HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-27, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODEEICH. ONTARIO
'toms iaf. JAtfUARR 11, $
bound or repaired.
(to oM TT+UZ i10NLL, O U •a ""u4
A. M. TAYLOR. thearroen.
ORO. 11 kI LIIMANN. 019TE.-
JJ PLTY gesMWt 1a -rasa... and Mal
ape's dtssa . a•u1S. *MAI sad die
eye. ae asm and inial deal-
scm'lemdaae aed rhe.matl. UMsa LAB
arslds Move It wtth00% ileo Mie.at
sssidenes, serestMaimet, vie
deeeta Al brae cone W ..soars
est aawedare: any meting nt by arwbt -
sad shiest .W. Haas
Eller riessaseting
omes.1"824111 1,
•ua...,tL1e.m.. Tui . . Takoa k Owinisleis sad Juanaemanto A
1 AUcfloNtLs:
Rao 'M, Sedssieh. A11 lestredllseaom by sant
ISR to. iossimmMimed •oosic•well be Ws/bona 23Y. VUs •
(► C. HAY*
Purim:. a'7t..
=ternogaak Sleek Resalltea ft.reet.
mea um. Lams sad lassn.oa
Ossa .s the 8e.at., .scent doer from Ram
Inrs asst 4/•dsrice.
Yt irate boa& t• Lea at lowest rates
W. Peot,•Deoor, LC. J. L ILILL4ELUI
H. J. D. Owen.
Irlatesessestalere= idea Oases
&hi them be
Teerellay et . is
o*l&rest sesa d by
getitles lames. a.a. tee pat.
21'� aaeBe5s miLlMr, eta, (iM►
Slane? a Led .t' Iewe.t soles
() .
N .i.tsek eine �.l
111111/811142, WV3, ITC.
ill S US A N*1 o. -Tara sad imbibed
mitPea tasa•wth P.O.;
.. ."� M Roderick,slime P.
Ike- Hvaas;
h,�eettgarde reserpos
9.,J. 1 Cbset the eters. ( Baser, t.
'mar. br. rMtiMee 6ed
Amor. srisl'. er
J. a ROWS Mee end Mere, Sas NM.
. 1#rrMer Hamatee stress, Be seLk.
4)NNwN•v N F neno.v••••••N
Ottawa, Jar. 117. -Tis. elation esti
for natloa-wid• eobibltlon due leg Gee
war and • pMod of throe year lben-
after dose sot stew to be meeting with
Ow reponse fro*, the Omani v.i v
.Id• .t the House wblck ate eiumpse
tours migbt rap. ct. The Conservative
member■ are mut• inle.•xted in eh -ll
eontrsKe then in the efforts of tbe
A meeltog of the legidative commit-
tee of (b. Dumioio. Alliance and the
Oslae a committee which bas Ib.'msl-
twe in band was held in tbe railway
committee room of the Hume of Com-
mons one day last week. Tb. bops
was, no doubt. *bat many Government
tuppnntiro s would drop in and lend the
muveme%t the eucoungrmrut of their
pretence. It wee, dee, a vain hope.
Government supporters a', this stage
of the game srei carefully side.tefplog
all movetuents except those which
look toward an extension ut the life of
Parliament sad the @ati.facso,y *n.n-
cul cons. quenelles attendant thereon.
All of wbieb leads up to the tact
that la an assemblage of per haps our
hundred temperance reformers, mem-
ber, of Pesll*SUent and fieoators only
on. C.aaertative men.ler tut in an
appearance and Janke. liermetiyilde
Boulsy. of ftimuwki, flu, bee. who
gave/voice to bis convictions in down-
right fashion. Hetmenigikle had to
put it atroon to make up fur the ab -
mace of his fellow -members who had
nothiott to s.T oa the subject. Her-
meoigilde, as I said before, has unyk-
lions, many eonvic.ions. He hes ono
of those minds which harbor • new
conviction every day and tbat convtc- i
tion u very lucky if it taste the full!
term of twenty-four hours. Like lbs
ancient Athenians, HrrmenigU le flou-
lsy L mighty kero uu a t.ew thing and 1
probtbittun, though an old topic for
some people, is a compparatively new
one for Iiesru niailde 11,ub.y. Wbat
1 mean to ray iv that Hrrmr%Igilde
bas not been noticed in the van of the
prohibition movement previous toed,
writing. Tbe vol ,' must be witty
strong down in Rimouski, for Het-
menigilde is now not only in the van
but actually in the drives'. seat.
Her¢eoigitde has Riven many sons
and geandtony to the service of his
b. loved Canada. He is a progenitor'
of . prodigious Quebec family, wont of
which has beeoprovided with Govern -I
from LL i..Tal$.: Brltlsb, Osmium sal
Blpaseas ono Lavtersew Loam,
�3.r�esatteL osis .t loes•a. �s rw
Orr azrw Ypasuxvas Iles.: loo U L
sal •asrasbe. csaaa.,.
�OmmOme et ,.Mese.. uerthem sensor of Tie
tans sad at lsavtd'e eU.Mn Dewe era
iLaajAflg LIC1i1f8tS
OCIDEl seg. OIfT.
1 or a igoL•a uscassay.
Paints, Trade vrks,
tt•eured in Countries
Writs toe tree Beek "PAr*NT4 PROW -
VON.- Tees all skeet end how a• net est.
e.w. BABCOCK a /DNI. esteldweed IO1,
t re ray Patent Ulm ssamtasr. Meow et
Petal* Lee. Re.44 54 petit tummies,
ADA. r1R. Jesse freest Mauna lT%...
otmer% nal wsAlastas. Rs15 ta5 's L
. --- `.'e
Brophe3 Bros.
lee LasMeg
as! Embalmers
Orders �SMVid�.
Mors Omit Prodi
The simple nieces of apples, orange*,
age and prunes, when transformed into
'Fruits-tives' will reileve diaeaaes of
the Slvalwrh. Liter, Kidneys amid Skin.
The truth of this statement has been
proved in thousands of eases of
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver,
Constipation, Kidney and Blinder
Troubles, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism,
Neuralgia and Chronic Headaches.
Tbe enormous sales of'Fruit-a-tives,'
are the beat proofs of the value, of
'this frail medicine.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of
pries by Fruit -a -nags Limited, Ottawa.
since that time Secretary t�3eytx,ld's
vac ming trail hes b•» n w leaves I�
VaiLn,b.ne.. Kee, y (i ,,vernwent sup'
ppoortet hadseiz-d the app,.rtunity to put
himself on urcoot a. a pioh,bitignlet
of the t4:r lielr6e Foster vat let y. They
cannot ccpy a he t er man. Me an -
. we,. 8.v .lary S. 1 -Id i, receiving
B re 'coterie of of I vocrtlor•, There le
about as MI,h hope for erubibition in
then% a. there is blood in a turnip.
Mean* idle • re...lotion has been
drafted luoliug tc ',he prohibition of
the rcanufatture and Bele of intoxica'-
ing liquor during the war and the eoo-
stroot' ve pet sod of th,ee yeargthers-
aft, r." Ibis ,r•oluai• n w II le i. t o-
duced in Ibe (louse by two members
of Pa,Lavent, preferably one Con-
servative ane one Litr_rat, enemher, al-
though dt.ubt i. expressed whether a
Conservative mewl er cad be found
who w ill art as the govt.
On the t.teof this reedit tin opinion
it about evenly divided. Will it grad-
ualiy di aft into the b.neyard. of ad -
fluent d debates? Or wilt it be voted
un and passed? Tbe movement for
went obs. ermeui tide bas the prohibition will probably be as near
Job'. a becoming a law of the laud ono way as
right ires about tbe.e things. He be- lbe other 11. F. G.
lieves that the 'polis belong to the _
victor and has always acted on that Why Not Florida for Your Winter
principle, with the result that • whole.
regiment of Boulayl sod tbeir cousins
ase drawl%R y atom a grateful coca- The alt ructions are unsurpassed,
beautiful palm trees,. warm sen bath-
ing, orange and 1 nnana grove.. golf,
tarpon asbios, loam loos hotels fur all I
pocket.. Two nights t my f,Mn Tot-
ot.t . Winter twtist tickets now co
sale. Be sure i bat your t ekets read
el. C.enadiao Pecidc Ft.iiway. kzcel
lent set vice is offered via Detroit and
Cincinnati. P.uticulars fet.m lean
dean P.cidc ticket *gents, or write K.
O. Murphy. District Paaaerger ARen',
To. unto, Out.
' t ' TO 040fh1•11fiC elenZ
Delicious 'Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender little Stomach, live,
and bowels.
try. Still ober. must be • certaii
number of the family connect on an-
buogored and wanting Uove,nment
bread rad as Federal probib tion will
doubtless entail a long (tat tf preven-
tive officials it looks good to Henneni-'
glide as a new outlet. Thus quite log-
ically ica11y and nessooably ilerenigllde
Dooley, wbo is recoanis-d by the
House as its bait -:rigger enthusiast
and who will grow delirious on any
subject at a minute's notice, becomes a
wait r -bag.
Herimenigilde occupies an telt!
41*oat*. of spate in thin 2tarrati
cause be was the Duly Oonaerva v.
member who was present and spoke
right out in meeting. There was an-
other Cooservative member who was
ppercecea•nnt who did not speak. This was
Thorntoo. of Durham, who said noth-
ing but tbndgbt a great deal. He wall
probably tbiakiog of the sitity-olne
Conservative members from Ontario
who dodged the issue.
For the last fortnight members of
Parliament have heron buttonholed, so
to speak. ly the Federal prohibition
movement. Secrets' y Seybold baa
'nines letters to mob member asking
where he stood and bow be might be
aspected to vote. How to answer
these letter, -that was tbe question.
How to answer them without turning
the proposition down cold and yet
leave • ray of hope. Silence would not
do -this was • straight queetioo and
Secretary Seybold was entitled to at
least an oblique answer. Tbe t'.,nserra-
tive members, being is a snore respon-
sible position than their Liberal col-
leagues, naturally waited for a lead
from one of their responsible steam -
men. Tbey got it from Sir George •
Foster,wbois the original Foxy0r•nd- "What a lot of men get jobs on the
pa whew it aces to writing answers strength of ancestry r" Yes. A good
that commit nobody to anything. family,tree has produced many a
Considering/ 1 Sir George's lifelong plum .
career on the water wagon and also Teseber_"Aod did you maks out a
considering what the water wagon did list of lbs nine greatwet mow in old.'
for Bir George in the way of making history of she world, as i told yes t"
him a Cabinet Minister in Sir John WIIUe-"Almost. 1 can't pick not
Macdonald • (iovernm•ot and .palling the beet bowler, though, 10 save my
bin subeequeot Ounces., Secretary Soy- life !-
bold na'urally expected that Sir
George might want to do somethings EAUESSANOTAE
toe the water wastoe. So be wrote le
Sir George pointing out what a vast;
of Canada swore off el seeing could be effected if the people
Toronto Cattle Market
Handy rhulc., a(4eers..... 57 50 to $8 00
Butchers', goad 7 00 7 40
do. medium 4.8. 7 00
do. tommue 6.75 6.50
Heifers, cho.ce 7.1u 7.60
do. good 4 60 7.10
do. medium 6.76 6.10
Butcher cows. choice6.00 6.75
do. good ..... 6.76 6.00
do. medium 5.26 6.76
Feeders, 100 to 1.100 lbs. 6.00 0.75
do. balls 5.00 6 26
Stockers. 750 to 900 lbs4.00 1.64
do. med., tie to 760 5.10 1.04
do. light 4.76 6.50
Canners 3.00 3.76
('utter ...... 4.00 4.10
Milkers, choice. each80.00 100.00
do. medium 55.00 80.00
Springers .. 60.00 100.00
Calves, veal. good 9.00 10.50
do. medium 8.00 9.00
do. common 6.00. 7.00
do. grass . 4.60 5.60
Spring lambs, cwt 10.50 122.00
Cull lambs 8.00 8.50
Yearling sheep 8:.50 9.50
Sheep, emirs, Itglt 7.00 8.25
do heavy and bucks. 6.00 7.00
Culls 3.00 4.60
, Hogs, fed and watered9.75 9.85
do. light and heavy1.25 9.40
do. f.o.b. country9.40 9.50
Sows, fed and watered7.25 7.35
Toronto Grain Markets
Manitoba wheat- in store et Fort
R'flllam, No. 1 northern. $1'28; No. 2,
$1.25%; No. 3. 11.21%
Manitoba oats --In store at Fort
William. No. 1 ('.W , 47' c; No. 3
C.W., 45ysc; No. -4 extra teed. 45%,c;
No. 1 feed, 44%c.
American cora- New. No. 3, 82c.
Canadian corn -Feed. 76c.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 v. -Inter,' per
car lot, 11.12 to 111.14; slightly sprout
ed and tough, accurdiar to sample,
$1.08 to 11.12; sprouted or smutty and
tough, according to sample, 11 to
11.05; feed wheat, 90c to 95c.
Ontario oats -No 3 white. 44c to
46e; commercial Cats, 43c to 44c.
Peas -No. 1. per car lot. 11.80;
sample peas, 11.26 to $1.75, according
to sample.
Barley -Malting. outside, 63c to
61c; No. 2 teed, 67c to 60c.
' Buckwheat -71c to 79c.
Rye -No. 1 commercial. 91c to 92c,
rejected. 79c to SOc, according to
• ]Manitoba flow -First patents, In
jute bags, $7.20; seconds, 16.70; strong
bakers', $4.50, in Jute bags.
Ontario flour -New winter, 14.80 to
$6, according to t.ample, seaboard or
Toronto freights. In bags.
MIllteed-Carloads, per ton. deliver.
ed, Montreal freights; bran. 124;
shorts, 125; middlings. 526; good feed
dour, bag, 51.75.
Look at tae toogno. mother! 1?
coated. your little ose's stomach. liver
and bowels need elea%aing at one..
When peevish. erotic, listless, doesn't
sleep, eat or act naturally, or L fever-
ish. stomach sour. breath bad; has
sore throat, dtar'rhoa, fill of cold, give
a teaspoonful of "California Syrup ee
Figs," and In a few hours all the foul.
oosatlp•ted waste, undigested food
and sour bile snotty moves out of its
little bowels without griping. and you
bay* a well, playtta ehIId again. leak
Your druggist for • 60 -cant bottle ee
'California Syrup et Figs." which oar
tains full directions for babies, chil-
dren of all aims sad for grown -spa.
Why wee the drat day of Adams
lite the longest ? Beeause it had no
turned the mote yover totlte Pah totic
Fund and the war debt.
Now Sir George may tack the enthu- l
eiaam of hie youth for great moral , ab'a;ia/ of Galls wen �raak�at
causes, Ibat is to my, b may bate
come to the coocttuion that 11 is bard if roar Intek barb or nadirs
to make tbe won ld Rood all of • sudden bot an p`
and by process of law -which is • con -
elusion mellow philosophers generally
arrive at -but be is dint as quick at Tss Y Amnima msad washes mast
the uptake as ever. a saw Mr. Bey- p� rdmt1y
bos point at once and Rave him hie 6, -„as „eat ten meek sad •lI one fool
seamier. Not web as anewerperbspe se is rite. Our Mood 1. Med with arise
be would wee Rlvea nay Wet,' yenta mid white the Wooers strive to alter
ago when he bad last emerged from • I est, �7 weaken from overwork, 8....e
college prafaaaaeebl� and was a regslar sluggish; tie ,Umiartive tissues elapsed
the result is kidney trouble, Madder
weak•••• mil • general destine is health.
Whoa year Fddeeys Mil like limp of
lead; your beak harts or the arise is
fan d sediment or you are
to soak relief two or Woe time.
+artug W afgkt; If yes •.t r with Oak
ilssdaahe or ding, serious spells, aid
ousiammit, or yes lay, g11 trim yam vim
monist ideal ihrur mass of M a
tike a 0sblla. i$ la • of
ysbeairro �luakfaut for • few days
s tear.• malls ie dewill Bres the add
d wrap" sad lame )ales, eamllod wttb
llthis. sad has Mer and gee
te fat aged Amuses kHom%
M aselwaliss Om wail ala tikes ss K
ami b a nes et maims. tine
.�� Amdw.
� 12 ie a *amt 1►
i lm a 411111.4061 4111•411011313
lersreek and Wines M
Woodrow IA noon or uplift, but such
an answer as miOt be expected from
a politleian w ha has been thor'oilty
ed by esp•riewee. It wits a�t*ti�ev�r
swine ani 4 the
from Olt ( • t wt of
view, but there wean t iamb comfort
le it Mr Domiaise-wads probiWd.n s•
em111•ed by Secretary
1b set the story air
Foster replied that itatkimoir io
Woe was a co.wmmatMw dwomtly
to be wished, • loaellhal laid--ao
Wel beteg souetbles Gist in sever
leashed -end that so •.wbo tM assn y
wasted ne drink wool adegr►ataly
'rapport the Patriotic Ana mil pay
off the rational debt '1f It meta be
militated aid a maid to Owe pur-
poses." i do sag tp*Ro fir Hearne •
sagsl witis, bat tbdl was the bang .f
N. Oa IA Ma_ itammilett. eters tray
W ti. last /lass Me y
mow w.aki taisk .e Y •
Mak. 'iii* war do (vii ale • • �jF a bassatio iil�
to�1g�bii sad Watley mimAMs* tin
8 11Mts ways *Was Oaf ata 4 •'=
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesale prices to the
Special (cart;.) e0wla1d.5 .38 to $ .4G
Extras (selects) t!Arsge .13 .34
No. 1 straight stimeq .80 .01
Na S T'� .25 .26
Butter -
Creamery prints. fresh.. .36
Creamery, solids ....... .23 .35
Dairy prints .28 .3:'
Bakers' . 24
Cbe4aae-Large, 190; twins, If %c.
Honey -Buckwheat, barrels, 6%c tc
7e; -tins. 7c to 8c; clover. 40-1b. Gas,
12c; do. 14-1b. tins. 1214c; do. 5 -ib
tins, 1234c; comb honey, No. 1. pet
dozen. $3.00; do., No. 2, per Cozen.
Poultry Live Dressed
Old fowl, Ib. .. 1"c 16c 12c 15t
Chickens 12c 14c 16c 20e
Turkeys 16c 18c 24 28c
Ducks llc 14c 16c 20c
Geese 1Oc 12c I7c 11.
East Buffy Cattle
Cattle - Receipts._ 4,400 head
steady; prime stns 58.50 to 48.75
ablpping, 57.85 td 118.40; butchers,
86.76 to 58.26; heifers, $5.75 to 17.70;
cows. $3.25 to 54.5, bulls, 54.50 to $7;
stockers and feeds/.. $6.75 to 56.75;
stock heifers, 1450 to 55.50; fresh
cows and ■prtngrm. steady. 150 to
Peals -Receipts, 100 head; active;
54 to 112.50.
Hogs -Receipts. 16.600 head; ac
tive; heavy and mixed. 57.80; yorkera,
17.44 to 57.80; pigs. $7.25; roughs,
$.66 to $4.86; stags, 54.50 to 55.50
Sheep and lambs --Receipts, 0.000
head; active; Iambs, 17.50 to 511.40;
yearlings. $4.50 to 110.40; wether,
58.26 to 58.60; ewes, 54 to $8; sheep.
mixed, 18 to 18.25
Creased Meats
Toronto whole sale hou•.es are quot-
ing to the trade as follows:
Beef, foregturters ...$ 0.60 to 110.60
do. hindquarters 13.00 14.00
do. carcases, choles 31 00 11.1:,
do. common ....... 9.00 10.00
teats. cot..:mon, cwt... 7.00 9.00
do. medium 9.00 11.00
da prime +,. 12.90 14.00
Heavy bogs .0.10 11.00
ilnop hogs 11.60 1$.00
Mutton, 110157 10.00 11.00
de. light 11.00 14.00
Iambs 15.60 19.50
Toronto Fruits sad Vegetables
Wholesalers eel. to the trade as
from all over the store
12 only cotton filled Comforters, extra
well filled, size 72 x 72, covered in good
quality silkoline. Regular $ 9
82.50, wow 7 J
Pillow Slips
Special value in Pillow Slips. made from
good quality cotton, sizes 40, 42, 44. Get
a 1c*,d supply while they last. 5C
Our entire stock of Furs all on sale at
sweeping reductions, as we do not intend
to carry one piece over to another season.
Surely at the low prices we are asking it
will not be necessary.
Cashmere Nose 29c
Special value in Cashmere Hose, about
20 dozen only, sizes 82 to 10, seamless,
could not be bought to sell under
40c per pair today. Special per
Women's Vests and
Extra quality,womnes' heavy weightVests
and Drawers. the best value weC
have ever offered. Per garment 2 C
Flannelette Sheets
20 pairs only, white and grey Flannelette
Sheets, beautiful, soft. woolly finish,
size 60 x 70. Per pair Q I. 5 o
only �Y
50 pieces Flannelette in light and dark
colorings, bought many months ago and
just delivered now. Good heavy U
quality,. 34 inches wide. Yard
"Huron" White Quilts
Our special "Huron" White Quilt, extra
large size, will give all kinds of wear.
Full double bed size. Won- $ 159
derful value. Each, only ...: •
The few Winter Coats for women and
Misses that are now in stock must be
cleared in the next few days, No reason-
able offer will be refused.
Sweater Coats
We have gone over our Sweater Coat
stock and all odd lines and many of our
regular stock we have put out for special
sale. Sweater Coat values up
to $4.50 to be cleared at, each `f' 1.95
White Waists
Clearing sale of odd White Waists, odds
and endo of our regular $1.00 to $1.50
lines. all grouped together to sell
at, while they last, each 45c
Special values in BlackMessaline Silk, extra superior quality, rich satin finish, wear
guaranteed, 36 inches wide. Our regular 81.50 quality. Special $1.25 per yard.
tcaL Millth"s Scolcli Store
The Peps way of treating
coughs, colds, bronchitis and lung
and throat troubles. How? Well.
%p to now people with these chest
and throat troubles have send-
wattowed cough mixtures. sickly
syrups and the like, into their
rt..uschs. Sore lungs and throat
get no good by dosing the stom-
ach. Peps work differently.
Pepe are tablets made up of PI n•
extracts and medicinal essences,
which when put into the mouth
turn into healing vapors. These
are breathed down direct to the
lungs, throat and bronchial tubes
-not swallowed down to the
stomach, which is not ailing. Try
e S.'c. box of Pepe for your cold,
your cot'4 1. b:onchltis or asthma.
All aIturg.sts and stores or Peps
T'oroot.r, c'1U supply
Pt..applea, case 16 00 to $0 n0 STOP CATARRH! OPEN
Oraeges,-Callf.. navel3.25 • 00
Lemons 3.44 4.60 NOSTRILS AND HEAD
pp k,
brapefru Florida 4.M 4 25 Saye t'rsatn Aster is Nei/tW
B•sanas, bunch 1.116 1 11 ite0e+ss sleet -Colds at Once.
Onions. bag, ti lash . , 1.84 0.00
do. Spanish. c.as6.00 0 00
cabbages. barrel 1.21 0.00
Celery. Cal.. erste 0.10 0.00
*whet potatoes, hamper 1.40 0.00
Cauliflower, Cal. 1.54 0.40
Chicago Calan Market
(little-- Re -Mots, 11,400; market
atoll boos,*. 14.10 to 59.71; cows so
Netters, 11.1e to 51.f/; aalvna, 57.71 to
H4ags--Receipts. market
we; Ilght, 57 to 57 • ratoad, 17.15
M $11.70; beery, 17.10 M 71; rough.
$7.19 to 57.40; g1µ 11.41 to 56.76.
heli• of .alas. $710 trswim.!!
sibd Mr va11..teiM
If your .nstrita are dogged sad your
bead is stuffed and east breathe
freely Meanie of a ro or meant, just
get a small bottle of s Creast Bake
at say drug star., Aply a 11tt1. •f
tits ragrout set enema lots
unsttrewiti .rllle imd it �.p.aoNM
ama of
'ssA8 nal 1511.0 Or 8 40. lads om dr ewot-
8. _asses mnllsaas sol 7m 0 161•
stoat Miele
A! 1 how geed M I.* Tear now
frit are ems. year teed L clear. ft*
mei lowltap, tmu/Lng. blowing;111194 4181 es.
far! ted. It's a Iefl�rt.
IT'S not a cata-
logue but a
book of infor-
mation- brim loll
saving facts for
the farmer.
It tells how to
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