HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-13, Page 7?HZ `SIGNAL : fODERICR ONTARIO
1.0 q. JAtIVAttT IS, ION II
bounty and District
Alex. Pardon, of West Wawano,b,
bas rented his farm and w ill go tato
the hardware busies. at White-
Mea. James Lawman, oI McKillop
becks Mr arm near the shoulder woes
she tapped bed fell in the teller ons
ay recently.
tletb Brown, of the Sonce
Sed amnesiac
of Stephen baa sold his 11X1 -acre -arra far
n ear 1 entrolla to DAD. Hodgsoo. The
pries wee tl11,1U0.
W. 1. Wllkio.os, of Lumley. Ma
purchase.' the 10 ►acre tum of Robt.
Boll, of Heosa11, situated oo the south
boundary of Tuckass ith.
Millie Mss, daughter of Mr. and Mra.
J . it. Dundas, of Claodeboye. wag
married oo December 20th to Joseph
E. Simpson, of Moortville.
Miss Pearl Wright, deugbterofJobn
Wright. fotttserly of the Base lio.,
Hidlest, wan married rteant/y at Ham-
ilton to Harry Oodssll, of that eity.
David Davidson, sea of Mr. and
Mee. Toes. Davidson. of the lltb eon -
amnion of Grey, was (tarried at Ellis-
boro', Sank.. oo December 29th to Miami
Ethel L Rittuage.
Miss Anna Maud Madge. of Howell,
and William B Elder, of Hay town-
ship, were married at the same.
Homan. oo January bib. Rev. L
McL Smith performed tbe cersmooy.
Miss Merearet Murray, a former
resident of Sant Wawaoo.b, died at
London 0o Jsnwry 4th, aged sixty-
eight yeah. The funeral took place to
Blyth Union cemetery on thetlth (oat.
Mee. Mellougall, of "Dugollie," Us-
terrne township, announces the se-
g agement of bar daughter, Anna
Phyllis, to William R. Dougall, of
Hensel', the marriage to take place
this tsontb.
Lucy Adelina, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKague, of Turo-
berry was matrird at her home then
oo J•ouary let to Eleauod Aisles, ret
Things to Eat
The Best Bread
•- "-'-.,finest -P1p
Baker and Confectioner
Feegme Rey. D Perri. performed
the eersomer.
Mary, eldest daughter of Wm.
Dark, of Morris township, was mar-
ried at bre home os January let to
Henry Bowe, of Molesworth. The
(wl•� will reside on the groom's
tum to atoms township.
The funeral took place at Hewed' on
January 71.b of John Robert Taylor.
brother of the Mise. Taylor, of Hsa
sell, who passed away at Moosej•w
from an attack of pneumonia. Hs
was In hie twenty-fifth year.
Anna, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrr. Was. A. Irwin, of Honk., was
man led at tbe rectory then ow De-
cember Zed to Sergeant H. P. Wood -
cork, of Bellevkle. The groom was
formerly a druggist at Gerrie.
Charles R. Oatba+, of Etowick
township, was married on U.*ember
29th to Mise Arabella )4. Eadie, of
Glenanneo. The ceremony, which
took place at the bolas of the brlde'e
parents. wan performed by Rev. C.
Tata, of Bluevale.
Mn. David Vanalstloe, an aged
resident of Tore eery, died oo Decem-
ber :10th. She was hero in Prime
Edward oo0nty and was In her ninety-
fifth year. Three sons, one daughter,
thirty-six tErandchildrsn and fifty-
esght greet-grsode►Ildreo survive.
The borne of Mr. and Mr,. Jae.
Darlieg, of Belmore, was the scene of
• pretty wedding on January Mb,
when their eldest titer, Margaret,
war united in to Robert
Jeffrey, of Turobsry. • oeremooy
was performed by Rev. A. K. Gtboo.
Mr. and Mr.. Jamas Hilles, of Mc-
Killop, celebrated the fiftieth minivers-
ary of their wedding ay on January
let. All the mos sad daughters were
home for the occasion and the f.mily
presented the parents with a puree of
gold. Both Mr. and Mn. Hillen enjoy
good health.
A pretty wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGee, of
Belmore, en December ditb. when
their daughter, Margaret Mabel., waa
married to George Lan., of Wroxeter.
Rev. A. IL Gibson performed tbecere-
mony. After the honeymoon the
young couple will reside near Bellcore.
"Treasure Valley Pars," the home
of Mr. and Mre. John Clark, of Tock-
enmith. was the seeds of • pretty
wedding on December :8th, when
their eldest daughter, Katherine
was married to Charles McKay, of the
same township. Rev. E. F. MeL
Smith, of 11.01.11, performed the
Mrs. Barr, relict of the late Her.
Matthew Barr, amid mother of Mn.
Robt. Govenloek. of McKillop, did at
C Jgs' y on Des nebsr Stet. Her
husband was owed the Pioneer Pret-
byteriao mlobers of Western O.
tar la. Tbs remains • Barr
trashof Mr bus arpurbey
8. B. Lotion(, of Regina, son of Mr.
and Mn. "'ugh Lsmoot of Brussels.
has paved Ibis final examinations in
the law sours and is now s qualified
bar rioter.
Muriel, daugbter of W. W. Burgess.'
A former resident of Brawls, was
monied at Miseben op Decemberinst
to Pte. D. F. Buck of the 1110th Bettal-
lon, Stratford. Ret. Dr. MacRae
Robert Fin was found dead le his
lied at the home of his son on Decem-
ber 31st. Ile was apparently in his
usual health when be retired the pre-
vious evening. Tbe deceased was Io
his eighty third year.
Miss J. N. Murray, of the public
school teaching staff. fell while et
London and broke bar arm. line L.
Martin is taking her work notal she
Mn, L Hgslewocd, of Farquhar,
while to town Dee day lastlast week
slipped sod fell on the icy pavement,
fracturing her hip. She will tit laid
up for some flash
Mrs. J. A. Clarke, a native of Exeter,
died at Cdoredo Springs o. January
RADIATION let Her mews. n.. a was llh.r
8o•thoot.t Twn deters and • brother
snide at London, tint
are necessary in a wen -Mt -
dem' home
4nr experience has made ns expert
in attending to this work.
Give us a call.
Fred Hunt
Hamilton Street - Pboos Iffi
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
t-•Coid Mined.
:1111MIMIty boot all Maple
alihortiasi weed, i3essidet
etc/ MINIM Maimor PIM.)
Ya4arwOMILS= re rw
At ■ New Year gathering at tbe
Mme of John Keys four generatloos
were present. Tb.y wen Mrs. Ilea -
man, who is ninety-two yeses old
Mn. John Key'. her d•etgrn
ter : M.
Id. McCormhk, daughter of Mrs.
Heys, and Miss Marjory MrO)orkc,
daughter of Mn. M.Oorstlsk. m
Mies Ada Gov.iloek has gorse to
8berbeserw., Gal., to tomb in tbe bigh
school there.
Mr. and Mea Sam Cedsnore. who
bed scoot tbe poet els months at Til-
lery, have retorood to tow".
The sues of !e(4 the prooesd§ of the
(reset basbalers' ball, hos bees tares&
ever to the $seforth volunteer fund.
Wm. Ogilvie Priegk, • native et
8eatorth, died at Chicago on January
Zed. Me was forty-lourears of age
read le wrvived by hie wife and two
Uro. La tot, . fusser resident of
8ssfertb, died at bin bores at Harris -
toe on Jasuary Arch, after beteg eon -
Seed to the Muss for sine yera. He
wee forty-two years olid
Mien Viola Beare bee to Camp-
befilsed to tomb., This will h. her
/Mt esboel.
Tbsitsta.t nos o1Il(r. bud Mrs.Jobe
Hawking ala on January teed aged
ohm months.
Mr. W. P,n dloor, M. P. P., ed -
dressed the Clinton liberal club lest
andel evening.
Mn. (tQb.,ptIr ) Porn, metbsr of Mt+.
J. C. McMatb. of i , did at her
bowie at Mehemet Wand a Deals -
bee 27th Inhofe .iwei•aret year. Mw
YeMlsatll attended the foment, Mn.
Mc bsiSS .sib" to go owtog to
Mr and Mrs. Jobe Ramose
heated the "Meth .mins
tbe -estere end they pre.sstd the'
Whet eras a g.Y i1Mtb mill dada
These Three Women Tell How They
Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal of
Surgical Operations.
Hospitals are great and necessary institutions, but they
should be the last resort for women who suffer with ills
peculiar to their sex. Many letters on file in the Pinkham
Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., prove that a great number of
women after they have been recommended to submit to an
operation have been made well by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. Here are three such letters. All
sick women should read them.
Marinette, Wis.-"I went to the doctor and
be told me I mut have an ration kr a female
trouble, and I hated to have it done as I had been
marded only a short time. I would have terrible
pains and my hands and feet were cold all the
time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vbesefable Com-
pound and was cured, and I feel etter in every
way. I Five you permission to my name
because I am so thankful that Leel well again.,
-Mrs. FRED BERNIE, Marinette, Wis.
Detroit, Mich.-" When I first took Lydia Y
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was so run down
with female troubles that I could not do anything, and our doctor
said I would have to undergo an operation. I could hardly walk
without help so when 1 read •boat the Vegetable Compound and what
it had done for others I thought I would try it. I got a bottle of
Lydia K . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Lydia k.
Plnkham's Sanative Wash and used them according to directions.
They helped me and today I am able to do all my work and Ism well"
-,ares. Tito. Dorms, 989 Milwaukee Ave, East, Detroit, Mich.
Bellevue, Pt.-" I suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible
bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried several doctors and
they all told me the me story, that I never could get well without
an operation and I jest dreaded the thought of that. I also tried e
good my other medicines that were recommended to me and none
of them helped me until a friend advised me to give Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound a trial The first bottle helped, I kept
and now I don't know what it is to be sick as more and I
sm Pinking up in weight. I am 90 years old and weigh 116 pounds,
It will be the greatest pleasure to me if I can have oppor-
tunity to recommend it to any other suffering weman."- Iss.'t'a
Faoauceaa, 1923 Manhattan Bt, North Side, Bellevos, Ps.
Ti would like special advise write to Lydia 16. Pinkhant
Mread aid answweerredd byytielL& Imams •ad � Midst Swadletter will be o�.
asii mineenber with emit brooch.
• gold ring sued a gold -mounted
-John Radford, who had been engin-
emir at the waterwor1. bare for some
time, has removed to (:odssich, where
he basis posi t ion .
Miss Fat rell, wbo had been organist
of,$s. Paul's chub ch for some months,
bas resigned and will go to Toronto to
attend the Conservatory of Mimic.
A double wedding took place at the
borne of the brides' sister on New
Year's Day, when Miss Janet Eva
Rush was married to Harold P. Bu-
chanan, of town, and Mise Laura Irene
Rush was married to Wm. J. Young,
of Toronto. lie.. J. W. Hibbett was
the officiating clergyman. Mr. and
Mn. Buchanan will reside hen and
Mr and Mn. Young will reside at
John J. Hbmuth, who until eight
dears &Fo was a resident of %Vingbam,
ied at Toronto on January 'Led. He
was etteeding In his business as usual
on tbe day previous. The deceased,
who was in his *eventy-third year, is
eusvived by his wife. three daughters
and one son. Mr. Ammo. Hommel, of
tViogbam, and Mea Henry Godkio, of
Tontine -Ty. are brother and sister of
the deo.amied.
It Leaves the Swearer a Victim of Many
Fors, d Weakness.
Ask those were beer had la grippe
regarding tree peccant eosdition of
their health w/ most of them will an-
swer, "aloes I bad the grippe 1 have
never been well." There is a pinto -
Novato. Jan. 3.
Harvey Miller, our smithy, was
home for • few days Iaat week.
The corresprndeot wisher' all Signal
readers • happy and prosperous New
Prayer -meeting this week will be
held at the home of Mr. Frank Scott,
jr., on Tuesday evrnirg.
Mr. and MPP. Phil p Hogan 'were
presented last week with twin girl..
Coogratulatlnoa, Phil p !
The geese In this locality must have
born eaten for C'b. ',Hum.. and every-
body was away for flew Year's dinner.
A meeting of the Lanes Rifle l'.ub
will tie held toolgbt in the town hall.
All interested are expected to attend.
Mr. and Mr,. Wesley Sherwood and
familyand Mn. Ernest Sherwood and
daugter 7. -Ida, of Wilkie,, flask., are
encoding their Christmas and New
Ysar'a under the parental roof.
The annual meeting of the Faeroe"'
Club will be held in the Foresters' hall
at Lanes on January lith. All mem-
ben are espe-Wly n wrested to attend
and wind upAnions for 1910 sod elect
officers for 191st. Kindly bear this is
fit:' a D!t It8 D • T, Jen. &
Mr. and Mn. J. Boll and family
spent the week -end with Hoist -h
Mee. U. Courisee and family, of
RJmooton, are visiting at the borne of
Mr. and Mre. A. J. Courtier.
A meeting was held in the ball on
Monday to nelebratb the .lection of
Mr. W. H. Lobb as reeve for another
M1nXt,te, lin. 3.
Miss Claire Sp,ckmso, n7 L•rsdon,
eat weakens of the limb*, had dips- b visiting at home.
tlo*, slwrtaees of breath tad palpita- M M. Veer.,w.l, nrg.w've for the
floc of the Mart c snaed by the thio-
Chown Friend., is in town again.
blooded eooditi es In which grip rel- Miss Dolly Rosa left to da t , take
UM)" .iway. leaves Its eistlms alter cbaige of • school ne,r Hamilton
the fever and inls.tza have eub,ldd. Itr. Smith, of Milton. Is In town 00
�y are at the merey of "situs•• 'aha lnsine,a for hie eon, 1)r. O. M. Health
elm lemons, of ton reel moo'• Tib Mn. MaeLer.n, of Port Elgin, sob ,
E RRED h e will onetime Datil the blued bas beast „niton, h,, and and
le built neo again, aid l tbit purpose hal.r, h,n miturn.d home.
n othing am Nee.' a fair treatment y� Anna Elliot ',Pureed to Stret-
with t». Wllliami Pfek P111, wbleh ford today to resume her *tulles at
y maks lbw Iblsed slob sed reds the Noma] Scbool Mist Kathleen
1v* tM lisgsAsg OM" Dora tie.1►bd Miss Bemis Akio retorted to Clic-
eyNM and 1 ramekin dsspeodemt grip I
victims into cheerful, health)", k.Ppy
teas eel woes... Mr. John lis t.r•by,
, when they are attesing the
Mgia'. ltvtitute.
]leo.ado., lh1t.. WE :-' Jss•t Ir►fnre . ws KLsrnoos -The contest for
Obrietmv. loll, 1 wee taken does rn„hithe res ..hip wbkb took plot, rola
with en attest ut Ls grippe. and the Krwhsd In the neon 01 Mr. .
trouble left me 1. a deplorable emelt Erwls. The former Reeve, Mr. Jas.
(las. 1 was almost la. srask Y walk TAom.nn, seed Yr. Oeo. lisdsay ales
.bout As 1 was the. wort t•. • were rontest•nb. The nook . t the
vote was as fdkwe - Km/. it Llad-
tans le Western Delano, 1 was +eke My 80. .e• IA. The ttserellloes
mirk were r byecelaMtttre a. fs!-
lose• : F. Mirage, Ober. Pat leer,
W. Jowett need Game °ennead.
Mr•. Win McDowell ghee( .seem
h n was finished / t days Inst week skit's' Moeda I.
bolter, and altar anntionl.R relit BI th.
Imbedtime Ikstger "felt bitter then Mee. Jobe Pickett, of Maple Creek.
I bed nose fur ms.ebe. This m as.k., Is $1k1.tt bee .Mw.bin. Roe.
Meet a xp.riroca wit le De. W- i 1Msbee. '. here.
Ptik niW het yen, nm demo* 1p.1 We eve •nr' y to my 1 bat Mn. W. J.
Oat ( m r.e n w awe. or cease
. s 1 will keno joss whet to Iola. rise le new UI with wows iter.
ors ccs .t these Iles f Yr. Will L nn sued Y..,
bp were the ed Mr.
et at M MOW a Ism t* lions, lee freak Os..phr11 lee' F y.
r awe greed-
tile.0, > vt OThe Dr. at'utar♦s' MIND- JodennbAse be wile re best. eil*-
wWe to follow m .cosi w
Pied several ki.de ofmedicine. bet 1t
did est help we. As . meow et feet
1 telt steadily growl.; washer. sod he
this eowaltien, when feeding • paper,
Issw Dr. Willis»' Plok pm. ed.w-
Med sod Melded to try them. I pot
a reply end by t 1 the mend
Is f 1 fled i eeregessrt Perlin tin hes brew 11 t
tvessary of their 1..isILL. es ieM Met 1/'wdenb-n.Lynn
y Lye.. of
• riRira��•
to the former•* daughter, Mrs. Jobs
1, 1. Alberta, for several smooths,
have returned to their home here.
Mr. Jobs McI'uweil and wife, with
Mr. Robert and Miss Minnie Seen,
visited friends at Lueknow last week.
We are very sort to hear of the ni-
non of Mr. John Marwood and bops
that be will soon recover frim his io-
Mr. and Mn. Charles Armstrong, of
libeiburne, are visiting the latte[ s sis-
ter, Mrs. W. J. Park.. Mrs. Arm-
st,omg intends rental ning for some
t i rue.
We are numb plat sed to sty that Mr.
Kneel. Thome/boo ealetsd in Wing•
ham one day last week. Ernest will
take a goosoldier and will prove a
good match for as German for.
On Wednesday, I,wmher d, ]Ir
Wm. FothergiU, owe of our peaaper
ow farwers, toot unto blmmelf a bride
in the person of Mies A. M. Braith-
waite, of Luodestaru . W wish thew
• long, prosperous and happy lite.
Mr. Henry Densmore, who was the
earliest settler around here, paved
away at the hone of his daughter,
Mrs. R. Roberton. of Ctiotoe, on Sun-
day, December d1th. Mr. Deonnor6
lett hen • few ears' ago to reside at
W/ogbain. He was in his eighty -
O ath year, and Is survived bytwo
daughters Mrs. Hohrrton, of Clnton,
and Mise Phoebe Densmore, of Wine
Some Doings in Comedies with a C.T.A.
Clinton, Jan. 10.--Coostablee Wallis
and Welsh raided Reuben Grab/we'd
hotel and secured some wet goods that
l•, they claim, too strong to be sold in
Huron county uuder the C. T. A.
Although Graham was shown the
search -warrant, be claimed the officers
had no t igbt to search his place, and,
it is said, he proceeded to place hie
rifle on the bar. apparently will. the
intention of scaring off the officers.
The constables, however, could not be
put aside eo easily, nor even by turn-
ing out the electric lights, as wag done
by one of the occupants. Wallis de•
mended that the ligots he immediately
turned on again and this war done,
his pocket searchlight twins used in
the ineantiwe. The officers proceeded
to make an esknrioation of the bar
and found a ken of beer on tap : also
what they claim to be whiskey, under
the bar.
The case has created considerable
interest. Graham will appear before
the magistrate in the Dear future.
The Worst Experience.
Three British Tommie, were travel -
log in a railway carriage, telling of
Mew experiences in the British tlght-
iog line. When two had told their
tale, they turned to the other for his.
"Well," said the third Tommy, "the
wont 1 ever experienced was when 1
was the end man on the B. itieh front
of three hundred miler, aril the order
came: 'Left form.1 had to mark
time for three week,."
Many a man becomes
through his strenuous
feather his nest.
Men's Furnishings
including the latest designs in
Men's Plain and Fancy Ties.
Dress and Negligee Shirts.
Winter Hats and Caps.
Overcoats and Sults.
Everything the man or boy could need who
wants to he well dressed.
The Semi -Ready Tailors
Bill -"Why did you break your
engagement with that school teacher 1N
Jack --''If 1 failed to show up et her
house every evening she expected me
to bring • written excuse signed by
my mother."
"Well. John• 1 was heartily ashamed
of yon at the wedding today." "Wit -
why, what did 1 d., "You wished
the brit. many happy returns of the
day -and she s been married three
times already."
"Pat," said Sao3v, "why is a short
man struggling to kiss • tall woman
like an Irishman going up Vesuvius i'"
"Faith, and.ien't it because he's try-
ing to get at the month of the crater?"
replied Pat.
Invalid Hushand-"Did the doctor
'my I was to take all that medicine ?'
Wife -"Yes, dear." Invalid Husband
I -"Why, there's enough to kill a don-
key !" Wife (an xionslyl-"Then you'd
better not take all of it, John."
Davey -"So he has at last led her to
the alt it i•' Scones- • 1 don't know
whether he led her or she pushed him. -
She -"Are your intentions towards
Ilse widow really serious'?" He --
I •'They are ! 1 intend. if pseihle, to
get out of her clutches."
$ jailbird -
effurts to
idii.LAAitild 11111
In ■11 countries. Ask for ear IWEN-
TOIt'd ADYLIWIMwIlcb will be Beet tree
)g=MON • YOM.
SS Unleeretty tit. MsntrhlL
13y reason of
the changing
shape when in
motion this tire
cleans itself of
4 all mud
44 and slime.
the Signal
Are You Interested in FOWL
If so, call and get one of Cyphers Incubator Co.'s books on Incubators, Brooders and
care of fowl. These are free for the asking of them. We have in stock :
1 small Columbia Incubator, 130 to 140 Eggs.
1 Cyphers Incubator, 244 Eggs.
3 Portable Hovers.
This company manufactures Electrobators in two sizes.
No. I Electrobater, capacity 60 Eggs.
No. 2 Electrobetor, capacity 120 Eggs.
With tbeve Electrob•ton, if the electric cur-
rent is off for a few hours it does not affect the
eggs, as there is enough heat stored to keep lbs
temperature up.
If then is anythingou want to know about
Incubatory. Brooder* and Hoven, call and get nee
of these book,. 1f you wish any special Interma-
lino, we will be pleased to take it up with the
Cy poen I tau Niko- Co.
Are you getting the n her of egg, you
should ss
1f not try Dr. He' Panacea. This is
guaranteed to he one of the bast egg producers on
the marker. 1f it does not do as guaranteed, re -
tun the empty package and get your money back.
At this time 01 the year your hor.ee and
cattle are being fed on dry feed. They should
have • tonic to aid digestion. Try Dr. Heti Stock
Food. It is fully guaranteed. 11 you think that
it has not been any benefit to your stock, bring
hack th. empty package and get your money
hark. his fully guaranteed by Dr Hees, and It is
hie instructions to us to return the money for the
empty package if the purchaser is not satisfied
with the result of the test. We lay. -sold ton. of
It, and have yet to have a disead.fied customer.
Electric Fixtures
Do you want souse good velum in Electric Flt•
tures? We have them. ''all and see what we
We are going to handle exrl.wively the Anto-
n), tolls Skates and in order to clear out what we
have of other lines we have cot some of them to
thab cost.
Mk Mac
Boker'. Perfect .
Boker a !Madmen
Henry (11wh
Hok.r's L.lghtnisg
4.-es.wnt ....
8prieg Skate, N. 510 Steel
Double Mod Hominy
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
to Shelf and Heavy Hardware we carry acorn -
pieta stock. and can serve your wants on • sse-
r.ent's notice.
Plumbing and Heating
Iso r us figure nn your Plumbic,, Heathery. The -
entitling and Electric Wiring. All work prompt-
ly attended t, and fully guaranteed.
Coal and Wood
We carry a full line of hest Scranton White
Ash ,'nal.
Stove and 4'be,tnut Coal...\..... SKIM per too
Egg (goal •....., 7.75
Cannel (:nal 5,00
Domestic Lamp (:oat 7.0(1 •'
Blacksettith Coal 7.tst "
Solvay jtiu1 Coke •,,,.., 7.00 ••
Wood 1 Hs"'. 1.50 pet coni
I Nott 1.'25
Herds r price r1 :,41 ono g2 3t1
•• 1.6ts I.ts)
" 384) •' 150
" .50 •• lel
" :tau 160
•• 1.00 •• Ab
" 1.00 " .75
" 326 " 1.75
'sit% II CHAS. C. LEE,
Mom 112
East Side Square