HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-27, Page 4• LMosrDaT JArvARY Yl, 1916
Will You Take Good Advice?
IT'S good advice we are giving you when we
tell you to buy woollen goods now. By next
Fall many lines will be DOUBLE the price
they were last year, and besides some goods will
be hard to get at any price -we are telling you
actual facts. Buy now all your requirements, not
only for Spring but for next Fall and Winter.
Buy Cashmere Hose
.... 35c, 3 pairs for $ I.00
Buy Worsted Hose
. 35c, 3 pairs for $ I.00
Buy Woollen Underwear,
per garment .. $ I.00. $ I.25
Buy Stanfield's Underwear,
red label $ I.40
blue label $ I.65
(worth today $1.75
and $2.00 per gar-
Men's Suits and Overcoats
We are offering splendid values in Suits and Overcoats
at $10.00 and $12.00
Sok agent for --
Society Brand 11sde-to-order Clothing
*pest • week la RtsaMy township Mrs. Leslie Cos and •mgbte r Dorothy I
Mies Olive (lox, of (ledetieh, ie j;
d •
J. Al in. ea Mates, preacheet
WRD10.DAT, Jas. :s.
Cor.cauerion DIMATRD -Am Tates•
eating debate, which was Roomed to
by practically the whole pupuletloo of
this locality, was the feature of the
Kpwortb l.agu s a nodal evening on
Monday. Thesubje.awas : ••Resolved,
that eooecription would be of benefit
during the present war." Tb.afilrma-
Iive wee sustainer; by Nelson Tiewer-
tb• and Leonard Yen, while the
negative speakers were Jack tide wares
awed (leo. Gould. After Burne deli'wa.
Sam Lion the judges, Mesire. haN urdy
and (leo. Acheron. aa.uted by RowR. J. McCormick, declared that the
affirmative bad won by two pointe.
(:boru.e., duets an lnstrurnental
*elections completed t he program.
MIGHT HAvg Basta Woaas.-Aa
accident, which happily did not result
let loosly,happened on Tuesday even -
foe. As Mr. SAW. Sturdy with his
two daughters was leaving the village
in their buggy. three vehicles were
coming in the orp east direction and
after pa/ging the first Mies Sturdy, ro
who was driving, thinkiog the ad
was clear collided with the second
buggy The collision frightened
Sturdy'. horse and it ran to the side of
the road, where the buggy again col-
lided with a Hydro pole. The horse
freed itself and went boo.*. One of
the Mews S•urJ was thrown out,
but as she selected • very muddy .pet
to fall on she war- not hue t. Rath
buggies were badly damaged.
TCtr$DAY, Jar. 2.i•
Norrie. -lir Florence McDonald
returned to D.tiolt on Friday last,
Ihavin{{sp nt•mouth withbermother.
Mre. McDonald Mr. and Mrs.
Hell limit ledge, of Goderich, visited at
ICI. %V. Putter's on Thursday last
lug a few Lips m
•t hes Rog.M
llheaday at THE COLBORNE STORE ea,.Bethel church o0
11 o'clock Mee Newton retained Glows*
borne oe Fr Way fro. St **toed, whore
he had been vistals...9th hie daughter,
Mrs. Smyth.
- sae
rtiguU.t T. Jan . 2i. - 111
Mi.. Josepblse&ijalmi is speeding
the week to climtes.
Stirring teuprta•ee addressee were
delivered In all the churches uo Nab -
bath lest, fotrodesdug the eamyaria
for signers lura "day Outer fu" petition
which is tinily eirattlat.d this week.
Mr. A. M. Breis and Mr. 1). Dewar
went to Guderie►uSTueday to attend
the county council:
Phe 60 -9atr lot of l). (4.4. fordets are dere
and an elegant lot they are, guaranted in every way. Perfectly made unrustable filling
that will not break with any reasonably fair usage and will give all kinds of satisfactory
wear. Handsomely trimmed and finished, and in the regular way are good value for
$1.25, but the special clean-up price we got them for enables us to offer thetas Q
at the small price of .7°C
Come and secure a pair and try them and if you think that they are not all they
should be for your 9oc return them and get your money back.
W itossIO D.aY, Jan. 2e. ■
Foa Tog HIED ('ares. -Don't forget
to core to the box socad which is t.o
be held in the Fgsstrn' Hall here o0
Wdnevde7. February 2nd. A good
program is being, prepared and as this
u the first social of this kind to be
held here it should be a great sueeesv.
The proceeds w to go to the Red
those Circle to bay supplies. Admis-
sion for geotlees.n, ,.• ladies with
boxes free. Port Albeit orchestra,
with several new members, will be a
special feature of the program.
PZ* OXAL MireTiox. - Mr. Fred ■
Brewer left this werk for Ingersoll,
where he has secured employyment...,
Mr. and Mn. Jobe R&hnenale, of Clin-
ton, spent a few days last week at N.
Cunningham's tlr. and Mre. Rny
R. Alton, of L urea, erect t Sunday at •
the Liter's holm. here Mr,. N.
Brindley is speeding • taw days in
See Them in our East Window
Filled with the moat perfect, strong and supple woven wire boning and gives abso-
lute freedom and perfect support to any figure, either slim or stout. Our price is $ I.00
less than other makers sell a similar Corset for. ,
�� J. H. COLI3ORNEi�0
Itown this week.... Miss Jennie WC)!January left last week to visit friend. at Mr,.
sur ked Detroit.,.. Mand Rud -
left Clearance-)
a duck erre in town a few drys this
week visiting f:ieod..
■ ====I aaa=t - aaaa ■
Cut this notice
oiit and it you
purchase goods
to the value of
$1.00 or over,
we will give you
FREE a Com-
bination Pocket
Coat Hanger.
Only . a short time ago these goods sold
for regular prices --Look at their price now
Guard yourFelf against a cold. " Prevention is always better than
cure. . The advantages to be had at this BIG CLEAR-
ANCE SALE are numerous. The savings afforded are
all on fresh merchandise that you are likely to need for months to
come. And when you consider the tremendous advance in prices
in nearly every class of goods, this Sale comes as a boon and a
blessing to all who study ecgtlomy, even in the smallest degree.
Sale Commences Saturday, January 2
If a Real Money Saving
Event is of Interest to
Men's Overcoats
Brown or blue Chinchilla, fine
Imake. Regular $15 and $18 for
Men's Twee dOvercoats
Grey and brown. Regular $12
and $15. T. clear
15 Men's Suits
Tweed and Worsteds, brown and
grey. Regular Sto and $1J for
Boy's Overcoats
3, 4 and 5 years. Regu-
lar $3, for
Sizes 6, 7, t{, q and to years.
Regular $4.00, for
Boy's Suits
Single and double breasted, all
sizes. Regular $3.5o, for
Men's Shoes
Atl sizes. Big lot of Dress Shoes
,button or lace),value up to $4.5o,
to clear $2.*
Men's Odd Pants
sizes 32 to 44
Regular value up to $a.5o for $1.45
Regular price $3.5o for $1.95
Men's Underwear
Regular $1.25 garment for....8*
Regular $l.i5 garment for ..$1.111
Men's Fine Underwear
Regulat $1.50 garment for ..$1.1I
Regular 75c garment for 45c
Men's Rib Underwear
(Fleece Lined)
Brown, pink and blue
Regular 5oc garment for'.... 21k
Mens Fine Negligee Shirts
Broken sizes
Regular soc value, to clear at..33e
Regular 75c value for 45c
Tell year asighlsrs and fiends. Every-
body wants is sate messy awl they Ira
thank yea. Rsssaiisr the Sale .!sets
Saturday, January 29th
at a a. m. Ta avoid Iain sided bale
far the siva II
Men's Police Braces
Regular 25c, to clear
Men's Hook -on Ties
all colors. Regular 2ocrvalue for
2 for 25c
Men's Woollen Sweaters
Brown, grey and blue. Regular
$2 and $2.5o, fOr
Men's Suitcases
Regular $1.50, for
Regular $2 and $2.5o, for
Men's Working Shirts
Black and white striped Regu-
lar 75c, for
Mee's Overalls ud Selects
Black, blue and (with h 1
back). Regular
Regular $1.25,
stripedw t elastic
$1, for..
for.. 1St
Boy's Shoes
Sizes i to 3. Regular $2, for a.m
Men's Canvas Gloves
to clear, per pair
1 Men's Winter Gaps
Regular Sac and hoc to clear
39 ' ROBINS,
cants THE SQUARE 6
U TvrsDAt, Jan. 91.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith. of Wing.
Iham. spent Sugday •t I.uckooww.
Mr. Doupe, sebool Principal, as un -
espeetedIy called no Monday to his
home at Dresden, owing to the Illness
of a relative.
A yes aucrxesful "kitchen shower"
was held tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dare Sheriff In honor of Milee Margaret
McCbarlee, who is to be married this
wr ek.
A pioneer in the person of Mr. Jas.
Webster pooped away on Monday at
the rips ego of eighty-six. He is su.-
vived by • widow, two pons and siz
Remember the hockey match In
Locknow on February 1st. This is
the first Lakeside Iregw game and a.
Luckoow has held the sup tl•e past
two years the boys will play good
Berkey in order to retain the coveted
'repay. Goderieh axed Lock now teams
are the players in tide game.
ee, people assembled at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Hunter and had a very
pleasant evening. The first part of
Use evening was spent in progressive
euchre, the prize -winners twinMrs.
J. D. Far. lib and Mr. Will Fulford.
At 12 o'clock a dainty !Ouch was
served in ib. exoalhent .171. for which
the hetess and her daughter are
looted, and after lunch dancing wee
indulged In uotil the earl hours of
the morning. Mr. J. D. Parrish aad
Me. Harry Williams supplied the
rnbuic with the violin and Mise Laura
Lautenslayer accompanied on the
piano. The young people returned
home happy but tired, voting the host
and hostess royalqueertaloen.
1 be intestinal muscles must have
waste to properly develop. The grow-
ing muscles and organs must have
abundant nutrition. The teeth and
bones, nerves, muscles, organs, and
blood must all hay. abundant in-
organic salts. Roman Meal 1s filled
with branny waste which gives the
intestinal muscles exercise, prevent-
ing coastipstinn and indigestion. It
has more inorganic mils than cay
other known food. It's lbs most
nut ritiot:e food sold. Ask your doctor.
Do not stir Roman Meal port edge. At
grocers, Iles and LSI.
Roman Meal is made by Roman
Meal Co , Toronto, sod your grocer
can procure it from Any wholesaler.
WZDNtSDAY, Jan. 36.
M Morrison, of Toronto, addressed
• meeting of farmers in the Foresters'
Hall last Wednesday evening on the
subject of the farmer's' co-operation In
buying and telling their stock Gad
Mr c•lareoce Symington is bowie
from Uuelpb reed int.ods retarsi••gg on
Monday to join • company of artillery
to go overseas to fight foe tiag aad
country. Mr. Bert Marsh has enlisted
and intends joiaing the odors a Mee -
day .t Overrieb. Good luck, boys
Mr. R. Robleeoo, our junior beaker,
bas been transferred to the Shedden
branch. Mr. N. Dorms, of Deanna -
Doe, is taking his pleat in the book
The r i ver 1. again clear of lee, owing
to the mW weather. This will make
it bard for per butcher to fill his ice -
borne for summer nee.
The petition foe Provincial prohibi-
tion bat been eireutated and largely
signed this week.
Two of our yeas( men have enlisted
-Hetrbert Newton with the mot
Heron Batt•lloa and .laser Ientea-
el.y.r with tb. a. t Mary .t a
1 t was with deep months s se.s
Icy heard on Tbaeedsy taisteries of the
death of Mr.. I. T. YeldNerpe. Mrs.
l snide user toe lowed
by M: while
thole summer home at Poles Pira
Out pedal mall Goofier, Mr. Babb
mode IN deity trips last week with
the swe.$1.. d Musday, where he
same est •boot Eve mar., bet the
Node were so had it w ahi' p esible
be hinter Blowsyfarther andb. had
to Mare to Goderie s.
met et the hems�of Misooece~' kIa*er.
away. Amide from froo ept a� • number 1
meeting a Red Cress mdago way
held std a lot of yarraa.r.s other �i
material was Mot oat.
F1MaomAL MIIIMOIr.-1hN 011tMam
easel ty s sd b.y hem H•sNteos,
wherehad Wes friends
ete.d tem. . het weak after the Oda-
MI ow lakesde Melted relatives
la 1111astska ham Metes, dilm
bin hew • Alt seam a• She
Ot A.0. Owl" same
SS *Al. Oatama f• -On resew
speaker abet Shy of the yens H r. Dunlop Dewgglst
WRDygaDAT, Jan. 2n.
Badges, -We are Pleased to know
that Miss Marion Glen is improvingR
after having bad a es ions attack of
Is gritme Mrs. McNally, of Godes
rich, was the guest of her mother, Mrs.
Jas. Scott. over Sunda , Mise
I Wise, of Clinton, I. spending a few
days at the home of her uncle, Mr.
Albert Prise Reg. Glee has re-
turned after taking a two weeks'
course at the 0. C. at G.istph.
tstT aCPT1 1. ♦. namhee.
our yoahg
at lb.
I borne of Mr. Same t otter on Friday
evening last, to honor et his daughter,
Flora Isabel, who hies week Oceans,
the Nide of Jaa. McIntyre, of Dungan.
non. The evening wes spent in games Le
and dancing. Misslith trdame read
'an address and Miss Tee amebae
presented the bride and groom with •
shower" of useful and pre ty gifts.
which testified t., the esteem in which
the beide Is held. The happy couple
are golrg to SaultRte. Marie, whereo
the groom bas a good pusitlo. •
Why Roman Meal is Best for ' lbur
11 lakes • yuuag s•aa tour timer as
long to button his best girls gloves as
it dose his :lines'..
It's Cutter -Time!
What better investment
could lou make just now
than to purchase a fine
new Cutter
We handle the Gray and
McLaughlin makes, the
test in Canad I.
We have a number of
Ranges and Heaters left
and can give you good
value for your money.
Gasoline Engines
for pumping and power.
Come in and see them.
same. ammo
Massey -Harrier moment -it
5 - lit_ St., 0•dsnah
Ts sac -Davi Nines mot
Ienievidle, flys -" I wsaaa• a•ry
wreak. sad h a week,
itam nol. I�im Raised asked me MeZ
hsad strength
as ength I hick
ter mallehmthe orf
fee sets lir a *146 W. G
bade wittiest eU, gmeinteed Is wee-
wlasi Is • dsYslems ad- Sear sod leamem ell rumdsena, weak. dmitellesil=iri=idthe Amid Olgolk Mil
le lark Acid in the blood.
Unhealthykidneys are the
cause of the acid being
there. trthe kidneys acted
as they should they would
strain the Uric Acid out
of the system and rheuma-
tism wouldn't occur. Rheu-
matism is a Kidney Dig.
ease. Dodi', Kidney PIE i
have made a great part c i
their reputation curing
Rheensatuu. So get at
the rause of those fearful
showier Pains and stiff,
aching joints. There 1s
but one sure way-
Winter Term from January 3
Canada's Hest Business College -
we have tine dliwne•t department..
Commercial. gbeetaaes and Terdraphs.
Our readeate. am wearier cont pe twee•.
We are re.grtar maay aepllost lee. re
.sera asset la tee 4. this , t. twe
meshed it a�p�at�a. br tmlad ash*
sho * rpe r.sis hes Ms per waste to
fres catalogat ones. alaaaa1W. Om me
D. A. MCLACHLAN, Maetsal.
TI. "RlmEAtr to Ottawa
=liar afternoon fiats via Lab Ontario
leaves Taranto 1.43 p.m, for whit
•na, aewmaevlts.r, Part M n+►-
TrsatsIlrtl.etll., Kleptoe rrlrbe O
gpark. Reset. at Chateau Laurier.
The TorontoTaIA0.a Gees 1.13 am., ar
To Cailf esy, Florida. etc.
Iimlte 1 trate. eesneet at Derdt with
tkrowek tarep.r. to 'kurld*. aim onnnee.
ties via Bsaaro, waaatarten aid C1neiaa
al I
IIs* wed .en -les Ala C.P.R. aad Ys R. to
Chicagog a calun. a. W through sera Ice
Put t IcaLrs bora O. EIDD V P R.
Agent. r write N. O. MURPHY. D.P.. A..
1 ero.1 o.
Special Round 11 ip Fares
I.eag Lima -gtepeeere
vite tad pot N.C.: thseMMw•
C.: Nauss N.M.g�rt•�, Art
Lae�a' jeans. see
tatlsesaill •~esu Tett a, r we
' r :S:.'"'""'t''a► sr ~diel
st mew( 1tM! aiwo �t�or baapa R..et:
littratmes. .at, tl„t : rlestcy+•�•, !lord.:
r. 11'ir►"'hiiil%.'-ra s11
romt_!ifigs. Am sop war