The Signal, 1915-12-23, Page 4• TIMOssaao. [tamsllaga 1*. 1$I1)
Nothing but the Best Will Do!
That is why- people come to this More. They know
they can get a big selection and the swellest goods
in Men's Wear, to give "him" for a Christmas
Neckwear, Gloves, Shirts, Neckacarfs, Suspenders, Under-
wear, Hosiery, Coat -Sweaters, Umbrellas, Cuff Links.
Tie Pins, House Coats, Bath Robes, Linen and Silk
Handkerchiefs, Fur Caps, Hats, Caps, etc.
OVERCOATS. A large stock to choose from, in Mel -
tons, Whitneys, Frieze and Tweeds. Prices $10.00
to $22.00.
SUITS. -You will have little difficulty^" -in selecting your
Suit here. Sedges, Worsteds, Cheviots and Tweeds
in great variety. Prices $10.00 to $22.00.
Sole agent for Society Brand Clothes.
Gree Greetinors
May you all enjoy the Christmas festival
with good Lealih and happy hearts.
Geo flohmeier
KINGIMIR1001 ' arrived borne We week to see her moth
MONDAY, Dee. M. lite. Yrs. Jas. Wbyard, who 1 tory
Yen y Chriatmae to all ! I wow at her baths, times we.i a*
low. All Mrs. Wbj id'. &see errs are
Charles H•Ibrow, of Wert-rn Cao- tlw way flow the Angelo to the
oda, i. renewing Aeguatutasexe hero. reggae.
Chad'.'• many blends welcome him Ie1.k.stl. IID s was h.WOAt
,low ph (Joanne, Thos. Connor, J..l• 0o'. bt,ar. un Wedrteeday ovoid'
of tbte weak, when the pupils and
leachers of the tiunday school of
Riskier* eburrb aeaemblyd si L1* bonne
to enjoy a pleasant eveoing together.
Atter ♦ program of games, mush, etc.,
bents (.'law approved WI the scene and
presented • number of pupil* with
pe ay fur proecteocy le wort through
tbmear. He also lavl.bly dbtr.buted
candies among all, and presented Mr.
end Mrs. Gowen with a very handwule
turkey. Relieahweota were strived
and all ietiied having spent • very
enjoyable time.
McCarthy acrd Thomas Q sl 1. ►eve
returned home atter spending the pant
season ,.0 1b. lakes. The steamer on
which Jus. Connor Is chief engineer ie
"lay ing up" at Codes kb for the win-
Tim Bea N1oNT -- Next Monday*
night is the big n,ght when the thrill-
ing war -drama, "Bur the Red, White
and Blue." will be presented bythe
K. D. C. in the parish ball (church
basement). The performance cow-
ruences at 8 o'clock and the admission
foe i r 35: and 25% tijwetblbg doing
all the time. Instrumental music and
refitted vaudeville between acts- The
fallowing le the cast of character, :
Capt. Oscar Huston (in love with
Oota-lead). Rd. Sinnott ; Fernaodo
Dias (in love with Cara-9pani.I spy
and villain). Joseph I. Sullivan : Bev-
erley Brown (in love with r•bickens-
negro comedy). Henry P. Hogan ;
Cornelius Dywer (in love with
"naygur."-lash comedy), Jar. J. Sin-
nott ; Philip Bassett On leve with
leobel), Horace Hearn ; Milton Merry
(in love with Brio). M. Walter Dalton ;
Lieut. Chrl.ioIwl (in love with soldlet -
bog), A. Martis ; Kinser Walton (in
love with Spanish bonds). Roy Moser►.•�,
Dr. Harrison (in love with surgeryyy
Wrn. Lunare ; Lieut. Fisk lin love
with hie du•yi, R. J. Meyers; Antonio
Carlos (in love with Spain). W. Lan -
Dan ; Cora Bassett (in love with
Oscar). Miss Elizabeth McCarthy ;
Bess %V■Itoa i in love with Muton)
Miss Patric' * bulHvan ; Lobel Casioe
(in love with Philips, Miss Ursula
O'Connor; Spanish soldiers. guerillas,
Americsn soldiers and sailors.
Bynop-is : Act 1. -Hall at Walton's,
Washington. Act 11. -Red (hues hos-
pital. First day's hettle of 8.antiagc.
Act. 1I1.--Ouetills b• a 'qui. t• rs on the
Sterna Cohn. Fight in the wountain
pass. Act IV. -Hotel Taman, Santiago,
on the bijbt of 'II? surrende-.
W[ONd$DAY, Dec. 22.
Tuesday evening the Lerburo Sun-
day school brad its annual Cbrlstmaa
tree festival, which was as usual quite
• success. As the weather and the
roads were both bo goud condition, a
huge number were present, and the
program, which was • long one, re-
ceived close attention The opening
number was • cboeus by the school,
••Gratitude and Praise." Then prayer
by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, after which
carne a recitation bZ Jos Mitchell,
"•Cbri+turas Welcome. Theo a voting
tong by the younger boys. "A Star
Dialogue," by five of the girls, came
next ; then • reeitstion by Robby
Bogle, entitled, "Diehl. Santa Claw:
• chortle by the youuger boys and
gbh, "Growing up- for Je.u.," fol -
bowed by the main feature of the pro-
gram. • flag drill by eleven of the
older gills, an Intricate piece of work.
that was well executed. Mrs. Uliddon, '
who trained the girls, deserves great
credit for the time and trout*. she
m,r.t have epept on the rias.. Tbrn
ate•. .1 Ohl •. City of Tole o.
Luc . Coasts.
Frank .1. Chimes makes oath that be I. maim.
partner of e firm of F. J. Cb. reel r Ca. do-
ing budimem 1r, the ells of Tomb,. County and
Mate arose•.&tem d. and te.ail arm all pay the
aura of Win HUNDRED DOLLARS fen each
cam, every caof catarrh that c.0•.ot be
aced by the e r Of HALL`A CAI.VtRK
Sworn to before se • �d .ab.ertbe 1 In m)
p:ence. tkb orb day of December, A D. is..
Weal No:ary Pobiio.
'Rake C a•arch Cuntla take3 1. 1.01a ly sea
throegb the Wood on the mecoa. surf ace"
of the ' emend le
. ed to. .tlsoniel. f r ee.
F. J C.ILNEF & Co.. Toledo. Ob1o.
Poll by all d e. 71r.
Hall'. Family MLi • for at
coat Inaba.
W&DNABDAY, Dec. '2:'ann.'s.Yr. ant's. W. B. Patterson are
visiting friends et Detroit tor Cho ist-
The Mial,eeeDetby Lave returnea to
their home at Oalt after a i nit ing their
Having purchased this business from Mr. T.
Salkeld, 1 am right in line for the Christmas trade with
a complete stock of fine Confections, and should like
to meet all of Mr. Salkeld's old customers as well as
any new ones.
A splendid line of .
HOLIDAY BOXES. Chocolates, Bon-
bons, etc. Fresh goods in beautiful
packages -all prices.
Try our home -Made Candies and you will say they are
j. ' . $ bbl s
Balmoral Cafe
'Phone 64
uncle, Mr. W. B. Patterson.
FoRseraRs lietoT.-At the regular
meet ing of Court l`,lfferin,No.40,Can•-
dien Order of Fotectere, the following
offloere V . 0. R.. M elected '0 k as.n 0. Medd;
A. C. Jackson ;'y, J. Arthur
chaplain, Wm. Sturdy; 8. %V , J. E.
Yungblut ; J. eV.. F. Robinson ; 8. B.,
Sarles ; J. B., J. Lawson''; physician,
De. I3. C. Weir; auditors, O. h Erratt
and Al. Lockhart ; trust..., Dr. B. C.
Weir, A. C. Jeckeote, Y. Arthur.
versary services iu the tiaptist church
on Sunday afternoon and evening were
well amended. Rev.J.K. Fairtull preach-
ed w tb his usual vigor atbotb serener.
The oyster supper on Monday night
drew a barge attendance. Atter the
inner -man bad been se' ielled the pro-
gram in the auditor' was listened
to with interest, while the p.etor
explained by les,tesn views the 'uni-
tary fighting machinre end life in the
trenches. Proceeds were 180.00.
\IORUAY, Dec. lair
came The Motion Sons,' b vy
little gbh : a reading- by Mr. Hamil-
ton. which dealt thirfly on the vet y
common habit of not returning bor-
rowed articles : • song by Mr.. Arch.
Hotton, "Mother Machree;" a irrita-
tion by Jean Farrisb, "An Old-fash-
ioned Urandu.a." which "brought
down the house ;" a "Knittiog Song."
rendered by the junior Red C'rns*
Society ; a chorus by the school, "The
Star of Betbl-hem." The program
then came to an end by the stugitig of
the National Anthem and prayer by
Mr. Hamilton. Atterwatds came the
main event, in the eyes o1 the young. r
rhildreu at least -the stripping of the
Chi imams tree, which closed the
entert•inmeot. A silver collection
was taken up amounting t o over $11.
This will be devct•d to one of the
many benevolent enter prises that are
being carried out these lroublutrs
Get "More M oney" for von r Skunk
Muskrat. Reccooe. Fozes,W►Ite Weasel. Haber
and other For bearer collected 1a your section '
REIF TOP* Rota Dfa$CT N "s/ossaT' Oa Ia7rM
bean la ar wen ee+q as4leefe r Awls afl�tuA RAM
■ reliable-ta.pondb.1.-gate Fos Hoses with an ann,.he 1 rep -
Mat fen misting for mora than a third of a conttagrrfr •a tong Svc-
a"costal reread reseeding Far apps premye,SATIEFACTOR Y
AND PROFITABLE returns *rite l,*E /Moor b nen.
las only raaebt.. a.-, crat. market moon sod pri.-. list published.
It -stow -W. sE
U BERT, Inc. cwSIIN sew.
Omni gift. �tk
. . alit i ea VOL
Are gave narg
Ams twat, net. •cd
Jae. la. Ins
*islet+ &ll Joe.
0.d $•dot
Den. flied. tarot. 11th
mid 13th
Rdeo rift
n r.1111
tree �►. . ,n ea.
1.1. eta lorle.iva
Return N*'t. Jag.
eih. tem
armee (leant* win be lewd between all
rye 1.00wra *gat t irtbar and a 1
ase ssssssrga ■
New Afternoon Train, Toronto to
Ottawa, Via C. P. R.
Calling et ebIs4 weird. along lake Ontario
Mees Line. I.eledlve Kempen"
1',1.40*. palpwsst. Ise wiling a.flbr.
Librosy thererrai Ion Pa -kr ,•.r. with
Meal* terrier
Lome. Trreser l.$lps
Arrive. 0, taw* law n
I O.ny .tryst Bandayl
C.weethlg tel. leaven °od.•k-0 7 .n 0.w.
AMires Tereat. 11 iS p •.
COLBORNK. t ington and Snyder
_y o. tify the Municipal Telephone Sys -
The municipal council of the town- tem `hhate ' b k eetr$d them to
ship of Colborne met in the township pay
ball Decewb r 15th. Meath rs all tbeeumloft$10each eraearco m by
pie.ent. Minutes of lest meeting rend ing y
ear and adopted. on motion of lle:hering- i passed
and Hetherington
the that
l a by
ton and 111'1. A communication from law be ped sppo R
Om ked Cross Soci{e�ty of Leehur-n was I deputy returning officers end polling
received, asking alf to help them to places : Polling subdivision No. 1,
buy mat riot for making garments for I Temperance Hell. Benmiller,Temperance.Oke,
our soldiers. Moved by Toone and D . R. O.; No.
2. Hal', Paltford, A. J. G Idtborps.
D. H. O.: No. 3, Tempersnew Hsi',
Carlow. A. P. tSbeppeed. D. II. O. ;
The following accounts were No. 4.'1'emperance Hall, Lecblrrn. A:
nod ordered paid : S. Bisset, service. A. Williams, 1). R. O. Bylaw read
as teeter, $15; Gordo. Yonne, council- I first. second and third time and finally
lor, i3+� ; Levi Snyder. Ws; Hugh Pa"''d• The nomination meeting will
Hill, tlii: I. Hetberiogtree, $..0 ; cleat. 'rte held in tbe township hall. Carlow.
..lacy *103. postage 1110. c trent hall on Monday.December Pith. at 1 o'clock
$5. sekcting Jurors *8-$ltl: 8. Bi"- p. m. R.clLWAIN, Clerk.
set, selecting jurors, $2; C. McNeil, UODRRICH TOWNSHIP.
selecting junks, 112: Allan Buchanan, ► 15th with
217 loads gravel, $37155 ; Alex. Me-
Leod, Axing fend on river hill,'61 ;
Theo. Kelly,clearing ditch lin Salt -
ford. *3 ; J . J Robertson, grading
ploughing. 117: R. Scott. grease Inc
rock Rusher, *1 ; Mer: in Musfnrd, 13
loads gravel, gill: Oen Ashton, 3
day' grading. $11.35: John Treble.
inspecting, $1.50 ; (:oderith hospital,
care of D. McCorvie, $7.90: Dr.Hunter,
care of D. Mc(:orvie. $12.50 ; W. Cur-
ning,b Ino, 4 days eta tute labor refund
$3; 0. McNay, travelling Division
Zine, $38 1,0, ditch north bound.' ,y 10
W. W. Fisber. 10 loads gravel, 62 40 ;
R. McMilb.n. Heine '1 culvert'. *1.50;
W. C. Robertson, travel, $3.45: O,
McNeil, refund dog tax, $2; 1. Heth-
etingtoo. refund dog tax, 11 : R. U.
Robertson, grading end ploughing,
$13.25: A. Y. 8.raughen, cleaning
ditch and repairing road, $3 ; C. Kerr,
ppousing brickbats on road. 11.80 ; O.
Gorses, ;stink cod stringers, $2 ; Ju.
Adams. taming at (*meter,. 17 ;
Allan Wilmot,. fneeectlng, $1. W.
Thom, (*seal. $4.05 ; H. Mottos, file
on L. R., *155: U. tiliddos. repairing
grader, $1: Lbminioa Road Co.,grader
blade. WOO ; The fr aL printing.
17.75 ; R. Bogie, grs�14.89 ; P.Mng-
ford. repairing culvert, 11 50 ; J R
Be.ebl.r. 5V: fort plsak. 114 ; Joe.,
Thnnip•on, gravel, t:e, clearing ditch
at No. 6 ecboolboube, til ; S. Potter,
OLG'sia bast wishes to the patrons o f .
Tolborne Store
rjhe management anb staff extenb
their best wishes for a "Nappy Christ-
mas anb a "Prosperous new year.
Jn spite of conbitions one can feel in
the air not only the Christmas spirit.
but the promise of better things for 1916.
.So mote it be.
team on road dreg, 113.75 ; J . t
ale, cu
John Fesgan, repel. leg eulve:t,:2: A.
Morris, refund •t ttut labor. $3: Wi'-
liam Olen, drawiog plank and cover-
ing culverts. $5 ; 1). Swanta. 54 loads
gravel. $8.711: lobo Clark, tile culvert
on coo. 10, 119.50 ; G. Bean. gravel.
$7 80 - 0 (lardiner, refund stature
fling weed■ in old cemetery. 112;
labor, $5 ; John Barker. grading.w I) ;
Plonk. $540 teaming plank. $3
on Kuntz hill, $5, cleaning ditch,
IP 511, fixing culverts. $3.73; P.. M.
Young, salary,$90; .postage sed
, war stamps, $10 ; 00ti bads gravel.
$90 911 ; W. J. Allan, 41 loads gravel.
$0.15 ; J. Levy, repair cuter' t. $1 ;
Municipal World, supplies, 14.51.
Communication received from V. M.
, Roberts. re survevor'e feet for QJewell
ditch Moved by Young and y
!that the clerk be instructed to write
Mr. Mubelte, telling him that as the
ditch is not completed we defer pay-
. • ; talent at pgtwent. Karol by Hee her -
Hill that tttecouneil grant tbew 118.00
per month Inc balance of the year.
commencing November 1st. Cat tied. passed
Merry Christmas til a11.
Mr. Harry Lovett is at present
working with Mr. Cyril Campbell.
Mr. Jas. Lane celebrated his seventy-
.flfth birthday •t the home of Itis
daughter, Mrs. A. M. Teel , of
Mr. William Baldwin and Mr. W.
Balls attended the winter fair at
Guelph, and report It highly instruc-
tive to the farmer. More sbould fol-
low the example.
We u• sorry to hear of the death
of Mr. Richard Finlay, whicboecurred
at the hoots of his brutber on the 9 b
concession. The tuoeral will take
place tomorrow (Toeda) ).
The Ladles' Miwionary Society *net
at Hackett'. ehusch Tbutedrly after-
noon and packed a large bale of warm
garnieuti and quilts, which will be
very acceptable to those in need of
tbseu ibis winter.
Mr. Dsvld Hackett bad the 'Motor;
tune legit week of falling from a hay-
mow to the barn floor. Luckily in
the dement he collided with the cutter
shaft I, which no doubt broke the force
of the falL We are glad to see him
able to be abut again with no bines
PRgaENTATIOw. - Rev. Mr. Little
held • prayer -meeting and bap
service at the home of Mr. George
Drennan last Tuesday evening. There
was a large Wooden** and at the
close of the meeting Miss Rutherford,
of St. Helena. was prstrented with •
must Of mosey M a tor:r.:, aepreela-
lion of the serviette *be has rendered
the people of the A.baeld Presbyter-
ian church.
THO**DAY, Ilex 14
Harold Sproul is oo the ick Het this
Ws am sorry to 5.y (hat Mrs. O. B.
Au me M mill keeping Very poorly.
ise Pearl McKenzie is borne from
Toronto Normal Bcbool for the Christ
mat belileys.
Rev. O. Oomm attended -the meet -
Me of Maitlnud Presbytery at W ing-
bam on Tweeds, of this week. •
Y ire Janie R(otbere le bowie front
L ant& g es. Rheas enmity. wbwe ebe
is engaged on the te•.8lag staff of the
reign' mbeel.
Reboot Messed en Wednesday of this
week . to reopen on J smeary gad. sbe
I .easUwwgg will he bed Wei
staed•y. DveewrKs►4wh.
Mre. Jobs elmltb. of Feet Witham,
II" Christmas
as Usual "
means that you will have to procure supplies for Christ-
mas festivities, and if you want everything to be just
I right you should let us fill your order froth our stock of 1.
ll fresh goods.
Raisins Dates 1
e �j Currants Nett) Figs
Gra C. w Peels
Oranges, Lemons, Walnuts, Almonds, etc., etc.
I. Your Moneys Worth in Solid Satisfaction
guaranteed when you deal with us.
When you are thinking of gifts to be bought re-
member that nothing is -nese. apWa�uL in the hove
than good China. We have some beautiful goods in
sets and single pieces. which we should like you to see.
We bought our China before the rise in price, and we offer
e advantage in hurtful'
bought at lent pikes.
A Pleasure to Show Goods.
( von
t h sot 1 f that you could never get on
,` Roods R pec
Cor. Hprmiltoa St• ani Square Tskpko 143 ; )
be sztladad 1i11 Febroar'y Id. 1918.
Council met December mtkea provision for holding ootntoa
all member present. Bylaw y . 11 tion meting on December 27 at 10
was passed, Holmes' hall bring the o'clock. also if necswry an lection
help where the, December will; on January 3 at the toted polling
j� 1 •t- h at
Carried. Bylaw No. 10. A15, which
d on Monday, December iI . plate., was read and pored, on motion
1) o'clock noon. The polling (if any)
will be held the fl vt Monday in Janu-
ar at the following place*:
Pio. 1 -Orange Hall, Chris. V.. John.
sten, deputy returning 0MC?r; Oeorge
Falconer, poll clerk.
No.2-Hous of G. O. Sturdy, Mel-
ville Sturdy, deputy returning officer :
Howard Sturdy, poll clerk
No. 3 -House of Albert Harrison,
John Wood', deputyirturning offlzX1;
Harrison,lbert Harrio, pol clerk.
No. 4 -House of Mn. W. 11. Elliott,
Robert (fluff, deputy returning Oft so:
Lewis Andereou, poll clerk.
No. 5 -House cf Bert Murphy, Bert
Murphy, deputy returning officer ; Ira
Merrill, poll clerk.
No. tl-House of Mir. Hart Hick',
Guy 'Fell., deputy returning of leer;
Adani Caetelon, poll clerk.
A 1 number of accounts were
aidgbe•e will appear in the treats-
statement being printed this
week. N. W. TRswARTHA, Clerk.
Council of Wert IVaw•no.h met
Deeember 15th swim $Mats.' Mem-
bers all prevent, Reeve Morro pre•Id-
(ng. Minutes of November Sth read
and confrmed, na motion by Purdon
end Mall.xrgh. Financial statement
showing balance on hand of $8,747.21
Aped oo motion by Naylor and Mal -
lough. Thos. Inglis made affidavit u
to the loss of one Iamb killed by dog.
In.peetor A. Anderson's report read
In which be valued the said lamb at
17 G0, which was paid T. ioglit for the
lose. Mediralbealth officer Dr. T. 11.
Case's annual report reads : At pres-
ent we are flee from any onnt•gbue
diorites In the municipality. Dutieg
January and P•bruary we hod ais
epiden c of eneeeles : between forty
sod fifty families wry• afflicted. Owe
death occurred trout pneumonia. foe
lowln measles In • delicate bre The
40 their wort no impurityor cause d trouble W inly In
Its. Aubura
id rn
disorder can remain in tcirculation 1 and Duogeewoo rie
utmost trying to keep the trouble
from spreading by quarantine. rte.
There were no carne of taher milnaie
reported. though 1 settee in the list
there was ogre death from that canes.
There wen' lbs usual camber of nule-
AMMO reported sad attended to. Then
were twenty-two deaths during the
Tear .end twelve of the deceased lived
from seventy to elghly-onto years.
Tbete were tteent nice birth• regis-
tered op to November 15411.
folly submitted. T. R. Casa, M. B. O.
Lueb.ew Agvl.alt.rel Roeletye re-
fer tesual gnat w.. tabled, ow
I..otiod by Johnston and Naylor.
1 Modem by Naylor sad Johnttnn tut
the tins for rertsea of eolleeto.'s roll
1'ashmasMss Mayday.. november 1.r. re-
tina he the Tort. the new eHwweea
train from (Mama to ?sena, Rome
rona easy emeiewiest
_.,.I. hero Nle KM* effikIa
Pa.a *et . 11 re i. t'b
are simply kidney disaedees. The
filter the blood of d that she.kin't be
there. The blood paeans throng% the kid -
every three minutes. 1f Om kidneys
tenger than that time. Therefore if your
Mood is out of order prone kidneys haat
fared in their wont. Tbey are lo need of
etim.lstion. strengthening or doctoring.
Owe medicine wi Ao all three. the d•eat
acrd meat imitated kls0d esedkYw there
Naylor rad itallougb. Amounts
end.alarlee amounting to $972.77 were
passed and paid. An itemised state-
ment of all receipts and expenditure.
is In the bands of the printer and will
be available December 27. W. A.
WIur0N, Clerk.
To our many friends and pat-
rons ---
,.R Z*Zerr! Christmas
an6 2
all'af PIP nMv tar
May you have the health
To enjoy,
The heart to enter Into,
land the power
To give to others, its joys
And feetivil.l...
Walters & Company
Goderich, Christmas
Ontario 191.5