The Signal, 1915-12-16, Page 2Ta'aeaaT. DecantsMa K Illi 1; MULCH ONTARIO k ChvtstruLtS Stone Wilifiluuau. 1N/ We Are Showing an Unusually Large Stock of - Jewelry and Silverware i —4 1P - Any one piece being most acceptable as a Christmas gift. Give us a call before going elsewhere4 you will be fully repaid. Bracelet Watches Nothing will be moire welv.a.w• ..r Ilion• ser- viceable than • dainty Wrist Wath. It in the vogue. pro -tie -ally a rwee,.aty and cer- tainly will Ise appreciated eciatd thin Christmas Meta.... W. hate dicta in many etybes. suitable for either Noshes...wca- wwew. thir watrlwn are folly gtarautrcl. reliable tiut.--keryr•r'.. Pow-." •3 tee >>t� Tie Pins Solid Kohl. Net with real pari.. Special 1 .40 Military Brushes Real Rtnay. ttlse-ial at per pair... . i= Mesh Bags We b,m are rr verysperial rains in adr..h Bags. 6 surd Mach Hag. 52.50 e-in.•h Hag'. ..... 53 Manicure Sets Beautiful designs in Nterfing Sneer. revising in price limn *SAM t" 111// a Akini rime in White irony $1 t" 55 Locket and Chain For fishy, hest quality. old-filbel 1 715, in another twfnl thing i. a BP) Holder •sees. S1.af1 t, q _ • { es Silverware Our ,,ter -k .d Silver- ware in mist eons- pie.... meltp iet.-. We carry nothing lett the twat quality. 1) In of C ifisentwmalle charac- ter Iwyer enter our st.r k. Thur prise. are right. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen meso t.. 'kwon Our Syweial Fountain Prin. alsstutrly guar- anter.l. Myw .lel 51.50 Cut Glass Have you thought of Cot (nave i It w a1- ways appreciated and you will ager with uo. that you ran efwr.w no mise auttahle gift when you ear the many beautiful pries. we are .hw.wing. Mantbel l'br•ks in Mark enamel the i%h 3a t. Re. Souse fixe d.•- .ign. Have yo. ...en the taw style t.( Be moan or Parlor Clocks, finished in nta-, hr.gany ..r tisk T,.... Clocks 53.25 Umbrellas We have theca with plain and fancy handles with Suit Cast attarhnwntn for both [ren and women. They are made to wear and at the .uta time earn' the nark of itsli- vwltulit). We bare*sue .pre•ial vahwn for I-hrlstiva.. at *SAW Pendants Hubei gold set with real pearls and ame- thysts. Special for (bristles." SEAM o Ladies' Gold-filled Fobs Bra quality gold -tilled. !+Leal ... 51.71 Cuff Links S .1..1 g..l.l Cuff Links,. extra heavy. Special 53.10. We have Rome exceptionally Rosi sabots in ruff Linke in geld -111W and slid g..1.L Cpi� Have you wren .r large display of .1"w (Tip.?,Th..,.• make a ua.fiulgift fora gentle- man. A Watch for the Boy I I.i.v--pr..f watch. $1.21 Signet, Ring for the Boy Ilea Mt Mt .hid gold. Spacial 52.211 Kngr.ving Free. At the Last Moment Belated shoppers find an easy solution to their worries at our store. Our large stock permits of almost as good an assortment as earlier in the wagon, and it includes gifts suitable for any relative or friend. If )on are in doubt, jewelry is always acceptabk and always brings lasting joy to the recipient. We war.t you to examine our offerings as early as possible, as we have some very special values in all limes. Be sure and see our Bargain Table. Nothing on this Table over $ 1.00. Watch our Windows for .Special Bargains. Walter H. Harrison JEWELER AND: OPTICIAN AGFeNT FOR COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES ON iTHE SQUARE ,Illllllll�illlll ININIGI1111fl1II111U�lUlllt,'IIIIIIIIiIIIIIiIpAllUlAlllil�lllll'IIlIdllAlfllflil X11111111141 A11111111fuln1111Itillu IIIIIMnnUlaUfulH111111ulNnu1\\ \k - 0 JONKPH KIDD. (sty Passenger .tgent ref Mee C. P. H.- Mr. Kidd is the President of the Ticket Agentes' Association ..f Canada. and at lb.. recent annual meeting ..f the Atrr.- datlon, hrbl at Denver. Colorado, he had the h.aw.r o4 intnwhw•ing to the gathering the li..v-rrtww anti for Lw•utenant-(i..vrnw.r .d for State and the Mayor of the city of Itrnvrr. Mr. Kidd has been agent her the l'. P. R. in Cadmic+ f..r thirteen yeank aril pisswis•s in a highs degree those person qualities that nuke Mita not only A reser-.arid r.epw.erntative.4 a great railway corporation but es well a popular citizen. - KINOSBRIOGE Motto .o r, Dec. 1:1. Mies Annie Dalton is visiting bre mother. Mrs. Jaime Ilrltoc. MtsArssstrone Mtandieh attended the funeral of \Villiam Hackett un Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Michs,l Bowler and daughter Veroaisr. Mrs. McCarthy and son. Capt. Patrick McCarthy. all of Ilodericb. attended Ube tuneri of the late Wm. Hackett Wet week. "Pott THU RHD, WORM AND BLUR.' —This is tbs title of the tb,iIIiog war- dress* in four acts which *111 be pre- sented by the Kingsbridge Dramatic Club in the parish hall (•eureb base- ment) ou the evening ..f December 27tb. This play bas the name of hir- ing the beet Cuban war play ever wi it - tee and will be a rare treat which on person within • reasonable di.tence shoakt miss. The drama is fall of pathos. tragedy, thrilling situations. Mee comedy, intense clirna:et, comic lri•bman sad negro.- tiers& %taltwvR- mat tweaks pasta. pw'wrw ler Mph fab villain and heroic joveeile (cad All the asemtbare of the club ere lode- fatigehle in their efforts 1.. make this a grand seceess amid .o `Mons will be left unturned which will (help to a: eoe.plish first .ref. A good orebretra will he io atteenan°, to provide in- strumental mnsie between .et.. There will also be reined vaudeville by well- known local vocalists who bare bad well-earned praises . showered ups them by cities and public alike on foresee oee.eioss. Look out for Bev- erley. the coio'ed. ooto'ed coon ! Corse prepared to Iangb and to weep. to'hear the quaint humor of the typical trish- aws. to see and beer the comic speeches, humorous songs and scream- ingly funny actions of the dusky gen- ies. the diabolic evening and unscrupu- lous resources of the villain. and to nee how an American Girl and her soldier lover can face death for their counts v and for the sake r./ 1 hose lb. r love. Watch the King.beidge corr..po nd- eete text week for east of chiatten, synopsis and further pattieulare. DRATH Or WILLIAM Heckierr.-- After • log and painful illness, pa- tiently borne. the u.atl of William Hackett., a wet! -known and highly tie teemed resident of Asbitld, was wafted into the ()rest Beyond on Tburdsy of last week. Mr. Hackett had been in ill -health for the past summer and attar returning from Northern Ontario, where he bad kern engaged in the capacity of fire -ranger for the past few summers. he eon - suited London specialist, and was in- formed that be bed rancor of the stomach and hie ase was hopeless. Then he returned to his boa, here to await the inevitable all. Deceased was a (;oneereative in politics. He was of a quiet and pleming dipositiow. which made him very popular with .11 who anew him. The remains were interred in the Kingsbridge cemetery on Saturday morning. The pallbearer wars Peter Austin, Joe. P. Dalton, John L. S.Ilivae, Thos. Jove, Stephen Martin andJohn Courtney. He leaves to mourn ba loss a wife and young family of five. The sincerest sym- pathy of the continual' y is extended to them in their boor of bereavement. CHURCH UNION LOST. View .1 Rev. Dr. Baird—Maj. icy steel!. Winnipeg Maa., Dec. 11. —Rev. Dr. A: B. Baird. principal of Manitoba ('allege, who In all probability will be nnoderainr of the 1)eesrel Assembly of the u Poeeh rian church when t emote in Wieniprg next June. said today that the ebureb union cartes was lost. Dr. Baird has been for many years a most devoted advocate of this great proposal. and his deep re - swot wtern be &amounted the failure of the plea was apparent. Dr. Baird said that so far as Manitoba was cow eerned there was not inueh difers's°. of opinion. Mo far se the vote bas been taken in the Presbytery o1 Witt- rtipeg, the remelt is about tea to ons in favor t.f the movement. In certain oongregatinoa in this city obs vote 1. sell) in process of being taken. Some arrangement might be made w►weiiy a Uinta tla..amaty of saw e.7sr- sacra sap- -M cries sight be umd.etakes ea the Wet(, but ludo., be said, was out of '- the question. The vote is the Mari- time Provisoes sad in Osterto was. in so far as It had been takes, much lees _ -fa-v_orable Hasa oo the previous oeeaeio., when seventy per centwas favorable. He believed that unqusss- tio.ably there would he a majority for union at the prevent time, but it would b..malt, and under the dresses - titaness no .doubt the entire projeet would be given up. Tee What better CHRISTMAS GIF+ for an absent relative or friend than a year's subscription to THE SIGNAL? Like a weekly letter from home, each issue throughout the year is eagerly look- ed for and pleasantly recalls the giver and the old home town. Only one dollar a year (paid in advance), or $i.5o a year if sent to the Un4ted States. • g A 1916 calendar or' a copy of "National Songs of the Allies" goes to each 8ub- scriber. The Signal Printing Company, Limited GODERICH, ONTARIO K IPPE N. Tce.DIY, Dec 11. Last week Miss ii. Morrison had a piessaat visit with friends in Clinton, sad Mr. A. Z. Johnston. of !St_ Angus - Hoe, visited his brother, Mr. W. H. Jobsstos. hers. Mr Robert Plumes was nearly eeetieg with a very serious .c tdest lately While moving his muslin* ermine Into the barn it .11prd sod (wined ►M leg ver..rvrrrly. Tic -sigh so booem were broken he will have • pistil limb for some Line. Aemenewt PION KRa (lows —[Jet wean e11 that was mortal of the info Mrs. Peter' Darman was laid away 1. Ross cemetery, Bruerfi,W, bsede the remakes orf ber late bueh•.d. who pre- deceased her about Ultima yews. Me bed ahem& wombed boy sightlelIt, male - woes when ailed blgber. Mine. s emwess elands the hevss the isle �p,.�a ebfdru s to mows Mr leer. I Mrs, Md)sw...ad Jewpbr .( Moll - lop t Wim mad Themes. et WUt► weed k. s Mrs ma.. of IMPS t Mee. %tSeeIMd nq. New Teak : Ma Jas. Mo. Llppw. seal Mitt Nero! sad .rt. as b.me. Always .f a wmiy iN asp bacpPo dl.pnOe. etre mein woo hiseds, ammo of who are MM %vi.g sad boo bee in Hying erases. hese.. Very soon .11 the IRMM/e who did fa .ably gall be nese The Present Condition of the Comedian Egg Market. For the first time in a number of yews eggs bare taken a promiaewt place 1n Canada's export trade. This s largely due t r the uopueresdesfed demand for eggs on the part of the Beulah market and the fact that Brit- irb dealers have shown a marked pref. a errors for Castilian eggs over United Stara sags and a wilhagneas to pay a distinctly higher price for them. So Brest in fact bat been the de- mand that tMwa.lian dealers have 'hipped practically all of the avallebie Canadian storage product to the Old Country. As a re. ■ t them are DM in Canada. at the present t io..e, sufficient eggs in 'forage to supply borne coo- sumptios aunt fresh receipts in appre- ciable quantities hegin to come in. Quantities of eggs fens the United Slates. however, are bring imported into Canada. some in bond for export, but tae larger part to take the place of the l'tnadssn product. exported. On account of the kern demand for Canadian eggs above mestiowed, United State eggs can be laid down ie Canada at the present time, duty paid, at several sesta per dose° less than the price at which Canadian eggs ate selling for stileo. and they coe- shonld be pr�oetuwhie by the none sumer, accordingly. On 'the other band the Caeadiaa market at the pretest time Is very firm for Canadian "epeeials" ism laid). the prndnctios of which M act rno.tah in must Inetseree to supply the demand at {oral country markets. This means that high prise will have to be paid in oomessiag centres in order to draw a portion of them sup- plies from local pointe. Producers may therefore definitelyexpect rime- omebly high priest during the period of low produrthos for 1rseb-gmthwwnl eggs that wlil grade "specials. The question has been raised as to whether the pbeoomsanal deemed ea OE. part of the British market be Canadian .gp will eontisoe. This de- pend• entirely mpoe the quailty et Canadian eggs .ironed. Qeydmhes tremendous pooa.hilities as an app= pro• teeing coaster. The poultry dsimm. try ie at present but a dere freetleet of whet It might he. it ge�.� therefore, for those most iaamMM in the developsest of this Made to make the beet possible use el their present opportmeltles. and bf sarda supervise°. of the quality of �mmMmm rape gelmg forward to pare the way for es ostensive seal prmslable evert Weals is the haters. Nonalfmg Christmas Cita Wane ehlplq[ ()brietmee rifts .all on the aid tellable P. V Lawrence Moos, sliest, of the Comedian wbkeb now reed= all piste 1. a lobs, ll.akat'hewe.. Alberts .mid ash (kdumbia..e well se i. the Neat - sea Provinces'. with e..sestie.s .het M Celled !Nates pd'>ha lailarmeiksg sb.mf./y glom.