HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-27, Page 2• Tiamet av 31.91) AIM 27, Mil Tia IlNMNAL p81j►TTU%(i ()U.. Lira PatinaMa tae- _-- 0 beakwho. er _ wTese-alines r7ti61tt aM yist1Wwbote oil be einem seen too eels. ger thea i>tr even saesetw earl tar •Am /aE lar ser wsa warneeet teerrf/ee. ■mrewm' awls et Wig warereil- toolot arae roe 'Vole artwaa aeeis WA= ea�i se�age arl.�a�•lw , veer .yee►�. s�hterearMw'rRaaMs.iaeew �s w ler oda or _t. Real Artbaloi Wo Ws.ermite eve Gila eta .. stq••'� Drew ter a�rat wa Warp' ede Masan" M` warea�t weed• C_ wInta_ in iitfea toss taaa'��T+eW- ery eve Oeata amine. tie circ[ et ntirlaisedecines Y eed'Yaea l �et e al teem& waken Wiallowat a weak!, rwwi et a8 lnrlmeaty ISM a lee amort nMunn � lo tIt bo =two a anis madras.o awl a� iter, LcL eewItws amid rano Tres MWar r ciao malaGeletf Sema saes wt. THURSDAY. I&NCARY LR, 19if1 the esem,.. 1Stp.tee. The buena of the Alla at the ll siaasiw stein a bad lmpe.athln la Ores= and the Was of Greece seems to haw hum .mw- eia•sd that tie *Mee weed asis*r for c s the Dard•aef* amt helpsmrbi• and that be would 1616.417 Wing war gad calamity tato Wows by joining the Allies. On the caber hand. the great holy of the trivet nation •sears to have twee .tesdfeetly wtib the Alliw and Uwe is couch telt 5f • revelation is Greece to be led be Nannie•, the extremely popular mousier who bee twice rvsigaeJ becalm he could sot agree with the Mem. 1a all prof - ability the remelt woad be that lienee• would Immediarty joie tie Allies That would *impiety eaters • g•wd deal The Girrsa•s di ivm of lest s.emawr and fait agaieet Rrris had a strong influent on Roumania •ad for mese time it looked as though size would be forced to join the Yeah... Boasehow, she held out Now the Rwsiaas are coating Dick. Rosmaata to a env country and in many ways closely re- lated w Rua.ia Har sympathies are all with Russia Add to this the very recent pureheee by Brite of the greater part of the available 8oumani•a wheat crop at a price of iS..IIU.UU I sod it is modal c understood that the chances of Rouwaala's joining Ger- many nen about a trinity. 0ermany has probably reached the smith of its eocceese is the Bilkaae. and we may look soon for conditiow to cheap in favor el the Allies. GLORY 104 OUR GRIEF. The' war come home to os poig- nantly wbeo one of our own nes is laid low. Thousands upoo rbottsaode fall bele re the bulirt and shell and we know there must be rorrow and mourn- ing in thots.nde upon tbou+ande of aostrs ; but we feel the tragedy when one is taken whom we have seen and knows. The community has been pro - foetidly tweed by the demi of Major Bile, end tber• is a greet depth of feeling for those to "'boas be wee near- est earest and dearest. But it is not all grief. There is pride gad glory is the tboagbt that owe of our own aro fought and died in the b title foe right •cad human liberty. We have looked upon a hero who counted hie life not dear In a good masa. H. has not toss his life teat h« gioetouaty want ir, and tbe cause for which be did becomes more pre- eious bemuse ofthe i•lood that has bees .pilled foe it. Many more live. will be given for Om seen cause. and surely we who troy at home must be inspired to better thisge by the coascioasnesa that we live in ea age of dauatisaseourage and Week chivalry EDITORIAL NOTES. Our f tiroda lb* Russians seem to be doing lbs blit of the eghtiog tiers days. M. Y. McLEAN. The dwtl of Mr Y. Y. McLane ed- kor of The Piaatwa► ar, n- asal as oatatgndLa }ns d iem 1. Western OMmle. •r. rig Lemm was a politician as wed as s jasrn•list, •ed sat at d&Serest times is both the Legislature of Ontario and the Polders/ How of .Clomasoa., but it wee at editor of The Expositor that he. Aid We life work. aid he did it well There was setking ls■.boyame ebost his Nyle, be did sol say to be 4 iiliewt; be dhem zed abbe questions dLowo- sioaal.1y .ad endeavored to iris by ream rather than by rhetosic. As ere oxer bad a mast say who knew Mr. McLean only through his writhes*, ••h• seems to be • very setnible man.'. It was not only through his pelitit•1 or editorial writing, however, that he wielded a large i.8.•acr. Omuta( let sootier. as • newspaper man dol. with the varied activities of the com- munity, end passing in review. is his . ditori•i r•n.tam, t be happeoinge sad doings of his towo and an emissive countryside. be placed the impress of • quiet and well -ordered mind gad • sincere ad amen .pile apes every - chime he t..urbrrt. and in numberless way iasaeneed the life of the eon entuemey whish he served. Doing ibe work of a journalist, lie bad the porn- .lim'e reward., chief of which is the work itself; for Mr. McLean, we be- lieve, loved and gloried la We work. as every soeeesaful j•nses•1i•t reset. Be has pawed tree mortal kent bat in the a of the myst•.ios• future -- we tram there ie no irreveewee is the tbought-be nay still 8.4 eoealort ani soy la the vocation to which he gladly devoted his life here. United States exports last year Woke all reeor(s. Comphints that Britain's blockade ie anju►Uy tajurbag Unit( d States trod* look very foolish Re.. G. W. Dewey calls for a Daniel to being political thieves in Casale to justice and w'gneieh the Yamioa.1ima wbo are humiliattog Mr. Borden. The reverend gentleness may have somebody named Daniel is hie triad's eye. but be tidal emotion his last Dawe. A number of awwrv.tive sews - papers are ! eon. is the dwas d foe .q investigation of the operatioas of the Shell Committee. The Modred M .il says : •'11 1 a are oerteia ugly fats in cancan with else wart of the old Shia Canada [bat demand so iovestigeties. gad goy a leapt to bast the esmand trip may react on the heads of those who make it.- OREECE. ROUSIANIA AND THE ALLIES. 1'HE 8I(IAL 3ODUICSH ONTARIO --+--� "SIN••••NN••••••••••••••••M11110•••••t00• Salute the Mg. /Msolotfa Tssesm Oar weab&: NIT= loll to=the ahs its�--{hit i. tetra it 1• the not fay; amid Me. lfiMo Yetiasiearr4ty seam* t `moi 1 .1 goys feel the blear lee b.• vrtaaa 4e rem ago W the real Mgr he was eakd. 1 mono the Ukiah lea whoa R h1. bream Eat h Its place by r • always� del that the Ilnpieals� g is trurmeia.d wese the .cad die - heaved inview k to mad tar eaelr. edema papas, whether i.ttrri.aia. pada mew politically .e saw+ • Amato tram meat it t. or'seloMMa ss WO ML of wane. and • e.ad dot« .f .eery E�tial peau doubt has fleatatias k a their elect We eerie. No ewe lie psrss ittell to see de an 150'0 alien foe any pnwnal « paled. bea.as. "Ter ate the British Sni'sprwesta not .sly the anise d die tithe pica mations Mao Mem am so bwot8.8 j Best Into It byto undo eros. bee i< le h Msa 1 as melbas .1 tM . Lndor that lei•kearg dem iedem d which Daniel WebMor eo e1ogwe et- ly said : w bine eventsg dttambaK the ora aid keeping eo•l•ay with the Mr.. de the M one ea- politically and woheekansada et the mania sits of inland: "Whoa owe salsa that fly is the spirit the grad uld baster appaan to take a am aid a fresher beauty : and somehow or mbar thea .mann to he • reflex allow b ea lamer nee of the win 'rho Rinse the elate. Jew bow oe why 1 casoot fully expiate ; tar. M the elm Scotch lady said of re- ligion. U. better left than tells' '-11eu salute the Sag. It is w ashy of your hotaat1. sad 11 willtest 7osr owls worthiness. Sabato it. ail you wilt 111114 the actlou to be a amoral cootie. ea awakener of a deeper patriotism. • developer of a freer Suttle spirit. a somei stems few a more *sca- lene citiiraahir- "Saha the fisc. Aad teach your chilies to braver it." deepest .ate..IIs Rain 1 all the Genoa victoria. is to Balk use Sada( the Tact .w.te. Tr..erlet. Briti*b alsaobood, ea • whole, baa stood the test of the warvery weltThemis cartaisly so Repent fnall ot- age" &guinea the war. fere fact Shot n0 terror than x g(im.ail msut came a- ward a0d offend thasaleas for ewe vice e - .ice in the 1 waty-three days prior to Decemher LI hat is positive proof of that Nene beat in any. oosstry- seetaiel sot t• the t'sited Stat•. 11vi1 War -awns there nae sea• retard as that of the upeiaingiguanasof s people It, is an is,nas spec- tacle for the whole bsasaa roes .al th particularly toe e Anglo -Same me peel of it th It (Costello e eventual wane of the Aare case. aria Armand Leeman., who opposes C.nadi•a ps tidpdi.n is the war. be. hag combated smith the fw_-t that high diabase of hie dash are eswtat- iag .nersiti g. declared that "the bioboos, god uvea the Pape, casmot tell a what opinion 1 at to bold re- prdi•g the wan of the Empire.' And Armond might have added tat all cassia cambia's peeveat bin frost making as ass of himself. Frost Leaseiagtos cones a proposi- tione tbst taws coatx& be composed of • mayor. neve and three eoaseii- lore. all of whom shall receive mania - oration for their setvio's. ?To doubt time proposed ie wade with tin idea data reta ins is mearadpel al.vere- seet would rah and that the oases - lefactory eosdltlons whish exist is a.uwetlon with most .asidp.l eoos- dis would disappear. We believe Ihat sorb , hopes ern uia.w y. What it seeded is Dot so mod a chant, of system sea change la the spirit of the people .Del • deeper rain .tion by ea nas of their public duties. When good and abbe nee are wines( to serve on momiap.l bodies. and electors we reedy to vote ter such teen, rather Ib.. foe glad -handers and good prom- isees, them we Anil lite* good moni- ebat government Probably no neutral rosary ham had • more d Mrule time Malt Grimm. Next is order would nouns Rosaseaia. Bach. ie tars, bas bees mind, templed *ad even thr.ac sm.4 by .« group we tb* ether. to Join them egad the .ether grasp 001.a1. kir away aerates west trough the nme•uwena /'1na117 she made the planar. Unamb- Uy tee ar sM shoe Oemao7. The tatpes era aa..aweg eaten Bee iia aa4 the diad area of oeeup•tlem thew what vaada Gist she woe t. Uorm.ay. Bed Arese made her done wkh the Anise woes ea was bong b .tree, y aefisd it h smite needle that terms estate res bees so cowhand and die. pnl& as he wive Sarno sad etgmpUt.fy fele! tot. 1.yrel.■ Gad Milian DSO 061111116 'M16/b111 ti oars!( and weak wad kw eypttl elm* are deet& Haase to WHAT OTHERS SAY. Tar. of Caisse. Gerimal&, Tomato ilea mai itnsb0. lt Sweden relate od- 5asisai ebe :.' iia bee UNION SANE OF CAM/MA b aiasaias Geed Proles earl Sbaag ash. twee sheets The .nasal report of the Latino Beak of Canada. as *r November 18. RED MOM NOTES. The mmatbly mania( of theRed s ab CeeSociety bed place in de North street abase ss wgE,,.Ylood*7 'meanie, was read trona eh w memeal fere, Belgian ileal Work. pointing an that owing to emedisias htayt about by the woe the iodaeta l mar ties of BdlgMm 1. w ..amber stover a ouu. * i is hie- keg ysgg the Wistar le attitudes. that SEW will bey emmegh floor tom two at people for • makaand a ebnel the nem' lual ameimss of tb. Society to '-forego a hair to save a life." ti Bolt was appealed to receive scale - baba fat thio purpose. east thaw ads co annus is seising • faad for Hal_ pgllaaito relief ate awaited to leave dea- dens with bias. 10e report* et lir.. Eliot. Mn. Tay- lor. Mrs. Kana ad Yrs. Field were thea resit stades that tie apemen ter the mesa tithes as follows : Mew - 8 estppsSafeness for the Blana benne*. $1177 ; *argind sappli... sli.81 : fuel. st.70. a total et SSW Sl. The telladeg bales were slipped : Jeauaty 1-1j1 pelts socks, t 019. 2 semens ; alms 1110 T, : Jana is 'W. ACHESON di SON Big Reductions In LADIES' COATS AND FURS • • • • Mot of our bider grade Coats are greatly reduced in view of• • Chinchillas. Tweeds. Heather Mixtures. Broadcloths. Stylish Coate. wine fur tnmaled • • some heavily "salad Road. Values from $9.00 to $25.00. ;5.00 to $16.00 . • Reduced now from.. • • • • Furs • • • • MINK SETS, Throw and Muff, very handsome. splendid China Mink$10.00 • • • quality and silk lined. Regular $ 18.00 set for • • BEAVER SETS, finest skins of select beaver. large pillow muff and $ A Ce j)/) • Mole. Very handsome. Regular $60.00 set • • PERSIAN LAMB MUFFS, stoles and surfs (�(� • • Regular each from $17.00 to 1x10.00. Now frau..... 1 Z:V V�� to t�3o. V V • • • MEN'S FUR COATS. Dozens of men's fur and fur- coats to select from. • Men's Black Fur Costa, No. I skins. with Bocharart Lamb Co111t1r, coat lined with heavy • fanners satin. sleeve shields and cuffs, all sizes, at special pr 2.0 • ti • c h •• • • Dress Goods• • 42 -inch all pure wool genuine French dress or suiting verges heavy weight and 9 beautiful wear, three shades of Navy to select from. Qpality equal to best value 7 IP • we ewer showed- At per yard- • •• ttulifax Tweed for Men's or Boy's wear • 28 -inches wide all pure wool. Nothing to equal them for appearance .nd6n_ • hard wear. Greys and Navy at old price, per yard • • • W ACHESON & SON • • 11•••••••••••!••••••••••••••*•••••••••N3 1913, astral a aoatiwsee of the very attshiso aseda 9x1=, las toed• 117. satisfactory state of drain which Ilam edema ease snearsssee SID gain peevaUed with this Book tbsossbsaf l almille : alms 101.100: J•alary 17 - the trying years of Mancial etriwswsy.' !i rT+r*is� gerwaal, 4 nos veletmwa t •ria•. 0 �daT aiwts. 4 p04s bed aorta. 11i hoe- reacti0. and tar -time ooadisioas. It ! ow eihiti bo.pital might hes node bees ale to oars, in a 7e0r I dia. Ili a be m it dogma pea of pH - which hes bet. exee$taarally adroit- ; vales 7.10 PressMao for mon beaks. asiignt preen heir the nightBekaa bsasdt-1 vial. 6 Mapital sis►t abuts. 10 woes to pay its full sargehr dividends and . weak 4 bpi lobate. l4 pairs bei boas. to woke ec.ilpkm gad este.- mesa. 2 paw a umale-.r* slippers ell.e amnion tar asE•wtht'gn nal �0'iR 'fit tipott tea. M td Mbar measimgma1' M osmolal. 111 Mw0 : C ieigoa Drawbar i. aootelbetime M the 011eret• Padden elle t16. She amasses meowed dodgy Peal, sad w meet** new gad ami- 1 the month wean : sit* Wean, as burden al the iter WM t momentiis• f 1 • leg (}smog to Sane. gad •a trate taw oaiy with- Pyrateem.11F611.......! r �eer�eben : t! 00.out drawing a canthal pev+i• ar sH:Rest *escape, kat While maai•Mt .light addition to the baleen. amid earl .tfdsetbme. Alb*e deda.ths the kenos ease year. This exceMatehowiey was achieved is spite of • very sarong liquid condi- tion of the awn of the Baal, no hem 1 thaw 47 at per oast. of Its Rphi)Iiit to tie pnbth begs represented by cash sad pe.aspely realisable assets. The increases is this claw et amen•, now - over. wag got sexed set by cauiag dews the sandy of credit to core normal abet. (for eomrae'cial law warm bat little *0 ten la 1914. no1writhet•ni- leg t►* great enfilade. be trade activity. and were nelson& greater by one two .1810. deltas than they wen (e lien bet sea encash% of a grad geat.w 1. the fusde d.po•it* with the Back by the pudic. laae.net- b••ri•g drpodte were i ineaaed Medea the year by Iles ani.n airs. mesal nes-isterset-beargg deposits by foot avid •-half -'Ohne•, Tree. Tm..ts nt Moat people ha.e a pretty ores' forting tial the Allies omegbt to hive give more aid to lentis sal owed wow to be 1ieisg 0)01* .34 to Mate - settee. M TbeahiiLL local mall That of the abide sailors la the Mama Sam---Iban abater days -keep - Ws . •-keeeyp- tem car amnia *a et he *ad sari aasdim► ttmMera to TMama and protoetata the fess VT. Their h*ei►1p an dt...- boase. Ase car analog .nes wort le assult ant The total .sects of to Beak are now, Sly alphas. at wmpardd with alai 814 Minoan is I9l l; -liquid are to whish are mote 0111. 111N,385 .o .phut RJb.7e11340 a year ago. This faemasm. is sway dieted -ad over all the heels items of the liq.id da.. actual sod is specie and Domisios note.. bank Women is Card& .mel abroad, ad os1I luta abroad. The Unita Beak 1• therefore la a prtiouleriy flood poi. tin - tiss to meet the nquiese cab .t oxwwaad msmmerdel activity as moos as day arise„ -gad the provident, Mr. Jobe Oak, and the Sawed manager. Mr. ldto.r. meat be MmsrMmiand apes the very drag shoeing whim\ they haus boss able M make. Peaks for the rase were 111111J088, eom9artag with 9714410 Is 'Ma sad SUOMI im stili They smsraead /. 1119 per eat. ow the capital Meek. Dad*si• sad haws ..ee.twd fee 0 pee newt..) pee amt. wen epernpei- se d tee astathimelme. and the Tea was rsgelmd he wee no epi Pemba Pant. 1'b* balsa weal tuewmsa tams Me'emeed from fii0)4N9 t* Salle s7a The Dao Mad. .bide woe ealfdally a Quasi Oily antibodies of .Y mens dint and knot meal. .s4 roewdy remand to Winmipest r be sae deaoiy la twee .tib W00. er elepatte, mesa M easebho the ens las mod eammenalem of the int all the mama of pie Wow Is a oingairly buoy 4qR«. Owens tdsp.t Cote 4eleheses.'aamoweast Rea that ay (meows 52 - da henna? item Me this Cada eine hove 1tlfed prr4y M yea, their teaiwoi All.atf s�3to.y braes sten tared of the *0& oak the Allow to drateep the Please llamar mad mai Ptah M the easy cafes et the car waw deseht- lama Peal* at *ss Oat he debOtt the Mciabea di the Mm1Mr Aar? 1rst "Tire Wile bib mea •heal Mee ser neigh' -e. sal tis geed dmsw. Vas, bat the rib alae sews. bonne, Tyree illi M sae a how bees lbe wee -01 Svmd we dwa►' . 1 two dsddw hafted the cams he the ills 00 gimes, liacEtrait Fps Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Alined. Any gamattiy heal all Maple lab, Milted Wad. Basial .lar Riming leader or Pia) T*LaPSINNES. Waal f •nor de se uta fee lbs sato. S300.51, • b sluice el t WL 13 n masa Oo selLiioed Jwike. Beit .nd hire Purser. 8.. McKim was •othseiwd b perchewa material fit the easing sari to mt. sestet of 1100.00: the . is the amsant .t 1 i4 sad the panais had. to Ura worm tit et it .as d.aNsd ew bSM a 1.d talose tsflilltg tai amtttti.g inal►,tm .i taw Moa.d . •.shins - .e,h t., the sea dboilosel. the tread. w Mies Lia Veneta* t las a isastliw d and - to Mian. Whiter toe colica. is ladies fltoed' �s m�tmorther*�tthe onlei eM. . AYwaiw so. Meehan., =bets ettsolne Siei. Bieck. Ouibaese, B. J. Salta, bketee. L Yoram Hisses McCartney. Proud - foot : lira Favid ail the ladies of Vieiwrta *tent M. the*. dank ; dee Ladies Build et Chalet eher.b. Pat Albeit os foliar.: Mand ammo W.. Hay, Poeta, J. gayer'B. Marisa. Hawkins. Doherty. ?aa Me Wiisr.7. Min ida H rwkia., Mht K Ba7de. • the ladies of Adenoid Soidiert.' Aid .ad Bed Crow Circle. May thesis are doe the foMrisg Lain fee cewtiibatiws of weenie enestoev far oar maims at IM Treat : Mrs. Haan. se, 7 sada ; Nim U. slack, A 804.apelre eew.Kee. Dessay 1) ; Nr+ t ee►*31* Gamy.-od.rail A. tlpottw , 3 pail. each : Mrs. W. L Eliot. Min Hays, Mea W. E. Belly, lie. Ball, Mies Mabel (awes, 1 pain dente : law. Aims StrrUac)l►. C. Murray, Miss Ands Diadem, Mrs. Bseh•wa. *tHa,iw, Ur sweet. Ka Mr. Aro. William. 'Mea Baker, 1 pair aid ; Kea J... Clerk. 1 stroll : Mies Wain 2 w..hatb . The ►•t. ma J00- 7 fish enatahmli US psirssweka.1 amp. 2 ea sorb. Illcu lien Mdse. resrivod mem. Midi time agar two very iaterestiss lama teas ..J.8 S at the boa Sim and plead Mr Me aan mad • little suasillis4aaw la the tame .f the seeks del bait fee de dedeeleJt Red (a+.. (p0.�p�-wastt w P. Poeb.4t0 Sedalia let Gissian Divides. Same.. sat wow- Vd a bewatifasy wanes +ua imawa.ad Tread reed. Private T. O. le7soide (St Tiesseel. D Litm- l.t Comedies Blettalie., Hel- �4i.ae.ts also seat hie Marty tads so de alas cater-teea he pets it -.n helping to Lep the "dear et= g7irg by kai ag mash aam ands for the heye at the hat A Soldier's Tale. The old ..Made .ss team iia dein hag ed.estare es the W et Male to • paw et young 3i.ra ono or two em wan wear very weseilleel hie • sot "Theme, its � e ea Mak iia =gad 1014 me eared - the • a inu304re o . of the betemeee. "yens halm memo the.eassereradwmsr mega Tem mean the1idaR W M� igne.w. la �itm►' be n- w dyad 1 'y caws we fail of alba that day 4.0i4ed 1 ought begs is the mtm- e madle wages SANITATION RADIATION VENTILATI These are oecesmay is a well Jerred Lsste. Our experience las laude ne expert io atte.diai W this work. Give les a stn. Fred.Hant ■amiws Stew )lima fished -"Wty lea *mean w att M Sid dumb ti~ the guar r Willie-roseem . Is when pate sisaim thait mtaaa•. Wird poorr themale-bm en• I '1 a' ira....khAgesit- b. �_ 8 s _mspie 8 a sham r yam"' Deardie- Goa iag. 1 rs peva. Md A Greater Slaughter Than Ever We have lob of good things yet and to clear them the price is cut to the limit. Heider sr Ramie If you have any pos- sible use for a Heater or you should not let this opportunity go , aV we ate giving some values that are rarely sten. Gri siele.a Why be without a good Grindstone, when you g one fort small iou m of - - - - - ?Sc Skates and Skis We have a nice as- sortment of Skates and Skiffs. To clear them we will sell what are left at just half-price, and this includes the Automobile Skates we have in stock and every other line. Buy Rope, Paint. Varnish. Floor Finish. Poultry Netting. Summer Stoves now, and save money. Practically all Hardware is costing more on account of the war. THE Howell Hardware Co., LAIRD . . 101 's Mrs Res e FREE A sand aabeend te MMNt. withha an 01.11. Retia ►ranrssrar assess liar pisset- It• • elgptd assoweva aialrk tlllU Rha align WPM aid rhea rWallM►Te. tioe gnaw m ase sir well i t sm.I telloani M Sill. thea dt4 mar Mbeat teesoarease& .r..tirtt. talfll� lir w ipasssegerteat. Dams 1 LI..... lyrQ. Lamm% Loam &MAM