HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-30, Page 1"Snip of &Ales" cestetming the --' seer. 1 .r of tett .!lied ■etNtr. *awry Signa wdeeebew wbes paying for Ma perig ler IBM may Imre his chub of this folio of meek or a 1911 calendar. imd, 11 ow is the Ti e to resew for The Signal for 1916. 11'e thank thus,' sutscriben also have already renewal and promise all a greet big dollar's worth due- isg the coming year. ■ 1__- - wart.----„ - - - - N\rYaEYESra Ti4lt-Its- Storm Sash and Storm Doors idade any tiize or Style. Order Now. Shingles, Cement and all Planing Mill Products always in stock. GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMES BUCHANAN, Pansibe re Axe YAx AOEN, 'Phone 47 A. P.U. Dna IS. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTiCE TO CREDITORS. • Is nee genre or Macara (latrine. iJs- t'a l*5D. T1s erdltr. of Maude 0rfts, late of the tow.. of Ilk deficit. In the toasty of ilisma. married aura.. she deo/ es or al set the tweet) Werth Cm of Novseaer, MIS. trIt maw, ba.iag Asia. oaalaot or to Wars is the Add .+tate. srs r to mod by rot prepaid sr ottrerwLe to the andersiesee Hinter, ter the kaseMrlwo t the Is.t sill et the . aid Maude (4 111111. M r Were the Ord as) of January, iaM their Chr:.nas imam and summate. addremee mad de -rAVtis..led hilt past eslaredlblrebitm•. ,'onsets w iso rota sad Ihe salad el the .sserKy• If say, be:d by thew. - After the • .M er t d.y et Jane! 19M the mi rtreel. km wail proserd to ibariheto the amass of the all ost •te amend the heroes oath led tbrwlo lyarhig tempi oily N deism r tat• esu et width they shell then bane =le anl d d .l Mbar. . be earlaed ,rum Ise beeeat el said ILutbstio.. nod Us .all seenniloe. req sat be RabIs for the mad meet.. r WY pall horst L te t r par▪ teeenes w slseme Mee set Seo ses/red Ouod Ws�IMbb day d mid 11 Dee Thr. )k'CINNON t MUWiTT, of the CM 1 OeubMn . .Mba allor. fer W Exam trof the MC will of Mande Ora., Depend. Mit PUBLIC NOTICE ICS EN T, DOCTOR OF CHIRO- PRACilC,1•s epees/ a per a 1OJmasest M- ies �yyp ,wiles t mess et /Seises mama do sod Cambria road. res keen: e w II 5 m.. 1 to S p a, and 7 UPI a m. Oces.b.&M iron dy LaMttsidant. ISlmm • W WANTED. - AN INDV*IIS IOO Ns. 111011111=14.11= 111MMpmls bj .srdlIef oar prods, to bay..eM waft her Wards/sad har fur. esraet .lased by two llDr mow. Addr.sr W. T.RAWLIian leseeM. Opt. Melee sae. e...►Ntoe sed releaser. LOST OR POUND. LOST. -ON CHRISTMAS MURN- I90. A pair of addihaa»l *yenta. s• In a ease. ,..der gleam have at aIONAL orrice CARD OF =,ANIS. WE Wien TO URN THANKS to the f + o. trN/e��or. w�M sad Ili, ard to Ow m ny si eche h wbo a many ariariMd to we their !• sye•p•lhy la t►. 1 w et the boavt• .sat el a Mar beamed bus IIHe. Ct RTIi W w1tAa0 UTICE TO CREDITORS O R ses�w `rr11�D WAVILY oruRoi nttroiNs FANO TCNINO. listies 4 bombe ekes. paressst to 5.110. Chapter 1st. nasus 111, that all peraa he dolor...Ma Omer Mam b..olmeer castled esu pk•tan the was of Idesterfeb. 1. the evenly of Sono. fee gtaMed•sad or Olive m /Sen r to the aft is .11ekp/ es r 4 ad -r. the Nth May . of Jae.ey. 1 ibe pest kalar. of their dolma Is wallet. M bp tsoilhe a d tar. ed e . ,'swat Of alp/ d. ttos,s...sd that after .sew[ YLaessYW Ws smote to the bards trim dleadwlsd IVIS ►. INtrt used ammo the tmns.e 1lseor.. hes sa4aesedeonn 1 11. M. of elm tit a lees,. a K thY>w wd e&mi.sseitleo *f dab I (SLAW= ill WATTS DOLOR AND `` CZINA PAUiTTNti. af- said 1. . --weed to tecely, pasfl. 1. �f theta above MrpmfiaM .1:7111111;" of ia week. ti siita'esai�I' c li UAIRa00DA.-MRS. A. NICHOLL, Poems Cres. 4 prepared to de .a I sale welt mann fsem est sale w rembis r. W •ueples bob for eeda.. sdssllIe 4wt- etmNee ,p wit she Msits der rake toilet tegehillne.w ,'nose s ems-.Kmbm ed 1oerlDe M iS W. C. TAYIAJR feft1 sheet. Oederieb. P.D. eta lRt NNi ..�ga 1eles1 te.m tlonmhea. t. Is tNMYaw 71. eS•'ts: weld* work ,'seed i./ -Importhe Notice .9�ryrf wL�.�il ' '.uIsst�ribera - who is arrears are hereby notified that the Publishers' Adjusting AOD11RIOH/ ONTARIO, THURSDAY DECEMBER 30 1915 TOR ti167fAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED. MAMMY mama CARRE• - - TO THE E.-EUTORE OF QODERIUH. LA Inn AND UNNTLgMgx,-Aa you koow, the meabipal elections take place oo Monday, and I ata b.isg or - posed for the mayoralty by Mr. Rob- ert MsLeae. Mr. McLeao waw not at the teoasi.atloo meeting, and 1 do not know just upon a bat grounds be is opposing mw. tb..gb of course he Is nulle within Ids tights in .eekisg the ots:e. I have bees your Mayor for four yeas", and tinder ether einem- stances would consider it toy duty to retire amid give way to ..mono 0157, bet it bas been strongly represented tome that in the exir..ing condition* it is ney duty to remain in or .e at lis present time, sut•lt.et, of emote. the ill of the electors. A great meshy of the ratepayers, it appears. are not aware of the fact that the town is engaging. along with the other municipalities concerned. in an action at 1 s against the Toronto Oeoeral nests Cot p rs, inn in connec- tion with the sffsirs of the Ontario %Vr t Shore Railway Co. Theopiui .b of one of the best lawyers of 'Toronto has been secured, to the effect Dist the n.unlcipa'itits bare • gaud caw for their a tempt to get nark a portion of the moar ys pa,d out by the Trusts Corporation ou account of the Hail - way. Being the chairman of the eom- mic.re of the suunicipaliqes basing this ma• ter In band, and therefore 0onve.eant with the details of thee/ter, it is considered by those who kaow the citc"im-$.Dree that 1 *book' be in of - Bee w ben Ilse rare conies helot e the courts is February neat. 1 am tberefote in your .hands. 1f you tsINN mew to remain in the Mayor's ,'lair fcr another year and see this intim-i tract suoceorfully-tbrougb the county, 1 will oo my part do what 1 eas-as 1 Matey. here tried to do In the peat -to guard the intereaui Of the teem In aN,gtmi14. way.. ....a .,. r^.i'e-t•' '0*. 5..•114.•- . Calms A. limn. 1110II R ELECTORS OFTIIETOWN 1 urHuu JilcU. • Association. of Kansas Ca MMOL, is tiro Magas .aut1ios�sd leo collect accounts fax The Signal. Payments are to be made directly to this o6ice. ITHE SIGNAL PRINTING Co.. Limited. Goderich. Ont., Spada'' Chooniatw. assorted Savors. Semen a lt'. Friday sed Sataeday at HlsrkMoe e's. Industrial Classes IN CONNECTION i1 WITH THE GODERJCH COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE COOKING, - MRS. TANCOTT DRESSMAKING - MISS COX MILLINERY - MISS KNOX MECHANICAL DRAWING J. ADES FOWLER Thea classes will resume work January dl 1916; the three former in the Public Library and the latter in the Collegiate Institute. - The fees charged and payable in advance are 11.00 for course of three terms in each class. There will be two terms of four months each in each year., Pupils having paid for last term enter frev for the coming oar. Any farther information required can be obtained from Mr. Hunte, Principal, any of the teachers, or from JUDGE HOLT, Cbairman of Committee. Dec 22nd, 1915. THE NOMINATIONS. coterrSTB FOR MAYOR, DEPUTY REEVE AND COUNCILLORS. �•I Halos during ifew pee, to s = It y se. l ba. eIsd1rd N tat./ tel. time. sod ws. rhe a 4 nom - 1M 10 tom UN deb bathe.'.( arlula- tls. 1 baro ft espied se..ly eery ether H- are 1. 7be town - e atte(tlor. r e /•Day trio and diel te.MMFa . d was alm tt'etdes d Mara toasty 1. 111e, bet bare m res h.d tb timer sr ,'.,'spume the Mayer'. cbmlr. no. f�a�. rr I bare how ll -mei snood to Cared t, r th4oak* ef ebls1 mag1rM• of the tows ase tore.erented to p as w r.eft In your band.. 1 w. saw Inated el.o for Ree. e but •. Yr. Nolen had bees cote cane moat h. la owe. I e hurl to comet him. f wodld ask four 114 nil ••post at the poll - eh Monday. W t.h i ng t a the oomph meat. of be canon I sm. Robert McLean Again in ih•t Municipal Field as a Oaididate for the Mayor- alty -Mayer *cid Asks for Another Term -A Quiet Nomination Meet- ing. Toll 1.1? hfully. HOBERT 11rLK.1\. 1110 TH E ELECTORS OF Til 13 TOWN JJ. Or PODgk1CH_ LAwtts Aso OeNTnsaIN.- 1 am again nau- looted for the Dare d Deputy H ere. wbkh I have lard d wiry t he year w� toms eloping 1 trews that 1 Mr a dor eothlw t 1 abo.e the ,'selene,' wbiek yw stirred le ma and If 1 am . gain .Yate/ 1 .1.11 u 114 my psi years of ma.Mpel wake exert me het .aorta 1. be bolt of our town if w►kk we are pro haat, prose. Tors very h•1 , J.C. LAIIHWAI?t YOCIR VOTE AND INFLUENCE R-apeelhlly $.telco/ for DR. ,W. F. CLARK for sisulIse r tDEPUTT RItVE;,for IMA Recruits Wanted for 16Ist Huron Battalion 1200 men wanted from the County of Huron for the Battalion to represent this County its the/ Cassius Expeditionary Pare , ENLIST NOW Recrstitisg ofoc for Goderfeb and district in McLean's Block, Xingston Street . CAPTS. T. R. RUNDLE ..d A. F. STURDY. Rs n vitin! Officers. K. R. WiOLR, Chairman of the Mosinee ('n,nmitte•e, seeking re election. frIO 1THS ELECTORIOFTHE TOWN 1 al000miwH._ There •IU be cooteste for all the seat• at the two council with ibe exception of tie Reeve's ctair. to erbicl Mr. C. 4. Nairn was re-elected arelamatiow. Those who are in Ms running are: Ion Ila Tog. I.Asss. AIMane". As 1 bateee bra p.mt.Nod gats these ,s of tows r es.al) Ir 1 tears thea swan. el *esosrg year v.e� sod �pip� glsa� �I� N 11K y wre If ., i bmrSart yew. ta f saweant tis swan se . 'raster,' ret ip�wea• y�ny an • Im rr sod pe.•t~•wYylle aM spm Robert McLean. Chas. A. R. id. ION DEPUTY NKK%- 1.. Dr. -W. P. Clark. J. C. Laltbwalte. YOR (•Ot'NI It LAMS. J. 11 McClinton. J. J. Moser. B. C. Mwslog . A. J. Paltridge. J •.bo Bao, Thee. R. Way. Is. R Wile/►. Joe. D Wilson. Public *school trustee, were elected by acclamation as follows : For St. Patrick's ward. R. J. Acheson ; St. Ifieorge'. ward. Aki. Saunders. ; St. Andrew's weed, J. W. Craigie ; St. David's wall, Thos. Gundry. Mr. Ouodry is the onlynew. member ; be takes the plans of r. A. D. McLean. There was a curious occurrence in this 000n.eUoa It was thought that this was the .Nd 01 Trustee Cult's two- year term; ataj both be and Mr. Gun- dry were nOsoinated. Neat day it wag diseevseud tbat Mr. Cott had still aear to tun and Mr. Gundry'snomin- atkn wag tie only valid one. Mr McLean las taken • groat interest in the wort of the school board and has been a valued member of the board for many yeas.. Mr. Gundry'will no doubt en the place with estiafactlon to the ratepayers 1. the essirst fur the mayoralty, 1111. Ra�Aa Mf;i fVn, to of ats%tiiClc> L1, campaigner. seeks to round out an bonefish's natenicip•l caner that has iselui.d ewer, 1 Mee r =sept that of Mayor. re 31►id, wbo bee bad tour yeaeisln Pas et ebb f megiMnta. 1• .[ affable" n convect • • ebb the 0. W.L. Railway, and especially the pending lawsuit against the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, calla for lis retention of the office during the ening year, as he Is cbwirruan of the oomm1Ulre of the Like Shote sun polities and is intimately acquainted with the situation with resrect to the affairs of the Railway. Ttis is an important matter, and should be kept in mind by the electors in a compo t- ern of the respective claim* of the two candidate,. All last yea'''. councillors are stand- ing for rt -election (except 1.•eut. W. rioudfool), and there are three new candidates -John Story, B. C. Run- nings and Moe. R. %Valli,. Mr: Run- nings, of course, was a member of the council in former years. For the depu' y-rreveship )I r, laithwaite is ' b. in opposed by Dr. W. F. Clark, who also is well known in connection w.tb municipal •Rain. Mr. A. S. ('hry.t.al is re-elected to the water and light commission wit.b- nut opposition. At the nomination Joeeting on Mon- day evening the following were nom- inated for the various offices : For Mavir-Robe"t McLean. Chas. ELECTION CARD'%. 1110 TBE ELECTORS OF (IODE- 1 ales. ,1 Dfleo A.eg.ertaMaw.-I take tl.lanarrow of Witortlue year eumemt at the po 1. treat Meshy for my n•e eel a as a member of the terra c ion 11. 1 11.e4 thew my seer.. deri.g the pmt yo r ba- merited our apwm n1, and If o rals Mrrtd 1 w10 cantlnae 50 i•t.a you N We bet se my ability- -Tease f•fl••hslly. J. J. Y1lsetlt r110TUX ELWOPORS OF (lODE- t.aai . a-, (ieett.wttrt,-i am again a ran - Meats toga ptaoe at the eseoNl bon .1 If rr- elen•d.t Mall bare the is met of the pc -t year: experience. and -hall bop. to be Able in sous 705 durIn5 111, mina year with Mean smote the tows wad 1t. swim. Interest.. 'hatter *1t- yes_ w1I1 nes et to ,i.e me Tov .epp.rt ext %•.day. i Tour, •Inrerei A. J. PAI.TR111OC p�ri'�h 1 THE ELECTORS OF 000E- 1 It It' H. Lan,r AND 60011.115111111.-H11011411 1.41.1 to *sod het the naa.dl fq �N, 1 "v.pre hlr Opal • yon► repprt at.. the p14 w Meshy ret rive. sen saltl, MUNNINUS. LTO THE [LEOTOi $OPTiHETOWN 11 Oi °untrue.. A. • me waw of the III • bare ball 1,11A PIM ttMr wa if > eoa/sM Mote,'meet we ewe M asrpepbrNOM fete tW eersoN bard Mmser•e `ad tltafrw► intra tate. WWI** te wee mid al the aa.w's lrmalr.w • as/ el eltl.. yarn veto semi YININS ., i.r. JOHN IL,' )Tyi i(. rpo 1THE ELECTORS OF 000.4- 1 stew. am Ossrtaaas,-Harlwe Me111 Rasathet... en. 1 V 1�':ALltk be Stitat wishes its reabers a bright ana pros. perous new Year A. Reid, Beal. C. Manning*, E. R. '1% grit.. For Reeve -Robert McLean, Chu. A. Nairn. For D-ptuly It••eve-Wm. F. Clark, Ji.. C. L*ilbwaii . J -,bo W. Craigia. Far. %Vater and L'ght Coeun.issioter -Alert S. ('n. ystaL Por Conadu,•re-Wm. F. CI... it. Ja•. Connolly, A. J. Palls idge, Thos. R %Valli*, B C. Mooning, R. J. Ache- ron. J. W C.aig ie, Jos. D. Wilson, J. J. Mneer. John Stony. E. H. Wiglr, J. H. McCIi•.tCn, Geo. Porter. For Sawed Trustees -St. Patrick'. ward. R: J. Acheson ; '(t, George's ward, Aire. Saunders ; Mt. Andrew's ward. J. W. Craig., ; S'. David's ward, Thos. Gundry. Robt. H. C'u't. After the town clot k had disci rod the nominations closed a number of patriotic addlrascs were given as • welcome home to Pte. Ptilcbard, as repotted in another column. Mayor Reid proposed that the galbeitng should be turned into a ercruitil g meeting, but many of those present, who had come t 1 bear municipal •Rain ventilated. showed their disar- proval of the suggestion by leaving the ball. Mr. J. P. Hume was then voted to the chair and the candidates for municipal once were given an opportunity to present their claims to the diminished audience. Mayor Heid was the first speaker. He said be bad been asked by w many citizens to stand tor ofgre again that he had decided to offer himself for another 1.10'. The council of the past year bad been vet y closefisted and had spent money only on absolute 1,5. Relying on the word of Sir Adim Beek, the Mayor held on rep' itn- istie view of the future of the U. %V M. gs,ilwai a /,hock'/ to se4 rom0! hip done with it during Li. terns' D!1 fitIce. Replying to the article that bad ap- peared in TheSignalwith reference to the lack of fire protection at the Beheads, factory, be said that r. Barebier bed applied to i betsoter esld bleloa4 of tot . coeneit and the app cation had come In toe late for the count. 1 to take *01100 tbi. year. Tte flee committee had purchased an extra 2flU feet of hose, so that the would be protected in eve of Ant. council bad prominrd 7o lay the maitr to the factory and it would redeem its promise. Mr. Robert McLean was not present. Mr. B. C. Runnings was the next speaker. He said the council of 1915 bad raised the tains but had given' nothing in re turn. 11e thought more might have been done to encourage s line of package freight boats to tall Isere and to have railway siding. con- structed to some of the fa.tol iee. He was skeptical of the 0. W. S. R. be- ing put on a paying basis fora long time to come and thought the timber should be sold before it rotted. He asked for support at the poll.. Mr. E. R. Wille was the next speaker. He dwelt chietl) upon the finances, which be said had been con- ducted upon a twentieth centum]) plan. He admitud that the total indebted- ness was shout $5,0110 more than last year. He drew attention io the fact that the milk by law war being enforced and the sanitary inspector might now inspect any males cowstable. He spoke at .orae leapt h upon the liquor teases that had been dealt with and referred to "the famous .Vdron quet- tiohr," and added th-I should the arms eooditioosoccur rgain he would take the ache course 1.1 aci i in. He was of the opinion that the Hansford bylaw, which the eirrtms t.ad endorsed, warn one of the best propositions placed b fore them f, -r a long Mr. Char. A. Nairn spoke Li i fly and said be had hoped be would out have to free • cot.teet for the reeve - ship, but if hie opponent decided to run there would have to be an elec- tion. Mr. J is. I'. Lail hostile, .oho was the next speaker. said he bad heen nn the cemetery and parks committee during the past year "and none of the dear people et the ceesetmty bad uttered a wind of complaint," while the people of the town sterotor complaining. lie drew attention to the perpetuity fund which bad been ineuauratrd and It'endadsi on pogo) . WELCOME TO A HERO. ' Goderich Patriotic Fund. MT E. FELSTEAD DID NOT ARRIVE WHEN t%PECTED. So the Civic Welcome Prepared for Him Was Tendered to Pte. Thomas Pritchard, Who Heturnrd Home Quietly Some Time Ago- Speeches . by Sheriff Reynolds, W. Proudfout M. P. P., and Ulhers. The second instalments of subscriptions to the above Fund will be due on January 3rd and are payable to the Treasurer, Geo. Williams, at the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, any day between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. At the town hall oo Monday even- For the convenience of cub ing, at the close of the hour for 'emir:- scribers the Treasurer will be at ng nomination', Mayor Reid cause to the pl•ttunu and .renounced that h. his office on Saturday after - bad n'crived a meteor*w that day stat- ing that Pt. Chao. Felstead, who had noon, 8th January, from 3 to 5 twin wounded ill France, sore return - 'o'clock, and in the evening of ing to Uodrricb on the evrt.ing U.T.R. 'lain. 'be band of ihe:CJ d Regiment the same day from 8 to 9 and a very large uuwhrr of 1,1,7 'Ds, had met the Main, but Pte. Felstead OCiOCk. had laded to artist.. l o Irwin t he' public disappoint 'neat, the caution tee TME INDUSTRIAL EVENING had secured the presence of Pte. Moe. Pt itcbard, of the P. P. C. L 1., who CLASSES. bad recently trturned without • pubic welcuume.and They were going to ex -1 As announced in /'nother column, tem/ him • welcome at this tient.. the cla..rr in mil' inet y, dresema►ing lbu the Mayor ci..e dad to°do. )and ro. k•ng will be t -i8511 zed for the unmistakable signs of the effrets of wry'.1, tai 1h" /'loss roams in the library In reply Pt. l'tiichard, who thuweDew, termnn :W new Janu- the German gas bombs and (imps a t,uilding. little faun. fio.t-bite, *aid that he Those au.hinR to j .in ibe drwmak- would rather face the enemy in the irg classes w111 meet f••r enrolment trenches than the crowd before his. ,and nrganizt ion .,.t i :es o'clock, the There were mew things boder to lace, cenOk'Inlf clasrr..1 n lS, and Om u.illin- than kindness. He thought if the e1y claa►rs a1 it young men only knew bow well the'Thr. Interttun is t. here three 'wooded soldiers were treated after 1 cla.ars . ach io d. r.•ruaking and cook - their return Irvin France they would Ing--4one 10 cowwo pi.r th ,.e who h+ere come to the lc -occlusion that it was alt e.taken t 1.. tun, • second for worth while enlisting and king into tellions.,s only, and • third to include the trenches. Ile thought the khaki both beginner. and those baying had was 11. only utiiftsn. •11150 should be ares i.re wrw. wearing thew day.. It was geld 1pj Theill be two elapses in millto- k0ow that thewere fighting on the en --one for those She. have had one winning side, for it put heart into • teem and •ream/ for Is•ginner.. man. He closed by thanking all for the ` The sucteu of these dames and their kind wishes amid thoughts for his soured p.pol.rily melena it lagers- sine, to enlisted. Rousing cheep live on the part of those wishing to greeted 160 brief address j•iifi them to lie proem t at the organ - Sheriff Reynolds was the n.xtlIxatInntoensure illicit seen: iegsplace . us.ker sad in a vti utIl f..44JiJaa* he io the claai4.8ire' ``,, complimented aU who were al tiled in i il55tnner. 511 regnit7u to ply a foe khaki and especially those who had rd 11.18). abich eutiil.. them to the -'bepeia> IrsscrEc.rawdltwd uoozorre c tgii .rpl}cea-ut io14440e, i•.n. pt 14111"1 e He appealed to the young men t•o take I elms. 18. platen of lhow w bo wri e * 010. sing The m.eIasisel draw ing dross.. wit wossd.i (woke'/ Uud'a i. nrg•oi/ed en Turgsd. r .."1"11111, 'slag at u weir, ddog choirblpartaring in 17. 0, in the iJolbiate. 1!) wee• r. bet ti.. Me heli uF b ' ytg Mi tMsrpe .. ile may . a* ver declared thaw sad 1t not. been for tbo.e a bo bad been w 1111, g t 1 sac" ince their helph'1 b incfa►i.g chair i 16eieheya all this Dominion might now be in the sad rhe Wiley spells advancement arra essdition of Delgiuu'. Tte ttbetde wee,o ul.s. a i•r[• stleodanor. the opinion that move/Ape/on amid baa good thing, as it would make the J. P. Hrar, shirker fight. The address was fie- Prietipai' quPIItIy panel 'mated with applause. Mr.'Wm. Pruudfix 1, M. P. P also gave A slinirg addles., in which be iematked upon the enthuai.am shown fey the iwweose crowd which fathered at the station t hat evening. He said that the Germans had not much to ray in favor of the "Punc,', Pate." He did not think conscription would he D eceased y and was of the opinion that Canada would have :41d),(1i1 in the field by spring hid if the war was prolonged could place half -a -million men under arms without comerip;ion. He 1 i li culed the ides of placing confidence in , the Munroe doctrine and stated that if Britain were conquered ibe Utitd States would have all it could do to look atter itself without attempting to safeguard Canada. He was confident that with the population that Huron had • couple of regiments might easily he recruited from the county and he was anxious to have Huron repre- ✓ ented at Berlin ny a regiment when the gnat treaty of peace should be signed. He deeiared 1 hat t hear who anal, 1 or go to the front •h mid girt usstintedly of their means to assist t e cause 1f you overlooked someone •t Christmas, time the opp 'unity "to make good"will come New Year's Day. Our stuck was prey y badly shattered by discerning Christmas .hoppers, but we still have manyoods which will make choice New Year gifts. Per- fumer, stationery. New Year cards. Trdar.. E. IL n tots. di uggi.t, ich. • O) alrvs--ikaleblpt•. .did meat and aIwo). fresh, at Edoanii . Phone E. A b g eity ptodueli..n al small town lbs Witltam.nn Rub,nuis* else.., 10.. 15e aol fir. Mayor Reid me,•t'nned that 1'i. Pritchard had also fought tin ough the Boer war. Mr. .1. 6. Tom woe called upon .04 spoke briefly, nrgirg that parents sbo hid not keep their sons from en- listing. Week of Prayer The Ministerial Assort ition has ar- ranged for the observance of the week of prayer, January 3-7, the tier. lees to be held in Tempi -inner Hall, and to be interdenominational in character. A11 the citizens of the town are ward to attend. The following is the pit- . gram . MONDAY. Chairman -Rev. J. Hamilton. Address -"Thank•giwing and Hu- miliaUno.' Rev. .1. it. I'. Chet ingham. Music in chatgr of North street or- ganist Ty 1111)1. Chairman --Mr. G. N. Elliott. Address -"The Lino rh ('rlivrnal: The One INXIN of which 1'h.iot le the Head." Hes. li. M. Holmes Music in eiarye of the baptist or- g anist. .W tOttan.iT ( 'ha irman-Mr. B. A. %Varner. Address -'Nation. and Their itu'- ere," Rr . W. II Hager. Mu.i^ o charge of Viclerio sUrel organist 7Nt'InIDAY Cb■firman- )1, Alex Sanndrr•. Addy.. -" Minions." Rev. fie., IIP. [.1 Al.ekstnso'. lout .ler y.Ptd otir Yede in chachase.,f Knox church or New Peer'. eider for ice cream Racist. oysters. nooses 110. We wish to express our appreciation ter the goodwill add patronage et- teeded to ale daring 1911` sad .lab our frieas/ pr sal eenty.sr 1 t • y, 1 191 add yew t lsl/th� E. Wist.at druggist, hob. ARIDA T. (T:•t"man-Ilv Rmmer.on Address-"FgwrlIie►, 1; o l l e g• a, Reboots and the Young.- Rm. J. E Ford. Merle In charm of St. (loorgo's or - pale THE BOYS IN KHAKI. Enlistments for the 181sT Battalion at the local recruiting ,'Mee during the week are : W. Medan. (iode, icb. W. L. %'*,.,tone, Uodericb. G. W. Breyer, Dungannon. IS. n. l'oct field, (lodcricb. Bert Letson, Uoderich. Jack Tortoni oleo h.s enlisted and is attached to the Clinton detachment as e ergeant-t ailor„ Lieut E W. Porter is now attached to thelodericb recruiting office. Basil Kelly, ''hos. J. Salkeld and Oliver tioldthoi pe have peeped the examine. ion at Lindon for the imper- ial Mechanical 'l'ransp,rt Service and expect soon to I,' sent atones the yea - 1r.. Their duties will 1.t. those of chauR,un. Among the men ill khaki who were in t..wn the east week wa• Mt. A. Roy� Adams. formerly of blob.' kb. who le row with the :51.1i 11a•tpy at tinelph, MARRIED. M. LEAN M,-(Rl .ITII. Al Knox church. ales:rh. on Il1rmla,r 111 Joy Rev. Yiso. K Ito., It U, blabulnr RAbrl McLean, of ('lereldd. tail. at taUM ,14b15 oe, youngest den Met •f )Ir sad Mn. W m Yd's r , t h. x 1. I4yid'. •1 sett , Uptr r.ch B URROWS Mal'IN0NAI.1) -At Kea%chuirl. moron. Under.rh. I.ecembrr yr. 1.i 1tei. lire. ):. R 4ni., D. D.. Iterl ..b IDnr... -. of lid. ri, h. and 1.• 1*, da*.ha.r of l'wpn.in .,,,I Mn John Mrelron.I.l. ltritannla road 1,15.51..5Mb. r1TI-RI)%' 7111.1. .I1 1h. how.• of w 1 rids'• l swat. 1. dr. i'h t n.r.hlp. or. l h, i.ln•*• Da), Janie huphemia. detach*, M Mr. and Mt.. Jan. Yuri. te Kr Mould Di Sturdy. of U Jeri h lawn -his.. 05E0. M'NN - On Wr lae•iay, *t b -r tate Ic•il erre, 111111 Portland avenue. rt. Pool, Nino . l' a A.. Mary. bdere.l wife 11 Frady irk It. Y sen.Mrnrrrly d Uodertrh. rad daughter of • he late lti.bard rind Man Ana Inon Ines 7th. of Tx Neta I1e1.. in b.. Ps"• year. Berlal .t t.. 1'*ul 1. 1WR.14444OX. In I.etrtP. Ykb le haiu04a, 1. Dcartnher 11 h. , nits. laera.,w l*GULL. In lindetich Inon bIp, a eaturda) • D embe' ret. Mary Wart • a, beloved w I1..1 Wills timid. Wad 75 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENT-Ose.$ON►. Foes. E ye.l...n • Ln the P. anal . , .... 1 Pets,' 1.. t- card .4 ,leak. -Mn. Coed. Lawmen roan, - 5555 1 Ids -o i d p'tw • J. 1'. Same i pr ,ion 1'.ed humph D woman 1 -J. 1'. Iaahwslte .. .1 J. P►R.ISge 1 .1 J. Mayr 1 Joan H. Nei '11•1111111. . . 1 - N 1•. liht.wl•eu . 1 -Robed Ilelass ...... . 1 -Chan A. MIMI 5 5 5 5 1 De W. I. Clark . 1 - Thew R. wash .. 1 -R. R. %Isle. 1 11