The Signal, 1915-12-23, Page 3TtIE NIt1NI1. AND ONLY GENUINE 81WARE OF IMITA- TiONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OP 11N1ti'S OUR OTTAWA LEITER HER DREAMS ,,,,,,,rev a. r..aoe•v,SSSSSS, Ottawa, Deow•ber IL -No me/pries is'sterneestlt loam at UM (eovensuee•t'S refusal to tom t.. Trambown shots in- to a madras. neusidos y. . beeYes cUUMI /dole welts out to • (Na lliag-aldo boos leedigostisa coosMge•<110 totem. wash.fur Dish • Nod* w•siwd -y _j - N/ .roue peke etsodard for army oo•lrs.iare. 1t has been a matter of common knowledge for toaw$hs that these *4.- 1100,000 shops froir e&tg tc the people of Canada W loosa naoded over to a private ooespany capitalised at eau, - ow la which one of the ledlrtg metro bets is an old side -kick of the Hon. Frank Uoehrsni s in Northern Os - Lazio. The o•1 •ew thio. al.out the case is the publication of Iles facts. From the time the wet ►t.rtrd the Borden Oov.rnme•l, like Pharaoh, hardened its heart sod far from treat- ing the deadly peril of the British Res- pite as • national crisis proceeded to Iraoale it M • strictly party affair. On !bat basis Snglandhas spent d tpof half -billion dollars fOsal which bas been distributed amoog 81[x. C.OAUOrtgAV Lino!party friends. Let Ibs galled jade P.Q., Jan. 14th, 1915. �j\l�I'il�l Others •n uowru•g-that CAME TRUE Tb•rsday, D.rnteso * MU $ BOO KB1 N D1N MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired - SOLD LSITSRINO on LEATHER GOODS e{ir stseMed to as Irvine yr tit ii BION AL. Oederiok. A. E. TAYLOR• tlsaatroRD• fiIiDICAL wast. our w was the attitude of the Bordenn Gw "I suffered for many year with lernment towards the dear oldMother tereible Jodi rsIton. sed Cowiltftation. I 13 lewd Country, at leas far as atm ii (;EU. HIGILEMANN, OSTS- LJPATH. aser.Sst Ia were • sad kali arse's dissa s, aorta Moab sad Dermas di" sours, aye. t sod ri i artial deaf- sow. 6► Arr- anges rat ire 1 notelet iM Mies. taro'ss meats. at dean, terser Nsl.e• sea ^" egoordars sodSAt knot edgeany 'realm elmMorb a sea Satsrdams:aay�tvasioR tq sser•tm•aL �jie�asc, aw' � d H~ i�� set Nese s arid throat rely. e1<ageefse•�L t Soo:a ear rile a - K R Y con- tracts were concerned Naturally a time pmo when Eng- land objected to payingthrough noire for war supplies simply keep the Borden Government's friends sweet, and D. A . Thome,. and later on Mr. (lichens, were despatched to (w- ads, their object being W put it to Premier Bordenif Oreat Bmor+ from not have the tight W expect all Ihi s lo el talk than the highest price for shells that the traffic would bear. They also _.,i that the relieved. I consider that I owe my life t ran con►tructed, � it -a -fives' and I want to say to AUCTIONEEL THOMATHOMAS GUNDRY S AUCTioNlt'!B: isotrarleas by will be prearto selottna w. bin ' e��trepeoas stat LIG AL HAYS lid YNMt.II'. BARElbTER. B.•,4CW. NOTARY marline Beak 141eck• Somni$0 es R rot 11 t the Conserv d h had handled it became thin and miserable. I had frequent dissy spells and became so run down that I never thought I would get well again. A neighbor advised me to try'Fruit- a-lir&. I did so and to the surprise of my doctor, I began to improve and aradviedsue1010oww M'Freit-rtierr'. I continued this medicine and all my Indigestion and Constipation was Tomato Cattle Market Heady choice steer . $7 46 to $8 90 Butchers', good 7 00 7.06 1.N 6.60 7.76 7.26 6 60 6.50 6.00 6.60 6.26 6.00 4.76 6.76 6.26 8.60 0.•S 6.60 4.00 4.76 00.06 60.00 00.06 10.60 9.00 7.00 4.76 11.00 7.60 9.00 7.60 4.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 do. medium 6.60 do. corn moa 6.76 Hatters, choice ... 1.16 do. good 6.60 do medium 6.20 Butcher cows. choke 6.00 do. good 6.60 do. medium . 6.00 Butcher bulls. choice.... { 0000 do. medium ` do. bologna 4.00 Feeders, 900 to 1.100 Ib6.00 do. bulls 6.00 Stocker, 760 to 900 lbs. 6.00 do. med , 660 to 710 6.60 do. light 4.76 Canners 3.25 Cutter . 4.00 Milken. choice, each90.00 do. common 45 00 60.00 8.60 Shell Committee, u to Ftv be D I I nguage The Constipation Premier matter, but postponed doing w, and it I a fair chows and you will get well the was only when British+ oro off that the reorgsn z►tlon war • pirates' lair which ought W those who golfer from Indigestion, broken up. tbough, of course, they or suffer from ohm try 'Fruit - P ed mon easel u .• P b promised to look into the a -tires'. Civ, this lovely !roil medicine war orders m. same as I did". gan to PCORINE GAUDREAU. of the Shell Committee was actively .Oc a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sire, 25c. undertaken. In did • l leMa Thomas At all dealers or aedt postpaid, by and b,lMr. kitchens did • little rtu•ff the Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. on thele own account, sbu} off Floe supply at the source and deprived the bloodsucker* of 'heir noun+hment. After that lbs Shell Committee de I knows from hie own axpetl•oee id the de- cided to be good and since then they have not tried W crowd the mourner+. lest general election. All Mr. Flavell, It took sixteen morphs W effect t his , expects to Ret out of it is a knight hood. The story runs shat this knighthood tee a was to go to General Bertram, t►.. i the W convince the (inc. former eairmail and saving grace shells f the profit of their party i horre.t gentleman, who houaht 11180.- Springers 1 •' Springers Calves. veal. good " 00 do. medium do. common 4.76 do. grass 4.00 �Opting lambs, cwt 10.00 l Iambs 6.00 Yearling sheep 8.00 Sheep, ewes, light 0.00 Culls - 3.00 Hogs, off can at packers 9 16 do. ted and watered 8.76 do. light and heavy 0 25 do. f.o.b. country8.40 change of heart in the Shell Commjt- od it will prohsbiy take another °maw•steer mon in British • b' bra�ted, t that lhimbleritrR R 1 the Shell Committee, g' a friends is no Ramo for true patriot+• 000.000 worth of ►hells for Great Brit - When Mr. Thomas and Mr. Hiebens sin for $18,000.an) less than was suRgr.tad that the Trsseova shops he allowed him, but lacking t1. Flaielle used as a national munition factory on jeQutatino k.r efficiency, pee Y Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -AU rail. No. 1 northern, $1.28%; No. 2, $126; No. 3, $1.13. Manitoba oats -All rail. Toronto, lel►. 2 C.W.. 4$c; N0. 3 C.W., 47c; No. 1 extra teed, 47c; No. 1 feed. 4k. American corn -New, No. 3. 71%c. Canadian corn -No. 2 yellow, 77c. Ontario wbeat-No. 2 winter, per car lot, $1.02 to $1.04; slightly sprout- ed and .tough, according to sample, $1 to $1.02; sprouted or smutty and tough. according to sample. BSc to 95c. Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 37c to ase; commercial oats, 36c to 37c. Pear -No. 2,per ear lot. $1.90; to mpie peas, 11.50 to $1 7i. according W sample. malting barley. out- side, 67c to 60c; No. 2 teed, 60c to 63c. Buckwheat -76c to 77c. Olye-No. 1, Slc to 87c; rejected. 70e to 80c, according to sample. Manitoba flour -First patents, in jute bags. $4.40; seconds, 16.00; strong bakers'. $5.70. In jute bags. Ontario Sour -New winter, 14.60 to $4.70, according to sample. seaboard or Toronto freights. In bags. MUifeed.--Carloads, per ton, deliver- ed. eliver ed. Montreal freights; bran. $23; shorts. 124; middlings, $26; good feed dour, bag. 11.56. • rock bottom cost price ba, e bella they might u well have .avid their breath. They were talking to a Goovernment vernment coo terribly that itsways, Rte tt- io history was I.t be bandied with Torn Wb te, 8o when the Real Thing came along General 13-rtram was brushed aside. H. F. 0. Aboon and Below. An old Scot was conversing with a / rest, e a ■ s l loan ■ or -marline sea stave par' y, an who , neighbor who owned • telep one. Real Utak hew sad sewr•ose. that way for over a year. It was note Sandy was told he could talk to any - Le owe Lady, dead or alive. Next day be at COOKS �likrly'Ildik i e'i 'wool.. vied byext tris deed PRODUFtrKYr,KII.IARIN de- afly �altruistic proposals from a brace cide.l to have a talk RAlRR1g1fBii. SOL8On ellts- I:,tAP{M sat tdn14-SieOTge ambamadors. Coder brothel Jock. a. man The owner iooff thotele- Pl./ eil - PUDLIC:. SrC." ordinary clreumstanoee they bran d path-. endof the wire: Tisk like Lloyd George any y, jock a wast r e �t e w f es be- e eek Si espied ` Fran Haas war won't Bpi to maks shydittos foUbwing"'scot hers" : Sandy -"- ilea arses,'Pboonn and Mr. Hicbens tween the W. Pirov. reov. E a. see lower lama 11 .4.pe So Mr. a stop- that you. Jock r "Ay, ii s me." "And tM. l'stot »veer, . J. J. L Yrucaaa Min's gag mach more Chao boo are yes �J' o. Y' "Ob, Soo I" 0. J. D. Coosa others welcome. Sr seep -d Male^ "And wheur bee ye been O. OAMERON. [. O.. HARRIS T te1)eit.r...sesublia Onsetek. OSA deer tr. At Lamas wormy M soca week is ee��e1e� by Mr. �o■ ogles thrum. - t p.m. It can ba!d�have jiehene that they were ekingThermsow+• asking the Government W go spinet its whole previous policy. From the very start the Cafadiw war contracts vats sen t` s were awarded with a view. not „W 14AAIKOW. LL.B., BAR- Ireaching the producer directly sad assee.so. soyrser. coo.. Gods- getting the lowest price, but to geese- nee- eese• n 0tt/Ti61. taut in as many middlemen as possible. .1 Meo•1 M and" 10/"Si I In one case, the binoculars. there were GSg, BASRir con SOI, exactly eight middlemen between the 1 SSA Plans as. CsoveTamet anufacturer and tae consumer -and �t tett lteess �� be ked UISURAIICE• LOAM& BTG bacalul.lOPOP MUTUAL FIRM 1N M. SUSANCs O. -fart ..malates Jam ome ••lir. Awa Pt-eaod.dsa Matarto P. O. Z. sW5 �• a.. p�aJsoebs, Mil /1sroe, Wirer ; Jarmo ��eeeppkaweed ; Robert Ferris. Memo . ts.�ltpw.wy. bJ. W. Yea w•t>.eev111s: Alex: halt lc , Clbtes : William Misr a ems s serapes E. issectoso, �ktarl r yards a. • CMdkbg /teen 061=0 a • LL J. MOrrfi , y. triremes erred. Y1M5'. rat J 4(e•d'•rie.er.la Fre, Da)acid. O p 41,000 PRIVATE FUMoly to NDS M- 5pN ifatoilte. suer. OodeeMk. Sorrow B.. ROBERTSON etas ams Liestrsttse :.Attar Oruaaisa sad Mrsies■• Vn ILH4 •oaosa a erw•m prior• unto M Iva 1parsLind i0Grades, y.0 g Vrs/t�rt err. Vas_ta_iffa+s Doom: Tke riatret sae w� throw. et iris Oleos see hie avia'smma simbsumo. Thor 17�a tarts sir sea.,I)a _-- •Aj1uAa1 L ICt11SLS ,S 4eO. £ICH. KELLY MUIiR Off 1/ARitlana L1C�� nt•� all took • good bite. Wherever • middleman or two mould woe Into a contrast the Government went out of its way ti get them. it believed in laying up treasure* of gratitude against the nest general elect'on-e practice which it P ntinues to his Lay, Mr. Fapatriot 10 M. between the Ped patriot W Dome the _ bad tcounto sell to On farmers Government.Mr. Faille butted to to the extent of tj3,000, but be see* nothing wrong in it, be- cause horse -dealing is his business, and not a finicky delicacy about making money out of the t ho was MrrlF�llts W isfor- tune. Be.idee• consider himself better than the Buie den Government, which bad acted all along on the th. ory shat the war was being waged lees for humanity than t for the middleman ? Under pi ensure the Govern went came around W Mr. Tbostsai and Mr. Riche•i way of thinking. at less, so for as making shells ata decent price was concerned. but not to the extent+ of making shells a national business! and cutting the profiteers out. Tbat was too touch to expect. They didn't do 1t for Canada and much lees would they do It they couldf do was W make it imposor Great Britain. The t able for their friends to get all their feet in the trough at one time. And on that plan. the Oaderine swine W- hig removed W a safe distance, the Shall (Committee became the imperiai Munitions Board of Canada, with J. W. Plevelle, LL. D.. millionaire, as chairmen. This reorganization ac- complished tinge great objects -it put the price of .bells where it could log soon without strain's" the neck, It headed off investigation of the original Shea Oommietts's transaction* by wafts it so eorge j b.. moil It acquired anGf .hair.ta.la tis• shape of J. W. �win has lergglgnerl from lig ss.isaloo 10 �/AtraN on big new duties. OM m DM hand, however. I. 1l:s ap- pos of 4.1asedilian Isinse roaching roae l nR the IK».atslo trial plana try h Onendos 00. (Thebe s. mimeo ggttlsg b•sy i t M saint Mon pilot t idt•Ielet�ftf�M..IfieBM 11Ni mobilise loge war {wdtssRelew v.1le sw6 be a Mhhter 01 M•.ltio.►-b. MrMM the best hot. it M • n tsvaaiIC1 ADENT. T "Oh, see Ant I was aboon ; now I'm below." "And what is it liken meso, doon ben for the scenery low for the tent faces." Not Like George. "Marlins," said little Robert. "bow old will I be my next birthday?' "Six year d." was the reply. "But suppose I should die." con- t o tioued the small investigator, "would I keep right on having birthdays like George Wasbin,IWn r' Patent i•litrtor VII. S. � I1 (Cil Fil- ls sad U storks si ••`••M�ea.aerodromes {Md�T1. rarid salads ust a lbwlbesswitnessweinn pppasaaew.strol maits, Peli- sses Assad la all ssus b Fes• iW at' Amos BOros% giesttreel. arab a Iwfarsorlo . Brophe) Bros. GODIRIOH bee Leading Pa�Afal ['hailers aa/ Embalmers to al Orders M > 6 ire MY* ) wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade Special (cart's) newlaid . $ .55 to $ .10 Extras (selects) storage .33 .84' No. 1 strsl fht storage .. .30 .31 No. 3' - .26 .31 Butter - Creamery pint*. frcah . .32 .12 .34 Creamery. solid .28 .30 Dairy prints Bakers' .2s sa CNaw•-irrs4a"mac " twists• tic. Honey -Buckwheat, barrels. 0%c to 7-; this, 7c to lc; clover, 'fns, 10%c, do., 10-1b. tins, 11c; do., 6-15. tins, 11%c; comb honey, No. 1. per dozen. $2.40; do., No. 2, per dozen, $2. Poultry Live Dressed 01d fowl, Ib. .. 8c llc 12c 13c Chickens ..... 11c 12c 16c 16c Turkeys 16c 18c 20c 25c Ducks , llc 14c 18c 20c Geese IOc 12c 14c 16c CHAMBERLMN'S�t COUGI- '''REMEDY, - e You can ward olt tnany anxious moments if. at tho Grit sign tit a Cough or Coil. you will are l Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy. ens the pble'gm, it bra* the sore throat and bronchial tissue., allays fever andgivev good results at once. If Influenza, Bron- chitis or Whoop- ing Cough have developed, you can count on this splendid obi fam- ily remedy for sore relic(. I 11 '•'.1.' Gyk N. ▪ oss •shrr•. i• M"e_Irrsea Me. sr .1 L eel • items owe woo 't using busy. P1Rgs. RIts.O•s ago It erre oo that QM& • • a Mr. Fle •raj known mora about sausage earrings than shells 1- k.t he is . west ••deestood that he is ti. Hos. W. T. White's anise, tha Fiseanos Mlatetn Meho reosa"r Was as the gro•t.t great te¢ey impart 0' y Mr ' Row graft bis eos'esoyWhite D.MILLARuSON 'onesr. era+ D. Millar & Son and Staff ex - O tend to one and all their best 0 O wishes for a Merry Christmas. el Millar's Scotch Store J� It's Cutter -Time! East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts, 2,700 head; ac- tive; prime steers. $8.75 to $9.25; shipping. $7.76 W $8.75; butchers, $6.60 to $8.60; heifers, $6.76 to $S; tows, $3.25 to 116.76; bulls, $4.25 t . $ 7 ; stockers and feeders. $6.75 to $7; stock heifers. $4.50 to $5.60; fresh cows and springers active and strong. $60 to $100. ye•1s-Receipts. 800 head. active and steady. $4 to $11. Hogs -Receipts, 21,000 head; ac- tive; heavy. $6.75 to $6.85; mixed, $6.76 to $6.80; yorkers. $6.40 to 16.75; pigs, 16 to $6.26; roughs, $6.85 to 16; stags, $4.60 W $5.26. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 8,000 head; active; lambs, $e to $10.25; yearlings, 16 to 18.50; wether. $6.76 to $7; ewes, $3 to 16.60; sheep, mixed, $0.50 to $4.76. Btustnt•Ss rind Shorthand Westervelt School .Oflt1tU . f)rl!Rrl(7 •l.t tee. Canada's leading Mc h oI of Susi nese rs opens for resent lo - the Winter Torun on Mond syr Jen. 81 1910, at THE NORTHERT� BUSINESS COLLL L twgaN SOUND. ONT. MasiMsdd of rade. Boal ,lee tad Civilhead�('n% �l�with w b re•tlea ♦ Is ar bersessitoseswM setter sur Wouldn't a fine new Cut- ter be just the best Christ- mas gift imaginable for somebody you know We handle the Gray and McLaughlin makes, the best in Canad t. STOVES We have a number of armies and .Beaters left - and can give you good valuta tot your money„ G ' ^` �I ties for pumping and power. Come in and see them. =MOW 411INIMIN ROBT. WILSON Agent for Massey -Harris Implement, Hamilton St., Godertcb •0000000000.0 Provincial Poultry Markets Brantford, Dec. 18 -On the local farmers' market geese sold at 11.50 to $2.26 each. Belleville, Doc. 18 -Poultry was very high. turkeys selling at 26c to 28c per pound; goose. 91.76 to $2 each; ducks. Ek, and chickens from 91 to $1.60 Ger pair. 8t. Thomas, Dec. 18-Tnrkejs *old at 24c to 27c per pound. Owen Sound, Dec. 18 -The market value of turkeys here was 24c to 26c per pound Guelph. Dec. 18 -The price of tur- keys was 27c to 30c per pound. 10 CRUT "OLZCARETS ' 702 LIVEA AND BOSPELB Gars Sick Headache, Cons ipaati n. Bl l leusnsea, Sour Breath --Candy Cathartic. Dressed Meats Toronto wholesale houses are quot- ing to the retail trade as [Dhows: Beef. forequarters ...$ 9.60 to 510.60 do. hindquarters .. 13.00 14.00 do. carcases, choice 11.00 11.75 do. common Y.00 10.00 Vests, common, cwt7.00 9.09 do. medium 9.00 11.00 do. prime 12.00 14.00 Hoary hogs 10.60 11.00 Shop bogs 13.00 12.60 Mutton. heavy 8.00 10.00 do. light 12.00 14.00 Lambs .. 16.60 18.00 No odds how bad your urhliver. stom- ach or bowels; ad aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and slugglah bowel. -you always get relief with Casc•rets. They Immo- dtately cleanse and regulate the stom- aeh remove the sour, fertnenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con- atlpated waste matter and poison I '...t"' - t Raise 300 to 500 Chicks in One Flock Bu or hatch at one time all the chicks you will need for the year.'jam with the Candee Colony Brooder, raise 300 to 500 to one flock in one house -attend only one heater -buy coal for but one fire -and save labor, fuel, chicks and money. Because it is coal burning and self -r and gives the chicks a correct heat all the time, you will raise the biggest per- centage of your birds with no worry, no trouble a.d at an expense of but a kw cents a day for coal With the Big Coal -Burning Cast Tron Colony Brooder $ Every about til Caides is Ml• Its 6.11 Lshas is diameter, • slits si.s t its bone is 2S% inches hip -fa ems. se dock-a•dsf 3 .1 7 inches t ei dlog dh. 0r the feel bti `dliand �M o eke way for 9e•8at/ the fire mad d.erts.�gle..tastet Monty of room hr des sperseer to flet to the And best of .1. its harbor is J cera km. bolt for al mad pele t k� a lifetimes.1'go.rlt comes 9s� woo felt � assay to the Auer. and saves e e directs the h..ted air dome evert have w des whoit and it room saves feel because, with tise hit kureaies You to keep the. C.warm. .F warm 4.5/00 cabadimiL Ism-has a With spacial misty6y awn shaker and • seabedproesat-.1 cols falling into fha hoer. Its seal magmas*, foals the fuel to the fire ant* and continuously, sad the Candies imams reyoiese att.abos .aiy once rat twin a day. You are lawitod to visit ray poultry plant to see the Candor seColasseony Bsoodar. sad to e ser morsel wiry it will ears year Icier sod iSe4 ruin of your shirks sod bioses your moils. H. KEITH REVELL RIDGCREST FARM 4th Concession-Galerich Township ; CAST IRON It. R. No. 2, Phone 10 ZS:. D COLO ROO COALBUI iNO-SBLF R,OUI1 of rinting from the intestines and bowels. A • a C1 JOB AND COMMERCIAL P• stomach sweet and head clear for mons They work while you sleep. 10 -cent tax from your druggist will keep your !her and bowelsthclean: Chicago Cattle Market Cattle---Re'dpts. 23,000; ssarket weak; beeves. $6.80 to $10.90; cows sod heifers. 12.10 to $$ 211; calves. $6.26 to $1160 Hoge -Receipts, 61.000; market un- set tower; cloned stress; Hglit. SU to $a.60; Mtzel. 56.10 to 911.T6; heavy. 46.26 oM.Noh. >. to 50.36: u seJee 50.90 to M.46• Shoop--Reedpla. 17.000; market steady; Iambs, rff� M$6Mt w .P 6e tbc digital Smokers Attention! CIGARS CIGARS CIGARS CASE PIPES G. B. D. PIPES B. B. B. PIPES Largs line of 50c and 25c Pipes Pipe or The most appreciated gift for any man that smokes is a fine tp' a choice box of Cigars or Cigarettes. We have them a all prices. iDon't forget our Bowling Alleys. Anyone can soon learn to bowl a good game. Bowling is no longer considered merely a sport, but a most bene- licial exercise. it is a healthful and invigorating pastime. It brings into play every muscle of the body. it sends poor circulation and indigestion to the four winds. • r The Pastime Billiard Parlor and Cigar Store 'Next to Dav-eya Jewelry Store, the Satiate) F. H. WOOD, Prop.