HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-20, Page 8111 Tiva,auAT JA11pA$T II), 1916 rg�• D.. Hooks and .lournals. from _3c upp to j:• aro. k nook. Mewo 1ljoks, Bills Payable Htlle Receivable. etc. adian OMce Diaries,. 51Fr. The and •I.ta'. adian Packet pieties,. from I5c to $14s' uine Shannon Files. complete with punch, 31 Is., without punch. ?:er File•. from :Cx up t0 bk. uine Shannon Binding ('aver. sie each. tout lar *1 #•0, 1:t.u. per dr •rissess l"nvrinpes. from tY►_• per bot of 3Hfl up. st.. Port Btiskets for oMre or honer life. gunmetal Hnf.h, special 7si ; wicker. We: and 7 .. • ss;,ecial «ll.ng sated. Ln Watrtnum:, Ideal Fountain Pr:, new serf-NVrt. special l: •. up t.. Arils'. Office Supplies for 1916 F!4 75 TI $14.75 "Ccm;.ares with the best by actual test- tIt t ; .. - :r:- .• t r'frctl. MI COLO \/AL BOOKSTORE (.E.•). 1'.tltrl.0 • Apeotlimmoo m.. GET AFTER THAT COUGH l • White Pine and Spruce Balsam. I -he best Cough Remedy we know of. jame4 .4. `Campbell CENTRAL 'DRUG STORE 'Corner North St. and Square Godericb Bus AO 'PHONES Fre+. 33t • Winter Footwear Style, Fit and Durability Are three very important features in footwear. They are qualities that every line of Shoes and Rubbers in our immense stock must possess. Every line is selected .with these ends in view, there- fore ensuring perfect quality and footwear that will stand the test in any weather. REPAIRING Geo. Mac Vicar YOUR COLD Should not be yours for long LET US HELP YOU 1;• :pc .I'.. 25c I;sestice Cold Tablets.. Tic entirrli Je v 2•5c MTtnt'toline Balm 25c Cherry Bark Cough Syrup .........2 c to '4k White Pint: and Tar. 25c Cod Liver oil 50c and $1.00 Tasteless Extracts and . Emulsion: H. C. Dunlop Rexall Store E. Se:wits, Mgr. Gel euich iII tie ate in too great a bun y to end the nal, and kiwis rind be friends, and l round, we only delay the fruition of , our hopes by many months. Hurry la 1 Bout ..—"A gond deal depend* on tbe "1 it liOW it. When I was a baby soy mother hired a woman to wheel ma about, and I've beeu pusbed for money ever since. The doctot —"Madam. you lutist take more exercise. I should advise walking every day ' Mr.. Newly-, riche—"Walking ! My -dear doctor. you must be accustomed to attending lioor people." HE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO For-froak fast Tomorrow verve De. Jack son Homan Meal. nod this dark. nut brown. comely graisuisited food vary delici- ous ft Me tast• oldforrat Iran aay other cereal. it is exceedingly outs+. Goias. It prevents indigestior. lt is guaranteed to ieltee• cuestipatiou or "moor s Ask your doctor about Dr Jac ksoris Rosati Meal Ilk and .Bic grocers Follow directions closely mud do NOT stir while cooking pirrridge. Try Homan Meal Nugget*, the ready cooked loins of Roman Meal. Serve with hot milk or soften with boiling watei. Pour if and add milk and sugar Slade Roman Meal Toronto. Logs Wanted 11',- 11 iv Ole 1..gistst cash all kinds of log, delivered if the mill in tividerii *Au inedree promptly et sitly tittle. Grain awl Chopping We "sill aim buy grain at our elevator and will rty the be. t Oidei• tot chopping rollieg -gratin promptly and carefully at • endrit to at otir hopping null J. E. Baechler Mill and elevator north of Mar- l:wan', coal yards. Godericb. Business a'nd Shorthand Westervelt School 1856—DIAMOND WEDDING -1916 Mr. aid Mrs. Alexander &Mini of 'Their On the Dih of JanuarY. in (be Year Pick, Alexanier Stirling and Mary Morgan were united in marriage I this.,town of Goderich by the Rev John Fraser ; and last week, Mat years later, they celebrated the an niversary in good health and epistle. To few indeed is such a ori•iless granted. and Mr. and Mrs. Stirli have the congratulations rit a host friends in town and country upon th happy circumstance. Mr. and Mre. Stirling both beloug t pioneer fig/Lille* Of Ooderich township Mr. Stir ling. who is now eighty -fou years of age, is a native of Carnoustie Scotland, and MOH. to Canada in IS* with his father and brothers. Those were the days of slow voyages by sail ng vessels, and it. took six week.s and bre* days for Mr. Stirling and Ws fel ow -voyagers to cross the Atlantic The voyage. which was made in the wig Henry, from Dundee, was event ul from the fact that three times the easel was driven back after getting nto the Atlantic Ocean. However. heir luck might have been worse. he New Atlantic, on which they bad ntended to come out, was wtecked. he party landed at Quebec ant came p Montreal and Toronto. From ot onto the father walked all the way ere The others went to Hamilton. here they got a team and mine on to oderich township. Of the four Stilling brothers—John, f tioderidi township David. of Lee - urn : Alexander, the subject of this ketch, and William, of Hayfield— lexander is the sole survivor. Mrs. Slitting, who is seventy-eight ears of age, was born in Aberdeen - ire, within half -a -mile of Balmoral astle. wag but a young child ben, in iste, she (-awe to Canada ith her parents, The voy•ge from berdeen 13 Quieter' took seven weeks • • • A 7 sit A • MH ALEX. STIRLING. and thew days. The party carne as far as Chatham by steamer, and alter Ppending Hee months et Tilbury 1 moved up to Uo.ler{eh township. After their marriage Mr and afro — - --- l Stirling continued to flee in Goderich It tithe rwit omwty Cation( new lru(bs townablp until rho year 1N72, when Wholes as bereeire sod toendas.0 I town rhe'^ted to enyeleaner, in (theyr e- aKttioes.—Hunky ,townablp Aitteert years oto they re „Fed from the farm and rause to live Celebrate the Sixtieth Anniversary in Ooderich Their only- win, John, is dez•eased. There are three daugbp es —Mns. Wtn Young, of Cochrane, Ont. ; Eliz- abeth Black, of Paisley, Ont. (now witb her parents here). and Miss 'Tillie. at home. There are eight irrandchil- dren and one great-grandchild. It is worthy- of note that a sister of Mrs. Stirling's, Mrs. Claik, nving at Detroit, celebrated the sixtieth anni- ,SIBS. ALEX. STIRLING. rotary of her wedding on November 2.1rd last. Mrs Donaldson, of town, Wil0 is in her nineties, is a half-sister The oheervance of the diamond wedding was quiet, hut for day. before and after the anniversary friends of town and ohl neighbors of Colborne and tioderich townships called to tendisi• their felicitations. From dir, Mint place". letters ond telegrems hate come. and the westhy couple have had the pie/time of realising in some Irie0. erre the place they hold in the esteem and affection of those who know The aecompanying portraits, show- ing Mr. and Mrs Stirling in familiar roan, were taken by Mr. Sallow' on Saturday, the eih. The following iinee. from some atanria which were sent to Mr. and Mrs. Stirling by a friend, seem roper inlly appropriate .‘ year, recruit Lamm. nautical (ample. ten . Dena r lane the said ane• oak And Time rine- in the new. Said friends 'winder drir . Like Nave- in ant me swirl d. Caul to item tem s 1441. ft • like another norti. , up Like ansmit Seem The mild familiar ever - No' even ehaams we make Can ar• tee this hotter. In awn* we bat Itairsake The ',Merit Mr th• let ter. sm, !ben well band Mildest Tasaiva marb• dab gado Mt Than sold talk wool ran am r Economical Fur Buying i Made Possible by Our January Clearance of High Grade Furs WE would like to sell every piece of Fur in stock before stock_ taking which comes the 31st of January. Extrabrdinary efforts are being made to do it and price reductions such as we have never before attempted will be put in force in ()rider that we may convert our big stock of high class Furs into ready money before the month is over. Come and share in the Fur Bargains that will be given. We will certainly save you money for prices such as these will not be easily duplicated. We print here a partial list of Furs in stock. Read it over carefully and come lo the store yourself and see the quality and variety of,these Furs. These are surely unparalleled Fur Bargains: Perai.inh 1.anib Meffs, pillow sty le. made frcui American Fox Muff. one skin stv le. very stylist: Fil.:e Wolf Muff, large pillow style. Jemmy selestii1 tkinii.'soft bed, shirred ends, Clear. article, splendid style far misses or girls. clearance . . . ............ ...........115 00 Ore only Persian raw Muff, pillow style, satin Muskrat Muffs. pillow style, block effect. 111a8ve75 One may Sitk• Point Fox, Muff. Thia is a very lined. A Muff that has good style and is very .... ..... .....13,73 cglooirartinst;leparniced are..yery serviceable. January handsome piece of Euur,laarnisi5co0.00inh.ineriilnuawirt)h. Marmot M uff, closely furred, silk lined. Clear. 4 36.50 ethicearabutoctl.e to match makes a beautiful set. Price of thempuff. reg ing at Geruine Hudson Seal Muff. large pillow 5tyle, $3.90 shirred si:k ends. Regular 930.0o. January I me Pointed Fox Throw, two skin unmet effilec35t," Ore only blue M'allaby Muff, splendid stele for Clearing price . .. .119.00 trimmed wittkhearl and tails. Regular $60.00 girls. Gives good wear. Regular fro.00. Jan- . January c'earing price miry clearance Mask& Sable Muff, made from very superior 139.00 Isabella Opossum Muff, pillow st;le.,. sallt6in" Muff, January cleating price furred. Cowes down eel' over shouldrrs. quality' skins, down hed. Very handsome .\ !asks Ssble Stole, beautiful quality, thickle lined, thick close fur. January clearance..$6.25 Clue only natural Canadian Beaver Muff, large Natural Canadian Muskrat Muff, made 111-109:1 Alaska Sable Stole. This is a little smaller than Regular $5o.00. January clearing price..936 50 pillow style, roiled bottom, shirred silk choice heavily furred akin*, square pillow stele with skins runnivg in oppositedirections the above iind made from choice skins, satin ends. A very handsome Muff, Regular $35.00. January clearance giving it a very stylish effect. J•nuary clear lined. trimmed with small heads. Regular $25.00 ince One only- Beaver Muff, square pillow style, One only natural Beaver Muff, pillow stilyle. Mack Collar. two skin effect, long thick fur shirred silk ends. This ii • p•ItiCtliarly choice fur. January clearaike ..... . ...... ....122 SO Shined si:k ends. January clearance..../11.75 aynecery stylish. Regular 912.5o. January ebear- Black Fox Muff, rich glossy fur. pillow style. One otily natural Stole Set, large Dillow Muff sibenan Wolf enuas, nice black fur, soft.1aud9 23 and wide long Throw. Grey silk lining. finished with bead. paws mid tails. Regular 135.00. January clearance .... $32.75 cut right in two, the set for only Regular Sloo.o.a. January clearance, spsrioce00 glosay. Regular hoo. January clear once Otte only Canadian Muskrat Muff. New Alaska Sable Muff, dropped skin effect. showing Black Goat Collar, splendid wir.;iri.ng., st—rl ............... melon shape. Made from thick closely furred four full round skins on each side. Silk ends, seryiceable. Special J•nuary clearance..13.35 skims of high quality. January clearance : d iwn beds. January clearing price....1116.75 S:tka Fox Muff. a rich deep brown shade. large anve. Bla,ck Fox Slate. made . from choice skins: Straight erect. Special Januari' clear One °ale American Sable SlUff..' •••Th..is.. is.. . a1p1a0r7 pitlew style, thick long fur. January clear. ler fisoo, January clearing price ,.. Genuine Alaska Sable Muff. made from cl3u3112ce.5 Marmot Stole, dark skins. Special January quality, shirred silk ends, down bed. Retu- Natural Coon Muff. three skin effects. 4.1i:red' clearance preoleclowtedstyslekinsjanalurSTUpecItctior%u(cirlity. Large Black M'olf Cellar, two skin effect. VerY nue silk ends. January clearing pi ice.... sto.so -, One ocily good quality Black Persisn La11m3,7 qullitY. can hardly be distinguished from Mole Couey Muff. duet: throughout with grey Week Fox. Special for January clearance$10 00 si:k. soft down bed. January clearing price Muff. rich glossy skins, very fine curl, shirred Extra fine Black Wolf Stele, very• becoming silk rads. January clearauce.... ..... $26 75 style, two skin effect. Special foe januarr One .ouly Black Opoasum Muff, large pillow clearance Mack Bluff, thick long hair, shirred silk ends, down bed. Trimmed With tails. A splendid '1119.1110 ahastylego, toridsosiedstoe wasdith twiwon be jeadves;DietAhldicintfwthat Persian Larnb Neck Piece. neat and becoming wearing Muff of good style ..... ,.... ... 48.75 Jesuitry clemnag price style, comes down well over shoulders. Spec - Mink Muff, 539.00 Beautiful Mink Muff, five stripe effect, thick. clese fur, shirred silk ends and down bed. A reelly beautiful piece of Fur. For January clearance only 539.00 Long Beaver Throw, made from extra choice Canadian Heaver skins. Regular $45.00. Jan- uar) clearance 332.50 1 Texas Rat Coats, 539.00 Ladies' Costui made from beautiful Texas Rat skins, evenly matched. Shawl collar. heavy furriers satin lining. Qoats that will give excellent wear. are warm, comfortable and serviceable. January clearance each only .139.00 Black Pony Coats, 525.00 We have two Black Pony Coats in Mock. They . are small size and worth in the regular way 11.6o.00. They will give splendid wear and if you can wear a small size it is your chance to have • Fur Coat for a low price. First come, first served. Either of these 96o.00 Coats for Any' Untrinuned Shape, 95c Regular Price up te 15.00 Saturday you tan take your choioe of any Untrimmed Shape ;n the show•room at a fraction of its original price. They are all this season's styles. mostly blacks, covered with good quality vel- ‘ets. Sold in the regular way at ,$2.50 to $5.00. They must be -old before the month is over' and to make the clearance quick and ,iire we can give you your choice Saturday morning of anv un- trimmed Shape in the show -room, no matter what its former price or actual value, all up-to-date and becoming styles, only 95c. Trimmed Hats clearing at 11.45 to S1.95. law nap Alratmat Cha Big Special Selling of Ladies'OCoats,:$5.00 At This Resukaily Low Price. —mm. Saturday, January 22nd, we put on sale a big clearing lot oi Ladies' Winter Costs. Those Coats .come in dark colors, bine, brown, green and black, and fanc‘ mixtures The materials are those that hare been moat in demand the present season. Every Coat is new and up-to-date, and absolutely correct in style for this winter's wear. The quantity is limited and it is your chance to get ,a Winter Coat at a "next to nothing" price. Just about twenty to sell, and your choice of the twenty on Saturday morning for What About a Eureka Electric Vacuum Cleaner P Have you tried one ? If not, let us put one in your home for a few days and see just what a wonderful labor saving machine it really is. It is easy to tun ; a child can operate it ; does not consume much electric current ; can hardly get out of order and picks up every speck of dust it comes in touch with. Attachments for picking up threads, hair, etc , for cleaning walls, for radiators, for mattresses, for.upholstered furniture, etc., can be attached with each machine. The makers will allow us to put this wonderful helper in your home for a few days at absolutely no cost whatever to yon. Try it yourself in your own home. Then if you find you do not want it, let as know and we will take it away.% If you decide you cannot do without it, you can keep it by making a small cash payment down and the balance in easy monthly payments. Gab witi Far Cellars. 110.00 Ladies• black Beaver Coats made frees enpertor 41051117 all wool Never cloth, quilted lining, black Opossum collar. Very Special each Diroot Importers HODCENS BROS. • ( I Maa's Carl Linea Coat. 110.00 One only Man's black Beaver Coat, curl lista,. fur collar, med- ium seer. The last wo bestowed we Gods/4°h *in mc't corrY 11 Over. Oaly 910.00 i Read Our New Serial Story on Pages 6 and 7 1