HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-13, Page 2. AT JASOAST late 13. tonal ->y!1 BWMAi1R1II sOU., loo. fel seed rear Oro 1ttN.e yw� rats to to is and Mt M � airletkr Tau rv...s y who wA= a taw na�t�taris wt� the ln.taarerim e��t�ay sea y~ s�vsaa. et Waw tr destre& both eat sad Sas sten M address .Meld be ds Y ideas. r hook draft ea/weary sera& w sial sareses at agreed num, i> misI Uwe a way mod steer dawns, el seal, win be sir �a _ - arpr mbe email mt eattw� eseter lissi_ar►arr�rrswtevle. �11111,0 M as iai ttasla.sr orae of �a ea nether roe year. Aavarti► Leak Pave& etrared. Mteeder e0aat, Welder, Wasted. Reams ten gan t r a tllaet, Warms for asks era hest. Artt.tm tor debt. WI&set es..+hs•a sreekTwenty- he (Vet. sash Isssedee t Oats DOW ter titer ,nes theta ter stab eak..eeast rot\ admit/immolate yr p.e..tt1. As Q« t. yes hen M. sake trrww.hee Ttr- whtek the vir Y the Ensu st shay. rl •r areelattm, ran saraend as sliver kawldTa. sd verOre ale°hoed w. &.ew�kr�ad,rsa�eY M.va ettea&aklu 'rant aaeftat.a reerd of all twat nasty awldttrietd.rat. he owe maateailaa will be .*t.eded a emirs It awe - takes the arms and .we...( tM writer .at e�.r�!�t�11y Nr YIcatte.. b. a. as .Athens w meso tlLrtb. Dewe Iter. ake.ld tea.i� Tena .>r gage wet Weer than w°d.oed.y haus THURSDAY. JANUARY Il. 1(116 -,ort BUIL Nu1ttb. Hurrab for the boys la khaki ! Have you got the "grip," or has the "slip' got you ? You might .&y tbat President Wi` •os'• administration is notewotthy. Mr. Asquith has survived another Cabinet "crisis." He evidently intends to see the thing through. They are talking is the East of a "boly war." Could a "holy wet" be any worse than the one we have? Another lot of "Si,." has limo dumped on Canada. it takes a lot of trimmings to wake soave people look se big as they feel The Dominion Parliateaat he this wet k. Probably it amom- Wed amid ouch pica. n�0 osier. to t slices• just mow, pet y pd' ce. r kept out of the big war, NCbiaaviog one of its own. The tioetheen pro in on are rebellion against the Halpern, wbu has r...sUy ,rated himself on the throve. It bag been suggested that country clergymen might release • number of farmers' soot for war service by agreeing to belp the fares. r.in,redi°r and harvesting. listbsris *ic patriot- ism discovers I.:aoade can do 'very well w about knights and berceeete mod things of that met. Some day, perhaps, a really Oat lea will refuse • title in eucb anter es to make the idea of title* in this country thereafter a laughing. 1 esd olicial eYrpidity.' hard p„,eras._ 4 mane tlee.rsl Sr saes Hughes as reep+ne 1L tier the delays wbtob have seeded so demorailee the Mat.fiee. inmost H naps he Advertiser. '•prossised the ld the flied Bowa- n* t tiff } (i w! t,rtM. * ' Oowmfrtmt its.. ry . His promise baa not. (lean tultlUrd. Re- garded in lie legit of what ham trans- pired, it is reameesble to .uaeiwde their Mir Sara came to this city and west back to Ottawa, gave .n order for tbe regleeatt'e transfer t0 Quebec, and thew forgot all &G•u: them. They have now been in Q•wbre for many week,, and if any Ort tow trouble bee occurred the Minister of Militia le is - directly to blame. 111 has broken faith w Rh theee we. and then ie no doubt that their di.cipline and regi- mental spirit, much tested id W months that went before, has now been almost deenoralised.” WHAT OTHERS SAY. Two View& Vk-trta oteal.;. Mr. Bowsaw. says t1e Canedimamate not bound to Ulu for Britain. T1tis is Quite true, and ober, is also emotion thing that Canadians are root bound to do, and that ie to put op with Bow - *.sa's seditious speeches, and the sooner he learns it the better., Tax War Peaata t.' taw. tree Free Ultn Mir George realer can go be- fore the peopJ.. say : "We have tazedsweetbe hilt the profits of the cootrecton and other beneficiaries of the war," he nano' expect any very great entbuaiasm from the bulk of Canadians over Use prospect of a gen- eral increase in taxation to finance the war. Keep Cool. Woodau:a tleattaal-Cts. taw. The belief that a man or a newspaper should take a side on every Issue ti one of Ibe bp -products of the party Our Ottawa Letter tf1 H. F. Gadebl TMS $I(;NA I. k;(1UM.'ItICH ONTARIO A LIVING MILL ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••• Reflld.Na•e • e •aW eor a (ler_.. • W. ACHESON di SON - Omni. •a 1Resslsa 14vet�e., (Maws, January Mk,—Tie ops- I It was a warm day 1■ Jell of then.mi oeot's ani boo intros of • Canadian 11"1118.1.campaig■ is 116.11".h 311. -thousand masa as the Hart topic of were stri.Nd dews to that, walla& • • ' • Ezpdar itioay ?wee 4 eve Mouthed teal. The Ruasiaaa in the treadmill s& Parllamest Ii hof seluese ole tour coevereett0S moos( the trsewbuw It Nota breath of air oee.N to be sUr- • ir punned east that t proxitaase roily closely tae remits ,lag. writes a corrvmlto$dest of tae • • aft.is•d Britain oa the via- Chicago Tri►use in a vlrld doserlt hese figures m- attrem te telly "premed that Hamada, to The force of ears ballet u It • tr4ion to popelatioa win he d. - ' • • quite as Limo,as itemised awl ; struckthe dry earls that had been • used to fever the root of the trenches • A Lisi of s • • • notary enlfetaseot plan and the man- ties of a Gerson ebarge aad reptile•. January Sale Bargains • even more thea the Mother Country estideriog our dfmtaaee. from thr shook down &sough powdered dirt to • • Riot. All are agreed that this les N each eoldler. They belted men • course and oa,stquenees of the con- est= with the perspiration that cover - proud sad happy pgdtioo tar Canada Ilk • seams than white men. Ther, to take. The premier colony of the was Just the lett halt of the forehead • esouroes, is first toad strongest la its which holds track the lease dirt that Ong • Empire, as it ie sin at/tooth and where it rested against the board • kit no u pII•d up In fro nt of the trench, Joh :sheaf Sir Sam Hughes is having only a small opening for the out b dulgiag la say hold -you -so talk. rige barrel to rest in. bet be to tree to draw attention to the ( It was too hot f • be oath fire hundred thoumnd Cas.- •a were taros t - the loophole* and altttag to the hot- fact hest bad kis' arfthmetia laughed • tact that Rho easy outset of the wear to sore They or say of the mea • D taking at a, lam et the treacb drinking tee or it wag thought at the Yase that outselling at a piece of dry blsek ideal rather than it seemn that he in was of the algae' bread a t what Me was talkluR abouts Both back over the rear part of the /rmseh. • tbo ]laj•rr-041101111 oat iodicalisg as broad a pose We goal. full i shore wouldglveDL•lleeolroOnce la a while one of them • • is maiim eaike sad l'iew while he stood up, end, after Isaias • sides of politics now admit that tbo would curse the Ma jor•Oeoeral was a good ttigurer and coot wD o ens lens soup are ail ing to let It go at that. Not no ovdue with the two-wheeled er• (art, u only a Rn.slan kaews bow • Saar In • rsxnt area in Toronto dred thousand, butte's he did guile- carved the more encourages. ret he • he again raised the [mit to six hue- Ito curse. The longer and harder he , fully with • view to Riving blm.elf a I would receive from iota comrades. • buf.dred thousand margin and mak- ; Then was a luU 1* tae rip. Ripples int the live hundred tbottesed a mire of the German bullets. It roused • thing. Time Ism so often verified the each **Idler to atop drinkleg tea tad • lie jor-General's arithmetic that even tilt bis bead a titUrt to one side sad For January Sale before stock -taking we will clear dozens of lines of goods away under manufacturers' and mill prices. Thousands of yards of staple goods bought over a year ago by us, we place at clearing prices now before this year's stock -taking. ( ( (• • • • • • White Cottons 40 -inch heavy white Pillow Cotton, Even and Sheetings thread and a beauti- ful English make. 500 yards on ,ale. Regular price 16c at per yard 12;c Bleached 66 and 72 -inch Bleached Heavy Plain Sheeting, Red Sheetings Croats brand on sale at 22c his critics brgtm to „wet that pie lists*, It was followed in t • 2000 yards of 35 -inch wide, ciao and elaborate calculalione. le • men at the ! oleo H a few ne Fa •to wi drat euteesseta aro timed (- on pre_ (coed. by an ezplaaatie r• from the • L rap egg factory'g g Sh t eavtett �b h hes • feet, the Mstaoeo sera! is far from EveryoM lumped to I... place. tIme t • Cotton Special nod weight' 7c • beimg u sp"etaoeotu as his outbursts Dtaclag els rlgbt sbou:dor a • soamd On the c.rmtr•ry. M I. very tba bolt of iia ripe -' iia had hoses • business men are reassured elan they Id • b bun Ue cry of the charging Germans could • Persian Lamb, Mink, Sable, Fox—Scarfs, • deed t ionomd men calk b. raised like De heard. But eves tbetr b • Muffs, Ruffs, a large choice of beautiful even thread, clear, clean woven Linens `'0 only bkached heavy satin damask Table Cloths, Mise 2 x 2% yard:t in 3 beautiful designs. Regular worth $2.25. January $�o� .ale price ............................. Women's Coats in clearinnregpriiaa Large Assortment ° °' Coats. Fifty t�lish Coats to select from reduced to about Half price. Selling $10.00 each .......... $� OO to Sheeting • •-1nc • t un- g bleached Sheeting, at per yard 10e • • • • • • •• • • • artful and always maar.rOovriag. I left in a loophole. Srareely had they • thin biiiog the case, politicians and taken their places, and before t Ladies' Furs ver Sir Sant rap that the Eve vi- roe commence --.fret;, the loud bat- • Fur -Trimmed Ladies' Coats system. The 'xking of a alis is no eloctwv1tt h7 neat tall. By clockwork 1 curd]! loon erideoee 01 Tither superior intelligence fa, cake it that Bir Sem means the yells were heard our only Rus - or superior morality It is ee often a'•egular methods of recruiting now in Wtast. The terrible bre of the sign of weaknee• ens it is of strenr-m• Very often it requires pate- morel courato keep out of a ray than it drage., to participate. $aaea�� von Bargaim I, ton gpa:Ltor. .oury had been if inMO. in O, tb. gifted transferof.l'Higdaod from Britain to Germany would never have been consummated, The acquisition of some tract, of land and right-of-way in Africa as a result vogue to the Militia Department=in *bort, that no compulsion, other than that of pats iotiam and conscience 'ail be used. There is j at that doubt how far Sir Sam's clocawork will do the busimase. out the older men, theo em Use itchildren, the unfit, the exempted, and those whose obliga- tions domestic and financial tie them to the spot, Eve hundred thousand is no small share of a populati in of eight million.. Aa a ratter of fact, ile one t of the eligible e tranaution has proved • ter- fightingftmeu t7rctttwmghut the length rihly Poor exchange for the menace to and breadth of the Dominion the Empire that corky islet in the North Sea has wince become. - 11 T13 1 0 wee. Wberafore Sir Sam m clockwork a .4 able job &bond of it: Sir Sses eves y coo/Metros in it. but Sir Odor bunter, oboe' the universal dime er a few moments drowned all other sounds. Then ibe msrbine tuns drowned the sound of the rifle ere. The Germans were now at our wire fence, which was only 20 steps In front of our trench. Even the ma- chine gun fire waa drowsed now by the bursting bombs that were being dropped by our howitaers supporting us from behind a hill in our rear. Back of them our light artillery was t making the ground in front of our trenches • living hell with their shrapnel ere. Still back of them tee has beery artillery was helping to make has the air hideous with their large Re . bursting shells. ter This 1a the moment when the well- trained and estvice-hardened soldier shows his ate work is to pleb off the melt who are not brought down by the `tn1ebine fire, the shrap- nel, and bursting *bell.. It la the moment when the untried soldier pts what is often called "bock fever," which means that his nerves are at such high tension that he could take pointblank aim at the side Wy ( of a bone only t few steps away and b.- miss the horse. er I Some of the Germans Jumped over each fence as lacy came to it, others climbed over, others lay down and crawled under, and still others stop- ped and commenced cutting the wire. A few new recruits eves took sheik., behind the small fence poets that were only three or four inches thick. Many turned and ran back to the shelter of their own treacle The time had now come when the attack was to be either a success or a failure. Could the high courage of he Germans bold out long enough or them to follow the ,few leaders hat were left, or would it break, in he which case they would turn almost to a man and ren for their own trench? fee the British bas rawsaled as the ripest old Bourbon would hese a Osrmao y, Europe in the Cabinet, has nut. Sir U 1 the world would base q rp Derlord the wieb being tether to the thought. 1 *gobbet whom vac mitten or combine - 1 has motets ret seting as a rN- Whether' tion of Dations could eland. That 1st Sir Oe 'tie was action as , Mores b the Imo. and bas been from the first Dal, a tine he loves melancholy play. or who Iod ,r —a world empire or the lot rit owee then h mR a lly it. no- ' Iadepevdeoee sou freedom to wok or whether be t. he menu t it, r e net their de.tlny of the fifty vett- ov- body knows, but he &soma to have end states which j thobeeusand ()Id oho tut d est mask. um twr tbousamd limit and tweet M *eatery 'world. The Farmer's Beaioeas. TM Farah, . Ad ro(ate. teaaooine out loud. Sir (Mpre 1 onte, iagsocalm as a flab himself, new reckons on enthusiasms" in anybod Ooto the Institute meeting and tale part in the draconian/.If laud naturally noes-ription sue-1as out you cannot agree with the "Tenter, say so, with' A( the risk of making the war ,,aloof end m het tAe unpopular hr to Caa.ada be brothel ice 1 D seerla; to but oil o hie own ige ive—remember prow interlining and valuable to all. t that. His colleague,, 10 the Cabinet stock. The farmer who bee a .a hired man ( believe that Mir Su's clockwork will not phy.ically fit for the front will be do Umtrick about the nal to have bel toary The Toronto News is publishing ex tracts frorp Grit paper.' whi:h tailed to nee the German peril before tb war broke out. The News exhibited its own foresight by assisting to MI the plan whereby Canada, when ws one tr c and that no extraoed' harvest. Thine le an even more urgent i measures will need to be adopted. business on at the front tba.. berve•t- Incidentally the lawyers In the House of t uwwons leave ham 4kio • e i ing, and yet our farms moat he worked,4 and mint produce aboodanlly. There loos at the M itis A :•. Their verdict 1. alwa . is that i . is very osompt medicine t y hard wen k ahead of t he I hunted. Under it almost anything can I farmer. end Obai Ki It for the t be dobe to 'be It dap politic—thedanRer Kies - came, might have leen fired for naval a' -t ion as Australia was A seduction in Hydro rates is an- nounced fur a number of places is Western Ontario. There is no redec- tio n for Goderieb or the other tole between ben and Stratford," As was pointed out wben Hydro c .Daectba for Ooderieh wee Bret urged, this town is outside the 7 me within which Hydro power may be expected to accomplish eensiderhie results. That the financial remoras* of tier - many and Austria are severely .tr.taed ie evident from the tell is the raise 1 of their currency In the "mold's money outskirts {{'bile Ihe (lesnun mark and the Aint • iso krone ars depreciat- ing, the British pound and the Preneb franc are increasing in value. This does not necessarily eorwladow any militaryeolhpne in the Teutooie cons- oles ; but In an gigantic a *trawls as the present orae financial conditions play • gat pert. Whet is the proper way fcr civilian* to oocduct themaeelve. whom • calcine of *Didion in training is passim/ 2 Doss the naifornt make say diff,reeee 1• this reaped, or are you to say, -Hallo. Rai.' or -Omni day, Tom," to your acgvealot anon In Me racks just as yom were accustomed to do ? Somebody might issue a cede of sa•.ta•re cover- ing inch ebreuaotamees. Ae It is, when the boys go marching by the ordinary civilian turns en emberrar.d *math see lb* whole proee•sfos, nods or griu wires he meets an answering ye, sad white be coral glee them there without sakl*g • fuel of him- self. Hew They Do It in Tomato. Tomei* t!at us day Ma•t. bring ooee proved. Although t Milita►Act was passed •1 Coot dera tion It la a relic of the oiderdays when The Torontomu►.ioilrl e1,etJ os on Canada was • military coluoy hely January let wets, Millet's the wontlagainst y fur a ',hellion ne out ids' t sidicalow that bare been held in the • attack taro. *f arms. Aetmedtan , 1 city of lbrosto since the fat. E. A. ( to the Militia Act any wale Canadian • I )1aeDoe ed wee Pleated Mayor, at • can be sort aaadda."and the world "in • time when, es after event* proved, he defence of w the ,a th have an left 411 inu- ( was Dot is hie tight mind F c'meb•ct ow ail. authorities. �'sttu. It yen twee O ° citY and no special At P Twelve of them leaped foto our L The rest broke and ran back. he attack had tailed. Flee of the 2 were killed with the bayonet, tall there takes prisoners. The ering .topped as suddenly as bad commenced. whole year Lb. ratepayer r tbeor a ally eotueriptitro le the law of Canada nronehing stout the Inca- such a• that introduced in the 8# With parity of the city council and the •f t 1 o arliaateo ' at t heir tea bill.. Then when zeHo... os (Jonsson., would need to be time cense toned, and they had an op- election: pod to sank. it *Reath.. tweso — poi easily to adarinieter correction t the was what Stn Own comer —the tse.ol e through the polls, they suddenly tor- (ween he talked . f tomacriet[on—tae gut all elates. setae/ municipal ieeese •irsomgial whatenfur•rabt of the little Ant, and commenced areu'ng and shoutinga somewhat lino G statute ensue about a now inn which not one citizen previous n nadlw y toero l I t. h ase in a thousand koew anything about, found it unsecerasy to put into oper- Church Unicorn. atloo- Of Doan. tats W mere ion idor gossip London .1dreebar . bat it shows what w l ase trending. Everybody is hoping that 8 The Mid 1Rett.Mee, after • hard Mak petted of tralslof at Lavdta, is Isew sees& at Qurebee. The Leedom •i.loetl.s lays las Mame fee the dike t'atte sir 01 the to "01efal deby es i Rawls* Women Wo rken. It 1a usually the Raaalaa custom la time of strews for the workers to do all the field work la common. At 2 la the noontime tie women and ewe* the children tura out to work; at II they have a meal of dry black bread and perhaps a sand/ encumber. Thea while the sun Is high they sleep --sad from 4 o'clock they work seals till summit. The fete of Saint 1'lljah, ea Angest 2, 1s the day by *bleb the reaping 1• usually seabed and the erope stand ready to he garnered for the winter. Tien le other work, too, for the women to de—abemlag hones, mend- ing ploughs, scytbee. wheels, and m e*. TD* blacksmith hair lose to the tar—tke wheelwright .Yo—•• the peasant weenie wields the hammer ale seeds tbe ebfps tying with the ax.. 1. the autumn elle fells the trees sad shears the sheep. Aad all the winter sloe solos sad weave* watt- les for her loam to tome beet. • 1f the Osnsrwl A ay teen a minds Penh Mriaq church '•evmiMy of lie the majority of over Si OM in favor of the feet and /Mat Dothiwg will br don.' church union sig enough to warrant la tan ens of mag y does not consider it bees s cioekwork will stand g y I1W y eoopuieioa in say aetloo bei DR t ten, It shouldased& welch will arouse rossotas.,st when reacb1nss title conclusion, so.- 1n the breasts of tree men. Hope is twumte dc6nit.1 thong t to Nine about the tail tl• ewaweial end of las war Dnp y just what would bo I a.O •:phased that Mir Tom" WM" et sufficing date of affairs f•vo,ed by 41,,mom mem bars . There seems to b. an un- willingness 1a Rha church to fave this bees sgearthy. sad In a basicamente moaner. Of what use ie the talon of vote of the people eostwoed if the Assembly .n amply declare that It doge not think thole verdict ought to be •••epted t Rees it thaw who objees o the scheme weer prenatal to sarry lair opposition to the pole& of aseel- an and settles op a SOW suet, ml. e '.u.Hty bard) wilbis the boards poaMNbty la t d.y., it would Getty meant two instead of three differ- s bodies ; that weal' be one ae.p ward. 1f It le detenelsed that RIM joeity In 1*.00 mese ht IOQ� er hatever Secure may he cheese, let [t bit anoneserd, sed then the workers will toow, as they do In mime ge•e- tlows en wide* • vote is takes, whist um be tbeir proem% eireessm is hardly sly to Wad to ay delimit* wap. r of a r foe res w m • • sue—' 1 hopes, gmersor, that whew &Hata to shoe 1 M kwow mese UAW yen do item 'rations thoroughly is band sed that the oommtry'e eotamltrn.ata heist deeanely known Nahum way take eoureg, mad.trike its odd gait. H.F,O. A li os °�i°a»�ox each 'Pae•et P'apsp& *' dltesb Ma grads) teed, mulles all eeswesh Weary in Oahe r hetes Time Mee all stow& ash dela vas wtp go, 24o hs•tth r. assesses w bde1iag of ant t Wa eyes& or Meadaye- NW* Dkaptp. k asked tie Msweed la regulatthe inset einemehn, jI It Is the genet, � Ito �worli sed boatelsirent le harmless Put tie sed Mtreevt etas tot opMeath termer W en • Irene airy deet then. Yoe event ee fives mingtees how eeetlste R M le et* 1'N apes tar nee better, my bey, mid heaps them ate flan b 1 JL s� w fee seas* snyMe Town keen air sweeaeh dltsvdsr. We the lellMMt see ss you thlypea a k new now - ' esNt haAfest -Rmiallt • Mehr la the welt 1 timed• Beaeles None. Among the asses witch will be a.sdo Immortal by Ile pess.at war la that of Mira Mlebaelevsa Tamara. ill• •Wrttard seethe was mamas as a rues seder bow brother, site wee re - 1 glm.atal serps _. Shoe was feudist t10 wounded in the thkk .t Iat0e. amid as Itterwt.g ball of rile ted saellso lea bullets. Her breth.t and lie regimental *theme creed her 10 seek abetter, lout to .*i.. At Iaat all the ewes,s of the company to 11 which *be wee attaehoe hod fallen and the saes were leaded heart ale grated way Qelvtty roe Haled the critical eaten K the moment, t►• bore/, aurae rallied reload her the rOsaute .t the eempay. ted. Margins at their 1044, re pterrd tb. Ea*s trace/, Uabappily, ate was • 6sUe4_ Dad died sbortly rda Quilted -lifted. Sizes 36 to $1 fid 42. Regular 122.00, at each eW • • pieces, clearing at from 20 to 50 per cent- •• reduction. Sweater Coats • Our big purchase of a Regimental order of men's splendid all -wool "khaki" • Sweater Coats, reinforced shoulders, • -doable cuffs, splendid heavy- pockets, • high buttoned collar. Regular price and • regular value 13.00 to 14.00 each. A • few hundred still on sale at $1.50 each 1 • Military Flannel • 1S -inch, d,ic, for . 35c • • • Men's Fur Coats • Dozens to select from. No. 1 Black Fur • Coats, Bocharan Iamb Collar, quilted, • farmer' satin lined, warranted and • guaranteed by ns in every way. Worth • regular in today's market M 110.00. Special sale price, $22.W • • (trey Flannel • • special Grey Flannel, 25c • -,Inch, ' k, for • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••J,•••••••••••• W. ACHESON H3SON f& SON • SAGE AND SUMO I DARKENS GRAY HAIR and, this tbroegh faded. lifelong lode and they become dterf.' glossy, youtlasl. Hair that ioeeO its edge ale lustre, .r oboe it fades, tarns gray, dell and lite - km, is gamed by a leek of sulphur u !b, hair. Our grandmother shade up a nix- tare r lecke Sege Tea and Sulphur to keep dark and ythou- sands and tho _ eves velar, that beautiful dark shade of lair whisk W so attractive, use oily this old-time recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mixture by ask my dr.g More for • N east bottle of 'Wroth s Sage and 8d- aah COW �.p°ead. width darkens the •• asra+ty, ee evenly, that sobody ou po•sib tell it ser leen applied.Br Wes, k takes eg daadrel, steps scalp listing and fallhg Jath. Yoe stat dampen w s610 s mak hair, wick g and one sminane all stria& egray Oak lttsaapliemass• By w'rti•m th• Who wffh t6ti carat end Belpbor In that, besides rehstilally d•rbtelag 46eeheir after a few applies- Hoes. l ns beak the ghee and %sinas s do * as appear.. . of ahmodenea LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC --:—AND--:— SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENITED OFFER OP SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES, Writs far Partsadan LOTTIB ARMSTRONG. F. LINPOIITH WILLGOOSE, Registrar. Mae. Bane (D) Pelmas' Address: -3S4-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. Tombstones always speak well of a man when be le down. When a man is looki.g for troubie few of bis friends an too bogy to midst iD the smirch. Toed Mamma—"Now. Chef lie. duo's yon adage, my new dews )' Charlie )Iaaw�-"AndCharlie, ail the eilk utiful hie provided by a poor little wo101.7 Charlie —'*Do yogi mien dad ? Tie modern chill can he relied apes to pmt his parents in their place. Witness the following genuine • :- treat from a mesas away on Home lmpostsnt preaoo at bole is mother. Another important person le father. He helps to keep ur." etre o-..e.w THE HOWELL HARDWARE SELLINO=OUT SALE IS STILL ON Not having fully disposed of the stock, we will have to keep open longer until everything is turned into cash. a little Tbin week we are going right after every stove we have left. Von will see an excellent work- ing second-hand steel range in our window. The lining* are in good shape, has six lids, Warming closet and in every way, we are informed, is a good worker. We traded because the party had to have a larger range. This store, new cost around 150.00 and today is gored value for $2500. For quick sale it is yours for 419.78. We have several more ranges and heaters to clear If prices will move them, they will go quick. All uses d metal goads are rapidly advancing. Here is a quotation from lest week's Hardware Trade Journal: Jost as we go to press, word is received that tails, wire and • staples hate advanced again. If you anticipate using Hardware, it will pay you to buy of ug now and sere money. We have lots of good Hardware yet. t HOWELL HAfDWA14E 000bAtil o.. L'f0. i