The Signal, 1915-12-23, Page 8• Tw,nutuA.. Mot tyletlt SS. 111:+
• T>.eawo.t, Dietwtt... IS, NM
r>) L.3 >a is •4 i lei ♦ 1 alCaVilialialliels,e4W414WS*
� Christmas Suggij&WS
WIESACIETwn lj� County and DistrictIt;
sir wu�, .. - �---
Meisjeseremembiessier. arse end ditchers
rodeo a Sag*
and Sullerse.
�' �
Omura seep Irma Into •
wrh grrlpbn sad WNW
aideLTi 01 J sk sod I.sep
NaWO; dam terms hair. Hislag
Os Ism Toa awl fas4Mr tuck}o at heap
theft. is tronMeesm► Aa crewmay r
M pi tie Beady' •use Ma*as e(
e rr SO mate s i daa�l
fir' knows
.o0. ed, awialax a
Sulphur C.cmP°•
tot atWhil. add her is a
d eal, we all r. gray, ad
ettraesieeree. 17
sad , hair what U.
bse ism
cad r oke ask IsfL bsls,mTsen
jdoee�s mit see• a•t!a�e!elllly,� sett Wearerevery.
it amd drown: �� at =ell
all grey balm binsAfter mother lliaf ete1
two ries
balr boa bmtspR b dart. glow.
soft sad lastwaste and yea error years
M be, at ()aurid on Deertgitee
1 nib after only a few day: illness.
Mr.. Wm. Anderson. relit of tie
lot. Wm. Aaderene, of Aarl di
Leamisatou nm Deoembsr
seventy-eighth year.
Mrs. Oleos go Boswell died at how
home as the and concession of throne
j o os D.'srsthrr 1 1 b. atter nevem'
ateste Illness. 8be woe 1n ber dry.
fourth year.
I Mr. sad Mrs. M. Braithwaite, of
Londsabore. announce the engagement
I of their daughter, Annie May. to Wm.
YoIbeslill. the marriage to lake puce
Ude month.
Mr. end Mrs. Joan (tark. of Tucker-
uckersmith. announce the engagement of
their daughter. Katharine A.. to Ob...
McKay. the marriage to take place
this month.
Mea Robert Dalrymple. of Henson.
paired away .t the house of her daweb-
tor. Mn Wm. HOro/n-, atOro/n-
ary. on December lUIb. Twodaugh-
ters survive.
Louie Beanewiee and Mies Lillian
Koehler. both of Manley were =serried
recently . They will reside on the M -
acre farm which the groom recently
purchased at a cot of I11,011).
Mies Roes Broom and Thorn. Adana
both of McKillop, were war tied at lbs
Air esallse are built on a foundation
of 1.apomdbilitise.
h.Tlp.y win reside us the
gfool 's fbThi ►t Oosst•oes.
Duman Jobo.toe. of Walton. .ad
MW Ms; J. Swirl. of tb. a.h comes -
dee et Morris. was scanted at See.
forth on Dssrubsr tltb., They will re-
side tin eh* g,oeen's tarts at Walton.
Ewell•. ganglier. . et Mr. sad Mrs-
Jaao►ichwsme. of Oreditao, wan mar
Pied at bee hems there es December
91b to Alfred Z. W u.rth. . ReR.
. D.
likeker was the uAlci ttio1 minister
Mrs.'rboncas Keough. • resident of
the lfith nonoe.eioo of Stephen, died
on December 121h. She woe fifty -tarry
K�e.amns ut� age and Is on wired by bey
hband. three tone and two Baugh•
Jolla K. Brown, nt Ethel, died on
D.eember 14th somewhat suddenly.
He was taken with . weak spell while
out driving the previous day and never
recovered. He 1. ^arrived by his wife
and one eon.
Tus bonne of Mr. Ind Mrs. 1{. H.
Barbie, of Kincardine, was destroyed
by lire oo the 13th inst. The Aro
started while Mr. Butes wag Modtrying
to thaw frau■ waterpipes.
the furniture was saved.
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire 3.75
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald 1.85
and Weekly Star
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.75
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star =
The Signal sad Taranto Daily World 3.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.80
Th. -Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35
The Signal and Farm and Dairy 1.85
The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35
The Signal and Winnipeg .Weekly Free
• Press
Wm. Moffat.$. of ()entnJle, pleaded
guilty before Poli•', Magistrate And-
rews, of Clinton, on Saturday lout, to
a charge of causing liquor to be ship-
ped into Huron aunty under an re-
sumed name. He was fined $.IJ and
opens. ,
A pretty wedding took place at the
boom ret Mr. and Mrs -Thomas, sett,
of w :led cone:m.ton of Unborn., on
Deemsber 15th, when their daughter.
Nellie K., became the bride of John
Jour. of the Ie .ondon toad methli
W. 0. H. McAllister, of Exeter, pet -
fanned the ceremony.
Bessie Margaret. daughter of Mrs.
E. Anderson, of Centralia, was mar-
ried at bee home there on December
gbh to Dr. Murry Elliott, man of
Reeve and Mrs. Elliott, of Stephen
township. Rev. F. Finlay, of Cen-
tralia', performed the ceremony. After
the honeymoon the young couple will
reside on the grooms farm near Cen-
Yee awl gas tm a low mamsstw Use
Med r Wad er eatanb will be Stew
Tear dogged .esll`
epe.1... i
r bsu4.
peerages .t 11mew 41111
bewares; ao hssrtYti ..•YID
yea min
tgerd1 .�* s1 ralgbial
yea iot yes , .
herb. el Iles Cream Beds. •
be p et ,ice leer r•sf, •wuteeIS t
iec K
$ possum of thalweg;
,sell haul the .0511[•. Mreus
It is just what
moleis ss. mad relief maws
.. eo4 sail=
adlotor neer. Deal sly 01
sod adesrable.
i as d,
and the village. of Hwyfleld. Hensel!
and Exeter.
• ..t$t•.. rr•i♦ .•. I.6o 1
The Signal and holden Aidvertiser. • 2.90
The Signal and Leydon OaFree Press
• Morning on 3.5o
Evening _Edition 2.90
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85
The Signal and World Wide • 2.25
The Signal and Presbyterian 2.25
The Signal and Westminster 2.25
The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25
The Signal and Catholic Register
New 1.70
Renewal -.. 1.85
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto).. 1.40
The Signal and McLean s Magazine 2.50
The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75
The Signal and Canada Monthly ..... 2.00
The Signal and Canadian Countryman I.50
The Signal and Canadian Textile. Journal2.25
The Signal and Toronto Star Weekly. 2.75
These price*, are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain
The Signal and The Country Gentleman 2.75
The Signal and Woman's Home Companion
(New York) 2.75
The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.75
The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 2.75
The Signal and The Youth's Companion
(Boston) 3.2 5
The Signal and The Scottish • American
(New York) 3.25
The Signal and Cosmopolitan Magazine2.85
The Signal and McClure's Magazine 2. is
Including postage to Canadian subscribers.
The above publications may be obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above less $t.00
representing the price of The Signal. For instance :
The Mgr/ end The Family Herald and Weekly
Sewe. ;teas
The Rennes •dvwe_bt (M JS tem 11..0) ... 13e
-making the price of the three papers $3.2o.
'rhe Steal and The Weakly ties 11.75
The Tama Doty Ser (Ws ins ;tool .. tao_
-the throe papers for =3.55-
lf the publication you want is not in above list, let
us know. We can supply almost any well-known
Canadian publication.
po$tdl subscriptions through local agent or by
ce or express order (not by bank cheque) to
Goderich Ontario
Barrister R. H. Hee h.s been ap-
poluted a junior major et the 151.t
Battalion and ie now wearing khaki.
R. Y. McLean, who `has been living
in Obio (or the past two year.. bas re.
turned home awl eoli.teu 1s the NIA
Jeremiah Teenier, a former ._eldest
at tieatortb, was killed by a team at,
Hamm grille on December 11th. The
remains were brought to B.atortb ked
interment t.3o. , place at St. Jane'
/Iles Nellie Houghton, • uative of
Seafortb, died at '1 urouto 0o Decem-
ber 14th. Some four year, ago else
suffered an attack of parelyWM, trees
which .he never recovered. Sbe is
survived by two brothers and oo. de-
ter. The took place Isere
on the 15th inst.
John Darwin. until five years tom
a resident of S.afortb, dyad M hie
home at Ottawa oo December moll.
He was taro in Ragland stoat Shy -
five years ago, but had .pent thy
greater patt of his life Io this country.
While here he served in the town
council for several year.. His wife.
three .one and one daughter survive.
Pte. 000100a lor. son of Reeve
sseTaylor, has pathe examinations
required for the British Mechanical
Transport Corps and will shortly leave
for the front.
Ella Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Wood, was married at her
home here on December 15th to John
Luxton. The ceremony was performed
by liev. D. W . lblliw.
Lloyd Riven. who bad been on the
.teff of the Melones Bank at • Water-
loo, spent a few days at his home here
is t.week and Ui . ,jeft for Torooto.
where be enlisted for overseas service.
Abraham Knecbtel, Dominion in-
spector of mines, who died recently at
his home at Ottawa, was a native of
Brussels. He war fifty-nineears of
Wm. Knecht'', of McKillop, and
]lea (Rev.) D. Perris. of Wingham,
m. brotber and dater respectively of
We deceased. •
Are Dodd's Kidney Pills for Kidesy
Disease and Backache.
Barachoi West, Gaspe (?n., Que..
Dec. b0.-(t/pedal.I-Mae. W. J. Ma-
loney, of this place, is lipreading toned -
cast the good news that Dodd* Kid-
ney fills are a wonderful help (or
kidney disease and backache. 5110
says : "After suffering for away
years with backache, and trying away
remedies without obtaioiog relwP 1
read about Dedd'. Kidney Pilla and
decided to try them. After using two
b.txsa 1 nae -greatly. . beeaAued wad
reoowmeoded them to other euffenvv.
1 also used them fur my little girl toy
k id ney troubles."
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the ens int.
ours for sick kiys. Sick ktd.eys us
the cause of oio.teotbs of the i1le the
human family eaaer from .
Mn. E. Lowry, en esteemed resident
of Brume's. passed away at her borne
here on Deeembee 12th. She was horn
in the West lodies eighty-two years
ago, but had lived for the past thirty -
sins years at Brussels. She is sun
vtesd by .even sqn., of whom three.
Hauge. Alfred and Walter, reside
A number nom here attended the*,
funeral, at 8eafortb, of Mies Nellie
nfougbtos, wbo dirt at Toronto os
Dseember 14th. Mies Houghton form -
oily resided here cad was for nutd-
ber of year, organist of St. Peel's
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, who spent
the mutmer at 11Isdersley, Sask., have
•.[[Hoed to their home here .oco.r
peeled by their daughter, Mrs. Te-
ddy. of Khderdey, who will .pend
the winter bete.
The staff of Hanna A ('o. met at the
home of Mr. and Mn. Robert Alien
and presented Mr. Geo. Scheeler with
a wrist -watch se a token et esteem[
parer to hie departure for London to
take an °Meet'. course, after which he
will return t, town to join the 151st
(Oversews llattalion.
*11. postoffice has been rearranged
to facilitate the handling of the rural
mal t
Lieut. Ewart Cameron hu returned
from the London military school,
where be took the course for a cap-
Large quantities of baled bay bees
been shipped from Liarknow during
the past week. The price to the farmer
was 510 per loon.
John McGarry, for twenty-seven
yarn proprietor of the (harry Hou..,
did at his bony, bore on December 15.
H. had been unwell for two years and
moonily spent souse time 1n hospital
ea Landon. H. wee born In Waterloo
eemnty fifty years ego and came to
Lueknow in 1iGB. His wife eurvivs
wirdeadW on tis tree aglow.
Holly red and tttMWes:
Radiant faces. reptlws swiss.
In the nursery we lienee saes.
stock[•es tun sad ago" set.
Tisa .t every sort aaess:-
Music. joroua. also awe ea:
All et Cbrl.teades at
Moen et M. iMt,
Dearest gift, divine lad tants.
abed esamn. a-,, - sbee
Tula the blamed Tele 1n. hen!
-Roes Mtn. Powers. la Tenth's Csmea 5
5.00 and up
All above appliances will be kept in repair,
free of charge.
A complete line of Vacuum Cleaners, Fans.
Portable Lamps, Cooking Ranges, Dames, Shades'
Tungsten and Nitrogen Lamps.
A New Line of Flashlights and
Batteries on hand.
Take no chances around your barn with an oil lantern, but use an Electric Barn
Lamp, which can be carted same as an ordinary lantern -turned off and on
easily, and if knocked over in the barn will not set fire to anything. We
have a full line of them. Price $2.25 each.
Let me give you an estimate on wiring
your home, office, garage or place of
business - - - - -
Office 82 Phones
- Res. '193
Under the Mistletoe
B. M. P. Beadle:baton
Ice rtght by wasters leewseaper Union.)
• tea as ideal Yuletide. The sweet
mess elf ran h threes throbbing out
nsrllamty, "Peace of earth. good
will to saes." aasoencmd it. laughter,
rtes. soy greetings among the
4ldwsi alma emphasised it. Two
ynllis gales in the same direction.
ilei mems new to the other, yet oddly
'melnerly Molved in a tater dream -
leaner a the hour, unconsciously
imsw.d their gait to catch the final
'notes from the distant belfry.
He in advance. swarthy. evil -eyed. • • .
bearing a neatly covered box under Slowly Merwyn descended the steps.
this arm. uttered as ugly, sinliter He paused for a few moments on His
(Mackie pavement to take a last took at the
-B.teea that War strikes again- home that bold so muck for him. A
this!'. he kissed malevolently rather slinking figure approached halm from
tllaa uttered. and he tapped the box the shadows_
and strode on, grim with some pro "Mister," be stammered, '•i'm poor
found parries. and 1 need the gold coin a man gave
Tae man tell recce b.hlnd halm. me for deftest -tug a box to that horse
young. handsome, neat, but none too tonight but
Natural Result.
Mn. Cr.hrhaw-I learned (o drive
an auto while on my vacation.
ersMhaw--Khat nett t /
Mrs. Orabbaw-Ymire going to M
me • car, dear. -Judge.
Tb. Model School elates of 1915 held
its ch,.isg session on December 17th.
The class was unusually large this
Mn. 0, W. Whitmore has goo. to
Florida t.' speed a ample of msomths
with hes busbaod, whola Ie raises@
1 there.
John 0empsdl. brother of Mrs. T. H.
[hardy and a native d West Wawa -
seek ie sow is Rola engaged in ran.
way newness[ on work.
0. W. bisUtma fo tomor tMb.
.calf the oe
M Mgtloa
Pena tees pore. bur twigmed to tab. •
[[_dues Gabbs stall el the sew ?wh-
aler Berri as Toronto. I,
Mr. sed Mrs. Wis. 1111mw.t11. of (lIn-
Me, •.sows, the m.ealeemsat of
1 their diviner. t.wa Smesa, to Fred -
rW. Toll. of Mast Wawae4
aerr(ege to tab. pleas W. moon.
S. 3. Aedraws. who has hese Polio*
Magistrate here ler amend yeses,, new
ha• llww� over41 . end
U.Li ,
Mtaei.y, y. ��
Wats tot Particulars ,,. , .. ,.
Registrar. a Mos. Bac. (Dusan) P
Address:-334-6 Dundas St., London, Ont
wyn. handing his gift to the other.
His gift was a picture be had painted,
and with it was a tetter.
fa.kiooably slag. arrted • thin. ,Quare "Ah, I remember!' observed Mgr-
package sugg.ettag a canvas. for his
,baa ea artist's tan., and he was as
artist -Obese M.rwya_
Had he spoken his heart's thought
be woad have whispered softly:
rya, recalling man and circumstance.
•'A gold cola is so rare for a trilling
service;' resumed the other. "that 1
was suspicions. Then again i didn't
lite the lace of the man who gave It
"Meds. file hear strikes again 1 to me; I followed him. fie met some
>fr trove sstld [teed by to all i lovs." others like bid self. I heard him laugh
He et the darter semhlaace strode over an explosion about midnight."
ea sad turned tato a fishlsaahle rub
deem therseglitare. v.sse seiselgY
Eke a sh,M.. the other kept [drilla
even gees with 111a Under as are
Imp Moe Mmsys pausal M ask
veer the JwMtwge he carried. 1Jfs ab
losers plat etas a mends% a gr
Ales Ore et rat and Isesey, and
beam Ili tlla ehtleMrtpotrg mea bad
bake. a 'tamety'rseeed Mow suss -
slog waves wttbswt as evereo.t. and
We end pining wok the ooad.
TM twat. were cenv.refag and the
man with the hex beaded If to the
otter. to the doorway et the
••airs$ and
paved on. 01e
sweeenger II 1' o -
eoeded up t b o
steps. whack Mor
writ mounted ales..
It was la Use to
. e . I servant
open the doer amt
to bear the ether
. s A prompt les
Mr. Wo thiagtee:
to be sewed tomorrow."
"Oh, et .mares that." tinned the
*weer, takers the hes. "1 will glom
k teeth thaw sear ar tea Ab. Mr. Mak
vie. r/ the seven Owed seer
l Dlapepsln" towhee Naha. icer.
Stemmas etwebr fuel Nye
1* tee atiwsMS.
if what you just ate is ssm'tK p
your stomach ar ren Ike • leap et
load, refuatas to diem. or pee bolsi
gas and .restate sear, enagserd
bed. or have a tooling of
heartburn. Vannes% .semen.
la mouth est stiredeatalsgsgas. 71111
can tot Nonmed rend Is Me mtares.
Put an end to ttelld i tLoM1$ tmmwer
by gegen, a Imp angina owe d
Paper Miami from eaF rtes Morn
Ten realms a eve fl obeli low see&
Nee K tr to most free
dee is sr sasllaU111
We as evIglem surge essmea on: •f M POOL wawa w
aeon blim
1e wig a" 'all M�'•
"Great heavens!" ejaculated Mer-
vyn. comprehendlag, and was up the
steps in a Sash.
"Quick! Quick-
epen!" he cried to
the servant. art
setting the cher
ea the builds. .
"The mast.
room!" uttered
Mervyn excitedly
sad barring fifth-
s. turned on the
light switch and
made a dash toe
the table. ae r.0ls/srd the sue
a..4 IMO or tae 00x. His eyed maee
Old one correspasdiog to 1t.
Mereiyt gave it a ding through the
window. there was a flash. and
a detonation that shook the house.
Boum tying object thudded [[galas[
hie head and he fell to the Sow.
was Christmas day when he
opened ►r eyes. He lay upon a enact
palled directly ender the chandelier.
Daylight was streaming Isco the room_
The wrecked window frame was bar-
ricaded. His idad was bandaged. and
seated at a little distance was lather.
"Oh, 1 am so glad!" she cried se
she metier that his eyes had embed.
"The surgeon has just left. sad Pete -
be ears you saved w as ash 61111 • yes
are a hero' And the bMetW11 gismo
you intended for me -it was riddled
with window glass, but -1 foam[ the
letter. Why did you welts so.aadbr
"•Because -because 11eared to write
all the truth." M.rwye etoafe
"The man who warmed you us
eeosgh to have us guess the truth."
spoke Ethel. confusedly chaagag the
.ublect. and that she bedewed the
glance of Mervyn. His wise rested
cm the mistletoe right over W lead.
"Why this is Christine morreg.
sore .south." lettered 111elier, "and
Ire are the tante-"
spoke Mervyn Irresistibly.
-I love yen!"
Rim arms wore lifted towards btlt
amd a world of doodles was lin his
loads. eyes. She dM aot !•Mete.
Their lips slot that strangely bsastMtl
Christmas norm--otdr the undistss
{� » :1=
er woe sea:
sIrper. twit
ee hist M.klaryw
ttarsr er «.
lber4Mt MslalOOPb. urs "
none. +.r Ceara elYneK
..' .. :.1
Irv*0G .IPA^
•noise se 5.aiu
r Melba; swam TORONTO
,,l�..• '4 taws" swears
i :.w . r• t. is 1 t 104 • . b -