HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-1-6, Page 5T8u AT, Ja$OASY i ION
You Can Make
Money By
Spending It
Spend }out money in a Snit
or Overcoat now and save the
big advance in the Spring.
Jost now we are offering great
values in Suits and Overcoats
at $10.00 and $12.00
Every one isworth much -more
money, acr now is an oppor
tune time to buy.
When up town drop in and
see these great money -sat ing
W. C. Pridham
Sole agent for] I lie[ D,
Society Brand Special Ordered
I. of Mins Saesk
ems tie.dasegtsfiee the tate Mr
here Hast Davidson aid was bora i.
l►edevleb I.wts.Mp, where she IItIrIN
enotiametely eosin eight yeses age,
when Om west Wee m vt.l1 bee
eseeher. While l• the War she was
stride, with paralysis mid renamed
to live with bar stetter is Sue1Py. She
was Poled foe her tweet .a yd.s. y 1s
e"ureb work sad was owe of Lhe crest
valued members of Union church.
Godes ieb township. It was 1.rgsly
through bee efforts the liabb•tisschool
was kept is such a high Mate of em-
eleacy, and many ail' ibute their asst
iateeeet to spirituel thinim to her loan -
met. S 1 years Ago .he was
created • life-ineuiber of the Wons...
Ilierottery 8 cony of lbs t'resbyter-
iae.burae She 1..ani.ed by leo
sisters : Mrs Wm. R dd, K Stanley
township, aod Mn. Wm. (Jordon, of
Bu essersio, Mau., and five b others,
Robert. of doderich township; Hugh,
of AUbtos, Ont.: Gorge, of Yea-
ooaver; David and . Bert, of Cart-
w,lgbs. Man. The funeral took piece
on Wetineedey from the home of Mr.
Reid, of Stanley, to the home of Role
et t Das ideoe, of Oodricb township.
and theme to Maitland cemetery. Rev.
James Railton, of Oodericbe cno-
du Ked the services. The pallbearers
were Messrs. Wm. EJward, 8. R. Me -
Meth, Ueo. Meliorate and Bart Orr, of
Uoderich township; aral Robe. Reid
as/Thos. knower t, of Stanley town-
'The Ferrer' ('lub will meet at the
Orange Hall, 4th c000sseioo, on Wed-
nesday, J armory 12:h.
A meninx of the United Patriotic
Society of Guderich township forsew-
ingwill be held at the home of Mrs.
H. 0. Welter on Wednesday. January
171.h. All Interested In the work are
cordially invited Lo be present.
Tces1DAY, Jan. 4.
Waoi YD. -Mr. ('ba.. Barr, of Hal-
lett, and Mies Mose Poo er, datigbter
of Mr. Wallace Potter, of Rut Wawa.
nosh. war► quietly married at Sea -
forth on Wednesday la .4 and are now
settled on the farts the groom hat
rented fro.n his father In Mullett.
Toe ELeorion.-Tbere was consid-
erable ezci e.oeol in town on Monday,
due to the pol:iug for four c uoa:sllots.
The dry wee stormy and cold, we're
detained some front voting, but, as
etch candidate had a rig on the go
most of the available vote was brought
to the polls. The result was as fol-
lows • Heeva-Dr. Milne
a -
tion). Councillors -J. Carter, 1:i7:
N. A. T.yl.w, 134 • J .s Cu t, 104 ; 11
Hnn.ey, 9t ; R. 14. Robinson, 1St ; %V.
Phillips 67. The first four ora elected.
A LigcoR SglsceiR--Rev. E U.
Powell, of (;liuton, county secretary
for the temperanc: Inrty, mild a visit
to Blyth on Friday last. When he
got off aha Ir.in three cases of whiskey
were put .11 the same train, sc he
went up town and got the constable,
with the intention of n sling a ee.z-
ure. When they returned two of the
cases had igen called for, but they
seised the other one, as no pernoo
knew the mar whose name was un it.
Th -y took the case to the lock-up,
where it bas remained ewer since, nu
person having c.11ed for H.
PgnsoNoL AND GENERAL. -On ac-
count of Me heavy ram on New Year's
Day. the town was very quiet. There
were a number of visitors in town as
usual, and quite • number took ad-
vantage of tM,che..p railway fares to
visit blends at a distance. The 'hat-
ing was out of commission on account
of the soft weather, which was a greet
dissppointmeot to a nuu,her of the
young people .... The cbwcbee this
week are holdicg a tiniest weak of
prayer, eommenrIng Tamely night 1.
the Presbyterian rberch and noodling'
nn Fills night in T.ini.y church....
Mr. and Mts. P. Liao diner .petit • few
days of the past we. k with relatives
at Exeter ._Me end Mts. D. Sumer'
and too, of Wcnghem, visited with
relatives bete this week : Mr. P.
McTagg ire. of Exeter, visited his sons
here this week Mts. Thompson,
of Clinton, 'Hatted her dengbtets herr
this week Qnite a number in this
sec i .n are ruff -e ing from a mild form
of grippe at press lit Misses M
and A. Forsyth, who have been on •
vhdt of a couple of menthe with their
sister, Mrs. J. Henderson, in Howkk
township, hove returned home ace,.rn-
panied by )lop Henderson dies
Lena Liviog•ten, who has been in
Balt'sh Colombia t1.r a few months,
rein' ned home last week Mr.
and Nee F.ank Brinton .pest a few
days of the past week with relatives
atChealey.... .Mr. Joe. Coombe, sr..
received the news Isar week of the
death of his sister, Mn. Merritt,. at
London. .1 rbc advanced ago i31 sew-
enty-four year.. The tuners) took
place on Satunlay but as Mr. Coombe
is not via y well himself he was unable
to attend .. Mr. Frank Moore, who
has enlisted with the Huron Battalion,
in the signabing corp., commenced
training at Clinton on Moodily Mr.
Allen Balsas ie corMned to bis home
with • return of his .Jd malady, iheu-
matiam .. .. Mr. and Mr.. F. Elliott,
of Listowel, who spent the past week
with Ib. former it brs,ther, returned
home oo Monday Mr. J. D. Leith
visited wi.b his brother at 8iratfotd
the pad week
TUisDAT, Jan. 4.
Miss LJaie Horton spent New
Year's Day et Stratford.
Mr. Hugh Chisholm came home lust
week from the rosin's esiling.
Mr. HarryChisholm returned to As-
sumption llette, Sandwich, today.
Mr. Lotus Kirkpatrick, of Cabal,
Sask.. is visiting his friend, Mr. J obn
Master Jlarold Keating, of (iale-
rjch, spent the holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. C. Stewart.
Mir Eva Keene, of Dundas, spent
New Years at the borne of Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. (hinon.
Mrs. H. Uliddoo is home from Ham-
ilton, where the visited her sato over
the holiday season.
Our tracheas, Misses Shaw, Clutton
and Linklater, hese returned to their
retractive schools again.
Miss Lilian Lsulenslayer is on lee
sick list at present, but her friends
hope soon to see her arcur.d again.
On New Year's else about forty of the
young people gathered at the beautiful
home of Mr. and Mr?. A. 11. Cluttt n
and spent • very Pleasant evening in
games and music. At midnight, sib
the advent of the new year, and also
leap year, the young holes were gisen
the honor of ioviling the young men
to lunch. The occasion was arranged
by Mr. and Mrs. Clutton In honor of
tbeir daughter, Miss Jean, who was
home from sebool for the bolidaye.
Tells of Kidney Disease Cured by Dodd's
Kidney Pdls.
tlestbew, R.ak., Jan. Srd.-i4pecial )
-That all van Otitis and stages of kid-
ney disease yield readily to Dsxld's
Kinney Pill. has been proved almost
daily for years. Mn. David White-
head, of this plane, writes:
"I was so afflicted with weakness
that 1 oft n faloted. i b-lieved my
trouble arose from my kidneys ■ ad
reading an adv. n rarest led me to try
Dodd'. Ki tray Pillr. Now soy weak-
ness ,s gone ; i can deep Latter and I
dou't have a turd feeling ag before. i
•m oear17 seventyyears oI age tut I
feet lake fifty. Iadvise all women
suffering as 1 did to use Dodd's Kidney
There passed away on January lad, at
tate home of her brother -in-law, Mr.
\Vm. Reid, of Stanley township, one
of • be most highly respected residents
of Oodrrieh township, la the person
Leek Nether, 1f tongue 1s coated,
sleasise llttie bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Ftrs."
Mothers eau nest easy after glvtag
"California Syrup of Figs. because 1a
a few hours all the elogged-up waste,
sour bile and tremolo' food gently
moves oat of the bowels, and you have
a well. playful child again.
Sleac children aseda't be coaxed to
take this harmless "telt laxative."
Milieus of soothers keep It heady be-
came they know it. aetbe on the
e tnmaeh. Mv.r gad bowels is prompt
red Dare
Ask your druggist for a incest bob
ti. of "Califorala ammo of alga... Prefab
e satatM dkedless M babies, elltUdree
til al arm and for mews -spa
If�� you base b laskacyam bees
M3d..ry Disease If you .egtset
ga.kaehe it will develop into
something worse -Or gist • Die
ease or Dlabetaa Them is es
NIP refilling ..d decsorkrg�mr
'acMet care e 'rhes
is ashy one kid.oy .nidi.e bed
it arse Hacked". every tie -
itev. Geo, E. Roes, of Oodericb, will
conduct the anniversary pervious' in
8mitb's Hill church on Sunday next.
The services will bi bend at 11 a. no
and 7p.m.
terest is tieing token in the visit of
Prof. F. V. Riethdotf to C trine next
Monday evening, when be will give an
address to the Prase)t,rien church on
•'The Causeaeof the War." Pref. R'eth•
dorf is a Uerman who disapprove+ of
the militn-let policy of bis native land,
and he has addressed many meetings
in various parts of (lntariu Ind bee at-
Ytracted and pleased lunge audience,.
The program tor the evenlog will in,
elude LIeo *owe musical numbers,, 11.. -
eluding onto, by Miss Patterson, of
Auburn, and eelectlons by the Auburn
Ladies Quartette. The proceeds are
to be devoted to the Red Cross handy.
Admission ;no, children 160.
ENTKKTAINMKNT. - -A very su_cesr.
ful entertainment was given by the
scholars of S. 8. No. I, Colborne, on
December 22nd. Quite a large outn-
ber of parents and a isitors were pres-
ent. The profit nm consisted of read-
ings, recitations, songs, dielogues and
• Hag drill. There were also compli-
mentary ■ddres.es by Messrs. John
Young, Samuel Potter, Col. Varcoe
and W. F. Young, all of whcm .poke
in the highest terms of the way the
scholars rendered their selections and
also paid tribute to the tea•tber for
her faithful and efficient training.
The trustees should be congratulated
on having eecured such an excellent
teacher a. Miss Wise has proved her-
self to be. We predict for Miss Wise
a eery successful career in her chosen
Nosn.ty, Jan. 3.
Mrs. Wm. McCarthy is visiting at
Mrs. Wm. 'Long bas returned after a
trip to Denver. Col.
Mr. John Qu gley has returned after
spending t be past season on the Great
Lakes. Mess's. Wm. Meyers and Flor-
ence McCarthy, who have been in
North Dakota, also ore home.
The Kingsbridge Dianna.ic Club in-
tend* to present "For the Red, White
end Blue in Lucknow January Iatb.
The proceeds over and above expense
are to go to the patriotic fund.
The following is this vent's list of
Chri.tnias visitors : Mrs. Hogan, Mn.
LaLonde and Oswald L uubettu•, Ex-
panse, Meek&tcbewan liertrude Dalkon,
Pesci Griffin, Minnie Connor. U. J.
O'Connor end Arnie Sullicar, ref
Detroit : Maurice N. Sullivan, Wil-
fred Garvey, John and Wm. Loot',
rf Asllmptlon College. Sandwich ; Mr.
and Mts. Armstrong Standish, Alice
Dalton, Marie Sullivan, Guelph : Ar
tens ('Connor, Whitby : Joule Dalton
and Riven Rultivan, K.eilweeth; Elea-
nor Joys, Genevieve O'Connor, Made
fine Sullivan, of the 0. C 1.: Nellie
Glancy, Cargill; Margaret Garvey,
Chepstow ; Dora Dalton, Parkhill, •ed
J. C. Moes. Toronto.
wetagraph pant. The base aima
b.. .1uaatlty of f a.yum who
wide.. to use it les Letitia,/ for the
1aitise+. A pest geese y of shaker
Mos ale ler■ ams ep tato boepitat
Siker ler the seedier and awn will be
dhtiribeted fee Igtaktag tip before Msg.
The ladies Phe wish to work read sot
be idle. lime are seem wise are say -
log there is eotblwg to da. Jar* let
lyase peeper look aMt teem and if
they mare ted something to do 1.
this buy time It wW ler Moore they
don't want to do It. 'Iboss are the
people who are Away. sa,log. "'rbcs
is ambles toseo."
MONDAY, dee. 8.
TARGAN--$111ACXUMW( - A quiet
waddle( took plane ben on Wearies -
day, Deeen.ber Itkb, et the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sbclktoa, at
A.bts4d, when their eldest daugbter
Minnie, wee unit{ in mat triage to
George 0. Tanga.. of ('olboene 7 be
ceremony was pas formed by Rev. J. %V.
Medley In the peeeeoce of immediate
relatives. The beide looked aerating
in a dress of welts ai k erepe with
pearl ululating sad carried a bouquet
of carnations and maidenhair fern
The young couple will reside oh the
groom's farm in Colborne township
and their many irked. join in wisbl.g
them a prosperous and happy wedded
Mi'NDAT, las. S
Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Martyo are
visiting with the latter'e mother here.
Mr. Waller t7unoingbam has
.ecuted a poaitio0 as teacher at Maple,
Miss Evelyn Hayden has returned
to Stratford to coatioue her clamp to
Mise. Jones hu returned to Toronto
alter visiting with her parents fur a
week. -
Councillnr Joseph U. Nilson and
wife, of Ooderich, spent Sunday with
the furmrr'e parents bete.
How to Cook Roman Meal Porridge.
Invariably use dnoble holier, or set
boder in basin of bailing water. Have
water boiling in both vessels, that in
inner one salted to taste. Slowly stir
In one sup Roman Meal to each two
cups water. Cover, ret in outer ves-
sel, and never stir again even while
serving. For early breakfast cook at
evening meal and warm in morning,.
using a little less Roman Meal. I.'s
dark, nutbrown, granular, rich por-
ridge. It nourishes better than meat,
prevents iuditestioo and positively
• relieves const i potion, or"dunes beck.
Ask your doctor, A11 grocers, to rents
and 26 cents.
I Made by Roman Meal C3., Toronto.
Tra.•D.\Y, Jan. 4.
' NoTEs.-Mr. end lire. Wen. Wnl-
son spent New Year's win h Tee.water
friends ....Mr. and M i of W at. N ixor,
of Donnybrook, t-eated their ft lends
oto a patty last Wednesday evening.
All repott a good time Quite a
profession. • Inuaaber from this vicinity attended
the bell at. Auburn last Friday even
! Mr. and Mre. Rclhin. of Nile,
Toaro.tY, Jan. 4. •pent New Year'. at Will. Tbompsnde,
C. O. F. °toucans. -At the last reg- 1 The Mosses Walsh, of Pari.,
ulsr meeting of Court Benmiller, No. spent the New Tear holidsys with
86, C. O.F., the following officers weretheir patents, Mr. and kite. Jobn
elected : C. R , C. Vanstone; V.O.R., I Walsh James Cummins returned
D. Rogers ; financier, P. Maedel: re- home Ieet week after • season's sailio
corder, W. W. Flatlet; treasurer, Wm. :on the Great Lakes Joseph Keel-
$tra gb an ; cbaplalo, C. W. Walters; has his returned home from lb.
8. W., W. Henke; J. W., Ed. Van- West The 8t. Augustine brooch
stone: S. M. J. Inng; J. B., A. Keech- of the Women's Institute will bold its
ioski; trutteee, C.J. Walters, J. Breen, trimonthly meet Ing at the homer f Mee.
C. Fisher, A. P. Walter, Ed. Van Wm. It Andrews on Wel.ediy,
stone; examining physicians, Dr. Tay- ' January i2tb, at 2 odock sharp.
lor of Ooderich and Dr. Weir, of
NoTsa,-hiss Ross Dunt has re-
turned from • visit of a few days with
friends •t Licosa!! Mr. Clifford
Fisher has taken a profs ion et Galt ter
the winter Mr. Norman Ti item -
nee, of Toronto, spent a few days with
friends in this rediae y last week
Mr. and Mn. L. Grosse are spending!
their holiday. with friends in this
vicinity Mr. W. B. Forster i.'
making an 'Monied visit with rola-
lives near Toronto Mr. and Mus.
J. C. Durst spent the week -end with
relatives at Heoall Mr. L. Cut -
reit, of Sanford, spent New Year's
with bis cougin, Mr. L. Allen Mr.
H. Farrant spent the week -end with
his friend Mr. D. F. Rchwanz Mr.
E. M. Durst i• making preparations
for the .rection of a new bone next
1 Catarrhal Deafness Carnot Ile Cured
bJ local appileatlon•... th y senor non the
Mooed pot toe of the ear. Taws oases ere
way W tun c [51,1451 d1.e., gad
flet k by a cue lade al eerials. C.-
taw bal d' ittoo to :.
.red s u by anested
leaner ion of the sodas r hadear A the e.-taelt-
tan tuba. Whoa tisk tots k Inflamed you
Me• a mob 1. g wood cr lwpera et l mfrs.
sed wbee It L. entirely c med. deefse..1s the
re -ti r. Unto- the 1.,tawsatina . be re-
duced and 'he. tube N..ee to ha renal cwt.
Mien hear bag will be Seamy. d forever. )IliiT
ace of deer...* an rased b� starrb, Pike
1. an tis flamed cond.ti.e of lke risme sew
face.. Hall. Catarrh Cure acts through the
Mace on the arcane .urfa to et the moon.
W. .111 der one hoodoo' donor. foe any
gear or ratarrbsl draftees that baa art he
cured by Hall'. Catena Cur. Clreala,s fres
All drug5i.t•. 7.b
V. J. t H KNIT k CO., Takdw a
Motorise. J... 3.
SHEPPARD Lnnns.-At the last rei-
nter meeting of Sheppard Lode,. No.
347, A. 0. U. W , the following officers
were elrcted: Mastsr \Onrkman, R.
Moore: foreman, Wm. Million; over-
seer, H. H. Fisher : financier, C. A.
Vanvtons' : recorder, Paul Heeded ; re -
river, Wm. Rtraughan ; guide J. W.
Ukdbill; io.idw watcbmes, R Jewell;
outside watchmen, \V.s.Mlllnon : audi-
tor., Wm. Million. H. S. Fisher ; dele-
gate to Gond Ltdg.•. Paul Mandel: al-
ternate, Wm. Million : ledge pbyele(an,
Dr. Hester, of Oodetich. Oe the
evening of December 31.1 the lodge
held his animal .upper at the home of
Mr. Paid M•edel. A departure was
nude from the usual custom of only
the lodge monition Ming present, and
this year the members' wires ware In-
vited to Its premeet After sapper bad
bees partaken of the rening was
.pent la a .natal manse►, mimes, snag,
and granseplsoste melee' bons helmg the
thief features of the evenings area..
Mr. Norman Kirke and his sister,
Stella, visaed the home of Col. Vareoe
the pest week.
Mt. Oliver H. Kirke baa returned to
the 0. C. 1. after spending the boll -
da s at his ,home here.
Twgt.g le WORK To Do. -The local
branch of the Women's institute met
on Tburaday, December 81.14. An ex-
cellent paper was given by Mn.
Richard Ryan, of Nile, the .ubject
being "Whet constitutes en attractive
woman r which was followed by dis-
cussion. A report was given by the
presidett of the Toronto Women's
Institute convention. It was decided
at this meeting to make up twenty -
fire kits for the use -of wounded sol-
ohdiers In bospitd. The ladies intend
holding a bazaar In the near future
and ate avec diets ibutlag blocks for en
■ • C::::t G'�".--�= ii== •
The Saying Happy New Year means much to us all
when the great present and the greater future engross all our attention •
- - - and energies - - - -
The present of this '.tore is the result of your confidence in our desire and ability to serve yen
faithfully. By retaining your confidence and gaining that of others we hope to develop into a
larger business sphere. We are here to show you the best quality for the lowest price consistent
- with modern merchandising. Give us a trial.
La Diva Saperebone--Corsets
Fle tibia as the body Itself.
This new fashionable and daintily finishRIwire lag ever Invented.
ed corset needs no introduction. •
SUP11H-BONE BONUsed three urodel*only•absolutely gusraaleed in every respect
SUPER -BONS -Flexible as the body itself, unbreakable and uoo rustable, glues absolute freedom with
perfect support. Tall and short. Mout or dim, teens is a model to suit your figure.
SUPER BONE -Is much better than the high-priced. made-to-order model. but an ordinary priced corset -
Just toy • pair and be convinced.
PWn Cashmere Hosiery, 8n, 9, 9n and 10. at 2.31,
Plain Casbmere Hosiety, 84. 8.111 and 10, It 33e
Wool -rib Hosiery, 6 to 10, for boys.... 23 to 33e
Ali -wool rib Hosiery, 6 to 10, for boys 35 to 53e
AU -wool rib Hosiery, 6 to 10, for ladies 33 to 355
9P rib Hornet y, 4 to 10, al! -wool . .. 23 to 3Sc
96 rib Hosiery, iii, 9, 94. 10, all one price .... 33e
Plain Cashmere Hodery, 8i, 9. 9n.10, one price30c
Plain Cashmere Hosiery. 84, 9, 9n, 10, one price3Sc
Little Darling Hosiery, 4 to 7, prices 26 and 30c
in cardinal, cream, sky, tan and pink.
Men's Mack Cashmere Sez 30 and 36c
Meier grey wool 801. good s'zes. 30c
Th. above Hosiery pricey are lees tbaa make's'
prices today for the same quality of stocking..
1 Fingering Yarns u
in mid grey. that we have been waiting for more
than a to int h.
for ladies. girls'. boys, ma a and children, from
26c to 81.25. All at old pikes.
Embroideries and Insertions
About one to two inches wide. at a big reduction
in prima.
Sweater Coats
if you want • Sweater Coat come here
and get • good one cheap. We have them for
ladies, gills, lays and children. From
800 to $3.$0
■ c==aaaa
music went like "lent cake."
Up to t14e present the KIngsbIIdge
people have bad no appropriate place
her holding entertainn,en's, Realizing
the nrcessi• y of one the K. D. C. was
organized with • view to raising funds
to ■range the church basement for
that purpose. by bolding entertain-
ment.. The flub has taken the Initia-
tive and it was • decided tucceae.
More entertainments will Ise put on
duridg the winter and the hall will ler
improved. One cannot malaise greater
reward for bis labor then to know sadly. "What did see say? ''She
that his work is appreciated, and the said she ,denired my onte, but she
1 P
1 T 'I
In •'1 countries. Ask for our INVMM.
701; d ADVIgK ,wkkb will be seat AM
ll4 U.vs..ldt et.. Msauls&
"Did you. send her your Christ Ines
poem'' '•fere," replied the young aim
flub bas been m e the recipient s f didn't quite understand why every
that reward. As one of the drama -di- line b gen with a capital letter.''
rectors who was interviewed recent)
by the writer of this article stat I Try Blackstone's for fresh o; stere
they received eo many congratulations I Bee our display of fresh hoe..-msde i -
and words of appreciation from the taffies. Blackstone's.
Winter Term from January 3.
Canada's !Jest Business College.
We bare three different deranneutw
tammerctaL rlrtlaad and CeMgr, ply .
Our grad tome are excretes gond po Ilton..
Ne ■-* r.alrlag man apspliearbn. we
moan seen. is awe day. MO te.,Ii we
re...t ed 11 ippneatfone for trained help
Some calla odbetar from 813 ror worth to
ale. per mount rem le unfilled. Ort ser
free catalogue at mos.
audience that they were fully iso- 1
warded tor their Rouble, and it was H
ales an eoeuurageseent to try a ahml-
lar game again. -(Written on request
of The Signal by one who saw the
deraldine-"William means good ;
James means beloved. 1 wuoder
(blushing) what George means?" Mn,
Foodhopss-"Well, dear, let us bops
that George means burioer."
TUESDAY, Jan. 4,
A St'1 cioutFUL Pnoucertme-in
the last two Issues of The Signal before
Christmas the King.beidaeco respone-
ent eLdeavored to direct the attention
of the p iblic towards a -coming event
n( singular import•11CP, the prssea1r-
tirn of a wardr..ma, "For TM Red,
White and Blue." in the local parish
ball. h the Kingsbridge Dramatic
Club. Thi, drams was represented to
he one of unusual strength for an
amateur company,oese of good comedy,
interesting romans", deep plot aid
preening every other requisite of the
top-notch being-down-'he-bou•e pet -
forntance. The play was "pulled off."
Was it • success 'r Ask any one of the
many:who baste it; in short it. was all
that it was represented to be.
Altbougb the condition of the roods
was not the besL which kept ..any
from • distance at home who otbat-
wise would have bees to attendance,
Use weather,- as twtwbody said
"was lite the sbow, 'Oat of sight.' "
and the nail was ,filed to opacity.
The proceeds were 8140 96, and that
with the .mall admission fee of 96 and
716 cents is consideredfoe a rural
entertainment. Du rag the threw
hours of the performance mance the eyes of
the well-filled hour were riee.ed o0
the stage, where many diameters
common to every lay aasociatioe were
trsyed in their tem colors he
Cbvery, snatsassead true merit of
the American are and awry officers
and their roams* the Red Cross
nurses and Washlegton arlatneraey at
home and abroad, he pool, deliberate
army doctor, t►e well la -do hanker,
the ueeerupotone villein. the fumy
negro and Irlabman, the released
prisoner, Orreries and roomiesttotd
Spanish 'Outspent. the ern of the
American as' asd nary and the
Spanish golllar-these character.
moving In • story of heart Merest is
• realistle manner rnsstltuted the
drama which altepmstely moved the
hour from up oat bow 'mishit/4 at the
comedy to tweet 'shin nine," during
the many climaxes. The vswdoetile
between cote was most of letentty
reechoed and the inrrums.tal
Has it occurred to you that working
the farm is a briber ptoposition, and
Met you are handicapping yourself
and losing money by not anhecriblog
for a farm b,tsinee1sss piper. We rwrvun-
mend The Farmer's Weekly Bun. To-
ronto, to our readers. It is the steed -
fast friend and fearless edvecate of be
monger, end aloe yplaces hie Interests
first. The one dollar you invest oil'
newer tie regretted. Start the year
right by sending in your subecrip ion*
or leaving it at this valve.
Oysters-fieelsbipt, solid meat and
always free", at Edwards'. Phone MO.
PAC I F 1.4
Me "RIDEAU" f,. Ottawa
Popular aftersmon 1 .ale via Late tlatario
Laves Termite 1 is pm for Whiney al.b
•sea, aowsaavIIle. Pert Hope. t'ebsert.
Treater". Belkelfe. KIr.g'.(on severe. 0T-
Me••k• Street. at (*lateen Camber.
TM "YORE" Marge Ottawa 1.15 para., ar-
rives Tomato ties p.m.
To Calldw.la, IMids. ale.
Lambed 1nl.e awned •t Detroit with
thenen% abeam to rloMMA. alto comma
rtem vl• u.dL,s, Wasaistrose and audio
1ed restos ria C.P.R. lied case,
('ls•••s• sewss wtt1 all urusga arks
Cblre r us conferees.
Patkela,. Mee NM ItIDD C. P R.1rrest. se
write N. 0. MURPHY, D.JA..aNgleiegnelinallOrIMMEMNIMMlie
epeeist Round Trip Fane
eves. Lees t Supftt--- Mepevr+•
AelsR Nss�i . B : Het `npis ea, raa..
ftie�ek uek dmq
ia_Ind.: Jaeae
al MOM prp(ata: Davao& tuba, and Nee
(Agar. La . eta New York and Fell t"r
*teaser amenitoor to Machos Ise t se t la Ra g
sb, Daadtoe t. a.
red Wtet lads.tt Other health Nest..
MOW yet. Oellarime. ;rCreek. ..
rMatesasd fee I tea N / i'. LA aglet.,'g a: n0 ~ •release.
Attend the Seat. N hysl
�TIRON TO. ONT. Owl lama 1• Carse• fee
ta'mr4s es. Ci. wrM�g demaa Mr made•
Mos 1.104 mew.
D. A. )Iet. ACBt-AA, IMarlpal.
Fora Flock of 500 Chicks or Less
The Csndee COLOR' BI'O�er
h lass
dw. t rtes �
alis Mlid daua
It opiate tied rd Peplos mese Mee
t ape IMAM suwws amend tea Yew
be air pd Yom me mil dwdipma
r Ingot kat mg bi-I r. $3er+ena
▪ oh Ire oder dee tire- bid Yrs
te M ke k rd rd deer-sd gears
areas graie..m red It arab teMee.
1 ea May mid Se ands. ed4
\saes Mew 1 awe NS a rd Mow Mgt
I. t sa .a. ser s Yowam� :oats/
Mak Yee ora sew
Yi d�ahs.4�rIa}rsBasallt(r
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Sale
Ten to Fifty per cent. Reductions
Our great stock of Boots and Shoes included
You reap the advantage during this sale : First, in our low
regular prices. Second, in the spe:ial reductions ranging
from 10 per cent. to 50 per cent. we give on these regular
prig during January. Come while assortments are com-
plete and selections are the widest.
A Few Representative Prices
Women's Lace and Button Boots, black and tan leathers, sell
ing at kas than half-price, per pair.,
Extra Special Reductions in Felt Shoes, Slipper:', Mocca
sins, Dancing Pumps, Club Bags, Suitca.+et and Trunks.
POLISHIS--A11 kinds, 10c for 8c, 1'c for 12c, 20c for 18e,
25c for 19c, during January Sale.
Lumberman's heavy snag -proof Rubbers, tan leathern
12 -inch top, laced. Regular per pair 84.7.1, for
Gunl and snag -proof Rubbers, one or two buckle or laced.
Best qualities $l and tip
Heavy Redact Ulna on children's. mimes', boys', women's and
men'. Overshoes and Rubbers.
Nuecee.or. fn
1.11.MeOlintnn Walters & Coe
dodsrk .. be Sora with Leadership"
Let Bide
Phone 226.