HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-6, Page 9>• TiVaeluT JANCAaw Q 10111
Office Diaries and Office Sapp es for 1916
Canadian OAloe Diadem, Os. The sad $I.W
(Laadia.. Pocket Diaries, hems lies to Tic each
Ledges. Day Books, Jourtasls and 41..h Books. from Aso up to
Loose Leat Ledges S8 • ad rack
Loose Leaf Memo and Price Books, frees 13e to * «eh
(hearts. Slasoos Files without puss oamtlets with punch 01
(uis s
$basos Mediae Cassia 'ped
al $Dr each, 4 for 01
teed Pes01., Pen needles, Erasers, Lok Wells, Sponge Cups,.
etc .
I. very beet for muds lees them out-of-town pekoe
Esterbeook, 8p.oceriaa and other high-grade pen pointe. fl per
gross box
Other Ottloe Pen Points, 30c and 73c per grow
$tepbeo.' and Carter's lok.. recognised ae the very best. 731
and 410c per quart
!Special $willow Agents for Waterman'. Ideal Fountain Pea.
the new self-llller j_•..O up
Porter'. Pitied Fountain Penes I1 karat gold poiute, cotalBlete
with clip absolutely the best slur on 'be esu ►. I. liner til, larger
"Compares with the best by actual test"
Th€ Little Machine that plays any sire 'Disc Record perfectly.
Vocal. Inetruulental, Batu!. etc.
We are .ole Selling Agents for Goderich and Picini:
.116 ward Teak Remedy
Its value in *11 debilitated
and anaemic condition, i,' -
venially recogni,ed,
gamed .4.'ampbetl
'Pte. B
Corner North St. .cl S uare
flaw. 40.0 'i'IHONES Res. =
lit/Sines., anti
Westervelt School
•...,n `,.•pt 1.4 t„
• , F 1.11.r An
Canada's leading School of (Wil-
ress re opens for enrolment for
the Winter Term on Monday
Jen. 3, 1016. at
OWES 11110Up DONT.
!'"ensuedwieset rawly. neolnss-.
'mermaid arid Typewriting Ma der
lee and Preparatory. Indlrttleal is
Amulet �leeet A Iargvseametion t.sws employ tear
les tate . Or.Jsalr. wart ser•ee.uhl.
....1= ria'o LrssUpte. l'sn fa
'. A. r1.kM1\O. .A., Peinrie•I.
U. D. r1.gMlva,Ikrr.man/.
Logs Wanted
We will pan the blithest cash
III sere for all kinds of logs delivered
at the mill in tioderich.
Custom sawing done promptly at
any time.
Graf eel+ Clopping
We will Dien buy grain at oar
elevator and will pay the hest mar-
ket prices.
Orden for chopping or rolling
grain prosaptly and carefully at-
tended to at ntrr chopping mill.
J. E. Baechler
Mill aid elevator north of Mac-
Kwaw's coal yard.. Oederieb.
Th. Oelborae Red Cross Workers
re_ eUy shipped a hale to heraAmpsoo,
.t }erewto toetaining the fol •
MY, *beak. is pairs socks. IT Aso
elsIM, 10 hospital shirt*, 1 Massa
The bale was valuid s!
imsiadl ill
Mow le srI
The following were among the holi-
day visitors in town :
Mr. Henry Kemp, of Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ibed Love and Mt.
Reginald Lore, of Detroit.
!Misses May and Margaret Duff and
Mr. Herr Duff. of Toronto
Mr. Norman Newell, of Dettoit.
Mies Jean Kennedy. of Detroit.
Mr. Jos. Doyle. of Berlin.
Miss Gladys McLeod. of Paris.
Mr. Grant Boyd, of Toronto.
The Misses Lily and May Boyd, of
Tor onto.
Mr. Edgar Swart., of Kingston.
Mr. Harry l'olborne, of Kingston
Mr. Wm. Welters, of London.
Mr. Athol McQuartie, of Victoria
Mr. Harry Wigging, of Chicago.
Misses Vera and Frances Wiggins,
of Detroit
Mi.. Lottie Polity, of Alvinatow.
Mia Jennie Well., of London.
Miss Florence Meade!, of Detroit.
Mr. Earl Elliott, of Molesworth,
lir. Riley Bradford. of Clifford.
Mr. Jay Cameron, of Toronto.
Mr. Jack Proudfoot, of Detroit.
Mies Adah Alli°. of London.
Mr. Roy McLean. of Stratford.
Mr. 1). /Shearer, uf Hayfield.
Mr. Roy Walter, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry ('oft and Miss
Marion. of Brantford.
Mr Wilfrid 1►ancey. of Toronto.
Mr. D. C. McLachlin, of Toronto.>
Mies Florence South of Victoria
Coll ege, Toron to.
Mr and Mrs. Will I•'rttzley, of i►e-
Miites Jessie Bell. of Detroit.
Mr. Dave Donaldson, of Sarnia.
Dr. l' W. Graham, of Toronto.
Mr. Alex. Silk, of Toronto.
Yr: N. L: Dyke. of Vernon. B. C.
Miss Anse Jobnsten, Buri,.
Mies (trace Johnston, Toronto.
Mr. W. Spahr, Toronto.
Mr. Alfred halter, Chicago.
Mr. James Hume. Toronto.
Mr. %Yin Burns. 8tratbroy.
Mr. Harold Walli., of Detroit.
Mr. Austin Chisholm. of Ottawa.
Mies lilltdys Field. of Toronto.
Mr. Prietoo Sirens, of Barrie.
Mr. ('arn.ac Stoddart. of Branttcrd.
Mr. Melville Jeffrey, of Windsor.
Mr. Dive Witrger. of Detroit.
Pte. Ernest Bell, of tSth Highland-
ers. Toronto.
Mr..lohn (`hi -holm, of Ayr.
Mies Irene Pridhatu,, Exeter.
Mies Agnes Hamilton. Exeter.
Mr. T. 11. Elliott, London
Nr. Reg Smith, of Toronto.
Mr and Mrs Grabatu Robinsoo. Tor.
Mies Ilelen Strang. New York.
Mies Strang, Arnprior.
Miss Margeret *Strang. Toronto.
Mies tirace Strang. Orangeville.
Mies .Iytn 11. l'om, of Wells College,
Autut ., N1
Miss \lacy Tum. of iunity 1'�llegr,
T. ronto.
Mr 1111 McKay. F•,ulty of Kdnea-
tiom. Toronto,
Yamy thenk•are due the following
ladies for socks cootrihuted : Mrs.
Montgomery, 8 pain: Mee. D. Fergu-
son, A Friend, 3 pairs each: Mrs. Cbai-
len, 4 pairs : Mrs. Will Carey, Mr..
McFarlane, 3 p.i,, each : Miss Lutae,
Mr,. Thoth. B.il. Mrs. Burkbolder, '2
bisabre each : Mfr Lel'ouzel, Mrs. Mair,
les Taylor. Mre. DtInkwalter, Mee.
Prldllle, Mir Keith Williams (H
branch. I pair each
There i. now an abundance or gond
yarn no hand and socks especially are
urgently needed for our soldier..
Many thanks are - Inc the follnwi.g
ladles for cnn,rihution• of socks re-
ceived during the past week : ilelbany
Ladies' Society, 13 pain : Mrs.
Hobert Toting, 6 pain : Mr.. Wm.
McMath, S pair.: Mn. D. F 4
pw1A M... M McKay. M
Wltlieme, MIs• S. Clerk, n Wil -
pole. 8 pair. e.eb : Mrs. He eoaabe, 2
pairs: Mies Rather Can.ingbam. Mrs.
Hoarse. Mn. John Longmire, Mrs.
Fred %'sir, Mn. D. Marwick, Mi..
Dark Mi.. R. Naftel. Mor. McFarlane,
Mrs. Harold Care Mr.. (eldthorpe.
sr., Mrs. W►isbt. Mies Osns....+ L M_-ies-
Seethe i iugs.tre, Mies Beatrice Long-
mire, 1 pair MOIL
We beetroot i.er..ied the prim o f omr
olive IA, ahs .rrgh the expert hes tr.ws'
per.Nl i.ed front Italy. sad whew ear
shiable t wewt leM i
I>A Dlk. 1. Rt
gist. Oderleb, Oat.
”NOLoollAINIPOO 1.2111111/•^.
Reports Say Teutons Have
Evacuated City.
Despescesss From Two Ilcrmreoa 10..
dere That II- Have Dentar-
red ('spiral of Dakawlaa sail Have
Team Messy Masser. - They
Also Mace Delgbts Dsrsls.timg
:r.r.--4)Dradte Elsewhere.
LONDON, Jan. 5.-A Reuter de-
spatch from Petrograd says that the
Teuteare fortes are reported to have
evacuated Oasrnowtta, Bekowlaa. It
adds !bat • large number of pegmatite
bare bees takes, Including ma*"
Tbr Petrograd correspondent of
the Haver Agency also announces
that the Austrians have evacuated
Csernewitz. the Russians bavfag
sided all tb, heights dominating the
Dakewlaa, as sell as the pro -
vis.. of Volhynia and the western
part of Bs..arabla constitute tbe bat-
tleground of violent fighting between
two huge armies. Russian and Aus-
tro -1 -man, which began nearly a
week agpp and 1s still la full swing,
with thelRu..tans the attackers, aad
with Itoumania's eventual aid the
prize coveted.
Russia's campaign in Bessarabia
continues to be the most Important
visible war activity. From the Pri-
pet to the Roumanian frontier, over
a front ,of at least 300 miles, a lags
Russian force with a great appear-
ance of confidence Is hurtles sledge-
hammer blows at tbm opposing force,
which. according to all accounts,
total. at least a million and a half
Petrograd reports considerable
successes in the early stages of the
campaign, and despatches emphaales
the excellent equipment, supplies,
and munitions which Russia laid up
for thus purpose during a period of
comparative pasalvity.
Some London observers speculat-
ing on the meaning of the Bessarabia
move, hail It as one of the most am-
bitious strategic plans since the be-
ginning of hostilities, and predict
that it will prove a colossal attempt
to break the backbone of the Ger-
manic allies' whole line acro.. the
Thus one critic says:
"The plan 1s that Roads and the
other allies. moving from different
sides, shall meet 1* the Balkans and
gain complete mastery Of that penin-
sula. If they succeed, Turkey will be
subdued and the vitals of Austria-
Hungary menaced."
So long as Russia keeps up her
present activity just north of the
Roumanian border, the attitude of
Roumania will continue to grow is
Tb. Russian Metal statement 01
Saturday reports the gaining of pre-
Ifminary euceeasel by the Russians
on the front south of Pripet, and the
bursting through of the German and
Austrian wire entanglements on the
section between the Dniester front
and Rosmanlan border, and the suc-
c s tui consolidation of the new posi-
tions there.
The Remises crossed over the Styr
River sad took the Village of Kbriasl
by storm. Thi. point Iles between
the Kovel-Sarny Railway and Czart-
orysk. The enemy tailed to drive the
Russians acro.. the river again by
desperate counter-attacks, and his at-
tacks on the Russians in the Miles -
bolt region, south-east of Kohl, also
broke down. The Russians also made
a successful advance north of Olyka
Station and consolidated the position
which they seised Two lines of the
enemy's teaches were also occupied
on the Strips front, and the enemy
was drives bock to the right bank of
the Dniester 1. Useloesko region.
Hl ester of Flavor* is Now Ur
Thomas Wilke, £.C.111.0.
OTTAWA. Jan. 5. -Tae follow bag
eaaoancement was issued from Gov-
ernment House PYtday:
Eta Molests' the King tau been
Pleased to approve the following ap-
To the Peerage Sir Timms'
Shang hmossy
To be Kalghts Coasmander et the
Order of Bt. Michael sad St. George:
Hon. W. T. White; Mr. Colliagwood
Schreiber. C.M.G.
To be Kntgbts''Bachelor. Brig.-
Geaeral Bertram: Chief Justice Haul -
tale. Regina: John Kennedy, Most -
real: Ron. L. O. Tailloo. K.C., Mont-
To be Military Commander of the
Bath' Major-General Gwatkin.
To be Clrtt Commander of the
Bath: Major-General John Carson,
To he Companions of the Order of
St. Michael and St. George: Lieut. -
Colonel Grasett. Toronto: /largess -
General Carleton Jones. Ottawa;
Brig -General J C McDougall; Wil-
liam Rrymner. President Caaadlaa
Academy of Arts.
Royal Red Cross Matron M. K.
(bandfr. wr.epeldp Is Repeated Safe
1. .+.
OTTAWA. Ju. S - it 1s oecielly
ea.eeaced, through tbe rklet press
wooer's sake, that tae troopship YM-
mamable, whirl palled from Cased*
on Dec. 12,i►es arrived safety, la
She bad .a hard tae 1olleWtag
troop Ne. 3 Stege Batter/, 0 ef-
lken. 214 mea: drafts: Gorse Artil-
lery, 3 oaken. 100 mos: Pleid Ar-
tillery, 11 Nimes. 001 men; Wiaat-
�peeg Rlghlasders, 0 officers, 142 mai;
Damara fresh Edssoatoa, 1 eager,
44 saes: Crenate. 7 °Rears, 00 Mm;
Army Servle. Corp.. 1 .Seers 100
sass: Army Medleal Corp, 10 ea -
gar„ 20 less: Desist Cele, =1 elk -
sera. 12 saw: Civilian Prue
fes regular srmy, 3 .meow;
ratio's. 1 aces, 02 mos: d
oassfs, i mea 1+1ta1 1,114.
(•••••••••••••”•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••
Featuring "Empire Made" Goods for January
"Empire Macle" goods will be to the kart here for January. We are making
them the big special feature of our January selling program!. You will possibly be
surprised at the wonderful variety of goods that are made within the British Empire.
from England. from Ireland, from Scotland, and more and more every year from Can-
eda's own looms they cane. Many of the lines specially featured are today selling at
prices much below those that will be within the nett kw months, for as present stocks
become exhausted prices are advancing to a point in some cases half as much again
as you or we have been accustomed to paying.
In connection with the "Empire Made" goods, we draw your attention to the
big clearance of Furs, Coats and Millinery. which is always a January attraction at
this store. If you have delayed buying either Hat. Coat or Furs, you will find our
January prices money saving.
Here are "Empire Made" Specials that are worth
Two special. north your while to buy now
No. I 98c
White Quilt". bull double bed size, food
design. full bleached. Med. in Canada.
Special each .... ...Deo
A Real Good One at $1.39
Twenty-five io this lot. extra size Abso-
lutely free from dressing. c!ear pure white.
Good patterns. Worth gt least 51.75. Made
in Cased*. Bath only.... .....`1.31!
• These popular fabrics come to us from the
• mills of England or Canada and in both we
•are showing values for January selling that
we cannot duplicate once present stock. are
• sold out.
• Flannelette at tOc "Empire Made"
• White or fancy striped Flannelette in good
• variety of patterns and ct,lore. Made in Canada.
• Per reed 10a
• "Jay Bee" White Flannelette I I c
• "Empire Made"
*Extra heavy white Flannelette, L', inches
wide, splendid weering cloth of superior quality.
• Right from the mill.. Made io England. Per
• yard ... 110
• White Flannelette "Empire Made" 121c
• Heavy white Flannelette. roft Saxony finish,
Ai 34 inches wide, splendid cloth for ordinary pur-
l/ pots. Made in Canada. Per yard 1! 1-1110
•Fancy Striped Flannelette "Empire
• Made" 12%c
Beautiful pts iped Flannelette, soft finish and
• eery superior quality. Absolutely fait colon.
Cannot be sold again at this price once our pretreat
.tock is sold out. Made li England. Per yard
• 1. 1.130
• "Jay Bee" White Flannelette "Empire
• Made" I 5
• A limited moodily .till to sell of this high-
• grade English Flannelette. ?*2 inches to 34 inches
• cMdlehi
exMtade England. ;emir ;tared osA lybeaut
• XX Lamba Flannel "Empire Made" 20c
• "Empire Made" Cotton 10c
Heavy Lambe Flannel of extra fine quality.
A splendid Flannel for children's wear, night
gowns, palamas, etc. Fast colors, splendid range
of good patterns. Made in Canada. Per yard
Beautiful quality while Cotton. round even
thread, superior finish. Made in Canada. Per
yard t O.
White Cotton "Empire Made" 12 I -2c
Extra floe quality white Cotton. fall 36 -inches
wide, finisbed soft for may sewing. Superior
eletb. Made in Canada. Per yard 112 1 -fie
"Empire Made" Hosiery
leads in every way. These
line, are all special value and
away under today's market
Children's Cashmere
Hose 25c
Children • ribbed ('aaheuen e
Hese, fine soft wears, seamless
feet. Spleodid make for small
cbildren. All sizes, Made in
England. Per pair 4.0
Boys' Ribbed Cashmere
Hose 30c
Bos' ribbed Cashmere Hose,
seams feet, double knees. All
sizes. Made in England. Pet
pale.... ... ....Rao and 30e
Ladies' Cashmere Hose
Ladies' plain Cashmere Hose
rmade from doe soft yarn, seam -
Ism feet and full fashioned
fade in Caned,. Also a good
r•Nlty ribbed Stocking seas,-
IMlfeet. a superior Stocking in
every way. Bade in Ent/land.
Either line. per pair........3100
Cashmere Hose 50c
Ladies' Cashmere Hose. plain
or ribbed, absolute!y the best
value obtainable. pairs of
them to sell. When this lot is
Rome no more can be had at Ina
tban 707 or 73c. Plain are made
in Canada. Ribbed are made le
England. Per pair..... ...IOs
U ndenvear
Great showing of •'E6apire
Made" Underwear for ladles' an.t
children. Sine. present stocks
were put chased we have received
two notices of advances in price
and we will not he able to buy
Underwear again fora long time
at as tow figures as those welling
today. Every ointment made in
Canada and of superior fit. qual-
ity and workmanship.
Bee our special at .. , ....... ••.
See our special at .... .. .40.
8.s oar epeeist at .... 60e
Iles our special at .... ....Tin
See our special at •1.00
All made in Canada
Wool Toques and Caps 2'k
Cbildres's wool Toques aad
Cape. sinkable for girls or beyt.
gtey aad brown mixtures...
roe sad D0e
asereelftesi. made in Camas.
Grit ekaranos of 'rimmed Millinery on Saturday. Two
special sale Iota for the tweet. Undoubtedly a great oppor-
tunity to reran • winter ijat at • very low price. The stoek
is divided into two lots foe rapid eelliug.
Lot No. I Choice $ I.45
la this lot there are 80 to 86 trimmed Bate. every one this
seasss's shaper. and trimmed with good trlwminga Shapes
are made in Osasd.. the Hate are trimmed in Goderich.
Clearing lot at this price, each... .. ..... .. ....111.4•
Any Other Trimmed Hat in Show -room $I.95
Von w ill one bow anxious we are to make a clean ewer 1. of
tb. Millinery when we make this remarkable offer. Any
trimmed Hat in the show roots. no matter what Its former
,rice or actual value. and not ieelnded in the 111.43 lot. goes
/Saturday worming at your eboi-a 111 Mi
your attention
Orae of the hest shoe iogs of Rug-. in Tap-
'atty. Velvet and Wilton. that ttae ever
M en on our !loon, i• now on display in our
co pet department. Ener y Hug is spade in
Eoklsnd or in Canada. Colon ard dyes are
absolutely fast and the prices remaikaWy
low. maundering the qualities,. Special value
In Tr/poetry and Velvet in all the standard
User. •
Egyptian Longcloth "Empire Made"
We have received the last *bleariest of our
famous Egyptian L.ongelotb we had under obn-
tract and caa sell it at the former peke. 1t is a
very One cambric 38 inches wide and comes put up
in pieces of 21 yards. It is suitable foe almost any
purpose for wbicb you can use • line cambric. We
sell it 1.y the piece of 24 yards for 113.00, or half
piece of 12 yards for ..... .... ...... 111.1110
This is good buying and we strongly advise
our customer, to lay in a supply while It can he
bought at this psice. It i• worth more than that
in tbe trill today. Made in Canada.
Nainsooks "Empire Made"
Fine quality Nadnsook., at; ineius to 42 inches
wide Soft. floe fleisb, very suitable for under-
wear. ]lade in Canada. Per yard 1110, 200, ••c
Grey Cottons "Empire Made"
A iplendid Cotton, flneibre•d, soft. medium
weigh.. Made in Canada. Per yard.... .... to
A Better One at 10c
Extra good quality factory or grey ('o,ttoo.
36 inches wide, free from specks. A rpleodid Co: -
too for general use. Made is Canada, Per yard
An Extra Good One at 12 I -2c
Extra henry factory Cotton. Soft, dose
weave, w111 stand oo end of hard wear. Suitable
for ens- purpose for wbicb you see a grey Cotton.
Made in Eastland. Per yard.... ... - 1. 1 Do
Sheeting* "Empire Made"
Splendid Sheeting, of all kinds, bleached or
unbksebed 411 -Empire Made', some in Eng-
land, arms in Canada. bleached. at per yard
..... 134a Dltio, Sec to 4110
Unbleached. at per yard 241e. 600 and ilio
our special Red Cross Sheeting. full bleached.
Made in Canada. Pe: yard.... .. ........,.Rea
Towelling* "Empire Made"
But :bees Towelling. whit vox can get them
at these price,. for it will be a loom time before
they will be as low agal°. Just two specials: -
Heavy Crash 12 I -2c
Heavy 11... Crash Towelling, made from pun
flax, red border. • splendid drying Towel. We
esnsot buy a pure linen Towelling at this price to-
day oorselv.. Mad. in Scotland. Special per
yard 12 1 -Ea
Extra Fine Glass Towelling 1 7c
Linen (41... Towellio` 99 niches to 14 incises
wide, red or Mae cheek. Mak.. a splendid drying
Towel. Made in Iceland. Special per yard .17.
Great Clearance of "Empire Made" COATS
These ('oats aro the product of (' inada'• leading coat
makers. Coats than represent New Vc.rk models. but every
one made 1n Canada. The time has come to empty the ratite
*ad if you have trot taught your winter (',►at you can get it
Saturday saorsisg at a very positive saving. Two lots you
eau lake your diode* from.
At $7.75
Morse se toast omits in lbie int. Garments all Crew
thio season. popular style. popular cloth.. Regular cp to
eA0l1 and 0100. All shad. in Camila. Take your ch.dop
erd.y at only. .................................. 67.76
Lot No. 2 $9.75
About the same number of ('oats in this tot. Theme are
better quality. every garment a model All dark etloring.,
meke from durable sad enanfortabie cloths. Regular values
up to M. some eves woes. Saturday moraine take your
choke of these et. .. .110.76
The price of every Fur Piece in our stock has been cut. and cut deep. We have goat over the entire stock and big re.
ductioas on every piece. There is a special reason for wishing to clear the entire stock to tbe last garment if it is at a possible,
and will make it worth your while to take advantage of the really remarkable bargains that will be here .luring Jan ry. The
quality of every article is the very hest and we stand bebin 1 every garment that we .ell without any reservation. Early last spting
when oar coptrscta were made, Aur were at the lowest point they had reached for year.. Today they are of the np-glade
again and e lines decidedly 4o. 'e must nig: yon to see the wisdom of investigating our malities abd prices, if you have ur
baying to dd.
w aust v.a. et •,: • , „ 4- •7110 a3H011glJaT mow•
1 r n