HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-16, Page 134 l'S not a cata- ogue but a book of infor- mation- brim full of val uable money saving facts for the farmer. It tells how to construct fire -proof, weather-proof, wear -proof building. and other farm im- provements of indes- tructible concrete - the moat economical of all building materials, It M dm book tint has saved time, labor end wisely for more them > .reg ass van Cana - dies farmers. Les it .eve deur( ler see. Canada Cene.t Caspuy Limited, Harald DaMing. MONTREAL CiptV Caws below. Fill is year sane and aiirsst anti .ail TO -DAT. CUT OUT AND MAUL f CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND --- HURON COUNTY BRANCH. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Great kr New Hera Overseas Battalion Reined-- Mr. and Ike. Jahn - Dream sf Simples, Appealed Keeper and Matron of the ligase if Rage -Teachers' Saperassealie• Bid Opposed -Marden Greenlee k "Caned " The initial sitting of the Lea caber opal= that the whole committee was session of the Muruo county council respoaa,bie and oeh wembor should Impact the bidg+e even if Bowe =trio WY on Tuesday a(trr000a of last ezpdra.. wasitscurred. IL ratue out i weak. After the readlog of the min discussion that a reeve 1. aUuwed trio tiffs. Warden UOvvnlocs Rave a elate- spend isoi much as $J0 on repalrtee • mist of the business that would oc- cupy the attention of the count il. This included tbs pedlars' bylaw, which 000fiicted with the Provincial statute ; tb5 bridge bylaw, as a difficulty had Amendments to Regulations Governing Allowances to Soldiers' Families. At s meeting of the executive of the satirical Canadian Patriotic Fund Mid to Ottawa on Wednesday. the 6th of October, 1915, His Royal Highness the Duke of Oono.ugbt in the chair, and upon the unanimous finding of • sub-oommittee of the executive, the following rulings were 000curred in. Beery branch is, therefore, requested t3 govern nary a000rdinal sad to tresise Its rat= ifallowancesaary, so as to beige ail seamiest allowances from the Canadian Pafrlotk lhend Into accord with theee findings from November 1st, 1915 and thereafter 1. Families io which the father is alive, able-hodied and uoder.izty-ave years of age, or wbere then are other males over fifteen years of age cepsble of dwumiog its support, should receive no assistance from the Fund. Tbe fact that the other male members are out of work Is not sufficient justification for granting aid. 8 Famblks of men on garrison and picket duty inCanada, koown as active home senior men, must not bereafter be assistedby the Fund. 3. Where there are esionsi children in a.oldies'r fayonly one may be reckoned at the maximum rate, only one at the intermeditr ate rate and all others, no matter what age, should ba at the .flnimum rate Nora -Tbe msa:imont rase is $7.50 per mouth for children from ten to fifteen veers of age ; intermediate rate $4 50 for children from ay. to tea years of age ; and laicimum rate. $3.00 per month for children uoder flee years. 4. Wben the wife of a ()wadies volunteer (C. E. F.) hes no children, is well aad strong and is regularly in receipt of separation allowance and aa- .igad pay, she should not receive more than $3.00 per month from the Fund. (It is felt that, with =40.00 per month from these three souros., each • woman cannot, be regarded as being in need). This ruling doe. not apply to widowed soothers, qor to married women witb children. Noes. -The allowance from lbs Patriotic Fund to each soldier's wife i. 130 per month, from which is deducted the separation allowance of $213 paid by Government. b. No 0. B. F. family receiving reparation allowance may draw more lbw $29.00 per month from the Fuod, no matter how many persona it may ieclede. E Not mon than one extra month's allowance should in any case br gives by way of retroactive payment 7. Vbers amen is enlisting for a second or third time alter having pre- vious{'' deserted or having been discharged for cause. other than ilineee, the same should receive no assistance whatever from the Comedian Patriotic Fund until the soldier actuslly embarks for hie voyage oversea.. a. When a family, desirous of returning to their former how overseas. requires more than 00 plus railway transportation to an ocean port, the additional amount should be contributed by the family itself. 9. Compassionate •liowano..bould be very rarely made. The =signed pay which every soldier's wife sow receive. should be iegarded as available forseed. n Wiea soidbr's wife has saved part of this a..lgned pay it shoou14 be drawn upon by her for eocergenciea. 15 Ti. busily of a disebarg.d soldier should. oo his return home, receive deo further wisteace from the Fund. 11. As Roos as a widow receives the first of ber pension eh um, and as woe as a dl..bhed man accepts an award fixed by the pensions board of the Militia D.pa.tneee1, no furtber payments can legally be paid the family from the Fes' f may have enlisted for overcome 11 Families of soidiwewho, though b.y service. are still Ilvisg at home end drawing, In addition to their pay, a sub - allowance, ebould receive no help frons the Fund. Only when these saes go into barracks and the subsistence •lIowanc• ceases, may their families ti. helped from the Fund. 12. Itecdsitiag (Atoms should be notified that they have oo authority to prolate. spslaed aseousta to the wives of moo wbo relief. The ooly state- room= enclo ed minted authorized srd, byoo ofCanadian which will be furniFund ehd on that &peafound cetime to Use enclosed prlsted earl, dsopie. bsad Diffes of the Fuod. 14. No allows... should be granted where the woman. before Um soldier's enli.tse$t, was In no way financially dependent upon him. 15 it should be .ndentood that our male is away. the mazimum. Com- mittees will ggoo below, when possible. in aoeoedasee with the forealolne regulations, the .vale of paymeoe to 1kitp•st's b the Huron county Winch will be revised at the January meet - lest •ed 1abeel0st with the .south ceding January 15 1916. By order of lbs tszecutive. J. H. McCLiNTON CHAIRMAN'. JAMES MITCHELL gar•.BTART. Dated Oodsrieb, December 5 1915 arisen over a bouodsry road near Ursnd Bead ; the appointment of in- e peetore for bridge conatructioo work ; the sttte'i:.''tnsot of i kerpet vee the couoL boom of refuge ; and tmat- ter of he oo-operatIog with the Uood Road's Association. He stated tbat the committee appointed at. tbe spec- ial meeting to &rtaoy to have the 33rd Bsttalioo come to Huron county bad been to coasiderabte trouble, but had not succeeded in Vetting the Battalion here au a whole. Camoaaiestiaws Received. Amon,/ the correspood.ne read were letters from Matthew Lockhart, ►teting that b. bad been appointed a police magistrate and asking that the county supply bias with an otfloe, light and fuel, according to statute, or in lieu tbereof make him a quarterly allowance ; from Messrs. Robertson McNabb, =return, of SValketton, giving notice of issuance of a writ to compel the county of Huron in con - j onet tion with the county of Bruce to build a bridge on the boundary of toe' towo.hips of Turnberry and Culross ; from the Mayor of 8eaforth, opposing the proposed legislation regarding school teachers' and inspectors' super- anweetoo and asking the county coun- cil to ore it. Influence to have the members of Parliament for the count oppo.. the measure. These communi- cations ommun -cation. were sant to various commit- tees to be dealt with. The central committee of the Huron branch of the Canadian Patriotic Fund ezpresied iia desire to confer with the council and it was decided to convene at 2 o'clock on Wednesday for that purpose The gaoler's report was pre.edted, . tatiog that live prf.oners were now incarcerated in the gacl, and adding that b. had purchased an electric stove and expected the council to pay for R. This caused some amusement, as the council had declined to purchase the stove at the June meeting. The re- port wee seat to the county ptopurty committee. Reeve Nairn on Committees. A motion was passed placing Mr. C A. Nairn. Reeve of timierieh. ore all committees of which the late Reeve Robt. Elliott bed been a member. A motion to and the matter of the pedlar' bylaw to the special commit- tee canted and a motion empowering the Warden and the engineer to ep- eeist bridge inspectors was mot to the toed and bridge committee. On Wednesday morning among the ourn.poodenee was a further com- muifetion from -Marcus. Robertson & McN.bb relating to the boundary road before mentiooed ; • letter from the county solicitor stating that the county had lost its case in the appeal of Holmste•d vs. County of Huron. Medsuggesting that the county have matter brought to the attention of the Local I eglsleture, as the decision affected all magistrates in this and other =untie.. These communica- tions were referred to committee.. county bridge witbout consultiog the .ogids.er. Melee of Refuge. The =airtime of the house of refuge committee stated be would have a ta- ct ready for the ateraoou meet toe, 0•1'1..1 some were `-.ng semi to house of refuge by the reeves of 'be municipalities who were not fit sub- jects, sow agog in an unclean condi- tion and others feeble-miuded. 'Ibe Warden suggested that all the coun- cillors should visit the institution so that tbey might letter understand the m claof people for whom it was in- tended. The question of making arrange- ments with the parties interested in the bridge between the counties of Huroe and Wellington (between the town- ships of Howiek anti Minto) was re- ferred to the road and bridge commit- tals. Oa Thursday afternoon • letter was read from the secretary of the Huron Poultry & Pet Stock Association ask- ing for a grant. The Warden stated that it was a breach of the rules to re- ceive applications int grants after noon oo Thursday. After some dile cordon it was decide( to waive the rule and send the request to the execu- tive committee. A oommuniation from the county aolicit.or relating to • boundary road between this townships of Turnberry and Culross was sent to the road and bridge committee. Araiost Tesrheri Superannuation Bell. 1i ltillE4T, Dsesrsiw 14 M15 11 s=p.wsas le ooasectlos with the Bat talloe.w►teb he was doubtful could be rased la Huron. He felt that to ham, officers some up and dews the Dower eiuoe persuading the fanwre' sows to enlist was worse time esonsceiptioo. He was beartil 1. favor of riotLe `rants to lie Cross and pet fund•. Several other speakers sole ported Reeve Leckie la hie views. Reeves Nairn of (iodseicb, Taylor. of Exeter. and Nairn, of Dewy. spoke in favor of a graa.L The matter then west to • vote, en emendiwat having been wade to strike out the clause. The vote resulted in a tie, thirteen voting on either side Chair- man Dsmmerling gave the caatis vote in favor of the amsadment and the dame was struck out. No Grant to Poultry Show. Kee.. Nairn, of Ooderieh, moved in amendment to clause 5, de lies with the grant to tbs Poultry Association, that the Usual pint s Made. Tho c The report of the education commit- tee was presented, containing the fol- lowing recommendation : In the matter respecting the :u rannuation of certain teachers' and inspectors, after thoroughly discussing the act your committee , e-coarmend that this council register with the Uovernment its attongeet protest against this act becoming law. for the same reasons as set forth in Mayor Ament's circular letter to the county council, which coven the whole situation veru- clear- ly. This report was adopted unani- mously. The teport of the county property committee was read, stating that the gaol bad been examined and found to be in good condition and recommend- ing that (I) eve cords of wood be pur- chased tor the gaol ; et) that numerous' supplies of clothing as suggested by the gaoler be purcbased ; (3) that come shelving oeeded at the registry office b. =rammed ; (4) that ball- -games chairs be purcbMMed for the judge's room. Clauses 3 and 4 were referred back to the'committee to get price. The report of the *pedal committee was received recommending that fi the matter of the pedlars' bylaw bite county' solicitor prepare • bylaw to comply with the statutes and ib• wee be primed at the January session. The report was adopted. The CbiIdrea's Aid Sataety. Mr. (i. M. Elliott was present and gave a summary of the annual report of the Children's Ald Society, of which be be the county agent. He appealed to the councillors to endeavor to have the municipalities wbicb they repre- sent each make • yearlygiant to the work of the Society. It was decided to have the report printed in the min- utes. A motion to make a grant to the Bayfield public library was sent to the executive committee. Tbe council then .adjourned until 4 o'clock, to give the committees an op- portunity to meet. In the afternoon Major Combe, of Clinton, Mr. A. H. Musgrove, M. P. 1 . CVingham, and Mayor Reid, of Gode- rich, addressed the council asking that a grant be made to assist in the re- cruiting of the new Huron Battalioe. w Ealy hlgh1�5t Prices For RAW FURS And Remit Promptly e�'mss reallsesem min lames is Carla ti...... tower to }ale WO' ear *Ippon reret w ase tb. feast is est ��aeta lei:= err "e y �. =MOM at M. IMO le wnAlaa••m. fact Mee deb mg admit sit • >w r -i TO*ONTO amen..men w.ia --. The report as amseded was adoptudf. The road and bridge committee rec- ommended (1) that the report of the engu,eer be printed in the minutes (2) that the council approve of the pro - bail regulating the load of pro- posed on pulalo bigbwaye, except that the speed limit should be h one-half ; (3) that the engineer and Warden be empowered to appoint inapectoes for county bridge work. In the matter of the bridge between the townships of Howlek anti Minto, the committee was taking steps to have the matter adjusted. The report was adopted. The council held its closing session on Friday morning, when considerable discussion took place on the wafter of repairing the boundary line between the townships of Turnberry and Cul- ross, over which a lawsuit is threat- ened. It was decided to employ a competent engineer to make an exam- ination of Gm road and to report as noon as possible. Presentation to the Warden. The proceedings were brought • close by ibe pieeentatioa to Warden Uoveilopk of an addle= of appr.cia- tioo and a gold -mounted walking -cane. Keeper and Matron for House of Refuge. The house of refuge committee pre- sented its report, stating that ten applications bad been received for the positions of keeper and matron of the boom of refuge. These applicants. bad been personally interviewed by the committee and the tames of Mr. and Mrs. John Armour, of Wingi aa, Mr. and line J. V. Millon, of Mount Brydgea and Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Brown, of Btepbeo, were submitted to tbe council for consideration. The salaries to be 414011 for the keeper and $5)0 for the matron. duties to com- mence as soon as possible. The con' mitts, also recommended (het • grant of $100 be made Impactor Torrance on account of the extra work curing the sickness and since the death of the late keeper. After some discussion as to the salaries offered for thekeeper and matroo the report was adopted. The council then went into rommit- tee of the whole to discuss the best method of appointing the keeper and maim and it was finally decided to take three votes openly. The one receiving the loweet number of vote. to drop out the flrlt time, then the council to vote oo the two remaining, and finally to vote on the highest and the lowest. This resulted he Mr. and Mn. John Brown receiving the largest support and a mobioo 10 appoint them to the positions was carried. A motion to grant the county engineer $100 as travelling expense was sent to the executive oommitaee. The council met again at 8 o'clock Thut,day evening, wbeo the report of the finance committee approving of a n umber of amounts that had been paid and recommending that others he paid was adopted. The supplementary report of the count propetty eommbttee was pre- sented. recommeeding (Il that shelves and file, for the registry once be gen, - cbased front too Office Spocielty Mfg. Co. et • total cost of two; (2) that the caretaker purchase four more chain similar to those already pur- chased. The report was adopted. Tbe Patriotic Fuad. The council spent nearly two hours in conference with the central committee rel the Huron branch of the Canadian Pat antic Fund aid the members were apparent! well pleasd with the way the work was being carried on A motion of thanks to the central committee was can led by a standing vote. A report from Rev. W. D. Collins of the sittings of the senate of the West- ern University was soot to the special posalaiuee. A good deal of discussion took place over a bridge in Howiek township wbicb ked been declared unsafe add bad been •losed by the county. It appears that the barricades bad been remised and certain =aim were using the bridge. The subject of debate was, would the county be liable If series were hurt? No conclusion was arrived at. A motion to bare copies printed of the regelatk+s governing yenta made from the Canadian Pau lode Fund and be have one Beit to each reeve was aasnMd. A seitlios o have a letter of model - Mies *rot to Mr., Robe. Match, wbdn* of the lately depvaa.d keeper of the bones of refuge, Was panned. A motion to gnat tie sum of $1,500 toward the rsereitieg apes••• of the Huron Poultry and Pet tock Aesocis- sew Huron Balaton was sent to the floe. =emotive committee, Opposition to Great fw Recruiter. IwspeclinR Omit= The repponrt was taken up with Mr. On Breda .reiag a Nagel Deseenerline. of Howiek. in the chair. Itemised report lafrom the musty es- Classes 1, 2 and 3 were 'adopted in showirs I -o-•7 ezpseded we speaking to clause 4, the dooms deal - TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION. Proposal Attacked in Letter from Mayor of Seaforth. •. The letter from Mayor Ament, of Sesfortb, referred to in the minutes of the county council, attacked the proposed legislation for .he superan• nuation of school teachers and inspec- tors as class legislation. "This Act," it say., "seems to have leen framed for the purpose of benefitting a few inspectors who may possibly have the good fortune to live and remain in office for at least forty years. Why should teachers and inspectors of schools be tingled nut as a special class to receive the benefits of superannua- 4iea, wary wove ate way salter raarfio• alar branch of the working people ? 'Tbe funds for the support„ and up- keep of this superannuation ecbere are only contributed in the very small- est degree by the machete and =epee - tot e, tepee -tote, the email sum of two per cent of the teachers' eateries being by them contributed, while no the other hand all school boards are called upon to pay into the funds oder per rent. of the entire seismies paid to their teachers. The county foods are .Iso taxed s further percentage of the inspectors' salaries, and lastly the Government. of the Province is called upon for a further sum of two per cent. of the entire teachers' salaries of the"' Prov- ince. Cao you imagine what en enormous sum this is going to create. and for the benefit of a few people, es then is not one teacher in 3110 that remains in the teaching pn.fession forty years! **We are informed by a ggreet many teacher., who have perused the meas- ure, that they are as • unit ega1c•t this Act, 'or the sole reason that it is absolutely compulsory to contribute to this fund, ant! not optional, and to say the least this smocks somewhat of Prveslanism, wben • young teacher is compelled to pay his or her percent- age inn a fund from which they have bot the most remote cbance of ever receiving the slightest benefits in return." 1 YieIIq' arage Iwish to thank every patron for his confidence of the past year and to assure all that we will en- deavor in the future as in the past to give the Biggest $1.00 Worth that money can buy , The Ford has proved itself to be the car for the multitude 7J. '. Xellq, 9rop. An officer in Egypt writes : "The first r'ereon i met on landing -a man in a dirty shirt and troasm*, no cap, filthy and begrimed, heaving sacks of coal aboot-was Lord Howard de Walden." Such is the description of one of L,odon's weeltbiest landlords, who before the war spent hie time in writing libretti for operas and sub- sidizing tbeir ',caducei= A m+jor in Gm Westminster Dragoon., Lord Howard de Walden is simply' adored by his men. in ordinary times be will b ek tent -pegging troopers, fill • tousle hall with his regiment or fence with all the world. bracts Reconn esdN. The report of the rzee.tive commit- tee was presented r,ememendlog 1) that the usual grant of SS he made to the Hayfield publle library : 121 Ubu the sum of 11120 quarterly be paid to Pollee Magistrate Lockbau t In lieu of furnishing him with an office ; (31 that no action bs taken In the metier of grunting the county engineer $100 for travelling expend= ; 14) that $1,0110 be emoted for the purpose of amsieties to defray the expense's of the sow Huron Battalion ; (51 that no mei in be taken in lbe matter of maks a grant to the Jim -"My half brother O. engaged to my wife'~ half-sister •• Jack •' When will they be made one " a►se.r, the ried •td Midge weft, was permeated lag with grant to the Hurter Bet - and sent to the read wed bridge ewe Won, Reeve Leek= of nrumela, mid mittee Warden Goveeleek said some alfhongb hie name was awed cn the eritici.m bed been offered as to the' report be was not 1. favor of that etttaessse of this rommates o clause Hs was cd the opiaioe that leg esrtais brldgea He wee of the the Government should pay .11 the • 5: 1 a eMesMatssAeleorsitetteeteleoesseseSAMAIMSetairseseesseesorseeMeseseesOseeleetenesensWee Printing? JOB AND COMMERCIAL the %icing uoiEs! LOOK YOUNG, DARKEN sRAr HAIR Use Orandma's Sage Tea and Sul- phur Recipe and nobody can telL Brush it through hair. Cray lair, however handsome, 1eee/ss adveaeing age. We all know the slur tags of • youthful appsaramss. Your Mir is your charm. It sakes or mars the foie. Wise it fades. tares gray sae looks dry, spy ••d a+•Rly, just • few apeacetisme of Sags Tea aid %tide r calmness its appearamee • bumdr.d-fold. Don't stay gray 1 look young! Faller prepare lbs *oak at boae of get from any drag store • 40 slat bottle of -Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur (inmpoued." Thournds of folks recommend tits ready to -use preparation, =saws it .task• esu the hair beautifully wad ..metes daredraf, shops seal' Halmg add fans, Mir; bmldm, s. Des lila poasfbly test. as ht se suturally add meaty Toe anisette a spesgm er soft lima with N. anise g this thre # the bah, taking ens small =rend .t a time. Hy merabeg IM ggrrimay hair disappears; after anstkee Leonel or tars, its satsesl sake V Leone l sad it beware tbisk. Om' sad lestreas. mad yes swat yaste ,Dnepr, THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1916 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75 The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire 3.75. The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly_Star 1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star '2.8o The Signal and Torontp Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto -Dally News - z.8o - The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire 1.6o The Signal and Farmer's Advocate, 2.35 The Signal and Farm and Dairy. , .... 185 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.50 Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85 The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New 1.70 Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto) The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.50 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly 2.00 The Signal and Canadian Countryman 1.50 The Signal and Canadian Textile Journal2.25 The Signal and Toronto Star Weekly. 2.75 These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain The Signal and The Country Gentleman 2.75 The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.73 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 2.75 The Signal and The Youth's Companion (Boston) 3.25 The Signal and The Scottish American (New York) 3.25 The Signal and Cosmopolitan Magazine2.85 The Signal and McClure's Magazine 2.15 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The :above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $i.ot) representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Sbgmal and Tee Family Herald and Weekly Stu .. 21.85 The Farmer's Advocate I$a.35 less Seco) t.55 *Ca° -making the price of the three papers $3,2o. The Signal and The Weekly San =e•75 Toronto Daily Star )$a So less leo') 1. =3.55 -the three papers for $3.55• if the publikation you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postofiice or express order (not by bank cheque) to 3.40 THE SIGNAL PRINTNO CO., LIMITED Goderich Ontario �a