HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-9, Page 9TliAosr� „ a RIOB ONTARIO
•..'nr"tr = - IF=• II I=1 ■ • f
res t Wby. I'm a bums soldier.
hod thesetan le Boer war a M c L E A N e R O S.
isobar sad mob as Mettny.
?easseee. Decries ass 6i 1/13 •
Now M the tiros to keep
t 'dryfeer7 end mneme
eviosebtKubbsre. yew
ham goodrM
Our ptiose this omens are as
)Low's Mala Rub wee, sises 6
w 11. at sees re, =+•M Se u
Soyi Nein Babbssa, Bless 1
at.... ........ sees He sed
Tootles' plata "abbeys. tion 11 to
13. at %K&ad
W osasn's plain (hogeet stub ...e .
els w 24 to i. at.... Ser. ler.. Set
bison' Maio Orngset Rubbers.
steel 11 to A at • - • 4!t and 6SC
CIi dent's plain Crsgw.t !lub-
ber. sizes 9 t0 Hit, sow, Nr• sec
I,Uehuoy Heavy Robbers are
the best sod tbe mime most
Geo. MacVicar
North lids of Square
Gifts That Girls
Will Enjoy
Cake rid Cuff Set for Christmas
Twin of T►wi►tT.=o1' s terse
the Baby
A Tulip d Bibs Beaming'
Quaker cellar sat cotg sats d ar-
gtnMrs•ars lastly made sad amass obs
mast fashionable of dress accessones-
T bre make charming Christmas sesta.
aM may be made at small coot.
past materials. is mites or Ham.
GM need to make them with Mee
sdtebmg. narrow tta/srie laces or
smhealdevy to mall sprays forming
the decorative features ♦ quaker set
edged with cloy lace Is sbown is the
Gszze Bag Baking Puff fib
D. ImegAM
Orinds, Oat., Wee. alb, 11114.
wirer over two years, 1 was trooped
with Csartipfies, Drwe worse. Lar! .f
Appear ad Headlocks. I tried sentid
seedieisse, but got so results aadag.
Headaches became mon severe. One
day I sew )(sir signs hick read 'Trait-
s-tives' make you feel like walking ea
air. This appealed to me, so 1 decided
to try a 1nz. is a very short time, 1
began to feel better, and eon, IJrel tier.
Now I have -* good appetite„ relish
orerytbiag I eat, and the Headaches
are gone entirely. 1 cannot my too
musk for ' ees- i sanfiriu to all
moat lois fisel.ara•f
my friends". DA -N ldeLEAN.
"FRUIT•A•T1VES' is daily proving
its priceless value in relieving eases of
Rtomaeb, Liver and Kidney Trouble --
General Weakness, and Skin Diseases.
50c. a box, 6 for V.30, trial sire, 25e.
At all dealers or stat postpaid by
Fruit -.-tires Limited, Ottawa.
father is the Llama W my great-
ciatalbertea. helped
ever tussive the proper
mph Indy ialaace o/ Toni
b mfitieady sourish aM I
bends &wring the growing period Mies
nature's demands are greater than is
mature bre. This is shows a ss many I
pale `nes, lean bodies, fTeepost odds,
sad Lek of ambinos.
Per all sock chitdrre we ray with
•and takabie earnestness: Tbey need
9oott's P.m*Lios, and seed it sow. It
ja concentrated ions the very
seats to enrich their blood. It
dames wesk•ess to strength: it mikes
them sturdy and strong aml active..
soon i Somme. Tommie. Vat.
inks maw inspires the greatest num-
ber • dahity efts at Christmas time.
mestly all of teem the handwork of
aeon Ma welcome Ma.
• book la whick tbe haporteat af-
fairs • tb• new arrival are to be
rit m reeved, a banger for safety
plies of several sizes. a pair of Arm-
lets. and some Wiggly colored toys
seepended Sae ribbons. sr* Pic-
tured above in Um creep oe bato be.
Tee record book le made by cover -
big eardbeard wite white matey silk_
• stork is painted on the front cover,
aad plain heavy white paper provides
the leaves. Satin ribbon in light bine
or pink is sewed to each cover to fas-
ten them together.
Horses. Still Onsalabel.
In last week's hese • earreepoaderst
down in Prinn Bdwvd Rebind stoned
tbmt farmers on the Island were win-
tering from nae to three more bootees
sate ilea they require to do :Mir
wort mit memo. A like story comas
from fruthe West, from Ontario, a0
Camila. This surplus of hones bas
been maiming for over a year and •
bale and then seems to be so prospect
ofany relief before opting. The
Caked States has been esndiag its
tbasesods to the war. but Canada's
Mese market bas been dormant.
How long this must go on no ase
mems w bs able to foretell. I I Can-
ada's borons an to be used as a resdrve
bores supplyfor the British army'
then Oaaada formers are doing •
patriotic est in feeding Omen heuntil
they are seeded, for it costa mcsey to
wtntr• borne which is not needed
sad whish wW not bs required nest
year re the farm. If lbs I.evernmeat
W.T. called upas to buy up these
Mean and bold them untL 'they were
needed it would be dote se greet
sapese to obs wintry. But no one
seems to think LIMP farmer siosid get
any credit for kelpies those bonen as
a mane. People seam to feget tbe
profits made by sows of tbe big man-
ufacturing commie. wbieb bars bees
able to bank snbeard-of returns on
sales of war material wbile they
grouch about tie farmer wanting
-war" prises. If they wen farming
they might .me some things throess%
different eyes. The termer is net
getting war prices. wither to be mak-
iett war profits. 1f anyone dosbts the
truth of this statement let biro try to
winter three or four more tsetses than
be requires, and which be cannot mil.
Pink satin ribbon knd white cellu-
loid rings, in three ems. are used tor
„A Mistaken Ilbsitiort. the safety -pin hangers. One long and
11..mlltagr Harald three abort ends hang from a pretty
Henry Ford ism fouod it so eansilla to bow. meta termhmting hi s ring. Tbe
get • huae fortune quick' by log pins are Gistened over Um rings.
cbeep IDOtOa vire that it natural for
him to suppose else other tasks which
seem pretty &alkali to other men
would be easy to biru It would hard-
ly be fair to say of bim thst he is one
a those fools who rush in where
meets fair to tread. Henry is aot a
fnol lie is oaly a gentleman with an
abnormally @welled head.
If he gore on with his letest enter-
' pries Henry will woe he sble wear
woraMer bet- die -bas bqpght, aa
1 ocean steamer and be preemie to take
ovoir to &trope party et Americas
for tbe of stopple' the war.
If Ibis olan is pat tato effect we
predict. that Ford will do more
chief tests Iowa. By the people se Brit-
berum be be sore to be impeded
as • pro -Garman if not • secret agent
of Germasy. sod bis mission will be
looked opoo write eumbeion as an
eaterpries directed from Berlin.
Somebody sboeld 'bow Henry a recent
article ia Limbo TIMM It
should seem es a weenie" to bele, bed
ether oweeldlesouse neutrals. •-Our sea
power." says The London Times, "is •
condition et our misteme, bat a ems -
tenor °sly to pirates. We' shell set
asses to use every reiseeres ie its de-
fence until it. and with it the
dll our &Mee ie safe waist* attack
frost asy quarter. Tide dalleillbie
Om. whim es shared thmegbiesa -the
British Respire, is the beet asseworr los
bemired usediators sad elniessee neu-
trals vibe bees bees esekieg ouirep-
theology to create ia Beidand and In
abie to emende ratios • Gomm 'terms
of peace.' We ware tbem, and an
diplomatists, linamises sad Minium,
wimp may est their beads to thio task.
that tbey will not only labor in vain.
bet will Mew the iost and Game re -
mew aa ever. to -awry this war through
to complete victory."
Piot beams* the weenies conies
frees TM Lembo Times, bet beams
the warming coeveys ins sentiments
ed the British peopte, ned probably
the esatimente a Britain's sines,
would be. Pied and his pacillet asso-
cisme do well sot to be too Insistent
ha the promotion of %Mir peace sok-
Moe. Cabin they exercise prudence.
they ale likely soon to return hones in
Meta Made diocesan:ed. and seder
soppition of beteg secret agents obits
Teutonie pewees,
is the:work that we art
interested in.
repaired by uslare as good as
Fred Hunt
Gems beat made to bald MIMI
bal poweer pal MM. are amiss the
popular sow fads that make lovely
Cleratinall arta 'They are made a
deem. MA muslin or game gathered
Hangers • light satin ribbon are
teetered at each side • the Mop with
a rosette
The balls. • abeortiest cones. an
lobbed with tiny bows ot baby rile
boa matching the imagers in toter.
As moos as used they are thrown
Flowered silk WISPS stokes meter
bags. with rams Imagers matalag
the Sowers Is color. The lab bows
are sewed to tbe balls. Tbe bags Mao
at the side el the &masa mos far
tbe convenience a seam
Weider asd Bat* &Mir
liacEepasi Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mine&
Amy mamma y bee all Sag**
indases egg Or IS
little agailall seamed glet.
elms wee namikied she wee alba.
-Was • fires, end anon weary.
Narrow satin ribbon shirred over
flat elastic cord forme the armlet&
lbeeli is finished with a tull rosette.
Bootees and a Coat Hower
Now is the time to purchase your
II Winter Underwear I
WE HAVE all the leading makes
and brands in stock from which
you can make your selection.
and WOLSErs
Combinations and two-piece Suits
These well-known brands range in price
from the cheapest at $1.00 a suit to the
Best all -wool value in Canada at S/.00 a piece
Remember we are headquarters for all Gents'
Furnishing Goods.
Come in and let us show you.
McLean Bros.
Semi -Ready Tailors
Anti Remik
Mb warm looking and didaty
bentese shown in the picture Mil be
may to make by them who wader -
stead crocheting. They are creclieted
of white zephyr and shaped to fit
over tbe knee& A beading is worked
in wear die top aad narrow Mak watts
ribbon run through It makes it pos.
male to tie the boots so that they
will not dip dews_
A govel sad very pretty toga b
Elms WNW bootees by tit* tem Mak
rose beds that are embroideisid ea
tbese with sillt floss.
1..ittle wooden hangers are covered
with cotton tor a padding and over
letter satin ribbon is shirred. The
hook is wound web the ribbon and
the hugger aerated with a pretty bow
laillgam—"An' Irby do yea want to
eller% ase Wedged le le to am sow.
whin Pee me weer jots iv nigletwateb
ewe, me skips In tie day toile* r
"Pm nod a Wan bolder are Ohm'
tbe Metuse Maim. The Male bsill.
or is merely a /NM mailignid Mho
emend with mobs albeie with tisi
Weft beeklie, Media sad Minis ef a
Wow Abbots. 16 ilinislatee a pelf Mg
age • Wain liana( a gelf slash
wa IL
glees lora* two mos sea derg
edge, gal trim a esrait:
Tire email slams ewe
• this as eller, sr* eat apeman Sie
11m bee as eideedne Is doss.
roma was • saaa.‘, sou mama
and gin Isteirisa Mlles IL
Vele seals, bribes ming a a
1110 ammo • Me sumbe se ems al
semeerels bees 1 be SI se the MOM
eta Vont gialosibeelIF fah
1 mail bg Map award.
.1 i .10di&lir0A
Goes Pine extracts sad sisediettood
emesces. W pot tato the mouth
lbem insert legreellente tort
tato brae wh:ch are
ernibed • to tbe
thole* sod bereft:h. tubas- 'nos
Pea tiesemeat Vs armee r.erst-
lei mire ellmems said die
enters le threat sad Imps. is le -
Orem. Pepe are reweentleni est
la ail
Topsy Doll Made of a Stockist
The rag baby bas Om revelation of
being tbe beet beloved of its alb
, dell bete of a black Mee
evriwife possesetems. Ilegezcii_Teistf
iamb &ad sees outitnee mini
snit flaps Made foe eyes- illp mamas
as ald Mabel metes of see killibil
EAMON). Its Mod of 11.1011 wr sus.
ildflf frhdrall 'Maga ad MOO Ma
abbe. el tble Tomb I
...delba• Raw Ilan ea urn tlam
aay air Irmo houre la Caned..
tweeter Miry knew we pair gaga -
e• plow pay Emil asd extrema
and Mat oar shippers ri
It awn. we see the hairmet to caw
desi weft • harms
abhoorell tam =nal at We kelp le
Guns :::Sial-riii,ntams,Trartri:
302 Hamm Bellinic
‘11 oieronnoL,..
▪ ert Stele
S emi ct tweets
All Senn beaka.0.7
VMS Oil 11.114170rt
Come down today and we will help you select your gift anti deliver to any
address at any special time that suits you best.
Pocket Knife
Safety Razor
Tool Chest
Carriage Robe
Razor Strop
Reading Lamp
Brass Ash Tray
Nkkel-plated Mirror
Pair of Skates
Hockey Stick
Pocket Knife
Fishing Set
Nickel -plated Mirror
Safety Rayor
Carving Set
Pocket Knife
Nickel -plated Mirror
"on nickel '
A Happy Thought Range
Radiant Home Heater
Carriage Robe
Silver Knives
Carpet Sweeper
Food Choppers
Nickel -plated Mirror
Ankle Supports
Pen Knife
Hockey Stick
'' Washing Machine
Hanging Lanip
Nickel -plated Mirror
-cm nickel -
CHAS. C. LEE, East Side Square II
\OWN in
Nickel -plated Mirror
"Qs aictir
Hard Coal, Cannel Coal, Blacksmith Coal, Solvay Coke
We carry a fc.11 lime. Our hard coal is the very best Scranton white ash Coal. %cry free I
from slate. We still hare gems' cords of gooi dry slabs left.
Does your Plumbing. Heating • Electric Wiring require Hention ' If so, tet bootie and
we will give it prompt attention. All work neatly done and f Ily guaranteed.