HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-20, Page 2f Tmot.t..ty JAsvAay 30, 1916
PSI)Tilie vu. , Ilro,
Owes the We ettie Osier rifir
a threw }4 adore. W see
Isis s
0 maaf to tmentillselik
artier. w
el▪ ves en sa
ether siollsradventhessess.
FIs. m neeto hestob rer �i�nay eek ssbre•ses Mlemnies yer Ye.
ei web. eschar seed at lime
s.• seder. FI,..sever. iter year. Adirertim
tea Ironer
' 1.. tole
�ir tie Rent. Ardent:
ma. setesessei.tf less.Tbeaty
ys (teas. sash townies : time Diger Or art
w..s► MN Osseo liMw
sash mama
Irepr sarwtlrmset• 1* =too am -
.e*m.am le stetlestl reeei.wlea
Comps, Yee, N. tees ta•a Tte�tt-
aa y ve OssAwise.ter eldest ei
thirst li
shagged utetl
mo aiso lit
ea•s.welirer sf
Weeny.. t,.. triieLLNaileis
pole IM mama sell a ois wove. mit
! bead cls, Nem larmr'aor eta Ha Twz
et, sat laser thug Welesseer ere. moss wed.
Ootarto; • cootrihution to the British
Red Cruse fund will exceed 51,3t1),t101).
Nothing like heiog there in good
Memo A Henson merchant edrerti.ea
'Indy twelve more shopping days till
Christmas." _
The Freocb Government plans to
meet the interest on Om new national
loan out of the taxes on war 'profits.
&other hint for Sir Thanes White.
A prince of the royal house of Den-
mark is on his way to Canada to spend
two years in the study of agriculture.
*erasing has always been the industry
of kings.
It is to be hoped that Sir Thomeia
White's new totems*, measures will
demonstrate his ability to tee the
.ituatioo through usher eyes than
lioso of the Big Interests.
The Lidice Department at Ottawa
reports that food prices in Canada
were higher haat month than In Dr-
osmhrtr, 1914, but rents and fuel prices
kid declined. especially in the W twtera
The problem of ream/saw Canada%
battalion* and st the same time meln-
lainiag eltici.ney is Canadian indus-
tries and keeping up
Ian farms is me
etateeman.bip of a high order.
Mr. Garrett O'Connor writes to The
Globe: "In your report of the
recent great minter swimming I find
Ste John Willison saltier/ this fine
tbl.g : 'It we can't go we can give. 1f
we can't give we can do somtetbiog
else. The man who is any richer alter
this ear than be is now is • 4.grace."
Oo reading this manly utterance I
thought : What • mighty aid to the
patriotic funds might be Oren it only
two per omit. cf the profits from ov, r
half • bi hiuo war orders phoned in
Oaseda were reserved for that our -
The London mayoralty meatieru has
had a surmising sequel. Dr. H. A.
8t.veneoo, who was ineyoe last year,
was opposed by Vol. Oert,bore, and
wheel the returns were counted the
Colonel was found to be foartmo vales
in the Mad. A recount was applied
Iter, sad the result a ,he proesedbt s
before the Judge s& that Co'. (tart -
shore's majority disappeared mot the
trots was declamd • lir. City Clerk
Baker was then called upoo to give
his caping vote, mod be did so in favor
of the former mayor, so that Ur.
Stevenson is again in office after an
interval of two weeks.
"It M stated that out of the thirteen
minima coatiibuled throughout this
country for patriotic purposes the
tames' have donated the noble sum
ot one hundred thousand dollars "
Whether this is anywhere sear the
truth oe not we do not venture to say.
it would be intete.ting, however, to
know bow much of the UM torn mll-
lioo• w& really earned by the farmers
1. the lest place and got Isle the
pockets of oily people as a part of the
tribute which is eoneta.tky being paid
by the eoustry to the city. Of course,
this e.taasa.t is not Iatewd.d to se.
etearagw any farmer in the belief that
be bee dose .11 he should do. Fatal
the war is over patriotic eaeriflce le
dem..ded .1 a1.
Mr. A. M. Polley called la the om.e
the Niter day to rend' to our naiad a
.t.tameot he made .early Nee years
ago, id the time of the reciprocity •Ri-
hetiow b the eA.et that the at het
ter Ontario Imams the existing in
llaakebii sad eoeket.Mw*s we rid
mikado ten yea's M sapplld from
Weiser weak from IM rawabee e(
Alberta and DAM Odfmbia mus
seam a awn be declares hate et -
shy hoes noshed. and Me market
ate Os natio htmie. 1* the Wort M wow
prostiwar eel. Masks. app meetly,
W Adam Buck Ontario heroes acs sot
Whoa psi— - - -d for wall/nary Im-
poses, sad the United Stales tmaskaS M
Weed as a souk of the -.nems tel
Joe a■ 7 •iwaL The
meas total of it all is that those
i.terseted In lbs horse market le
Oatarlo are not in A very cheerful
.tate o1 mind
Col. (loader, cosswandiog the Prod
Canadian Balaton in Belgium, re-
ports that the Pre rich and British
tromp. have Led • great deal of trouble
with Flemish wipes+ It seems a.tust
unbelievable uhat that kl.mieb, who
are Belgians, shook' *bow sorb treach-
ery towards the troops who are trying
to free their country , but the same
report comes (tow sc many sources
%bat it must be believed. We have
sero a similar atatemevt i. • letter
from a Uod.ricb (Mew at the trout,
and have beard it from • returned
soldier. The esplaoatio•.s..ss to be
that the better cies. n( Beigi•as an
in the Sighting' ranks or have left the
country, and %bat those who do the
w iping on the Allied troops are of the
kind who see nothing higher in life
then en emu tunity to taro some
dirty Oerman crone! by acting the
part o/ traitors.
Vi.aors Wekcme.
Hamill*. rim,.
There is an idea in some ports of the
United states that swoon. to Canada
mat have passports. Not at *11. home
right in and mit down.
Takes Time, but It's Best
roma' o Star.
There are certain disadvantages in
freedom. It is more difficult for free
omen to .it togetber than for staves to
fight under a.lave-driver. But in the
long tun the free mm win iris.
Caa.da's De.aiee.
The Scent•t►imartcwa, New York.
it is impossible to praise too highly
the solenoid devotion, tourege and pa-
triotism manifested by the people of
Canada in ibis war. Tb s grand et-
titude of the Dominion reflects cre.lit,
also, upon the Mother Country, that
could iospi•e such • passion of patri-
otic deet ties in the hearts of her over-
sou children.
IU starred and 111-..rv.L
ler.ntfor4 Es **Ater.
The ill-starred Thin tided Battal-
ion occup se the limelight end exhibits
its ugly sons, whether it he io Loa -
doe or Quebec. It has bad a mom un -
_ T
oda could kayo had the .e.y it should
have sad would have had whew that
war looks set U the Torun had not
l lucked the e.Iarprbe r If The News
knew of this war, why did it not
advise Bis Bobe,t Bards. to appeal to
this pearls whew the No.•ta thew out
Ida iai'*.*abt biB t It was tremens
out to glee the purple en oopest..ky
to pass upn it, bot Bir Robert rehired
to permit them to vote on the proposi-
tion. If Tb. News knew that ibis
war would be bore i. 1914 why did it
n ot *delta SW Robert to take advan•
tags of the Laurier Nava Ad to build
hie dreadonu$bts. as he could e.etly
have done ? %Vise it because The News
was afraid of the Natiooatt.ts?
Why the Monro Are P.pa1u.
tltrreay Dtera-
%Vhy we like movies—end if you do
n ot, dear reader, these are yet m ,n y
who do—has Iowa a:plaiaed on the
pay etiological basis by many writer.,
among them Dr. Hugo Yu.et.rberg.
tri Herve.d. Tows explanations, bow-
er, r, The Itichgnood Timm Despatch
discards *. of little worth 1a com-
parison with that recency gives by
a Virginia *bowman, who takes all
dear "io • few practicaland iLumieai-
ing wards." The gist of these words
the edttoc gives us, with comment
thereon :
Otto Weil', of Norfolk, says the
rearm that all chimes like motion-
pictuse ploys is that each person puts
loco the mouths of the alma actors
the exclamations, words, and lines
that he bienaell would use under lite
cucuw.tince.. Incidents and aims -
tion. ate Mohr! on the screen, but
the spec% tour tells the ynspoken .tory
himself, and there is no possibility
of as 011641, stressed, or incomprehen-
sible dialogue. What the spectator
i.s.Ries is the thing that is .•tura
to him. To ooe who watches H .inlet
with Yoe ick'o skull, the words el the
play may coxae—"Imperious Caesar,
deed and turo'd to clay. Might stop a
Ws to keep lbs wind away." 'Ib
a*utner's imagination. Hamlet says,
"Well. we .11 gotta come to it."
Could ezplanat.ion br simpler, yet
more profoundly true?
The Agonies of
A Nerve Trouble, Always
Due to Weak, Watery
Only those who have been attacked
with neuralgia coo form the faintest
Nee of what its victims suffer. A ting-
ling of the tender skin, & sharp sudden
stab from some angry nerve : then
piercing paroxysms of pain, 'hat i.
n euralgia. The cause of the trouble M
disordered nerves, due to weak, wa-
ter v
a-tery blood. The cure is Dr. t,Vdliams
Pink Polls, which make sow, moat.
fortunate career, but the respoosib.l- red blood and tbwsoothe and strength-
ity then for doe. u. t rest entirely as en the disordered nerves and cure
the men or ori the °MMcns. Theprim- Demialais. Mr. Louis mania, Mild.
ary fault lies with the Iiinigur of id- Dtay. Ont., says : "I •m writing in
'iia, who permitted this betu►1lon 10 let you know th great beoebt Pr.
loos its morale bemuse of baring been %Yilliante Pink Pals have been to me.
detaicad for so long la Canada before Two y.ara saw I was a pbysio.i wreck.
bulling sent ciesraise. My beeves were ail meteor* and 1
sof! from t* take
a' ,4' bead throughout the eretous .y.-
LondDaily neve
The tone which Rir Horace Smith-
.11...41."11111.,...,aay. i wA. almost uoflt for
Dorrien will command will be largely duly nunaged .to Ret along
with the gnat:..
d of BOt et lbs men agahs..rcw.y. 1 QOCI Nett
lie fought /It... SllaEg asp tor about Ave mcotar aalo io to f time
1s (Ns way of the 1riMb tr."took over forty dollars' worth of medi-
mat be its w. if it b tov. I tie without any beefl►, Man, [ w
That u
D fferet,ces dim . in faun nt a tom- actually growing worn and Anally had
WOO danger. 'Ilse Hi iihh Empire to oak• to toy bed, 1y neves got .o
won* liberty, sated all itspeoy{ea rash bed that 1 ewtld not tura over to bad
without bolo end the pain was Immo
to arms when their Iibetty is thrust-:
eoed. thing awful. As I am a farmer you
eats easily sees that oeca..sry work was
A Predicamentbeing brgleeted, so i sent for a brother
Tat.nta Mall sad Easterswho was i. Alhes4 woe o. •sod take
It is said Ibat the /It lavish fleet will °bares of the work. %Phis my brit/ter
continuo to keep the I:erman flag
from the high seas until Germany hag
paid the indematties the Allies will
demand es part of the terms of peace.
If this is so, Uenmany will be in the
position of the laborer who lead a job
to go to, but could rot work because
his pick was pawned, and could not
get hist pick out of pawn until be bad
'tuned the money to redeem it.
•rrived be at once urg-d me to try Dr.
WiUI•mi Pink Pi11e, telling woof ammo
cures that bad come under hisobsrrva-
tioo. 1 got half • dozen bozos, and
before they were all gone there was no
doubt they were helping one- Alto-
gether I used nine boxes of the Pi11*
and by that time 1 was • well man,
and it Is impoan4e to say bow tb•nk-
fel 1 was form rete ee from pile."
That Set Way. from
get Ur. WUli.mg' Fisk Pills
om any dueler in medicine or by.
Nome gas* Cent.dsrat• marl, po.t paid. at 30 emote • hoz or,}ix
A number of Toeosto barrooms ar'e boxes for g2 60 from The Dr, Williams'
said to be ready to dome be oli of Medicine Co., Brookville. Out.
lack of euato.ter.. This is good sows
Indeed. Mew bare quit drinking of Little Wet Home in the Trench
their ow. fro. will. This is the meet "My
eft. clave kited of prohittttioa and no tin a otos wet b es le the ir.ec�
oi jretion ma be take, 1.0 it. Time was whore ib. r.1. .1er'. a ceediargrdtench
Well within living memory when the There • ower.rbsd•
total abstainer was geuer.dly omega-' (lar sae conal for • bei,
end a crank. how It M Mee drinkerI •t.1 •'(se 1tsst we.. tar* LIMP*
wbo u .o conal .sad, wag with good Deny Mot •d lar.' Morals whew--
masoo . 1 11..aw• se. ♦ rtes we tastitA stow.
B_ tome S:k M Shims.
, eh• IY crackle sod are,
]Isal.ml dab 1 Yet eco pLee oma cowers
A prominent hyphenate le the Co -
Wilk rr lit)* wet bran b the tr.-eh.
{ted Ni.*.. de.ounesa Britain for scan- , 7'le Saes la that tre.'b .'w the way
fag German mHlfoes, "Thera is no ares to know that wo r. caws* ha• is way.
more pitiful cry," he say*. "t ban that( They shout ud the, .hoot•
of a baby asking for food." Aod yet het Olney east set se sot.
the pitiful crying of the babies on tb. 71~1, taw10.lea pola
.'. w. dirty trick t10, don r.
w inking Lusts mos lett tole titan quite �ZherrreWa.•en. idea •era
cheerful. Me forgets also that If more But w•d..'t 1*.lnIroeer.,had w
are my labia.ting to Germany tba Oamsda.aetol gals .we
Other* ses.pss w
Mow say nut. wet hems Is the trench.
Ile te. hurrah ter r mei and the May.
whtrh Wats 1. "Dar Tee- - that's the day
wham oiliest. Berlin,
Thai Coq of ma.
And well oohs 4M %duh
esk-b.d oars par.
Mink • w.'il k gt the eal1, re.* .14 . roach.
whRem i leas•,rJ.st prn
ymt we wrench.
T► aa, ll Ir seed thet bw,
*1.44 r via! thea • Wm* roe 11�y Iftt wet hones le the twseh.
Why NFlorida for Yew Winter
The alt rondes
os. aro wesarp.ed,
beautiful palm warmh
alm Ness, warm sea flotil-
tarpon asbi.t . iws.Aow hotels fpr all
pockets. Two steam only from Toe -
osto. Winter leftist Rackets now cm
sale. Be Imre Ibso
.t your tleket. d
via tkoadiau Pada* R.Ilw.y. Itworks* letUw
ot works* a.d via Detroit and
Weiden•tl. Pu.Mfrom liana
pa* Paella Bakst assets, of write Y.
G. Murphy,Diu riet Parssi gee Arae,
To.e.to, t I
Koller bas it in is power to remove
the comes In elm' t ceder, while the
captain of the Lusitenia had no chance
to save his precious freight.
The News ted the Navy.
Bandit out Tia.
For • weak or mom The Toronto
News bra beets publishing in its edi-
torial columna as edits lad of The
Toedeto Star published i. September,
19114 .earl two sada hat years ago.
The edit i. ssetioo made light of
the Herman r�sy and frowned
on sps*iset num for drill
halls. as Sam Yslgbs wee then d.log.
The Yews' object is publishing too
editorial is not to bele on the preoral
war. It le .ot sal mesh Interested ia
that a It M m make a political polo'
Iha Ihe Mar and the tibersle. DU
110 News have any idea that this Ivor
was to v ev It as g V1' the
awNvg,nc 1 t was btR for ' Ger-
many bad wish to Britain. It
woe the lata l thea wnwt,4 to
da Sir Millwood halbved that it
was preelbie foe Osema.y sad Br ilea
to got Hoerr trtgseber, lied was plas-
o leo le dist 4Wu ttus Okm the war
cams. Lloyd dooms
okeetrbefore Ibm war bookas mit Grethat
"Did you 41.14. Yo., Aminase
a. aid (ia.eMmyww.wo. Isom Most. elmenw• wkb your hole booths.
Ty terms thou they W hos for .0011. r "Tats o.aomins► 1 abet Oro
If TM Nowa Mow an &host lith. was dowels eM esv. bpm the 111.4.".•
tomning why 4w It not min on the Son know he M awfulle food out •read -
Lawlor wavy program, so that Qs.-lul•"
• •
• AListof
New Russian Advance Upasts
Bulgar's Dreams.
tosecheruw. Meve of the priaa Move
arab Was land. at Time Wbe.
Road. Was Getting the Worm
of It—Now That the Slay
b ow the Move Mao
Roe Mos Maned.
W that Resole with a huge
foe of sea and Immoaso
quantities of to unities"
from Japes is driving
through Bessarabia tato the
Galicia* Crewalaad of Bukowisa and
has already recaptured Cernowttz, it
1s latereetlag to speculate bow ter-
arsot Bulgaria feels about the
move by which be threw In his lot
with the Teutonic powers. He took
the step at • time when Russia,
hopelessly at a 4hadvantage, was
belga drive* back by the Austro -
Germ a bora. Now that the tide In
turned and the Russian offensive has
for its pornoaa the breaking of the
back of the entire Teuton line 1. tb
Balkans, Czar F.rdlaaad may feel
lava secure 1n his position. If re-
ports arc to be relied upon. Queen
Eleanor& and grown Prince Botts
have told him the truth regarding his
Until a year ago the Bulgarian
ruler was a Jovial, well -met feIIoW
whose friends were legion. He re -
rsaatxixiroi* Behan trA-
oelved evwryrta., esp.ciaib sows -
paper m•.. nut there watt a sadden
ohms* Tema the seal of ep.a-
beartedaoss he became a riddle mon
pestling sod as @Boat as the sphinx.
Bs retired, oak the summer male at
MacEivan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and Disttiil.t.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity boot all Maple
81.10, Meed Wood, iieurimb
and Kindling *Cedar or Plow.)
THL*PHUNBS, adios•
romilmes r is or SI
111111111 mneereentre1111P
00, 11.111•16:1111.1
No... miAll UM MI
Thew are oeeeseary in a well -or-
dered home.
Our experience has made no expert
in attending to this work.
Give us ac11.
Fred Hunt
R &autos Street - Phu. •
• January Sale Bargains •
• For January Sale before stock -taking we will clear dozens of
• lines of goods away under manufacturers and mill prices.
Thousands of yards of staple goods bought over a year ago
• by us, we place at clearing prices now before this year's
• stock -taking.
White Cottons 40 inch meaty white
• Pillow Cotton. Even
• and Sheetings thread and a beano-
1 ul English make.
•500 yards on sate. Regular price 16c 12_� c
at per yard
• 66 and 72 -inch Bleached
Heavy Plain Sheeting, Red
Cross: Sheetings Cross brand, ou sale 2
.i -inch wide,
• • Factory
even thread clear clean woven
Cotton factory, good weight.
Special at - 7c
50 only bleached heavy satin
damask Table Cloths, size 2 x
.ards, in :l beautiful designs.
Regular worth $2.2:i. January
sale price �� •50
Women's Coats in i- nreserved
clearing prices
Large Assortmentcleats. L adiFifet''
stylish Coats to select from reduced to about
half price. Selling $5
each.00 to $10.00
Sheeting Heaviest 364 -inch, best nn -
b bleached Sheeting, at 10e
per yard
• Ladies' Furs
• Persian Lamb, Mink, Sable, Fox—Scarfs,
• Muffs, Ruffs, a large choice of beautiful
• pieces, Bearing at from 20 to 50 per cent.
• Sweater Coats
• Our big purchase of a Regiment*) order Dozens to select from. No. 1 Black Fur
of men's spkadid - all -wool "khaki" Coats, Bocharan Lamb Collar, quilted, t
Sweater Coats, reinforced o shoulders, farmer,' satin lined, warranted anti
• doable cuffs, splendid heavy pockets, guaranteed by ns in every way. Worth 16 -
• high buttoned collar. Regular price and regular in today's market '
• regular value $3.00 to $4,00 each. A $30.00. Special sale price, $22.00
Fur -Trimmed Ladies' Coats
(,luilted-lined. Sizes 36 M
4i. Regular $223.00, at each $ /t 5.W
Men's Fur Coats
• few hundred still on sale at
each $1.50 Grey Flannel •'
: MilitaryFlannel
2t; -inch, special Grey Flannel.' -,2! _ •-
35c 30c, for x
!• •
• •W. A CtHESON & SO? •
+• 2S -inch, 45c, for..
'Pt T' Orden weA gieea that be,
w*eid ass no one, except his Prime
llnaia0.r. Trois time to time he
peat the Crown Prince Boris to Bola
with messages for those with whom
he wished to communicate. He made
an exception a few weeks ago when
he reeehwd the sow German Ambas-
sador to Coust*atinople, who br1{oght
Isla an autograph letter from the
Balser. but the exemption oaly made
the rale noticeable.
Car Ferdinand has sever made
say aren't of his ambiU.e to be the
dictator of the Balkan. Dueler the
Nrnt Boake& war be saw kb star all
het reach the wraith of Rs aseend-
a.ey. The Butteries papers even
described the w•aderfel white horse
a*d the priceless saddle on which he
was to ride at the lead of his armies
Into ComeaWaeple. But the .cooed
Balkan war 'triaged bia of kis story
sad he returned to his rapltal a dts-
appolated rimier.
Ia the provost Campeau war Czar
Perdia•ad maw a chime, to retrieve
kis fortunes tail these of bis nation,
by berterlarg NM with the Kaiser
sad thea wttk the Allies. But he
realised that Ito one maks no ob-
tain', and it was tor this reason that
he retired from eomsassle.tles with
Ws fellowmen to poad.r over the
problem himself. A whole organise -
deo of secret attests sad couriers
forwarded him, through the Prime
Mlwfeter, the reports oat which be
framed kis 4..i.i...
The Czar has both German and
Fre.eb blood 1e kis .etas. He Is
of the Sam -Colson rg-Gotha Ilse: he
is as Atintrtas ae►•sma., sad be bas
vast Reisio vlma estates. WIs gas,ut
Is t Omegas Printer. Bat on the
other head be M a descendant of the
Fritsch Hose of Orleans. Has greed -
father was Leek Philippe of Frame.
Hie first wife was a Bourbon of the
Italian 11... but of the old Frew.%
Doorbell pork, sad all hos children
were bort of this fret marriage. The
family pezzle oalyIaenees the dill -
natty et gaesetng what is golag on {a
the Wad of the lfalpria■ aphis:.
Wort for the "f;lMies."
Ckillree livlag 1. reentry dis-
triets ran &mist la I.ereaal.g the
hesie production of food In many
wet" At premed. Bays lb* Board or
/plemitan. If their permits keep
pll/ es ether floe stork. they eall bele
to s the .met of feedlots by rol-
amrwa sad Mess ehe.tanU,
gram ate., for w a. fodder.
Tidy east aloe help to seo.emles the
use of straw for litter by reflecting
dried b.wek', grass, *atm, and
Char's WIMPIPtia WeM,vu.
tis Cam 51 laso4 M a great read-
y. Amens hie Palmetto author. sr.
/MO Torok Swett.
�� sad
B MW' Leak Iltimemm.
I'm mese my Izalco, eo.oslted
Mse. 6eoaoee i ll l limy carry
fogtaboutw ththem.-Ovape
A Treater Slaughter
Than Ever
We have lots of good things yet and to
clear them the price is cut to the limit.
Heater r Range
If you have any pos-
sible use for a Heater or
Ranke you should not
let t opportunity go
by, as we are giving
some values that are
rarely s�seeeri�����
Grind tames
Why be without a
good Grindstone, when
you can get a good
one for the small sum
of 25c
Skates and
We have a nice as-
sortment of Skates and
Siwe. To clear them
we will sell what are
_ ---eu just half-price.
and this includes the
Automobile Skates we
have in stockand every
other line.
Buy Rope, Paint. Varnish, Floor Finish, Poukry
Netting, Stunner Stoves now, and save money.
Practically all Hardware is costing more on account
of the war.
The Howell Hardwaree mLam