HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-27, Page 5r
Get Your Skates Oa
Get Your Skates On!
But first let us sharper
them Ice you and put
thew in shape for the
«•ser. The cost i , small
and you will rnj,ry the
rk sting much better.
East Street Garage
lhr'sted "emit operated
by a pr tett ievr l ins,,
A. M. Glover Piss 243
Cheque from Lieut -Col Wilson.
Miss Rita Jordan, regent of the
Maple Leaf Chapter of the 1). O. R., t
was remtly the pleased teesP ient of a
cheque/or 842 from Lieut.-C.d. Wilson, o
of the 3i d Battalion. The mosey L t
to be applied rot patriotic purposes b
the young ladies of this (Impure. This
sum was the proceeds of • collection t
taken up alter sn address by Rev. Dr. M
trickle, of Montreal, on the ('our'
House Square Godorieb, os: Sundays
the ltkb day of August. 1814.
Board o1 Trade.
Trade willll trot bellddt Monday, Feibrruaro
Fair Queen Mary's Needlework Guild.
'Me following ladle" contributed to
a parcel of "helpless case" shirt. for-
warded for Queen Mar 'e Needlework
Guild : Msrsdrm•L W. L Horton 2,
J. Doyle 2, Caesar 3, R. J. Acheson 2,
J. C. Stewart, J. Clarke. Holt, Kidd,
T. Sera ts, (allot, B. J. Vaults, L.
Partoris, 0. Porter, H.J. A. MacEwen.
Warden Livingston.
week' The first Itylness atl la in setheon this
irg of the sersioo un Tuesday afternoon
was the election of the Warden, and
the bouor fe11; to Mr 11. W. Livine-
ston, Reeve of Grey, who is a veteran
member of the council. A report of
the proceedings will bs published next
M. C C. Minstrels.
Under the auspices of the Menese-
tuog Canoe Club in connection with
whirls similrrperformances in the past
have teored great success.", • minstrel
sbbw will be given &bout the let of
Msreh. The performance will he given
as a wt' contribution, the procreate to
be devote 1 to one of the various pat
r:o:ie fundi.
Women's Institute.
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
(ioderich branch of the •%omen',
institute will be held at the hotue of
Alta& J. W Taylor, Lighthouse street,
on Thursday, February :3•d, at :I p. w.
The subject for the afternoon pro.
gram is Siml.Ie Hems Remedies."
There will also be • demonstration of
ally and homemade candies. "Owing
to the inclement weather sod so man
f the toetiihers being unable to attend
hrougb bickoew, the "at house' was
postponed until after the regular
meeting. Visitors always welcome at
Ire monthly me etiugs
r. Race's Lecture.
The address given by Mr. T. H. Race
o the lecture room of Knox church
TO HOAIiIES. No matter whether you arc a bride or
have been married twenty years, make a visit to our
store, where you will find a complete line of all kinds of
Furniture, Rugs, Baby Carriages, Go -Carts,
Vacuum Cleaners, and other articles which will help
you make your home more comfortable. We cordially
invite you to call and assure you of the most courteous
attention whether you buy or not.
el We also sell the well-known Nordheimer Piano.
Geo. Hohmellell°
A Daily Treat -
Always Acceptable and Delicious.
The Tea of all Teas. ■
Black, Gress
or Mixed
Get a package and enjoy
a cup of Tea "In Perfection"
oc Sunday evening, In the interests of
the National Sanitoriuw Association,
wee well attended and was full of
Interest. Mr, Race is au interesting
speaker end appears to be well in
formed upon the subject of tuberculo
sae. The views thrown upon the
screen were well selected sinal cal-
culated to awaken interest in the
effort to btamp out the dreaded disease.
This week Mr. Race has been making
a canvass of the town for subscript loos
for the work of the Mu•k)ka Free
Hospital and has secured a total of
$V, #t, which is en advance of • few
dollate over the results of previous
her musical career and we predict
her • brilliant future. Miss Meager
violinist was particularly good, and
delighted the audience with her melee-
- tions Much regret was telt at the
absence on account of illuew of Mr..
King. but one of her pupils, Mho Ruth
Hamilton, sang very nicely ice her
place and gives pre of becoming
one of cur bast soloists Sheriff Rey-
nolds was in the chair. The, Chapter
wishes to thank all what took part In
the program, u well as Moors. lir M.
Elliott, Wyville Millar, T. °Avis, T.
Swart', the Boy Scouts, the Masons
and the press for their As.i•tance on
this occasion. The sum of 1842 a' was
added to the war p' isoners. fund a
the Chapter hopes to extend its wor
in this direction.
Costello -Finn.
At 1) o'clock Tuesday morning a ser
pretty wedding took place in M
Peters church, when Kathryn Amelt
Finn. of Waterloo street, wan unit
in matrimony to Win. y Costen
of Hamilton, Ont. Will. 0 Heid, o
Winnipeg, Man., an uncle of the bride
acted as groomsman, and ltertbe Co.
Cello, • reter of toe groom, assisted
the bride. The bride was very prettily
attired in navy blue broadcloth trim-
med with beaver fur with hat to
match. The groom's gift t. the bride
was ■ gold necklace wkb pendant I
•tu Ided with pearls and amethysts. H -s
gift to the bridesmaid was a gold ring
stodds d wit b pearls, and to the grooms.
msn • pearl stickpin. Rev. M. D.
O'Neil, of Parkhill, Ont-, an uncle of
the bride, performed tbeeerewony and
Hey. D. A. McRae said the nuptial
meas. The other out-of-town friends
present were Miss Mary Costello, of
Hamilton, Mr. and Mn, John Rowland
of Mount Carmel, Mee. Jarnes"O'Neil,
of Winnipeg, Mr. John O'Neil, of
Kingsbridge, and the Misers Mamie
and }Janette and Wilfrid O'Loughlio,
of Lucknow. The bride received many
valuable and useful present. .1 re-
ception was held at the brides house
the previous evening. The youthful
couple left op the 7 o'clock trair. for •
short flip before proceeding to their
house at Hamilton.
Public School Board.
TauaeDAT Jaarail1 37 iOle sf
thanes Mr. Gad Mrs. T. H. Rothwell, of
1Toroot0; Mre. Angus Seared and Mies
Alice tioldtborpe, of Hamilton ; Mrs.
Clegg and Mr Will Fiudlater, of
11'uigbam; Mr. and Mrs. OliverOfleld,
of tl.rsda-. A lame as ray of beautl-
til flowers •heated the s.•rrnw and
sympathy of many filend.. Mr". Oold-
Ibo, pe was formerly Minnie Ehzsbeth
StI..oxb.i She was been in the town-
ship o1 ('..(borne, • daughter of the
late Gtr. and Mr.. Edward Mtranghans
Ater her marriage .he continued 10
"mile in Colborne township until •
yearr . g.., when the family re-,
moved froth M.ltfotd to the present
'home on NrI.otr Street, spending the
summer seasons at th.' Point Farm.
Besides het husle►nd sad three daugb-
terr-Mre. D. A. Me(Jarten, who arriv-
ed from her home at Winnipeg for the
• I.oerel,and the Mis�•esAiwasoid Olive,
tour broths 'sand two sisters *aryl ve :
George Straughan. of town ; Jaime,
of Colborne township • Rdwerd, of
for I Parkland, Alberta ; Albert, of Okla -
as ohome Loodeshoi.u! and Mrs George Far-
quhar. of Clinton. Mre. Goldthorpe
war greatly loved and bon3red I.y
thole who had the privilege of know -
ing her. and her gentle presence, her
ready sympathy and her kindly minis-
trations will be miserd by many, but
most keenly in the borer where she
was for beloved wife and mother.
Mr. (i .ldthorpe ;and familywish to
express their heartfelt thans for the
numberless acts of b ieodship and
kindness and the expressions of sym-
pathy which have been extended to
em during their time of tronMe.
Death of John R. Dunlop
Mr. John H. buolop, • native and
lifelong resident of (ioderich township,
passed away on Saturday morning
last after a long illness. He was baro
seventy-one years ago on the farm on
which he died and about forty-five
earn ago was married to 1'atherine
"deli", who, with a family of eight,
survives. The sons and daughters are
Mrs. Geo. Andrews, of Cleveland,
Ohio ; John, of Calgary ; Frank.
Herbert, Reginald, Lilian and Agnate,
of Toronto, and George, of Goder ch.
Two brothers, Jan:e., of the Canadian
customs, Sarnia, and Hugh, of Tor-
onto, also survive. The funeral took
hace on Monday from tberesidence of
is son, George. on South street.. Rev.
J. E. Ford conducted the services and
the pallbearers were Messrs. tVus
Hall, Geo. Mcllwsin, Tho.. 8.-11, Robt.
Davidson, 1Vm. tiowerby and (leo.
Stancombe. Among others who were
present at the funeral were two sons
and two daughter i, (sons Toronto, and
the brother from Sarnia, besides many
friends from Goderich township. The
interment took place in Maitland
Ahmeek Chapter Musicale.
The musicale given under the aur -
of Ahmeek Chapter, I. 0. 1). E.,
the Masonic Temple on Thursday
evening last was s decided success. In
spite of disagreeable weatEet the hall
was well filled by a most appreciative
audience. Too much cannot basalt! in
praise of Mian L,sca Elliott'. musical
ability, botb as a piano soloist and as
an accompanist. She is just beginning
Children's Stamped Dresses
23 off.
Now is the time to embroider
these dresses for summer Fast
color threads in *tuck for em-
Ladies' Puritan ('oilers and Pomo
other lines at 33i off.
75c line 30e
3)c line 33c
Pure linen Towel.. large sire.
3.ic line -. 23c
Get your *bare of these.
Onset value.
lioderich Next Bell Telephone
the )flolel t3Leatre
By reason of
the changing
/ !shape when in
motion this tire
cleans itself of
all mud
and slime. 1 j
Mbar, slwaye the best'? t eon be procured le shown at this
2sllsrs& To Health By Tied
�itsgvdl•, fwd -"I see a (dent is s
Mfrs teas W no �w�,
s. orwsesy
woo Stir 'tad m sed , M
tang wow with Imp
of wait.
cwt ttesrt' h.i b.. roared sty With
arzn -lief P 1ie1o.
oe weal, onvi ss
i tlsetto ' ob file
1. N. Dtrn sp, p�gt. ag/pur.
Oysters always freshet Blackstone's
114 are often asked why Edwards'
y homemade candies retain their sweet -
1. neer. It is because of the pure meter-
& ials used.
The statutory meeting of the publie
school board was held un Wednesday
evening of last week. Those present
were M•esr,. R. J. Acheloos. G. L Prr-
tpn E,Jlodgeue, Tbo.-etwetdry and
R. H. Gtr, Mr. R. J. Aee�tbbeoon was
again elected cbaiee•an and took bis
sal. Messrs. Parsons and Hodges)*
were appointed a striking committee
and their report, as follows, was
adopted : Contingent commis tee -J.
W. Craigia, Thos. Gundry, O. L. Per-
sons. School management committee
-G. L Parsons, Ur. Cirllow, R. H.
Cutt. Finance committee -1, E. Hod -
raw, J. 'W, Craigie, R H. Cutt.
Grounds committee- Dr. (;allow, Alex.
Saunders, H.R. Hodgen.. It wasdecided
to hold meetings oo the first Mondry
of each month as formerly. Mier Shar-
man was appointed to the board on
Collegiateexunination.. Dr.Emmer.ou
woe appointed to lire Collegiate Insti-
tuteboard. Mr, J. E. Tors was ap-
pointed • member of the public library
board The itstu'ory meeting then
adjourned and the Hest regular meet -
ins of the year was beld. Reports
were received from the prioeipals of
Cranial and Victor i s reboots. The
school management committee is to
confer 'with the teachers of Central
sebool on the matter of light and heat
and report at the next meeting. The
report of School lnspector,.lbm was
received and referred to the manage
fMet committee to report. It was de-
cided that during the cold weather the
children he admitted to the schools et
8s30a.m. and that the teachers be in
their respective places not later than
Their Golden Wedding Dar.
On Me oday, January 24th, Mr. and
Mre. A. D. Cameron, of Goderica cele-
brated 14.e fiftieth •oniversety r 1 their
mu rises On the eventful day, fifty
years ago, a sleigbload drosa from the
bride's borne in Peru, Halton county,
to (leorgetown, • distance of about
fourteen mile., where Mr. and Mrs
Oasseron wets married by Rev. Joe,
Bosworth, Congregational mioieter.
The groomsman was Mr. John Mc -
Later'. brother of the bride, now us-
ing In Toronto, and the bridesmaid
was Catharine Cameron, sister of the
Q�� now Mr,. Hugh McDonald, of
w• ►telco'• The greater part of 1 h. it
married life ba• been spent. by Mr.
Gad Mrs. Cameron in Huron county.
Th.y lived for a number of years
shout two miles south of Lueknow,
burr at St. Helene and nineteen years
ago m•sved to (io '"rich, whore Or 'y
imre sines resided. Mr. Cameron i.
Aepaty sheriff of the county of Huron,
having fitted this position for •
wssmbt r of year,. Though not so
sorbet as they used to h', both Mr.
sod Mre. Cameron are .till fairly ac-
tive mid their friends j..in in wi.hing
them st I1 many happy years of wedded
Mb. Of tbs waddle` part y oldity yearr
ago only tote, Nr.. Henry Richmond, of
Blyth, whiter of the bride,waaable to be
pryert at both occasion,.
The L te Mrs. J. T. Goldthorp.
The enteral service for Ibe la'. Mrs.
J. T. Goldthorpe, held at Rt. George's
ebsreb net Sunday •flernons, wee very
IetrNsly ottesds'd. the cbureb bean,'
•sm - ted 111.d. The service was
e al try the rector, Hew. J. B
iNetberMsfom, IM comsat. 1 and choir
WA ttThe Interment was le Mei
Pallbearers bet
1ws... J. Beehsnan, W. J. Pow•
ic"eect;altttY, Geo. Bradford. J.•hs P.
Mid . D. McLear. A Liege
paw( Ross Ifs east►
sad from other Omega.,
some thea from mew• die sot potato
Bronchitis -Asthma -
Coughs -Night Sweats -Debility
tn.l th..-e conditions lexbug to
Some Extracts from Sworn Evidewce :
says : " 'Nature's Creation .s what
helped me."
CHARLIIS KNOPH. on (lath, says :
My night -weSts Mopped and my
,h1:7orthage stopped from the first
LOUIS C ZINK. on Oath, says
I have to thank 'Nature's Creation'
that 1 am here today "
Send for Booklet containing complete
statements on Oath. from throe who
bare use.' '' Nature's Creation."
Made is Raadyland
Butter Scotch
A delicious Toffee made from
pure granulated auger, dairy
cream and butter. At pes
pound 200
Peanut Brittle
Made from pure grsoulated
sugar and hooey tilled with
Spaoish Peanut' At per
pound. 20o
Maple Cream
Made from pure Maple Sugar
honey snd dairy cream. At
per pound .... 20o
Sea 'Foam
Made from pure granulated
sugar and honey. A delicious
Sponge Ceody. At per
W ick Oto
Horehound Candy
"Kurakold '
Made from Horehound Herb'
gianulated sugar and hooey.
At per pound. ... .. 20o
For pure Home made Candy
come to ' Kaodyland."
The Candy Man
Succi moor t , T. J. Melaeld.
Having purchased the
berry business of Wm.
Knox, 1 •m improv'jog
the equipment and in-
tend to provide
Good Horses
Prompt Service and
Up-to-date Rigs
Ail 'orders wilt receive
prompt and careful at-
Tetgrttnva No, 173 for
a good turnout.
Are Your aidreu
Leanly le Save
Mosey ?
Each maturing son ant.
daughter should have a
personal Swings Account in the Union Bank of
Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and
training In how to expend money wisely. Such an
education In thrift and saving will prove Invaluable
In later life.
Godericn Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
Take a dose in time!
Don't let your sy-t. yt berornc lowered l,y
the attacks of a c..u'eh or cold. "Safety
First" -take a dose (Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy at once. It loosens the Cough so ri/e
that it Soon disapprsn• ; it heal. the soreness: etren$tbees the throat
and lungs so they are unaffected b • "hang", of temperature. C'hamMrlun'a
eMleine no narcotics or harmful drugs. While is gives relief boss the
Lai doss it may .. • fel used with the'°unrest tl eegisrs 2Se• b SOr
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire3.75
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto)
... 1.85
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star
The Signal and Toronto Daily World
The Signal and Toronto Daily News2‘2131...:608t:
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35
'The Signal and Farm and Dairy -.. 1.85
the Signal and Canadian Poultry News.... 1.35
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free -
Press i 6o
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90
The Signal and London Daily Free Press
Morning Edition 3.50
Evening Edition " 2,
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.8�
The Signal and World Wide 2.25
The Signal and Presbyterian 2.25
The Signal and Westminster 2. 25
The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25
The Signal and Catholic Register
New 1.7o
Renewal 1,85
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.40
The Signal ,and McLean's Magazine 2,50
The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)... 1.75
The Signal and Canada Monthly 2.00
The Signal and Canadian Countryman 1.50
The Signal and Canadian Textile Journal. , 2.25
The Signal and Toronto Star Weekly. 2.75
These prices are for Adores in Canada or Gtest Britain
The Signal and The Country Gtntleman 2.75
The Signal and Woman's Home Companion
(New York)
The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.75
The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 2.75
The Signal and The Youth's Companion 3. 25
The Signal and The Scottish Ameri,c n
(New York) 3.25
The Signal and Cosmopolitan Magazine2.85
The Signal and McClures Magazine 2, 15
including postage to Canadian subscribers,
The above publications may he obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above less $I.00
representing the price of The Signal, For instance :
TbeSSignal sod The Family Herald and Weekly
TI7 Farmer's Advocate i
( $1.115
t 3S l•sa i t oo 1.15
-making the price of the three papers $3.2o.
The Signal and Tbe
TorontoDDwl Star s ,I
y Ira M lees 1r.00t .r.so
-the three papers for $3.55.
if the publication you want is not in above list, let
us know. We can supply almost any well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions through local agent or by
postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to
Goderich Ontario