. Dan Macdonald. Walkerville, Ont., write.:' "Enclosed find one dol- lar, payment for Signal. We 'enjoy reading The Signal and appreciate the home news." Oyster. always freshet Blackstone', FARMS FOR SAL& (- W AMM. them bed { lend a my baad. t« Quick Rale: On. b■fired and any .or In the township I ANTED.-HOU'BE[RISPRR, NOT of ('•lbws. (food home. good barn :.11 Is VV under middleIbn airs In perms otri s►aa W itl bowed on retoa.be termW ALM1,31. .. by letter. M. A4o .8. It H. No 1. node - awes In the townsbip of l'olborne, rlcb, It Fate buildlase Reasonable tonna _ WANTED. -A MAID FOR LIGHT housework. Apply at SMITH'S Bakery 1 II (IHOIR LEADER OR PRECENTOR ` wonted ter Rt. Andrew's Aurcb, Myth. IttlesUmes. ',beadyrec ived op to ',beady nth. J BT4JOTH THkRri, Bsny.•Tiesearer, birth. lion One bundled acres In Oods kb township. Geed knee teand ndo atbnllidlne.. Win mid id o• reeteinable'11104..OUNDRY. FOR SALE R BALE. -DRIVING HORSE, trop now. barer , bvRale rob.... rte. •1 b* acid, w *weer bar swiped. A p.dy to A ACTION SALES. J. J ROt11&JITSON, R. lit 3.6 darkly It EEra. BALS.-t,BDAR POSTH, ALSO R. C. 4415.11.. Aptly W.T. RInIIE.,U ra. N of CURD PUP* POR sALR.-FIVE MW Owed assahsss Lane-awse tees r American g• is itiesiit5. n s,4. moth elf 'es 1Iet .t�La000�a�besoelp� tt amen ipq d• r moth - 044.' Rile5m?r d'ieffil Y Ms m a .1 mother being inn. so well by ander pewter 14.,p ► Tan rofurther par ticder& atm, to HOx 1f11. hueknow, Out L10T1� 8ALL-A PUREBRED JRR- a bailer for rale. - WM H DOAK. ear. *met. Box J•tl GeierlrA 1LEARIN(. AUCTION SALE OF CSO FglTli)WKRYAYppltlts1•1Jtt.t\T . FIXTURE$ AND FCRNISHIMJ.. !love receird inereetlor, to rail b) publk• auction at the probes knew• a. the Thome. Beetaer.nt. le Uoderieb, ea Meader. February 71h. telt r-anmen.lng at 2 o'clock pd. Mare. it r cmtrtr . of the said reAauraet, eone`tfna ID part of r.mtert i .wiry t.ble.. dale. mirror.. lecturer. honorsf er. eii n.11ybewateo tar• Mater, sa04asdeismIne no.deismchino, crockery d sa�a•.w are Whole and minted es Mbit gverythlas will be rod without testis. Terme CIPOI THOR.O(-NDRT, Auctioneer. Ooderkh, I•,D. 1st. ISM Recruits Wantecl for 161st Huron Battalion 1200 ,nen wanted from the County of Huron for the Battalion to represent this County in the Canadian Expeditionary Force ENLIST NOW Recruiting office for Goderich aDd diatriet in Horton'• Block, the Square - -Your King and Country Neod You.' ONTARIO, HUBSDAY FEBRUARY .3 1916 THC OIONAI. PRINTING CO., WI11TLD. Pt Dueness KNOX CHURCH ANNUAL REVIEW PROCEEDINGS AT JANUARY SES- SION OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL. Vote of 412,000 for the Huron War Auxiliary -Delegates from Council Will Oppose the Passing of the Teachers' Superannuation Hill - Still No District Agricultural Rep- resentative, - _ - The January mestIngof the Huron county Domacil was Yid hers last wank, oomar.aeisf ea Tuesday after- noon, with all the member. present. Mr. R. W. Livinget.un. 0[ (.cry, was elected Weide* for the year. The following communications were read : From the secretary of the West Huron Teaches b. Ainoolatioo, enclos- isg a copy of • revolution passed b that Assuci•tion asking that • di.trk representative be •ppointed for obi county ; from the county clerks o Wentworth and (..-ey counties, askio this county to co operate in opposing the teachers' superanuation bill ; fr.n the police magistrate at Clinton, a.k Jag for an allowance to cover office r1 pensee : from the secretary M the pu he school trustees department of th Ontario Educational Aseoctation, ask ing that delegates be appointed icemen • meeting at Toronto in April next from the clerk et Hastings county asking co-operation in having th h ealth act aweoded so that media health offlears way be di.miseed by- muotcipality without the consent o the t'roviecW Board of Health ; from the president of the \1•eatern Univers ply, giving *abort report of the pray rem of the University during the pas year : from the president of the On tatio Educational Association, protest- ing against some statements in the letter of Mayor Ament, of Seafortb, in referents to the teachers' su4 erennua Hon b111 ; from the secret try of South Huron F.rmer. Institute, asking fo the appointment of an agriculture represawtative for the county : fro the oecretary of the Huron branch o the Children's Aid Society, asking fur the usual grant ; from the preeidenri of the National 8anitariuut Astoa tion, eating for a grant ; from, the ptesidett of the liood Roads Associa- tion, asking that delegates be ap pointed to attend the annual meet mg in Toronto in February; from the cleat of the town of Wingbam enclosing a copy of • resolution pissed by the town council, asking that a liberal grant be made to the 101st Bat Winn. 7 • wooled the law Ito the effect that the f minime um salary of a medical blt R ofSeer in torsi! 'municipalities be WOO mun per year, we etirtal[r., the Govern e Anent Ude a legislation :be no - enacted acid that the action of the council twit brought to tee attend ion aae thetaebey." t» - of the Legislature for c dation for his as r tilos o sst sgle- trate, wag athe executive com- mittee. Reports ware Mad front the public school lo.pae$Nu, the county treasurer and the poise. sed sent on to commit - tree. ss Oa Wededay asonsiag • request he few a groat from tsect rimy of the Burda Fatality Association wan sent to the executive committee. The special commltfose'a report reeea ouneoded 1 (I) Thet la the matter of the appotlstasat of a district repre- sentative no *Mho b. taken ; (rt In the matter alio request of the Wait Huron Teaehstg' Association, that notaiga•con be taiga ; '7t) in the matter of the come trout the county c1.11 of with regard to .ppotatiag health officers, that a sindher molehill be adopte ts by this ooueil sad "e# to the Proven - 0ial 'secretary and members of Pit lis - meat. The report was adopted.m The following resolution was intro- duced and seat to the special c.r.nit- lee : "flat in eke, of the fact that the Medical °outwit of this Province i:. has niqueeted tLegtalature to this otomm A motion to Instruct the solicitor tknells,d take up the 'natter of the knells, b-twsea the counties of Huron and Wellington with the solicitor o • Wellington count. and have Lb il 1 matter refereed to the Municipal Re • way Btmad foe an order was sent t f the road and bridge committee. Motions to grant $'2 to each Farm - ere' Institute and O1(1 to tech \\'oriel Institut and to each Agricultural t Society holding • fell fair in the - county were sent to the executiv committee. Mes.re. W. 11 pion., He:. J.P. Foch eriogbam and P 8. Hndgeus addressed - the council in the interests of tb Huron War Auxiliary and a motio ✓ of thanks was tendered them by the 1 council for theirp.•drenee.. °t Contiarei.' on page k. "DO YOUR BIT." Text of Addr.sees at Recruiting Meeting 0o Friday Night. One us a eerier of recruiting Meet- ings held under the auspices of the Huron War Auxiliary took piece at Victoria Opus• Houma on Friday even- ing. The ball was gait decorated with .n abundance of flaps of the Allies, end on the platform were • large number of prominent citizens, as well as • number of the officers of the s B lelI•t-allon, in addition W Ur. J. L. Hughes. of Toronto, and Sergeant• Major Oandy-, ono wen a the pe Indite! speaker.. The ball was filled to its capacity. Mr. W. H. vdo°e. of Clin- ton, pesmideot of the Huron War Aux- iliary, nccupieT the chair and the proceedings were opened with the singingp1 of the National Autbem and • bolo 'aIle, Your Bit" by Lieut. Held .Mr. Mr. 11. vdone outlined the wort of the Aultii try, which, he said, was W discover all the men eligible for war service ; to look after the teturued soldiers ; and to supply men to counteract the shortage of labor as far ea possible. !Amt. -Col. Combe gave • brief h address. He stated he had but one mteem ne that bad never been • given in Huron before, and that was a • call to the civilian population to juin ' the colors. At the time of the awl rshetlion only the militia had been called out, but the •I.peel now was to 1'b O the civil population. epreeun ent 1. r of enlistment wee Weal. as rasa would he brigaded with tbeir chums and f officered by men they were acquainted e with, HGook- . was of opinion that Go - rich ►hould make strenuous efforts to ° have • brigade "'rationed hero this summer, as the location was admit- - ably adapted for the purpose He asked liode.ich to supply him with 350 met and • machine gun section. Dr. Hughes was the next speaker e and he made a splendid effort. HI. address was full of undeniela'e factor, illuminated by many 6umorous pass - ager, and he showed himself pomaded • of a *Gong optimism that scorned to doubt the ability of Canada to rise and equip half -a -million turn.- He made touching reference to the death of his bon, who was recently killed at the front. but declared that he was proud of hien and of the cause and country for which he died. Lieut. Doty grog, "Keep the Home Fires Ruining." Sergeant Major Gandy gave an out- line of what he hod undergone ands seen from the t int. he a nlisted until be was "goosed" at Ypres. He made an f appeal for recruits. to which a half- [ duzen men responded, and leveret Jothers signified their willingness to enlist, but As they were slightly under - I eighteen reels of age they could not be accepted without their parents consent. Judge Hol; and Dr. Holmes moved and seconded • mown of thanks to the speakers. - Mr. W. E. Kelly offered ilia to M given to the person in Huron county who suggests the best nave for the lfllst Battalion. The names to he sent to Mr. F. H. Hodgen... LOCAL TOP'CS IN BRIEF. --- Word bas been received that Mies Jeanie Nairn, of 1 'elk•rville, sister of the linen. Name if town, fell one day - recently and tract .red her wrist. The Children's A.d Society invites all 'hove interest* I in the welfare o children to attend the meeting net Tuesday sl 1.13 p.m: at the court house. These communications were sent o to venom' committees to be dealt with Five applications were received 10 tie posfiidn of auditors. On motion Alex. Porterfield. of Ea. Wawanoeh, and George Holman. o Tdckersmith, were appoint ed auditors `The monthly met tirg of the Moth era' Cluh will he 'odd in the Central ° school Tuesday ant t 4 10 p, m. All • interested are atwt• invited to at- • tend. mat •t I Tim Hosoia B.81 [clam of iriittnriai f • Valentino tee on February 12 h at rrrewi Mephudt.1 church intend bolding • the drearmabngroomsof Micas Hog- garth and McL"od,in the 11a.onicTrm- ' p1e. The proceeds are to be devoted • to the Red Cr.usSociety, ' The following wets appointed high school trustees : Dr. Nicholson. (*ode rich : R. Vanstone, \Vtngharu : \\' Manning. Clinton; Dr. Burrow., Sea forth. Meows. J. Leckie and Win. lane were appointed to the board of crib incl ant lit. A motion to make the usual gran to continuatigp and high schools was sent to the educational committee. A motion to grant =1,0,10 each to Oodericb, Wingham and Clinton hos- pitals was sent to the executive cum• mittee, as were also motions to grant S2. to each public library in the county- ; to grant 412.3 to Clinton, 8ea- forth and Hensel! spring show., and to inure the lives of all who enlist in the Mist Battalion for 81,7000 for our year or until the war is over. On Tuesday evening the member* of the county council were the guests •t dinner of the county clerk and the county treasurer at the British Ex- change hotel. On Wednesday morning the striking committee brought in the following report of standing committees for the year: Executive -J. Leckie, J. W. Taylor. C. Stewart, R. Harding, 3. C. Leith- waite. Speriel-F. Elleriogton, J 1►altcn, A. E. Erwin. J. N. Campbell J. Dt,ip. Finance -C. Rei., T. K. Powell. M. Bisset, W. Dewar, M. Armstrong. Education --Dr. Milne, 8. Mitchell. . A. Stewart, F. Swallacombe, J. M. *nrenlock Road and Bridge -W. R E Ii.tt, Ism treed. W. K Murray, W. H. nbb, H. Ci ich. County Property -C A Nairn. H. rely .1, Hi -owe, J. A. Ford, J. 1.',.. Hottest of Refuge --J. A. Ford, Dr. Be., J. Love. J. M. (*ovenlock. Warden's Conienittee-J. C. L+ith- aite. \V. H Limb, J. N. Campbell, . A. Mtewar:, F. Elleninglon. The report was adopted. M-. T. H. Race, representing the animal ,sanitarium Association, was iven the privilege of addressing the nncil on the needs of that in.titu- ion The county engineet.e report was tad and trent to the road and bridge committee, as was a motion to grant 100 to repair the road het ween Fisher d Race bridges at Win`sbsm. A'notion to grant g4,tri) to the four ikh etshook, in the county wag pent to he exsoutiv., as woo a motion to rant 510 for the purchase of flowers rid shrubs for the court bootee ods. A motto' to repair the app roaeh from Undone!,the UUndone!,township •ode of the e Bemiller Midge was sent to the and bridge committee. The `seater part of the afternoon as taken tip in eoe(trtnte with the 0Bl Dere of the Heron branch of the •nadian Patriotic Food. A t•rgu*et frogs W. R. Kelly, polies t.. Ooderieb, that he 0. rnisbed with proper miles aeeomeao- At *special meeting held by GeneralBrough Chapter, I. U. D. E., 411:. was voted towards the Beigim flour fund. It was also derided t, send RW to help L equip the 1. G. D. E. annex to the King George and Queen Mary hostel for Canadian so'dietr, on leave in Lon- don, England. Mrs. J. H.John.ton will receive for the first tinge -ince her matriege et her residence. Lighthouse street. on %Vedne.day, February U, from 3.30 to It o'clock, and afterwarde on the sec- ond Wedne-day of the month. Her mother, Mrs. G. A. Lunney. of ('ulling- wood, will receive with her. .f 8 L N w J N R c, r S RR h R a Rtrou SI C fa • . ,, `fen. ♦►6:4e.. r:1 1t coot you :.'S cents a year to mail your Signal away to friend., and then perhaps it is a week or s0 old before ey get it. or only 48 cents more y regularly, f press, t any address in Canada or (*rest Itcitain, and save yourself the trouble"of wrapping, ad- dressing and posting It. 1 The Chrietmss and New Year's num- ber of "Vox C'olleggiti," published by I he student of the Ontario Ladies' Col- lege, Whitby, has come to hand. In Addition to the using! college news, the number has several epeeist articles suitable to the season and n short story, '•Who P,.ya r written by Miss Marge. y Moore, a former Goderich (girl. Miss Moxne also herds the ed- norial staff and the publication is gond evidence of her literary and executive ability. The directors of the Goderich Hnrti- cultur,.iRciety base made arrange- ment t r deliver five No. 1 English roes bushes to each member of the Sc- ciety for 191.:. As there were 110 mem- bens 700 rue bushel. will be tegdired for the purpose To comply with the act o•horticultural srnih R R societies and to secure the Government grant it i. Deemstry to have the members' roll in the hand. of the Department at an earl date and a canvass for members for 19i# is now being made. nu can have one nmaded resh from t r r o FROM MAJOR EMMERTON. 3.4.1,,, Jan. 14. 19P: To The Uodrrkh Sterol. •1 hex 1..tre to state ! hat it has come to my notice that • report has been more or lees ci'culated in Ondetich that Nnmler 68818, Pte. H. Silk, cf the 18th Canadians, has not been in the Bring lbw. That report is false He has done hi. regular tour in l4. !Int -line trenches. 8iaeerely your.. R. fCMxaltroN, Major, 18th Canadian., Belgium. Our homemade 'lamed fruit and nuts make a delteate 'satiation for parties. Made to your order. sderadp'. Phone Every Saturday watch Blackstone'" windows for specials. CHURCH NOTES. Rev, G. M. Holme+ will preach next Sunday' in the B.ptiet church. His subjects morning and evening are rl•• spectivety: 'Thr Missionary McMege of the B •ok of Jonah," and ".1 *mese the Ardent Apostle." At North street Methodist church next Sunday mot ning there will he re- ception of members and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. In the evening Rev. D. W. Snyder, ae"trtary of the Lord'.. Day Alliance. will preach. Rev. E. B. Otter, superintendent of the adult and secondary divisions of the Ontario Sunday School Associa- tion, will give an address at Knox church on Tuesday evening next which should prove of interest to all Sabbath ^school workers. A cotdtel invitation is extended 10 ever VOnr to at :end. An offering wi11 be taken in aid of the As- e0ci•tion'e work. - An interr.ting debit• was held at the Baptist church on Mt nd tyevening in connection wilt the regular meet - ring of the B. Y P. C. The subject was, "Res -teed, that the medical mis- sionary con do mote good than the educational missionary.' The mest- ere for the afflrmetive were Mr. heti Beevet•s and Mis Eli/ .beth D.m•Idson and for the negro, ive Mr..lohn Donald. son and Mier Elsie Dunnadge. The judges-Hev. G. M. Holme., 'Mr..1.s A Campbell and Mot. 0 T. Hopkins - gave the d. (Anion to the negative The Election ot"Warden, A report sent to outside impels of the election of the Warden at the re- cent, meeting of the count wait rather misleading. It Rti 'd that Mr. Livingston was elected by • mop -why of one. As a natter of tact, Mr. Liv. ingston's election was linen' and no other name than his was pl.cIJ be- fore the council. In January, Hen, the member* of the y council of that year agreed unanimou-ly to sup- port an arrangement ny which • Lib- eral and • Constrv•Uve would altern- ately he selected to fill 1he Warden's chair. This agreement has been In effect ever eine.. F:.cb year the mem- ber. of the party whose turn it is to choose the Warden hold • caucus to decide which of their number shell he selector! for the office. *od the pro ()eliding. before the council simply ratify tit" selectior The reported msjority of one refers to Use preeead- ings in cameos, where, It is understood, Reeve Taylor of Fluter pore Reeve Livingston • close tun. far as the coune(l was roneereed, however. Mr. IJeing"ton had no opposition. Blaekstotss'e be cream In bulk or bricks appeals to everyone. THE LADS IN KHAKI. The following recruits for the l.tl.t Battalion have enlisted this week at the local recruit ung office : Jamb Youngbtut, (roderich. A. J. Brindley, R. H. Reynolds, A. Kinto.e. W. E Prachry, G. R. Murphy, O. Bell, D. A. White. Angus Murray, E. A. Warner. (leo. Oockfleld, J. W. Bell, L. Allen, benmiller. A. W. Mu tin. J. L. MuglerJ. The last two have been transferred to (ioderich from Clinton. Mr j .r Mc1'.gg;.rt, Battalion pay- master, was he. e on Wednesday and gladdened the hearts of the boys by handing out the monthly pity chequer. Major McPhail hub been absent the past week on ..irk leave, The strength of the Goderich de- tachment is now seventy-Hve. On Tuesday the boys were out for • thirteen -mule route waeoti. The soldiers will attend divine ser- vice at the Anglican church next Sun- day. Tb.y .tteoded the Baptist church last Sunday. . et 04 Nr John J. McDonald, of Ca/eery, who tor a nuwbrr of years was with the G. T. R in Ontario, and after- w•rds ran a grocery More in Goderich. on West street. has enlisted in the A. 8. C.. near Calgary, under the •wmwand of ('.pt. Carden. "Loclie." as he was known to his many friende. has bee. employed by the Western Canada Flour Mills at Calgary as trav- eller for the put three years. The Stratford Beacon hu an "honor roll" of eight, Chet number of mem- bers of ifs staff baying enlisted since the beginning of the war. The eighth one is Mr. firs Cluff• for some time reporter w ith The Beacon, who is joining the 101.1 Huron Battalion. He enlists as a privet-, with the intention (.f eventually ,.king a cour.e at Lon- don for his lieutenancy. This is Her. W. T. Cluf 's second son to offer his set vices for the Empire, Lieut. Howard Cluff being with the 71st Battalion at 'Woodstock. Pic rick O'Brien of Ashfield, who enlisted with the (ioderichdetachnient of the 101,1 Benetton several weeks ago, comes floei a made; y family. His father• precious to the present war, had been twenty-one years A soldier, eighteen of three veers being spent ontot eigneel vie.. At the nut - break of war be .muted with the :ilttt Hussars se veterinary surgeon. Three brothers of Pte.y(Mien ienys�hoo are erv- in ladle a •tilts fruitYift'fbJ t it Ent opt, where he was wounded •1 tb, Neuve Chapelle fl,(ht. B. -fore comini( to this countiy six years .go Pte. I) Hrien had buneelf served tire, years with the Royal Field Artillery Capt. \V. Y. Hayden, of the Cana- dian Army Dental ('o,p.. is now at St. Thome*, where he is for the pres- ent, •1 tache 1 to the Plot Oversea. flew Winn. Mrs. Hayden is with him. Mr. Ernest Pritchard ir with hien as his mechanical Assistant and Mr. Ot- way Hayden as ord..' ly. God.rich Branch Organized. A meeting for the purpose of organ- izing a Goderich branch of the Huron County War Auxiliary wa. held at the court house"•on Monday evening and was well attended. Itev. J. B. Fotheringh•ui read the constitution of the county Auxiliary and spoke upon the aims of the or)gani, it ion ' which, stated briefly, it to stinnulate enlisting end t. look After Inc welfare of the soldien- The following wet a ele•led okfleete of the Onderich branch: President, Rev .1. B. Fothetinrhrtn: vice -pre. - [dent, .I .odgc Holt ; ..creta, y -t re•.urer, F. R ibelgene. Committers to represent the seven polling subdivisions were chosen as follo,w, : No. 1-\V. T. Mutnrv. Wm. %Vein, Thos. Willi-. Thus. Bell, Thos. Gun- dry, 1'. J. Ryan. No. 2 -Rev. J F:. Ford, Henry Car- ter. C. A. Reid. .1 -11•t Story, J. If. Leech. W. L. MrL'.u.. No. 3 -Dr. Hunte,, \V. B• Graham, B. J. Sculls. F. W. I►oty, J..1. Mo.rr, Arlt• son. B. 1'. Men - Or. Emitters .n, Jame* Carrie, H..1. A. MacRw,n, .I. S. Platt, No. .i -Jos, Kidd, lie.. Potter, (1. L. Preemie, Alex. M.under., Wm. Cote, .I. I.. Killoran, \V h. Kelly, Dan, Mc- DmiRd, 11-ct...r Rev-, \V,..•Line. No. fl -(1 M. 8114 •11, C. C, Ley. Sher- iff Reynolds, J. C. Laithwait••, J E. Tom, R. J. Megaw, C. Meager, .Is... 'fate'', R. C. Hays No. 7 -Dr. Strang, C. A. Nairn, Capt. McCarthy, J. W. Creigte, J. II McClinton. C.pt. intoner. Andrew Millian, John Newt he. An executive is to he formed of the officer* and • chairman elerted by emelt g )mmtee Houseitd1r.tt.sion sr0.P se to the beet meats of Inking floe Iadip• up with the Auxiliary. Some were of tOe npin• ion that the present organizations, iamb as the LO 0 R , the Red ('roes Moclety and the %Vtiien'a Institute, were sufficient, but upon investigation It was shown t4*t not more then Din woolen are working in these org•niz.- tion* and probably far fewer, as, r0111v who belong to oee body also belong to others. It was decided to call • gen- eral meeting for women to he held at theTempwranee Hall no Monday newt, at 1 p. An., ice the porpn . of devising the best swum, of aiding the Auxiliary as a unit. Reports for 1915 Presented at Coogre_ gabooal Meeting Last Night. Ir, the absence of the pastor. IteV. Goo. E. !toes, who is still iu Noon Scotia, Mr. ('hurler A. Nairn presided •t the annual coog, egational meeting of Knox church, held last evening. The report of the .e..iou was read by NI . James Mitchell. It Rave the number of families, in connection with the cungreg.t tones 415; communicants on the roll KCilt. There had beeu thtrty- tl yr additions to the mew, er.ttip during the year -twenty-four by profession of faith and eleven by certificate. I'he number of baptisms was sixteen; of In*rriager twelve; ut deaths twent7- nine, including lance -Corp .nal %VII- liaw Palmer and Corp rat Chest er MI rcdonald, who fell while doing thole duty on the battlefield iu ,Europe. Knox chutch'e roll ..f honor now, Ieerr seveHl -five names of those who have enlisted King and country." The Rabbath seboul report gave the oun.lher of officer. And ateachers en- rolled •::sit,nr, addio theCtadls Rull, itl0. Appieciation wee expressed of toe Rift to the school ny Miss Emilie Buchanan of a full set of beautifully co.ored miesiona.y hymn slides for the stet eoptia,°, In awning of her father, the late Jame. Buchanan. The Y. P. S. U. E. repoited.that, in addition to ice regutar work. the So- ciet y has been doing Red ('now work - The Missionary A•uci.uon asked fur increased support of the missionary and rducatiooal work of tbe,church,g live MacGillivray Mission Band re- ported a total membership of 2311. The members have been doiug work for the lied !'rose and for other benevolent ula1'.cL.. The Arthur Circle, an organization of 16e older gig Is of the cougtegatfo8, also war active in helpful w•rvice din- ing the year. The 1Vowan'. Mitteiunety Society had • succssful year and raised 8318) in addition to seeding a valuable hale to the Indian echo,'.et Albdetws. Another efficient branch of the Cost- greggationel work it rep. scented by 14. Ladies' Aid Society, which dui int the year rendered exceedingly useful Ser- vicr. The oho'r repot Ceti an excellent'year and expressed gratitude for the :oft - did new organ, wl itch ie found to ben great 4.lp in the servie • of praise. Other 4rportr received Write thoet ort the Paston'r Aid. the Knox Cbut-('tt Cube, tote Knox Church Scoui4apd(j,e Older of Renville for the Mlnietre. • 'lire church i reesurrr'111 repot t ehosc- ed receipts n( $1,' I2 'Ct for gelgiii congreg.t 1 purposes. The at anx,mit r..i..d by ail the vat iuURol- H41111a1 lona of Cha' church tea.. tib nit 417,(844. Mess, v. (:. Bisset. A. 0. Mclean and %V. J. M:Nevin were re-elected to the board of manager., end Mr. Jetties lbotoson also was placed at the Eowrd. -4,3.,se 444 19•11111.• was choir and nabets fur lheh tk thful MIA Valnetr &et vices. - PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and 51,-. tV H. tt'altere, of Laocrr, tl.•k„ ••rt- , i.i(nng at the h ins or Mr. Thmeas liattley. .dr. John McLeod returned toter to Inuit 81.. Mac le at .r). .pruding t.o weete.•t h4 hum- here. Mr-. ilir.n Bt ghr. of Toronto. -pent the.}�1..- e.r 1 Mee with her areodpsrent., Mr. sad Mrs, (ien Th.m. Nei. A. I•:eo, 7 tonn•on, of Aylmer. viol Kt III - Parent.. air. en4 51r-. Ueu Cosmo.. North el rest, 14i- week. Moore lien. W. Andrew. six[ W. T. Wolter are at Toronto [hi. week • rt ..lint the annual mee'log of lb. Provl ,,'i .l 4' .1.- .A. -octad one. Mr. and Mr., Peter U.'Ii,`+one, of ,Morde. Man.. and Mr. John Limo•- on, of Kuan. One . am • I-ituag at the re..dente of 81 r. •i .1 Mr. D scolding. mets- Is ase li:dloueh. atter .pendi to about two month, w, h relat co. In town a.,d .n tt e W•oano.h. lett haat week w, her rvt.rn to her home at Stal wleieh. Alberta • ham It:. \�"urena•r onus 4,41.+arx,� tion Ina L.rgr lar!. pb'e.'0.•-in IRtr.i•. Hsi mother, M.-. Ch... tV ,,.,,- n•.entIt rpent fou day, wile he: 1441he'i . ..1 the Air. Kenneth It. ..1 ns.. up from H..'Itac. N.9., ov.•r$unday ,.ay- guodby r m le hl. other, 1, w. rkoyl 4.1' n 1.ug (a k; .gland. A glw toed u, ay.ntl•rn . top. fo: war ...to i.e and to hr been t awing .t Halt. Inc. H. a Orr s • .valJufn•s ry uuir can. the e%i:•tor.not bed 'a. yet -ecus d °learduan.- tire barb. RECRUITING MEETINGS, A series of owning. under the au.- pier%of the Huron ('aunty \Var Atnx- iliafy has bop,. arr.tnged by 1)r T. E. ('ser end Unrut. 1. Hetherington. a.•, follows : i)ungennnn Fri:. ; Port Albert K4ntnil '• 1t ht. 11.4en. i •' 1n St. Augustine " I1 I.erblirll '• p,; Nile .. Is Brnit,iller " The'se air ail evening mw';intra, an.: r.rh is to he .ddrea•ed by a returned stn and t i asl .I hnr n. d s ,e .kora. R t It is expsectrd t1 41 l'.irp. Wyatt, from To- ronto w111 he at to ret of the meeting's. BORN. (.1- gars". -.'.1 (i..lrr.-h,..,Raturlay.,lantt. ars .7,, to Mr. aMd Mr.. Janus..'s,,.,, • .4.1h4r-t net. adeuteht•rti4enr,Nnu. DIED. tiIl.\ I: In ll. a etch. ..n Friday January o. Harriett Ileum" r•liet . t the I•te ('hark. 4Iii ns,. '' v Klt•rl.l_ - Ie (idler' -h. on Th-,r.4ny. 34mi •ry 'l.. Minnie Stud.. widow ..r the lane John ('u ndl W HITKI.Y. sr. Uoderk•h, en Mand .7, J.nu e[y U. PrI,titIa Adds. on ►l hue. b •a...l - w.fe of J. Hen•.m w'hl dr. M 1.. WHYARD.-AtItm itennro.nn Fn1www...���Rgg -orf 311. J.1141 °Irvin. rrll.rt of t h" la R"►y.rd. rill• . Jaen - Jame. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Feb. 3rel. Roasmkeenee Wanted Wm. Alden. ,. . r. w Chevrolet C%r - )t. J. Farr .• i Fere. fee Sal. Pmedf..M.ItMoran R cosies 1 Aure ion Mk Thea tin wire .. . . 1 ('and of Thank. -{:Mien vs, emalMMe . .., 1 Traders want Wm. McQuillan. West \\ "ass ano.h i