HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-30, Page 3• Tt1E 1111[N1L i AND ONLY •ENGINE Tenons Cattle Market "Handy tacks steers. . 17.46 to Butche, 7.16 do. rs.... 1.46 do. oerMOB 6.76 Heifers, cbole* .. , 7.25 do. good 060 do. medium 6.26 Hatcher cows, choice'1.21 do. cared do. medium 6.26 Butcher bolls, choice6.86 do. medium 6•W do. bologna , . 4,00 Weeders, 600 to 1,100 lbs. 4.00 do. bulls ,6.44 Stockers. 760 to *00 lbs6 00 do. hied., 160 to 760 6.60 do. light 4.76 ('anners 3 00 Cutters ... 1.00 Milkers. choice, each 90.00 do. common 40.00 Springers 60.00 Calves, real, good 4.60 do. medium 7.00 do. common 4.73 do. grass 4.CU Spring lambs, cwt. 10.00 Cull lambs 6.00 8.00 6.00 3.00 Hogs, off cars at packers 9 15 fed and watered. 8.75 light and heavy. 8.25 f.o.b. country8.40 6.26 BSW•11K OP iMITA- TION8 SOLD ON THE MERITS Olt IINARI'S LINIIENT s BO0KB!NH1NG MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. SOLD LETTERING on LEATHER HOODS All *Men /weakly attended a as having kem ea 1 IL.. d1U YIL, Oodedek. A. 11. TAYLOR. e. &Arrow). IEDICALr ys UH. GEO. HEILEIL1NN, O8TE- PATH..psdelLt le rees•a'r end the dem'. dwa.... mete, arost: had eerreasdls. weer.. ye, ear, how de ..d tptvat, pp..,tial s! ..m.. Inaba(t) •ad ebeawalia .ei.4h1see. Ad► rwfe. ren.. c 1 wtl kset 19.9 knU.. Ofece et idekutce. bassi NeI-e. had t)t. Asdrs.. •i.etr. Al hem idea* Maaders. Wee ne ds,* sed estates,.: •log *rraIng fa' 9111e191m.04. VasesJ. R. tYOB8TXR--11YeB, EAR. rl.w YYoirk upktbalate heme *4 £heal t..Upi�ese, Mead.. Oquere..aeaiN�6aewmaatlslMklest MesWtai ramie., Lesla.d. flax r Rtlr 1lapatadesae 'Stt Strew. Warned. ooesslt. Kern Clawed Hsu) k •ita.m.,ftelp.m„ 7isaFa Tekpbs.e w- AUCTIO$EU. THOMAS GUNDRY i ACCTIUNtLR: Boa (7.0adertak. An IrtraeUe . by feet ktt .1 sternal earl wit& be prswptf/ a MAad :o. lte..Ucoes talspesas its LEGAL Yearling sheep Sheep, ewes. light Culls do. do. do. Sows 11.1♦ 7.66 7.16 0.60 7.76 7.26 6.60 0.76 4.116 6.76 7.44 6.06 4.76 0.76 6.26 6.60 0.00 6.10 3.76 4.60 00.00 t0.o0 90.00 10.60 9.00 7.00 4.76 11 .0) 7.60 9.00 7.60 4.50 0.00' 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 i THE SIGNAL OQDRRICH. ONTARIO KIOIFY DISEASE L"' � WAS KILLINS NIM us w w Im+e■" TM M Klisy Rowdy Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Ail nil. Na 1 northern, $1.32; No. 2. $1.29; No. 1. 11.26. Manitoba oats -All rail, Toronto„ No. 2 C.W., 61e; No. 3 C:W.. 49c; 1 extra feed, 490; Na. 1 feed, 48c. American corn -New, No. 3, 80Ka Ooterio wheat -No. 2 winter, per car lot. 11.05 to 11.07; slightly sprout- ed and tough, according to sample, 51 to 11.04; sprouted or smutty and tong:• according to sample, 90c to 96c; feed (wheat, bee to 8k. Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 37c to Sic; com.aercial oats. 35c to 37c. Peas --No. 2, per car lot, 51.90; sample peas. 11.26 to 51.75. according Ito sample. Barley --Good malting barley, out- ride, 67c to 60c; No. 2 feed. 60c to 53c Buckwheat -76e to 77c. Ryb-No. 1, 66c to 87e; re)e.ted, 70c to We, according to Sample. lfaaltoba hour -Pint patents. In gate bap, 54.60; seconds. 16.10; strong bakers', M.N. In Jute bags. Ontario flour -New winter. 44.80 to N. according to sample, seaboard or Toronto freights, In bash. Millfeed-m'arloads, per too, deliver- ed. Montreal ftetglns; " bran, 134; shorts. 526; middlings. 826; good food flour. 'bag. 51.60- L. 11Alb .o.IRStISTB.B.8.11t'tTIW,, t 0TARY 1•l.nut , eat . U00 -8 riling busk Mock Hammon sures., 3irasred . Tenaaam £ Steal tame Leak. load 1an.rsass. phut; u Iter, r<1 LL.()RAN & COOICIi' ■•RKIs1Il5$. $OLUCITu1te. NOTA1Ulr. Pt: nuC. ELL. - (Moe on 1*.*00.e..acead deer from Ham ad I. at tit. efe.arM` rtirsto I...d. 50 W *1 tersest rata,. W. Pea woos% LC. J. L. Wtaaaaa L. J. A ou.•s. II 0. U<111SRON. K. O.. i ARRIS TOL. eaYrtor• misty yenta. !]Mese Week Osawaea, shard doer fro acre. At ta.etes Teandes et web welt 1. on Alke. t bier* eeispded by bar. 11. urea keen IL a.m. tee Fa. LARL168 tiAICltu LL.B., nA ta- away se austraso. sta. Soho l BEAGER, BARRISTER, 8OL- • te isr. Naar, P.bLk had L;e et aaeer. e-t:eart M..r. Oaderlck. t►�at. IJISURA$CS, LOAM& FTC. 64 L ILILI for MUTUAL FIRE IN illi a U It INCE Ct.).-Vann wed keenest t .. o poomets If. alloblea, Pres., ttesMta P.O.; °es Oudedisli Ieeme = 5:7., a m'ee.•T�iei... a s P. w letestws--U. M. Adhere. ae•Artk; Jeb. 8.1.1 wire. % m mo,.N'WenaRime.Cwriaase; Jrba ysmaaweta. Medan/ea; Jams tears. l(els�ra♦wa�'i sw�ttow llebert t errh, Maei.eLa•gt ; Naboth � amt ?l• Atte, etk . a ..erass.ta awn sat their card. we4$q* • 111.... Mora'. Clubtrs Were. R. f et t'• Or. oe.7. •... *-L.+ . ee.•. -eieseeser. . 3. V. f.eld's tie. eral e are, L•.1 U(► �r��``,, PRIVATE FUNDe1 TO ,OVV lean. AH.Is a M. 0. ('Alt list Bart4sr Itad;ase duct, Wdeefss. Who/ rate Produce Toronto wholesale prices to tie trade: Eggs - S pecial (art's) newlaid.1 .50 to 5 .66 Extras (selects) stored& .33 .34 No. 1 straight storage.. .3•) .31 No. 2 .'5 24 Butter - Creamery prints. fresh.':t .36 Creamery, solid! ' .33 Dairy prints .21 .20 Bakers' .22 .23 Cheese --Large, 14' c; twins, 19c. Hooey -Buckwheat. barr-ls, 6%c to 7c; tins, 7c to 8c; clover, 60 -Ib. flus, 11Sec; do., 1016. tins. 12c; da. 51b. tins. 12e; comb honey, No. 1. per dozen, $3.00; do., No. 12.40 Poultry Live Dresszd Old fowl, lb. Se lle Chickens 11c 12c Turkeys 16c )Sc Ducks ... llc 14c Geese 101 12c Ih/oaantus, Orr., Aug. 96th, 1918. "About two years ago, I found my health in a very bad stab. My Alliseys were hot doing their work and I was all run down In condition. Baring seen 'Fruit -a -uvea' advertised, I decided to try them. Their action was mild, and the result all that could be expected. My Kidneys resumed their normal action after I had taken upwards of a, dozen boxes and I rrgeieedn yold-rims Mislay. Today, lam as well u ever." B. A. KELLY. OOc. • box, 6 for p.30, trial size 25e. At deakrs or sent on receipt of prim by Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa., Po'ite Dorothy. Dorothy we. .o bome.ick at her tint earl y, and t r l d so bitterly, that the hr- I..r'aoth.-r suggested tbat It would he trotter for 1... to qn h..toe. Dot onto. ■rrepted the idea. but a few minutes later, upon *nswering • timid kncck at 1he.l.ror. the bolter: mot her howl U aro ht. bathed in tear. "Well, Doiost.y, I am goad to rte jou .guar. i)ia you derttl- t • come b.ct It. a• •'No. ns tit ; 1 1-5 forgot t -'o say I 1-h a such • oleo ' iw-." "1Vby ate laundri women the most fel gi•ieg Ir ieg. pp . RI Ih Y 'Because the m. r.. .'.15. Tea give ih w tte mote the? du tor yon," • ••••••••••••• It's Cutter -Time! sass �m Wouldn't a fine new Cut- ter be lust the best Christ- mas gift imaginable for somebody you know ? We handle the Gray and MIcLaughl,'in makes, the test in Canad 1. STOVES •R'e hate a number. of Rank, and Heaters left and can gibe you good - t'alua .105 spat. High-class Gasoline Lngincs for pumping and power, Conte in and see' them. fasts► �m ROBT.., WILSON .Agent for Massey -Harris: Implements Homilies St, Gcdatck per dozen. ••••••• 0111•••• 25 laa beers said that the Jalpase.s IVs as apt and rodgese la their proverbs Ile they are 1. tkelr worlu et art What. for esaaspte. cold be more ap petiolate to taw to certain deapersts ctrc.mstaaeee time this. "Man may shout whoa be cast no longer swim' 1 "While the totters works, the brain Neeps," is aaother saying of the Ja pawa, which egprttoaes their coo Teiapt for Ioquacloea persona. The 'Japanese are quick at repartee; their wit le keen and temp:red, and they can often admtnt.ter a perfect snob In terse form. Or illustration of this there may be cited the followint In- stance. There was bete; tried In • court a case involvtrs the possessto•t and ownership of • piece of L?Opsrty. The litigants were brcthers. tb. holder, who was clearly rot the right. ful owner. had vaulted and ejected his brother and was pretesting his right to defend his claim. The exam. Ming magistrate listened very patient- ly to t.lm until he closed with the words, "Even a civ may bark at his own gate.' Then the ):adge quaintly voiced the judgment, as If stating. an abstract point of law: "A deg that has no gate bites at his own grit.' TESTS OF CHARACTER Ttluttwa s. INIeguw 80. IMS 11 Manners One Fairly Certain Way, Says Lord Rosebery Lord Rosebery, it Living schoolboys some good advice on the formattcn of character, said that he did not know how to detne character. It was the individuality of the individual, which sounded like the famous delinitlon of an archdeacon -namely, that he was a person who performed arc':deaconal functions. Character was the sum of the moral qualities cf a man As to' character, he believed they were born with !t. He did net know whe;her that went counter to theological dog- ma, but he was err.ly persuaded of the tact. and he had noticed that the w-,ty a baby took t. bottle was a fee tnd:catioa of thars_ter. The world was constantly can:.g and chiseling on their chtrarters. Not a day pass- ed but had some influence on their c::aracters. Carry ; and chiseling some woods was useless becanse'thel► were so soft that they'nerer rcpa:d the trouble cr were worth anything. AM emu; woods were syllt-s0' easily; that they acre not worth anythiag either; but there vera also some liner woods, Uke old mabiggany, which got richer and nobler the older they got. He firmly believed that the years they spent in school were far morel important In the formation of charact- er than all the many years they might ,: spend afterwards The school mo - moots were the supreme moments, the moments which decided for them whether they were going to be men to t.La highest sense of the world, or whether they- were going to pass t-hrougi life as atoms. There w -1s one A Guid New It ear to Ane an' A' WE thank our many friends and customers for their moat liberal patronage during 1915. The outlook for the coming year is much more hopeful, and it is with this spirit of hopefulness that we are making our plana for 1916, and every effort will be put forth to maintain our store as the moat popular store in Goderich. - - Our A nnual Clearing Sale As is our usual custom during January-, all goods of passing fashion and all odd lines will be cleared out at great sacrifice to make room for our new Spring and Sum- mer goods, many of which are now con- ing forward. Time to Begin Knitting Again There has been a lull in the knitting activity during the few weeks preceding Christ- mas. Now the needles const begin to click again, as it is Kanter in the trenches. We have a good stock of our Special Scotch Fingering Yarn in grey and khaki, which is splendid value at 1=1.4.1 per lb. Millar's Scotch Store way only 'by wi.len the character or 'a man best showed Itself, and that was' by his manners. lie had known many reople wt.o through shyneca find the most e;ecratle manner.:, and who, 11 they were judged by t..cm alone. would undoubtedly be d7..7ged to the' block without benefit of clery. He Ltd 1-roen s.ou..drels with the most charming and fascinating manners re`slb'e, whit* were green to them ty r.ature for much the same purposes c ; the web was ,;area to tl:e spider. alas dose -were -not the .assn her ,.:cast. lie meant t':c.:e slmr)e, mime ly tlanners which were the index oil a manly, straightforward character. lie said to the boys. let them make tl.e:r canners worthy of their charact- er and their character worthy of their manners. The two prop gasas went hard in tal:d. Ttcy co_'.d forst for themselves a nose character, and they Could empress this In noble man- ners, the mcrners of a man who res- pected Maisel and rest: cted ethers as well. If Huey Lad noir' . manners they would not have them. hat thought, without a noble character. Y3almoral `Cafe Having purchased this business from Mr. T. J. Salkeld, 1 am right in line for the Christmas trade with a complete stock of fine Confections, and should like to meet all of Mr. Salkeld's old customers as well as any new ones. `A splendid line of - - - HOLIDAY BOXES, Chocolates, Bon - bogs, etc. Fres't goods in beautiful pages -all prices. Try our Home -trade Candies and ton will say they are delicious. 1. V. Robbins Batntoral Caf, i1one t; J 12c 11c - ltc 16: 2Gc 2Se 16c lac 14c 1Cc Toronto Fruits and Vegetables Wholesalers sell to tl., trade as follows: Pineapples, case $4.00 to $0.00 Oranges. navel 3.75 4.00 do. Florida 3.25 0.00 Lemons. Messina 3.50 4.00 do. California 4.25 0.00 Grapes. Malaga. keg6.60 7.60 Grapefruit, Florida 3.75 0.00 Cranberries, barrel 7.00 9.00 Limes. per cwt. 1.60 0.00 Bananas. bunc'1 1.76 2.216 0010%3. 75 lbs. 1.35 0 06 l' Cabbage. dot -an .4d .60 Celery. erste 5.60 6.00 Sweet potator3, hamper 1.35 1.44 Dres__- I Meats 11' • IL 1tO&iI Lf1oa Toronto whclesale hooses are quote isist11LANCIA0►A1 ing to the retail trade t.a fat _ws: Otaa...p LN*Tag .. Ak11L*,Censataa sad Ait.tk.t.. 411CC0LUIT, b,1..7a.n AND LYI'l.o?aa' Ltaa.5. n? : le. %areas Amides, a.4 U.srs.ter w C .s.warle.. 7.,n.d. of Losdes, Eng• f oot at axe AAA +T au 190000: 11e U-` euealny sad 0aara.dwt'anga77• L,rae .l n.+dwae. wertaami ammo Wino. tw.M ane ei. Irvad'ertresee. 'Waatls no. ILAMN8AQ1I LICENSES %1 A1.?FH K. KELLY, J.P.,, brant itl*H, ur.1. Matta OW MASR1A01t LICS 4sl* Patent Solicitor i/. S. MOCK, aAttervev. nf tr... v.ta .Lei retass estate, �a N mast.u.t- tta s mewed R reae..a tim.rt wpr•ese in patent mita, ret- old* asbtaM•*. ,n all countries. N it. James Street, Montreal. w.a. tor 1 Nremalsa. Brophe} Bros. GODS/MCI' las Leadlez Funeral Mason aid embalmers O,tiere .io.Ry a1 tori• a at all sun.! IDIOM as -, Beef. forequarters .. .1 $.60 to $10.50 do. hindquarters .. 13.00 14.00 do. carcases, choice 11.00 11.75 da common f .04 10.00 Vesta. common. cwt7.00 9.00 do. t::c.ltum 9.0) 11..770 do. prim. 1..00 14.00 Heavy hog t 10.50 11 00 Shoo hogs 12.00 12.59 Mutton, heavy 8.00 10 M do. II ;ht 12.00 14 00 Iambs 14.50 18.00 Chicago Cattle Market t'Rola -Receipts. 111,000; market weak; reeves. 44 to $9.75; cows and heifers. $. v0 to $6.40; calves, 44 SO to 59.76. Ilcg.-Rerelpts. 25.000; market weal:; light, $6.86 to $4.46; mixed. IN 06 to 84.60; heavy, 14.10 to 10.46; rough. 50.10 to $4.26; pigs. 84.71 to 06.60: hulk of sales. $4.10 to 16.66. shee;-Receipts. 14,000; market d ress; native, 06.40 to 57; lambs. na• 18.e. 17.25 to $9.71. last 5.10.1. Cattle t'II weipts, 150 head; slow e nd steady. Peal►-Rendpta, 100 head; active; 14.01 to $11:6. Hog3-RecPtpta, 600 heed; Now: hoary and mixed, 84.46 to 04.70; yort• sea. 15.55 to $1.46; pigs. $6.71; roughs. 06.00 to $1.46; stags, 04.60 to $6.00 S heep and lambs -Receipts, 2.044 Mad. steady: sleep. active; lambs, slow. prices unchaagad. Sated May awd Straw Merchants aro haying es trach, ioronta at the ONlowlag prices: llslad hay, new. No. 1.117.60 to $11.44 dM Ma 3 13.00 11.00 Salad draw. baa 0.Y T.00 ueec - IN • W.NTR H the Lord made man, be dl,:n't K:: r him r.Irgs: nor erra feat of exrepttorat swiftness. fie gate ham • mod. Man took his mind, his v,ondetfa!, anp.le, taut-raring_3 :-and be turned ;t into harness till he bald run with the feet of in s tie bent II it to a !ow io 1 -. t the a:1Owa he lard brought down the torn; M twisted it round and ►stoned it out and hardcael It up and made ralt- fead trains, and boasts, and Zeppelins. and aeroyiet.es, auj Ft,ri anis cut of IL But he, didn't start with ltruo-stlllty. When he was low does Ila the scale of civilization. and wry Individualistic, and very moth a Mild• ho strung his mind to snowshoes. be whittle] It out t:, akfa. list 'sad* sleigh rurners seen ha was an ilCsklmo. and dear knows what sort of freak .trock blm, Lt.' one day, he lnvornt,d new winter feet far biot- eeit. bird feet, swallow -darting, wonder -curving Ret. And be callcl ahem states Iso you slime! No. 1 drn't mean do you Micro Jebo Henry to pus you r_uni of 118. Ice, Evangeline. Do rot skate? Ds you (Ott your roll to time north wind ander • towering cky, do Toga foal the breath b•hin l you die away. seeosd bit In the reee reund the rl.Ol-sows--40 yo. hod. sad, sweep, aid dap, aid glide wit11 that Yatateweattal poetry of.*onJeetmodes that the Mrd feels against tie sunset and t1:. flab in the est the tingle of the air tato your blood, do you forget your pant accoant. and your standing in the soclil register. your party sJ111atloa., your age. name, sex and hotel riytlm of • wfad Mown leaf' Think I'm exaggerating! There isn't any such skating routings? Jest you take the deft train to Quebec and And cot Quebec 1s French enoulb to entertain you, Foolish enough to make you comforts:A* t Indian enough to b.'different to anything you ever saw b'f,re Quebec. Is as different from To- mato. iboatreal, Wtnalprg. Vancouver as each o•• of tne:u Is different trem *litre otter one Alt titles doter in that way. And then Quebec rasa up and announces kerselt as different agala, tram all et them beached. Tie air of Quebec le cold Yes. And that makes Ice. real, Erni, outdoor. all -the -winter he. But the minae that the north gods blow Into Quebec air is so potent. so exhilarating. that the skater's eheels glow with It and every little red corpuscle site has dose fvs, trains.: tbrough t6m doors of beg heart Qeeber girls Masi seed roup. Asti they Coat need alarm clocks. There are skating clubs. and curling clubs, and snowshoe dos pinre. each with Its own plc1nreslue un'forr. And the high revels Is th* dletast lodges w okay w winter evening bold aothlag enervating In Heir pleasure whoa they end ap with the torrbllgbt tramp how. again over tke ertep Frew Bat dont be afraid to go to Quebec .because Fairy Godmother dldat put • slating foot Is your birthday stockists los can toboggan with no practice at all If you bate tort• end r*0 pick ■p • steereata•. lie most poplar al1N in tit* city begins wader tie shadow of the King's Bastion of the Citadel aid lands you breathier* at the d..or of the Chateau Front.nar tea-room Yours dose a 4Nrt.r pt • mile 1s something ceder thirty sewed s. Bet that teal sit. Tobsgaaals( Wel Just • "stoat" It'. winter to mature/1 . You've breathed In health- alp. vim, seat with every test at N Do row wonder too that you Sad what roil stoop k at the Chateau! You don't Just Ile en the top of that sort of sleep and grate the !nape Is K. Tee stet Into It. Telles deep itt. a tier ied e' dreams We UM abysmal depths af rho eaa of forgetfulness; ft's the best wrinkle •radleator In the world. It pato • week between yesterday and to -day. a biomass Ssaaty week will M full of whiter spats ebb shoos arraagelmMb befog motto for • groat carnival to be held under tie *bedew of Ilse (-bateau Trost.wae. It makes tbe morale, sea ever the 81115 Nat 1110 ea. suss of eilldhood, when ',tips ■0 was sus odometer, You tilt that way wiles yes were mesa becalms roe were tefb Mem= tTe.'d felt Ilk* that to -day It It wasn't for the artificiality a.d ash-be•Itbfsfnsss of your iwdeen .slatoac. $.v a--w.ves'.as-tw..ty-Mesta--wer..ty-we can W SN Fairy Js►-O'-Dq 144 the bedpsat every morals,. It w1 osis Mk* We tt0 ostass. ehilsrtally, temperately, unselfishly, o.tdoorsfulty.-- summer see? Do you bill In the wo.dertul