HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-6, Page 6wi lethbtirl fram itrde*tinin ni iAinInbWtbVnMNI
j Get Y our Skates Ona F
3 E
4 F
1 f
* F
i F
4 - 4 Atialibalti IF
4 F
Get Your Skates On! c
4But first kt us sharpen them for you and F
3 put them in shape for the season. TheF
3 cost is small and you will enjoy the F
3 skating much better.. F.
3 •, F
i- t
rF Street Garage t
1 . *
3 Oura.tt operated b a prattieal tiler F
i -
1 A M. GloverP/lone( 1243 F
i E
a!P!1!!1!!1!!I ,wool tvwfvf f oriv !!f! tier N
Card of Thanks.
1 wish to thank the eh ctors of Oode -
rkh for the generous vote by which
they again elected me to the town
council on Monday lest. I will en-
deavor to nerve then' well during the
coming year. E. H. Whits.
Customs Collections increase.
The customs rollecttons of tiodericb
and its out ports for the month of Lk-
cember, 1915, were gal:i b)4 ilei- Ibis
shows a very large iocreaae over tbee
collections lection for t he moot h of Deeern her.
1914. which were only Kilie38.53. The
collrctloes of fenderich aloe. for De -
comber, 1913, were $1,11373.
The Patriotic Fund.
The special committee of the Huron
ttrsneb el the Canadian Patriotic
fund, appointed at the meeting in De-
cember to revise the rate of payments
to participants of the fund, hes com-
pleted iia work and will report at the
meting to be held in cot juaction
with the members of the county coun-
cil tbis month.
The Old Year Passes
The passing of the old year was
rec'egoised its (loderkb bywatt-height
services which were ld at Se.
Gem ge's church and Victoria street
Methodist church both of them beirg
well attended. The new year was
ushered in by the ringing of church
belle and the tooting Of factory
whistles, and the year 1915 passed into
Mr. Joynt s Splendid Donation.
Mr. Andrew Porter, treasurer of the
Huron hunch of obs Canadian patrio-
tic fund, received 'on Christmas Eve
from lir. John Juynt, ret Lueknow,
bit cheque for 11500, which has been
forwarded to Ottawa. Mr. Joyet
promised $1,0111 a year to the above-
mentioned fund as long ea the war
should last. He had already paid $.till
to lee Bruce county branch.
Mr. Thos. (.Erick, an employee of
the Paget Orals Door Cc., had his
Itt•k band badly lacerated oft Friday of
lest week, when be let it toms in con-
tact with a dado saw. While badly
cut, none of the Rogers will hare to
be amputated.
Mr Tom Tufford ie carrying his
right arm in a sling, owing to bovine
got two lingers badly cut while at
woo It at the Dot ► m chine slope.
the discomfort of dusting -but
few realize its dangers. When
sweeping carpets and ftoosewith-
au •
the flee, grey, microbe -laden
dem is thrown up is cloud,, to
settle ea tables, chairs. window -
ledges and every other place
where a minute puttee can flod
a reales plate. As it flier it
~nee serrna of many diaries
ideas, wbfeb are breathed into
the lungs of the woman who
swesp., and s/ children cad
everybody elm h the house
Gilled *gW the great evil.
at ail'roast&
fade* en he vI.g Daethane, fur
Isnitat lows • re act els wood.
Dr. Macdonald Coming.
The esrc,illve of the Cartaaien Club
is pleased to be able to announce that
arrangements have been made for an
address to be given by Dr. J. A. Mac-
donald, ot The Globe, Toronto. at. a
noon luncheon re tbe aub os Friday,
January 14. Dr. Macdonald baa a
co.tineotal reputation ass speaker on
public questions and is in great de-
mand. and the officers of the Clete
con&Jer themselves very fortunate it
being able to recurs bion for this oc-
Goes to Guelph.
Mr, W. H. D:ckin, who bad been
manager of the Watters k Co. shoe
store bere, lett on Wednesday for his
borne at Owen Sound and after a short
vacation will go to Guelph as assist-
ant manager of the clotniog and fur-
nishing* department of the G. B.
Ryan Co 'e bog stare• Mr. Dirkinmade
'many ft lends Mbilo in Goderich who
w'l1 :egret his departure but will wish
him *weer in his new field of activi-
ties. He is a young men of spkedid
busicess ability and will make his
wait io the couture eat field.
Presentation to Two Clever Students
Because of the honor reflected upon
the G„ dei i;h Collegiate loititute by
the success attained by Mien MaryI.
Tom and Mars Florence A. Smitat
the summer examinations of the
University of Toronto. the trustee
boatel of that institution presented
each of the young ladies at Chi istmas
with tee volumes of the Temple edi-
ticn of t' hakespt are. The books were
inscribed as'fol'owe: "Pretested to
Miss ty the Board of Trustees of
Otderich Collegiate Institute in appte-
eiation of the honor cantered upon
the erbool by your brilliant sureties at
the University examination,. hila"
Liverpool Lodge Makes Presentations.
Pte. Wm. Dunnadge, 71st Battalitw,
C.E. F.. was presented with a wrist-
watch by his brother officers and neem -
bees of Ledge Liverpool. Sons ot Eng -
lend, on the Dight of December 220d.
Pte. Dunnedge is vice-president of the
Lodge and f rrmany years has efficient-
ly filled many offices. The Lodge also
presented tiro. R. C. Chambers, of the
181st Battalion, with a pipe. and Bro.
E. H. Walton. of the 33rd, with •
pprecset comers. Bro. E. Blev, of the
R.C.R., had already been forwarded a
parcel cal, ulated to rase the hardships
of trench life. The evening was rot -
eluded in n pleasant manner with
speech and sone.
Death of .a' rl. Benj. Allen,
The deatb of Mn. lfa. bassos Allen,
wife of Mr. Benjamin Alien, of the
wholesale j •welry arm of Benj. Allem
t Co.. (:1.foago. o:curred December
'!rod at 1.1e family residence at Win-
netka. illiner, after an illoes of twn
menthe. Mee. Allen, wens, husband
is is (tamer resident of Ooderich, was
iota sixty -rix years ago a1 Bement,
Mese, of staunch New England par.
mite at d was a grandniece of the poet
Whittier. She had been a ,widest of
Chicago for maty yearn- It wee in
1►r71 she was maniel to Mr. Allen.
She was an earnest and staunch sup-
porter of teeny charitable iestilo-
tines, •mosg wbihb was Use
Marr 'Momper"' teepltaf, and .h.
wee 1 egaided hy a Lost of frbads
In Chicago es • charming and
delightful permeably. always pre -
parrd to liefr(end and do gond
throughout an active, earnest life. She
leaves three cbildreu : Mrs. Phelps B.
Hoyt, of Winooski'. and B.C. and L.D.
Allen, both well-known Chicago hnel-
n em men. The tonere] took place Fri-
day afternoon, December 24th, Rev.
Rudlong, pastor of Chile church,
%VInnetk•, officiating.
A Fine New Year's QUI.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox ehurch,
(ioderieh, have again done tq.sma.ly.s
and the. congrrgatios credit by a
graceful and gereeetuee gift to t1.Nr
minbter. Rey. Or. B. R. Aconite
paning i lame lens loaft byaeoeesnwer
at the manse on New Year's Day was
• note from Mr,. Beattie, the secre-
tory of this Reties argaaisatlnn,
estendieg greetings and rcque.ting
the see*tamtt. of a handsome fur -
lined east. M.. Rotas was taken ones
pianly by (ht Awnday scow,
s{ g is seen ehwteir be took $b.eppor-
111e1ty to reels to the kited thought
red genera* lo& renssrtieg that he
hid never aa1Jciplatd becoming the
=Pomeroy of such a rombiratioe
wry and comfort The coat is
r'ertalvly • handsome nee and of the
dart quality. 0. every baad Mr.
Best Is rwesivieg soegretulatlans mad
hie naked and loyal eoeete atiou ex-
press IN slab that he will be *tested
many winters to minister to them.
The Ladies' AM also are to he cement -
slated oe this worthy express ion al
good -will and.R.,tion for their tnis-
Coultas -McDonald.
A mast woddiog took place at the
home of the M ids a parries, Mr e d
Mrs. John McDoo&W, of Creswell.
Ont., on Wednesday, December Mb.
when their only daughter, Lena M.,
was united fa utareem to Mr. C. Le-
Roy Guntur, Phut. B of Ooderieb.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. G. Black, of Ibis Presbyterian
church, 1a the presence ot only the
immadiale relatives of the conteactisg
parties. the duple bring unattended.
Ter bride was gowned iu her travel -
1 nj suit, • taioled coatume ot nary
blue Pr,ech serge, with blouse of pale
pink crepe de chine, end carried a
bouquet of lily -of -lee -valley and roar.
After the cereesoey the wedding patty
sat down to a dainty repast, Mr. and
Mrs. Coapts leaving shortly aftet-
wards for Toronto, where the honey-
moon was spent. The array of costly
and useful gifts was • tedtialosy to
the esteem in which the young couple
tin held. Mr. and Moir. Cottltis have
taken lop tear bonze in Ooderieb, Mr.
Counts b fog well known ass druggist
here. A cordial welcome is extended
to We Counts and the want' good
wishes for the young couple are heart-
ily etdorsed by Tbe Miguel.
Tanner -V anatter.
A 'pleasing event took place at the
bonito( Mr.,agd Mrs J W. Vanatter,
%Waterloo stmt, on Wednesday, De-
cember ;Nth, when their youngest tie -
ter, Ethel May, was united in marri-
age to air. Arthur T. Tanner. of Mill-
bank, Ont. The wedding took place
shortly after noon, Rev. W. K. Hager,
pastor of North street Methodist
church, uflle eting. ani was quietly
celebrated, only immediate relatives
being present. The bride was attired in
white Bilk and carried a bouquet of
blier•of-the-valley and her travelling
suit was of gabardine, plum -shade. with
velvet hat and bsudbeg to eustcb.
After the ceremony a luncheon we,
Partaken of and the young couple lett
on the afternoon G. T. R. train for T.
root°. Mrs. Tanner reeled in Gode-
ricit several _years ago, receiving a
good part of ber education here at
tbe Central school and Goderich Col -
testate Institute. Subsequently she
attended the Stratford f•ellegiate In-
stitute, atter -which she entered the
nursing prufewiop, training at Cook
County hospital, Cnicsgo, std Geneva,
i11. Mr. tanner has spent the tut ten
years Bear Saskatoon. Sask., his On-
tario home baiMg/et Milllank.Tbe treat
wishes of their friends fallow the
young sou{ le to their future borne
Johnston -Lunney.
Frost The Collingwood Bulletin of
December :filth :
The home of Mr. and Yr,. George
Lennev was the scene of a eery pretty
wedding on Monday when at 9 o'clock
their only daughter, Vera Maud, was
united ip maniege to Mr. J. Henry
Jobnatoh, principal of Wictoria school,
Goderich. Tbe ceremony was per -
(muted by Rev. Dr. Harper, pastor of
the Maple street Methodist church,
and was witnessed only by immediate
relatives of the bn ide and groom. Miss
Aida Collins played this wedding
march as the hride, accompanied by
her, father, entered the prettily deeor-
eted pallor. The Leidy, who is one of
the town's popular young ladies, wore
shell pink silk crepe de chine with
chantilly lace and carried • shower
bouquet of erre. Her going -saw]
gown was a tailur•luade reit in mid-
ntleht bine wide -black fox lays and e
black velvet pattern hat- The happy
couple left on the midday train fur
Toronto and other places and at the
conclusion of their trip will go to
(lode"leis, where they will reside. in
leaning ea Ringwood the bride separ-
ates feint a wide circle of ft lends who
will miss her greatly. trait who unite
in extending bed wishes for her and
her husband. In the Maple street
Methodist church Mee. Johnston was a
most active spit it, taking a prominent
place in t be choir, the Epworth Leseue
and the Sunday school, and while in
Collingwood Mr. Johnstor, also, was
one of the leaders in these activities ref
the church. By their transfer to
Goderich the Methodists of that town
will p: o81 at our expense.
Mr. Jobostr n has returned to town
with bis bride and they have Laken
up tbeir residence in Lighthouse street.
!Roos coning to (ioderich Mt. John -
mots iter made many friends end ac-
quaintances, wbo wish him and his
!wide many happy years teen bur.
Death of Mrs. Samuel Cox.
After an illness extending over a
period of eleven months. the apish of
Catherine McLean, widow of the
tat• Samuel Cox, took Its flight os
Tuesday. Mn. Cox was been at Der-
riere neer premier, leered. as
March 18. 1104. Mien a child of six
abs came with bee parents to Canada
tied nettled in sandwich towneblp. On
October Nth. 1S511, she was marded to
Samuel Cox. who died event pen yeses
ago. Tbe couple continued to made
In Goderich township nntil Ri(s)e when
they removed to Goderich. Of the
ueioe (welt• ebildren were bore,
erre of whore aro still living. They
are Mies Cos. of Oneleteeb ; Elward J.
and Wm. M , of R►pid City, S. D. ;
Mrs. Webb, of Ferin, N. D • R. B.,
of Wimbledon, N. D. i 1Valsoer. of
Walbollow, N. D Oen. Al.. of Mat.
cheater, England (guropeert represent -
wive of the Order. Mackey Oo.. Tor-
ero) : Met. Weetoby, of Milwaukee ;
Norris A.. of (treat Fella, Matena;
Albert K., of Minraspnl)e : and Anwe
D , of IJbkrago. Ilha. %Formby, Wil-
liam, R. B., Albert and Asset:w.te
beet for the furred. Mr. Rob'. Me -
lean. Mayor -Art of Dederick', ani
Mr. Jabs Lelean, er Duagsnnns, are
bentbe►s of the dr.a..d Mn. Cox
was • eos•l.te at nem bier of the Meta-
ndl•t rhumb. heelsg been admitted to
its fellowship when a girl of thirteen.
The loosest took piar fresh the family
reebdenee, tit, Patrick'. 'levee, this
aftersooe tTburdayt The serviese
wet" eoednc.sd by Hee. O. N. Hausa,
of fewdon, a termer peer of Me
deemed and • fraud pt the family,
LADIES! -Du not buy your
Spring supply of House
hull Listens before Acting
our dock.
Towellla's, P,llow Corea sed
Linens by the yard la vallous
qualities and widths.
Headmen. denigss in stamped
Pillow SIipr, Day !Slops,
Towel,, 1►mser and Bullet
& rnrves, Centre', Trays, etc.
Ten per cent. on Stamped
Christaeas Novelties.
tioderleb Next Heft Telephone
assbted by Rev. W. L Hagar, pastor
Of NMtb *beet Methodist church.
The pallbearers were the tour sons
who are home. Among maay others
who attended the turrer•al emus Mrs.
Wallwin, wife of Rev. 1. B. Waitaki,
pastor of Westmorelandaveaue Meth-
odist church, Toronto, a niece of the
deceased. The interment took place
In the family plot at Maitland came -
tory beside the remains of the late
busband Ind the eldest son of the de-
Hospital Board Annual Meeting.
The public are invited to be present
at the annual meeting of the 'Alex-
andra hospital hoard, to he held at the
court house on Tuesday, Jaaeary 11th,
at S p. m,
Mrs. King's Recital.
The recit.l to le given in North
street Methodist church nett Monday
evening 1.y Mrs. Geo. H. King should
attract a large audience. Mr,. King is
a special favorite with the people of
Godeticb, and .he will be assisted by
two talented young ladies. Miss Dor-
othy ('oitcntt, slocutioni.t, of'I'urouto,
and Miss Lasca Elliott, pianist. A
silver cullectioe will he taken.
Death of Curtis Lawrason.
Thr de*t b took place at Detroit on
Christmas Day of t'urte' Lawrsann, a
native and long-time resident of Gode-
rich township. Mr. Lawr.aon was
born seventy -riche years ago on the
farm on the Bayfield road now owned
by Mr. Isaac'Malkeld and lived in 'hie
neighborhood continuously until fif-
teen years ago, when he removed to
Detroit. In the year 1839 he was
married to Constance Tilly Thomas,
of which union seven children were
born, flee of whom, with the widow,
survive. They are : Bosnia, now Mre.
Willis Belt, and %Vm. t'. Lawra.on, of
Goderich township ; Grace, now Mrs.
Thos. Beel. of Goderich ; Alive, of De
troit ; and Helen tins). now Mee. Rob-
ert YonnR, of Ypsilanti. The remains
were brought here and the funeral
took place on Wed.esday, 294h ulto.,
from the home of Mr. Tho,. Bal. Bay
field road, to Maitland cemetery.
Rev. J. B. Fotbetiugbaw .inducted
the service at the house and the ser-
vice at the graveside was conducted
by the members of the Orange Order,
• very ►urge Dumber of whom were
present fa a body from Godeeich
Loden. No. ltd, and Itiverstoe lodge,
No. 145. The pallbea ren wen Mt yrs, e.
Wm. Seraf11e)d, J. S. MicMatb. 11.11
Rutledge, John C,x, lieo, McMullen
and John Wood.. The deceased wee
very well known in Goderich and the
township and a great number of
friends were present at the funeral.
He' envie a lifelong member nlealse
Anglican church and at man wbo did
the thing be believed was right.
Rev. li. M. Hohurs will preach next
Sunday at both services in the Baptist
church. Strangers, are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at
both services at Nortb street Metho-
dist church next Sunday Morning
subject : '•Zechariab's Filth Vision -
The Upbuilding of the Community,"
Evening subject • "Christ gips Me•li-
rations-Christ's Claim for Himself
1 am the Vine, Ye are the [teakettles. '
Rey. J. G. Reid was released ),y the
Ptwb tet y of Huron on Tuesday last
from his charge of Loudesboro' and
Burns church, Willett, to arempt • call
from South Kinloss, in the P. sebytery
otlMaitland, formerly in charge ni
Rev. Mr. McLennan, now retired. Tbe
congregations of Londesborn' and Hul-
lett will be declined ?rant ne the
:3rd of Jennie y h Rev. W P. Turner.
of Blyth, wbo wi•lract as interim mod-
The Men. Sunday (lisle, which
meets at 51 o'clock every Sunday
morning in the perior orf N.trth 'tree
Methodist chueeh, under 10. leader
ship of D A. 1'. Rromeesnn. has isued
its program for the 11rst four month.
of 1916. At each n e'ling • me j-ct i -
introduced by ore of the member..
and a general di- curio's follews. Tbe
subjects are such as are cal, Mated to
create interest and thought. and Dr.
liestmeremes seeds r.bip k racnnr.ainT
and helpful This Is the standing
invite ion of Lite Club : • ifoil she a
stranger in our tour*, or are is rowels
of • church hnawe, a warm welcome,
Use fellowship of sincere friends aro
the privilege of helping otber men
await you her.,'
To be healthy at ,.event. , prepare at
forty, is send advice, because in the
strength or merle life we ton often forget
lbat neglected cold., or areles tert-
ian* of sligbt adzes and pains, simply
tenderiser strength sed bring chrome
weakness for later yew.
To he strwyger *ben oMer, keep your
tierce parr and rich awl settee with the
strength - building awl blood -nourishing
of Scutt' Emulrns which is a
(earl a toetc and a redicine to keep your
blood eft*, alleviate rfxuamtfam and
mucid ideas. At any drug more.
firma sawn.. Twe.to. Ont.
sang Pems. .a. lbmilai lgt
Altai Nate at Siellsnise.
LONDON, Jan. 1. -There are edge
Of renamed activity 1• M
where It 1s reported ea.Metallly that
German and Auatrtaa forces are 1'•
Uttering at Mountie, to youth-wMt-
erm Serbia, soar the Greek besdar.
Ooanicting reports are reeelvsd near
earning the iateat1.. Of the Bulgar-
ians, but Premier Redoes volt le
quoted as having said they would
soon begin a advance tato Greek
territory to attack the Preach and
British at Saloalca.
Another despatch from Berll.,
however, says that, seeording to the
Bulgarian eNslander-lo-cblet, Goa.
Jemoff, no decision on this point bad
hoes reached a week age.
The Allies continue their ezpeetaat
attitude toward a threatened attack,
although Greece seems mainly occu-
pied in making various dlplomatk
protests, beets; fpllowed up her po-
lite protest to the Entente against the
arrest of the Consuls by an equally
polite protest to the central powers
against their aeroplanes lying aerates
Greek territory In a raid which killed
a Greek shepherd and • few sheep.
The Berlin Morgee Post publishes
a report that orders have been ghee
to the German and Austrian troops Is
Serbia to advance into Greece and at-
tack the French and British.. A
Bucharest despatch to the Morgen
Poet credits this statement to the
Dutra of Bona. It is said Germany
has communicated to Greece ber de-
sire to clear Grecian tellritory of the
Allied forces. The German Minister
at *the.s, the despatch says, told
Premier Skouloudls the best Interests
of Greece demanded the removal of
the French and Brltlsh. Inasmuch as
In the existing circumstances Greece
would he exposed to danger from the
troops of the Central power,. which
have been ordered to pursue the
Allies on Creek territory.
Twenty Out of Twenty-four Mansel.
palbUee Behind Scheme ho Far.
TORONTO, Jan. 5. -The construc-
ticn of a public -owned radial system
In Wester. Ontario was definitely as-
sured yesterday. Eighteen muntel-
Palities voted upon Sir Adam Beck's
Hydro radial project, and only four
went against the by -law -the Town-
ships of Waterloo, Blanchard. North
Eastbope, and East Zorra.
The following municipalities en-
dorsed the radial: Port Credit. Tra-
falgar. Milton, Wilmot, Naasagaweya,
Esquesing, Guelph Township, Water-
loo'. New Hamburg. Stratford, Dow-
ney, St. Mary's, London Township,
These are in addition to the vic-
tories won by the scheme in four
cities and two towns on New Year's
Tbe by-laws were carried by a
sweeping majority of 15,385 le Tor-
onto Saturday, and by substantial
majorities in London, Berlin, and
Guelph. In Toronto the vote was four
to one in favor of the by-law. The
verdict was tbree to one for the radi-
als to Guelph and in Berlin. Though
the twit/ vote was comparatively
small t0F majority surpassed the ex-
pectations of the supporters. The
vote 1n London wee about 57 per
rent. In favor. Curiously. the actual
majority for the by -taw in each of
these cities was between 630 and
680. ':hough the majority for the
by-law in London was substantial,
676, the vote was small when com-
pared with the tremendous maeate
ties in Toronto. Berlin, and Guelph.
There were 2,763 votes for and 2,087
Niateew Itisteen Will Be Tear of Vic-
tory. says President.
PARIS, Jan. 5. -"Nineteen hun-
dred and sixteen will be our year of
victory," says President Polncare In
a message to the omcere and sol-
diers of France," whirl. has been dis-
tributed along the whole front.
The message, wblch is one of great
simplicity, expresses the confidence
of the entire nation in its defenders.
The letter follows:
"Like you, my noble friend,, I
have read with emotion In the army
bulletin messages addressed to you
on the eve of the New Year by the
mayors of our large cities. The same
Wguage is used by all these French
cities, and it 1a easy to -day to draw
from these numerous expressions the
unanimous sentiment of the country.
'Everywhere you have sera main-
tained without effort this sacred
Halon spontaneously established sev-
enteen months ago under the menace
ot tbe enemy. Why would not the
rlvll population follow the example
of agreement mid barmony which you
ghee It! in the trenches and on the
battlefields you hardly think of con-
sidering your personal opinions.
Not Or or Elgbt Gives Necessary
Majority for late& Optima.
TORONTO, Jan, 5. --Not one of the
tight Ontario eltle, wbfeb yesterday
voted on the question of local option
decided to go "dry." Is the town-
ships and villages the supporters of
the measure bad a little better suc-
cIa. They were aueee.aful In fifteen
meek -Matinee. but failed to carry
local option In twelve. There are
several municipalities still to be
heard from, but the result through-
out Ontario in brief up to tits mora-
ine was&
Loral option carried 1n fifteen (oa-
Lost in seven municipalities.
Defeated by three -fifth. vote to
Number of licensee affected forty -
By-law sestalaed is three.
Omaseriptdoe Bill lewhedea Ireland.
LONDON. Jan. 6 -- AceoMtng to
as announcement made by the Pres
Association. Ireland M set te be sn-
eered from the sew compulsory /.-
trait's; bill,
Co -opera live
Is facilitated and en-
couraged by the open-
ing of a Joint Savings
Account In the names
of Husband and Wife, Father and Son, Brother and
Sister, or any two or more members of the family.
Either can deposit or withdraw money at will, and
the Interest accrues to the credit of both.
Ask the Manager for full particulars. P 04
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
FORMC6lL11 Tilde LY*SC
is the fascinating little favorite ELLA HALL, in
A five -reel Broadway Production
ADMISSION 10c and Se
of the
is non 1n.a t r.11.,.,1 and 4.1.i.tinae a..1 • ha„e
tori t aA..Y be reported to our Lees. Moo.,
et neer.
' /fare pea a teleprass. J Tk ..- eh.. have
will tell you that 11 ,. 1era nr.t lu.:n..0, .: e:...1' rr.
e•areaimr e.
Why .01 order to -day and 'see yam
name i • tae new daemon,
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada
LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Mea a n. Hillier and eJLhirx...1 Ts,9a(e.
are e1 Ung lire Hinter'. parent-. Mr. ►ed !fess
Rea Mak sad other nobod
The Canadian Order of l hoseu
Friends will bold a meeting in Wood's
ball tomorrow (Friday t evening.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Children's Aid Society will be held at
the court house on Tuesday peat at
1.15 p. m.
The regular monthly meeting of the
teenerel Brough Chapter, 1. O. D. E..
still he held on Monday, January 101b,
at 4 p. m., in the court bons..
Befnre Police Magistrate Lockhart
on Tueseay Clare Sweets was finedbiitr
ted cost. on each of two convictions
for eellittg.li.luor Illegally at Dungai.
non lair.
Mr. (:harks Sherman, of Theed.rr,
Seale., formerly of town, met with an
unfortunate accident while driving 00
Cbristmas Eve. His leg was htdly
broken and he is now in the hospital
at York ton.
Mr. W. R. R•,hertson received word
last week of tbe death of his lister,
Mia Christ] Robertson, which oe-
enred at her home near New Glasgow,
N. 8., cn December 36,h. Mise Robert-
son was seventy nine years ai age.
A musicale will lir given under the
auspices of Ahmeek ("bemire, 1 0.1).E.,
on Joinery .5)th, when Mr'. (.me. H.
King, Miss Lacca Bllinul and Mira
Orecw Seager will take part. Proceeds
in aid of the Chapter's war prisoners'
Ali former and present Boy Scout.
.re r. quested to meet on Friday of
this week at 7.13 p. m. at the North
street Methodist church Sunday
schoolroom for the purpose of tendee-
ing a rod -off to former Scout -masters
Dr. Hayden and Bruen Pritchard,
Mrs, R. L. Lloyd will receive for the
first tints since her marriage at the
••Lcokout' home, in fit George's
Crescent, on Saturday, January Mt h,
from 4 to ti o'clock. Her mother,
Mts. B. Moore, and Mrs. A. C. Harter,
.4 S'. Catharines, tamely .Mat LP -
Ilan U.•y3, will teteive with her.
The Signal is in receipt teem Mies
F.O. Hutchison of • copy ref The Ocean
Tuuee and Atlantic Daily News, jeered
on board the steamship Adrielir, en
which the Misses Hutchison sailed
front New York to Liverpool. The
ismer contains several persgraphs of
war de.petteb.s, stock market tntellt-
eenee and tuber news transmitted to
the vessel by "airtime." It igen in-
teresting souvenir.
Mf.. Ma.7 Harter .pont Sees 1.•v'• it
Mr, John Rrhoed Rlpler..Meed her 111,0f r
. a /ole. M.Onne M. at NN w •
M • fe•r .
Ile Mimes Joan sad Assn La *Pon. of Dt
Unit. are vYltt,w et t're•r kers • hewn.
Mt-. Mvpwt Mel...., of W wet 1. at.- mea
I at of Ibemildew.•oft ( tjxjg'1 ■ 1 n V
•p'. 1. ween.
of . •.sol.. 1.1... •.J
tem 14 =Wag SNg w resp si
e. ve r
Yr. std Mu% Marry Worwn lea• pet tomtit
to Tomato art -r %l.Inng' their parent., W, u d
Mn, U McMoreky and ars. J. H. W.r.e.l,
lir. John Da d. of kreyn, Dot ..,,,I ML.
Sadie Decd. of l'icero, 10 , rest tae betide'+
With their Gibe-. Mr teed. Seawater.
Mr. and lora Jovpb Joyce, of Cbmoo, Jr',
e ncoding the raccoon will the latter'- par-
e nt., Mr. cost Mr.. Jolla Lacey, Bo) Sold coed.
Mrs. Oro. Wil -on ,.'d Mr!. T. D. Petition. se
s..karstw, .e .pe•dina the Alcon rn.".iM
wile owls loather, Mr. J.. Mit:be0, Arthur
Mr.. Y. Hew-.w.et New LtekoerJ. le a:-itlrg
at ,he b.ste of hr 'went.. Dr. and !dr.,
*meg. Mr. Hew on we. here evert ., New
Yens. a .
Antons the holiday rbltor- 1m town ware 11r.
sed Mrs. M.-Meithe act deserter. of New
Aamb..rt. rho sato lana if Mr. and Sr-,
Thom. Cluedrr.
Mr.. Loess McDun.N sod two danfhter-, tf
bwlft Current. Peek.. are .idling Mn. Mcl)w-
ald, mother. Mr-. Ileo Dote-. and Mr. M.•-
a• mother. Mn. A. U. M. Donald, 1,..m.
Dr.. Jaa I. and . W atter R. Tomball. of Vas
cers r. were In t 'awn fora few d.p. t k', ascot.
Titer bad maw lint to v ie/t their mother, wbo'
live. at Mlta erten, and lebet 1. s a very Mw
+tat: or bruit!•.
Mi.+ belle Johnston has Memel f,om Vas.
t on. er and le et the heave of Mr. shod Mr, J. K.
Tom. Rbc sae accompanied est the trip kYgg
MI.. ges!rrne M. Nair. who -Ir ileitis( her rel-
it I vee at Hru..ek.
M1..e. Ethel and Jean Nairn and Mary
1'lart belt on Mwwdnr he rttr•af,rd t. re..me
their . ,ewe., Mi.. rah 1 Nairn and vie.
Clark . Dee Normal School .od Mf.t lout.
Na'.. a' tbe Benne.. Collage.
Mr. J M. !lichees. of Termor• I*nl.er-.:. As
of Mr J. T. Diea.os, hewerlr et dater* A.
1quilt A Walesat . sod Ms rturth Ma rned to Tenni,.
atter ace ding a few say to town with Ye
nom* end suet. Mr. and Mrs. M. antra
Mr. Ren. (iraisger cad iso. Cs.il are .!own
from 4 armee Rest., on • , tat R. Celt falai ivy+
in talb.rme tow ..!hip. Mr. Brainier ba. 'teen
ten yearn In the W`eat and be sad hl- eo. • tree
n.w IOW r rhe of land. T►t. n at they took ow
11-,.0 barbel. of ulna'. besides 1,n* be- hale of
oat. and 1,Sen 10.bel .t nes
Whet. per bn+h
I tat e, r.sr bo.5 .
Hub, per bash
Peer, per bath
[tick ahs, per bee'.
r lour. tangly. resent
Flour. pate.,,. pr cwt
H.an, per ton .,
Mhnr .. per roe '
Hay. per ton
truer. .otr.0, person.
1* owl. per lead ......
Hntter. per HR. ..
►:cera, rrr.h. per doe
Pot a.o.-.err bash
T,rc.anav, Jae it
.. ._ 6 'a t•t1.ela
)t to . M
17 to 1d
Alto 7)
1.71 l0 x,e.
t ar to LIS
. ft8I to
ise) to
... line to
Lea to
s.so to
.M to
.3i to
App)e. err to.h 11 to
Cattle eitrher.' erne, pee cwt. ere to
1•alt h0 rher..tadl..," cue t0
Mrs Icy weitrbt. pee cwt.. .t e M to
sheep ter cwt , asn to
!whale rpee rent tem to
AmpslCltr .-1 to
H Id.+.
R 11 to
Ta1M,e.s.e".., Mlle .1 .. .11 to
l e.ek• per
1 1lchew.. per ab ... . . l .... .1x to
time*. per lb. ti to
toter.. ter 0, to to
W Roth numb •toss a r los 14 the
w w with r, Mode at A ,w1nk.
IF Sys Mina/. or wan*, we. t h. ,were
et Mem Agar. Hemlhnet donne the holiday
MMe Kir Re.e, ts, eel Teronts, •p ret •1 •
bedelstire 1. 1 mhe pored. tbe .tf Mt-. I1.HM w .
Mar Ca.elea baa rRerwsd foam • . tett of
••al wets. with ra411vee area ire
i~R. T Y. ant deephta
Areels. rink , an • I •11•M ar the bonze of V r
see tars. s J. Tiny.