HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-13, Page 3THE NIUN�L IND ONLY •ENOINR ss'w•11 OT MITA- T10248 MITA•Ti0248 SOLD ON THE MERITS Ole DINURD'S LINIIRNT B() 0 KB! NDIN(,i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and I.IBRARIES bound or repaired. SOLD LEITHR1Nu o0 LEATHER GOODS All atMw proopttr attsaded to oo Monad tenor at T U [ x10 N AL. tloddrlea. A. E. TA Y l.l)R, ti't BAi moan. MEDICAL 1K GEO. IIt1LEMANN, O8rE- PATU. •peetalad ta -ems's and et1 1t•a'• dMms, ata, .arbno40 ti and earvs 1. endo* .ere. ass moo sad uroat, par tial deaf- ssv.. lumbago and rheumatic coashi as AN soles amore 1 wklv.t the kalh, timet at eesidesa, Nese Nel.es lad Br. Ae4,e.. MzI.t.. At home elk* gowns.. weds•ream esd tlaterdepg f- ev nbe W aee•1•tn set- nR. P. J. R. roEarER-EYE, FAR. o �. SOD. •w York llpataaknb 4.sral 1 yyallsleeina�l .Meat., Ear Nam as4 1 West Bowe.lwde., It rsNlasi.UHe.. 8. W ErM• Si..... Mem it, •nt+II a. `.. 2 to i p ... t te u arena. . Teleses* o. AUCTIOIUL THOMATHOMAS UUNDRY S AUCTIUN>Om; B ox Q. Ugoddasrice. All ies reetteses ma W byt tsdedt iw !t•.dderrca -'-i e� llf. p • LEGAL U. GAY'S klARBIBTER. Sr'LICIT II. NOTARY rt.art.. U ce-Sterling Bask Mack. 1lamiltas stmt. 3odartce. Tersyeme N Baal Estate Lassa end lariersaw Pi3OU DVUOT, YUJ.OILAN A COOKE BARRUZT=R8• eoUcITURB, NOTARIES PUBLIC. AIV. Office es the S asstei mssse Asst jam Mr- iele Mao Anse. t tel• w at hereat rater. t W. Psovswsr, Ll:. J. L Yuieaa+ L J. O. Moss Finga OAnsRON, K. C.. BARR114 .ir. . riders pow& ascot lik dteteb. MIDI dem 4.e• beesse MAs tenses te nses&n sewage eteach week is leajer- trim hewn a u. t• tp.a @ARROW. LL B., MAw oL Mer m 1 -et ie.mt mmtssa Ysd► 4.•oe--LLert u"me m.. =sir ii gib 1/131/RA/ICK LOA1I, ITC. • Yc*tur MUTUAL FMK 114 �assU�Li11.111 C 1474. -Farm art Waisted Uri t� sssr�l.1. ` Pse v j aseasehpP.O.: oaPO bgert& JOY eee.wAward. rsevrti r7�. tlrrelbsi tts.Q iitN t Ueaewl 8*... nes MM. 12000 ramose rUlIlib TO lsaa. Apstp to IA Y. CAM . ihestm liamasanstaesR a@iafst ,�• 11.114)1111119111044. • 11.ORAll@a MINT. luta rsea asttswa s Matta. Oasadlas rid llosikellbsesitsammi �eemeue"m 2M.ais . IanRury aanwlit.e4s�eysr et seek R U. a mta iestb� Tfeaa 19. MARMOT I1C>QIEI ,VALTRR F. KELLY. J.P.. ytrLrlOtll'19. UNIT, MUNE W MAIWAOR 1JCitfald. Patent S.Mkrtor ' ussasr------- n. S. L4I000I, 1 tmliiswMilani.41w limed .d tAtmore,. tae leemGre` A.- asrk. vell is maim mita paepmd Import wMss* In passed suits. Pat- • 4MttemlwlfSd M al l countries. 99 at. dimes Sires4, Montreal. trreia Sir. t.Pw.aw.4. Brophe3 Bros. OOD RICI7 The Leadiet Faaeftd Directors and Pbaliers (*dsse earet.liy attadded to at on bmoes, .IgM or day. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO Tavu/1tay. Jalry iaj 11 . 1 rIIETQUOThTIO, s , ESP(CIALLY FOR ' PEDEREWSII IS Termite Cattle Martel Needy chole* steers $7.60 to SS.00 Balcbere, good 7.00 7.5) do. medium 1.10 7.40 do. comatose 6.76 1 As Mattes, chole* 7.16 7 60 do good .. 1.1. 7.11 do. medium.. 6.26 6.1. Butcher cows, ch.oleo... 0.26 0.95 40. good .. 6.76 0.26 do. medium 1.26 1.71 Butcher bulls, chola0.26 7 00 do. medium ......»1.60 6.00 do. bolottaa.. 4.00 4 75 1 Feeders. 900 to ,111 lbs. 1.00 6.75 i do, bulls E Stockers, 760 to and fibs. 11.14{. do. med , 650 to 760 5 50 4.11 do light 4 75 6.11 Canners 2.0d 3.75 ('fitters 4.00 4.60 Milkers. roster. each811 00 100.00 do. medium 65 00 80.04 Springers... . 50.00 95 00 Calves, teal, good 9.00 10.60 do. medium 8.00 9.00 do. common 0.00 7.00 do. grass 4.50 5.60 Spring lambs. cwt. 10.60 11.76 Cv.1I lambs 7.75 0 00 Yearling sheep 8.00 9.00 Sheep. ewes. light 7.00 2.00 do. heavy and bucks6':00 7.00 Culls.,,3.00 4.60 Hogs, fed and watered . 9.60 0.00 do. light and heavy. 9.00 0.00 do. to h. country9.16 0.00 Sows, fed and watered7.00 0.00 Toronto Grain Markets Mnitoba wheat -in store at Fort William. No 1 northern. $1.1651; No. 2, 81.13; No. 3, $1.09%. Manitoba oats --In store at For William. No. 2 C,W.. 4354e; No. 3 O.W., 42t4c: No. 1 extra feed, 42t,c; No. 1 feed. 41e.c. American corn -New, No. 3, 804sc Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, per ear lot. 11 04 to 11.04; slightly sprout- ed and tough. according to sample, 11 40 61.04; sprpnted or smutty and tough. according to sample, 92c to 98c Feed wheat, 80c to t5c. Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 3k to 40c; commercial cats. 38c to 39c. Peas --No. 2, per car lot, $1 s0; sample peas, $1.26 to 11.75, according to sample. Barley -Malting. outside, 68c to ego; No. 2 teed, 50c to 63c. Buckwheat -76c to 78c. Rye -No. 1. 88c to Mc; rejected, leo to 800, according to sample. Manitoba flour -First patents. In jute bags. 14.30; seconds, 14.30, Strong bakers', 14.10, In jute bags. Ontario flour -New winter, 14 60 to 14.00. according to sample,' seaboard. or Toronto frelghta,.In Lags. Mlllteed-4'.rloads, per ton, deliver- e d, Montreal freights; bran. $24; shorts. $26; middlings, 126; good teed B oer, bag. $1.60. Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade: Eggs - Special .cart's) n•wlaid . $ .45 tot .00 Extra 1 selects) t Meager .33 .34 No. 1 straight storage.. .30 .31 No. 2 .25 .26 Butter- G1watfer prytp. 'la-::•: .24 Dairy prints .211 .20 Bakers' n •M Cbe*.e-larges; 190; twins, 191sc. Honey --Buckwheat, bereft.. a%c to 7c; ties, 7c to hoc; clover, SO lb. tins, 11%c; do . le-fb. tins, 12c; do., Lib. Liu. 12c; comb holey, No 1. par dosen, 13.00 do , No. 2, Per *rosea, $2.40. Poultry Live Deemed Old fowl. lb. .. 0e lle 12c 15e Chickens llc 12c 1ic lie Turkeys lk ltc 24c 260 Docks 11c 14e lie lie Geese 10c 12c 17c 190 Toronto Fruits and Vegetables Wholesalers sell to the trade as follows. Pineapples, case 13.50 to $0.00 Oranges, Valencia 4.76 5.50 Lemons 3.60 4.50 Grapes. keg 5.00 9.00 Grapefrelt, Florida 2.75 4.00 Linos. per cwt. 1.64 0.00 Bananas. bunch 1.10 1.21 Oeloos. bag 76 lbs. 1.76 2.21 do. Spanish. ammo4.76 0.00 Cabbages. barrel,, 1.60 0.00 Celery. ('al.. erste..:1.00 0.00 Sweet potatoes, hamper 1.40 1.11 Cauliflower, eat. 3.60 0.11 Dressed Meats Toronto wholesale hooses are viol- fag tes .fag to the trade as follows: (test. form n -erten ..-4-11:2111110 610.84 do. hindquarters .. 113.11 14.11 do. carcases, choke 11.11 11.71 do. commoe 1.11. 11.11 Veale, common. cwt..' 1.04 1.11 do. medium 1.04 11.11 do. ;.rime 12.04 14.11 Heavy .leg+ 18.10 11.04 Shop hogs 12.01 12.04 Mottos. beery 13.11 do. light 11.11 14.04 lambs 17.11/ 16.1* East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts. 30e band: settee; prime steer.. 18.85 to 11; shipping. 16.25 to 18 75; butchers. 14 76 to 18.60: heifers. $5.75 to $7.66; cows, 13 40 to $7; bulls, 84.50 to 17; stockers and feeders. $5 73 to 17; stork betters, 14.10 to 18 5'- fresh cows and spring- ers, steady, 160 to $95 Yea I. -Receipts. 1.000 head; active; N to 111.50 Hoar --Receipts, 24,000 head active;' leery and mixed. 87.26: Yorkers, $7 ,o 1723. pigs. 17: rough.. 14.21 to 14.0); stags, 84.60 to $S.1.. Sheep and Iamb-Recolpta, 8,11* bead. active; Iambs. $7 to $11.16; Yearlings. 64 to 89.76, wethera, 18.24 to 8+1.60, ewes, $4 to $7.76; shop, satasd. 17.76 to $4. CANap Cite* MMtltet attle-Receipts. 21.100 market crag; Neves. $410 to $9.K; cows sad betters, $3 20 to 13 40; calves. 17 t• 1111.1.. Hog►- Rocelpta, 0.,101; nal/Vest ee r.eN'4 . market weak: Nght. $0.11 to 14.71; mixed. 01.44 to 01.40; beau,. 64.61 1 K16; rwaSb. WS* to 86.66: gr. *.11 to //.111; balk of slag. 1. to K04. Sb.s-aoeopts, 11,111; menet strong; satin. 01.40 to $7.11; lambs. NOM *510 $1•14. OMEN A GREAT ORATOR "Felt-i-tlNs" lar Kamm a maw's eat Weis "FRUIT -A -TIMES," the famous ftwt mediels* is particularly well suited for Me we e/avwae, because of i is m ild and gentle action and its pleasant taste. In severe eases of Coesfyaftorr, fedl- gratioe, Blether, Slid fiewdeches, Pbia !a The Bock, Neuralgia, or a Grst►d1 Raw -Dears Cattailalioa,"Fruit-a-tires" is the only medicine needed to correct such troubles and restore the sufferer to complete health. As a toxic, "Fruit -a -tires" le inva- luable to purify and enrich the blood and build up strength ao,l vigor. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.30, trial sue 23e. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-taves Limited, Ottawa. Captain 8ineleton-"Do you believe in divorce, Mus Yelluelesfer His. YeIlowle.l-"Oh, you men are Just awful. You haven't asked Mr to miry you y. t." 8be-"And kr owing my sentiments rn the s.tbj.ct, did that odious 21'. Il n►s insult amu 1y offering you u di ink i' He-"%...." She -"And how Lid you rveent it He -- "I swa'luw, d the "nate .•• ••••••••••••• It's Cutter -Time! ess� 411•11011 Wouldn't a fine new Cut- ter be just the best Christ- mas gift imaginable for somebody you know ? We handle the Gray and McLaughlin makes, the best in Canad 1. STOVES We have a number of Ranges and Heaters left and can give you good value fdt your money. High-class Gasoline Engines for pumping and potter. Come in and see them. tam - ROBT. WILSON Agentifor Massey-Harris=Im piements Hamilton St, Godencb r•••••••••••• Now that the cold weather is here you'll want your homes more comfortable. Get our prices on Furnaces, Hot Water Boilers, etc. Our Perfection Oil Heaters are just the thing to drive the cold out of chilly corners. All repairing to plumbing, furnace work, etc., promptly attended to. t>r, "IN W. R. FINDER Sorrows of Poiand Have Given Pianist His Tongue. LABORING FOR HIS PEOPLE O.o of the Mont iter orttable` aim of Oa War Is the lesser le lYbloe the Groat Pola& Flag. be W Awa Hhsselt Matt" 1s Another Art -Raised DI( suss HE greatness of Paderewskt le not contlned to his ex- pression on the piano. He is a big man any way you look at blm, cosmopolitan Ia h1■ tastes, broad in his views, and equipped with a fine mind. In all the years he has been pia) - Ing the many sidedness of the mau never came out until his native land. Poland, was swept by war and he set out to relieve 1t. Thin It came out that be Is one of the two greatest Poles In the world to -day. In all he has raised many thousands of dollar. for the Polish relief fund. One con- cert alone netted 112.000 for the suf- 10 ACK P.4,PEHEWsKI. teeers. On that occasion he was the pianist -after he had done other things -but until then he was an orator, spreading before his hearers the history and the glory and the present needs of Poland. And the Paderewski, who moves people to ap- plause with his planlstic art, moved them to similar demonstrations with Isis verbal appeal. He has long been considered the greatest single box office asset a man- ager eoald get: but dg obis occasion he proved himself a money raiser es his owe account. Paderewekl spoke deliberately In excellent English, and with his right arm hanging at his ids and his lett hand tucked into the apace of Itis frock coat above the wadstliae, he swayed from one leg to the other. He displayed a perfect understanding of the orator's re- sources. and, who r he chose, by building • climax and raising his voice to an emotional pitch, be swept baa bearers Into applause. He likened the land to '8 vast eeme/ery. a bone wast., a greet wil- derness," He declared that 2,400,- 000 of the Bower of Poland's best men are now at the front and that $ have been destroyed. And has word painting placed Poland in straits direr even than Belgium. I "I accuse nobody," said the musi- cian in concluding. "I make no com- pleats. We have been treated ae- eordlag to the tragic events of war: It U pitiable. I seek this aid for all Geese who share my countrymen's en - speakable misfortune. I "I do not Intud to excite passloa, bat compassion. Speak of Poland as bolding a great people who are in great seed and suffering beyond hu- man •sdsrasee. They will listen to your voices, perhaps, and God will re- word them and you.'• noes 156 9sai11tas !levet • velimeeeteelsommeemswesteltalteteeem NEWGATE STREET LIVERY Raving putehaeed the live ry business of Wm. Knox, 1 am Improving *be equipment and in- tend to prof i.k Good Horses Prompt Servke and Up-to-date Rigs A11 :orders will receive Meant and careful' at - button. Twenewosta No. 173 for t good ter0001. • ,7 4lear •4 S4asdard Med. 'filo sissy people who bse'. ems- tMa6ed on the vatlad 04 shades 01 Maki that are seem 1n the streets 'eta have no Idea of the difficulties experienced by manufacturers In ob- talsing a uniform blend, especially when the demand was at its height. Standard khaki Is a mixture of eve different shades -dark olive. light olive, dark blue. light blue, and white. The exact proportions are, of eouree, a secret. The gigantic scale of army tailor- ing naturally makes It impossible to ensure that a whole garment should come from one piece, and unless the shade were standardised the result would be a Croat of many colors. It Is an open secret that at the out- break of 1bm war the autborltles were not very severe upon divergences from the standard color, so long as the quality was satisfactory. Now that the standard Is more ale ',rawly applied a number of urgent technical problems are coming loco prominence. For Instance, then is the difficulty of blending worsted so as to avoid color bars in the weft. A "'umber of worsted Orme. however. bate. already salved this difacult,, said the resulis a khaki of standard @bade width Will wear for ever. 1 A Katie's of T..-Dvlsraere. Mee the war began, and mon especially since reetrletlone have bees imposed me the sal. of beer lad soffits. tea -drinking bas !screamed enormously among the Allies. In twelve moathe Gm eoSsusptfoa Is 1Eeglaad ba rises by sdarly 4.000.- ON 18... sad Imports tato Praises are 14.w lissom maks, thea tiny were le I pig -mer doss - il D.MILLAR&SON �e'xa 4 Genuine Clearing Sale Just a few Ladie's and Children's Coats left after a most successful fall season. All must he cleared to n-iake room for new spring goods. One only Lady's Plush $17 Coat. 825 v►te, for al .50. All S18.00 and $20.00 Coats 12.50 for One only Lady's Black $22 CO Curl Coat. $35 value, for . • All $15.00 and St6.00 Coats for $10.00 • Ten only Coats, regular up to S15.00, to clear atAll Misses' and Children's Coats at equal reductions. $5.00 each OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FURS TO CLEAR LESS 251;x° About 20 only Children's Cloth Dresses to lit ages 4 to 18 years, all marked for speedy clearance at less than cost price. Bleached Sheeting Special value, Bleached Sheeting, full 2 yards wide, exceptional 25e value at per yard Canadian Long Cloth Five pieces Canadian Long Cloth, 36 inches wide, extra good quality, regular 12 i -2c value, at 10e per yard McCall's Patterns Pillow Cases Special in Pillow Cases, 3 dozen only, super -quality cotton Pillow Cases, 40, 42 and 44 -inch size ialk. each only a Factory Cotton Fifty pieces Factory Cotton, extra heavy quality, full 36 inches wide, wonderful value at Q_ per yard OC Millar s Scotch Store PHONL 56 PA New -Year Resolution ELECT R FY YOUR HOME HEADQUARTERS PORTABLES and FIXTURES $4.00 and up fOR ELECTRIC IRONS TOASTERS TOASTER STOVFS HEATING PADS HOTWATER CUPS BEDROOM HEATERS All above appliances will be kept in repair, free of charge. e A complete line of Vacuum Cleaners, Fans, Portable Lamps, Cooking Ranges, Domes, Shades, Tungsten and Nitrogen Lamps. A_ New Line of Flashlights and Batteries on hand. Take no chances around your barn with an oil lantern, but use an Electric Barn Lamp, which can be carried same as an ordinary lantern turned off and on easily, and if knocked over in the barn will not set fire to anything. We have a full line of them. Price $2.25 each. A NEW STOCK OF ELECTRICAL FIXTURES JUST ARRIVED Let me give yd an estimate on wiring your home, o, garage or place of business Office $ Phones Res. 193 ROBERT TAIT WEST STREET. NEXT TO POSTOFFICE GODERICN. ONTr0,