HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-9, Page 1010 T\vttal,A', It►t rrttrta A• 11115
I ,
Muskrat Gat
,xe 00
These air good
buying 1 1. d a y.
Cannot be bad
again el anything
sear the price
HigLest quality
choice Canadian
Muskrat skins•
evenly matched,
beevy furrier'.
satin lining.
Guaranteed with-
out teservaLion.
r11K• Tal Only
44.41,11;; ..:ab4ATICW.4:2111,a
11140211•/" 104IV-
,.raf .:45% -
•4k4b airSu OSTIONS 4111•
4111611111:11.16. Its "Ame•-:
Muskrat Cast
What better for
a holiday gift
than one of thew
excellent Coate,
made from selec-
ted Rat skins,
Tined with fut-
rier's satin
throughout, and
guaranteed by
us. ti(.e: pal only
the Holida Season
�' our Head uarters fory
e Hodgens Store 4Make th
season. Despite the
The store has donned its holiday dress and stands ready to welcome you with stocks of the useful ndw will ti al for Holiday Giftsthat rivalthe showing guloofr pastncykaabeen re arranged to
most unusual conditions prevailing, we have gathered together a stock of sane and sensible holiday gifts P easy pick _
give HolidayGoods the right-of-way, and everywhere the Christmas stocks are
displE ed for
caeasy seeing a dont, estray the time that het ndsuttsoouthem. over. You will be welcome any
day, every day, either to look or to buy. From now on, the mornings are
Selecting Good Furs for Christmas Gifts
What more appropriate in this Canadian climate of ours, what more acceptable for a Christmas Gift than Furs' Never a
year when Fur buying could i.e done to as good advantage tthi . for
r ce this
wase touch the
from lowest
rleevel n years.
gA Muff,
rt )article
always aclic
Neck -piece, a Chat, is a gift sPin
made frrnu c•arefnlly selected slurs of high quality, made up into styles that are most popular for the present Season. Everyitiiv for
backed by our unqualified guarantee. The stocks are large enough to give you great variety of choice, acid our t -a1 s, q
quality. we are ready to put against any you can get anywhere. Here are nonce hints that may be useful :
Persian Lamb Muffs, new styles. 5S-0010 $40.0.0. Specials in Children's Furs
Persian Lamb Neck -pieces, large variety of styles. $7 75 to Woo. \'et v attractive styles and excellent value in children's firer
Mink Muffs, good styles, $4S.00 to 51oo.00. iamb and N•bite Tbibet Sets We .bow an exceptionally large
stock of these popular Furs for children's wear.
Mink Neck -pieces, many styles, =15 00 up •
(heylamb Muff. and !heck -pierce $5.00 to 512.0o
Black Pox Muffs and Neck -pieces, male from choice skins, Sys White Thibet sets, very special sine, Muff sod Coilar, at per set $5
to lbs o•.
Black Vela. Bear. Wolf. etc. Large stylish Muffs. wide collars. at Hudson Coney Coat
per set 5i7.00 to SSD 00. A t.eautitul rich for, thick and close. very superior quality. Silk
Marmot Neck -pieces in several styles, 57.5e to $25 00. poplin lining. handsome and wrciceaMe. Special only ee.
Marmot Muffs, plain or striped. $s 00 to V5 00 Genuine Hudson Seal Coat
Hodson Seal Stoles and hi off... Zm 00 10 $45.00.
M010 ,and Mole -dyed Coney bets. very dressy. Set cowple at
from $ nine to Simi 00.
%Yesteni Sable Muffs arid Neck -pieces. =6.0o to 5.30.00.
Genuine Alaska S&hle Muff. +sod Neck -pieces 540.00 to 5x0.00.
Ladies' black Cloth Coats with for collars. $15.00, 519.os and 525 so.
.1 (gift I . 'cc •Acce})t.tblc,
The l Eandkerch
s its a ular-
ust. i
••rr 1 1
• hief
met P
The Handkerchief
its as a Christmas gift. It is always ac-.
cepta' ;e and always m good taste as a little
token of remembrance at the holiday
.easotl. Easily sent by trail, it makes al-
most an ideal gift for distant friends. M'e
are showing this season a collection that
would do credit to a store many times the
sire of this. In cotton, in muslin or the
finest linen. daintily and delicately em-
broidered, we show handkerchief values
the like of which we have never had before.
Some beautiful designs in Irish Linen=, hem-
stitched and embroidered. dnnr put. up one or
two in a neat folder Ksch folder shows is
charming bit of Irish scenery.. Those Are tali,-
Tally suitable for far -awry friends. Prices are
soca for tbe cheapest, two is a folder. ups to
51.50 for the florist Tine we carry.
Children's navy Handkerchiefs with whi(ei= .
good quality, a for ... . ...
Children'. white In alis Handkerchiefs with
lac.- edge A dainty little Handkerchief N
the small folk. Bach
:e . 4t.s ietiaen.r plain 41paitaitilied.Handkerchiefs.
full size, Hoe .111,410y, rash Ile
(rrnlieru. n'+ pboti linen Handke�s t.y for
sire. hrwi..tilehed pages.. i
al direst. barb ... .. .... 200. 25e and iso
Ladies' brtostitehed handkerchiefs, pure ti'
marrow hem, :f fur
Ladies; piste Irish linen Handkerebirfs, narrow
beim. vets tine yuality, nest eminoidetedIti
111.1. F:M'h.. .
ladies' pro? linen Handkerchiefs. !special
wires by the dozen. Est na1x0. value400 aat eachnd.It60.
Ladies' handsome ernoroitiered" handkerchiefs.
beautiful dainty designs on for sheerest of
lav: ta, muslin. and linens. Many ...faxen* m+n-
ufa..turrrs' samples and no two,ellke, Thus ir.
noting great variety of choice. F:xttt. v,.h.e 1.1
each lac. 350. 500 opt. $1.25
Vet y sheer linen Hv,dkrrii,i t-. besot il,.1 de-
sign embroidered in r..Inr.., u u t...r ben.. • •'t.
25c. 35c An.i 60c
OurlBoy's Special'
He,r is an extra special Icor the Loy.. Fine
swirl Ifandkrtchieis with liar. Idur dote.
hemstitched holder of navy with wbtte
dor-. 1hr most 1*.puter la,%'- Handker-
chief produced. 'ttrg.dar Vic. and 12.c.
Special 3 for. See
500 Sample Handkerchiefs at
I0c each .
TI:r-.• Handkercb:•i... trpt.-ernt -ou,r of
the 14-t bora of a large u.ahufaelutrt. We
secured filum lot at practical . 70), 4.11 1110 dill.
lay. R.•21161 ywlur.. hum I.• to :r,e each.
Asan -rime special Christina. bargain we
p,,. this h t on sale awl give you your choice
01 the whole 5111 for the very smell su 1 O f
Men's Special 25c Initial Handkerchiefs
Out st•* k of these Init..l Haudkerrhief•
now complete. Kvrty named Initial is
here NM w.- cisonot Leap Lhe atIeeitment in-
tact until l'hristuus. The order for rhes.
hs.l to lie placed months and month. ahead
in older to make dehvrty 1.111.• We itn-
Is.t1 them d,trct from the maker in Ireland
and they are far and away thy: 1 est valor
yr.t. ran (1041. Kztra quality linen, neat Po,
!moldered initial.: to I loch bee. -Decided-
f ly .penial. each
A Bissels Carpet Sweeter
No mute welcome gift can g'• into a
that, a genuine 11,1544.1 arpet Sweepe•. «-e
bare opened up • fresh stock for thin twit.
day setting It Pmbracea all the Lest seller.
in the Kissel* line•. With proper eare A
B,seels Sweeper will last a lifetime r,n-
i.hed in mahogany ..r oak with all the Int
est improvemrats. All standard rel ••
fixed by tbe makers. Mach 53.00 to $4.25
A Great Array a Handbag
We ate showing this Christmas an excep-
tionally large stock of ladies' Hand Bag, rn
Hark and colors. They are the product of
swine ..f Thr hest makers and guaranteed
qualities. All are silk moire Or Mather
fined. complete with cola parr. mirror. etc.
A moot acceptable gift, melt in a separate
b ix 1 desired. ifhu'ks, greys. brown•. etc.
. c h
51.00. 51.7x, oo. ss.00 and 54.50
For the Hoyte Try a Comforter
A beautiful K,derdnwn Comforter '•
a loos(
sre0ptable gift We acs ab wise a loos(
range ,tf Kide rdow& (lnsfartwo direct frost
the Leat makers in Great 5111.4. They
cosse in a wide variety of beautiful rolor-
inpp. The down is the bigbeat grads .1.-
ta,n.Me. Pines range at . • -
5530, - • 70.00
. 6.00..
The Always Useful Gift,
Kid Gloves.
you are always safe in, Selecting Kid Gloves
for a ladies' gift. as an extra pair or two are
never amiss. We show today the Lest and
must complete stock in our history. and sell
only qualities that are guarantd abso-
lutely. If the wrong Size is selected . we
will be glad to exchange after the holiday.
Each pair in a neat presentation lox if
Heavy leather walking Stoves. This is a
most popular lilote with ladies: It is
splendid for street wear during the winter
months. Tan osly al: sizes.
(ivaranteed high-grade, best dye. made from selected skins. mi. At $1.25
seon's strte. This u a beautiful garment and the price very A floe French Kid Grove of excellent gnat-
Ay.special. ail 511e*. in black andtbelesding'sbadee
for winter wear. This (;love is the world'. •
High yuality Mu -l. rat aCoate. thicaly furred and eantifoily marked, standard and for value cannot le beaten.nd 5 ui. that will west well and give•satisfactcon, each $4SOO Pet pair 51.25
and /To.00.
At $1.50
A high-grade French Kid °lose. in glare
finish or an extra quality P. K. sewn suede.
very .1Pv,tahle for street wear. These
Stoves are made choicest the choirt skin•
-.and -aP not elcr rel Tor Titbit. tine ew:t
. ,
a a /I
Handsome Plush and
Baby -lamb Coats
r Here is a holiday bargain that' ought tr.
mean a new Coat for somebody. Beauti-
ful new Coats, in the season's most popular
fabrics, at about one-half price -mark. Just
about an even dozen in the lot. Some
Baby -lamb, some handsome Seal or Seal-
ette. Each garment fresh from the maker
this week. All the famous " Northway
make too. That is a guarantee of style, fit
and quality. Sizes 34. 36 and 38. Gar-
ments of style, garments of quality, gar-
ments made to sell at $25.00. Bought
below regular andasn you can ;take your
choice for only
$14.75 -�.� ''�
/017.A;),. 9fr _4"1,51
Its I<<r -.I r :fah */ \ ;71
Net Pf
IIIn. •
ru,tt Holiday \ Sale of Trimmed
Special Selling of Trimmed Hats at $2.45
Another big lot of Trimmed Hats now ready for holiday
yelling at this most remarkably low price. livery shape and
every Mt of trimming used is new this ~MI- We ars simply
tattoos last odds and ends, abort kswgtbs of trimsiiip+ and
bream, out snore of the regular ralbh shapes
made Hata that are worth in the
gs els mere of them ready to sea and your choice for only $244.
Wool or rwr•lined Moses for ladies it RPn-
tlemeo, is grey and tan shade.. 1'.r pair
.51.60 10 54.50
Ladies' fine leather Gloves, P.K. sews. silk
hoes throrigh'ut. A very handsome Ulnve
for street wear. Per pair 55.00
White Doe Skin Gloves
These /.Inv.. are vets much in demand and
extremely. popular. We bare them in white
shade with heavy stitching. They make a
most desirable sift, all sizer, per pate51.50
Long Kid Gloves
Long Kid I.loves in black. white or tan
shades. all sir. -11 up to : . Per pair 112.2111. 53.00 •.rill 53.50
Fownes' English Walking Glove $1.25
Townes' walking (:love, tan cape. P.K.
sewn lienuine English make. A lilote
of quality and A most desirable gift. Per
pair .... 51.25
Knitted Mufflers Half Price
Clearing lot direct from the mill, knitted Silk Mufflers, in
cream. black and every popular shad*. All Fought at ez y
toe ow the d0Uatweedr and teed over to you the MM way. Bach
quality represents • hes that will not be made for next eeseon
on aeration of the groat advance is the price of yarns. tsplewdid
for beliday gift.
50c Scarfs amid Mufflers 25c.
$ I.00 Scarfs and Mufflers 50c.
$1.50 Surfs and Mufflers 75c.
41.h* 440/1/1V '1411 iii•1112114 -Coe Veviii,
Almost Endless Variety in Fancy
They will make dainty and n'rful Rifts.
Newest styles in dainty neckwear. all the
latest effects fresh from New York. Dozens
of styles to select from and not more than
:wo or three alike. All the better ones in a
dainty goft box if desired. Prices are 'roe•
Sac, 50c. 5c arid 81 ,st
. 41
4 .
1 el
‘k\J� A
These Ostrich Boas will Surely Please
Tbry air hargsins. There are less that one
dozen In the lot The samples of a mannfac.
torer•s agent. never canted op the toad.
Black and white. Regular up to !.i (51
Any one in the kit only .. 52.50
You Can Hardly Make a
Mistake Giving an Umbrella
Som. very handsome gift Umbrellas at
these Three popular prices. In each cane
the top is the came quality of high-grade
Austria glories silk that will not can or fade.
Tate difference in t be price is in the varier
of handles. A11 are beautiful wood with
meriing silver and gold mrmntings. A most
useful. attractive and at the same time
handsome gift Special value* at
52.50. 53.60 and 54.00
Aprons Are a Favorite Gift
mors Aprons are growing in popularity
for mho. We show many new and dis-
tinctive -tyke, including little fancywork
agrons and some really gond designs In all-
over Aprons for regular house work. They
are priced at . .
.1111e. Item Seas 50e. 75e and 51.00
Some Beautiful Waists for Gifts
New and fancy designs bi silk and crepe de
chess Waists in cream, black and colors
Alm some very handsome eritton Crepes.
.'wt In Use season's latent New York styles
Theme ars bolted wepwrstely sad will same a
most &tractive holiday giR-
PricAs for Craps er Chews awl Silk
Saha° to two.
Cote os Moo. 51.60 t o 55.50
See Our Display of hlfanti Goods
We make a mweiat feature of Infant:
Dreams aid Aeleseorire. sad are making
=111d .5 Iii O that are particularly
gR besi gift. You may wad
jest the Wag you bays Haan (okitag for.
Ter esesehely's Why, if yam ask to he
stows them really dainty articles.
Alas 4Ittf/ - vbviik
fir 4