HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-16, Page 7,.s
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orTALCHflSiMAS W tthYTYIOLEIT ATTACKS1 ""1"*"."+*""+""
The Yuletide Dawn
AND How the Festive Season Is i Of DY$PEP1A
served Aboard Ship.
Uttered Tutus Uati Ss
(Net Much Werk Is Done -Athletic
_ Sparta, Traditional Dinner and Sr.ll ua Matters, Jse• nib, 1814
EveningEntertainment Fes- suffering for • long time with
'BEWARE tu tun"After su
s of Occasion. Dyspepsia. I have bees made well by
OF "Fruit -a -fives." I suffered w much
UWHSRB fa all the world V the that at last I would not dare to eat for
IMITA• "spirit o[ (�rlstmai' entered 1°- I was afraid of dying. Five years ago,
T10N8 to more whole-heertedh than on I received samples of "Fruit -a -tires"
board the ships •t the United States
SOLI) ON navand after taking them I felt relief.
THE Observance
servance o[ this [hist of all nae Then I sent for three boxes and I kept
Weal holidays varies. of course, In improving until I was weU. I quickly
MERITB Oil Corm with the location of the fleet at regainedmylo•tseigbt-and nowleat,
III Y as
�j �n�( rhe time. sleep and digest well --in a word, / ass
I Into each of tho continental "home /rllyrrro:wed,thanksto'Emit-a-fives.'
pore" (headquarters of certain indl- Meta. CHAIt170\\EAl7.
victual vessels) the big gray monsters I 50e. a box, 8 for V.s0, trial size 250.
come dropping In by twos and threes At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of
1111, 1n New York and Pit loo 1phia. Pries by Fruit -Lives Limited, Ottawa.
It and Frisco, It looks al-
Ided "Edit-.-lhesl"
bound or repaired.
and Norio
most like a naval review. According 1 __
to long established custom. they aro li
there to give the boys in blue a run
on the beach 1"llberty,' as they call WHY YOU HANG STOCKINGS
It in the service). and every man jack ---
who 1. not actually undergoing pun Popular Christmas Custom Said to
lshmeat 1s allowed and encouraged to Have Come Down to Us From
90LD LBTTERINlitike his look at the bright lights -go Old Italian Practice.
oo LEATHER 000DS home on leave or uptown for tun or -
preer.��p�y atte.dd Y w WvW anything else he likes as long as his There 1. • story from Italy which
aiatT11 SIUVAL.Oederieb• money lasts but away from the ship some suppose to be the beginning o
A. E. TAYLOR. thLa'eoRD, In any event. This custom applies the present ides of the Christmas
not alone to the enlisted men. but to stocklr.g. Years alto good
ld St
the oMeers as well and, when Christ- Nicholas of Padua used to throw
er morning dawns In • home port, - knitted purses with money III them I
(Copyright by Western Newspaper Vaba-t
Joy hells were tinging out spa the
dear. frosty air. but their sweet tlu-
tinabalattons had little of cheer or
comfort tor Gabriel Monroe.
He lead made his own Rte's history.
and this was what trade him wisher
this Weal winter's day -the dal be-
fore Christmas. Pride had been hum-
bled by regret; he was old, wearied,
heartsick. This was his second day
home -If he could call It that--nftcr
a Eve years' sojourn Ina foreign land
11 all came back to him now. the
salient appeals to his better soul
pierced the frail armor of the heart be
tried to make iron. He recalled the
hour when his daughter, Eloise, had
oome to him with the news that his
son, Gerald. had married against bis
wishes On the moment, Gabriel Mon
roe had disowned him, banished hitt
from heart and home. In vain had
Eloise p:caded for her brother.
Ile closed the old mansion at once,
announcing that he Intended loo l,'4
abroad. Eloise declined to g
him. Gerald was young, inexperi-
enced. without resources. Plainly she
recited her duty to her father as she
felt it. Eho would stay and help Ger-
ald become a man. after a lapse due
Since his return,
ing which he had
not so much es
written to his re
jected childe.:'.
he bad learned
that a little gold-
en -haired child
had come to Ger-
ald and bis wife.
His son bad not
made a great sue
cess In a business ,
way. Ile had been
111 and at present had a ha -al limo
making ends meet.
j PATH. specialist .etc.
aw. a d1/•Ar. aorta. latest° sad oattesadts•
mikes. We. bed tweet. tatzt1b1 Bea.
Is tats sae. ,bs,matie cessatlowa Ada -
nays temotel without the knife. Oafoe at
s.iieac5. eo►ree Nei-oo sad St. Aadraw,
aaeNa. Al home sMes Mo.deir•. Weda.daye
sal IMe esss: say evs.ets* by appototawt-
F. .I. R.FORSTER-KTR EAR.iI Rear Admiral Samuel McGowan writes
seas anti tames o.ty lianas
York OsbtWmis aid lOsrsl ts, in the National Monthly. but what
Severe, jH eht lye Wim. i they lack In numbers they Invariably
anaiaad. = ts8 'm`^^e�� make up to other ways. one of these
• le a. ea.,•t to t w m-• f is a s• m' Ti ens ways being the complete satisfaction
a. of the inner man.
ra - I Abroad and at sea, though. It is al-
1UCTIOML>LB. together different Every soul on
there are not likely to be many more at the windows of the poor. These
persons on board any man -o' -war than knitted purses were not unlike •
the regulations call fur in thi mint- stocking without a foot. and later it
mum. became the custom of the people to
The few "shtpkeepers" canrot. un- hang this knitted sack Nicholas just
inside the
might put
der such circumstances, make a very window that
successful effort toward merriment. something In as be passe,[. When
these purses went out of use the
stockings were substituted. in the
northern part of Italy it was • little
too chilly to leave the windows open
and the atoebings were hung by the
mantel place so that they might be
filled from the chimney.
Tbet C. slice ce wWOreirsrita. Anl bs pt Y'
ended to. 1tesNaeas taleemina Its
cR. tl• .1.1('iTUR, ROTARY
•1a .. rt o tae . R'f'LA - _ • -
Wniestarnsg Bk Block. Hematites Blest.
f�sisrle► Beek
Tesepos... se.
Real rotate Law and lsaeramow
Mem es the Square, aeeeed doer from Ham -lin Asset.
yrtvate Mods te Mia• at lowest mow lI1
Paouswoor. ILX. J. L lttuama1
8. J. D. eooas.
ItaG. OAMERON, ff:. O.. 1 cul
asinastae. meters
At Chaise founds, at sack � is
Era Albeit Street . toe
iwil p.
ultimo Murat a m to s s -m
IIIIITIB. serenity. etlMeter. ere.. Wis-
ri••ev sense as lowest rates
e Idler, Naar/ I'eMM and Oen
moo -Curt Mame Oeamteh. �l� •
sOa•111C3 0.-4arm GM kwlMed
Pesci P.04
ate,►lartfesabt{h �. O
will. but
• Play Santa, if you
74 don't get your whiskers burnt.
The Christmas Store
o our Shoppin
Julklapp Delivery.
This 1s an expression used In Den-
mark and Sweden and denotes their
way of sending gifts. Before ('hrist-
mas all the gifts are wrapped so as to
disguise the contents. Each package
Is labeled for whom It is intended and
then at odd moments during the day
these are thrown 1n at the doors or
the windows.
lana •- r1
reags�a •.
Qr. A'
KM. Oewral Btaee, b •
ul) tees. Ants to M. O. CAM.
Bvrtster 1LmOsw stress. Oedert i
A Christmas Concert on Board Ship.
board. from the usually sedate flag
officer and the more or less unap-
proachable first lieutenant. down to
"Jimmy -legs" and the ship's cook and 1
the messenger boy. voluntarily consti-
tutes himself a committee of act le
see the thing throeRh in "old 1911v7'•
fashion. and even King Neptune, when
he Comes on board on "crossing ane
line" to douse every hayseed
landlubber has a formidable rival in
the "spirit of Christmas."
It matters not much whether the
flan arts liaWMF11 •1 Rental C"- 146 and
gwsnsm Ann �tOYOs' lasso,
a/amoIyr�Tbs O,e Qm ati di e'er
710 sad Osar 0emepss�laer rut vis
0 . St travel'. strew 'Pbws tit
IIALT R li. &EI.I.Y. J.P..
succi Ice. or T.
Patent 8olICrtor
But he had turned out to be a dill -
gent. earnest man. The gentle influ-
ence of a loving wife, the sisterly care
of Eloise. had been his at all times.
Eloise, her father heard. was beloved
of • worthy young engineer, at' pres-
ent at a distance.
Old Gabriel moved about uneasily in
bis luxurious armchair. Ifo paced the
apartment for an hour, he tried to
ship be anchored off Vera eras or Canada's Leading behoof of Busi
plowing through the Pacific ocean.
the distance from home and Mends i
makes 1t Incumbent on all to do their
level best to make at least • brave try '
for "Merry Christmas"
Routine drilla are entirely suspend-
ed; and. except for cleaning ship
(cleanliness In the navy being deemed
not only akin to, but actually neck
and neck with godliness itself), not •
lick of avoidable work is allowed to
nese re opens for enrolment for
the Winter.T• rot on Monday
Jaen:"3, 1916. at
Crosses lied ewere. of study. Dodos.-.
FMIhaM and'typawtnin/• ('I.il Per
riee and preparatoey. Ineitieaal In
4r•ex/ae A large [creasedt it with the
ba.e bs.ier'' been. wit* rmplor our
fludikatat. Oreluatee ter4 eacce••••ful.
it will ry yoga '0 tat-4614Rate. Full to-
re mat 1 t.r..
he done by anybody. ,T C. A. FLLMINO, F.C.A-. Prin •paL
-All bands' ar^ called. to be sure. on . • u. U. rl.Elri�it..,c,.ur,.
s-heduted tame but many more men I
than usual are allowed to "sleep In,
and, after the tiniest minimum of I
lldying up. preparations for the day's
festivities are gotten under way
There is a warted athletic program
that Boeing In the forenoon. and atter
an hour or so off for dinner at mid.
day, continues well along toward sun-
set Ratiore are taught to be thorough.
8o they go at their potato races and
;iterating contests and lugs of war
and Jumping conlerts with the same
fervor that they show when trying for
a 13 -Inch turret gun record or stamp
Inc- nut • Caribbean revolution. There
1s no lack of Interest That can be de-
pended nn And when call -is sounded
they are a tired lot.
Toward sunset the various contests
have been completed for not enure-.
ally called off "on account of dark-
ness," as the baseball people say).
and. after an early rapper. • stage le
rigged ep o• the quarterdeck and the
crowning event of the entire celebra-
_ tion is on. Sometime' It is a minstrel
show. another time a vaudeville per-
formance. bat without exception there
m plest7 of music and ewe music,
and about fair entrees of Jed
rep Midi entertainment waste be ecce Prem ace ph•rm.ey: ask. a taus.
het for as few days and your kidneys will
thea .et ise and bladder disorders di►
appear. This fissions sails is mads from
Um acid d and Isms Jules, ism -
limed with itki, sad las lass need far
gr•neratkr to cies and Wombats shie-
d the cakewalkerw themaslvei fw•, gisk kld.ars aid step awe.
tong me. bet teleran sower awakes a dei sR
• mem'wt-few Amer c•s wider
just as therosgb at Pel Y OM Ns women take sew sad tb , the evading
whits at west.
- serious hear sal bidder Hamm•
Lawyer I V A) awl Reeds Petra Anomie,. 1,1.
MM�eas•• e1�~so f1uM marks are
IMelsrtrtntiestest sad
•�---d eie se preset dwNa
Expert witness in patent wits, pat-
M/a ordained in all countries- 99 8t
AMMO &Yet. Moets•ssl.
Write ler Meererises e.
Brophe3 Bros.
lee Leading
Funeral Directors
aid Embalmers
�a night eat
read. His eye caught a notice in tha
local paper. There was to be a Christ-
mas sale at the village hall. he noted.
under the auspices of a ladies' c:ub.
for the benefit of the poor. Why not
go' Sooner or Later he must meet old
The maddest. merriest of rfaiiftmwa
groups thronged the big hall Ther'1
were booths and counters and, near a
bewildering Christmas tree, an im-
mense papier macho creation is tha
form of a stocking. Its province simu-
lated a fishing well, for near b. titre
poles and line, and upon payment of
• fee a cast over into the top of the
stocking brought up a gift, fatten* 1
et by someone concealed inside.
Old Gabriel made happy a score, rf
little ones by paying for their fishing
plunge He bought several trinEtts
and toys and dis-
tributed them
freely. Ills heart
was beginning to.
warm up. He met
a few old friends.
He lingered late.
Somehow his
thoughts were
turned into a new
channel. T h e
flood gates of sen- `1
ttment were wide
open In his heart for the first time in
The aueloneer of the occasion be-
gan to sell off what had not been dis-
posed of. He came at last to the big
stocking. Someone started a bid of
ten dollars. Almost unconscious;? old
Gabriel doubled it. Thirty-fotty-
there was zest in helping a gond pur-
utpose. '1 ne auctioneer, nursed the ex-
citement of the bidders.
"What • Christmas the money will
make for the poor:" he shouted. ">rny-
be the stocking isn't halt emrty-
stocking and all there Is 1n it soca to
the highest bidder"'
"Forty-five" sang out the t' wt'.
banker. •
'Tiny?' nodded old Gabriel, and
"Sold'" announced the auctioneer,
highly pleased. and then. as everybody.
I excited and laughing, surrounded the
Mat tam meat if Trim bel DaOklialty ria fortunate purchaser, there came a tap
hem Bladder trouble -Salt. from Inside the stocking and a mu9led
Arte for Liam.. voice sounded :
"Please let me out -It's dreadfully
dose in here!"
As • section of the papier macho
contrivance moved apart, revealing
the "fisher maiden" of the occa:.lou,
nut stepped -Eloise.
"Father'" she gasped
He started and quivered. He had
bought "all there was In It" Upon the
Meat forms nrie acid which exetlss
sad orer•works the kidneys in their efforts
to filter it from the system. Regular sat -
era of meat must flush the kidneys mese
Mortally. You must relieve than like yea
relieve your bowels; removing all W
acids, waste and poison. Ass you feet •
dell misery in the kidney regb0. sharp
Fib" is the back or ask peados V ,mp.lee of a moment hung all .the fu-
mbles', your stomach slims, tongue tare d*atlny of four souls. He opened
saatsd and wbea the weather is bad Telt ala arms. the tears rushed to his eyes
bin rheum rte twinges. The arise b
•lady, full of sdimeat; the ebaasels and Eloise was in his embrace
often get irritated, obliglag you to ` it was the gossip of all the town how
ep two or three times daring the eight yid Gabriel Monroe meet and expanded
lo neutralise time irrilatiag acids the golden opportunity of his lite that
and flash of the body's urinous weals Christmas eve.
plate without the inevitable and Mu -
'table cakewalk. Boma of the impro-
vised onetime. ah fearfully and won-
derfully made. Rat they are striking
and, ter the moat part. very appropri-
ate. while the plrneettlug and gyrating
penoefn) a glass of water before break -
well Werth seeing The ad Bait isEstssthrmism....4lldhisr
isatires fliesdri.kin1ae. d maw sad
It was like a romance --the faltbtnl
tailor of Eloise teleays shed tor. the
'hsearded sun. hie wife. sweet little
Dolly. mat for and Installed In a home
wheats want and care were banished.
it was "grandpa" who carried the
lttle owe la hie arms into the room
wore the Christmas tree was all
debase sad sparkling next morning,
ind, pweeb.t music to his stone-
now haven -found se,
were (be rapturous word. al
"OL the besatlfil--the beautiful!"
7 Just Seven More Shopping Days
The Popular Gift
'Mere is r.o more popu-
lar gift for • bray or
y,e t.tirmitn than Hendker•
chief•. No matter how
ninny one get, they rte
riser' appreciated. All
- rm cue HwndIetcbiefi were
bought at old pric •s.
Women's Fancy Emhroidt ltd. 100 (1 3 for 25o
Dairty linen Lawn Emlauidetrd kiendker-
cbirG, exceptional slue.... l 18o or 2 for 250
Handsome Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, -
waey with lace edges., each 250. 35o, to
indict' and gents pure Irish Linen Initial
Hendkerchiefe, haod•embroidered initial,
every init'al in stock.'' .bpeci s' each . 250
Ladies' Boudoir Caps
Thele Boudoir tsps 'ere dainty creations of
lace and tibton, at each 500. 750. 31.00
The Store of the
Christmas Waists
Special showing of fancy Christmas Waists in
Crepe de Chan' Silk Voile and Lawn. 'Melo
waists ale spwcially made fur the Christmas
season and we have never shown a nicer range.
All the better waists are put up in fancy
Chtist mala to l/e. Ladle s' White Silk Waists, Bath 31.75, 32.25
and 32.75
Ladies' Crepe de CbeneVttch [$
4.50 and 35.00
Embroidered Voile Waists, each 31.10 to
Dainty Neckwear
Dcsens of dainty new Collars received ibis
week in the newest styles. These make most
acceptable gifts, each 250,450, 500, 750 and
Fitted Needle Cases
For • useful present one of these fitted macs is
all that could he desired. We have a big -e1-
eetleg all fitted with Kirby Beard's eel. los stied
Needles. From .. .. , .. , 25o to 31.25 each
Handsome Gift Umbrellas
Handsome gift tnthrellas in gloria covering,
will not cut, in a Targe aasot talent of beautiful
handles. Special values each 32.00 to 34.50
Ladies' Gift Gloves
livery lady apt r.•,iater Gloves.
Our stock of gilt Gloves it meat plete, all
are Perrin's fatuou. IuwkP, e..ch pair pot un in
fancy Chi i,tntas loos, s.1 per pais 31.00. 31.25.
31 .50, 31 .75
Ladies' Hand Bags
Alwaye w must rcecpl•tble 1(11, • n*w Hand
Bag. We cart y the largest stcrk ate t••on.
Newest style , hest s• .elite• Ieht/trta, Hltsei
with coin ..c- erect utirror. Frew each
$1.00 t o 35.00
Ladies' Afternoon
Tea Aprons
Several designs in Bungslew Apt one in dainty
embroidered and lace s fist in niu.lin and
voile. Very dainty gifts at earl 25o. iso
500 and 75o
Christmas Spirit
Sweater Coats as Gifts
For th
Beautiful Eiderdown Comforters will make
• most acceptable gift. Best quality cover-
, Inge. from 35.00 to 37.50 each
1Vbat would make a letter gift for man, wo-
man or child than • nice Swearer Coat? We
have the largest selection in the county to
choose from and eerily style is shown at all
prices to suit all tastes. 'rurnt•ull'e famous
Cee Tee Shaker -knit 'Sweater for Coen and wo-
"tort+, 'mode hest'ssiac<•sd etemeraliaei nor 1, a11_
colors and sixes in stick at each 34.50 and u
Furs the ideal (lift
Our stock et popular -priced Furs icYnoel com-
plete and compri..eo the best value for the
money, quality being considered.
White Thib t Sete. from.. ...•....... 34-50 up
Mink Marmot Bets at all prises,
Black Manchurian Dog Sets, vet c stylish,
322.80 and 325.00 t be set
Ladies' Silk Hose
Silk Hose are i.ecoming w more popular gift
each year. R+Mum 8111. Hcaiery we festuse
as the hest. Lwdie.' sum r'quality Itadinm
Silk Hose, per pair ...... 75o and 31.00
Towels for Gifts
Towels always make a useful gift 01d Bleach
Linen Towels in huck, beautiful desire. at
500 to 31.2111
e Home
An ideal gift for the borne would he a set of Cur-
tains. Pottleres. Rug or Mot. Our .leek rf three
lines is most conlP'ete •t the hest vsilsee [bit will
be shown for mane • dAy
Shop early if convenient and avoid the rush late in the afternoon.
flcCall's Magazine for a year, only 75c, makes a most welcome gift
mailed to the recipient each month.
Store Open
every night
next week
Millar's Scotch Store
Store Open
every night
next week)
A drematic incident occult at one
wounded I
as list returned. At w BILIOUS OR A CO 1 t atone
in Nesbit. Te I the audience sou • soldier so badly i gtupybh liver and
Appltrmier�p Ale Psas.ges, wounded ibM bio mind was w come ( work white yw sleep. s r
pieta blank. He had no Memory ,
whatever of bis pest, and bis words
Aar /cut reat*r t +'^'• •'In ,,,s nes were a [meaningless babble. By one of Furred Tonga*, Rad Taste. indigo►
trills open right up, the air paaaag'. of those sudden and curious mental rf- tion, Ballow Skin aid Mtser•ble Head
your head jar akar and yeti can breathe
f,ets which are enmetimea produced aches come from a torpid liver sad
irvely. Tn more hawking.
snulginr. I upon a deranged mind the man caught clogged bowels, ',bleb mese year
mucous discharge. headache, dfynmer-ao , at the w reed "Mother" In the song stomach to become fined with wedl-
struggling for breath at
-finished b co soon sad th is a i -
And when the singer badts a swill barrel. There.
of the concerts teen to e••CASCAJ.ZTS.•
!diets in i''tauce�t Alien Lena Asbwrll'e 10 OEi1'i
NOSE CLOGGED FROM j (party. which h 1 17est
h i 1 r (t (lir
LD OR CATARRH concert n f . •
b,•.ec, one of the party tanj the old t
, favorite, "Mother Machree.' Anson./ Fsr Slee HeNache. new Re leas
or catarrh is roses.1 ill rr rested the word "Moth Rae gartraa.
Don't iia] staffed n ' Get • =an
"Not h.r.'with ahalf vacant mind. lI the first step to Untold mbeev7--1141
heal* ret Ely's cn■m Rahn f�om your Me ennst•nt repetition proved the r 8e•tioe. foul gases. [tad breath. yellewj
drarglst how. Apply a littl; of this to his memos v and unlocked the sob akin. mwaW fears, everything that t�i
}rsgrant antiseptic' cream i. r ser of his previous existence Now hell horrible sad
triis, let it me thrnrtdb eery air t^a�p•
ret M Iseed:l•oot 'sled ►sal b•• recovered from his abet attd testier will owe mag
the similes,
4 19 • wee man. -From • Loetdon lett 1 bow*1• • tfssewwp
tb• snrollew, hA•med meccas tm'mbnt.e straighten yes est by meterg Thal -
work whir ase acts► -a 15aeat boa
if •man would lit onlymei his nun wtU "SIP Tem 1Mf• I
proper y In hie wife's nwme It wouldn't �Test d
be •o sd, but as • rule the most of it
121111 lonsthst
Woe's to other people.
Pala you � ltest obt >beli�:a�-� se-
Pala is
f ie„hien waist' ft'r
just -wised+.