HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-20, Page 4Yon Can Make
Money By
Spending It
Spend )rocs Monty in a Suit
or Oeetcoat Dow sad save the
bag advance in the Spring.
Jtaet mow we are offering great
vahaa in Snit, and Overcoats
at $10„00 and $12.00
iiyreryOne iaworth much more
tmomey,, so Dow is an oppor-
tune time to buy.
When up town drop in and
see these great money -saving
W. C. Pridham
Sok agent for
Society Brand Special a intered
Winter Term from January 3.
Canada's tl.st Bossiness College.
Iva ta•e three dl*rust determent*.
.rsea'.aL Mbertbead sad Telegraphy.
Oar ate soused geed pe Wow'
eie are reerlrfem wee y ay.plioati.nv we
tta..rd sen. is teetae to le we
removed III.ppleatb.. %w trebled tole
Seen eel..11hetee hew esu per a...tb to
tM Fre asses n mala unfilled. O.t our
eatalwee at see.
D. A. McLACBL N. Prtadp•L
ai .a
to .'1 ('",t -fir. Ask for our I V}N-
SO1L i Abyteg. ,whleh will be sent Ina
8K University 111. Montreal.
WmnxnoAT. Jaa. 1t
Mrs. Jas. Marna of Almeida, past.,
is vi. Dog bar hot . lar. C. A. How -
Mr. Alec . Osssesore, of W roaster.
b renewing aequsint.aoeis hers this
Gee. Yusablutt and Thor. McCabe
sash shipped • car of cattle to the To-
ronto taw ket last Saturday.
ler. John Sliest visited Brussels
friends over Sunday, and oe eceouot
of the .twin could not mune home
until Tuesday.
Rev. D. Perri,, of Wingbam,
preached anniversary totwoes in the
Presbyterian church morning and
evening Inset 8und.y. Proceeds of the
ser • icer, 81(3. Rev. A. Lvl•g preached
in tVi.gbaso, taking Rev. Mr. Prrrie's
work there.
Owing to the severe sting sad bad
roads our rural mail -carriers are find-
ing it hard '.o make their tripe. Arebie
Robinson has been *14. to make the
rounds thus far, but Geo. Dawson and
Joe Irwin have not been able to get
through the drifts nn thole respective
MONDAY; San. 17.
Wilfrid Austin, c( Oodar:eb, la'.sit-
ing friends here.
Burn. -Oo Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs.
Michael J O'Connor, •girl.
We are pleased to report that Carlos
O'He•rn has fully ircavered from an
attack of measles.
Mr. and Mr,. Thumps Drennan en
tert•ined a host of friends laat Wed
nesday night. The night was spent In
Jamas McCarthy, Llo Garvey sad
Will Meyers left on Tuesday for
Detroit and Clarence Joe and P.
'Murphy departed on Friday for the
same city.
The Kingsbridge Utamatkco,npany
presented the drama "For the Ked
White and Blue" on Thursday of Iasi
week in the town ball, Luekaow. and
met with a "glorious" reception. The
house was packed and all seemed to
appreciate the performance. Beet y
member of the company b well eslie-
fled with the trip and all are mum' In the opinion that Locknow
knows just bow to ueevisitors "right."
Trasmte, Jan. 18.
ST. ANURV W -'n Cu Cacti PaotlPitaiyo.
-The annual meeting of 8t. Andrew's
eongregation was held in the church
le -t Wednesday, with a fairly good
attendance in spite of unpleasant
weather. The meet'ng was presided
over by the minister, Rev. A. Mac-
farlane. The reports from the various
departmeota showed a steady advance
and although the war has brought en
any additionaldemands the financial
turns were a little over last year's
amount. The session report showed
the merubership of the church to be
114, as compared with 138 last year,
oioe members having been added and
three removed. The number of bap-
tisms was eight and of marriages six.
Tbe following is the Aaaociel re
port :
Ordinary revenue, $l.277 ; W. 1i. 8.,
1134 ; budget, 8273 ; Sabbath school,
Slab: Ladies Aid, $153. Total, $2,105.
Ant 6e officers were re -dented and the
name of Mr. Ww, Stewart added to
the board of managers.
- - re
a TOUR amp zs sass,
Leek Meterl if tongue Is coated,
elearsc little bowers with "ta1i-
fermi• Syrup of riga.'
Mothers can res easy after giving
"t'antorms Syrup of Fla." because In
a few hoard all the clogged -up waste,
sour bile and fermeatng food gently
'Doves out of the bowels, and you have
a well. playful child ag•1a.
Sick cklldree needn't he ooannl to
take tkls kanode ' "Welt laxative."
MI111oas of mothers keep It handy be-
calms they, know its action on the
atomack, liver and bowels la prompt
sad sere.
Ask yourdruggist for • docent Dot-
tie of "t * lfornla Syrup of Figs," which
oo*talns directions for babies, children
.f all ages and for grown-ups.
A Kilowatt.
"What is meant by • kilow•ttr
a k. • reader, end "Answers" makes
Use illuminatog reply : "A kilowatt
is a unit of power equal to one t hoof -
sod watts." Now that the problem is
reduced to watt., wa at is • watt %
He Should Nave Spelt It.
A young lady mitered the fur store
and 1M polite ssle.man wine forward.
'1 wise to get a muff,' she said.
"Yea's," said the salesman, "what
for r
The Seung lady looked surprised.
-Why, she said, "to keep my bands
warm, of course "
Dutch Humor.
With Harped correspondents living
no nuts •t a sanitorium and lbs peace
drbga►e meeting under the auspices
o+N. Royal Zoological Society, let no
body ewer •gain q..estino the Dutch
sense of bettor.-Piittaburg Gazette -
k Is aseemary that the rasedy
s•.d Shall •ot cooly have uneenal
beetle( power, but shall also con-
tain germicidal properties. Every-
*ne k•ews that where there Is dis-
able. there are germs, and It le the
persistence of these germs that
prevents a■ "weenie patch from
healing. Lam -Cut b such • strong
.germicide that germs cannot live
tuber, N b applies
Tb.e genies having been destroyed,
the teens.. soothing. herbal OF
aline.. In Lam -Bek goo* bare their
111*L Gradual] y. sew, bean hy
l s replaeea the old and dle-
and enema 1, ended.
miler trona ees.wia, steers,
abeam Wowed wetted. eta gt1 one,
S.S.ttMBs or cry other dfoga..
elf the .kh, deal hlay, bet re
• bee of gas -leek et see, awl
prove fed pesreelf its power.
♦11 demesnes, the. I ter glsL, se
fes -Bat Os. TUrged&
TuttaD.\Y, Jan. Is.
Mies Vesta Murray is visiting with
Iter grandmother to town this week.
Master Gailow Brinley has been
, pending a few days with bid uncle at
Quite • number from hen were In
• tteodanee at the ball at Kingsbridge
1•st Friday evening,
Owing to inclement weather and
blocked rade, the stage was unable to
make its usual trip Monday.
Miss Minnie Cunningham lett for
lt•.tbam last week, having accepted
• position as teacher in one of the
schools there.
Catarrhal Deafness Cermet Be Cared
by local applk.ttoa• ea they tenni reach the
Meowed teethes of the ear. Then In esly ewe
kat way Y eur. c Ian►al leasee., end
tarrhal date
:• ie eeeedItuto Hardy. ed
.H las of the..alae liming K 16. sk
las lair. Whoa Ws tube 1. bgasy yea
here a rumbling semi or imperfect ya.s„a
sed wheel It is entire corddealers MS,dealeis
result Cubes the Iallawee,Jeu cum he re-
dered and 'kle tube metered to ha aeries/ ow
ditbn hearing win be deeroyed '}never. Mas
Dies et Owasso are caused by saran►. which
Is as Infleueed coad'Use of the .occas sur.
tans.. Hall. t'atanh (lire acts tioeugb the
Ward en the wenn@ serfs -ft et the W. will ea sow aheed. ed d. pra foe say
ase fit catarrhal deatae.. (tint sea ea be
cooed by Hall'. Catania ('Ora preside ties.
An drepgt.t , 'se
F..1 CRCs El' a CO . Toledo, u
Tv nD%Y. Jan. lit
DOItaitn THk KH \Ki. --The lat.et
ones toeeli. t from this vicinity arelIdgar
Lovett and George b.1h young
Rn itch en who heard their country s
call and answered it. Canadians must
take off their bats to the young t':ng-
Wboseo who are . fleeing tbemeelve,
so willingly to belp care the Kinpre-
and sola especially this corner of It,
PRmasxTATION.-Let week lie
Young People. Bible class of the
Methodist church, under the leader-
ship of Meir teacher, Mr,. Mei/plead,
met one evening In the home of Me.
Hobert Pinions to show their interest
is his eldest daughter. Mies Maytme,
who was recently inerried to Mr.
David Hyekmaa, a prosperous farmer
of North Dakota. A very pleasant
evening was spent in games and
musk. Mn. kyckusan was presented
with a set of dishes es s token of the
esteem in which she was bold by the
elms. Her weeny hiends loin la wish -
we l`ion u els 3...'0ie a o ee ,""'r{ed
Mnenar, Jan. 17.
Mr. Win Rutherford ;Wont to Tor-
onto with • ams i..d of aside oe aster-
sip.a B. tiolydee, of British
boom. bin r bees w • visit to the olid
Mea Harper leopemdin6 a few weeks
p'+ertatamMyeMlr, lees. Bruwiptoa, at
and twoke.s sons, of YeeBr',,ew
t►lahse etMt
BL Sebes s.
bm..h of the W& -
ewes i.etlfado w■ boil ifs Jainismboutsna�l.g at the bouts of Um R. Naylor
• o'clock, � .lith I•sI . D�+CUN[
1•'K - "Meptbeesr
Wedimeday, 111, i.d., at 1110 oaissR.
Tun Amiens' Oma --a waling td
tae Farmers' CI.► was held at Orme,
_AN_D BACK ``tl"'.sues, ` e with a tairee at-
Madame. A eomtmettmle•tlrm wee r•
solved from Mr. Monists,.eereterof
Farmers' mers' 00-opstativ. Ames...,
socepptt sial simian
lb. la •ItowIIS0 offs the Olen
How Mn. �y Suffered and M .,, ` Thouwo able aidrewee cwt
1loe/ She Mas Curses Mss by Mr. John SOwerb. and Mr.
Laithwalie. obit were followed
lncdwsdee =y the members
w � 0fose•1 Ia•it•tiom k
wipe "..r'
hist, bad Mir Y s1 side sad
bat atter taking
Lydia E. Piakbes'a
Vagetabl. Com-
pound Tablets and
using two betties of
the Sanative Wash
I am fully convinced
that 1 am ..thusly
cored of thele trou-
bles, ad feel better
ail over. I know
your remedies ba.e
dew ne worlds of
good and I hope every suffering woman
will give them 'a trIaL"-Mutt. Aosta
KL.LT, 710 Chestnut Street, Burling-
ton. Wis.
Tb. many convincing t..tisomlals cost -
stonily published in the newspapers
ought to b. proof .eoagb to women who
suffer from tbo.e distressing ills pecu-
liar to their sex that Lydia E. Pfakham'.
Vegetable Compound le the medicine
they needs
This good cid root and beet remedy
bee proved unequalled forth... dreed-
fN ilk; it contains what is seeded to
restore woman's health and strength.
If there le any peculiarity in
year ease requiring special ad-
vice, write the Lydia. E. Pink.
lets Medicine Co. (confidential),
Lyaa, Maas,, foe free advice.
Rights." Q•resrion drawer, knitting,
etc. All dna ladies welcome.
The St. Helens whorl section has
decided to build a two -roomed *ch dol
on the old site. Tb. building is to be
of red brick. Operations will s• art at
The shareholders of the public hall
held their annual meeting on Monday
evening. Having some eurplu• money
oo hand, Ibey ioteod to make IAMB
improvements on the halt. 1
UD M Niche, Janu.ry 24 le, the We.t
Huron Fainters' Institute will bold a I
ineetine in 8t. Helens public hall. Mr.
W. C. Barrie. of Gait, will address the
meeting in the afternoon. There will
be • joist meeting in the evening,
when there will be several 'pewter,
and an address will be given by Miss
Powell, of Whitby. In the afternoon'
Miss Powell will speak to the ladies in
the upper room of the ball.
A Wonderful I'ledicine for
Mrs. Deomg. Huffman, WM1110to0,
Oat., writes : •'I have teed Baby'a
Own Tablets and can reeweneed them
a, a wooderful medicine for children.
I am the mother of Ave and have rased
es other medians for any of them."
Thouseuds of other mothers say the
same thing of the Tablets. That lel
wby once a motbtr hag used them tar
her lift le ones she would use ambling
Mee. The Tablete are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail et 23 cents a box
from the Dr. Williams' Medieiw Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
TcssDaT, Jan. 11.
Aare*. -ere. W. Mair and son
returned to their boas* at Spelggbsok
un Tus.da'• Melee otyeet three work.
at John Om's Mr. John Potter
and daughter, of 111. k'sue, spent the
werkand at O. W. Potter's Mrs.
JoboNmm and case from tb. Went are
visiting at Alex. Cox', ....Mr. U. W.
Potter and brother Jobe, of Hklsoes,
meet two days in Colborne last week.
Mr. Wilbert Huck and sister. of
Hie 1616 ewsesesion, spent Sunday at
John Con's .... Mr.. Shepherd sad
children, of the West. are visiting at
Fed Pietard'w
TBCRaUAY, San. 10.
Miss Heart Aery visited Miss Jeanie
Baines, at Clinton, last week.
Meets gmpat► ie felt with Mr. and
Mrs. Close. A. Whit- ly in the death of
their latest see, Albert Charles, atter
a few day.' .1 sees- Tbe lithle tree was
in 84. nista moat.
On the evesisg of January 21st a
pstriotie concert will be held at Union
church. Addreeees will be Rivas by
Rev. J. B. Fotberiogt;am and SbsriW
Reynolds. ♦ ,bort modal program
.111 to rendered. A collection for pa -
triode porpoises will be taken up.
Rev. Jas. Mamiltos will be ehairmnn
for the evening.
Acgxtwt untotrra. -- The United
Patriotic Society of Goderich t ow nehip
acknowledges with thanks donations
from the following : Mn. Jas. Mc-
Closkey. Nes. John Sowerb . 83 each;
Kissel Rich. SS: Mrs. J. T.. Beheld.
Mrs. Lewis Rundle, Mies Keys, Mrs.
Brsee Holmes, 8t each: Mee. Wm.
Wilson. Selo A meeting of the
Stormy for "wing will be held at the
bowie of Mrs. Gins, sear Benmiller, on
a geseral d
Me Club... •
uteaded to •n forigewto attend IM
meet4tg at the Oreilhe hall. Rh see-
es moa Ja•sary L. h, to hear Mr.
s*cretasy of the Farmers'
Co -ors esti •e ilosseettloa. Mr. Mor-
rison it a man themoogbly up la his
object, which V me in wbieb •U
farmers should M iots.ssted. 1t will
bo doubt prove a pleasant and peoAt-
able evening.
Amory At. Tmr.irraoon Mar ri,iu -
Th. annual meeting of the Colborne
Tetepbooe flysheet wins held in the
township bat! w Thaasday last with it
large atteedemas ref subscribers. The
report of the board of commissioners
as presented by the secretary showed
• gain of eight telepboses during Lb*
past year. making a total of 130. A
number of cheese, of telephone own-
ers were noted as ceeurring through
changes of propert Some of the
business performed by the board was
the settlement of the litigation be-
tween the coueoil and some of the
sub.cribets who hod refused to have
• telepbor a installed : • very sueeees-
f»i picnic held on July l.r, and the
miming of a new eoetract with the
Bell Co. oo a eve -cent origieatiog
charge instead of the old charge of ten
cents divided. Tbe auditors report
showed that the maintenance charges
for the year amounted to 8'3.30 per
subsuiter sad that then was a bal-
ance on bad oaf los and no !labile/lee.
Great satiafaetlam was expteeeed by
the members at the creditable show-
ing made by IhsallInale and a motion
re -appointing the hoard was passed
unanimouely. However, the commis-
sioners wisied to he relieved, but as
it was thought advisable for one old
member to ata Mt. Lsmh consented
to remain and Nr. John Liofield and
Mr. Arthur Fisher were elected in
pl oe Of Nr. Breese Cox and Mr. T. 8.
Hamilton. It was decided to bold a
picnic no Jul 1st, though the place
when it should be held wee not de-
cided. '
MONDAY. Jan. 17.
The manse stables were turned into
veterinary hospital Inc two or three
Mre. P. Courtney le improviog and
Mise Nellie is better from' an attack of
la grippe.
A recruiting.estMg is to be held on
Thursday *.wing* of this week 1a
Lurgsn oilseed boom.
The modern egdam.:
ldt in Mr. Ret -
sell Me's stable shows him to be ID
the p. *measles *inew
Walter Arsnr*mg and his young
bride are Immo from the Wen on •
visit to big pse*mmsiW friends.
Mre. W. IS ilosreindMull* daughter,
MUctled, de l
paves.% Mr;hinge
.. lr,Oesortklae b..
Goo. Roo.ey, Tom Palmer, and Nor-
val, Wilson and Beet Bell bays en-
listed. Mr. aid Mrs. Bell are to be
congratulated on having three sons
offer themselves to their smeary.
Tbm send meeting et Phu River
Presbyterian erhureb win bold on Tues-
day. tb. 11th inst., with very sattatarr
tot y remits. Messrs. A. D. WC 'eh.
Jas. Bell and Wilt. Henderson are the
newly-eleot.d manager,. The W.M.B.
did exeeptioually well, besting their
good record. The congregational
creosol ei s report showed a balance of
WgDNUIDAT, Jan. 19.
Rae Stothers ie vieitiag at borne this
Mr.. Lot, of Winglism. is at the
home ref Mr. Broom Dog to see her
father, Mr. Sturdy, who is poorly at
Mn. Tee. Durnio was tailed away
to Ooderich township to the funeral of
a HOW grasd•on last Nasdaq, Mr.
Whitely • baby boy having died sud-
Curr Orr room Tela Wostt.o.-Our
bat/thee been w it bout snail for three
days dorieg tit storm. sad it le Deed-
less to my they were bag Dose. ewes.
dally to ow Gbh. readiest W. would
advise our eelcieet cons ler to pa.ehess
an seroplaoe and moons beyond the
ea ilia if be -cannot broom She bawls.
By *11 means di not leave us la dark
uses in this spoof 1
Dutra or Max. 0. R Avevsnim.-
A nother of our ci t ies.s. in the perso.
of Mrs. 0. I;. Augustine, paned away
early Thursday months" of last west.
Elbe bad bees • patient sufferer from
rb.umaUsen for nearly twelve ysean,
and d.riag this Uwe W borne bet
.fiction with a cheerful spirit, scull
Anally she yielded in the call of relief
from pain and suatring to enjoy a
peaceful felicity. She was is her 810-
eth year, and was a daughter of the
late Mr. Robe. Davide•n of this village
std elf Mee. Marthal]MeY .., who bee
bare able to be at !upbraids tngomet-
ly dor1g her illness. Ms leases bet
bmbaM and two children, Haasi .y
Redeem besides her mother, hoer rio-
ter sad tines brother., to ninon bar
late. The sitters ars Mrs. St
S Otd.eteb. Mrs. Was. =
see sad Mn. Richard livid, mm�e
won, a.d MIl
re. tae. Wo. loDeo1
brothers ass Masers. N.gI. Davidson,
of Httkatehewas. sod Jensen .d Reb.
.rt, of Doormen.. The funeral e
Saturday aflersoos wee hnwdy at-
toadgd, netwit►ttom f the nevem
outer day. Ree. O. eeedeeted
Moment the leviers. The brother,,
Jas. . David -
Doe, and three bnttilb4►ie-law
Mem r•. W. Stabler.'
5. slam
A Pent lead. acted ea /.Mears.*.
beautiful Ronal tributes:ivedweedsmie
frimele iadle.red the ernMlb thede s.wd wee held. The bee -
bad *ad family rave the demure .ym-
pat h y of the *mike eeeenmmi1y.
Paulen. ib pretty sereel-" Will r
r�ww M my wife wheel
roomer y Kori 'gay.' Padget -
'Tee yew love Hifi" Pratt y Mur.. --
"06, me 1 That'. merely a part of my
treattmsat. 1 meet hem may patieete
eherrfoL 1 psmlgsd the
W lint whit
'e =^id :u �wb..
r!' a
.1111=1 1=1
We are now in the midst of stock -taking, and for one week more you can get
quite an assortment of seasonable goods at prices which cannot be continued after this
DRESS MATERIALS, in black, blue, grey and brown, in short ends, skirt and dress
lengths and some others in longer lengths, and an at cut prices. If in need you
may find something among them to meet your wants.
PRINTS. We told you last week that we had 40 pieces of Print that we could let go
at 12 1-2c, full width, standard cloth and good colors. Get some of them now,
the same pinta will be higher later on.
SHIRTINGS that we called your attention to can still be had at old prices, but they
will soon be all gone, and no more at these prices.
CORSETS. The 60 pairs of D & A Corsets that we told you about last week are on
the way from the factory and will soon be here. Watch for them in our
dew. This is a factory clearing lot and great value. Don't miss them.
STOCK -TAKING PRICES on Pillow Cottons and Sheetings this week.
HOSIERY. Buy now and save money. A good assortment to choose
good •
plain Cashmere Hose, 8 1-2, 9, 9 1-2 acid 10 sizes, for 25c.
STANDARD PATTERNS for February. together with Designers
win -
from. A
of Dodd's Kidney Pills are
legion. The box is imitated,
the outside coating and shape of the
pills aro imitated and the name-Dodd's
Kidney Pills is imitated imitations are
dangerous. The original is safe. Dodd's
Kidney Pills have a reputation. Imita-
tors have none or tbey,,wouldn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pets. Do not be deceived. There
is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the
original Dodds is 'the name to be care-
ful about -
Fined at Clinton.
Clinton, Jan. 18. -Before the police
magietrata ben today Reuben Gra-
ham, of the Graham House. pleaded
guilty to a violation of the ('. T. A.
sad was fined $100 and coop, as a
wooed offence. Graham was also
find 810 and assts for ioterfeeing
with the constables in periorming
their duties.. Richard Baker, who
taros/ off the light ad so interfered
with the constable, was fined 85 and
=d* Wen By Dsud... Tied
Belt.footaine, Ohio, -" M bled was
very poor - I was iR a wen&,
nitlea I tried Merest
remedies widest Wasik and see iv
my druggist bid NO chest Vied. I
nied it and it bolt tae op is
- blood. strong* sad norms. sat I tell
m friends it is the bun imodiebe ea
ear "- Mn. gam liatoMon
Wind. nor dslidens ed liver sad hoe
aide dgestloa, auric,.s the bled nmol
in this mtwrs1 meow assts areiet►
H. C. Dunlop, Drogmist
Special Rosmd clip Parse
Lens unit -a1eee•en
NC.; tlartsww,
start r v/a mtrE
ihril.75AMMIts•a�ti� .
TcttsnAT, Sae. 18.
BRUITS. -Jame, Barber spent the
week -end visiting friends in Kincar-
dine.... . To date, the local recruit, of
Locknow and vicinity ouorber nine-
teen. We believe if twenty -Ave are
obtained they will train hen for a
while. ....The Klogebridg. Dramatic
Club presented "Fur the Red, White
and Bloe" in Carnegie Hall here last
Friday evening, soori•s a splendid
success. The receipts awouutsd to
8157.00, the greater part of which will
-be handed over to the patriotic fund.
The Lucksow Womee.'s Insti-
tute are holding a box social, the pso-
ceeds to b.4 ueed to buy pun to knit
.sets for the soldiers Among the
visitors hen from the Was are Pot -
cher McCbarlets of Sesame, Beek.;
Sam: Nicholson, of Telford, Meek.:
Frank Guest, of Kylemor.. Soak. ;
Neil O. MacKer.aie, of Neville, Seek.:
Fred. G. Matt he of Stott re. Alta. ;
Jack King, el Wimmfpeg, and Will
Smith, boon Ssekatehewaa.
You can wird off many anxious
.omenta 11. at the int sign el •
Othagh or Cold yon will use Chain
hernia's Coagloco/-
Bem.dl I t loos
sag the phlegm, it heals the sore
throat and bronchial ti su i, allays
foyer and gives good results
at owe. If I•Aaecsa, Pros -
chitin or Whoop-
ing Cough here
divot ped, yea
can enact ca this
splendid old fam-
ily remedy for
sore relief.
6,...►., lam"}
Re web _
el ties
is i.,ennead gad Away.
.e bean pmeaved. �t. sMenweresd►er
Of erase.
MAW pew • t.aw 7 new who have
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The M TelelhMe Ca of Cease
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Sale
Ten to Fifty per cent. Reductions
Our great stock of Boots and Shoes included
Von reap the advantage during this sale ; First, in our low
regular prices. Second, in the special reductions ranging
froar 10 per cent. to 50 per cent. we give on these regular
prices during January. Cotne while assortments are com-
plete and selections are the widest.
A Few Representative Prices
Women's Lace and Button Boots, black and tan leathers, sell-
ing at less than half-price, per pair..
Extra Special Reductions in Felt Shoes, Slippers, Mocca-
sins, Dancing Pumps, Club Bags, Suitcases and 'hunk..
POLISHES -All kinds, 10c for Sc, 1bc for 12c, 20c for Ifc,
2fic for 19c, daring January Sale.
Lumberman's heavy snag -proof Robbers, tan leather,
12 -inch top, imced. Regular per pair 14.75, for
Gam and snag -proof Rubbers, one or two or )aced.
Beat qualities and up
Heavy Reductions oo children's, minors', boys', women s and
men's Overshoes and Rubbers.
Rases ass to IN
511011RIPAIRIMO Mast Side
J.N.MeQlstem Waiters & coo PhewAadsessh
"TM star. with t.*.deeeypr'