HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-30, Page 6• TIt111.WAt, Ll erisaa 911, litI3 • w► -1— amrermame•- Gete'More Money"' for your Skunk M.skr.t, is...,....rremeL W alto Weasel. Hobse l mad edam Far Memo collected 1. yogic ..c Item berm Tall_ Rr� se is lilt AB IA lei berm r s-rsas tem ssesi e- with am eabiemaahel acne „. ming f sham•• third et a restart a kart sec- emardrweed ersd.mSPurfat TtnPA(ThR\ AND PROPITABLZ reruras- wr+a Mfib at rt rw- the only retlabta, arc -sew* market report price Mt Publish& - Weise Ir 11 -!IOW- esMKS Ay/!. A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. t,t.n.At co us -A. '1%. otord HMIs • westaan M the more it always hurts ber when told of it. HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? Ito colds settle on ) our cite ur broaebial Mho.? Co cough.. bait Vn, or mr. sou subject to throat tr.wldr &stack troubles .Ixwl.l bate immediate treatment with the rare curative purer. .1 ,colt's Emulsion to guard again -t c temmption which so easily follows. ,colt's Emulsins contains pure cod liver oil .,hick peculiarly s1renctbens the res- pr.u,rt- tract and improves the quality of the hi, d; the glycerine in it soothes and be the tender membranes of the throat. tone's is pr tihe.t by the bast eluvial ist- Yoe cos r t it at any drug store! err..• h a. -w. To.•a.tw Ont - TH1 SIGNAL rwate-ria ttcotl&nd. Tb. louse boa* Me. Bocbartran. «- Or.i the postal toss it N. No. I. Uoderir e, sod abs a "sprig u' hostler," espisi.s the In Otey : ••Mlllarbos Cottage, Risley. "Dee. ;di. IRIS. "Mr. Dooms Basso.: Dear rib. -I Oto picture your surprise oo reseislog this sot.. I found the poeteaed 1a the folds of • newspaper seat ase W an noel* who resides at R.O Ni. 1. (lode - OM. I hope the journey the p.sicaad Ms taken will t au a no dry WWI be- twixt you and the sender. This note will explain matters. •'Thts enroll piece of brother came from the creme of the class on Cul- loden the last tattle fought os British soil. Seeing you bear • Scottish name, perhaps this may later+s& you. Yours truly. "Janis BCCfnA!tA?..' A Dry Mint, A ROUNDABOUT TRIP. Goderxh to Stratford via Paisley, Stot• Land -Tale of a Postcard. adual ter d Ilersie., Master Duncan Eamon. 11 tray st.. got the surprise of his young life when be received • letter the other day from a man be bad never teen, or even beard of -Mr. James ucbsnao, of M,Ilar*ton Cottage, P*1a1N, Scotland. And thereby- hangs• ta.e. 01i November 10, • certain young teacher, who during the Normal term in Strait ford was • loarderat the hoose of ***ter I•:won, sat down and wrole a postcard to him The writer was then tea. hing iu Huron county. her ,.,!.! e-. he ng H. N. No. 1, 1-lodericb- The raid h,.. retched Master Duncan, but it certainly took • roundabout GODERICH ONTARIO A *tinily angler was fisbi•"g oto a Scottish loch WI a drenching day. He had burst consoling himself from bis Soak and forgetting his gillie. Pres- ently be asked the an if there was a dry place un the 1 wt on which to strike a snatch. "You might try ,uy throat," said the gillie, "it's dry enough." No Wonder. The old sergeant was nut with the new owed of recruits on musketry .z- ere,i, range -finding, rte. Pointing out a large house and giving the range. be asked i1 any of them could pieta oat say details about the house. 'Yes, sir," answered Sam.."Tbere is a emelt birch tees in the garden. • rockery at Ry reason of tLc changing shape when in motion this Acleans itself -� all mud a.f and slime. T tO2 tire of •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • A BIG DRIVE IN PAINT • • It may be the wrong season of the year to sell paint, but when you take • • into consideration the following facts it will pay you to save money by buying •, • paint NOW. In all probability your house should be painted. We must turn • • our large stock of paints into cash, along with everything else. •, • • Linseed Oil is costing one-third more today than it did a year ago. • Zinc is costing double what it did a year ago. • • Lead is up 25 per cent. the past two years. • Retail price on Lowe Bros. High -standard Paint has advanced only fol: • • per gallon, thus making the price $2.6o pergallon. Does it not look reasonable • to expect a considerable rise in price before spring, as oils and lead are bound to • • go higher, on account of the cost of raw materials. • • In spite of these facts we are actually selling out our stock of Paints at the • • following reduced prices : All Maple Leaf lines at S2.00 per gallon. All High- • • standard Paints, excepting St*r colors : gallons, $2.15 ; half -gallons, $I .10 ; • • quarter -gallons, 6oc ; pints, ,;;c ; half-pints, 20i. • • It pays to paint because— • • Ist--Your house or Karn a ill la -t much longe.- %% hen well painted. • • 2nd—Your farm will sell at least to better if buildings are well painted. •• • 3rd—Today you don't want t� sell, tomorrow you do: Conditions have • •changed. •• 4th—Ninety per cent. of all buildings sadly need painting. How about • yours ":-• • STOVES •RANGES HEATERS • • We wean it when we say that tie tn!tus we Ale at torect.t givirg in ihwe lines she old ire teticu,ly • corsideted. We speak cf both new and tecond•bar.d tires on tehit h we c rn live you money. • Several excellent Grindstones to be sold at 25: farh. ••• •Remember rte are clearing of t our extra Hardware stool. at marvellous cut • • prices. Lots of goods being sold away below cost. • • This is your opportunity to save money on all Hardware lines. • • THE HOWELL HARDWARE CO., LIMITED •• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••A•••••••••••••• the side of the house, and a bird -cage in the front w i ,dow." "Well. my 1.d." said the sergeant. "you have re- markable eyesight. What's your nam. and number How is it you can see so well at the dist•n . "Ob." re- plied Sam, ''.hat'. where I'm billeted, sergeant 9' ShOEP RAISING CANADA T' III': sheen raising lodastry, IB Western Canada has not yet attained to the same propor- tioi.a that other departments of lire stock occupy: but there are not signs wanting that there is a steady move- lment in progress to make Western 'Canada a great sheep country. There tis no reason why it should not be. It ialounds with food of all varieties suit- able for sheep. while climatic and other conditions are exceedingly favor- shle The number cf head is increas- ing every year, which is evidence that the industry. is receiving • due share of attention. The experiment has .teen tried during the last couple Of Iyea.-s b) a big sheep ranch near t last-, Alherta. of .hipping its entire wool -clip to Lando... England. This 1. tae first instance ou record of s eh'pment being made to the Kngllsh u.arkc% either from the Province of Alberta or the Dominion Compared with some of the very big ranches 1a Australia. this one, carrying some 12.000 head. Is small , and befog moreover established only a short time, It was new to the business However. the wool In Question was all sold .l good prices The hoot Record," of Bedford, Eng , speaking of the shipment. said •Through the courtesy of Messrs Dalgety and Companylad.. we are' abte to say that the woo( was grown in Alberta. baying bee's sorted and reoured by a man who bas bad many 'ears experience in New Zealand Ir .I.as•1ng and scouring wool We nn' o.'r.tand that the foundation of tbt dock which prod'', r i the clip sat laid M sheep from Montana. in the Visited States: and this 1s plain to be seen by any man having • practical knowledge of Western Territory wool • 011ie wbois parcel showing seryl ,,Peal Quality The wool 11 as well ,got an and well classed. sod haled iter s bight) c red,tahle way in ,sew packs spec Lally Imported from 1 NOW licked We believe that thls let the f . at shipment of wool from the Province of Alberta and bop. It is the wslsslag of a good trade. "la me.tlosing the sale of Cans- dien wools in Coleman Street, some referesee should be e'sde to the fart Mat for some years Messrs. H Swartz, 1 ('o have offered wools front British Columbia. which •Drays received a hearty reception. As ■ rule the work 1s well done, bot 1t 1s capable of Improvem.st There h nothing Bite pre.Mtlag sllped wools attractively, and so es.aring the at ',sties of all buyers W. me no res son why • very important business rennet he deneln%M between this rwatry and Canada. amd wb,le. no A.,nM. the Canadian Manufacturers will cosies.e the balk of the raw mr tergal as grown, i o.don is a good itwarket Is which to dispose of any Kkst can be extorted Ram, rasebleg to growing in favor izM .sly Re the Prairie Provlee.. t also le British Columbia. for ahem dry bolt nap sad alfalfa, M ,m ngasr-gsaklcg combination to ',fl* Oblessaa- Os* of tM largest ramblie le UN bombe is the .. sort A fors of 17.101 acres tab 'haeusgboo' Seas lost., mirth Vo1'S . Oa Ibis roach UM Un - rd ifor.pMlr* abomp, sheet M Mal owes gad Oe Mimeo web - era, bought 1n July 11•42. a1 a rust runniest into Ave figures, hay.. already paid for theniseltes, and the preset, !lock containing °00 e*es and 9fls lambs. stands as .leer profit to the owner Spring of 1111 found the dock ie good physical trim an.l with an 1n finittsIsal number of tosses frowt coyotes or other causes, 1,700 Iambi were produced. At shearing the Sock averaged tab the of wool. worth lilt rents • ported: and Is May tbere was a big cash return from the day ewes and wether$, all of which were slaughtered, the average weight dreamed beteg 40 Il* and the price 14 is Prartfral ranchers wbo ars familiar with the Mammon. Slmilksm.en as4 Nicola Valley say there Is s ethane* for considerable expulsion of the ,beep raising industry Is this seetloa Several slllbs acres of timber grass and, disliked by cattle. het satisfac- tory to seep. exist which is capable of providlmg good reeve for 'brim et four .ostbs is the year Tim coma - try has now bees resMrwd mos SOI, Mtrsetive by the sppear*ae0 Of saw steel of the Kettle lal.cy ►:auway ?Imre ars wavers' new factors .ow width act to the eseowealflmast of sbeteptaiStag. Oma M the WII«e tart, la effect about s year asd a half. wbkb nearly doubled the prim of wool to the British Columbia pro- ducer The market price for settee was also Improved by thin IeglalatNS, There are several per. -brad Sachs of sheep 1a the Praiser Valley and ea Ve massa Island- The bmd.rs Mee exhibited with moth gumbo et the provincial fain, doistlss eoespoll0.rs frees Washbasins. Orspso al* the prairie prwtl.eso sad Owtsris. Swim istwe.Mtt, ittsi.ry is wovea argued the early days eat sheep rats• lag la (Woods, pareunia ly with re- spect to British Colombia. Th. Had' So.'s Bay Oempaay Wcuglt Camp M Vietora shortly after thole MtabUab- meat .f • pest there la 1tta. M 1510 ll* Initial Mob. la whkb lie sear. Mireao and g«tbd.we blood proM's- tested. had grows tato .weal bus - End bite ,has of Its ♦attgsww Mane Mesas W M +r Om NMI - yenta s. hoist% lar glshlas..M a year K Mira lam is heed or Mom raided a flock. murdered the shep- herd. and carried of 'event sheep. A British warboat from Pietist hi visit- ed the Indian village IamaMats&1 afterwprda, ..cured tlo malty heti- .•s sod imaged Lem M a tree ow the spelt It is also recorded that la Mil early days smuggling of Iambs tato Vie- toris from Puget Mend was ee.am.o. TM res was to tab them fret M ono or em.tb.r of the Oalf bloods whom.* tb.y wore tlbrpN M Melons as Me prows, of Mal rib. S. astute perms .spared the o -- .f Iambs sold with tM .saber of ewes la the t.lm.ds sad the sorrel was eat Vets.o.ver reland thus Ms tete oldest tea less .00wddltg draw it alga hos Me wall w ,__..M w ea- nahtem of drip maim& 00 Vas• .serer bland nosh hladbes 1am.d► • ..rg.abtM at Donne Is ISIS TVsassoedalba hoIhispalhed �t- Mtn bINIMMIll e tafra • isfee e Irid t boa *e s.fpaemeat . ' Winter Tours to Cal,fornia, Florida, ' Etc. At this season of the year many are plenniog their winter tours. Coosid- ertLle numbers annually visit the, ever -popular California te.orts, while many ober•. the Huwrts and sunshine of Florida together with the vet y even climate. Numerous people in comfortable oil.. cumstanoes. well able to afford a win- ter tour. bare toe mistaken idea that a trip cf this fistula is most expensive. This is not so. Thank"' to modern tsileray facilities, •n extensive trip, hods interesting and eiucatiocal, may he made with speed and comfort at e comparatively small cost. Why not investigate': The Canadian Pacific Railwayoffers irtfeuIAalr goon'-ee'rvkee-to-efrwie. where direct connection is made few Florida. via l'incionati, Ohio. and At- lanta, l:a. Jacksonville, Florida. is reached second morning after leaving Detroit. Excellent connections for Florida can also be made via Buffalo. The Canadian Pacific-Miobigam Cen- tral route (via Michigan Central twin tubes between Windsor and Detroit) will be found the ideal line idCbicago, wbere direct cAmes:lion Is made for the Soothers State.. New Orleans is reached second motniog after leaving Toros t o . Direct connection it also made at Cbic.go for poiots in California. Texas, Arizooa, etc. The dining. parlor sod ele.ping car .erTicz between Toronto, Detrutt apd Chicago is up -Cc -dale in every particu- lar. Connecting lines also operate through sleeping and dining tare. lhose contemplating a trip of any nature will receive full information from any C. P. R. agent: or write Irl. G. Murphy. District Pas.eoger Agent, Toronto A Resourceful Woman. "I wish. John, that I hod had more) lento when we were rogegrd," said) the wife tboughtfully. ' Then 1 wouldn't have destroyed all the letter you wrote to me in Ili, eighteen� months of our courtship.' The bur -1 band smiled in a gratified way. "I knew you would be eons- fur that emue day." he said. "Indeed I sot," was the reply. "1 need a little extra money very badly just now, and a nun called today to buy old papers. flow wasteful we were ' And autowaticsl• ly bis band sought his pocket. A re - pout cabal woman seldom ha. t. alk for money straight out. The•Mrnrid Man ! They had been settled in their epiek -Boeotian wwm• home- just one wtesk. and on the `Saturday Hegin11d tushed home eagerly from nig office. Ei mectru a met him on the door- step. her face wreathed with smile:. "t)h. ducksey," .he gargled, "wifey has made you. something awfully nice t and special for your diviner today !I Misses.. ReginalJ, who liked good things to eat, reeled off a list of abcut fifty of his favorite dishes Then hr pained in dismay. His precious Kraals was we'W w -What's the matter' be gasped -O-ooh !" she sobbed, as she threw herself oo bis neck. "My b -b -heart is broken. i-1-1 thought ' ori d guess straight oft that rd m -a -made some b b-br•ee d. "How is it,- asked the mistress, "that you say you are a cook, yet you have no reference. r •4Ji'll 1.11 yet IL' &toot, mum," replied Bridget. "Oi wuz always in wan place. mune, till the peep!. died." BRITISH COLUMBIA CAN DO HER PART. And many • meta bas last money through the bole at the top c f his pockets Now that the cold weather I. here you'll want your homes more comfortable. Get our prices on Furnaces, riot Water Boilers, etc. Our Perfection Oil Heater.. are just the thing to drive tl:e cold out of chilly corner:. All repairing to plumbing. furnace work. etc . promptly attended to - 3- W. R. PINDER Pbooe 1M Hamilton Street Showing the Good Week Dedd's Kid.sy Pills Are Dein. West Bridge, B. C., Dec. '= th,- (3psciall-Every part of Canada seems to be testifying to the gaud work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing and there is no reason wby Be itish Colum- bia should not do her Pot. Many • roan and woman here blesses Ibem for aches relieved and health restored. Take for instance the case of Mies Catharine Sarrafer. Sb. says : "1 need your Dodd.* Kidney Pill, for kidney disease and found them excel• lent. i recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to •11 persons who suffer from their kidneys, se they will curs them as tbey did for me.- ' Dodd's Kidney 1'.Ils ore t13t•eatest family medicine of the age 'they Olin he taken I'y young or ch. THION,GLOSSY HAIR 111211 TROIS DAXDZUIV 01,ts1 Tre7yr kl Mal* pts soft. Miry and beasMfls��ef a es mot betels of D.mderim. Farm Seed Supplies Field and garden seed supplies are I practically assured for the 19/1 plant- ing. There is a scarcity in Amer•ctn- grown crop, including beans, onions. and In • lesser extent sweet corn. j Amongst lbs iwpsrted smoke, swede turnips M. rather short, also spinach. salsify and some varieties of carrots. lied rover and alfalfa sae unosnally short ud show an adsinoe in price from fl*) to 71 per cent Other kinds that might he used a. a -lover 'tonsil - tut.. gs •bike, are bigh-r In price than the *apply would nth- rw a. warrant.' Weld-.dabli.b.d Canadi ra seed booms with eo.tracts attl• two or Woe years in adranre will have no serious 1 tamsk& this mmaaoa in taking eare of their regular trade. Hoed merchants who depend from year to year on the t sot plus stocks t bat n -.y be offered may bare Ives •.manses ■• 10 the character of their supplier. -Seed Bleach. Ottawa. if yea care far heavy hair that gin toss Ilei beauty sad M radtast with W.; hes aa laeeapar.bi. sofaess .ad 1s duty and Inetr'ous, try Damietta*. len one apreWou doubles t!. ;.1 yew tsar, biit Inns - Assam nw Assn n every pared. .f Tw eat Bot have aim Heavy, baSRbr Lair 1.1 you lave dbairst- T1b ds.treettt.Mart robs the lar of 1b 1.etle, w stnag& teN Its vary 1l*. and 1f sot were_ It probing a Mortises and Whim of Ow snip' Os bate rests tom. loan.s ani df.: than O. lir far 1.R fast. Rarely sat s fwosat Mfrs .l Csowlbsten Uasdahs mien sky Ire, stare sad jun try K FPOM (RAPPER TO YOU alttmom owe. saw err Per We sr ti Oaemmis ens taws rWilt w Makrpu thes h •••4•• ••11111 -• r toes slosh use low IND .re las Mega* oar boron re Y- M rfre. aw�.� 1 art ,I re.p,•. Ar ,.w..r-•rs•••• U Me�rar Is wt.* rr a.m1 r . •O - osSe"'-•t mar IMO e..r.ue e'.. •ra rr rr parrs he nom. sure W .34 ...4 M boar. arwr M rad •r- W -rY.r-e.t • rt •.. .. /rY*W Garrd Yrrao-er ars M o.r r ••Ara .••• Mhe wI V Nur Mir r.r, rat bows ...resit. toor r•rod d..w. a •I sr. ,411 rine n till. •Us . mar :a.ry • pawn ,ew..wras.sa et succi ti .rota ti•r*.ubs he. rialVACIE es,r e, dsg►w7MINK ..I: T00••••••••I a3*..e dim wall r .res moor of O. ems% wtrtesw-a r as- tr.. not• Mrs t. r ras Sim stases dq.Y .. irpl-ra sari trek ia IMO Ss Vet WI* Obi sass aft *^tkaood. wt*lc terra. Orb kik r. letr =MA. ray Is b.*. rums view ••••• ••141i Yrnl ass dmbd m e . n lens rea+a-s i.. wrret +Mem •.taie as.r.s to se- 40:.00 GUARANTEE Err* artier whir.s row Tr 1�sty�1r.. Sri Y say ..r w garb.* trara.a r -:) y res w adrmd r— mases." • Dart -.:ibat rod tsar to 1171 Haim siir. tw . TOIAONTO If your foot dip you may seedier your lulanew, but if your toogoe slip you cannot recall your words. "I have • dog that's nearly thirty lechers high." "That's nothing- I have one that strode over four feet." The Man -'•if you aro so forgetful. bow is it you rememher me i" The Oirl-"Lots of time"! remember little tbi.p wben the big owes escape my notice. "How is it you always back the winner r •'A mend gives me *tip..' "1 see : and you follow hie advice "Certainly not ! i always back •p- other home. - "Humble as I am," said the thud - voiced spanker at a meeting, "i .1111 tememher that 1 am a fraction of this magnificent Empire." "Yon arr. lo - deed." said a bystander, " asd a vul- gar one at that. Collector-"h"ht Mum 't y.w pald your gat h U1 ('neetstsev-'TM tight was so very ponmold 1 sld not sew to read tbe ■.•.cant.' "Prod. deer. i feel it la my bno.s that you sr* wing to tab este b the thear re Inoigbt.' "Wbi.h how. dor,. log 1" "I sea sot tore. hat i f bl.k it is my will -bete-" "Mr- Amiantus." ..id tb. doctor. "i fear your wife'. mind is ,wow! "That Joera't swrM ooter." Mr. A11414111111111*. .1b10Ito bow R1.ias air a piers of k every day for the loot I tela years." NEWGATE STREET LIVERY listing purchased the livery business of Wm. Knoz, 1 am (improving the equiprnest a.d in- trad to provide Good Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs A11 :orders will r.reiee prompt and caroled at- testioo. Tgurnowa No. 1'f' for • good turnout. R. S.TOWE