The Signal, 1915-12-23, Page 2fd TMOaanoe Dwane= >B. 11116
Tea at
ere paid strictly is aaraaea tie
Will be moss ad ; te mbsertbsss is W
tllates tie rate y Ono Debar and Tilt,
dried, la mimosa amis.Aben who
te rewire Tam Immo darty by scall
wW essJsr • tsew b( aseaatados the pveWl-
restterfastalas .date 1, sY had
a eM w }f shuts be given.
Nos afto w imodeeaddrtby k draft. er �tt�aerter. or r
• NM Ta M..-ktta tr llMbr aa�
sentsast advrttem•et' will be germ ea appH
srlaa Lanai aid ether dollar advertisements.
be seats per We hr ars acus.
sod fear
Vawae,:ar UM 0r be as j et —1 waive
Uses to an foot =ref slz Ilr
ei.stsmdssr.�. ��Strayear.. Meadow
Yasast. r *taati res sated. Ho.... ter Sas cc
to Aaat. Vanes fer gale as to Raot er Sots. Adidas
lots. sa. met enaeedLr
R mightant
Sys cent. each isO
sswise ; .. DDea eery tor
msata, Piny Cemtebreasbwbmesest memo
Larger in speeJlmrtlew
moraseeeiests la
Coats per Iles. ae nit t.()s. -
avee el
wIdebb par •e disposals rads et w taitivtd-
as aivor
tbsi.t and shooed asamd esessimillea. us � atlea et
To OosagsponDaxra a -T t� Welt-
ednor sebstelbara and Waders is
ed towards mnhtis Tux Sweat a weekly sword
of all kcal. meaty 554 dt.t$M 4.1.5.. no cow
saantostton trill be attended to ante= It cat-
oateles set
asertor ns.
tar btlmIlaa. bat . as eeyiidence
sld row\ Tom
Oleo o, elver dies hem Wedeeedar mom
of masa weak.
Welt!! arr•�rt 1 t 11 a�
--Owe bottomed P111s
A merry Christmas to you, dear
What kind of Christmas will the
people of Belgium and Setbia have
this year ?
It looks as if Santa and his reindeer
are to have good sleighing for their
Chtistm•a trace's.
Not a word out of the Salt ford Sage
this week. Busy. no doubt, bay dog
Christmas presents.
If you haven't done your Christmas
shopping early .tart now and don't
let up until 10 o'clock on Christmas
The Reformer reports that the town
of Oshawa bass • sur plus of $5,00 on
the year's operations. O.hawe seems
to be in a class by itself.
Perth. N. B , NNe;ps : "PreriJent
Wilson never uses .lane, never drink%
and neverswears.' "And never fights,'
The Otithe Packet adds.
• •
The city lights w hold and red and 'truest to garlands
They whirl sad deuce sod turn and spread tall night's
like day.
Till all the wild that's part of you Domes kaping flow the
heart of you
And swim's you all •-quiver down the flashing way ;
�itOne thelittle
lone they ligbt• not petaled out, the pleasant ed nor gold
is you
And up and down the p'vement', been the old man limped
e-1+Rbtio` them,
The old limps in the old town when the sleepy day was
The city streets ars straight and wide, and burryiog on
every olds
The people crowd and crime and ride and elbow put.
Ti!1 down the pavement's noise and beat your fort keep
time to swifter feet,
The pulses of obit city as it hastens fest;
lint ob, sex little town street., the rambling up and down
All the twists and turns are just the way they used
to be:
You'd think the vete dead you knew might round • lane
and smile at you
And nod a careless welcome in the old way cheerily.
The city's gay end wild and kiod, and full of Joy for you to
And all its ways that cross sod wind are blithe each
It's like • awestbeart beckoning ; and, laughing et tbe
You spring to follow after till your youth -time's done ;
But glad of you and rad of you, the little wistful lad of you
Leaps up to greet the oplace when you're grown too
old to roam ! .t
It's like ymr mother calling you -whatever is befalling
The little old town's waiting till you're ready to come
boos' With Other
-Margaret Widdemer, -The Factories.
barber -pole necktie may also bring I the man who could take tbe oath."
you • good-eiz -d muffler to smother i The cause of national.uoity demands
TM Clamant Tors. that Canadians emphasize their pointe
of agreement rather than lbeir pointe
Pttt•br.•re OsotteTteaa I of disagreement. Bigotry and *otol-
To a great ezteot drinking has lost trance are disruptive elements in our
One result of the war has been •
Iarge iDereaee in the demand for in-
digo. Of course we know the Ger-
mans are get t ixg Mahe every day.
Mr. Birrell. Seemeery foriterfalgir
the British Government, says be
would like to have poetry prohibited
during the war" Many newspaper
editors would say "Aye' to the pro-
Pick out your candidates for muni-
cipal honors and get them no the nom-
ination sheet at the town hall next
Monday night. Uot,'t wait for other
people to do all the pi,:kir.g and then
grumble all next year over the result
The Ford party have no more chance
of attaining peace in Europe than the
Laurier party bas of attaining power
at 0, taws. - Wtnglaen Advance.
Thi• is the most cheerful ,kw of the
prospects of the Ford per.y we have
yet seen.
in attraction for youths and young
men. There was • time when the
young fellow was inclined to date Ms
arrival ai man's estate by his ability to
buy • daink. This feeling is passing
Field Mambo' French bus resienrd
the command of the Briti.h troops in
Prance and some newspapers are ac-
ciaimiog bis successor, Sir Douglas
Haig. as • mighty soldier. The Sig-
nal is keeping it• laurel wreath
for lie general who leads the British
forces across the Rhine.
national life which are slowly dlsipat-
ing before a wider diffusion of educa-
tion and culture. The blinded peed -
woo ,who attempt to stir tba dying
embers of sectaulan suspicion and bate
rapidly. In fact in almost every guar- for political or other ends are out of
ter where a certain amount of drinking barmo0y with the spirit of the times.
was not only tolerated but rather ex -1
pected it has come to be regarded ask- I Winter Tours to California, Florida,
ADM and this. 100, in WAD places
where prohibitory laws have nothing
to do witbit.
No ose who knows Germany will
need l0 be told that it has been flooded
with war literature. A study of these
publieatiooa is the beet guide to the
workings of the German spit it, wbisa
it 1. soot important for us to under-
stand. to a war of peoples like this.
it is pecullaily desirable to know the
enemy's point of view. If pail of the
energy exprndtd on explaining the
origin of the war and on empty de-
nunciations sod foolish jeers but been
devoted w .tidying the German state
of sled it would have profited us
more. However, there is one con.ole-
tioo, and that is the tact that the Ger-
mans are even more astray about us
than we about them. Tbe conceptions
even of learned moo about our history,
our political and social loetitutioos.
our ways of tieing and thinking, sod
our national character betray • gro-
tesque ignorance. But it is part of a
general Ignorance. They Bees Ineep-
able of uodes.tanding any other peo-
ple. and their war literature reveals
both the defect and the cause. It is •
primary. It reitiev•ble and fatal defect,
sod it will be their undoing.
At this ....on of the year many are
planning their winter tours. Consid-
Modern Chivalry. eralde numbers anouslly visit the
London tttandard. ever -popular California resorts, while
"After 'int !" said • wounded British many cboo•e the flowers and sunshine
soldier when they offered big water, of Florida together witb the very even
pointing to a still more desperately in. , climate.
yured German. We like that cockneyNumerous people in comfortable eir-
"After len" as well as Sir Philip SiI cumsta0oes, well able to afford a win-
ney's flowing phrase, "Thy neoeo.tty 14ter tour, have the mistaken ides tree
greeter than Th or . The ' 4sed webs + s tripe( tbierwstats is sweet *epeoeisr
the same but not the reward. Ditty -'This is not so. Thanks to modern
rambles hare been penned over rhe; riaway fseilitise, an exte.sire-
er Aero do and elocatiooal, may
hero of Zutphen ; but that nth both interesting 7
of the common people -one does not lir made with speed and comfort at a
even know his name nor what becameI ooniparativrly small cost. Why not
of him. Perbaps be i, lying under the Inveetigste?
clay somewhere in Francs ; perhaps- 1 The Uaoadian Pacific Railway offers
let us hope it! -he will outlive the war, l particularly good service to Detroit,
and go back again to bus -driving or wbere direct connection is made for
Mr Thomas McMillan, Liberal can-
didate for the Commons in South
Huron,'is • member of t he "national ad-
visory committee" ot leading Liberals
which has been formed in connection
with the Federal Liberal party. A. a
representative of the agricultural in-
terests a bet er selection could hardly
have been made.
ticket -punching, somewhere in Eng-
land, and never even suspect that if he
bed been a knight and an Klizebelhan
would have been held up as the
t 'rear of chivalry for three centuries.
Pigbt Or Pay.
The C104.Ua Ouudltn.
We have been wondering If the
people of the towns and 'ill.eges and
rural communities, especially in our
own Province of Ontano, are facing
Ibis (somas seriously as they ought.
We have been making many enquiries.
and, while we are in no position to
make any positive statements, we are
convinced that some sections of the
country are not laking the war to
heart as they ought to. We have
beaod of districts many miles in ex-
tent. end including villages of consid-
erable site, that have r.ot sent a°single
soldier to tbe front. .We have heard
ot farmers who owned macre farms.
sod who are actually making mooey
became of the war. making • contribu-
tion of • dollar or two to the patriotic
fund. Ttese facts, while multitudes
are sacrificing everything, make one
feel uneasy. 1f this isn't everyone's
task, then we would lite to know the
mason why. And the shirker can
neither be • patriot nor an honest man.
The Orillia Packet (Conservative)
says :
The country is waiting and watch-
ing 10 ere what the Ontario Govern-
ment will do with J. R. Valli", M.P.P.
if ]Ir. Hearst fails to repudiate him be
mist bit held to eodorse him : and
that is ineooceivsble to those who fol-
low the Prime Minister ,and give him
their ocnM.nce The ethics of the
►mew -trader cannot b. slowed to rule
in the Government of this Province
Karon county house of refuge hoe
}ewer inmates than for many years
This speaks well for /mere' prosperity
.ad the expectation that tbe abalisb-
Ing of liquor to the onmmunity will
lead to further improvement is jowl
Sol. -Leedom Advert leer.
Yes, If some discouraged old fellows
are sot drives to the 000clusion that
Shore is sow nothing wrath while to
keep [heap oat of the hew.
Nsrtvsb far Meule.sgre i
Ionto Adrertittor
An Unfounded Slander.
Tomato Web*.
Canada happily is freer today from
the cruder forms of sectarian bigorty
than 1t was • generation ago. But
that religious intolerance hat not
wholly died out is evidenced by a re-
port in The Bestrew Mercury of an
Investigation by four leading Protest-
ant cit iz ane into 'an alleged oath of
the Knights of Columbus, which
proved to be as mythical as the Span-
ish prisoner's oft -toll tale.
\Vitble the past three years relay i ins
between the Protestants and Roman
Catholics of Renfrew became so
strained that thoughtful men on both
sides In the community deviled to get
to the bottom of tM fit iclioo and es-
trangemest. Four prominent Prot-
estant citixeue -Mr. W. K. SDaallfield,
editor of The Mercury, Mayor of the
city, and president of the Canadian
Press Association : Dr. Mann, dean of
Florida, via Cincinnati, Ohio. and At-
lanta, Gs. Jacksonville. Florida, is
reached ee000d morning after leaving
Detroit. Excellent coos ectbaa for
Florida can also be made eta Buffalo.
The Canadian Pacific -Michigan Cen-
tral route (via Michigan Central twin
tubes between Windsor and Detroit)
will be found the ideal line toChicago.
where direct connection is made for
Ih. Southern States. New Orleans is
reached second motoiog after leaving
Direct connection is also made at
Chicago for points in California.
Taxes, Ar zoos. etc.
The dialog. parior sod sleeping car
service between Toronto, Detroit and
Chicago is up-to-date in every portico -
ler. Connecting lines also operate
through sleeping and dining cars.
hose contemplating ,. trip of any
nature will receive full information
from any C. P. R. agent; or write M.
G. Murpby, Dist'ict Passenger Agent,
Toronto. 2t
W. •
• for Christmas Presents •
Perrin's Kid Gloves
• Offering a Wonderful Choice
The moot suiting thing about these
pamphlets is their superficiality. With
very few exceptions they deal with
some purely superficial aspect of the
wet, and the treatment almost alesye
reenlves itself into praise of tbetnesives
and abuse of the enemy, particolirly
of Ragland. Tb. dominant Dote of the
German war literature throughout is the
traoseeodene superiority of everything
German aid lbs measureless inferior-
ity d all other nations. Not only it
this est out explicitly with the utmost
empbasis and in great detail, but the
coesciousinees of it permeates every
corner and cranny of the German
mind and colors the Berman view of
everything. It is difficult to realise
tbe full ttaagnituie .0d intensity of
this infunice without reading through
all these German publications. because
the effect is euaiulative. They treat
many different aspects of the war but
always with lie same result.
The Country Church.
Faxen and Da4y.
Is the counts y church losing its bold
on the rural community ? This ques-
tion is inspired by a recent convents -
tion with a young farmer from Huron
county, Oat. He informed tea that in
his rection interest to the country
churches was on the decline, and that
he and the most of his neighbors now
attend church is town • few walks
away, where there is "bettsr musio
end better preaching." The eoodi-
tions mentioned by our Huron county
friend are developing over a wide area
and it is a eommoo thing to see
churchef "bet were once packed to the
doors now almost deserted. This con-
dition may be pert) dto lack of
intereet, but probably
y more to rural
depopulation. Loyal suppers 1, however.
should not he lacking in keeping alive
every rural church their In a p eitkt0
to be of service to the community.
Just how valuable the rural church
l0 a way the excessive sell-esreem of
the Uersnaos revealed by the war is
generally recognized. But its intensity,
universality and puteocy are very im
perfectly re•liz-d. Iwl•ted instances
are put down to individual extravag-
ance when they are really typical. It
is at the bottom of the whole lbing-
tbe war itself, the spirit in which it is
waged and tbe methods employed. Na-
tional self-esteem has never found
ouch free and unbridled ezpressi tn.
e pedpte of every country prefer
their own to any other, and in their
beats think it superior. But they do
'm 'sit
in everything;
not C
they acknowledge [tome detects in
themselves and some merits in other
Dations. The are not perpetu 41y ex-
pdting and bdlttliog every-
one ere. They have eolse modesty
and reticence. Not so the Germane.
y Giallo superiority In every qual-
ity and every relation in lira. They
are barstbng with .elf -admiration and
centric keep It in. Taken as • whole,the
(crman war-litrature is a symphonic
paean of self -exaltation. It rises and
falls ; there are gradation. of sonority
and of rhythm ; looms passages are
marked piano, others fortissimo ; but
it is Byer the sone theme -Our Noble
[+elves, the greatness and glory of the
German people in the past, the present
lied the future ; tbe miserable cbarso-
ter and fate of their foes.
The perfrct self-righteousness, self-
love and selfaatisfaction of the Ger-
man people, with the corollary of
contempt for the enemy, provide them
with an inapeee'rable triple shield of
braes. It is impossible for a people of
such supreme tner.t to suffer any seri-
ous reveres at the hands of such mis-
erable foes ; their defeat is unthink-
able. It is equally Impossible for them
to do aoytbiog wrong ; for tbey ars
Use Highest and Best, the persooi-
Relation of Good. 'Truth and Right
are with us and with us alone." ''We
may here gladly admit that tbm coo-
ecio,anees ot German oupetiority, in-
o-tellectual and moral, le well fonodi d
this 000ecioursess lives in n. aad
makes us strong." Against the cb•rgs
of outrages they have a threefold de-
fence. io the first place, they are
not true, but .raluu.sies invested by
the enemy, who bas limmlf commit-
ted all the outrages of whieb Germane
are seeueed. to the ssvosd pie e. wbes+
denial of facia is Impotuibte as in tbe
horning of LGOraimaad the sinking of
the Lusitanla, the massy were ee forced
blame ; their own
e Geraa orebeetimily to commit
them aur fa wife♦shores. Is are third
place. too j ust ideation is seeded altar
all ; whatever they do M right because
they do it.
'iiia escape to be really at the back
of their minds all the time, sad It has
• Beautiful Hudson
• Seal Coats
• Fifty laches longs made from vety finest se-
lected skins, with looback, straight front,
• m, lined with heaviest fancy warranted Fritsch
Bilk. sizes 313 to 42 Special value ... $125.00
• Black Fox Muffs, at 512, *is and 510
• Black Fox Scarfs, M, 512 and 515
• Mink Muffs (finest China) 57. 510 end 512
Mink Scarfs, ........ .. $5, 5111, .12 and 515
come may be to the commonalty In which it assarw kw, � � to bM •s
What t noes
Is located was well aspersed reeewtly for the Geesaa genes t .over moot
In a circular from the Colorado Agri- for the seamy gander. it t a estate
eukural Co11kgs, froap which we goofs against mit t0 allow Mahon -
the following : madame who ere subject* to
"Kveryoes 1s agreed that • high Els their owe rawest, for the
te whish they belong against
Ceremony ; it is mese to drag
Ms& -•e Turkey lath • war
waged against ether 56-
tloea 111, ane.aelal Baty is toe
for them M swallow. IM$5Isga N
e two neutralityve
witeate--with her
me do
LMedina ft la IWM ins. le sue et the Swede, a
M' -her
elm apart MI whisk
ams. oe.eeaa same ave prr9►
stupor hashers, .nod obs glary el the
Genres army ; best what is a impede*
ties merit le them btmemes the vilest
er ataribe se waw enteeded to the
white BM& array. 9Pbtlo'
dens sed eivia0ee k he • gloriosa
testi hen the Drench maws as
M le a mwtttesse ovine.
la shar,I there le ewe law tar 01W -
MOM amid sssbar Ito Other W'sws.
Tawe are for then so ether raise et
ssodeet teas that sleep's fcrtwla.
Might le blight"--ro Iowa as Isle Ger-
eesn Might t sed "M� eemiellsr 7
sens--.. isms as It le German
held, need ter the
"oweethree eel
:� 1. mssooninm Serowe bebat need
Men's Sweater Coats
for $1.50
Which is less than half
the price of the Yarn they
- - contain -
All -wool Sweater Costs in a beautiful khaki
shade. Double cuffs, splendid pockets, rein-
forced shoulder., bigh button sect, with
beavy ivorybuttons to match. line of the
most pretical and pleasi"g presents for any
man or woman. ♦ I sizes from Mato 44. Reg-
ular value $3.50 and 94.00, .t each 51.50
Lattice', misses' and children's,1 s and $ •
51.00, 5
Ladies' Coats
Hoot Dew io this lust ten days. all now et •
holiday rednetkto• lop se. $5 51 o had it s •
Men's Fur Coats
Largest stork probably In the County, over 112•
totty Dew Coats to choose from. •
Black Dog foals, No. 1, with Astrachan Lamb
Collar, at each 50=
Bulgarian Lamb Costa, at each 530
Fur -lined Costs, at each 5a5, 540
Ladies' Waists
White and black Japan wash silk Watts, ex-
quirk', latest New York styles, will wash per- 1
tectly, sire 31 to 42. Al each . •
$f1, $2.50 and 53.!19 •
Floor Rugs i
Kerry size from smallest up to 424 yards, 10 •
Wilton, Tapestry and Brussels. •
Handkerchiefs •
Hundreds of dozens. Men'r Initial. beautiful Hosiery •
quality and nicely boxed in i-doasoa. or leas. o Cashmere and Silk Hosiery. Our stock es still
at each large and complete and at old prides while 0
Laiiiee hand embroidered, hemstitch and present stock last,. Pun wool Hose. plain •
lace, at ..150. 20o. 250. 110o and 75o and rib, at 2111,, Sao and 50w •
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
dose not even eiltus 'rMIedn Ile. rafter the wat^ are vete larrepalibts 11f•'letlileriZi1v►;K'' sierfr all the demes -
NasertbrMaa-tbe Germane are 72. with the picture of a peace -loving na-�and snots incurred by the war. They
niverasl uopopttlarity. time wsdtenrrettaeked. hut they ex -T hams hawtolly submitted .
full indemnid-
la theeoe
ddent hope or(1
ea;Joa, and they will not surrender It
milli they are compelled. They will
not even entertain the possibility.
Nor will the dressed vanity which
inspires all their acts. thoughts, pools•
mints and bops@ yield to anytblee=s
lees than unequivocal defeat. This
war can only sod in one of two ways -
(I) the absolute exhaustion of one sidle
or both ; (21 an inconcitteive pease
top medical fraternity of Otta re Vol- , moral standardgis De 1= to • mew
k M r David Barr. and Mr. O. O. woo b re G too y sol
y � cat Deither ore 1 woe
McN•b-traced the trouble to • mal- candor[ toodwi s w hood advantage.
unless they are fairly set lain that their
amociates can Ile depeoded on to do
the right thine. Now, It has toms
denecoretr•ted almost beyond the
possibility of question that a
moral standard eaewet be loan
tamed without the rdlttose wetltea
Prase* tried it ,and rolled A Aur
peers ago Japan iheeght she [seeded
no ranee apiaeiewer'sa Now she le
sanies for them llgea Way ! aw-
esome she form SW that morale
are inpoestbhe without and
Cbrletia.lty is tie Day raisins that
ewe sewed is the preawM or gonioma
wines. The eeMatMly relights'
itious and cowardly slander, fir culeted
in leaflet form and copied into certain
newspapers, attributing to the Koigble
of Columbus the taking of an oath
asserting th.t the Pope hes power to
depose Protestant •ed Maeonk Kings
re Princes of Commonwealths or
States ; deno.oeing these heretical
ones as damnable and not to be
olwred, sad binding the Bra its q(
Colombo* l0 estimate tbe of
be etieel doe rises from off the fav of
the earth. The four Protestant invest-
irators-two of tbrin prosloast
Maeoes-bed sur dimeulty is arrieine
at the a iMtm lihat' tie Rome. Oetb-
olis uses et Iseivew were Never asked .rgenittadrra, the nbead► lthere/era
to tab any snob oath, ami that they to the .......a the rural
weds set hese dew m." The le
?nether add. sites ea {wiry Ieto the I deo le ether a resN ass, that
It ie. hest amply dew reested that
Most—*Mrs is sot settles the Dotiee tM 111 h0.oath M • Ir , es eSt-
m la e war. Her soldtaws loan *111 Ib . ie sett►n. s' berebseMnMd
Writ he RMs tLam Mv.heb4. aid in nNMIwVC, with ha teii.
OM -
the /1•raeta I malt Ile wwshN .try
of Map that
••the seen who ew & teams thepbrwer
lis. of spiritual Mad sanely ale-
p-preedate the value at the reseal shored.
Bret the value extenbbsyoad .edrItud
Nutters sed we er all afford in y�uup-�
oset me churches brae* of that
moral and maatesiel vane loo every
earl ee.aoualty.
0011.111110111100M Cbekins• I <tleugy of sue► sus ea1h atttd 1eMs1y' Nnurlwg stseo•mas like lb* s los M 0f
Oath* lresmmq. fa, b. It .pea Mbar p.spie make ori see I a woman 10 15*
The mets mad that 1.4.,. yore a sad mere sIMwnptilrie tlMmlthe.
zied Ip their u
y perceive that the softy Ifo one which entered on an •g-
Tbey lunanimous
themselves ressive war of conquest and ambition.
virtually unanimous judglmeol of the g g
world is dead against them. It does The great thing in which all Berman
not shake their own oonvii:tdoo, which writers agree is that British sea-
ls unshakable. but it pussies them. It power -the "usurped monopoly of the
is generally attributed, quite simply s.s" be destroyed. Ws must
and satisfactorily, to pure envy of �:vtb the wish chitin, torcent ich have
dea and
nersdan rto. controlled the Iles of the land, wbicb •Mo bar Ilse German's free path
tsesre ieten isreprs by England, toes.
to persistent misrepresentation, •ted over the sass to foreign rag
also to incompetent diplomatists. Therefore off with the baldish world.
(Diplomacy is the ooe thing in whichoke ! cwt what it may. The sante which would be merely a truce and a
Germans admit the need of improve- idea is conrtlatly repeated, and it has preparation for renewed conflict. -Tis
meat)- The wt iters of these ps.Nph- be.Ndangled helots neutral nations, Edlnburgh Review.
who hive received it, however. very ,
'coolly. for the simple reaeoo that no
one but lie Germane is bonecious of , Yon will never be aoeused of await -
this terrible "yoke." They themselves Ing at cards as long as you lose.
admit that Ilse existence of the British !
Respire depends o0 commaod of the
hes' In fact they lay great stress on Winter Opens Janus Srd.
it when they want to demonstrate our ps January
lets unconsciously reveal the o true
eats,, and at the same time their
total incapacity to grasp it. The real
explanation of the foreign dislike they
deplore lies in for it own pages. People
so swollen with vanity and eo con-
oo-scious of their own superiority are
eters s disliked Tbey are forever
trawling on everyone's toes and they vulDerabllity ; but they fall to see in HI TT
are so little obi* to uoderstaod the that any jastification for our empower.
feelings of others that they actoally.Nesd sanctions any deed" does not iiae�Alil
think the way to make themselves apply to us. Deetsuetioo of British
populist to force t bele own impeller- .empower 'tnsolves the retention of
sty down everybody throat. the Belgian
though the most important H rh aka (wNT., it
the elgi.a cone. but t • 0• 17
• meuXTu, ONT. ►. eaesnld a• "Candb404
beginnR' pea i. abasmtely aratdsar. ivei talar ter
Tie Inttrao-
tl iib regard to the origin of Ur int, of the annexations and looses- ate�ea �«
war titres views are expressed.
tbey .11 agree in putting the respoo•-
11,ility on England and •bsolvio Ger-
many from anblame. By far the
most popular view is the now
theory that Ragland planned the
whole thing out of envy in order to
destroy German comsatx. This Is
repeated by writer after writer. Some
argue it at length, ntbere rater to it
In pawing as an establisbed fact which
needs no demoostration. The motives
attributed to the conspirators are-
KaRlaa& envy, and greed; Franca.
revenge •ad vainglory these base
bitioo and eowgwest
motives can sweet for the sudden
and uepeoesitd attack epos peaceful
andiewheaGermany, wbo
threatened obody and whose only
wish was to develop bee owe
Entrap toe the bluetit d terms t whole
world, and tones ow good
It a
all her .eigbbors. Straw*
seem, this theory la undoubtedly held
with absolute conviction by most
mm& it is impossible to doubt the
alwrity of the writers who set It
teeth. The ease with whish they our -
mount some Orion dilbealti•. ted
�asla.o- MOneise le net dee to in-
ilMerlRRty, bet to their pasallsere et
Wed whoa has their=
Ihatitl had rendeeed Is
erdlisry sorsa, They ay then the
Ulm hWd pM_.rd the whale tales
ter years. sed at the same thew lane
the esetaiot orf German meows en
the hopeless meowsohriority of the Alalia
reran sad egnipmest ; they sea1Main
that Gern•ny was takes enawtlM
and at the stage of bar nee -
lett reparations. Why
he prawns
eta mhos he unready. sad the
simorwastfag elitism perfectly pro
-.yywesttos that N wily
crwiori by (3ermen7'• imnss00rsW.
The .mash view le that Ragland did
emime the beer hy Ivor st WsNMa ley igettup 11Iwit bie
. war, bet
b= � assdk k beapdTW.
. 1710
view does not appear to here gained
much am»tan.e. The third view le
Ora Germany atter all "willed" the
war owl share the Woe. Aust oily to
aatidpete Week. This le the theory
of avas" war. which mens
atria lest le artist to forestall the
sasmy. lis ~lathes betimes Here
Oerinea rpeareliitetess et the esesellea et
the wart ea Intereatieg ewe.
west to ts mows* euemilesity with
whMh the remit e: the wield hes b-
etted that Der assay was the dallier-
allierate sweeter.
The hraeeete .t what le he %w e
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