HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-13, Page 5THE 8!ONA ERICH : ONTAKI Tlstta.tDAw awn Lit 11I, 1 * • iiiiintrillilriiiiiririkilrilniiliiiiiiiiifrikilniniiiliiiiikib 1Get 1 our Spates On! 1 4$6;e4t C IFE F1 E 4 4 4 . 4111ki•JILx 1 1 IP 3 IF 4 Get Your Skates On! C ill C 3But first kt us sharpen them for you and 4 put them in shape for the season. The F 3cost is small and you will enjoy the F 3 skating much better . - F 3 E 4 F J F, East Street Gara e F 1 oinked ad spicatei `y a "twice! lards 3 A. M. Glover 3 Phone7243 LOCAL TOPICS Thanks for Assisteeme. The Maple Leaf (;bapter of the I. O. D. B. wish to thank all these who so kindly coatributed to the see- ms. tirms. of their paper campaign and of their recent Clunstmae esters dement. *immerser" Celebration& Monday leer was an eventful day for Mr. and Mn. Alex. Stirling. 4 town. for on that Jsy was observed ib. sizUetb aoulesssary of their wed- dlag The Signal expected to publish this week as .,tide on tb• event. but un amount.11 be disorient s Woo of tbe Neff cowling to IUnpm and otbee causes pe are neige* antly obliged to witJlbold It until cost week.t / Mr. and Mrs. Huron Tuford os the tf:h last. eels their "sliver wishding. A peplt oo this event. too, lo beM over. Buried in Maitland Cemetery. Mrs. Amelia Logan, mother of Mrs. Harry Clones, a former resident of (loderieb, pawed away at Toronto oe January 7th. 1be remains were brought to (lodericb and the funeral took place oo the arrival of the 'S p. m. G. 1'. R. train oo Monday. Row .1 B. Folherio best toconducted the cere- ooy and the pallbearer, were Meme. (Mo. Hunt. F. J. Pridham, John Platt and Ju. Holland. The inter- ment was made in Meal/Led cemetery. Mr. Harry Clums sod two sons of the deceased, Messrs. William and Harty I.ngan, accompanied the remains from Toronto. Two Presentations. A pleasent affair took place in the Sunday school room of North street M.th,dist cburcb on Friday evening last, wben the Boy Scout. of Goderich with • number of their friends gatb- sled to say farewell to Chief Seoul - toaster CApt W. Y. Hayden and to Scout -master Ernest Pritchard, both of whom have collated and will short- ly go to St. Thomas to eater upon their duties. (:apt. Hayden was pre - sinned with • gold th•uks badge and Pte. Pritchard with s silver thanks badge, the pr* eotations being made try Mr. A. M. Robertson. Both of the recipients made witable replier. St George's New Cryostat. Mr. C. P. S. Citruses is the new or - g imlet of St. (*Dohme'. cburcb. Hs commenced his duties here on Sunday Mat an gate good satisfaction. Mr. who conies to lioderich from S isecite, wbere be was choirmaster and organist of Trinity church, has bid large expeeieoce in magical circles. He bas held lepon.it.le peskions at St. John and Fredericton, N. B., and at Cobou' g and North Bey, Ont., and comes to (inderieb highly re•om- mended. Tb. initials A. A.O.O., which he writer after his uame. sign. - fins that he it an Associate of the Ames iron Guild of Of 'cantata. He is also a member of the faculty of the Siegel -Myers School of Music, Chicago. We understand that Mr. Cumin be. leased the suite of rooms now occupied by Ur. Hayden, which be will use as a mode studio, Jenkins-McMurchy. The following pvnge&ph 'it omThe Daily Stat of Saskatoon, Sask., refers to & daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ma' Murchy, of town. Her fti0Dda in SINGER STORE LADIES' -Do not buy )our Spring supply of }loos. hold Liurus before seeing our stock. Towelling., Pillow Cotton sod l.iu,ns by CM yard in v,ulous qualities and widtbe. Handeome designs in *trouped Pillow Slips, Day Slip. Tower, Dresser soil Buffet ticarvs., Centred. 'hays. etc. Ten per oast. oo Stamped Christmas Novelties. MRS. TAPE 1iodericb Next Bell Telepbwie aiorw000vaisopostotosomitesesereeetereesseete T IS OUR BUSINESS TO CHANGE HOUSES IN- TO HOMES. No matter whether you are a bride or have been married twenty years, make a visit to our store, where you will find a complete line of all kinds of Furniture, Rags, Baby Carriages, Go -Carib, Vacuum Cleaners, and other articles which will help you make your home more comfortable. We cordially invite you to call and assure you of the most courteous attention whether you buy or not. q We also hell the well-known N'ordheimer Piano. Geo. /I /! ®// /1 u /1 /r e u e r THE FURNITURE MAN the model 'Ohzahe Every Woman Knows the dierotufert of duatinf,-but few realize its dangers. When sweeping carpets and floors with. w' DUSTBANE the tine, grey, microbe -laden dust Is thrown up in clouds, to settle on tables, chairs, window - ledges add every tiller place where a minute 'tirade can find a testing place. As it flies it carries germs of rnaoy diseases 21ong, which are breathed into the lungs of the woman who sweeps, and of cbildren and everybody else in the house. Ceara against the great evil. BUY DUSTBANE at all grocers. insist on baviog Dustbane, for imitations are not so good. ding Babe greelng the table belle* 4•011,MIaee wan pink and white earsatlrnss. The beide add groom left alterw..doB a 1dfisrd, Maier ier home Dear North The ieliee ¢opt. An Whammed charge against Use of the British lixcheage utsl lets briegiii liquor into !lures countcount was heard bailors Police Maxis - tette y oe Moods amid wee har- Ibe, adjourned until 1tiday, as lbs peosecuucto tequtred furtber evidence from Loodon. A cher.* of steellue sows ladies fore laid by Samuel Lewitt agaioat David Brown also was aired oa Moe - day. It memin from the evideues that Lavino who was foe newly • tenant of Brown's store, hid A lease of the More whit* expires la Astute, Oilti. Levitz was bot get* roll oMcb told. and de - clad torsos* eget before the lease eel Peed, etaintimi that Brown bad glues Mugp.rmbsiuo to do so. After he bad been out of the stere foe some weeks be missed the fun le question and .Reheards dleoovered that they had been sold ty Brown to use Una, wbo in turn sold them to • lady in Wen. The d.teem was that when Levitz moved out of the store it was oe the understanding that be Would leave *Ouse fixtet'es and other ttlnp to compensate Brown for lues of rent until we store was again rested and that the fun were left at the store for that purpose. The parties involved ars wembers of the Hebrew race and their es Ideate at times was somewhat &staging. The beating of the cane was adjourned until Tuesday. when, •flet several witnesses bad been beard, it wad turtber adjourned until the 19th lost. Another use beard on Mooday was one in which Chas. Roberta pleaded not guilty to a cbarge of assaulting Constable Pelbw. The counsel for the defence was not ready to process( and the case was adjourned until We does - day morning. when the magistrate de- cided that tbere was sufficient evid- ence to register • conviction and fined the defendant 113 and bound bin over in • sum of $9) to keep Om peace, especially in reference to (:onotable Pellow. This was considered merely a nominal fine. as the defendant had enlisted in the leist Bit -alien and had signified hie intention of assisting rather than resisting the officers of the law in the future. Nor being drunk in • public place the save defendant was fined Welt and costs. On Wednesday a charge against Clare Swarm of hi toping liquor into Huron county wee heard. On De- cember fhb a trunk strived at the O. T. R. station and was delivered late in the evening at Mr. Swans' resi- dence on Gloucester Terrace. Coo - stable Fellow instituted an inve"tigs- tioo and found that the trunk con- tained four cases of spirituous liquor. He accordingly contrue ndes. red the trunk and contents, all of which were on display in the court rootn "at the trial. After the hearing of a number of witnesses the case was adjourned until Friday. Oo Wednesday afternoon Robert Collison wee fined $id) and costs on an elk -stoned charge of twinging liquor into Huron county. Frow evidence it appealed that about two gallons of whisk, bad been consumed in six days. The defendant claimed that • large part of the liquor bad been cared as medicine for • ;.ow. hut as this sp- t= pairrrd to be an aftertbooght tbe mee- registered a eonvktioo. At Blyt on Saturday before Police M a g i. t rate Lockhart. W.F. McCaughey WW1 fined $Il$) and costs for • s.eood offence of bringing liquor into Huron county and Clifford Watson was tined SW And otos for selling liquor illegal- ly. These charges arose out of a recent drunken hrawt in which a Walton loan Wow injured. It ie tepotled that other cases are pending froom tbe some scum*. of Qgu *see and bad rssNsiat Montreal. Owen Sound, Bath's and In the Cans- dian West. Nioetewn years ago he settled in Colborne township and five years ago removed to 0o)dericb. In We year 1572 the deceased wet mar- ried to bel now bereft partner in life, and three daughter, and two eons sur- vive. They are Mrs. W. &TagJar &ate. Memo couoly join in good wishes : Agar sed Ha bion, of 0odaeieb, and Os January 1, at 590 p w., at St. Mre. Henry Hobson, of Dresden. Three Themes' mane*, Miss Jessie Mc- brothers and tbree tides of the de- Mutchy. of Oodesich. Ont., and Mr. ceased also survive, All living in the .tae. J. Jenkins, of 13aekataon, were Osnadian West with the exception of untied in met Osage by the Rev. A. W. 01141 trrftber. wbo resides at Boston. In McIntosh. Tee b1 Ole was attended by moo,. Mr. Sornerall was a Pre•hy- Slim Anna Wilson, of Sault Ste. Marie, resists and in ;mink,' • Literal. The cousin of the groom. and Mr. W. F. Madsen assisted the groom. The bride Inok-d charming in • gopn of Belgian blue Georgette crepe and wide black velvet hat, tri,umed with sable and a tingle red nee ; she carried • bouquet of cream bilis' roses. The groom's gift In the bride was a sunburst of pearls. After the ceremony the bridal party adjourned to the Bury hotel, where diner r woe partaken of. The happy couple will reside in Saskatoon. A Delightful Recital. The teciul given I,, Mrs. (Mo. H. King at North ,tract %Iethodiatchurch on Monday evening drew a good -riled audience and proved to be • very de- lightful affair. The various numbers given by Mrs. King were heartily ap- Rplaudeo and by request she sena "T e osas In addition tot be numbers on the printed progress. Miss Loam El- liott in two piano solos showed won- derful precision sod delicacy of touch. Both Mee. King and Miss leiliott were presented with beautiful bouquets be- fore leaving the platform. Mise Dor- othy Obiieott, el Toros**, chromatid and &mined the audiesee s. she re- cited ',creel hitories' and homorous selectio nr. Her final pied was Kip- Nontsna . Miss Miry F'iolarsiin, of limo "Absentminded Beggar.' r,&i- rouged to wit We present war condi- Detroit, a con -in, also was at she fun - teal. which took place from the family i Y (' H ' number and afterwards on the piano. day aft rens. Hew. (inn It• The whole program was conclndrd in conducted the services end the pa11- • little more than an hour, the final bearer. were Myr." H,rh. MoM°11.11.• (1. wi n umber being the National Anthem. H Orn. Huron Tuff red, Hobs. Doak funeral took place Thursday afternoon to CMboroe cemetery. the services be- ing cooducted by Rev. (leo. E. Ross. The pallbearer. were Messrs. John Young And Albert Wise, of Colborne. and H. J. A. MacEwan, %V. T. Pellow, Wm. Chisholm and John Sturdy. of Oodericb. Death of Mrs. John Salbws. There pissed away at her home in Goderich on Sunday last. after • long and toilets' illness, Mary Finlayson. wife of Mr. John Sallow,. The de- ceased was a native of Scotland. but' C mate to odd+ wben a child and set- tled witb bee pirents in Huron town- ship, Bruce count y. Twenty-eight years ago she was married al Luck - now to ber now beresvtd bu.baod and later tbey moved to (lodvictt. Be- sides her husband one eon. Reuben, of tbe 71st Battalion, Galt, end two re, danghteElmira and Edna, at home, timessurvive. in addition to tbethe aged mother, three brother* and three sis- ters &1eopurvive. Two brotbers. Ken- neth and Daniel Finlayson, of limostownebdp, and one sister. Effie Pleisy- eoo, of Detroit, were present At, the fetters'. The other relatives live in Monday Next the final Episode of (tgr en Coin" that thrilling sena* Be care to see the end of this great picture. ton.. . r. ter. Hctog accompanied reentence, Wilder street. on Wedne.- Mrs. King on the organ for the first Ro s Wm. Willows and Jas. Bogie. The Io - Huron lodge Installation. torment wee made in Maitland cease- Huroo Lodge. No. ea, 1. O. O. F., terY. bold its Demi-aonu*l installation of McNeill - Jewell. HOBART OO.WOHTIi in Tuesday -A LiTTLE .ROTO= OF TILL RICH" in Ave parts, Wednesday -WARRENS or ViROa11A" in Ate parts Featuring BLANCH SWEET Thursday a �, "The Jitney Elopement" officers oo Monday '.Doing, when 1). D O. M. Scott and suite, of Sea- tm th, were present as the installation team The following were the °Meets 'retailed : L L. zoos, P. O. ; 8. C. Manning., N. O. ; Thor. Warne. V. (;; Dr. I;Is rk, fioasetaI secretes : Harry Martin, recording secretary ; 0 C. Whitely. trea•ur,t : %V. R. Pinder, ehaplsis ; John Ptraitoo. wards. ; Wilbert Brrgoogh, conductor : Jobe Newcomb,, R. P. W. of N. (4. ; Alex. Johnston. L. K. 8. of If. O.; dohs and { w Vreoman, it. B. 8. of V. O. ; H. A- of o,snge Messrtnran e. y ng Mc -Croatia, L P. 8. of V. (1. . J. bouquet of white roma sod lily -of- be - Leader, 1. am 8. B. ; W. J. Callow, valley. She was attended by bar his. L. P B : H. Jac,, L. 0 : Ftobert� ' Adele, worn Ides plek satin Turner. O. G. After the work of ie. iinfn, sed se • boogort statistic's was oomplets the in.mbere of pink and white e•reatMese. Yr. ret down to supper, after wbleh a et -nerving of odds seem was grit os, lbs principal speaker being Mr. Wm. Proodfoot, M. P. P., wboes address was of a patriotic nature. Other meeker, were pent from Weefortb and spoke its recruiting watt. The Late R. H. Seseersall Death claimed another r.►i3.et of Onderteb oe Tensility, Jawtwy Itb. In, tbeer Richard H . IlemersalL wbo awn at bel homes. W street is 0b seventtstb year. 1 Mr. Nomersall wee a lead** of tel elty MANITOBA WOMAN CURED Of Kidney Disease sad Gravel Kelm, Pilo. Hulvibill, Man.. Jan. 10th.-itpec- 1.1).-'A.s people Marx to realise bow b the general bealth depends on keeping the kidneys right, attd how man (filmset. are the direct result, of bad kidney aclioos every verifi..1 cure of a severe kidney disease is received with interest. For that resaon the ease of Mn. John Bollen, of this place. is w rtby of attention. ••1 bane offered Goss kidneydireae* for many years. 1 was always tired and nervous, my hulls were „ heat y sod i bad • dragging Dermal ion Lerma the loins. My joints were stiff sad 1 suffered from backache. I bad beast ?blurring" ted my appetite was fitful. Rbeumatism was added to my troubles awed 1 also enflamed from neuralgia sod gravel. Nothing 1 tried helped me till 1 used Dodd's Kidney Pills. The first h.ix relieved me." OF CANADA Ilbes will Tae Save 11 yes NO Saes NOW ? Though your salary or ancone will no doubt Increase. so will your expenses --and malty find that the tatter more than keep pap *MI the former. Now to tis. time to start a Reserve Fund —and the Savings Department of Ike Union Bank of Canaan Is the place to keep It. Deposit the extra you have on hand now—yet can open an atccount pttb any wpbadown loons Collar --dad dose Interest oatL Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. &_- lodges and private individuals that haw made gifts And donati ins to the hospital the board desires to expert. Ila thanks. The board again thanks lel town couscil and tbe c wnty council for their very generous grants. During the year tbere were some fifty persons operated upon, and in every case but one the oftentimes were successful. Th. work et the hospital is at all limes of a very onerous and exacting nature sod the board would be remiss it Its duty if it did not on its own be- half and on behalf of the mobile gen orallythank the superintendent, Mire Chandler, and her ever -willing staff of nurse tor the very satisfactory work Usti have done in the part and are still doing. During the year four pupil nurses graduated from the hospital, and judg- ing from the very creditable examina- tions they have passed they will prove not °sly a cit W themselves but also to the Alexandra Marine and General Ho.pit•1 The hoard desires to convey to the superintendent and her very capable and efficient staff its very ;treat ap- preciation of the wort they have done so willingly and so well. The brand desires to express iia very great appreciation of the kindness of tbe Iiod,rieb Horticultural Society in supplying dowering plants to the hos- pital during this and former year,. Appended hereto is the financial statement. ,hawing the receipts and expenditures for the year. Date! 1103 13th day or December, 1013 H. F. Hntx;gee. P1111.I1' HOLT, Secretary. President. by Dodd'■ The marriage took plane on Decem- ber 22nd at the home of t be bride's brother, Me. Herbert Jewell, of Bask - 1ono, Sane., of Miss Slirabe:b Bleach@ Jewell sad (laude McNeill, of Josor, Sisk. TO. ceremony was performed by Rev. E. H. Oliver, Ph. Dopprrn1ic{ppatl of the Pe ell 1 erian T .olooksl Cd - lege. The bride wasices away by her brother. and locked most charm- ing gowned le *bite satin with over- dress of uet, wearing veil with wreath D.1001 Beennon supported the 51001. Prof. Lee pl.yid lbs wedding seareb. After tel e,resene y l he etwete set down to a sumptuous supper, the w.d nalE5F1 pir,„cy Fiwecial Statement for Twelve Months -From the nit October, 1Q14, to the Doth September, tett. HR.EIIT' 'CU 'TEV*V.-r. Pelanc• a, band 14 October. 1911 ..... $ .lad 111 Grant from the tow. of U•Mer(eh 540 C. (:rant. from (he On•artw onvpememt., 313 21 Orant from the county of Rural 2:3 43 Income from he.pitsl property rot 75 Knot . hl,reh Sonde, gated. - Sun tied -rich Hoene Clr.-!e_. S h) Gift , eggnn yt.ev-, 2 00 Reel r.d from oat kilt, fortheir treat. spent and errs ........... 2411 41 Phonon . Phonons of note di.cannel.,..-lel r,0 t 1t•tee ok tads on' I W. WaltrtaNan..z. Retelberdent .... ...r 771x1 Ratter and sg. ... .. 117 51 floor. bread ani mart) . ........... . d 71 Milket 11 T, a and cease Potato., sad *ober .,-getable.... Oro, his- and pprorovisions. Drier. and medkine. Medkasaol -w rrpal-symlN.. tall R7 Ham .c Re1es dad .plrlre .: .... ,sill , Peddlnr and linea. 111, 1 bin N) I7 Broom.. brud+.n, sopa sod other dra.,- log .tirpllane,- 12 13 Feel til /6 Plertrt" Ilellt oil and e../te.. . . I,a m Wat.•. -upplr y» few .upplr. 14 ti 1.I*rte. and wage... * 1155 71 le.urowe and tried7543 Advent-dad.p i.leMg.M densrf.Mrt. ase. Ss m Telenaoue, ate. aro n; retMaN .ee aril e'eat�f Mfty�, .: >!D !f Wpalm tanll.ary).- . 13371 Ralanne. Bank of w.wMraail.,.. At $7 Balance In Union Bank 111 m Ca -b on band .. .... .._ - II tt1mr3 In answer to a quietioc itw.s mated that the time required fara nurtw'In training hetomp graduation was now two years. 1t was formerly three yeah. The election of the board for the en- suing year was then proceeded with and on motion the hoard se at present constituted was t. -elected., It was pnintos uta that Mr. Rohert Mclean, wbo had heed a member of the lewd previously, become. • member "leo by 47 y a As . 2k: AI air set ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL. Animal Report and Fiaaactal Statement Presented. The nnnual meeting of the board of Alexandra hospital was bead at the court bouse on Tuesday evening. Owing to Use ah.rnd of the (+denten of the board, Judge Holt, who was out of town, Mr. C. A Nairn, the traawrer. presided. The following annual re port and financial statement were pre- sented and adopted : To the Members of 10. Hospital Trust, the ('hires. of the Town of Gude- rich and of the County of Huron. The boatd of trustees of the Alex- andre Marine and (leneral Hospital, Ooderkh, presents its ninth annual rep art, 'elbowing the per iod from the 1.a October. 1911. to the :lith Septsm- '0 1*r, 191 The total number of patients treated this year was lie, being thirty-six more than last you. The total eons - her of h essi(al days during the year was 2111, beim, an overage days' May Iof patient, in Ilse institution of 15.417. Dna ing 'be year there have been In We hospital fourteen daubs and tweety-liar birth.. ITbe Ahereek breach of the Dsugb- ter, of lbe Empire evince still, as Way Mire slw.y. done, & great deal of in- terest In the hospital and Its God- given work and hate dorieg the past year rated We board very materiel!, in IernM►iets foe the comfort of t►. pottiest. To cha rosy woliby and .elf-sscrfe4.g Asenela►loa we desire to i sprees our appreetat bon and .tonere thanes. l'o IM,, different Rutley edema. 0 For Farmer Who Raises�Cbic ns s.s semi said ttnaiad u. tsar i* tai. syb i.s ,i, vsai slal�ektiM•ssa� ie -mesh IM Mein 8. in .seri, sad DEE CNY & a.sD$OODER,S C sake latestir EMIOLAWIM .Wa.weeroj slitee nese. N die .Akk. seJw� _erwrlklas . Me hese bks C.wdswThiee4 And yesM.`ra I wklw j.s yaw y --M . rIZMee & ri haisaa i• tart one Y.. sse i1 r g; ie see peat, lest6".. A sae trkld�eweys awJ �tah�� s•/s.alad kes.aby speed Awns mem. t .. cash /*ia km.M�e 0ttw-..J a wiajae Mead the are sad desow s est si the 0.. ., Is M . ap *am Imasses Mae stwW Carideo see me best i u . Msa..at��tJgCt��rM ..��nn1waliMJm ay H. KEITH REVELL R.iIDOCREST FARM 4t1 COIL, R. R- 14e. 2, Gdencb CONSUMPTION SEND FOR FRLL BOOK - LLT CONTAINING FULL PARTICULARb OF OUR TREATMENT. IUTUiES clf.►TaN CMwANY .1Can.i.,. Limited Brim N Cesgms ling. la! Veep St. 1 re. CANADA virtue of his r Ales *a Mayor and he could not oeeupy the dual position. His seat at the beard as a citizen was therefor.' deel+red vacant and Mr. lied. Porter was elected in his stead. Messrs Wm. Lane and T. L Prest were appointed auditors for the pees- ent year. ` Many kind things were "rid about Judge Holt. wbo tskes such an active interest in the work of the board. Victoria Opera House Feldman = Christie Musical Comedy Co. 25 PEOPLE 25 With Miss Agnes (teary as Leading Woman THREE NIGHTS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday January 17 18 19 CHANGE OF PERFORMANCE EACH NIONT Sparkling Music Bright Comedy Latest New York Song }fits Tango haptdsg by New York Favorit. Bright, sparkling, clean proltsctions straight from the big edit-. Booked by A. J. 81n1d4 Canada's leading theatrical agent NOT A DULL MOMENT PrictS 25c, 35c and 50c PLAN NOW OPEN AT EDWARDS