HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-16, Page 3mg SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO 18110 11§ ROYAL iARRiAfmi 1 saistiais et Diverse AIM TombT.b « the Meals e1 the Land The drat Nrerulsa wio wee dl 'agreed from W wits was Napoleon L Me alaadoeted Joseph's' heaoharaals in vomer 10 marry the Archduchess *iris Lamina et Ausria. As there was am real cease tt the diverge, ei was pt forward ea behalf of the ipseor that the msrram was gala heated by a Republican priest only. sol therefore it was set valid amani- tas m nitag to the laws of the [:Larch el Rema. The most selerbas Royal Wawa' ere a nicest 'fattish Maw/ le that ed George IV., who wasteC to gem rid IS lou wits. Praow Oersiw, from wham he had lived seprst.a ter may years. A ere was betreamed to Partissst for the purpose. sad was streengvely eMaaad ea bsaslt of the Queen by Lord Brougham gad vans. Lard MaaaUoe of Great Brie ala. What these two esea.et sold against the Rag world be soma to MB 'rams" ai.-,daa- .ata. sad Ohm bybroduela age sateestal frogs the wedge a weld the wool le wash - N. As for slaughter heaves, they are Wiest geld mines of wealth a the medlar et b . rM.eta. Need. beam. gule.e. brae. Wye. everything is saved sad tread rm.d isle nbyseade et vestal aetlolss by ok-ml al and ether proeeessa Talking ed geld whim gee of the meat important of the chemical by-pesdeets et the elaagbter hew is employed In amid maag. This le eynalda of potassium wale is used to take the mold get se greyed parts 8011811$ ol`CIELf.111111T113 Maley Poole Tabs Per Famous Naga by Their ukase.. Themes The aaeionecomeed that General French's doable is to be [Dead in the person et a trMt.maa of Armen - times Is a malodor that few husees lean have escaped boas s deshie. There was the Parnas who was aa exact doable el the ate Slag Z4ward. pat them hundred weasel lab prima 1 end droned bad played the part to se the Cwtagat. The SW was . pdent.tion .o lin maned the strew lowed, bet public vakikeie wail as dal w -a seated everywhere as His .seek .past It that W Government lfelmty. ties{at it better to withdraw it lad omen is the mulled r.eemblaaa the Rap's w616 wit rot taw" Det. between' Mr. J. r. /graham. of Ai. Ism the whole scandal was a vela. Quells diedwee"' May. Nsw Tork. and Dr. Woodrow The p••• d 5 few Wiliam. W is b ouea. that former taowa our few a..Iw eeo• bat the Rag his maid. as "Woodrow.- Carlosey mover massa .srtr 1 b omsslp,. Dr. Wileoaa'. pr, gaseor. exr pwa Pena Wuu.m of Witless. Pr.olMat Taft, had a-Neatag like- wise- ►a.se- a the pontos of s New Jgnef Sack was the .grasp Rkwaaa N twee* Sir Lawrence A1m.Tadema. the ta.o.s artist. gad Omega Da Mender, the author of "Trilby: that the atter was seat into Sts of laugh- ter by e lady who addressed him at a dfaaer s. "int Lwcesee," sad west on to ..sure him that .he could not .aderstaDd people saying he sad De Msarier were mach alike. "For.- WWII' M �ytar.dnete west es she. 'it le simply ridiculous: you're` not a bit eo." Litt moray papa r«la. the seer- • The gstrage lirarl facial resent - Waco wealth that live to what are blare,betweea Rag Georg and the knows se bp -weird& Take ekmp'. Cat et Raga has Mtge been am- /.r essamie. The grease gad meassd area. who. the Hon. G. 1L tall--g..'t'rel_!et .!L vo room. *baster for Tray sad con - hem the father et Rag Charles et wartassbeg, we gampefed. In lea. W lypaen L. to marry the Princes Cyeses Augusta of Mvatla The marriage was celebrated bet the yaw simple separated the very gams day. gad Dever again saw seek ether. is 1114 they were evened. Mel the Peewee two years after greedl.menial lfaadtim . L. Zmer of Saia str. gad a 11a was orerwned puma.. at lbDarf• Railway Nursery Twiars.T. Daeeneeme S. — SO THZ wears little traveller arriving hi W big city .1 Moaned after a yasraey across the country. acromgeeled by Its mother. Sada a real heves of rest in the comfortable armory provided by Me Cassaba Pads.. It is glad to lay its tired heed ea the soft pillow in ye 11Wo tot or be gives a bath b W genial aaadsst w1. sally Waal a esi$ag head in W are of the Utile saw to relieve the w pert 1 bar ar charge for a short wane. !eternities is provided this tots There are nth sad Dogs and other little home comforts. which. aeodieoe to w. aro thoroughly appreciated. It le here that W lithe ones revoke a refreshhis wash and brash ■p. and U they are tired oat 1a. 'd • take their midday nap while waiting for a e...ecta$ testa et ghee arrival • ed W theirtreieter to tate them to tel boat. The latnidectfon of the • • • •• • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • flow creche W proved a great boos to travellers with -- evidence that W Comedies Pause ire 1. all its dealap tine welfare sad comfort of W travelling pablle always at mast 't'as aeeampeaying picture reanimate the tuldres's surgery .t wadssr Street station, Mostreal. sad, while It has sever before bees Nougat ave pr.mlDeace 1t plays • very immodest part a the every des IgM et the Candies ramie a Camila.' has two deathbed a taegaad. lir. Tom Hart, the veteran ingather ter Morpeth. sad Dr. CIS Lord Morley might have hes •1 Mrd, the wort k.owa Baptist minister. twin Mother of sir Charles Marriott. the lams« yellow. who dad goad time ago. Sir a.oeg. Alexander has e doable In Mr. .1. Thoro& well knows in the London and military world. while Mr. Frederick Dentes is the "Uving image" of Mr. Jamez Welch. ave has often payed big tarts • Winter Term from Jim Bary S. CENTRAL •T,tAT/O11D. ONT. Canada's that Business eolispe. Me here tlrw dtMeat daraetreeata. tnwetal. sbrtMoe sal Te1raDWr; 41:M.lr M,.4..'$nil.08.5.1.e'.1 pa- INDr. tt 8 810 rareivtn1 at'p1 tone n i a.D.•.t I Dar. 1a two . use iww ou record ll applhstlw0 tart pt.rrasd WD. Mar.. rats owI1 . from asap mData t0 EY* per mats= ne.ala tad. (het Der tad e .Iak.aa at oars. / .D. A. MoLACHLAh. PAersel• ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••••.% _ _ ___ • • • f _Cbtas if.Liberty t • • ••• • • — -- : : • • ••The•Signal•• • offers readers a neatly -bound musical folio Qf sixteen pages • • • • " loin the words and • • • entitled National Songs of the Allies, g g • Belgian, Serbian and • • • music of the British, French, Russian, Canadian patriotic • • • Japanese national songs, in addition to the • • songs, "'The Maple Leaf" and "O Canada." • • of the Allies are all set to piano music, • • The National Songs• • ��with the words both in the original • language and in English, • • making a very desirablecollectiona • • •• • 'This book sells at Io cents a copy. It is offered free of charge to • • • all Sinal subicribers who pay ter subs cript� for 1916 in advance. • • • If the subscriber prefers, he (or she) may instead of National • Songs have a pretty.1916 Calendar. • • I • Subscribers remitting for 1916 will kindly state which they 0r want—National Songs or the Calendar. 0 1 • •0 • • •• •• ••• • • •A • •• •• •• • ee The Signal is the mune price as gheretofore—$I.00 a year when paid in advance. Let us have your f subscription early and make sure of one of the premiums which we offer this year. In remitting subscribers will please not send bank cheques, but either money orders or postal notes. • • • • • • i • • • • • • • • A LITTLE THOUGHT In the selection of gifts and your friends w17 Nwusnbsr you 365 days m • the year instead d for one. • • i 1 •• TA � Stiary LS THE STORE OF DAINTY GIFTS Attractive Toilet Articles EBONY and FRENCH IVORY SsomepawrateCaseps pieces, and in Hand - Priced from 25c to $15. Hair Cloth. Bonnet and Mill- tary� Brushes. Buffers. Nall Files. Cuticle Knives, jewel Bates. Puff Boxes, Soap Boxes. etc. Dainty Perfumes IN PLAIN and FANCY BOXES, priced from lOc to $3. Perfumes and Toilet Waters are always in good taste and continue to give pleasure long after sot other gifts are dis- carded. Distinctive Stationery YOUR WRITING PAPER tells the story. Our Christmas Papeteries are now on display in fancy boxes containing the very best quality of paper and envelopes. some with corres- pondence cards, all nicely tied with ribbon to match. Priced from 25c to $2 Liggett's Chocolates " THE SWEETEST STORY EVER TOLD." aiwsys accept- able to "her" whether she be mother. sister, sweetheart or wife . Dainty and tempting in appearance, exquisite in flavor. and of many new and delicious combinations in fruits and nuts. This year there is a marked tendency in to all toward more serious think- ing. and also toward more serious buying. There has been, however, no curbing of the spirit of giving. We must just mak,A our money "spread" a little farther. that's all. Our store contains such a variety of goods. delightful in appearance and quality and at such prices that we have made your gift -giving really easy. H. C. DUNLOP E. sExsMrnl. M. The Rexall Store Coderich. Ontarioi•••••••••••••:••••••'•••••11.1•••111.1••1 • • • i • • • • •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• •• • • • •• s 4 4 •• 1 Christmas Suggestions' ELECTRIFY YOUR HOME HEADQUARTERS The Signal Printing Co., Limited, Goa«;ch, Ontario •• • PORTABLES and FIXTURES $4.00 and up emerm. FOR ELECTRIC IRONS TOASTERS TOASTER STOVES HEATING PADS HOTWATER CUPS BEDROOM HEATERS All above appliances will be kept in repair, free of charge. Reafklirl=61co i A complete line of Vacuum Cleaner, Fan., Portable Leaps. Cooking Ranges, Dorney. Shades. Tungsten and Nitrogen Lamps. A New Line of Flashlights and Batteries on hand. Take no chances around your barn with an oil lantern, but use an Electric Barn Lamp, which an be carried same as an ordinary lantern—tut it d o8 and on easily, and if knocked over in the barn will not set fare to anything. Ne have a full line of them. Price $225 each. A NEW STOCK OF ELECTRICAL FIXTURES JUST ARRIVED --- Let me give you an estimate ari wiring your home, office. filarageof PI.oe of business Oce 82 Phones Res. 193 ROBERT TAiT WEST STREET. NEXT TO POSTOFFICE GODS RICH. ONT.limwmemakig i I I a el• •i 1111 . yea 11 M1.+ r e '04 o. .ler a :54 0. of 1T oma tea. sou