HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-30, Page 7pared. They got evetybody's cooll-
deoce, and they borrowed oo.lou dred
bud -
thousand dollars to enlarge their
nems, and then they failed and got
away with every cent of the looney.
which they could have done if
they bade t been honest. See? '
"How did that pat rot of fours learn
to talk so quickly He couldn't say a
word when 1 was bore last week." "1
know : but my wile's mother has been
paying us ►,vt since then. -
The inducements offered with common
soaps cannot make up for the purity of
Sunlight Soap. It costs U'S more to make
pure soap. Hut it costs YOU less to use
it, for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes
it saves. It does not µear and rub the
fabrics as common soaps do.
UAW tarsen• d
pstet; milli every cols
a 111 Saucer S••►
New Year Suggestions
What better remembrance can you give
your friends than a pair of dainty Slippers ?
The new styles this season are more beaut-
iful than ever and the prices most reason-
To meet the extra demand we have made
•• -stn unusual effort to show a variety-ofholi-
day novelti(:(i.. in footwea[ that cannot be
Several new styles in dress Shoes and
evening Slippers have just arrived.
Skating Shoes are now in stock.
Rubbers and Overshoes at the lowest
North Side Square
County and District
Alfred Meliet ha• sold h"s farm es
the Bronn.n use, 11.7. to J. J. )Ierwer,
M. P. The pries war $8,1111u.
Harry Waller. Wtu. Cornwall and
.lar. Ball, of Wroxeter lo,wlity, es -
listed in the trust Battalion receetly.
Lockhart Juboston. of Varna, broke
his arm while pract isle in the gym-
nasium of Seefortb Collegiate Insti-
The congregation of Eadie'a church.
Tusnbaary, made thou minister, Rev.
Crawford Tate, the gift of a new cut-
ter at Christman.
The Howick Agriculturri Society
has enlarged its show grounds et (Oor-
rie by the purchase of an sdditlo.al
two acres of land adjoining
Miss Catherine M. 11,11s and Wm. I.
Jacques, both of Ethel locality, were
marded recently by How. Ernest
Jacques. brother of the groom.
Lary Parks, relict of the late James
Haines, pawed away at ber borne in
Tutnberry on December 30th. She
was in her seventy-sixth year.
Richard Finlay pawed &way ahi
t s
home at Mateking on Decerr.ber 1111b.
aged fifty its years. He is survived
by one brother and three sisters
The eawmill at Bayfield has changed
bands. John B. Mustard. of lattice -
field, having purchased the property
from his brother, \V. A. Mustard
Mary Jane Burney and Frank Shoe -
bottom, bulb of Etat Wawwosh,
were married at the rectory, Blyth. on
December 22nd by Rev. W. B. Haw-
Wm. Smith died at'bis pone on the
9.6 cooceriun of Usbos ne on recem-
ber21st. He was in his fifty-seventh
year. He is survived by his wife and
one daughter.
Mill Louise Hair: and Arthur .1
Amy, both of Crediton. were married
at the bottle of the bride's parents on
December 15th. Rev. D. Becker per-
formed the ceremony.
rauaw&T, Dacartsaa 311, 191.5 7
trlbensee M ab ward .oUNetiona. wbo,
isow mss small their gine may ha. ere
dniaet their bit too maks the local woe
a suee«e ; aad last. but sot least. to
the ssa*eto.e who ars aiding i. mo
.light measure is placlny sof the sou
irk* .t th. Societyea aterape Mouth
ly i..eme of $130..
wast.' •vangslistic c•mpaige Imre on ; The vales Orf the Red Cross
work AO
Handal evening. December 19th. The • whole mthe flag
ay be judged by w_
asset tugs were rely suceeesful. t� ttypper tentfigftlng. of ib Ilse,, and
rhe„Irwn Exeter who e.liNad (be value of the local work by the
with • Im 'heist Batalion last week teat tin" at the bead nests, tee the
were J ,hs Cornish, Hector Heywood. teat
secretary bee bees informed,
tlylvaa cat Coon and Wilbert Pfaff. I the Oodmkb branch' has won lbs
BRUSSELS. .epstatbs of being th• breach whose
Sabbath •avices wewithdraws bales are always p,operly packed.
hen last Sunday on the advies of tbm whose baad•gee are always Wtntiv
medical health om .r is an effort to rolls'. whose absorbent pads are
May the apt lem'c of measles which is 'always props' ly cut. ted whose sock.
mag I will •Tways comfortably fit a solder's
Mies Kate Hewitson. who spent f �V. here bas. told again and *Meta
three years fen atteodie school. dies I that the war will be woo by the side
Head. Ont brro she was
IeaG . A be was o wen I &sate Let us continue our work as
b f bare attended
Kate. daughter of Mr. and Mn. let us do our .bare in preparing or
R•'The Orsat Drive." and let Ili preparing
to Put 1Q 1 het t ty third 1 which has the greater power of endur-
ther. A tam ell from I faithfully 1n 1910 as we have in 1813,
the funeral. f
Wm. Teller, was married at her nomo
here on December 'Glad to Win. 0.
Farquharson. of Provost. Alberta.
The ceremony wt' pet formed by Rev.
A. J. Mann in the preemies of 11001•
thirty guests. In the spring the young
coup will go to Provost to reside.
Ns. \Van. tltevens WOR first prise scarfs. 70 pairs of soar. This speaks
for band -ins de bobbin lace at the Can- for itself.
adiac handicrafts exhibition held at The following contributions are
Montreal. thankfully acknowledged : Mrs Geo.
Mrs. Ewen McQ teen, who was well
known hen and mother of Mrs.
James McRae, (orsuerl), of Clinton,
died at Petrol's on December 9th.
mine that not • Prosaism lunker of
them all shall have the powers of
endurance of "the (:odes i:b Branch."
• • •
In one home in Ooderich the follow
ing articles have been knitted for our
soldiers since the opening of the war :
73 caw, 901 pairs wristers, 11 belt, 151
John Jackson, who ie eighty-eight
years of age, fell on the icy sidewalk
and dislocated his shoulder. lila is
making good progress toward recov-
Mr Balker. B.A., a first -=lam honor
graduate of Torouto University in
mathematics and physics, has been
secured to.taks the potation recently
vacated by Mr Robb at )he Collegiate
Letitia Bernice, daughter of Mrs.
Jennie 1bie11, both former resident' of
East Wawanosb, was monied at
Pretty Valley, Sask., on December
9tb, to Kenneth B. Holland, of Luella,
Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Con.itt, of Hay,
announce the engagement of tbeir
eldest daughter, Mary Isabelle, to
Robot McAllister. of the same town-
ship, the wedding to take place in
Maggie, daughter of Mr. and Mr..
James Darling, of Belmore, was mar-
ried at her home there on 1)K -ember
22nd. to Robert Jaffrey. The young
couple will aside on the grouni s farm
in Howick
With the closing of the shod year
of TOTS W. H. Johnstea. eeaeher of
9. `i No. 14, Stanley, eswpletea hie fir-
ternrlr years. teaeber ea that school.
and his thit'y-fitth year in the teach-
ing pr,fessioo.
For • second violation of tbe Can-
ada'temperance Act W. Acheson. of
the Commercial hotel,-Hon.all, was
recently fined $100 and costs, and
warned that a third offence would
land biro in gaol.
Things to Eat
liew We' 'AM
The Best Bread
Baker and Confectioner
Mrs. Patrick Walsh fell dowurtairs
at her home and fractured her arnt
and a1,,o severely injured her bead and
Mrs. Ryan. mother of Mrs. M. Brod-
erick, of town, died at Chicago nn the
23rd inat The remains were brought
here for interment.
James U. Martitheasf Seaton h. and
Miss Roz -11 Serie, of the 9th conces-
sion of Morris, were married here on
December 18th by Rev. O. McKinley.
Pierson 4irieve, son of Dr. Grieve.
who held a position as ptioeipal of one
of Toronto's public schools. has re-
signed to take • lieutenancy in the
Itilst Battalion.
The remains of the ilete Adan
Bohner, who was killed in a railway
astoidpi ,oral Fort Wallacewere
brought to Seafortb andinterred Bert'
HyZird inst. The remains of the
two Leach brothers, wbo were killed
in the same accident, were taken to
Hayfield for interment.
James, 12 pairs sock • Mrs. Robt.
Young. 11 pairs ; Mrs. W L. Horton.
Mfrs. Archie Elliott, Miss M. Clark, 5
pain each ; )ire. Hawkins (Port
Albert), Mrs. Reynolds. sr , Mrs. K.
Mitchell, Mies Freeman. Miss McIn-
tosh. 2 pain melt ; Miss Liszie Adam..
Mrs. W. Watson. Mrs. Wright, Mn.
C•. Morey. Mrs. Akin. Sterling. Mrs.
David Bell, Mrs. Drinkwalter, Mrs.
Ford. Miss M. A. Burritt. Miss Marian
Lee, Mn. Wm. McMath. Mn. Gen.
Cockfield. Mrs. Leitch. Mr.. T. C.
Nate!, Mr". Peter McDonald, Mn
Jas. Clat k, 1 pair each ; Mrs. M.Far-
lane, 1 scarf ; Miss Burritt. 1 rep.
Hector McQuarrie,' a resident of
(ire town*hip. died on DecemberlSth
•t Denver, Colorado, whither be had
goo* with his wife foetbe be.eltt of
their health. The remains were brought
hcnte for interment.
Mr. Thos. Andrews passed away at
his home at Ocrrie cn December 15th
from an attack of acute indigestion.
He is survived by bis wife, gee sots
and two daughters, all of wbcm were
home for the funeral. The deceased
was in his seventieth year.
Premed I
Tia itteretary of the New York
Prises Aeseeletlem tells of Ike answer
gay* w les uestion. 'Is hos''
w beet ps•ry�' It was In the
Maks alitimaillory. when • clam
wanMete.etkm. A yo.mg
mem emkmg atn_1._eis• to answer the
"1 balky* honesty Is
sell 11tr. ••hese of a
soros where 1 baetl It to work that
W1,7. easy Tiese was two young
Aw.le lbw Teak sod lbey were
llassb'd. seer and Aar MeteraceseL
limy want to Pblik11i 4pbM. sad they
ewer a wow heatglees to
and hese. Gassed 7 Gassed a
More. e mae. met Awa SMf t1.ot-
skit los swat fees
Ike IlsetrIalo
Akehed Oaks it leek
bark or tr bother+—Oriel
lab of water.
The .•"lonel believed in soldiers being
bachelors, so be usually refused his
men permission to marry.
One applicant turned away looking
re downcast that even the offtces's
stern heart was touched.
'.Look here, my man,.' be said.
"come to me again in a year's time,
and if you still want to be married
I'll give my consent."
The year pawed.
Again the private applied : the col-
onel was quite taken aback.
"\Vell, well, i really must gine you
permission," he smiled. "I [ever ex-
pected to find such constancy in either
man or woman. -
The private saluted.
"Thank you, sir." he said gratefully;
•t'briut, Please, sir, it ain't the same
The National hotel is rte—be re-
modelled and made into two store
The contract has been let for the
erection of new drivesbeds at Me
Anglican church.
Mr,. Ernest Simmons. who left hen
last wmnser for the West, waa,receot-
1 married at Brandon. Mao . to James
Mr. and Mts. Frederick Berk, for-
mer rraidentsof ,Vinabam. celebrated
the fiftieth anuiversary of their wed-
ding dayat their Lome at Harriston.
Their wole family were pr seut for
the occasion.
Pte. T. H. Hodson, wbo enlisted
with the 1st Battalion and went to the
frost from l'aborne, earl in the war,
Molex has fetus fled. bad his spine in-
jured when buried by • mine explos-
ion in July. He is now living with
Arthur Mitchell, of Usboene.
Thi four -mouths -old ebild of Mr. and
Mn. Job. Weir, of Tursberry town-
ship, was iosts.tly killed weed the
fat ben mother and another child sev-
erely injured in a ruasaway accident
when their bows took fright and over-
turned the cutter in which they were
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Kidd, of the Thames road, Laborde,
was the stases of a pretty wedding on
December nod, when their daughter.
Mary r3., became the btids of Walter
H. Rydall. The ceremooy was per-
formed by Rev. Dr. Fletcher in the
presence of about one beodred guest.
The young rouple will reside at Fuller-
ton. where Mr. Rydall teaches school.
Mrs. Robert Moffatt passed away
on December 21st, aged fifty-four
year.. She had been unwell for some
time and had seen living with her
brother-in-law, Geo. Olier. The
funeral took place to Bluevale ceme-
The home of Mn. M. Robertson was
the exam of a prett y wedding on De-
cember 2Lnd,wben her younge.t daugh-
ter. Ruhy,was married to Orval E. Tay-
lor Rev. D. Perri* performed the
ceremony and after the partaking of
• wedding dinner the young couple
drove to their new home In Etat W.-
J. A. Swalwell, of Port McNicoll, is
the new ledger -keeper at the Bank of
Commerce herr.
A. E. Waal, who bad been visiting
at his home here. has been appointed
to ;be staff of tht imperial Bank at
Nev. H. T. t'rosslcy clowd his three
We ate • tuition of meat eaters and
ewe bleed is lkid
w*t1l.erws `astbori y b'ebe warns as to
hs ee.staatty co guard against kidney
TM kidneys do their utmost to free
the bleed e.1 Mis irritating acid, b.t
Memo weak from the overwork : they
get sltsgglaht the eliminative retained ues In
and thea e waste ie
Mad to poisen the entire .ytere.
lampsyour oche and feel 1 t.
o1 bead. kayo *thighs;
paha h the bask or tis* .44810 i. elert•Ic,
!d of sediment. or the bladder is irri-
table. yes M seek relief denim
edam. s ree.e•.d Molls" ••
,,sseat at..an► or lorslattsme In bad
werether, get from your pharmacist abort
fav sunees of Jas a s% Mks
ms of water before
braakfas! sash ser .lag and M • Mw
dips your Ways will set 4s. This
sem... M `sadl..o• eessomas frees Ntawi b
kw peorealses
y ewe awl0011111111•10sad Us Wee tdsgg d biasela
M se.trallne tM midis I *Ass •o itle
r lever • nemsf berthaties,
swag `eal% s.. 01.iiw Na -
a4Nuo am h �: tasba
1 hey de • lads X14
MacEamn Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Assuring them of our continued
attention to their needs in men's
and boys' furnishings and solici-
ting a share of their. patronage
for 1916.
The Semi -Ready Tailors
Take a dose in time!_
Don't let your syetept become lowered by
the attacks of a cough or cold. "Safety
First" — take • dose of Chamberlain's Coup
Remedy at once. It lootebs the Cough so 1 seas the thr.v t
that i t soon disappears ; it heals the soreness; ien,A
and lungs so they are unaffected by changes of temperature. Chamterla,t.',•
oontaine no narcotics or harmful drugs. While it gives relief �AStOe
first does it may be safely used with the youngest. Al
Printing? . tbe %i nate
The monthly meeting of the Red
Cross Society took place in the North
street room. 00 the .reales of Deemm-
ber 20, with Mr,. Carrie in the chair.
A list was tend of the coottnts of the
eight bales sent to bead ofi)'e during -
the month and milord at 11113.320. The
expenses were as follows : Knitting/
co•omittee, $30.80 ; surgical supplies
committee. $87.21; sewing committee,
IMAM; Britannia branch. $11.55 ; fuel
for room., $1 25 ; total. $_!.ffi al. The
following amounts were received shoe
the last publication : 51.00. Mrs.
Nelson Steep ; $100, Dr. Tay tor, Mrs.
Eliot : Il 00. Mrs. McKim. ides. -
rie, Miss Kau Watson . tr291e6ward
eolleetioar. Th. tecrpiary repotted a
balance on hand of 11413.41.
Mrs. Taylor painted out the advisa-
bility of purebadog surgical supplies
in large quantities, and on motion of
Mr. Pester and Mr. Robertson woe
authorized to spend $3010, • sum which
would purchase 5101) yards of gauze,
1011 11,.. absorbent cotton, and • large
quantity of fac•osy cotton, the teal
Wag sufficient to supply the suite—al
depart meat for months. The *eerie
committee was empowered to s
$Tarn1 for material ; Mrs. Mc Ism
$100.00 for yarn. and the Britannia
branch, M.
The monetary wee Instructed 10
seed Wrt. Maedosald, wbo was abes.t
through iuesea, an expression of the
sympathy a the Society. and of its
appreeiallon of her t.rvfeee. This
ttttteetleg tbes adjourned.
. • .
The Goderich branch of the Red
Orono Nestey hs. bad a racy success -
fel mesa isjkcember, 191A The
esseatettelsetelkbed bars tree a.. to
the satirise wargy and pato lot ism of
les members .1 the warbles eoes-
mlttw. malty of whom ase giving all
their aveilehU, Hose freely and getter
tasty to dm So4Mty ; 1 the samer•ons
Gni Creme wasters who •n helpi eta
Um sick and wooeaed no r east ively as
itWINO atoMyroms
Iw hospitals ; tsw Wco.
Come down today and we will help you select your gift and deliver to any
address at any special time that suits you best.
l'ocket Knife
Safety Razor
Tool Cnest
Carriage Robe
Razor Strop
Reading Lamp
Brass Ash Tray
Nickel -plated Mirror
•'on nickel"
A Happy Thought Range
Radiant Home Heater
Cooking Utensils
Carriage Robe
Silver Knives
" Forks
" Spoon.
Carpet Sweeper
Food Choppers
Nickel -plated Mirror
"on nickel"
Hlm�me 221;2
Pair of Skates
Hockey Stick
Pocket Knife
Fishing Set
Nickel -plated Mirror
••on nickel''
Ankle Suppons
Pen Knife
Hockey Stick
Nickel -plated Mirror
"on nickel"
Safety Razor
Carving Set
Pocket Knife
Nickel -plated Mirror
"on naekei"
Electric Iron
Vacuum Cleaner
Washing Machine
Water Motcr Washing M.
Aluminum Cooking 1-tenal-
Hanging Lamp
Nickel -plated Mirror
East Side Square
Hard Coal, Cannel Coal,
Blacksmith Coal, Solvay Coke
We carry M fall lite. Our hard coal is the very test Scranton white ash Coal, very fret
from slate. We still have several cords of gool dry slabs left. I
Does your Plumbing. Heating orAlt Electric
is Waring atly done require
ui efnll entionanteed o, let ns kknow and
we will give it prompt at