HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-27, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH 'ONTARIO TRAMWAY JA$VAlT 27, Hid 7 ship. Rev. (beo. Jewitt wits obs olll- COUnt and District cl•Mrg clergymen. Mr,. Juts Cameruo, an ageJ reel dent of erre* rook. pared away aro January 17.h. awed eighty-four years. Rues'' Barr ba• ezehaa`ed hie farm on the 9 h c.roosesinn ofelegy fur oh. grocery busiaw of G. M. Chamber, et Ethel. Alice, daughter of Mr,. T. Calder, formerly of lirey township, was met- ered at Innis/ail, Alta., on December 90tb to Wm. tiimpsuo Tb. farm of W H. Kerr. on the north boundary of Os •y. has been purcha1ed by James Mu('racken, of that luoalily. Carrie Isabel, daughter . t Mr. and MA'. Hugh Storesri. formerly of Grey township, was esarri.d reoestly at Rat lie, Saab., to Robert Stanley Evans, of Urand View. Manitoba. Wm. Rudd, a former resident of Kgmondvllle, died recently at lit ellen. Oot. 11. was *eves' y -one years of age and is survived by • fatally of five. Mist Pearl Uobson and lieoree Cole, both of Morals township, were mewled aro January 19th. They will make their home in the Canadian %Vest. Uertrude Louise, deughter of Mr. and Mr.. E. C. 8rnitb, ot East Wawa - nosh, was marled et tbe Methodist ehnrrh, Myth. on January 18th to Wm. John tlolltst• of the same town - lase Charente and Walter J.Ir.y, bosh of S•. Jo.epbt`t. were nuttied at the Rumen Crthil.c church, D.,.drJe, no J.ouary 19 b. by Iter. Father Rob - dot. Th. Prga,etueut i. announce.] 01 Ethel May, d...rt.tei of Me. and Urs. Harty &t(,, 1.1 Birk,. to H .y A. t'oo- sitt. the mateicge to take ],lace tble month. Mies Annie T..rraece, of Stanley township, and %Vim. lbnslJ►atr., . f A• - wood, we. a turn ie.l at t hw b. kir'. boom on Jrnua.y Ilih by Iter..1. E. Millyard Fwd Cuopt r bas sold Lia 1:Ai-sere farm on the second concession of Howlett to John 6. McLeod, of Kurts- rllle. Possession will he given on Yarot 1.t. Knox church, Bluevale, intends bold- ins a social rvenh g on February 15.11, when ons of the tertures of the prc- ��� -- a Vis' 4 or CANADA SIst ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, WINNIPEG, JANUARY 12th, 1916 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 'Balance at credit of account, 30th November, 1114 -., ,..1 Net profits, for the year, after deducting expenses of manede- trent, Merest due depositors, ring for interest and ex- change, and making provision for bad and doubtful debt. and for rebate on bale under discount, ha,e amounted to Which has been applied aa foil. wit: - Dividend No. 112, 2 per cent_ paid 1st March, 1115 ,.. .., Dividend 4o. 112. 2 per cent . paid 1st June. 1913 Dfridend No. 114, 2 per cent., patd 1st Septetnuer, 1915 Dsyidend No. 11S, 2 per cent.. paid tat December. 1115 - Hones of 1 per cent., payable 1st March. 1114. (o share- holders of record as on 14th February. 1911 ... .... Transferred to Contingent Account ... .. . , . ... t'ontribution to Officers' Pension Fund ... ... ... ... ... War Tax on Bank Note Circulation 1., 301h Hoc , 1915... Balance of Profits carried forward ... ... ... ... ... ... 103.011.51 151,181'01 8712.701.52 1100,18.11 iw.IN.w 110.114.11 11141.11611.4141 36.14.4 150.04.11 10,011.4 45.730.74 104,170.75 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ... ... ... • .,. ...$ Rost Account .. . B ... . ... . .. .. .. • 3 3,400100. N alance of Profit and Lona Account carried for - 164.976.73 $ 3,504,171.73 unclaimed DIN ldends ... ... 4.714.25 Dividend No. 115 .....• ... 100,000,00 Bonus payable 1st Marsh, 11114. to Shareholders of mord as on 14th February, 7914 ... ... „ 50.000,00 England, our London Manager re. ports that the effect of the war on general business in Oreat Britain has toren confusing, and }}hat while there have been no repetitldna of the finan- cial upheavals of the previous year, the burden of hostilities has made great inroads into accumulated wealth, and further disorganized the complex Industrial and financial life of the nation. The United States for the time be- ing has become the money market of the world. and it Is pleasing to note the satisfactory manner In which the recent Canadian loan of 841,110.101 has been received, as well as various Provincial. Municipal and Railway loans aggregating in the total about 8341,11400. It 1s the duty of every financial Institution to see that all offerings should be thoroughly sound and of the highest character. 1712.707.12 Our policy for the coming year - will remain the same. '.'e shall he conservative, at the same time ex- tending to our customers as 11bera'' 5,000,000.04 treatment as conditions and sound banking will warrant. 3.441.693.03 8 2,461.613.03 Notes of the Bank in circulation ,,. ... .-. .. 8 7,173.451:00 Deposits not bearing interest ... ... ... 21,199,232.00 Deposits bearing Interest ... ..... ... ..... 60,U5,304„43 Balances due to other Banks in Canada .-. .. 206,421.00 Reliance• due to Banks and Banking Correspond- ents elnewbere than In Canada - . - . - . .. - 114,442.10 Buts Payable ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 105,194.13 Acceptances under Letters of Credit • • • • • . • . • • • • ... Liabilities not included in the foregoing , . , .. . ASSETS cold and !Moe,. Co.n Dominion Cloy. rriwient Notes Deposit with the Miniver of Finance for Circulation Fund - Deposit in the Central Gold Reserver .. Notes of other Ranks ... ... ... 51.454,024.75 342.52.5.45 2.751.41 84,443.143.70 1.481.583 :6 7.775.511,.,,, the purpose, Yf the Helentw due by other Banka in Canada ... ... ... .. ... 'Balances lase by Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than In Canada ... .......... ... ... ... .,, ... Dominion and Provincial Government (tecur.ties not exceeding market valor Canadian Municipal Securities. and Rntish, pureign slid colonial Public Securities other than Canadian , :. .. ... .. . Railway and offer Bonds, Debentures and Stocks r..,t exceeding market value ... .. ... ... ... ... . . . ... ..: ... Call and Short toot exceeding 30 days) Loans in Canada. ..n Bonds. Debentures and Stocks.. . ... .. ... ... Call and Abort (not exceeding 30 days) Loans elsewhere than In Canada ... ... .. .. ... either Current Loans' and Discounts in Canada Germ rebate of Other Current Loans and Discounts elsewhere than in Canada Ilea, rebate of iatere,atl , . .. .. ••• •.. LiablIties of rtretoener. under Letter, of Credit, as per contra Real Estate other than Bonk 11'reenires... ... ... ... ... ... .•. Mortgage on Real Estate sold by tba JBank ... ... ... ... Overdue Debts. eatiaated lots provided fur .. - ... ... . -.• Bank Prrmta.a, at wet mire than roti. less amounts written off Other Assets not tnelsded ,n the foregoing ... •.. ... 8 9.25,094.54 240,000.00 704.742.00 1.564.491 .45 71, 204.08 4,033,345.23 485,707,50 395,341.12 3.434,131.7 3 7.741,570.44 4.183.437 .41 111.118,343.11 48 141.313.32 408,002.1: 343,545.4: 234,177 . tt 119, 379.14 220441-1: 1.417.442.22 $,007 .71 $211.443,043.11 JOHN GALT, President- G. N. •ALFOUR. General Manages a crone cor THIO 6111101** 10U t *AtiAO E- I OLfR• 05 TIM atoll 09c General Manager's Address. The year Just closed has been fine of much angle -iv to hankers. and we are pleased to have come through it in such a satisfactory manner. Reserves -Referring more particu- larly to the statement which has been presented to you the percentage of Liquid Assets to total L:abilitles to the public amount to 47.12 per cent, as compared with 34.27 per cent last year. ..Profits -This profits for the year were 8459.188.01. This ss 852,752.47 lea than the previous year, which. under trying and abnormal conditions. and the maintaining of such large idle reserves. must be regarded as satisfactory. They hays ban diafflclent to pay the usual dividend of 2 per cent and a bonus of 1 per cent, waking -a grant of 110,000 to the Officers' Pension Fund, providing for 845,730.77 War Tax on circulation and set aside 815/,000 for cowtingenciee, besides having made adequate provis- ion for all looses. Circulation -Notes of the Bank in circulation have increased $1,3/1,OH, Deposits --Total deposits of 472,415.- 000 show a gratifying increase of $1,- 440.000. Blalances Due to and by Other Ranks -Balances due by 'tanks outride of Canada show an increase of 53,050,000 over 1814. Geld and Silver Cein and Dswtinien Government Neta. amount to 81,257,- 000, which is 82.144.000 more than .n the previous statement. Cheques en Otho► Banks amounted to 83.558,000, being 81,120,000 greater than last )ear. Investments -There is little change In the Rank's Investments. ,The incr.ase of 1115,000 represents the Initial pay- ment on the flank's subscription to Canada's first War tan •of 41H,I3U.- 000. The amount anotted to this hank was 1181.400. which has since been ful- ly paid for. Call sad Short Leans -Call and Short Loan in Canada are 84.624.061 higher and are against bonds of a high order. Currant Learn and DAc.unt.--C ur- rent Loans and Discounts in Canada have been reduced by $J.925.110. Total Assets -Tb. total Assets of the Rank have risen to the large amo.:nt of 810,143,000, as against $31.541,600 last year. an increase of 81,141,00. • Qswsr.l Rewt.rkr--ltntorced liqui- ' dation has been In progress through- out Canada for the pdR two years. but the strain hae been lighter than was anticipated. This periost will be extended until normal conditions are resumed, but the future is fared with feelings of hopefulness and every `onfidence. The chief factors which In accordance with the provisions of sub -sections, 11 and 20 of Section Sl Rave contributed to this lightening cif 'sur hardens err thrift. strict ecnaeraty, of the /tank Act, we report to the Shareholders as follows: tbe learning of expenditure on capital We Awe audited the •bore Balance Sheet with the books and voucher, account. balance of trade with Great at Head Office and with the certifiedreturnsfrom the branches. itritaln being in Canada's favor and We have obtained all the Information and explanat.onr that we have bountiful harvests. required. and are of the opinion that the transactions of the Rank which have The gratifying revolt,of the pain pt corn, under our notice have been within the powers of the Hank s►aeonY craps Arte enabled farmers in addition to our vertfieatlon •t the Seth November, we hay►, during to liquidate their obligations very the year. checked the cash and veriled the .,cora' . representing • ' I* �ri y. and every P en. -o Provincial n encouragement is vestments d Lbw Bank at It chis( nitce and princ.pal bran/hes ■red fouvin tnt heto he :n agreement with the entries In the books of the Hank relating tents In Wearier, (-amid,to go more 1 hereto. la oar *►Inion the Balance Sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view •1 the stat• of the afta.rs of the Rank. according to the beat of our information and the explanations given to u.. seal as "Mown by the books of the Sank ,- R. H(JtiA V. T HARRY WEBS. 12. S. READ. Auditors, of the firm of tt'EBR. READ, HO7g3A seed LAN GRAN 4 CO Winnipeg. MTh December 1115. In Ore absents of the president, Mr. John (telt, tM chair was taken by I ng additional duties anA wavelet Mfr. R. T. Rile l , Vie*. President. The VMa•Ivea+wa•w"s 444..... Trait. rnndulone in Canada have ong•► heun wMN( tbrir settee el.rtta In the ah.en0e of *lei PTestd.at, Mr. distlmetly ImprMpd- order■ for wal ,n fighting for the t plrr John IL (b. (watt wm■ is"' by Mr, 411/ibgrattataxpec an s.p►l:e* have exceed Mr 6. L Dow *wended r or wso- 1`�ev •11 exp.etatiowa and the decrease :.nn for the adept] of the report. R. T. Riley. flee-l'restdent. f foreign ora is now to cur favor a The motion wast en adopted. In img the adoption nt t 0 Re- III1ety to co tine* so for POme time.i Auditors Meagre • T. Harry Webb. Pert, the rice-prealeMwt, 72r. lt. T. as there is SO a 107 of tt•atn to be C.A.: R. S, Read. C.A., and C. R. Riley, tyke as 1.11.1.: .xeeted t tN crop of Ota. Herren. C.A.. of the firm of Weal. lilted Our akar. ret the rn t of ,be was has tletran, Callingham and Cempsny• The slatetr*4t whish ws hate p:aeN not yet fallen wear us, and It is the were 5.appei0td matters. safer• you le -day 4h .hoar a 1amdttby Parlimoant dory M every ewrpoeatiow TIM fotteetteg were elected tw of the Bank whirl. should be very sad private Individual to .x1041.or the ft.lr.cten for the enema" year:--Atr gratifying considering that we am is .8,811111 aeo„qmy. both in public •rsll W%iilam Prise, Meaars. Jorta Galt, the rWN 01 • wsr which has cause. priest* life, a.. that whin we are n:1.4 R. T. Riley, OmaE Cleo. H. Thonn, . L as awMAne� dislocation of the apes to pay we that- w. shall net be Derwrv. E. 8 Kinston. Wm Shaw W •weld's romsterv+e aM nmaarea towed sereseseed. R Allan. M. Pull, Stephen Hua Ida - The flmawe'1s of LIN f_etl_M.. Ware Carted& has every cause tor thank. Jar-Oemar*l John W. Cara**, C.f.. J. S. Resets. K.C.; 'B 1A. tl'rmsrym Hatt . Slake. 8�.1.: 8. 0. r'('.Roeis geed. fig Rillta It P'ritV v►as tried Heneeary pnetdewt; M►. John Galt. 4e ear admit' to repay such oNip then ever before. Prraldeat: Mr. R. T Ribmid Mr. Tk1-prOM•__ eatenalt.ly ins* mixed fanning. Staff --It will be of Int.rswt to our mom - Mies to know that 215 ommom- Mies of our state hese totunt.ered for overseas military duty: of these, we regret to ■nneunee, nine hare been killed 1.1 action. and to their sorrow - tag relatives our sympathy is mune*. d: 21 have been wounded and 321 ate till egenie,active gele, Tae rwmek raise cannot be ►:leaded to the 1,424mMMmn .*g meh►of the staff who re se Nyally and cheerfully psrleem- ym ea tr4lseted aortas tbe past seer N1. that we wee been bleeped wit* m wit% eo1 .retivety OHO helphogs • kent't.1 harvest beyond the ►epee. outside. •ad altho.ma gh we shall bon int to tatleof the most nptiMietic. and as a 'whiter sol as molt wpar- olt the farmera.of the RN ore Pawn& t sl1�te tth 111sp180 11 •a day Iso • berme .sod ester a gaillitNs MEM 11101me 111101reforr+ te eotedltbas la H Tttearea Georgy 4 gram will be the b.•nista of the trwt- gage recently paid off. Bher, son of Mr. and lire. Wilson Anderton, of Crediton, was swatted at Togo. M*►k., on D.cxtuher ;MP b to M'es Tena A.irwon. 7 be you&g . uupie will reside at Abbey, 8..a. James Relit. retransmit' .,1 F.tr.lwlcb, di.J otiosity at P.nt It.tro'eU. the lr- .el( or 1.1.1111 1d fev..,. %11 lie at F.'rd- wicb 11.. It:id was end reed asdim se - maker and was gorat ly e.►1.ecled. ?rank Richardson, who resides nub his daiabier, 4.s. lube fuming, of Moirir trwo.bi , and i. seventy six years old had hie leg amputated te- erotly, as he was sufferta* from gang- teoe. Mr,. Jrff.ey, sr , pissed away at the home ul her drurhter, Mts. 1st uis Jeffrey, at St. Joseph, no Janus, y 11. h. The deceased ,e ho was i igh1 y -'t u • years old, Is survived by three sons rad Ave daughters. Wtu. Brown passed away at bis Tablets for the past ten yeah for my home at L14a wcod on January 15th Ave children and can trulbfull say after ooly • few days' illness. He was in his sixty-eighth year Rind is sur- vived by hit wife, f.:ur dairetttets and l h res eons of Dr. Peter McDonald, formerly of Wlagbeio, who bad vent ten years la Japer as the Ant National Y. W.C.A. •ser1ary is that oountry, has rr- tor0ed to Japan alter .p.odiag the winter In (lasada. Mien McDowell graduated from Toronto Uolversily in 1001. F. U. Sperling. • well-known resi- dent here, passed away on January Iri b. The deceased, who was eftt"- e iebt year, old, was promineoily rosnected with the wilt industry In Huron county and before coroiog to 1Vingbam lived at fleaforth. Hie wife and two daughter?. Mn, Ww, Homutb, of Whitby Ladies' College, sod Delia, at home, wr,ive. No Medicine to Equal Baby's Own Tablets. Mrs. E. Cutler, St. Lazat-e, 11.n , writes : "1 have used Baby's Own Jin. Thomas Goggin died at ber home ■t Fordwicb on January 13th. 81re was • native of Desheretoo town- ship and came to Howick as a beide its Peel She is survived by our son ash two daughters. Hobert A. Dodds bas sold his 151. acre farm on the iltb concession of McKillol'. A portion of it. was put- few•dty, with their grandmother, who Orme is no medicine to /qua1 them." The Teb!eta regulate the bowels and stomach, cure constipation end loli- giwtion, rxp.l worms and make teeth - log easy. They are sold by nirdicioe dealers or by mail at '. cents a box from the Dr. WVilliaw.' Melicinr (i'., Brockville, Ont. Jimmy's Way. Dick and Jimmy wets spending a chased ey Melvin Blau{ .rd and the 'pods them're grandmothers will. tetsaindrr by John Then. The Ooe night they were toying their price realized was $9,301 prayer, and little •Jimmy vociferated Mr. Brown. of Ethel cheese factory, his petition to the Heavenly Throne to won fleet p. ice at the We*tern Dairy- • voice that could be heard • *rile, He was telling the Divine Providence What be wanted for Christmas, and hb eatbssiaam in the cause got or big heather's nerves. "What are yaw preyilg foe Christ uses present• so Med fortinterrupted Dick. "The Lord afn'tdeaf " "No," whispered .Iimws, "but grandma is." men's convention, held at St Marys recently, for white cheese. lie also was awarded • silver cop for the cheese scoring the greatest t umber of point,. R. D. Turnbull, son of W. A 1'urn- bullt of Farquhar, wag married 00 January 19th to Mise Maud Ralph, of Dundas. Mr. Turnbull, who was taking his final year at Keox ('ollegf, has enlisted and tbe College has granted him the degree of M. A. The funeral took place on January lith, from the home of Meows. Joe. and Woo. Grey, on the 13th cooce,eion of Hallett, of Alfred Snell, who died the pietlous day at L'+ndon. The de- ceased wbn was in his sixty-second year, bad Leen an Invalid for twenty years. BRUSSELS. Din McLtuehlin, of near Brandon, Mao., is visiting friends here. Leonard Rattan, of $Iuev•le, hes purchased a dwelling Douse herr and will move here to reside. Mrs. Muotb•w, who had ►prat the pest six montbs with her sister, Mn. Tho'. Maxwell, has gone to 4'rcatd Lake, Illinois, to visit other telatsves EXETER. Oenrge Barkman was recently fined CO by the Cliotnn pollee magistrate for pointing a gun at Wm. Hatter. Both men live here. Mrs. Katie Makin, and Cicero Aid - worth, both of Exeter, were married et the Methodist par,osage here on lard:wry 12th by Rev. P. W. Mux - worthy. The three stores known as the Barn- well block and occupied by Meeere. Jones & May and Hugh Spackman have been purchased by J. U. Jones at the price of $6,A00. Mrs. John Hunter war called to (iriudy Centre, Iowa, owing to the death of iter father, William Dew. The deceased, when thirty -tour years ago resided in Uaboene, waa eighty - ale years old and is survived by four 41althteee and three eons. John Dew, of L,burne, i, • brother. SEA FORTH. Miss Eva Sperling has gots to Brig. Jen to teach school. Miss Bertha Robb, daughter of John 12.ibb, of town, bee resigned her posi- tion with tl a Victorian Order of Nurxs at Toronto and is preparing to go to Cairo. Egypt, as a war nurse. Trooper Wilmot Holman, of lig moodville, who bee been in training a Sewell camp, Man., was giy0 • good sendoff on the °evasion of a recent ysit beer. He was presented with a puree of money by the town and • wrist -watch from the township of Tuckersmith. Ernest Wm. Murryy. D. L. R., of Regina. Sask., son ot 11a. Murray, of town, was married at Montreal on New Year's Day to Alice *mode Milli- gan, of that city. Theoaeg couple visited here oo their wedding trip and will 'wide in Regina, where Mr. Mur- ray is engaged with the Department of Public Work,. CLI NTON. J. 13. Hattie. superintendent of the Clinton Knitting 4'0., attended the funeral of hie father. who died recent- ly, at Norfolk, Virginia. Lieut. O. J. AUin, who bad been eb- bing his parrots here, left for Helitax to join tie British erbium 1 tmbrriaod, whish is patrolling the water, of the Atl•ntte on the Canadian side. A. J. Grigg, wbo for the fast twenty Lean bed owdueted a jewelry Nose hes M 1d out to R. H. loosen, at Post E1g4w. Mr. Grigg sad his ere•, 0.gbio • both officer, In the 161 t i Mn. Samuel Cries peered away •t her how here .1, January 12th. 8he was • native of England. butbad spent the greater part of ber Ire In Huron mom v. 11e deceased, who was in her eighty-fifth year, i. survives) I y two acme end one daughter. Wm. Gibblage. said to be the first while man horn in the Huron Tract. pegged away at Virden, gas.. on Jan- uary 1Atb. He wee swan at Melon, then known as Vanderbu'gb'sComer 8. to LKCl . Be was gist curt tell ie isms and time Om death of his wife was ..I. married Ir. 2)682. Besides deer Ingofarms in Hullett Mr. 91trM.p. west M.. Paha ash took np laws Be .ereived by Enver sone. Iwo gemstem sed two biwhere. The (un- met tA.ot pia« litre ea lb* 1840 asst. W1 X(3 HA 14 Mr. ant Mre. Barr4M Brsehases have reanewl to Coheir. Leber. Nr. lseeiahan M employed in • h udware -4 lin. Mem M hi the hospital bars .ult.eisig frees a broke* h'pAeae whk► .L....talnwh tb oast% falling on the $ey eiiewelk. Mies Qa041 s McDonald, desgblor RHEUMATISM ANTED Many people suffer the tortures of lassie muscles and stiffened joints because of im- purities in the blood, and each aucceealiag attack seems amore acute until rheumatism has invaded the whole system. To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im- portant to improve your general healthier to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great blood -maker, while its medicinal nourish- ment strengthens 10. ot)yana to expel the impurities awl upbuild your strength. Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands every day sotto could not find other relief. Refuse the alcoholic substitutes. A Match for him. In the popular Lite of Mr. Lloyd George, by tlerbe,t du Parcel. • sketch founded on tbe a .thor a fuller bio. grapby, published in 1913, there is an old story which may bear repeating : At one of Mr. Lloyd Georgeie meet- ings in Flintsbite the cbairmao, a Welsh deacon, with ttroog cooed `tiotss Mut nn sense of humor. inir•doeed Mr. LloydGeorge thus : "1 bail to intro- duce eo you tonight the member for Carnarvnir/Borough.. He here come here to reply to what the Bishop of RL Asaph weld the other night about Wet.b Disestablishment. • • • In soy opinion, gentlemen, the Bishop of 8'. Asaph is one of the biggest bare in creation. bur, thank tied, we h.ff match for him tonight A NEW STOCK OF Men's Furnishings int:ltiding the latest designs in Men's PIaIn and Fancy Ties. Dress and Negligee Shirts. Winter Hats and Caps. Overcoats and Sults. Everything the man or boy could need who wants to be well dressed. McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors THE SQUARE - - - GODERICH The Best Bread Buns Cookies Cakes Pastry DAVID BURNS Baker and Confectioner KINGSTON STREET weeteMealtWeelesiteeettesieedereeessAterreiee Now that the cold weatherer, here you'll want your homes more comfortable. (',et our prices on Furnaces, Hot Water Boilers, etc. Our Perfection Oil Heater, are just the thing to drive the cold out of chilly corner.. All repairing to plumbing, furnace work, etc., promptly attended to. MP' .01111 W. R. FINDER Phone 135 Hamilton Street Printing? JOH AND COMMERCIAL Abe dig»al Are You Interested in FOWL ? If so, call and get one of Cyphers Incubator Co.'s books on Incubators, Brooders and care of fowl. These are free for the asking of them. We have in stock : 1 small Columbia Incubator, 130 to 140 Eggs. 1 Cyphers Incubator. 244 Eggs. 3 Portable Hovers. This company manufactures Electrobators in two sizes. No. 1 Electrobator, capacity 60 Eggs. No. 2 Electrobator, capacity 120 Eggs. With these Electrohatore, if the electric cur- rent is off for • few boom it dose not effect the eggs, se there is enough beat stored to keep the temperature up. it there ie anythingou wast to know about Incubator', Brooder. and Hovers, call and get one of these hook,. if you wish any special Informa- tion, we will be pleased to take it up with the Cyphers incubator Co. At.. you getting the o her of eggs yon ,honk! , 1f not try Or. Hees' Panacea. This ie guaranteed to he one of the heat egg producer., on the mat kers if it dove not do se guaranteed, r. - turn the empty package and get your money back. STOCK FOOD At this time ot the year your bones sod cattle are lasing ted on dry feed. Tbey should hero. • tonic to aid digestion. Try Dr. Heel Stock Food. It le fully guaranteed. It you think that it by not been any btefit to your stock, bring 1t•ek the empty peekage *red gat your money back. 1t is fully guaranteed by Dr Hese. And it fa hie instructions to us to return the money for the empty Mcksge if tae perchaes to er iot satisfied with the result of the tem. V. have *old tom of it, and have yet to have a .lissatie80A eustom.r Electric Fixtures i) rot. want some good values in Electric Fit turn..? We have them. Call end see what wr bare SKATEWe et a going to headier sic 'Nivel the Auto Skates sad in nrd.r to ekes' what we have of otb.t Elea we bays cot setae them to lees than cost. ' Mie Mae. Rot or's 04 .it e Re.ke't'a gtadage's .. . Hockey Club . 1100 eV. Lightning ,.. .., (' nt . . .... , , !Veto, Skate. Nt 110 Steel 8.. Bohai 's Mehl* 1od Hockey Shelf and Heavy Hardware In 5he1f and Heavy Hardware we carry aroo- pieta at ick, and can Nerve your wants on a mo mens'. notice. Plumbing and Heating L., u' figure on your Plowable', Heating. Tin- amitbing and Electric Wiring. Ail work prompt • ly attended tt and fully guaranteed. Coal and Wood We carry a full line of beet Scranton White Ash Coil. Stove and 8'beetnut yowl .411.00 per low ROM Coal 7.75 Oafaal (:o.I , fun " Daresti[ Lump foal 7.08) " Hh et.ni th ]'oat 7.4‘8Rotch ut (bks .... 7.fM Wood 1 .r4. 1.51Ipm cord I Soft....,., 1.35 r e•gula r pries leg g2 511 1.311 1.(s1 .t " 3.86 250 '• oo 2541 ••1.00Ai " 1.08) " 75 " 2716 " 1.75 Stirs: II CIIAS' C. LEE, East Side Square Hee 112 Ihiliumumme