HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-20, Page 7THE eoliths, COnFRi IR ONTARIO Tct,tivai Jattcast J0, 1914 T Five Cents is all you need pay for the best and purest soap in the world Sunlight The inducements offered with common soaps cannot snake up for the purity of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to make pure soap; but it costs YOU Less to iise it, for Sunlight pays for itself fish the clothes, as it -does not wear and rub the fabrics like couunon soaps do. Sc. a bar at all Grocers. - LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC -:-AND- – SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION,. LIMITED Registrar. liar. Dae (Dom•!•) Prmetot•1 UNPRECEDENTED OPFER OP SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Writs fee Perbtelets LOTTIE ARMSTRONG. P. LINPORTH WILLGOOSE, Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont, 1 15Bool SkOw= Hie to like • - Better ,Farm llapnrnesseats. i Of tIIM Msd is pis free Ocher's. Toe *herd making any kind of • . • farm improvements—you need •: ' this book. It telt. bow to build •' rverytbisy s farmer .cods -hues • bora to • a lease, better sod more aso.omies1 dere t; is psestisle ia see other wry. It is the stederd .stiority es farm �. b.i4LL immurement. It bee proved .l .ateld velar to more thee 7S,11011 . ; p,elrse ire Cem mise farmers. 11 yes huvss't . eopy of this valuable -(• = beet. earl eke SW' asw., . Casein Cased C.fq shard Rete•.• The House of the Whispering Pines b AMA IIIATab&D&L GREEN Co.ywleAt the by Ansa Nathan** holes i atm Sera luibaa TMt IIItN ea se bosh shark dews y lav .ta.letl Mew whirl a ansa teas ted. Deadh lay ham me-vtalart asmlled fir death -sad lbs Media was a wen& It was abs --eke indeed. Deed-- AI.Mld4 the ware. 1 Md piano"' le wrong tbat very night Rad wbo bad tore wronged ism For a soonest 1 meld take to nobles bat this owe sstfeaading bet; Mee the bow gal why woke In maddeahog cariosity wftbte me. Bat beg•sd the ever .ceasing, pew` tsMeast stare those features told astkbrg. and. steeltag saytlatf to the dboallem I wade what •bs•rvetboa I amid of bee condition and the ear (oonrnroms.l R�i mlaliieiisli m MOW -a1MtEMI toss as tseteat Caries the window. I groped eq Way along the wall wail I reached the reek when the man's twat Rad Yet had Msg. Noose$ now base bon the seed. The wall was Oras ism sod to sod she bad tabes these articles et male apparel with ices she bed Rat Loo' forth tato the bet - 11172 elbow =protected. bet•- 1 id set knew wbat to thin!. The Midst she bad boos tad bole la tib Ibuctls& she with esarebtag tae this bat asa coat to man's hat, a derby. u I bad been careful to eh uses myself at the Orsi basdlinO. alba Is than she bad gone home ore eke bad probably acme. and there was as lbw to the cast), or 1t then ware - n* doubt drove to to the staircase. 1 basso ay wary incest I bad sot the slightest teas. I was too fall st said nose toe twat Tits arrnage=eat of rooms en the monad loon was well Mown to sea I eadarwtood wary cook and corkers sad amid Lad my way about tis whsle Mae" wiriest a tight 1 toot brit alb. psseastios . that of sllpplkg off key oboes at the toot of the stairs I wished to enrgrl.e the tabular. 1 was winks to rstart te Ray exp.tWkt to totemptbb tab. The matebook I car- ded arItsd b nay pocket would make this )ramble if mice 1 board bra bmathtsg. I bold tip sows breath as I stole .orgy up asst waited for as fastest at the top of the stairs te lista& Then was sa awesome armee sverywbeFss and I was besltatfkg weather Is attack the strut rooms Sret or to fellow vp a metals narrow ball l.adlsg to a tsar status. wins 1 remembered the t11s is et maw Vida. tisias aso albs et the calms's. bad wt attracted sty *trestles te tbe boos Ia that Otis ay dew. I knew tont there bas but sae room Mb Ms Looe when a Ire could be Et. X114 a tow feet brq@ad r dews the mew ball 1 have jest mestlased. wow bad 1 trusted everything to my sees who sq sea would haw bees • bettor Seidel As I toot the Lew Mies ammo a alight sawn at maim Weems tees pewMMto ass, as kader M dmeht et my NORM 1 NEW boldly ea and. storbg the bait @pea doer. e beet a Match Rat peered aadslbMy ekes Inaptness ben rat eke everywhere obs, a trw Oaks. a 4saaer-it was a WOO dae-aag erase -ernes Redden hog Mess es the busstb. a basso piled se wNh tea$web Mt ae parses The 1 sound 1 bud Marl had met Mood from Me amok yet asmstliag withhold — teem soaking tmlthee 1 passed Just 1a• die fie geld Md wbsa tis IsMe► w of out fa >y Mad remained Weer. lag Hier* t• the Is to . a DRy te ulb.atloto -are sash, .ypesneblrg those of feat tbas •ay I had enc los- Sere ttpwrMtterd la my whole Uf Why 1 12* kat knew. There asemed te bo se rears fee MY excess et tide* 1 bad ms dread at attack. Ny ayO111101 i 1 was et ammM net besides. tat attack ben inset gams Ikons the seas-e.a the moss Owe - mute ski me`wat-k wbirh I nsad-asd sky "sal To Be Continued Nest Week lay Were sae. la the reset 11.114. 111$. RIM resod sae • ire• easy "Whet the Peres ■ 10 WW1 011.11"•; 106 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. Matters of Iateresa as/ lrtpertaelce Das - cured as Meathly Nteetiag. Tt• roomier smoothly meeting of the l l: bildr eai AY hetiety was held at the court boom oa'Tuesday, 11th bast. The tnssuswr s rept t abowsd • balsas of ab soul on brad and the totlowtsg amounts received sloes the tart meet - tog 1 eet-log: A. M. Robert/ion. Mrs. Wm. 1 Coate. E. J. Lewis llViogba■.•A Hlyeb \Vomen's Institute. 11'. L. Horloo, $3 each ; Ger. Porter, Mn. P. lilcFalaae, 52 eacb: J. P. Hume. Wm. Lane, tibia. Newton, Ilany \V bye rd, A M Robertson (special). Mies Wubioatoo, 11 each ; township of Grey. corpora- � tion of Brussels, 11•) each. Accounts totalling 511) *1 were otdhred to be 1 paid. A oatotiuo, notice of which was gives at the last regular meeting, to grant Coutes y Agent Elliott an increase To salary was carried. A very large amount of iota es4og correepoodesee was read. The agent reported that since the last meeting three wards of the tinnier y had enlisted. Coe small Kitt had been made • ward of the So- ciety on New Years Day and placed in • fodterbome. Arising out of the en- listment of ward. a peculiar situation bad ari,tn. as mothers were asking for the Government grant and the patti- utic fund allowance, claming that the son is the sole support, whereas, pre- vious to enlistment, the sun cootria uted nothing to the motber a support. A differenos of opinion was evident among those present, as some claimed tba;. morally • boy wail the sols sup- port of his widowed mother, while others were of the opinion that the fa.•ti as they were previous to mallet anent should decide the tare. At the mothers in question were not resident in Godericb.1, was decided to leave the matter to rte settled by those to whom the application for aid should be seat. Soma discussion arose as t0 the sou - observance of the curfew bylaw and the following motion wee carried : That the attention of the polus he called to the feet that the curfew ba law le beim( bgraotly igoor.d std Gust the police bo asked for a bettor eoforosmeot thereof. Attention IMO 'leo called to the difference in the age limit at which boys may punkas* sari use tobacco as Riven is t and in tube Provincial beta Um sane. the femme Wog ,Isms and the latter sigit.so roan. The Bounty agent saki that be wee ba re- ceipt of a number of posters based up - un the Provincial Act Red be was la - strutted to plan• there In public bond - Ings and to Barry out the ruling of the Pnuviacisl Act as far as p iseibis Ad- journment was then made. FOUND WHAT SHE WAS LOOK- ING FOR. niuml LAY aeon. >d rouadtng circumstance.. for this was my betrothed wits. Whatever sny to- tentioas& however far my Mee bad strayed coder the spell east over ma by bee Meter -lb' young she who W jest panned set-Asietaide sad I bad bees .ogag•Ise aaay mssds. d Ow wedding day was etre. telt. But that was an eves a.w-e,dsd as bee life was alba.& wallealy. t► eseasevbamiblr Rad kg as stroke Of Os& Eves the jewel ea bee Sager was gem& the toaea et los betrothal This was to be expected. Ma week M apt to tabs !t of bdnm eommf► ties hereon to a fate that peselatmd me a tattler to this syeabsi I should see that slaw agate. I .weld W it to a latter Mod with bitter Werra► I word aot Mak ed B er of than malt I would try to lean hew oh. W map witted Mk Ret. whether by pots* MP -- It taid kms bus b grim 11e ether meas would wawa thaw .atom to alba et bar robed sus.. Est tt ea wb► time marls ea her seek pwuhg lather and *albeit as I .toted at !hast btr mamas essied as I sorutt•ieed these media imam, dellsats. bet deadly. taw dared oyes res tsar either tide et bee white seek >?1P anp tete tamsld @adatw a• nem s.sd 1 tsttaad back apkeat the twitter wall. beeldlag as L.sger regia nor Nous• aur semsmb.lbt body. het a yeas Ors esseidte fees. set 1a Mas whkb beth ler wrists's yams and awls team say attempt es my part at soli delimit.. wbea ay name l.etesabtt hones id as rplaasttss of tbie death. AL rend- It was esayseineen a . an attic a.t man - Mill It bad bees murders I sank to Use door as I telly reel. tad Ma Relict. as 1 have dreads . obi. ty . Why ie co it the most contradictory p••tM to M Want em51J. 1 ISI Lee` lh ng known to commerce? Brow►• gotta the trsyla TM bsbnalwhkh when bought, instead of goiog to the bad tarried me Ikea tar hal Meow* buyer, it goes to the cellar. Ism Ir a _skew sea et wbteil Os be- glasiag end mass 1•y Waw within Os Heats balks 1 sew stared ease. so' its► to eel sad yet se OM- AN Apt sleben M basal It en aa• ether VOW stated mat help me out. 1 street ore while the tlSaab was scswithh mo and soda Seal a Mot at the roses. I mated hot ear tblag sew. bet that mole me reel bath t1Y i was ball• way late the batt Thea a cartels deepad perebnncy 1 pews= Ams Is Who Mo 01 ink the mnsi coffee rte; en Mot, eb voila*.. a' Moo nl•n Or • ,mall a. as t NMltlufir. ler -after the first swallow the sisaa4b [Yon loSgsr emplo r. r ` -T 57`1• 11.11111111111111.111111 1111.1.111 l\ ay r•arse, lied 1 ro{lbtomvd the reset at • imp sad steed haters the loops sad Its IMM of cestil.o• nay were ■ mmeress-ell that the reset esti tallied .ad more. Cham bad bass "Nipped. wlatew seta decoded sad W abets esl,rtfea ('.proal ben b • set way wbfch street see se ea - otters L But at this pest ay moe.sd natA i'iaweet► ly reseed sew pm vitt say y abat1. 1 hit eq way est se tis sold, gad te the NMI et the @tali' ewe I rw.t it tie wadi W s.adtestlel 1 bad beard thea dews • the leverdgw1Cartlnl ember lead, 1 w•W, Iht+J•d lame Mei and sew /beim etatsmay Melds I W a bust far the caaQeelcl a1M a et111 bags see ler the tertSa► bet Maly I reemered bath mad. itg►l!•e its latter. felt .yeah pit the Snit Om lasso le tem maim at the ebbs ngatslsg they mem le wblek ON RN tow the sialliareteft Tae w�tbe dream tike year* Stha lama lgarogt tl•aMbl��iht»L g teait OM thil 1 eros a ilia Weis et weasi'ls fad Law• alio. aM amass ,t ..• lav r f....::. , the orrm d at AND ala bh of wain esti step eating INN sir a Irbills if yap I11saaw tr oubbt yea Mea yea woke .p w141 1reel.ele ami mina misery is tb• kale y rsaiaa t ger *rally mouse yea bats been *Ming toe mise[ emit. ease a weltk.ows matleeity. Nest foram ori• Roti whJ4 oarrwl.eb sloe kldrys b 1i�tr .lest taAbs k freta bks 1154 .tea asst sf ps rirysil Rad Fh..i•ur ►'darn yet sl.gaie% sad- .leg yea snot relieve them. b su Mveear biw.la1 arevi.gIi.11 ythereIlady .yariaeao w••1•. ilio yea Moe b.ekaoM, Ask b.da.Ao. limy spells; year seenmeb sour., le Rested, tad wlwa the weaiMr a Rae you boys rbw.rii. Magog. TM swine io ,Mdv, full of sediment. etraMMe get Mrs, sestet sesta' ad you aro al mit relief two or tares times tea sight ,Z sere ssawlt a geed, reliable Ply* Nan et mew or pt from veer pM.r dei Move fear meow of jest hikes lobe •fol is . ass of water Indere ease eet for a few 4}e hawsePIO k1d .y..411 the set Ass. Tblo rh noes heat 11. avid of lamaj.i0. eembi.ad itlea toi for Apes and LM_to.4 a.grtdt sloe to mentrslts aide to t1..mike .• It emnr `e"•`s. Mom -alai-i"tar 1d 6*1a0 V • Ilk stew est repMr of esteem tt V mm.zpes.ive, rosea .re aM makes • 4514151.4. dos• etttri lwrreseir Malt. A Complete Com for Rheumatism us Dodd'. Kid.ey Pine. 8t. Atseteur. Gloucester l:o , N. B., Jan. 17tb.-i$lpeeial -"1 snot every. body to know t hat I used Dodd's H1d- soy Pelle for rbeuabatism and abet 1 am perfectly cured," writes Mrs. Piers a Helen of this place. "i sul- foved ft out rheumatism for oboe* w.. I also backache ars( creep 1be muaclee. I had a bitter tastialit my mouth. especially In the moraiag. and 1 a as troubled with beadecbes. Wien Dodds Kidney Mlle cuts d my Maritsa/die n all my other troubles van - imbed tot." Healthy kidneys strain the see?. of disease out of 11sa blood. l'odg'e trey Pills make healthy kidney,. A truly polite man always listens with interest to tbs story he bas beard a dein' times. A NEW STOCK OF Men's Furnishings including the latest designs in Men's Plain and Fancy Ties. Dress and Negligee Shirts. Winter Hats and Caps. Overcoats and Sults. Everything the man or boy could need who wants to be well dressed. McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors THE SQUARE - - - GODERICH .�.�. Baker and Confectioner KINGSTON STREET Now that the cold weather:i• here you'll want your hotnes more comfortable. Get our prices on Furnaces, Hot Water boilers, etc. Our Perfection Oil Heater are just the thing to drive the cold out of chilly cornea. .All repairing to pltunbiii furnace work, etc., promptly attended to. IP" ea•'WW1 W. R. FINDER Phooe 153 Ilamilton Street veleereatteMilaMOWildisnindlielle Printrng? JOe AND COMMERCIAL the %tgnat IAre You Interested in FOWL? eH 1f so, call and get one of Cyphers Incubator Co.'s books on Incubators, Brooders and care of fowl. These are free for the asking of them. We have in stock : 1 small Columbia Incubator, 130 to 140 Eggs. 1 Cyphers Incubator, 244 Eggs. 3 Portable Hovers. This company manufactures Electrobators in two sizes. No. 1 Electrobator, capacity 60 Eggs. No. 2 Electrobetor, capacity 120 Eggs. With them Electroh•tore, if the electric cur- rent N off for • few hours it does not affect the eggs. as there is enough heat stored to keep the temperrture up. 1f there le anything you want to anew about Incubator., Brooders and Hovers. call and get one of these book,. if you with say special informa- tioo, we will be pleased to take it up with the Cyphers incubator Co. Ara you getting the number of eggs you should I if not ley Dr. Hess' Paneces. This is guaranteed to he one of the bast egg prodneere on the market. 11 it does not do as guaranteed, re- turn the empty package and get your money back. STOCK FOOD At thi. time of the year your horses and cattle are being fr•d oo dry feed. They should have • tonic to cid digeatioe. Try Dr. Hes. Stock Food. it is fully guar•nt.eed. 12 you think that it hu not bees any meat to yore stock, bring hack the .rope y package and get your money back. it is fully guaranteed by Dr time, and it is his Instructions to ue to return the moony fort empty peclair. .f the purchaser is sot satisfied with the result of the test. W have sold toms of R. and bay* yet to have a diee•tieSed customer. Electric Fixtures Do you want enema Rood values in Electric Fix- ture*? istures? We have them. *Tell .ad see what we bavr SKATES V. an going to handle eseln.ively the Auto - motile Skates Rad in order to Blear out what we have of other lines we hate eat some of them to lees than cost. Mic Mee I. Lioker's Perfect Roket's 1tadacona .... . . Hockey Gish .... Bob We lightning....... •. ('1reroont Norton Slut.. N.! 111 Steal Hooker's Doable Mad Neoate7 Shelf and Heavy Hardware In 8belf and Heavy Hardware we catty a, -oto - plate st wok, and can serve your wants on • aro- ment's notice. Plumbing and Nesting Let 'refigure on your Plumbing, Hrai ing. Tin- .mitbing and Electric Wiring. All work ptutupr ly attended t. and hJly guaranteed. • CoaI and Wood We carry • full line of hest Scranton White A.b t'oat Stove Rad hbeatnot Coal. . ...... ..$KflO per too Rot Coal . 7.75 Caa.el Oriel . .. .... .... g.tq " Domwkie tamp terra) 7.00 " 17tael,r.btb l t+•1 7.00 " Solvay Nut Coke .... 7.00 " f Hard. 1.3t►per cosi t It 1.33 ' Resider price $t 7321 now 52 311 3.6n lost, ,, g) '• 510 " 9.60 It 1.00 " a� " 1.00 " " YMS " Wood • PROMS: Non 22 Haw 112 11 CHAS. C. LEE, East Side Square