The Signal, 1915-12-16, Page 9Be DeLesle Ferret Civ +alsoF+tti+llf++.++Y+ While the newspapers tkrougbout the United States were busily are *muscles the warlike operattoaa tK Gen. Sancho Fernandez here, there and elsewhere that December, It was • tact that the revolutlocary dictator el Mexico was really In \1'asbingte•. D. C.. where he had been percmptoo 11y summoned by the president. His conference at the capitol was abort and very mock to the iolct. It was pointed out with painful deeislvre n ew to the Senor General Vernandes that hereinafter be would have to make his ragged army resp` rt the rights of U. S. A. The p111 that General Fernandez wee thus made to swallow was cot rug_: coated, but it unquestionably did kin rood. He went down the White Hocse. etepa that day before Christmas a ✓ edder and a wiser man. However the Bloater of Mexico was • libitum. p ber. General Fernandez mulled his face deep In the son warmth of t .3 fur• collared greatcoat. and •tartcd of: down the avenue. By and by be came to tee business district where throngs of last-minute shoppers were bustling abqut. Snow had begun to fall heavily - great fleecy flakes that filled the whole air and. supplementing the gay holiday decors - tions and shouts of street bawkers. gace the Irene an air of fairylike unreality. The Jolly. fne• handed Chrletmt. spirit was' con teems, but it made him fee.! very lonely. H. want" d •• com- rade-comrono. 0. anyone. in all this big, b1:iy eitT, who would hall hem simply : s a friend and not aa the celebrateI General, Fernandez. He came to a street corner where he beard hes own name shouted In a shrill, childish voice close by. "Huxtree there, people' 11t:xtree 'striper! Spend a cent and read all about General Fernandez the Nell:an butcher! He's murderin' women awl babies down there right now' Big battle at Guaremo: three hundred killed! Huxtree here, all about the bloody General Fernandez'" At flet the dictator scowled; thee smiled queerly and approached, the ragged wait at the newsstand._ the was btu* with cold and a-akiveg be- neath scanty raga. Below an old @bawl, her thin, prematurely -aged face Looked wan and pinched. Genuine pity—an unusual thing td the dictator—seized him as he sur- veyed her. "Do you really believe that this General Fernandez is as bad as ail that'" he asked her with a whimsical half -smile. The street waif stared up at hifn suspiciously. "Gwen away from here, you dude' Can't y' see I'm tr'yln' to sell my wipers!' Tonight's Christmas eve an' I wanna sell out so as to go In one of the big stores an' see Santy Clans." "How many papers have you left to sell. little girl'" "Twenty-one." "I11 take them a11. Here's a quarter. You can keep the change "Wbadda y' do- fn' this rr'"— etlll suspicious. The great Gen- eral en- eral Fernandez smiled at the wait sadly, Indulgently. "Child, I'm • stranger here and I'm ever leo lonely. Everybody else has a welcoming home tonight—has some- one to whom he can give presents and know that they'll be appreciated. it's Christmas eye and i too want to for- get myself for a while and play Santa Claus for somebody." "if i really thought y' meant all that." muttered the waif skeptically. "I'd say. why not practice some o' y'r good Intentions on me. Lordy knows, i need 'em." The dictator's face became radiant. He laughed whole-heartedly as be had not done before in years and took one of the wee girl's half -frozen hands hands kindly within his big gloved one. "it shall all be just as you say." he cried. much to her astonishment. "Come along with me now—first some- where to get you • warm coat and hood and some furry mittens. Then well go to • fine restaurant. And after you've eaten every bit you can hold, we'll go see the toys and you can pick out your own present" "Y'r not kiddln' me, nester!" "On my honor. no." Then, if It's all the same to you. let's bit the toy department@ first i've had m' eye on • big yellow -headed doll—real hair it is, too! --there in the Emporium rr six Imoatls." "We'll do last as you say. kiddie, but own one condition." "What's that, mister?' "You must tell me that you don't believe all the things you said about Gametal Fernandes of Mexico" "171 coli him Banta Maes If that'll sett y' any better. mister " "Vader present circumstances that as... strikes no s. quite appropriate for bin." am nand the dictator. "Hut come an now. lis going to bo a ra•14 merry Citrietara after ad." No gift more pleasing for Christmas than a KODAK. We- carry a complete line of Brownies and Kodaks from $2.00 to $27.00. A Brownie enlargement from your favorite negative will be presented to any amateur as a Christmas Gift. The Sallom's Studio THE SIGNAL : OflDERIOB : ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS spring Court Sitting.. The spring sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario in Ooderich will b• held as follows : Jury 'sitting.. Tues- day, Numb 11, the Cbancellor presid- ing ; non jury sittings„ Tuesday, May 9, before Mr. Justice Clete. Dressmaking Exhibit. On Monday evening, December !Otis. fruru It to 9 ".'clock. the ladies of the town and the industrial board of the Cl. O. 1. are invited to attend an ex- hibit of the work eccowpli.bed by the dressmaking class of the industrial reboot Burins the fall term. The ex- hibit will be In the class room at the publi. library The work consists of thirty waiata,iwent y-nInc underwsista, nine kimono., seven underskirt,. sig skirts, three chitdre,, a dresser., two aprons. The winter term commences the lint week in January. Liverpool Lodge Officers. The following ofil ors were elected for the coming year b lodge Liver- pool, Sons of Kogland, on December 8th : Wort by pest t resident, 'bas. Yuaug ; worthy president, Chas. Thomas; worthy vox-prwidwv, Cleo. Symonds; worthy chaplain. Win. Dunnadge ; secretary, Rabt Redfern; treasurer, R. J. %Valtres ; lit guide. Benj. Hugest/Lb ; 2nd guide, Writ. Precious ; inner guard, R.U. (Members; outer guard, Harry Symond.; trustee., Bros. Symondr, Hoggertb and Chambers. Britishers at Denver. A note to The Signal from Mrs. Warnock says : ' 1 received a letter fruu, Mr. John Waller, of Denver, and be sends a contribatioo of tbrve' drillers for the pettiutic fund. He tells me in Denver they have orgr-n- lsed a United British Society. They meet once a ne nth and the proceeds go to the soldiers at lbs front. One night is for Scotch/men, nest for Eng- Iisbweo, then one for %Vrl,bmen, and so on. On the %Welshmen's night they bought apples for the "soldiers in the trenches. Eieiyore 1. doing his little bit." For Christmas The Best Bread Buns Cookies Cakes Pastry at DAVID BURT Baker andeConfectioner KINGSTON STREET Now that the cok3 weather is here you'll want your homes more comfortable. Get our prices on Furnaces, Hot Water Boilers, etc. Our Perfection Oil Heaters are jest the thing to drive the cold out of chilly corners. All repairing to plumbing, furnace work, etc., promptly attended to. W. R. FINDER Mose 155 Hamilton Street In DR. O'HAGAN'S VERSES Honor of Karg Albert Rerave the Belgian Monarch's Thanks Signal recognition has come to Dr. Hocks) Schedule. Thomas O'Hagan, of Paisley. Coterie, Ooderich hockey club has been or- i in the form of a letter from the seem• eluded in group 8 of the intermediate tary of the King of Belgium, experts. 0. H. A. The group is composed of ing appreciation of some verses written Mitchell, Srafurth and Goderich and by brat entitled, "1 Take OR My Hat the following scbedule has been ar- to Albert." The verses were originally read at a meeting of the Worsen '• Press Club in Toronto, and a member sug- geettd that an Illuminated and en- graved copy be sent to Belgium's heroic Kies. This was done ibrough the medium of the Belgian Consul- Oeoeral at Ottawa The verses and the acknowledgment follow : 1 TAKE OFF MY BAT TO ALBERT. Albeit., King ed Ilelglum. la_lbe ber* of the \cur : the goatee Kiss is Ceram b's a renal .rob .ad tower : rte 14 Nom is the :a.stles thawing Liner an bV. theme. And the whole world laves Ids for the .arrow. las bas kaolin ; ea i take of my bat to Albert. It. flan. • was W anawee to the Ttotoaat h'. r.' e, Thea be bu.A1d on AY armor ., d pledged bhp •»l to tate ; He .t.od betties. M. peoW* .c d tan Magnet I.<. gen. Ent b. feared Sot .bat ex r Ammar a. his little atter woe : Satan ares nothing whatever •►•mit a man's 'Mending church cm the i,b- bath If be Beta his services the other six days in the week. Soltake .e y bat to Alba t' King 0 Belgium, Dake at Brabant, Coast of Madera all la o.,e : Little 'Chiefdom d tb Belie* staid with loser la .be sun, You have woe a Waco l• beim y, at rear deeds the world wUl dna. Bat the alary of roar Bathes 1. your dart strew , fssrles.gY(; eo 1 takenelf takenor hat to Albert ; Here 1s the traoelatio0 of 'King Al- bert's' acknowledgment, wbicb wan in French : •'Ofice of the Secretary to the King and Queen of Belgian'. ••115 Panne, August 11. 1915, "Sir,—The touchingly delicate words you have found to express to the King your ftiandly feelings bay, very much (loved his Majesty. The Sovereign, shoes attention has beau drawn by the beautiful illumination adorning the verses comin his boeor, com- wands me tot sok you rinceemly and that he will be glad to keep this to *ay valuable eonvemir. "I have the honor to be, sir, your obedi-at servaut, •'J. itrlrseetzge, "Me Secretary." Dr. O'Hagan i. known to many Ocderirh people, having visited here on • number of occlalone. A wasttd opportunity femme home to roost. THE LAST THING anybody would want for Christmas would be COLD FEET We are experts in providing comfortable Footwear and have the correct goods for every member of the household. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Leggings, Moccasins, Dancir g Pumps, Slippers, etc., etc. CHRISTMAS GIFTS What nicer Christmasft than a pair of HAND- SOME SHOES ? SUPPERS also make a gift that is ap�� and what boy does not want a pair of h�OCCAS1NS ? Wm. Sharman The Shoe Man 'Phone 158 921091111+611415.151111149.111.24111461+111. ranged Jan. 6—Ooderich at Seafortb. Jan. 11—Mitchell at Ooderich. Jan. 18—Se.forth at Mitchell. Jan. 25—Mitchell at Seeforlb. Jan. 2S—Seaforth at Oodrrich. Feb. 1—Clodericb at Mitchell. The representatives of the trams are : E. F, Dennis, Mitchell; G. J. Sills, Meaforth, and Hugh Davidson, Godericb. Referee• : Wilfred Morena, Mitcbrll ; 0..1. Sidle, Seaforth ; harry Belcher, Oodrrieb, Public Library. At the meeting of the ptUle Wheezy board on ',Saturday evening the follow- ing accounts wete ordered paid : The tiederiet. Star. printing IMO book cards, $5 50; Chas. C. ire, pinion fur lawn mower, hie ; Rohe Tal', dry batteries and rep siting bells, $2 ; Matthews 15 C.'., library dating outfit, $I 51 ; water and tight commission, 12 Watt limp., $3. A communication from the Canadian Forestry Associa- tion offering tbeir literature, includ- ing the Canadien Forestry Journal, on payment of $1.00, winking the lib- rary • meruber of the Association, was received and the treasurer was in- structed to remit the neo.m.ary fee. The librarian reported the receipt of Sall from cards and fines acd an issue of 1,810 Looks and magazines in November. Santa From the South' Thuredny, Dmc'*atas* 16, 1916 7 Children's Aid Society. The regular monthly meeting of the Children's Aid Society was held on Tue.day afternoon at the court house. In the absence of the president, Rev. W. K. Heger pre.ided. Accounts tc- telling $29.20 were ordered to he paid. County Agent O. M. Elliott read a considerable amount of interesting correspoodmnce and asked advice in a number of cases with which he is deal - Ing. He rep torted that one girl bad been made • ward of the Society since the last meeting and s good home had been found in the country for ber. The treasurer repor:ed the following re- ceipt+ durir.g the month : Godericb Women's Institute, $10; Mn. Carrie, 1111: loan returned h ward of the So- ciety, $1.76: Mia V�anatter, $1; Betts - eels branch U. A. S., collection at an- nual meeting, $9.05. The Society ac• knowledge* with thanks • donation of children's new clothing from Taylor's Corners branch of the WVomen'u United Patrio is Society of Ooderich township, delivered by Mn. 'rhos. Johnston. Rev. G. Gomm, of Dun- gannon, who was present, expressed hie desire to have Mr. Elliott give his illustrated lecture on the work of the Society at Dungannon in the near future. Police Court Cases. A number of caws were hen•d in the Police C.airt on Monday. The Si'( was a charge of disorderly conduct against Patrick Kennedy. It appears that Kennedy started to smash the furniture at the Chinese restaurant on the previous Saturday evening. The raspier -ate let him go on suspended sentence, on the underiranding Old be worile leave town before night. Magistrate Lockbart was on the bench for the ns xt ease, which was • .barge against an Ashfield man in oonneetlon with some excessive drink - Ing which took piece at Dungannon fair. The case was as j turned for • week. For the nest case both M..wIstrati& Seely and Magiet►a'e Lockhart were ese the bench. The ch.rge war agaiost the proprieties' of the British Ex- change hotel of cawing liquor to be brought into Huron county. After examining several witnesses Chown Attorney Sesg-r asked for an adjournment, as he found that • wit Sees from London was not the man be wonted •ed he wished to get the right nue Mt. L 8. Daneey. wilts kppeared for the defenee, et -posed an •dj.orn- went •nd Rave crpiooe quotations from legal honk• to show that the tine had no right to an ad- ournasent. This led to is wordy battle wm.n the lawyers Is which *spre•- sions move forceful than polite were weed. The magistrates deeided to ad- ios/ars to get lefnrmaUon as to whether ins pioserwtios might Wog addi- tional outdoes*. limier a.' _ se RTMAS WM OF HALTERS & Ca'. MIK STORE SELECT THE PRACTICAL THING for Your Gift Giving NO rs matter where the gift may go— at hoe, or abroad --to kinsfolk or friends -- the sensible thing is to give a useful present. NATIONAL CONDITIONS HAVE MADE US A MORE SERIOUS PEOPLE, and that very thing is going to make you more careful in your selections. We are backing up the idea in our store. showing a large range of practical and useful Christmas Gifts. Women's Satin Slippers White and- black Regular $3.50 quality spat ial $4.915 Do Your Christ- • mas Shopping Early Where Your Money Goes Farthest Christmas Sale Ladies' Felt Boots Plain or leather finings Special $1.N Women's House Shoes with fur trimmings, warm - hued, light, flexible soles, all color.. Special $1.10, $1.48 and $1.39 Hockey Boots for whole fancily 31.98 tip Ladies' Spats Direct from factory, black broadcloth. Regular price $1..1.1. Special ora Moccasins A practical gift All sizes Prices reduced Rubbers Men's, S9c and 9M, Ladies', 69c, Mures', 57c, Children's. 4:3c, Boys', 69c. Come in and look around—we are pleased to Men's Romeos Tan. chocolate and black vici kid, in all sizes The regular price is $250 • Bp c:al $1.915 Store Open Eve- nings Until Christmas Walters & Co.'s "Comfy" Slippers All colors. Regular $1.00. Special Sao Club Bags - tor :l gitt $3.78, $4.50. $15.80 and $15..50 Ask to see then` Slippers for the whole family 20oapail, up show you our range. RUBBER SALE STiLL CONTINUES COME AND GET THE BARGAINS Ccderici, Ontario Shoe Repairing. Walters & Co. Telephone No. 2211.' Successors to J. H. McClinton East Aide 8 plate ileal Wore. Terms rash A London letter sae; "While there is. unhappily, a more or leis genersl decline. owing to many other cells, In the subscriptions for the sustenance of the severs! millions of Belgians starv- ing in tbeir owe country, one eoosMnt subscriber offers a ehinitg Ammple A poor woman here reepooded to the earliest appeal by contributing a shil- ling per week, which she brought t0 the Coagulate herself. Wino she fell ill ber calls reseed, but on her reooveny she rrimmed ber subscription be I twinging arrears of 'seventeen shillings. The widow's mite in the twentietb century." You Can Live on This One Food. • There is one food that contains all the elements necessary to sustain lite —one food that you can live on for an indefinite period and keep in good health. It is Dr. Jeckion's Roman Meal, the perfectly balanced food. It contain. all the elements necessary to build tissue and keep the bowel mocker active and strong. it will assuredly benefit you who Iber you eel it once • day or at all meals. Jukes moat delirious por- ridge, when coo k.d ■ecordirg to di. Foci ions and not ate red. Also Husk's • xcreding!y tally and wholesome home takieg. Cr J.ck.oe's Roman Meal prevents indigestion, seal will poeil ivi ly relieve eons tipation, or "money hat L." 10 cent• and 25 cents at armors. Made by Ron:an Meal Co., Toronto, However, the lees a roan talkie the more he doesn't have to apolag se. A damaged reputation is hard to re. pair. Christmas as Usual �I means that you will have to procure supplies for Christ- mas festivities,- and if you want everything to be just right you should let us fill your order from our stock of fresh goods. RaisinsIVew New Currants FlgsGw Peels Grapes Oranges, Lemons, Walnuts, Almonds, etc.. etc. Your Moneys Worth in Solid Satisfaction guaranteed when you deal with us. CHINA FOR CHRISTMAS. When you are thinking of gifts to be bought re- member that nothing is more appreciated in the home than good China. We have some beautiful goods in sets and single pieces, which we should like you to see. \Ye 1"night our 11 r.1s 14 -fore the r use in p i'r, and we " ITrr you the ndv.ntig' in 1. agains that you c.,uld no ver get oR moods bought at pir.,•nt price.. A Pleasure to Show Goods. 1 W. HERD `' I Telephoa 43 1' IIs��I Cor. Mentos St. u/ Square tee---� — - �— - -- ---® Smokers Attention! CIGARS CIGARS CIGARS CASE PIPES G. B. D. PIPES B. B. B. PIPES Large line of 50c and 25c Pipes The most appreciated gift for any man that smokes is a fine Pipe or a choice box of Cigars or Cigarettes. We have them a all prices. Don't forget out\Bowling Alleys. Anyone can soon learn to bowl a good game. Bowling is no longer considered merely a sport, but a most Nene• ficial exercise. it is a healthful and invigorating rating pistime. It brings into play every muscle of the body. it -ends poor circulation and indigestion to the four winds. The Pastime Billiard Parlor and Cigar Store Next to Dave% . Jenne' Store the Square' F. H. WOOD, Prop.