The Signal, 1915-12-16, Page 141! 'Testi enat Decurses 16, 1916 11.000000000• THE SIGNAL : GODRBICIR ONTARIO eSB is the work that we are ir.terested in. FURNACES repaired by us are as good as new. A good stock of supplies on hand. -411 .Fed Hunt Hamilton Short Phan. Lee 000000 1,1dcEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity best all Maple Slabs. Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELBPi3UN> residence vas er a tGood horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs NEW6ATE STREET LIVERY Having purnhased the livery business of Wm. Knox, 1 am ,improving the equipanent and in- tend to protide All ;orders will receive pr(.mpt and careful at- tention. TKLEPNONP. No. 173 for a good turnout. h • R. WO W E Got Cold? Von shone! Lid Nature to throw it off promptly. To 1..'.een the cough, relieve the lungs and heal lbs in- btmed throat tissues, try the old reliable CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY tt .. Osock echo( •rad w••y .s•cs we K... • 6.ttl• iw•r•dm Lod All Js d WE 1' r ANDUN61IIQ THE o HE CANADIAN head oG�nttlip ion lee, the system behte any was established Long dreamed of wheat harvestson wast prairies that onlya few of the ea rs ego were the hunting grounds bufiaio runners. 1t was to Fott William the mouth of the Kaministiques River bat the trippers and cnureurs de 1a.as „figo the great fur -trading com!unies t down thou years catch of try, and it was these that tiny met. F conclave and ccleerati.i.t, tine datives of the corporations which they served. In the memory of pions yet much past middle age ti.: old was Wading on the over beaks. fwbik it is only a years 'nicettshi last uild yet the stone bingswas to make roost for the sprerhng red; that now orpr its site. When the inrush of settlement- beg � began go show the latent pomssi ctxie* 01 y. and was a �t bred the trail thn trappers. the judgment of the - it n.en who planned t tint lint i i that region. the Cana1ixr Pacific pilway. selected as their bike terminal 'th • that pee experien : 'ark shown Ito be aloog the hoe of lens: reneance An 1 thus the City cf F ort taWil!itre had ifs beahlaio,; fort of the Hudson's Bay Company. plains Thirty years ago Nem still on their tree as an important • source of grata supply. and it was in 1813:i that the first indication was given of their fertility, the first warning of 'that farilities woul.l years needed for crops handling the cps y crop that averaged over 33 b e handling to o 4he acre swamped hhe 1(nlwng machinery of that day'.' !Company s mngk, million -bushel cle- tor was hastily supplementers by a :huge flat warehouse. but all that cuukl be done hardly mined to lessen the blockade. ' lite necessity ft.; additional storage, facilities rat the terminal was serclruzeol and. within two year' it fwd tiara (nm a Tingle million to over fire and a bait million M the pRhtotal that terms insignificant t of the further growth that has 'once taken . piece but which wa4 fairly•adequate for tux; crops that foliawed 18134. And it is to be noted that since thatdate; largely owinz to the progressive adopted by the Canadian Paafic way Company. the terminal storage has Borst' than kept pace with the crop de- velopment. s.3 lydl tt,e' tt'mrsportat inter' i will not grain he ca•eght nap- ping.The pioneer company sot an esampe of preparedness that has been imitated by ail who ham tciULowei them. No letter indiatioi could be Rained el the repel development of the areas under snip to the three prairie provinces. and of the sal: more rapid increase the ab•l•t to handle these crop . win the bare More' for the years since 1900, when with two and a half million acres resin to wheat. and another million to ohad :-ti ail eerie' the take ports a ftora•e capacity of five and a hal( mil'ioa lushes. For the nest five-year periods, the increase in ares under cul• tivitiee was as fellows: 19JG-under wheat. 3,911.`1D) acres, and all grain-. GJYt9.4)) acres: 191'J—under wheat. 9,301.00) acres. eel (Taint 14.616.t100 acres 1913—tinder wheat. 11.63).)0.) acres. all grains. 17.914.1X) acres. erring an increar. in the fifteen years. of abyit live -tall in the crop acreage. Meaa- while, however. the increase in the etorate capacity d the elevators at . the heal of the lakes had iarreased • toadies; 1905-46.561,00) hiaheis There seems to he quite a differencebetween haring a word with a friend and having words with him. Noise men are bran gnat, and some aniuite grtstneve. hot you can never - make A man believe he has arest.ness A TRIBUTE TO CANADA thine upon him. the incomparable clean- ser. I.UX is the pure se- senee of Ane soap, in hakes It dissolves readily in hot water - makes a cream -like lather which cannot injure fine fabrics or dainty hands. Just try LUX. is Wes' t 1 OC. ShriekWeislases 1) Loedh3g grain freighter. (2) Elevator grain carrier. (3) 0. P. R. elevators at !ort William—capacity 3,750,000 bushels. (4) On the way to the elevators. (5) Inspecting grain in cars.(6) Government inspectors at work. to this••5hr Citsm'+li' d all ib: inter J the terminal elevator'. and discharged elevators 124,ri3.t100 bushels. and f' into to the i erne time each ids Load and will be seen that the dangerpoint the grain traffic. as far a3 a blockade 13 will 1: t`cur and telted sato the concerned., has shifted from the head nam(: he a small o ntcd fon the pompe ship - of the lakes eisewhrr r v u, the per. :.retinals on the. AtlenL.' seaac.ud. or a large corporation de.afng in grain where the grain a transhipped to ocean by the Mullion bushels. that all this si.ing vessels. can be accomplished to the complete Scored and efficiency are the pre- satisfacti:ia of the grain trade is a tes- requtsites of this service. From the timony to the the excellence the service whenthe first .tendered Ytion coetpan- orginrung of crop reaches of the new reaches rite tread of the les. who control the largest of the ter - lakes. until the early,. tart of L)rcemter, rhinal elevators. In which machinery has c mous lake navigation VMie+. an mor- ncen devised by which, from the time Vein mous stream o .sin is great flowing t leaves the car ctgtsin�ratsed by re - the hold from all the ramifications ,s.branchA1 the the vessel is Imp of the west. which converge at volving chains of buckets. mous transngf fired Winnipeg. whence it pliers down the to bine along narrow spout of the funnel to its outlet zontal belts. cleaned. neighed and de - :it Fort William and Port Arthur. The iivered. without being touched by tM Canadian Pacific. the oldest e_t ablisted hard of man. except and by far the largest carrier 01 grain. 'itrow•n! of a switch or the pulling of a f.ranr! it neceuary t i doublz-track its lever is concerned. The sampling and Winnipeg-F•ert William line more years gatli'tg of ail grains is under the control ago. so that now tour Bohee of steel cos- of tlx government. through the boat neer the prim: capital with the Leke of graft comnvtioners Superior parts.A •y -stem has been town she the c gr of tbin usineslay mom lxisimilar il p t rdcr wt u .from Lena to 3 OY) rail - m 'ort towards transportation. To them is entrusted the work of maintain- ing the ie.h s.andar1 of Canadian ;Jan. :...l . J 7 ::' is theu task accom- 1:110 -.725.700.4)) tr .'thdS: 1315 — i cars can be *b czbed without the seat - 43785.1)0) lis. Thus. white the blence of hurry. 'shish means that over used five -fold. the 'tear two millixt best -ell can be delivered caitaaty was M alibi -acreage hoer A i daily at Fort William. unto:dei thrpu: i multipNed RUN-DOWN WOMAN sada 6treag By Our Visual Tort 1*.dwercl. N.Y. - " f was in a ren- ewers. nervous and weak condition, so I easy not do the housework for my lite* family of three i had taken rod liver ail sswalsiess and other remedies witti- est bswsdt A friend told me about Vino. 1 treed it and it Norm built up my strewth and made me a well woman so 1 sew de ell of cosy he .work. " - Mn. Dusan Outman. ourwa m�nodelicious eed liver and Woo took for all rarrdowa, weak and debilitated sesddtlasa fildiMj► Wbpli tRe der4Ar is o..:.1nC The Western Heilv•b Aerrrs.a'.. published at Chiesgo, in ao editors.) art kir •sys : ' ('•neda's war Ivan of Styt,te"Mull w.. aub.eritwd twirls over, and .0 mete+1 money was forthcoming from each of the the prnvi n••e- th•t lM iner. h•• hewn m deglla),100.0011n.t.•ad of hell that am amt. Thiel lbws the loyal Dominion � swiftly ad p' tweet, to the nee setttae and 'hart i' n• of a seat war. and thea does she ri s to 'he orradcm at the call of Ow Motlter'1•nd Re -rifle, las become a •rind Mad me IIn ().nada. Pr.'m the best .mind of Ow trumpet summoning ante -bodied Canadians to the coin, ar this p.osi' over the herder hew* t•e.,. giving their a1) with a g.saroMty that will Iry she stove .They sea [bin, t'00 b•o dv 1.enrhr thon•anda of tulle. • •.y and boped for the best li'a iy of It,.,. wets fated to hear the wore' frog.. OM War Office. A • home now hatt.lu.ne were dtflled and f.nwarded t OLP the places of the faller, and anwhtle, the fathers and mother.•. i t•r. and wives in t'anada t..t•Ied themselves with relief tasks. Today hum r..a't to roast Canada 1. a vas. woo labop, turning out n. t only war , tumuli .n• hut a myriad of ►hinge needed in mains and hostii'.ie behind the ever -lengthening firing line. The K•Iwr ti.. taro praising his I f dol well the rev y things that the governrlw'nt grade. given Fort M ilham. will establish the price of that particular shipment en the livid it market. In solving the many problem that have arisen during the growth. to its present pr tions. of the gran trade ..f the Canadial west. the Canadian f'r:it: Railway Company has ekeiri no insignificant put. (Tuning and opef- atine the first t.:rmi.nal elevators at the • -ter -r> ;:he port% It wait the pioneer in steel eel .sstrarttoi. and to -dal open r.remt tine: elevator in the work'. !evato (l." vita a cies:ity of j. j,00) bintheei K1d r on: roof. and las alga the esatuple 1,s. the grain Towle in rqu;ppitz its ho'J:et wit'i the most modern i --es to: cdeaein . t!ry- Iinl and Iradlsa3 tom'. in lioe!tital elevator: that have proved u::1,a boas W the tartare oL the Irmo' Goderich An Important Point. Million-buabel elevator of the (,oderieb Elevator A Transit Co. at Oode- ricb. This elevator has handled this year, to date, 5,576,690 bushels of grain. This is exclusive of the grain received by the Western Canada Flour Bills Co. During the month of November alone $831,737 bushels of wheat, Ei3,fi711 bashele of oats, 106,400 bushels of barley and 39,930 bushels of flax arrived at this port from the bead of the lakes. in the list of grain -receiving porta in Canada ()oderieb stands fourth, its volume of business being exceeded only by Port McNicolt, Tiffin and Port Colborne. Aden] ie from the pslaee of their King and the met of their borne Per - loon:A rat. had grown up to govern them.rlvr and to develop individ- ualism of cnodoet and ledepesdeece of ihonght The (iermane were fed on Npai tan food ; theb- ina militarism, thrived on bi+imaner and whote.om.r nnnriehm•nt d�fact that Canada's sons and tm have answered the stern hall of dirty as quickly as the Germans who were trained with 'The Day" always in prnspeet, is the finest wtributenhe� Canadian manhood and their mo.t ardent admirers mold dr poop • 01 ni PO ...dog done In ('•neda. Gelman effl.•i- sire. limey, he reports, bas been w in/betel The ('.nsdian war loan e a mag - V all Basks. But the 'Niton. had lidos it Iestiesonfal of pwitehUsm. Sot bees drilled to obey 111. it a will of It 1. not so m.gnifleewt sr the enlist weir dovernmesr. and t olr aptitude .n..'t of a quarter of a million }oust in even, A.part•wewt w.. not remark- is is Ceeada without thought ns. able. The Caeca sae, stp•rated by the eue.crip'ion. Wlten II Sal 11• 11 has .d)s :"-Ji Aiwb ,,r, „ t .A J�trt wr+ .+y...wrt eta.; taebrla air bsia . "O." s .1 It+ icy i e. ads I.. snore . 0U *di --- ss w s . t .r etossiderl this etdpendous evidence of I loyalty, he most realise that 'The Day" le as far off as ever. HAVE YOU BEN SICK? Then you realise t tetter weakness that rob* ambition, stroys appetite, Ind makes work a 1. To restore that strengt a04.biminathat is so essential, nothing liar ever equaled pared with Sc'off's RevelaMwi, he - muse is strength - snrtaioung nourish - mem Inrignrates the blood to distribute seem thrnnghoit the tidy while its tonic vides sharpens the appetite and restores bsslth is s satanl p doors, way. 11 you are res overworked or lack strength, get tesll'e la"lsios 'restoc Mame.y. t any see. .t Made in Canada r'by Lavas. Bent hoes Limited. MANNER OF GIVING PRESENTS Simple Little Embellishments Such M Ribbons. Seals and Holly Count for Much. At no time does the manner of dee Ing a thing count for so much as the time of Christmas giving; while In a few instances there those who overdo the outward em Iishment of gifts. sone of as now 1 to offer the simplest iittle oat brance unless wrapped in epottest' per, tied with gay ribbons and adorn with bright seals expressing merry greetings. And this is as it should be for the holiday season gains a great deal or cheeriness and zest from the multi- plicity of beribboned white parcels whisking to and pro, and we do not re- gret the passing of the yellow paper bundle of our grandmothers day. lint the attractive aprearance of the Vitt it 'MA lost OAK coyote: w • Must .be .. ^v`. enol ,u-cvt. careful of the bow and when and where of presenting it. The time that custom more and more sets apart for the exebanging of gifts among Mends is Christmas eve, any time from dusk to midnight. but Christmas day itself Is sacred to pre- senting gifts within the family circle. Some families put all the gifts In the library or living room. In separate piles, and then. atter a deliberate breakfast. they all walk In and open the packages In the presence of each other. Never give a gift In person 11 you can contrive to send It or put 1t where it will be found awaiting the recipient when he or she Is alone, for when re- ceived In this way the gift makes its strongest appeal to one's appreciation. In giving money. even to near rela- tives. the utmost care should be taken to give It In the most delicate way possible: especially if you know the money 1s needed. One of the cleverest ways Is to take a tiny Japanese umbrella. place the money in a paper bag and. after roll- ing and tying the bag around the up - p r part of the handle underneath. close the umbrella over it and 11e with narrow ribbon. Another good way 1s to present an attractive little booklet with a check or a greenback for a bookmark. writ - Ing on the flyleaf. "note page 14. • Turning to op, what Is noted. thn fresh new paper money 1s seen and the recipient appreciates the manner cep its rresentatlon no less than the material teen,' t. A Supsrftucus Question. "in that new servant eitl,w said Mr. Testy. as be discovered the sugar is lits eat shaker, "it we...e to me you have found the possessor of stub it n Its unadulterated do ih a obtained May i ask where y bee 1" Wby." replied Mrs. TestZ, "at the Intellfgewee ofise, of eoerse• Why is Oawads like oourtelt 1p1 "Hecause it medium on the United awes " No tnat1s by B tt*ay M shore 1s one wsBM �eas dad Bosh. good to bloc. "1 know a mars who lens the power of estiwt all verses. show W hands." "'W M r M f 117 gams deal** ; - ..i •deo htrJ.a -Ys. ,ors m eit•.•i�• dry . • v.)v•t at )tan esu ',Opt of +ntrtiestmno ■.n' to 0'00.i.- 11. a *•..elft 4.441 rain.' •i '.e• t' * •• Jadt nolnlgn .,l1 M sow AH Meal, �, i H a,ythl f>i al►asss ins + 1Tiil1411 d "11's a poor rule that won't work both ways." "Weil. try telling a mother that she looks ro like ber daughter that you cannot tell them apart. And then try it on the daugh- ter." Big Drop in Prices of FUR (, A W'.1 I `"i`I M aria are pm Ole se q Y ef...'. +ea be` pee ► ram le eery Suer .tY Y gree pee rare leel wets TIM Lamson CAUL Ma e3* Or saw VCR. 17 CA RADA 111•••• Das Ye terse. nee Ora ..er..••t. -e warty ii In n to ..t ire es•re ... b-•e•r.•e•. fere vel.e••.ts•r r., Woo cad n. O.55—. Pan N ••.a(et..ct •• rw b a.11 ewtr•. 44 . a�w=..•0.1111 DP Sawa Tropp.. r were stash woo ser err r e "onelfaPrest.. .soot . d li.,.r trerfel yr�t ey floc t�y-tr►nl.. ud Meet nine .Www cwt•.. ...• 5— re masa .e�i•0as4s.•!- N. }t 0 II ere ere- h e err er rare w at aweak reward a K lir Mr/ t. lard* le the tangp eiwy pillow auto, Waal et. 300 gala W pave d ammo' maw Ira aviaiiw Via 5-- 3035 ..r + .a. ••�t- at5M4. $Js alt last Nge rea.wr trYA• r .e5 was a e�rlrl eeatA7r m "Y3. 1, 100 a e e0a setter lie OW Pa Seple Ira. mils aura NWT was.t rection 1N e•e. ►w Oaar.ea 4 lerlw W. Per Al Osr..ry Cymgao se ser wart NOT rise t0•MT LN 214 Kafka 111dg. , Toronto, Canada 4. M 6. t • •