HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-6, Page 7SKUNK Qat ~Kora Moaeey�" for FosrRk h saw/ w.r PR be.e.ts�arct`.d Ia s r P`'� j Wen TOM "1/t7 i Wen b r ulll �tieafa W • .ale Ilia w trP wlsef•ls EDDe••1b r.estenoe. tW • eerleTIIAC r0a r.a.tl•.ict,ur.Iu eters et ripen uwt P ler tOPIT•m�aweer.wAt• w.t.. i.. M-NOW--w'e A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. i', c s"' ",►t "��,. 1 AFTER THE GRIPPE Vinol Restored Her Strength Canton, Kink - " I am 75 years old and beaus* very weak and fasebte from the effects of Ls Grippe, but Vivol has don* mea world of good It has cured my cough. built up my strength so I fed active and well apo.' -Mrs. LIZ=BALDWIN, Canton,las. Vino', our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic without oil. aid* digestion, en- riches the blood and creates strength. Unequalled for chronic es•ghs, adds or bronchitis. Your money hart if fit fail*. H C. Dunlop. Dtugaist. fitdetich Annual Meeting -Of the Experiments Union • The thirty-seveath annual mee/ine of the Ontario Agricultural mai Ex-' per 'mental (Jsioal a Al he held at the Ontario A grktsth u r a l foliage, Guelph, on January lith and 12th. The oo- operative work amongst the farmers has again bees calf ie.' no throughout the Province. Upwardsoffour thoun- and farmer, took part in this work during tee past year. The co-operative moil sow includes fhe testing of all kludged fat III crop., the application of commercial fertilisers and farmyard manure., the growing of mixed grains, the eradr. a ion of weeds. besides work in forestry rod ekeeping and In con- nection outs the public schools' of On- tario. 1444 r THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST /916 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75 The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire375 Che Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.8o The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.80 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire 1.6o The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Farm and Dairy 1.85 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press. , . 1.6o -e lte Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.5o Evening Edition 2,90 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness' 1:85 The Signal and World Wide " 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New 1.70 Renewal 1.85 Saturday Night (Toronto3.4o McLean's Magazine 2.50 Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 Canada Monthly 2.00 Canadian Countryman 1.50 Canadian Textile Journal2.25 Toronto Star Weekly. 2.75 for Addresses in Canada or (creat Britain l'he Signal and The Signal and The Signal and The Signal and The Signal and The Signal and The Signal and These prices are The Signal and The Country Gentleman ... 2.75 The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.75 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 2.75 The Signal and The Youth's Companion (Boston) The Signal and The Scottish American (New York) The Signal and Cosmopolitan Magazine. The Signal and McClure's Magazine including postage to Canadian subscribers The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $l.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Signal and Tbe Family Harald sad Weekly Star . =t. SS The Farmer's Advocate (51.33 Imo *tee; ... I.3s 3.25 3-25 2.85 2.15 53.ao -making the price of the three papers $3.2o. The *nal and The Weekly guo 51 s TM Tomas Dally Srt(5a. M win $t.M)...... --the three papers for $3.55• if the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to THE SIGNAL PRINTNO CO., LIMITED Goderich Ontario 5353 111/ XT, TRI SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO 1011 TO'Sie ADVICE OF AN EXPER1 Mwtglete Guide Per western Farman la Handling Cars. -Cleaning and Measuring' Advice do western farssre to iilp pins grata 1s given by 11. H. Wlaearts Oren aachange, Wlaaipeg. Li i -fly Ids eaggestIona are: pet your appil tattoo to early for what cars yea seed to the station agc uta and If you can teat be served promptly by (tae rail- way whenever posatble try acether end lose no time. Having antes ed your car or cars proceed as follows: Sweep the can well. booth Ooor and aides, especially If It t:,• carried coal or wood recently. Eraalae can tours - tally for defects, and secure same agNnat leakage. In loading gas. it M Nat as well to ase car goers If avadable. it sat you should cover Odor sad sides with building '.aper (don't use tar paper as It is apt to damage your sample of grain or seed.) 1f the grain door floes not lit closely do not drive nails through the door as that interferes with the opening at the terminals. ln.tead. drive a three - tach nail into place and bend the nail agal::st it. This will hold 1t wean and will not interfere with the open- ing of the door as nails drtree through would. Measuring and Weighing Wher.ever possible weigh your graln before loading and keep a curate record of the weight of same. Be particular to level the grain accur- ately In the car. and keep a record of t'-, t1 la inches of the grab and pct it on the shipping bill la ur of leakage or dialage ht transit this le Invaluable evidence In *stab• Whine your claim for shortage against the railway companies. Do not load cars much In excess of the amount 'lowed, but always be sure and Ind p to capacity as you do not want to pay freight on grain the companies re not carrying for you, through be- ing o-Ing below the minimum weight at - wed in any ars. Whenever possible clean all grain hat shows more that say 2 per cent dockage. I hare handled many cars that show 12l, per cent. Now what does this mean` It means that yolk are paying freight and practically making a present to terminal eleva- tor of about three tons of lint class screening In each car, which should be very valuable to you when crush• ed and used for cattle and pig feed at home. How to Use Stencil Stria i would advise you to use stencil 'strip.. Strips for six fest are In two sections and for eight feet to three sections. To secure best results with stencil strips place one about four feet from each end of the car and one about two feet each -Ide of the door oa both sides of the car. See that strips are placed so that they Just touch the foor and are kept per• fect'y straight. 1 have found small wire shingle nails, with clippings of cardboard (to protect the strips) the most convenient to fasten the strips In place. tack about four Inches apart In the strips. Use six feet lengths for wheat or flax In all ars and bar- ley in 60.000 -pound can, and the etght toot strips for barley and oats In $0,950 -pound cars. le a care of standard size 36 feet long by 34 feet wide grain of stand - ant weight should weigh at loading points about 20% bushels to the inch In depth of the grain. and heavier and lighter grain can be competed accord- tsgly When placing your name on ear order book state the size of car required. Advise your communion man by mail when shipping. car num- ber. kind of grain. grade expected when you want to .etI, that is. whoa inspected or oe arrival at Port Artie. or Fort William or only on further a b I t By reason of the changing shape when i n' motion this tire cleans itself of all mud and slime. T. MI Now that the et4i1 weather is here you'll went your hones more comfortable. Ck t our prices on Furnaces, Hot Water Boilers, etc. Our Perfection Oil Heaters are just the thing to drive the cold out of chilly corners. All repairing to plumbing. furnace work, etc., promptly attended to. - W. R. PINDER Phone 1515 Hamilton Street THE HOWELL HARDWARE, SELLING -OUT SALI3 IS STILL ON Not having fully disposed of the stock, we will have to keep open a little longer until everything is turned into cash. geek we are going right after every stove we have left. You will see an excellent work- ing second-hand steel range in our window. The linings are in good shape, has six lids, warming closet and in eery way, we are informed, is a good worker. We traded because the party had to have a larger range. This Move, new, cost around $30.00 and today k good value for $23.00. For quick sale it is yours for $9.75. We have several more ranges and heaters to clear. If prices will move them, they will go quick. All lines of metal goods are rapidly advancing, Here is a •quotation from last week's Hardware Trade Journal: just a, we go to preys, word is received that nails, wire and staples have advanced again. If you anticipate using Hardware, it will pat- you to buy of us now and save money. We hate lots of good Hardware yet. -� ,....., ...., ,..., THE HOWELL. HARQWARE COMPANY, LTD. NEWGATE STREET LIVERY Having purchased the livery lousiness of Wm. Knox. 1 am (improving the equipment and in- tend to prow ide Good Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs All ;orders will receive prompt and careful at - 'ratios. T&LkPHOY[ No. l73 for a good turnout. Huron Old Moys' "At Home. Ti e eon nal 'at bra" of the Karon Old Boys' Association of Tor- onto will b? eta patriotic nature this and will. It is expected be the est pplheoiaS 1a the history of the Assocatim. Tan .,..at win be beta in the Oda Temple, College street, on Felony evening.' Februat iib. A larg- percentage of the per- med' will bs doneell to the ne w Huron Overuses Baguio• whleb is sew being orgasisei• orders blend the right •Ida of the l BAcK IIURTS bill of lading and not the railway nom - piny way bill Dierks Oust McSQWtoes A few years ago much was heard about the utility of hats as a means of destroying mosquitoes. According to experttnenls the most formidable animal enemy of the mosquito is the deck. and the Introduction of this Mrd is re -ommended for eliminating moe- quitoea, and the diseases which three insects spread. from marshy regions where draining would be too costly. Two artleclal pools were coestruct.d of equal era. ducks being placed in one and 11.h in the other The form- er pool was quickly treed from more mine pupae and larvae, while la the other they continued to abound. Wild decks ars said to prefer mop.ltoee Otto all other food Comfort for Traveller The Canadian Pacific IiaUw.y has itrod.ced a novel feature an thole bag are to the korai of a s sefal Whet is the dining room. as which veld seats. salad.. etc.. are lasteh Monkeyedl- t Monkeyedleader glass eo'v2s gtv- fng p•eseagers an 0Op•rtsatty to ee- Met their saws or cats of void meat, which are served tress the ballot W a chef IN white madam. Thin M the ami time a cold beet hos bees taw clod on a. dialog ear. SALM FM MONEYS Int kw meat If ZYseys ha Iib los/ er1•ladiet bothers yea -]rant Awn Ink sea Merit Mlt s beget that the kldage, tike the bawd.,�gw� ebeggieh sad teemed and seed . fituhfag maseleaally. Mee we hams backache anrsddi dun ml•,ry is the kidney region, severe \elsdaebe, Thew vette twinges. torpid Hes, mid atoaiask, :..plsae.ew ad ell sorts of bladder die- : +Irra Yea simply mast keep ynsr kida.ys -live sad Hasa. and f4 so mett yeu el on ashe or pais is the kidney vino. get Most fear names of lad alts from say seed d .lore k As a tab' 1 is • ed waters, er eh,. breakfast foe •fee day. sad veer kidneys will then set ga.. T►Y tames .alis Is made fres the and et �rapm .ed lees joie., .amMasd with dplu, ad H Windom te ibis\ amid rad -Ymel•M Mum to .eretsl It ere mintsnlises the adds in Ohs min • ft no twger in -16A .. this netts. Muter dlea dsea Jodi ealM 6 hnaileml Iaegm444. maim a .elleweemi Mho now ..tor w'71kr k t.hm now sad thin M Map IiY�*irmpNileyeaaelms, Moe avoiding mrlalm A twtl M. of aniggin eye hs i lett of 1a 110 to befie whe bases .g Many nein& illdb r Imelda.only wr BAYFIELD. TrtSDAT, Dec. 28. L.tDiet HELP ix Law Erroaca- Mgtr.-Ever Maas the C. T. A. cams into tient there has been strong soe- picion among Hoe temperance people ben that the law was being violated, not only in the spirit but in the letter. Once or twice a case has sot the length of being taken to court, but owing to the slipperioem of some of the wit- ness the offenders were not pun- ished, and no doubt the lawbreakers thought they wete perfectly safe to conduct their business undisturbed. it remained for some half-doven of the ladies of the village on Wednesday evening of last week to jostle them out of their mistaken ides.. These ladies were returning home about 10.9(1 o'clock when they came full upon two men just outside the Albion hotel bar door, one so drunk that be could oct stand or walk alone and the other slightly under the influence of drink. The ladies remembering former eva- sions of the law took care to identify the men, and to make slue of their condit'oo. Information was at once given to the authorities. The result was that the chief offender was sum- moned to appear at Clinton police court and answer to the *barge of drunkenness, but rather than fight the ase In the face of so many reliable witnesses be paid his fine out of court. On the strength of the information laid in this ease and other intorme- tioo a raid was made an the Albion botel on Ftidav evening, with what result will most likely appear in court before loon. Among the holiday visitors in the village and neighborhood we saute the following : Mir. McLaren, Port Elgin ; Mr. and Mrs. James Osmeron. Totonto ; Mr. Oord.rn ansesoo, Tor- onto ; Messrs. W. and F. Camaro., Detroit ; Rev. W. O. Richardson, Arthur ; B. Spencer. Sask. ; and Mr. sod Mrs, Chao. Donaldson and family, Mn. Jas. Ferguson and eon are eperding the vacation with friends at Belgrave and Wiagbam. CHaJUTMAl gxtaTAiN zx-r. - The Presbyterian Ohminims entertainment on Thursday evening of hat week was a decided success. in spite of a very stormy night. The hall was well filled, Ibe proceeds amounting to more than 110, white some forty-three free :ick►ts were handed In by Um school children. The program was excellent, both boa and outside talent. Both Mies Bobson and Mr. Hannah ate entertainers of the higbeet order and gave their nuns - hen un.tlntedly, to the great phmeurs and dellght of the andisnoe. • enter Tug • dna R. M ER, CAN DO WTTH CONCRETE • T Get This Free Book It oo teisa 150 pages like thong shawls bore -l16 Mem give pseetaal isetrectio•a foe isaprovug year Sank •xies, ww ato o.e..oweicsl way to eoestrset afid r i•deedalks. foeaduio.s, fs.diag-dna.., was. 4..,�._ Osnks, hare -posts, sed IS other thine esodadon everghe . Tier* are 14 pages of inisem•ti.s Wild to every Ammer who tetrads to Mild • able. 22 cede41 chow whet eo.crsts is; how to sin it I the tools seeded; robot bred of mod, noes and eelneot aro host 1 bens to make forms; how to pleas eseeeete; and reinforce it, no., rate. 1. feet is tells everything -oceseary to know oboist the world's hose and meet eeon*miesl building eseterier-o.nrne•- TW pled 1. she reeeewt.d a.raaArr as taunt im•re"- mese sd W bsndsod IS,Metwmr.. If r.. ae.e.'t s aster .t e . .slssMo beak.... eel le nes t, ,w 6,a Pik L swan sad mei sods,. CANADA WWII' COMPAI4Y LIMITED, mann goodie.. Mwr..l rCUT OUT AND MAIL caaAM amlTT cavtAJT TD. a.a14 OaTare antler u� 572 ^OA_ --Pt.... red m.. ha pow et "whet ,Iw Prep .ea ds wish Crab-. II Merl Oransed N.. CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER PJ. -ramie w Lw aorarww, W sell berm. M Istel ser "The War Summary" free oke rely day the crest Mimeses stir beim 1s A•geN 13., theMt•teediae t.,ttuw 1a .'.awtdlaa joar..Ii.e eovemag the reagd•t ... I ..-a -Th. wee ask-m•,y- loll) cm pages 1 sad 2 of TOM GLOM. In u,.. ,es.•ret resettle feria the writs has ale•• Ns read.** • P., it t.,. K flee dwN.N..ts ta all perts of net wield. while this bees .e.rlwnb�w4. tb• the etre Guo kap ded !rostier* ham tees w� lad tofollowt.'-uIlgwtly sod with r.sadwre tbeg..ar.l e.111.es .1 tee utagwdwe rontl. t. -T1. Or •etemry` d Tin GLOOM is 1.0.ed.ese defly by wren! pavers tbreeib..t the Dem1.f... The Ediitorial ase TOM GLOM w M edtt.rlst peg. lies Orient to pleas Wore the pabtb- to peeper pe rspeettet lb, breed Mdg»ead of 15. Waste struggle. The gado.of articles has •(tr.MM Ike stps.tlea set eel, et the Cameos Prep:*, ►.t of Meel•g gra sad le.r e 5 1s all parts er 'be .5.44 The rewire Nodtag • to the war, tdesb esea saflas into Its ee.dset. sad the molts 11hthe t, to sew trees the esesst1.. i hn.t111(Ns bare been Mott wish I• that held sod dear -eye term Aar•e- tert,tt.- of TIM Gums a edltertsl page News Service Tb• ober. features, to oddities, to e rehi. sad Nib, servle, free (as front omat,•bed r (`inch, hare Plseed Tin GLOOM ear 1s the Med of t en.dl.w ap•re. sad ppeertly .xpPP the' pleaemNal Oconee .f iLi-e per ^cwt. 1• TWIG elreslstIeo derbg retest aNtba Other Featerr+es Tb. speeds pose. the *asocial sed eeste•eeialr• the ear•• zett p. a... ate.. see.. ww •th Gm oddittl pave g• wedas•ilype• Woe t.. - rens sad( -«sot m . r •try Llte.- sot • Mgt •s. of et a .arda►d that has ).,teed Tit GLOOM la pg et l'.esd.'s 1 xe.,peper, sad has One It by nosy ttt•emed. no Prone eie.5.tb• et sty baring paper b the D.mla/sa. LOCal Mei City Papers ar •n Moe case N!•1 gnaw- NI l• t!• Mot urn to be Oleg hi Order lett • o-dayalr Nor• rot ter rent tory. • .egos per most -.se g Maw p.r Fem. THE maw, Tweak,.