HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-20, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GO'DERICH : ONTARIO Ztiarttranav JAwotits 90 1018 W Get io. orsiate.a! akdili21111 442111,1Z) Get Voir Skates On! Bet flat let us sbarpe■ them fot you and put them to shape for the sensor. The cost i. small and you will enjoy the skating much better. East Street Garage Owned and operated by a ',ruche -al nets A. N. Cover Pile I43 A dish ofidge provides enough nutriment for any ordinary person to stat t the day with.—Dr. Ryan. LOCAL TOPICS Regroton[ denef.t at Model. Tberpreprietor of the Model Theatre b ki fad! Si Ties pnes it= —Thereday, Joinery 11th—far the beanie of the ts ewe mks t League Ttere will b bs ppa e termines. at 7.80 lad o[wm will be • good rose and the Mme should be crowded at bete perfortttaam es. Anne= Chapter Contributes •gayeties � Chapter, at [iib ed help *quip the decided to 1. O. D. R. wing of the Xi .g Neem+ and °mere Mary boatel for Caaadiaa soldiers oe leave In Logsdon Busload. The asembers of the 1. O. D. F. V Canada have guar- anteed Kim for this purpose. Fin at Doty's. An alarm of Are was sent in from the Duty engine worts oe Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. The roof of the baler house was burnlugand • eerie= coon ignition was tbreat•oed. On lbs snivel of the Nee brigade the blaze was quickly extinguished. however, much to the relief of the large crowd which bad gathered. McIntyre—Potter At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. at the Caicos and Leeburn manse, Fant street, Rev James Hamiltno united 10 marriage fir. Jar. M.lotyre, of Dungannon, and Miss Flora Isatwl Potter, daughter of Mr. 8amttel Pot- ter, ('ollrorffle township. The bride was prettily attired in a gown of shot silk. After the ceremony Mr and Mrs. McIntyre drove to the bride's home nem Loyal, where a reception was ha Id. ••Joe" Doyle Now Manager Mr Joe Doyle, eon of His Honor Judge 1 oyl , is now manager of the T IS OUR BUSINESS TO CHANGE HOUSES IN- TO HOMES. No matter whether you area bride or have been married twenty years, make a visit to our store, where you will find a complete line of all kinds of Furniture, Rugs, Baby Carriages, Go -Carts, Vacuum Cleaners, and other articles which will help you make your home more comfortable. We cordially invite you to call and assure you of the most courteous attention whether you buy or not. 1J We also sell the well-known.Nordheimer Piano. be Uoaet Barre NI 0 THE HOUSE OF REFINED PHOTO PLAYS EXTRAORDINARY FiNE PROGRAM FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday RUSSELL and HILL —4n— HiGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE Artist. In their Hee Besides as MONDAY will begin that thrilling series of •tones mit tiled "GRAFT' Easy *pietas emanate. sod by a\ different author TUESDAY MARY FULLER i. "UNDER SOUTHERN SKIES' An aets written by Coal. Bole Parker WZDNESDA Y "CAPRICES OF KITTY" featuring Rink Janis A Pwmoost pr chastise. le live seta Remember, always the best that era be procured le alums at tMatee. ADINISSiON : Monday. Tuesday and Wedwa.dey. Ctikkes 10c. tame kw 25c ; Adults 15c, twin for 25c. Rest of week. 14c and Sc. aa meet "Nothing But Laves" Not ?ea Leaves Intermixed with Dust. Dirt and Stews but all Virgin Leaves. 11 has the reputation of beg the cleanest, and most perfect tea Bold. E 147 pL ct. GRIMM OS MIXED.' plEALED P/ TS O171 -Y1 BO= and (Alston •vein breach of the Union Yank •t Toronto. Mr. Doyle has been on tin Bolin staff of the Bank the past two year• sod (miserly was teller of the (lodesicb helmets His prowotioo baa been well earned lad is plea•iog to -Joe's" boat of friends in but native town. Mr. Proudfoot at Clinton. Clinton New Era : no.. wbo at. tended the Liberal meeting on Tbur:- day evening last were well repaid for coming out, for the address delivered by Mr. Wm. Proudloot, M. P. P. for Centre Huron, was well worth listen - log to. He made a strop patriotic appealfor recruits Lo -the Huron Bat- talion, and besides this appeal he sketched the caner of the Liberal party from IRT up to the present time, H. alio dwelt fur a short time oo the Monroe doctrio. in ;elation to Canada. Death of Mrs. J T Goldthorpe. We have to record this week a ver? sad •vent in the deaib of Sin. J. 1 Goldthorpe, wbich occurred this (Thursda) morning shortly alter mid- night. Both Mr. and Mrs Goldthorpe had been 111 of pneumonia, but while the former is now on the mend Mr,. Goldthorpe s case a few Boys ago took a more serious turn and last night resulted fatally. The sympathy of the whole town goes out to the bereaved husband and daughters. The fnneral service will be held at St. George'• church o0 Sunday afternoon, at 2.90 o'clock . Mitchell Audience Pleased. Mrs. Geo. H. King assisted in the recent anniversary services of the Mitcoell Metbodiat church and the correspondent of The Stratford Beacon to lila report says : 'There was spec- ial music bythe choir, and Mts. King of Ooderiesong solos at each service. This was Mr's. King's first appearance beton Mitchell audiences as a soloist, and ber ,eoditions so pleased those wbo bad the pleasure of listening to her that die will no doubt receive further invitations to sing in our lows. She has • rich and 'melodious .0100. Wemen's Institute Work. At. the regular meeting of the Women's institute the following list of articles was terted sent ie the fourth hale to the Red Orem Meagan/ere at Termite: 10plies LB hospital butdbes 114 khaki baniker i Mowed.. 6wusbelotbs. ss boeeital shuts, II day shirk, 14 pil- Mwn with slips. 9611 moolhwip.e, 2 smite pajamas, 6 bidden, 78 surgical 1 it dippers, 5 pain wristlets. It was deemed advisable en reef over lie Cbri seas and New Year's bol -- day& bat tba members are again re- work. All re - lo attend thea sowings every r achy. Our boys are doing their Share at the front, so those wbo stay at bowie inset do thein h; striving to make these as condonable as pueseb'e. D ant of Ede" Cowan. Mr. EJwatd Cowan, whose death was announced last week. pared away et the home of hie sister, Mrs. J. W. Newcombe, Claertcb, oo F. idly morning. He bad sot been in posses ion of good beslth for some time, but it was sot expected that the end was seer. The deonesed was born in East Wawaan= twenty-one years ago. Upon the retirement of bis father, Mr. Wm. Cowen, from the farm the family moved to Uodericb, wbes• • Melte." as he was familiarly knows. attended the l'.altsgiata lestitute. More recent l be bad hewn moans, Bat Business (',!lege aged he f ON'1'AIUO FOLKS -MY. B..tltoa, Ont.—"This is to state that I bays received great benefit hias she use of Dr. Puree'.I Favorite Preenip Wu Some time was run down aand Iw.s suffered lomat appetite and was miserable. Four bottles of the 'Preaeriptioa' cured a up is Sae shape; it did wooden for to and I elu rssomo 1 it very hihly to who ware siring. "—tas -blame Moans. 127 Br Bt., Hamilton, Ont. Btuntlmd, Ont.—"Soma few yvaes ego _1 gM is a very much mus down Was very weak; omld not do bad no smooth et all. i b.- =�rm ag Dr. Taieea's favorite Pr.aerip- ; 1 illy task Rye blahs sad it put see ewatlan. I felt bettor them 1 Ld ler year. Other members of my this medisine and mem- M*hove ihtteey rd howideiel. 1 me MI! ea .. n owl it 71 Brighten b w A°sal~ Row, Oat.' The les et Dr. PSmees Favorite Pm - weirdos makes woods hippy by making than hobby. «reveries Thee es r. » we▪ st woo= strings ink women mit tiled Wt enehosae��w+�Am Amon. H fame tell tha dohshs pM limawdawlsolospho dimes to . IN rayl► be 4rns et lobe*. the mins is gmemb le a stem Tia « w lot e' teibt yes woos b yew pbpiol go+Mfem gcda. Dr. w.db Telbitromplhae andAdmen sod ht. iatibe holds as "di left there some time ago on account of tailing bee/Lb. He bad since resided in tioderict. Besides bit (*.het , two brothers, John, of Montana, and George, of East VVawa.oeh. and four sbteu—Mrs. N. Malcomson. New Westminster, B. (1,•: herr. N. W. Flack. Trebernr, Manitoba ; Mr. L. Walter, Millie, Haab., and Mrs. .1. W. Newcombe, Goderieb—aurviee. The remains were taken to Blyth and the tuners! took place then on Monday to the Colon cemetery, Ree. W. D. Turner conducting the services. The pallbearers were Jobs mod Walter Cowan, cousin., Henry Y oungblet, Wesley Keebui •, Ju. Raboo and Wm. Patter son . Library Board. Mesas. Killoran. To., Long, Kidd, Galt, Strang and Fowler were the members present at the meeting of the public library board on the loth inst. The secretary's account of eltitti for salary and postage for six month'. and the libraliab'• account of $., "Ar for incidentals were otderd paid and an allowance of $1 to 1ber treasurer (or postage was made. (leo. Porter's account of 9106.75 for lorgs'nes and oewspapets also was ordered to be settled. The libraries's al.plicatioa for an increase of 8110 to salary was after due consideration acceded to. The librarian reported receipts for. December of 4U.28 fn as sale of eat ds and finer. also an issue of beryl bones of Action. 2', historical fiction, :GIS juvenile, tat of other chane- and :MO magazines. Total issue, 1,771 Water and Light Commission. The water and light eooiniialo0 held its first meeting of the year o0 Thursday eyeniog of last week. It was decided to place a street light o0 Cameron street midway between 'Kag- la0 and Blake streets and one on South street midway between Raglan and Blake streets. The sect et.ry was instructed to write the Hydro -electric Power Commission and request that in view of the profit made last year the rates charged the town for street lighting and power used for the water - work, department be *educed and any overcharge from last ear. be te The engineer repotted %hat to install oleo tic service to resiiawts o0 Hos road outside the carpsrseesee as peti- tioned for would oast a0p:iasatrly 8100. The .•aster ens MIl wee. • n umber of accounts were =dela to be Paid. Marine Club's Social Evening. The Godericb Marine Cbfb held ate Arlt social of the Seeaoa en Tuesday Upwards of ons buadred11"‘"•1r, A Ch Dm, CI" at members lend friend 1 gathee d Aad the I Cenad% Limbed. Tweesw early part of the evening was spent with progressive euchre. The prize - State, and Mn. 7,A. Hong, of Buffalo, all of whose were paannt •t the hie - oral le additbe to thein twelve gratsdohildren survive. Mrs. Aitken was the last of the Calder family,all se of wholived fur [sore than ehty yyeeaare.. The funeral took piece se Ilasnday hose tie public library. the realdases of bar sou, and was largely attended. Among those from • die- t/tam were Mise Farquharson and Mr. Milburn (lough, of Buffalo, grandebil- deeo, and Mrs Mary Aitken, of Tot - onto. Rev. W. K. Heger conducted the funeral s.rvioseand the pallbearers were Masan. David 'Stoddart, Geo. Hoot. M. E L mburner and Vim. Wee. Murray. �M interment took piker in the family plot in Maitland ceasetry beside the remains of ber husband and son Mn Aitken was an earnest 1'.aristian and was for many years • member of North street Methodist church. Their Silver Wedding. Mr, and Mrs. Huroc Tulard, of town, celebrated on the Lith inst. the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wed- ding, which took place on January fhb, Int, in C.,Ihorne township. The bride was Alice Mallows, daughter of the late Mr. and Mn. ThomasNallows, and the clergymen who performed the eerewooy was Rev Ales. McMillan, then pastor of Smith's Hill church. About twenty flue guests, most of whom were present at the wedding, participated in the anniversary cele- bration. Mr. sod Mn. '1'urfont were preesoted with two purees of silver, together with many good wishes for years of prosperity and happiness to come. All the members of tbe family were home: Thomas, Harry (of De- troit), .lack, Keg., Beatrice and Frank. An honoted guest was Mrs. Tufford's grandaunt, Mrs. Wm. Green, who is well on in her nineties. That Mr. and Mrs. Turt'nr,t may live to observe their golden wedding is the wish of The tgoa I. Death of Miss Caroline Fraser. Tbe death of Missearoline A. Fraser resulted a*rly Sunday morning from an illness of typhoid fever with which she had been laid up for several weeks. The deceased, wbo wee a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fraser, spent .Dine of her early years in Gode- rieh township, but for most of her life was • t evident of town. She lived with her sister, Miss Margaret Fraser. oo Britannia road, and was highly esteemed among • large circle of friends. She was active to the work of Ilan: church, particularly in con - Why They're Bought "I can cestainly my) the Gin Pills have done a lot of goad for me. Sonatas years ago I could not walk ap stairs, my feet and ankles were so swollen, hat I took three boxes of Gin Pil1s and the trouble has never retooled. My mother, 82 years of age, is taking them trod feels fine. MRS. J.L. SALSBURY, CINea East." GIN PILLS are sac. a box, or 6 boxes for jia.so at all druggists. Sample sent free if requested. To winners were : Lady'., Mrs. J. W. Taylor ; gentleman's, Ow, "Was. Me n: - Leaconsolation : Lad]'s, Mess Hazel �Vtleoe. gentleman'., Mr. W. J. Pow - e11. Supper, provided by the ladies, was served, after wbich the male quartette of the FrldmaaeVbrl.tie 'Stock' Company gave a •mmb.r of selections. Dancing was Lben Indulged in, Ube music being.npplied by Messrs. Joe. MoNe.in and Ja,. Smith, on the villin, with MiesDeP miry, Mr. Wat- see Strattan and Me. Jae. Yong al- ternately accompanying on the piano. The aserrimasmt lased until the small boon of the morning. The manage- taept of the Club axe elated ever the bogeymen= achieved at this Gest mo- dal event of the erasion and hope to repeat the performance i■ the Dear future. Death of George Williams. George William., a native of God" ricb and eldest ion of Mr, asd Mn. Robert Williams. died somewhat and- deoly on Monday. He had net Mee eo joyiog robust health foe tae �aet four rare, but had not hens eq/nstl to the hone at all. On Friday evades he was out at a social 'ethnics and on Saturday showed signs of sot being ea well a. usual. He gred.all grew worse un: 11 the end ranee Monde morning. The decoked was married eight year. ago to Jeanie Mawk wen, w tb two young daugbtarp, 08. y M, and Leona R. Suntvee. Tb. ppaarent, one brother, Robert, of derLeh, wed ooe sister. Mrs. D. Cortese, of Lon - den, Ilan survive. The funeral took plies no Tuesday from the familyresi- dence, Newgate mime tis Matland cemetery. Re.. J. E. Ford oondneted the remit"' and the p•llherrers were Meow.. Wm. Sprout Nelson Arm- strong, Wilbert ttsngeugb and Wallis Black. The deceased was a member of the Goderlch (' nitwit of Chosen Friends, • Dumber of the member of which wen ppre'sent at the funeral. Moeb .ympalhy le fele for the young wife and obIIdr.s. An Old Resident Departs. Oahe and Sere= was the paster of Mee. J. L Aitken, wbo.e earthly w ritings ono* to • ekes os flue= eienIog. Mn. Alike., wbo r eeb.d the met at* amp if efOt y -four years, was app.treetly ie b*r meet health daring the day sad retired in wad "redo. Shortly after guiag to bell she was heard to sus sy, wed ups tali to her roam it was /send w!bat Spirit had Aad. Tbe deeeed. whose maiden o.me wad RlAaabetb Order, was hors at nigh. Su.ItLol. and eases with her parent* to this emote y when ain of egmeteess. The fattta8, settled brut at Pe a rbeeemgh avid biter meal to Allaada) Mile i• Prterteromgh eo,,nt . sissy fir= year ag s she en s .arse led l o Mr. Jobs L Althea, who predeceased err thirty - les years It is forty fuse yeses alien the family Settled 1s elided b. Right eblidres ens to Mew the males. of whine two sem and em.nun .he . i'b•. are Jobs I., d was , of Veneto* Depict, New YMh WEAK LUNGS Bronchitis—Asthma— Coughs—Night Sweats—Debility .\sed those conditions leading to CONSUMPTION Sone Extracts 4s. Swan Eside.ce : RANDOLPH Y. PALMED. on (lath' says : " 'Nature's Creation' is what helped me." CHARLES [NOPH. nn lath, says My night sweats stopped and my hemorrhage stopped from the first day." LOUIS C ZIN[, on Oath. says : " 1 have to thank 'Nature's Creation' that i am here today." Send for Booklet containing complete statements on Oath, from those who have used " Nature's Creation." NATURE'S CREATION COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. ROOK 14, COSORAVE BUILDING, TORONTO. CANADA NEWGA'TE STREET LIVERY Having purchased the lie. ry business of Wm. Knox. 1 am improving the rqulpmeat and in- tend to provide Oood Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs All 'orders will receive prompt and careful at - teatime. Tat.11rno,212 No. 171 for • good ternoot. R. STOWE an= MAIM OF CANADA Give Yew Wile - Interest In the family's finan- cial progress by open Ing a tint Acccunt In the Union Bank of Canada, In her name and your c+. n. You will find it a very convenient arrangement, for then either can attend to the banking when In town, making deposits or withdrawing mcney. In case of death, the balance automatically goes to the survivor. Godericn Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. By reason of the changing shape when in motion this tire cleans itself of all mud and slime. Jt T. MO DUMLI'L 14,t tie Is itnothing ? Is W it to be neg- lected until it leads to that terra le scourge consumption -r Peps stand between winter coughs and col.'s, and serious consequences. Pep,' are tablets made up of 1 extracts and medicinal essences,' which when put Into 11,e mouth turn into healing vapors. These are breathed down direct to the lungs, throat and bronchial tubes —not swallowed down to the stomach, which is not ailing. T,r • 3e, ba el hep. i•. four ...a. now r.��*ys•. ►«ae►Nr1 ea rehabs. An a.r.y ..• .there ea repo G. Tw..ln, was .s,� Q h S nection with the Woman's Missionary Society and the MacGillivray Mission Bead, and was noted ammo( her acquaintances for a large-heartedne.e that embraced every case of suffering or distress that came within her knowledge. Much sympathy is felt for the aurviviog sister In the lose of her lifelong companion. The funeral took place to Maitland cemetery on Tuesoay afternoon, Rev. Geo E. Rose conducting the services. The pall- bearers were Messrs. Chas. J. Wallis. of Clinton ; Walter Wallis and John McClure, of Godericb township , Alex. Mackeo:ie, of Kippe o ; Thos. B. Wallis and A. M. Robertson, of town. The (frim Reaper. Mr. M. Y. McLean, editor of The Seam th Expositor, died suddenly Heeterday morning of heart failure. e was one of the beet -known pub- lishers in Western Ontario and had repreeented'Soutb Huron both In the Provincial Legislature and in the Fed- eral House of Common. Otos gm F. Shepley, K. C., of Toren to, one of the foremost lawyers of Canada, died on Sunday last or (mes- n oot•, His wife is • sister of Mr. Henry )lscliermott, of town, and the latter attended tbe funeral, wbich took place at Toronto on Tuesday The death occurred at 8t. Marys on Tuesday, Ilth net., of Mr. Ale:ander Wood, in his eighty-eighth year. The deceased was the f of Mr.. P. T. Halls, formerly of b and now of Winnipeg, sad visited bis da iter several times while she was • resident n<Godertch. The other monster, of the family are Mn. Jaw ('aspen and Mn. F. J. Davis, of Brantford ; Mn. Thomas Patience, 8 . Marys: W. B ex -mayor of Brantford, pre.ideot and manager of Doseisto Flour Milk, Mcetr.al; J. W., real estate and rn- w rase. agent, Letbbridge, Alta.: David B., Hamilton, ea -mayor of Brantford, manager of the VVood Mill- ing Company. Hamilton ; Thorns. I. , Brantford, local manager i),,minino Flour Mills, Bntford ; (11.'"1"6 in rgi 11., farmer sear 8L reMarys. CARLOW. TVwaDat, Jan. 18. Skating parties are the order of the d. . Mrs J Mill. r is visiting her r i re, Mn C. Fisher, B.smiller. Mr. and Mn. T. C. T.etheway have returned to Cobalt after sp.nding • few weeks at the home of the lady'. wens, Col. and Mee Varese.. Mr. Clanton Clayton has returned biles •iter visiting %le brother. Mr. Wm. Clayton, Mss Biotin ban re•tnreed to Coiling - weed after speeding the Chrt.t- . sas season with her parents, Mr. Mea. sod Wilson. Mr. ('bas. Vaso. 1. hero frn.n Mees.jaw to pay hie parents • shout .iNMrt. . Aubrey Walter baa r•etnrn*d hems from the Wee', where he eras deisg homestead dative. 1101011DCIAL SALE AT SINGER STORE ONE. WEEK ONLY SATURDAY. JANUARY =nil AND WEEK FOLLOWING ( b.Idrea a Stamped 1)res-..r 23 on Now is the time to embroider times theme. for emmmer Fart color .breeds in stock for cul broideriog. Ladies Pur itan ('Akre And some other lines it 31i off 75e line . . SOc re I:nc .. . 13c Pure been Towel.. large *the. Kie liter 25e Get your *bare of threw. Gnat value MRS. TAPE liodericb Nest Bell Telepbrno It's Cutter -Time! mors. ..mim What better inye.tntent cowl! you make just now than to purchase a fine new Cutter ' • we handle.' the Gray an.l ilitlettirglllin makes, the best -in Canada. STOVES We have a number f Ranges and Heaters left and can give you good vain for your money. High-class Gasoline Engines for pumping and poser Come in and ,ee them. MOM. IMO= ROBT. WILSON Agentifor Massey -Harrial1mpleme'ut Hamilsen St, GNer,cb Every Woman Knows the discomfort of diustinf,,—bot few realize its danger*. When 'weeping carpets and Hoot-, with w' DUSTBANE the fine, grey miernhe-lad,n dust or thrown up .o clouds, to settle or tables, chain, window - I.dg.e and every ether place where a minute particle can tin.l • rasing place. As it flies .t carries germs of many disease, along. which an breathed into the longe of the woman who •weep., and ret children and everybody .1.e in the hous.. Cela! Kat.st the great evil BUY DUSTBANE at all grocer•. In.i.t on having Dustbin*, for tool ation..re not s, gond. MIS. KERNS' AIME T. Weak, Norma, Reel -Doves Women So. Cumberlsod, Md — " Per • leag time I sefered from a nervous beak - down I eouM net est or sleep and was • o weak Leel hardly wale. My hue - band heard about Vie= esd get me to try R. Now 1 have • good app•We. W eep sooridly aid on well end •b1ug. [swine, urea& run -demi woman try Visa —i .. D. W. [memo. Vasa1• a d•Aden• sad liver and tens Mole, without ell, wMSh we te ppeties, We= M mobbositity * ! p ba.m•p b8ol t H . C. D. ,• I h ogg•i•t. Ooderieb fl