HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-6, Page 8THE SIGNAL : OODERICH ONTARIO Something different! LUX is the veryessence of the finest soap, in flakes. Its use adds to the life of woollens, flannels, filmy laces and all dainty fabrics., dissolves retdil in hot water and tires into a foamy, create -like lather which cannot injure the finest garments or the smoothest hands. It coaxes rather than forces the dirt out of clothes and adds a new note of refinement to wash - day wont. L U X softens the hardest water — makes the ba t h a luxury and the •hampou- a delight. Sold everywhere at 10 cents. Made 1w Omssmde. m c- �a u New Year Suggestions What better remembrance an_ yotige • your friends than a parr of dainty Slippers ? The new styles this season are more beaut- _ iful than ever and the prices most reason- able. To meet the extra .demand we have mad an unusual effort to show a variety of heli Jay novelties in footwear that cannot he excelled. Several new styles in dress Shoes and evening Slippers have just arrived. Skating Shoes are now in stock. Rubbers and Overshoes at the lowest prices. e REPAIRI NO OEO. MacVICAR North Side Square - — Goderich • The Best Bread Buns Cookies Cakes Pastry at DAVID BURNS Raker loci Codfectiooer p'ArENTS (SANITATION � RADIATION VENTILATION Thee are neceevary in a well -or- dered home. Our expet•ience has made us expert in attending to this work. Gin us a c*U. Fred Hunt la.illton Rtrset - Phase IM ASAMOSISIMI vamp Ras less ie Me County and District While leaving the rhu,ch oei cent $m.day lbs. A. Since, of Z feu fad fractured her alp. Mr. lenses (lasaph.11• who had 1 township ckrk t f Buena fee Ids twenty-seven yearn has mem d. Wm. Toole, of the Bay 4hf r BeasleyCb Hatabee died t. hie fft hie orty-third Miss Marie Rewrite and 8. Dewey beet' of Greed Bred, were tarried December 24th by Rev. 9. A. ( time. Mn. T. Webb and L. A. And bola ct (ioderieh township, o.stly ttsarried at Varela by Rev. A. Brows. . re- grosns is assistant station at urieb, I tie afar t h. eish„ of Climes. Ree. Dr. R.t- Mrv. James Pickard was receuIJ tildes. of Clinten, performed the eerie nee prerent.d with an address and a Bi� loony. The young couple will reside past by the stiff of James street Methodist '1 m Toso.to, when Mr. Webb b ea- Sualay school. She is retitle,/ a« gaged we the teao►ies stag of one of oast, beteg a teacher in (Le school for fifty 'the public schools. on years. year'. BSAFORTH agent The young •ample will reside ma the grooao's fees„ Dear Ashore. 1 The tome e( Mr. and Mee. itowlaed Janna., of aha lath 000asmbe of ,Godertch sr twelfth* wet hen was the semis of a pretty ein t►wr •l out December MM. wan ttbit� etds°ghter, h . b 'Wei*sure d � Mee. Geo, Sproat, of gwtft Current. w bo WW went West fifteen year • ago, ie meow - `ate heli acyualetaacee ben. Mfrs. Allan 8. Bood, daughter of Mr. heft, aid Mrs. Jae. Beattie, of 8ealorth, were re- diad tit Winnipeg on December Attie W. aged thirty-two yeses. She was • na- Cbariee MlAtlieber, of Hay towe- sh.p, baa sold his tarns, a dew miles wast of Ileneall, to Milton Stewart, of Saafortie In beteg returned by acclamation at thin .00lnatioe sheeting John Shatt- ered eaten upon his sixth year r s rove of the township of Morris. d s s lien • a MoMswoeth, psue. of Blas tow.- s%ip. wen mart ied at Molsswortb o0 Christmas Day by Rev. T. A. 8e11. Yes. John Rubies, an sod resides at Manley, diel suddenly on Deorm ye oft seefo, th sad wee for some sst tf he M sm OW the urvived by berl b and an infast child. Mrs. west to Winnipeg, but did not Arrive is floe tc see bee daughter alive. BRUSSELS The holiday term the pupils of forst `ek awing to an wasextendedof eseaske. Pure. C. McMillan, el. Caslirsh. R- tR.and ed •tabes by use W. Bre pretreated torr mrd, the result of • hessorrhatty She was in her seventy-se000d ye u. Mies Saabm Williamson, of B,atep- ton, and W•. Vodden, of Bullets, were married at Brampton cn Decem- ber :Med They wW reside at (Tinton. Mrs. John Moerteno, mother of Me. Martin Elliott, of Varna, died recently with w,ht•w own wile bona for Obrbtasae. • 1Vw. Howktt. brother of Charles tine/lett, of Brussels, died it bb boo* in Proton tow.abip00 December-Jr)tb. 8e was in hie eighty --fourth year. been Gd Buchanan, 15 A., who had resigned to accept a mf at Toronto. The mama were int red in Maltlandbank cemetery, S forth. Mr. and Mrs. Ger. Sandwell, of Ri ley, on Cbristrpaa Day celebrated t sixtieth anniversary ret their weddi dey. They were married in Enela in ice. Carrie, dauebter of Mr. and M James Speir, of the Gib concessiona Morris, was married at her bo there on Janna! y 3rd to Garfield Dun bar, of Etbel. Edna Irene Pickard, daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, of,Hi ben. was married at Cromarty- on De g at Suedridjte, Ont., has on 00 thel earl of the Collegiate at Weyburn, et Seek. He is spendirg hM vacation at a- his boa here. J. J. Gilpin has received word that, p- his sister, Mrs. A. H. McOaffney, was be suffocated by gas at her home at Taos 1 Cal.. • .. on Christmas morning Met tifc(i•efoey, who was seventy r yrarr of air. was barn in Blan,hiud n a township and (or six years taught of school on the &td concession of Mor- rit. Mb* remowed to California ten I . years ago, rg red 1VISOBAel. \Nati, a former of Mr:. Ger, resident b. of Wingham, died at Dundas on De- - amber '21th in her severity -eighth center ';1nd to Henry Harvey, Thames, Road. •ENMILL.ER, ,luteeded tar test woes m WZDtrttaDAY, Dee. 3). Leo Oke mod (:hen Grateete arrived from the Wee& es Friday night. Bae. weekser ie exegetes! to Ret here this llte imam Manning and sow Cl (- fool. of Behold, !lark., are yi.itt.g m the eeighboi hood. Mims Nellie titrasghan, M Tomato M mending her 04iatoas vaatioo with hew par euta here. A meeting of the Hed Cross Society will be held at Beaaculer on Wedsee- day. January bib. All untreated are requested to atwtd. Mr. and Mee. Chas. Kerr are vuitlog Meade at Crediton this week. KINTA1t.. , lelsedes fen las, woes. r Tt'xseeY. Dee. 28. Vias Annie :MacDonald bas ret44oed berme after spending a few weeks with Mends at Windsor. Messrs. Alex McKay and D. Mc- Gill ate whiting friends at Blyth. Hesse for the holidays: limber Mar gguerite Me Luella Cowan and Anna McKentire of Stratford Notmal School: Misses Violet McLennan, tier nice Drennan, Bessie McRMeate, and 3Ressrr. Flaw Braeyuten n and Slmee B:•dleydl, of Ciod. Beticb dslegi•lWee Institute. Mr. Charles Me(:eeg rr, of Mebrine. vile, is speoding bis vacation at his home berr. Mr. and Mrs. K. McGregor and chit• drift. of Duluth, ere visiting at Mc- Kay Pt Mr. and Mn. Wm. Finlayson and family, of Lorne, spent Christmas Day at the home of Mr. Chas. Stewart. Mr. and Mee. Meltae. of Totouto, and Lieut. John Wee, of Kingston, spent Cbriatmas at the home of tbeir unt, aft. A. Beckett. alias Leila V. Fe an, our school eacher of last term, left on 1Vedne.- ay to spend her vacation at her hotae ear Carlow. During her stay here be has made many wash, friends among the young people, who regret h r departure from our social envie. o Wednesday the pupils presented its Ferman with t farewell address nd a solid ebony toilet set. of year. The rnternsent took niece in a The receipts front tbe Christmas er- teetainment held at the Evangelic,I churcb, Zurich, amounted to $110.6n, A cantata, "The Search for a Kier," .was the feature of the evening. Mr. Munro, of Wingham, has pur- caaard the 1W -acre foim of John A. tiedde•, of the &d concession of Mot - cis. The price is said to be >♦t1,;1ti. Powe,: ion will be Riven in March. Inc... daughter of Mr. and %Irv. Al- bert Nesbitt, of Ambetley, died on De- cember 21tb. Sbe contracted a cold atter having had measles and was itt but four days. Mbe was nineteen years old. The building which was used as the poeec'm a at Brlfa►t was burned to tbe ground on December .3rd. So one was living in it at the time, the loth occupants baviog removed to Lu, k- now. alis Annie May Braithwaite and Woe Pother gill, bath of Londeshoro', were married at [be bride's borne on December ►_a► d. Tbey will reside in Haat Wawanosb, whete the groom is a farmer. Mr. Robert Mitchell passed ower at her borne at Centralia on December 29 b. She wits a native of Stephen town -hip and waifs berairtye•veeetie year. Sbe is rut rived by her husband and a grown-up family. Eda11. youngest son of Thos. Lewis, of C'la.deboye, was shot while en - es a revolver. The bullet entered above his eye and came out at the temple. He will pmbebiy retort?, unless com- plications set lo. A pretty wedding was solemnised at the home of the bride's father, Robert J. Drysdale, of Hensel!, of Ipeceenber yti b, when his daugbter, Elisabeth Peal, weir united in marriage to W.t. A. McLaren, Alen of Hensall. Rev. S.F. Mel. Smith was the officiating eking - may A pretty weddlog to, k place at ;h. h. me of Mr. Aodtew Read, of the Parr lime, Stanley, on Christmas Day, when his deugbter, Margaret, was married to (leo. Lloyd Armetroog. of the Goshen line. The roremoay wee preformed by Rev. A. 1V. Brown, of Vat na. The young couple will reside on the grooms farm on the Goshen line. ged in a scuffle with another lad for hX ETER. One night recently chicken th eves curled away the wbole of Wm. Daun- cey'a flock of chi, kens. The flock coo - ale ed of fourteen choice birds Vetoes, daughter of Mr. and Mee. George Keel brook, wa. married at ber home on December >a h o Freak Lee, of Seater th. Rev. W. G. H. M.. Alisler performed the ceremony. The MacE' mall Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Asy gna.tity beet all Maple glebe, Weed Wood, Heesloeb aid Kindling Weise et Mae.) TSLZP,luNRs, Mies M seidaace f sin er M ngbam cemetery. miss Jean McGillivray. who bad'! been nursing in a military hospital in le France, is spending a furlough with bet parents here. She intends shortly to return to her duties in France. Harr Clifforde Harry Pugh, B. A.. �t Ham. O ilton, eon of Mr. and M,s. Joy. Pugh, M of ttls town, wise married at Ridge- • town on Christmas bay to Maybelle Edna McGregor, of that town. Mr. and Me. Pugh will reside at Hamil- t, ton. *1 Clara Baxter. daughter of Mr, and d Mrs. John Atd-reon, wee married at et her buses bere un Deceruber 'OD' to Edwin Royal Mundy. Hew, B. O. Dy "1Vhat is your reaeoo for wanting r learn to dance e" "Well, it looks Iliee to sit still and look silly than it oea to get on your feet and look 11v." t ceremony. eereosy. After reside here. ate haarrianon cite young couple will Ahook fM happyfamily . ndArc gathering g. atthe Howatt oe Christmas Day, when twenty -siert retat}ree from Auburn and Kart Wawaoosb carte through the storm to spend the day. Mr.i Howatt le eighty-two year* of axe. Pie. Trod Groves wee given an en- tbusiastie reception res has rsea,n to Wingbaso freers the battle(eont. He had been wounded by & title ball through the bream and also by sheep- 1 tsel is ib -brei, hip end tow. He ire still troubad with the efrcte of tbs. German poMo ous vas CLINIIJN Mr. and etre. lase! Tay 1. r bate gone to California 1 o spend t h.- remake/eel of the winter. Mise Mabel Kir has removed to Brantford, where bei another and sisters are now neither. The rearriatre took glare on Decem- ber 28th as Monroe, Mirh . of Miss Ada Willa McGuire. of Clinton, to Edward Savage. of Monroe, Mice. Dr. J A. Macdonald, of Tomato, will lecture hate os January lith. The pseeeeds will be devoted to the not -tutting expanses of the Inlet Bet - t ai ion. Mr. and Mts. David Steepe*ebrated the tweety a th anniversary a< their vi eddies( day ft December 2 -4th 7' tend. wens present from Toronto. Guelph, Westford attd Brantford Milo. Maude Cooke w,a, presented with a wbite Ivory toilet ,rt by the fetlowoneeetwe of bee entente, who, 1 Baas. See lenge a oho, i i y W tracb reboot in New Outario. Flee was discovered 011 1i1e se:ond floor of the Morrish oohing Co.'s store uu the morning of Jana y yd. The firemen n succeeded in (-Abasing i t to the one floor, but cnualcrrabfe dam. age o*. done by water nq the lower floor. The lows own t . the stock and to the building it fully covered 1 y ns luranrr. - A gullet wedding to, k Wye* et the home of Mt. and jlr, .vw• 87ewait on December 2itt.b, when their est daughter, Laura E,nms,ee.," the bride , 1 Fredeetek Toll, arran %Vsea0.mah, Rey. C. 1'. Eastt Loodrboro'• performed the 1[drsr, of cwvsrony. TAW 017 D.LaDSU?T, LTi STOPS FALLING ern your Nabi :tot a 25 tent bottle of Deneftine eight WOO ftehh *sans 711.. brittle. colorless and scraggy lair le saute svldeeee of a neglected Desire of deeded- .that awful scurf. Theo 1e .otbt.g ea destructive to the kair ea dandruff it cobs the kale of its lustre, its etreagtb sad Its The ilte; eveetealh prodreelttg a irweelek sen asst Itching of the seam, ouch 11 sot tem filed eaass the hate roots to 1bAsR, le000m and ins --(fee the fair tens out Ask A little DsedaAee des leht-•-taw- hay t1•♦ -wit surely save year bake Oft • iK exit battle et Es.witoe's Damsels* ben soy dreg saws. You sesety Mil have beautiful hair ase lots et 1111 yam wf1 left try • Muss flaw dse1ae. - n►w yew lair! try it! itle1LIDAT. Jen OAST s, I Id ' A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS Assuring them of our continued attention to their needs in mens and hoyi furnishings and solici- ting a share of their patronage for 1916. McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors THE SQUARE - - - GODERICH a Sudden Croup 1 cough F Will you be wakened tonight by theto- had erre the 111Mosolterer gaep and choke withount f � being able lehslpl Not it you hare theold, reliable sen'' Chamberlain's Remedy at hand. It giro• relithe dangerous, :e(atortce. It liquifier ho erepblegmeoitiseasilyexpelled. it heals upthewre, cough -racked throat and prevent. further attacks. For ('coup, Whooping Gough, Bronchitis, as well aeefoplecoughs and colds, Chamberlain's('ough Remedy is a safe and reliable mediciee. Give it at the very first symptom. Seep Cbembeetaia's et hail. AJr Draggiets, 25. sad 50e. !s CHAMBERLAINS• REMEDY Y dreaded eouad of a croupy Printing? the Zip ar JOB AND COMMERCIAL A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL SUGGESTIONS FROM THE BIG HARDWARE STORE Come down today and we will help you select your gift and deliver to any address at any special time that suits you best. FOR FATHER Pocket Knife Safety- Raaor Tool Chest Claiitge Robe Razor Strop Reading Lamp Rrac. Ash Tray Nickel -plated Mirror "on nickel" FOR MOTHER A Happv Thought Ran►;, Radiant Honor Heater Cooking Utensils Carriage Robe Silver Knives " Forks " Spoon. Carpet Sweeper Stinson Fool Chopper. Nickel -plated Mirror 'ton nickel" PHONES: Store 22 Hesse 112 FOR SON Pair of Skates Hockey Stick Pocket Knife Wagon Sleigh Fishing Set Snowshoe. Lacrosse Nickel -plated Mirror 'moa nickel" FOR DAUGHTER .Skate. Ankle Supports Snowshoe. Sleigh Seinaors Pen Knife Hockey Stick Nickel -plated Mirror "on nickel" 11 CHAS. C. LEE FOR HUSBAND Safety Razor Gun Rifle Carting Set ;Pocket Knife Plane. Hammer Nickel -plated Mirror •un skier FOR WiFE Electric Iron Toaster " Lamp " Vacuum Cleaner " Washing afachirc Water Mot, r Washing Ma chine Wringer Aluminum Cooling 1-tenail, Hanging Lantp Nickel -plated Mirror East Side Square 1 J Hard Coal, Cannel Coat, Blacksmith Coal. Solvay Coke We carry a full line. Our hard coal is the very best Scranton white ash Coal, very (ree from slate. We still have several corns of gool dry slabs left. Iaoet your Plumbing. Heating or Electric Wiring require attention' if so. let its kn.,w and we will give it prompt attention. AU work neatly done and folly guaranteed. CHAS. C. LEE